; Twenty-nine seniors from the Watson. Caroline Muster and .more. tb'an.1300 seniors on cam- Carol Traut represent the School pus have' been selected' by the of Education and Ginny Foster DC NEWS -REeDR editoria! board~f ..the. 1~62 CIN- represents the School of Home (;:INNATI'AN, to, Qe. featured as Economics of the College of Edu- Outstanding ..seniors iIi the cm- cation arid Home Economics. Se- CINNATIAN SELECTS of this lected from Nursing and Health year's anImal.' Each member of was Glenys Abbott while Jim Series BF 1 Z552 Cincinnati, Ohio, Thursday, December 21 •.1961 Vol. XLVII, No. 12 the . enior class had the oppor- Hughes was chosen from the Col- lege of Pharmacy. tunity ·to nominate a senior man .and woman whom they consid- 'ered outstanding .. The- choice was ~ ~. Commencement Divided as objective as 'possible, with 'nominations considered 011 the Editorial basis of individuality, character, .and service to the Univer ity, The Into Double- -Ceremony ,CINCli\"NAT!AN considers these 'seniors to be the ones who will This year there will be separate the fieldhouse and because of be remembered' in the future. rls as 1 6 commencement exercise for Un- the undergraduates' conduct, .. Those Selected from the Col.' •• dergraduates and Graduates on such as, settinSJ off fire er aek- unday, June 10. This change ers, blowing whistles, and gen- lege of Arts and S.dences include Christmas-a season of good cheer; a lime of gaie y, fun, 1 Neal Berte', Roger Brown, Chris was deemed nece sary by the erally disturbing the parents Demakes, . Susy Hayes, Peggy fesstinq, Santa Claus and gifts, celebration and tradition .. enior Class Advisory Council and and faculty attending the com- . Heisel, Lynn Jones, Jenny Rahe, Christmas is all this, yet something 'more. Amidst all its the Senior Class officers who sent mencement. a letter to the faculty board. The :Alan Rosenberg, and Phil San- commercialism, 'Christmas brings a message of faith, hope and Under the new sy tern thc Un- tora. Sfeve Austin, Glenn Coop- board suggested having a double dergraduate commencement will ·.r, Dan.' Deli, Carole Martin" love-the faith, hope, and love that a tiny Infant embodied and ceremony which received a unan-. be at 3 p.m. in the fieldhouse fol- .Marilyn' Meyers; Ken Niehaus,' gave to the world. imous vote by the Senior Class . lowed at 7 p.m. by the Graduate Advisory Council. I Dick Snyder, anF!. Nancy Tay- It is important for a struggling world to remember hat these commencement. Thi will not lor -from the College of Busi- The change was thought to be only alleviate the crowdeness but ness Administration. Those se- gifts of Christ have endured other days of struggle and tumult, necessary because of the crowd- will put more emphasis on the de- lected from the College of De- and can again bring "on earth-peace, goodwill toward men." ed condition resulting when the. grces given. The ceremony will sign, Architecture, and Art in..· May the spirit and light of Christmas be yours this holiday commencements were held in al 0 be much shorter. ' elude Lori B9rn, Jacquie Hayes, and larry Willey. , season. College of Engineering students l:HE EDITORS selected are Bob Hartmann, Jim ew Angel FI,g t Hayes, Jerry Rose., and John I , eady To Begin arrunq tay n T Dane Premier The twenty n w pledes for An- pear.nce. They attend two can- gel Flight have been 'elected and didate parties and must be reo are ready w undergo their three approved by the interview month training program. The board, The advisors of Angel girls are: Sue Ainsworth, Carol Flight, the Hap Arnold Air Se- enture ti Dec. 3D, 196 Brown, Marcia Farren, Kay Fou- ciety, and the pledge. trainers cault, Bara Gotten, Judy Grey, must also approve them. During their training program "Stay on to Dance" is the theme the Symphony a good meeting The student chairman has also Shirley Gumenick, Cathy Hay- slip, Ellen Hin ch, and Susan the girl get acquainted with An- of the premier venture of the place for the college students. announced that the members of Huck. gel Flight, the Ail' Force. and Hap College Corner Committee of the As.;de from plan" for the dance, the Orche tra and thcir wives will - Other pledes are: Carolyn Ki.r- Arnold Air Society. They serve as Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, it the Committee is still operating be invited to the dance. This will by, Carol Ludwig, E( na Menke, was learned last week as :-he Com- the 'the "College Corner," a re- ho tesses at Angel Flight func- give the students an opportunity Pepi Papp, Lynn