Portland Daily Press: February 26,1879
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, IS62.--YOL. 16, TUESDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1879 PORTLAND, MORNING. TEEMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. BUSINESS CARDS CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. | WANTS. and Moscow. _ Napoleon Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS It bad been prophesied that Rnssia coaid PORTLAND PUttLlSHINO C03 a. 1 TO CONTRACTORS. not FRANCIS ORD, TUESDAY HORNING, FEBRUARY 25. successfully resist Napoleon’s attack, even At 109 Exchange >t., Portland. AGENTS WANTED when a roach less Invasion — overwhelming had PROPOSALS wi-1 be received at the — FOB Terms: Eight Dollare a Year. To mail subscribers A New been Mayor’s Office. Ciiy Bulb tins, on SATURDAY We do qoi and commnn contemplated than had now taken Seven Dollars a Year if paid in advance. ITTllRW AMI SEALED “Detectives of Europe and America.’’ read anonymous letters plaoe. IXMLOR, NEXT, ior plastering tbe new Pine Street school Departure! And rations. Tbe name and address ol tbe writer are is these prophecies bad come true. The Hone. The Belling book out!!! For term* and ter- 23 Court Street, Boston. all cases not tor Russians had THE MAINE STATE PRESS rf'P 'Ba’s will also be received for furnishing and ritory apply to indispensable, necessarily publication given op one position after an* up a of iron out as a Is every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a ty Particular attention given to collection., Iu- putting quantity galvanized voutilatiug IN ADDITION TO OUR EXTENSIVE guaranty ot good faith. other, had been defeated in the and published All int. in Shuniway’s pub. House, STOCK OF field, final- « I and Commercial pipe. rma>iou regard to tliewoik and ma- year, il paid in advance at $2.00 year. solvency Litigation. oclOdtim We cannot undertake to return or preserve com- ly had lost their teiLd* can be obtained at the office of F. H. Faseett, felttf Me, capital. Ooly one anticipation Architect _Porttaad, munications that are not used, had remained Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, the unrealized. The Russians bad The right Is reserved to reject any or ad bids. of constitute* a “square.” refused to length column, M. M. BUTLER, Men’s, and Children’s acknowledge themselves vanquished $1 50 per gquare, daily first week; 75 cents per TO LET. Evkkv Chairmau Committee on Public Buildings. Boys’ Clothing regular attache of the pbcss is tarnished by signing a of peace. week three insertions or continu- treaty The armiea still after; less, $1.00; fe24 Wc have added a cents. dlw lately complete line of with a Card certificate X. ing every othei <Jay after first week, 50 countersigned by Stanley kept the field, and a Laadwehr bad been aet Half gquare,three insertions oi less, 75 cents; one Pullen, Editor. All steamboat and hotel railway, on foot. So far success week, $1.00: 50 cents per week after. Napoleon’s bad fallen STATE Of MAINE. BANGOR HOUSE. managers wifi confer a favor ujion us by demanding Special notices, one third additional. short of bis expectations, as it bad likewiae Under head ot “Amusements” and “Auction credentials of every person claiming to represent our been noable to the national Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions ournal.__ qnell realstanoe. It or was less, $1.50. BENT for one or more possible that this might so far Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Stats TO THE ELECTORS years this well-known obstinacy Hotel Also two stables. PossePslon If the Union was worth embarrass Prkss” (which has a circulation in FOB large giv- fighting for it is Napoleon as to oblige him to large every part en OP give op — — April 1st next. Propositions received at Bangor CONSISTING COAT AND LEGGINS. of the for $1 00 per gquare for first insertion, OF THE HATS, CAPS, tee Stale), Savings Bank till March i. 1879. worth paying for. capital again, to repass Smolensk and con- and 50 ce for each insertion. Satunia; >tsjper square snbseqnent fe8J3w tinue Address all communications to S. D. THURSTON, Treas. the war in a position nearer to his own POB LAND PUBLISHING ot Portland, Will a rontier. City $4.40 Purchase Rubber Outfit Bat as this frontier was not, as we are C%. To Let. Complete “Pro bono publico” would elevate hi» apt to the of ANT to warrants from the and Al- imagine, frontier Frauce, but that Mayor lower part of the brick 782 Congress a DRIVER'S LEGRINS and sure stacdaid bis commu- dermen of house, comprising CAP, COAT. A protec considerably by signing of Prussia and the ENTERT AIN M PURSU tbe city of Pori land the