St. John Fisher College Fisher Digital Publications Sport Management Undergraduate Sport Management Department Winter 12-17-2015 Moneyball to Moreyball: How Analytics Have Shaped the NBA Today Joseph J. Catalfano St. John Fisher College,
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[email protected]. Moneyball to Moreyball: How Analytics Have Shaped the NBA Today Abstract Moreyball is the concept of emphasizing three pointers and points in the paint over mid-range shots on offense, while forcing mid-range shots on defense. Understanding this concept is crucial not just for front office personnel, but the players and the coaches of the NBA. This research explored whether or not Moreyball accurately predicts success in the NBA. The methodology used multiple regressions between specific NBA statistics and the Win/Loss record of NBA teams. The results of this research showed that on its own, the main statistics of Moreyball were significant in predicting team success in the NBA.