Positive Deviance and the Mediterranean Elliot M Berry Diet and Sustainability
[email protected] Outline: From Food Insecurity Food Security Sustainability Food Security – Insecurity 47pp Global Nutrition Index – Triple burden of <Mal>nutrition Coping with Food Insecurity – Bélanger & Pilling The Sociotype & >175 experts 576pp Positive Deviance Olivier De Schutter & 250 experts Sustainability and Sustainable Food 112pp Systems What Policy Makers can do… Food Security is a Fundamental Human Right How Positive Deviance Changed my life … COPING: Practical Steps LEARN FROM THE POSITIVE DEVIANTS 1 Positive Deviance and the Mediterranean Elliot M Berry Diet and Sustainability
[email protected] The P o w e r of Positive Deviance Solutions before our very eyes!! The Premise: Indian Face or Eskimo? In every community there are certain individuals whose uncommon practices/behaviors enable them to find better solutions to problems than their neighbors who have access to the same resources Marsh et al. BMJ 329, 1177, 2004 Positive Deviance (PD) Approach Identifying Solutions to Community Problems Within the Community - Today The Key Question? What enables some members of the community (the “Positive Deviants”) to find these better solutions? 2 Positive Deviance and the Mediterranean Elliot M Berry Diet and Sustainability
[email protected] [Mal]nutrition in Vietnam PD Inquiry How are some children well-nourished?? Gathering vegetables “Stealing” “TBU” Money from outside “TBU” All family thin…. “TBU” Cf Antonovsky Breast feeding etc Salutogenesis Project aim Setting PD Behaviors Child Vietnam Eating Fruits & Vegs, Shrimp Malnutrition 1999 - snails, Breast milk, beans, 2000 peanuts Boiling Drinking water 5-6 meals/d active feeding Mosquito bed net Immunization Food Nutr Bull 2002, Daily bath 23 suppl 4, 36 Early care seeking for illness 3 Positive Deviance and the Mediterranean Elliot M Berry Diet and Sustainability
[email protected] AlthoughPD most Enables problems have complex, us to underlying Act causes TODAY .