duly quali- THEetTeet, near the western terminus ol the horse Duchy of Warsaw, bis ENTS. fied lion rain or snow. nications. man is posi- Electors ot said Citv are hereby notified to meet railroad. This house is with against The who ashamed of his tion with in supplied gas, Scb.go respect to the enemy would still be their respective Ward rooms, on water and furnace. JONAS W. CUAKK. own Dame must have a fearful record. one of febldtt 554j Congress Street. FOR TOURISTS AMO OTHERS enormous superiority. That he would mUSfC HALL, Monday, the third day of March next, at remain at Moscow too Mr. Glover, the Great Investigator, has long and expose hie I ten o’clock in the forenoon, we have two grades of Gns«i4tnFR in small army to a Russian which New Novelty Theatre Hew House For Sale. goods neatly put up gos- introduced a new method of wit- winter, might no samer bog*, easily carried in a muh1> safrh-1 o> t. We *hal» off. r examining doubt cause him serious then and there to in their votes for one po«k« losses, was not W. H Howard,.Manager. give Mayor, One-half of double House No. 770 Congress Street the*e to nesses. He clutches them by the and sorely Alderman, three Common a goods the public at prices much below the market as throat, be Joe Harrison,.Stage Manager. Councilmen, Warden, now completed and ready tor occupancy. Said house p-ice, to imagined. A leader of his experience Clerk and two also tor one oar ln*t>uctions in c from the calls them to stand and Ci»y Constables, Super- b first class in every respect. Dining room, sitting Gossamer Co to introduce their goods in upon deliver their would in School Committee in Wards ba no danger of each a miscalculation The Popular Family Resort! *Pri; eodtf intending Two, Five, room, bath room and kitebeu finished in bard wood. this market at LOW FIGURES. Six and Seven, residents of said Wards, tor the eu- testimony. aud even a _ Plumbed for hot and cold water. White marble leader accustomed to strokes of Engagement of tbe well-known loeal favorites, suingsear. i’be polls on such day of election to mantles, grates. &c., &c Cemented cellar and remain until tour in OF The Utica Observer has interviewed ex- audacity wonld, when responsible for so vast open o’clock thealternoon, wben everything first and will be sold at a very low CONTINUATION OUR GREAT SALE OF C. We EH. f> , shall class, DONAHOE AND CARET, Bailey, they be closed. price. Enquire of A. M. SMITH, Governor Horatio and found him an armr, be awed into prudence. And thus Tne AMermen <»f said city will be in open session at aul9eodtf Seymour, End of Portland Peir. the firmness of the Russian Czar and nation in tlieir famous SoDgs and Dance?, and Mr. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, the Aldermen’s Room, ia City Building, from nine MEN’S ALL warmly opposed to Chinese immigration, on to twelve o’cloek in tbe forenoon, and from two to WOOL PANTALOONS miffht b-t PYIW PtAfl nnlw tn nvnlnno (Kn araw five o’clock in tbe afternoon on each of the four secu- moral, materia), legal, political and vital J. A. SACCARAPPA, MAINE. give Napoleon such a check as he had received Kennedy lar dais next preceding such day ot e'ection. for the HALL TO LET. AT grounds. He holds that if the question of purposed receiving evidence of tbe qualification of 61.73. la Spain to compel him to adopt other in liis Indian Club Exercises. References: S. C. Gordon, M. D C. W. M. its be not settled Bray. voters whose names have jiot been entered on the HALL, Williams’ to prohibition peaceably now taeaus for their ; D,, J Swan, M. D,, J H Kimball, M. I). dec23tf Block, (formerly Acknowledged be the greatest bargain ever offered in this' State. quelling resistance, bat by no SEE OUR POPULAR PRICES! lists of qualified voters, in and for the several Wards, MISSIONknown as Arcana Hail,) having been leased it will be settled and for necessarily forcibly here- means, to cause him serious -r- correcting said lists. by the undersigned, will be lei on most reasonable any disaster, Admission 25 and 35 cents, Eesetved Seats 50 cents Per order 1. after. H. ROBINSON, J Clerk. terms for Sociables. much less such a disaster as Private Boxes $2 00 and $3.00. feb25dtf City Lectures, concerts, Meetings, MEN’S BUSINESS SUITS might shake feblO dtd &c. at the I Suppers, Fairs, Apply Hwl, opposite the whole fabric of bis Casco Engine House. A cobbespondent of the New York Her- power. It would way down low. We aredrtermined to slaughter ihe balance of onr TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT CITV OF PORTLAND. aplSeoatf R, m. BARTON. carry ns far into the history of Franoe Rioter stock pievious to introducing Sptiug goods.