Pfersick, Dea tion . The. take part in parades, mittee held its first meeting at the deeora ed corner" of 'he _ econd .to meet the members of the Sym- Pizza, Alane Plohr, Judy Pryor; drills, and' the presentation oi. [home of its' founder' nd Chair- floor of Music Hall. The gaily phony..' Judy Stonecipher, and Maureen man, :\1rs. Walter C. Langsam. decorated tables arid chairs, the award , be ides their social ac- W1Jile the Dance is primarily Sullivan. tivi.tic . The dance, to be held Dec. 30, Ilowered window box, awning, and on aimed at 'the college students, it In order' to petition to ..Angel 1961. in' the foyer of the lUu ic two blue couches, help to create will be' open to anyone who at- Flight a 2,3 accumulated aver- Hall. will have as its purpose the the illusion of a Paris Sidewalk --A&S PETITIONS tend' the Concert on Dec. 30. age is required. The girls are stim latlon of an interest in good Cafe. This "Corner" i fa t be- Petitions for A&S represents- T'nercforc, parents, friend and interviewed by the personal music of the college crowd. The coming- the gathering spot for tive to Student Council arc -due dance will feature the music of: st rdents during 'he intermission patron will be able to take ad- board lind are judged on poise, Thursday, Dec. 21, by 1 p.m. vantage of hi.s first Holiday Party. personality, intere~t; and ap· Charl1e )ledcalf's band, made up of the ymphony. G of m sicians of the Symphony Or- The Committee is made op of ehestra. The dance will begin after active ctuden.ts from various eel- rthe _-ew Year's Concert. In this leges ;no the area. Those present way college s udents will have the at the meeting at Mrs. Langsam's n e For' oe opportunity to hear the works of home were Elaine Ben, TC '63; the masters and still have the fun Bob Gervers, BA '63, and Barb ofa Holiday Part.y .. Shure, TC '64, of UC, Phil Bink· • Tile student chairman, Charlie ley and Nin~ Gant of the Col- Blal'lk of Xavier University, has lege-Conservatory of Music, Tim I obt~ined a special discount price Smith of,OC.AS, Annette Mucker- for students attending the SyiTI- hiede and Elizabeth Westhoff of The next time you go to the _ phony 01\ the night of t~ dance. Mr. St. Joseph, Caroline Pope union take notice of the tomb- $t'udents will be able to obtain, and Lois Koch of Our' Lady Of $3.75 tickets for $1.50 at the Cincinnati, Anne Carlisle of tones. Union Desk, until the day of Miami, Paul Severide of Hebrew The tombstones are symbolic the Dance, .Dec. 20. Blank kas Union CoHege, and Chairman of UC basketballvidories. Each also announced that free reo Charlie Blank; J. Tim Campbell one bears the name of tk6l team freshments will be served dur- and. Mike Hartin9s of Xavier ing the dance. There will be a, University. Also present' at the defeated, the date> andi scee e, lli 'also the words Rest' 1111 Peace'. nominal charge of 50c person meeHng were members of the . I - to help the College Corner Com- Women's Committee of tke Sym- Funerals are held on the clo .est milflee further it' plans to mak.e· . phony Orchestra, following :londay, Wednesday or Friday after each game. "We • hope to creal some pirit," said ~Iart Starr, preside t of Alpha Comic Ans er ecelve Ep Pi. Thi is a new fra- non TtlI!' graveyard outside the Union ~rows as the Bearcats win. " Warren Huff, one of the de- gram "describing the topography ternity which .originated the ere- monies held at ]2:45 p.rn. '{ is. is ne'ry llartmelltal graduate teaching a - of that area. thi,..ty if UC' wins g·ame. tablished following theIir t game. a time when mo. t student re in We hope the' Bearcats will kilt There will be a lapse over Christ- istant in the Geology depart- Xeedles to say th tudents en- joyed Mr. Huff's red face when, the Union a1' a. Taps is played ttiem all, we'll be glad to bury mas and then service will be re- ment. gave this assignment in his during his next lab, he received as the take i slowly hammered them. We are saving CIi special sumed. Stan said. "If you don't lab: "Assuming rectangle 5, 6, a telegram:' "Large Jakes, d - .in 0 the ground," said starr. spot for Ohio State," Starr- eem- mind removing your hat for a few 8, nd 9 of the ~Iuskego heet t6 r nge,: un qual ground- moraine, -wi have a tombstone ready mented. minutes why not witness these be typIcal. write a ten word tel - swamps early youth, for nery tum, there will be The funeral procedur was c - merals." "age Two ,UN IVERStTY OF C1NCJN~NATINEV\I~oREC0.RD ~hursaay, December 21, 1-961 Dr.
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