The Synton and Kippilaw Denarius Hoards: Further Numismatic Evidence for Late Antonine and Severan Scotland

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The Synton and Kippilaw Denarius Hoards: Further Numismatic Evidence for Late Antonine and Severan Scotland Proc Soc Antiq Scot 144 (2014), 133–167 THE SYNTON AND KIPPILAW DENARIUS HOARDS | 133 The Synton and Kippilaw denarius hoards: further numismatic evidence for late Antonine and Severan Scotland N M McQ Holmes* ABSTRACT The recent discovery of two coin hoards – one from the reign of Commodus and the other from that of Septimius Severus – provides an opportunity for a reassessment of the numismatic evidence for events in what is now Scotland between the abandonment of the Antonine Wall and the period immediately following the conclusion of the campaigns of Severus. It is generally agreed by those who study Roman there, will be discussed below. There were also, %ULWDLQWKDWWKHÀQDOZLWKGUDZDORIWKHDUP\IURP of course, a series of temporary marching camps the Antonine Wall occurred in the early 160s extending almost to the Moray Firth, but few if ad, although recent research indicates that the DQ\FRLQÀQGVDUHNQRZQZKLFKFRXOGDVVLVWZLWK decision to reoccupy Hadrian’s Wall was reached their dating. during the latter part of the reign of Antoninus There was thus a period of some 45 years Pius (Hodgson 2011). It is also generally accepted between the abandonment of the Antonine Wall now that the system put in place at that time for and the arrival of Septimius Severus and his two the supervision of areas beyond the frontier sons in Scotland in ad 208, as attested by Roman was essentially that which had, at one time, historians (Cassius Dio, Roman History: 76.11.1; been ascribed by scholars to Caracalla after ad Herodian, History of Rome: 3.14.1–2), during 211 (Hanson & Maxwell 1983: 194; Breeze at least part of which we know that there was a & Dobson 2000: 132–3). Outpost forts were Roman military presence in southern Scotland, occupied at Birrens, Netherby and Bewcastle in but very little else. The only historically recorded the west, and at Risingham and High Rochester event was some sort of military activity on the on Dere Street in the east. Farther to the north, northern frontier early in the reign of Commodus. the forts at Cappuck and at Trimontium/Newstead It is recorded that a hostile force crossed the mural also continued to be occupied until around ad frontier, which separated their territory from the 180 or just after. The coin series from the fort at province of Britannia, and killed a Roman general Trimontium includes seven coins minted during (Cassius Dio 72.8). Dio does not make it clear the reign of Marcus Aurelius, and concludes with whether this refers to Hadrian’s Wall or to the a single denarius of Commodus for Crispina, abandoned Antonine Wall, but the former is now dating from no earlier than ad 180. considered more probable. The resulting military During the well-attested military campaigns action has been dated to the period ad 182 or that took place during the reign of Septimius 183 to 184 (Birley 2005: 164) and was deemed Severus, the only known permanent bases are RI VXIÀFLHQW LPSRUWDQFH IRU FRLQV WR EH VWUXFN assumed to have been those at Cramond, on the to commemorate its successful conclusion. Illus Firth of Forth, and Carpow, on the Firth of Tay. 1 shows a sestertius belonging to an issue of ad 7KHVHVLWHVDQGWKHFRLQÀQGVIURPH[FDYDWLRQV 184–5. The imperial titles on the obverse conclude * Department of Scottish History and Archaeology, National Museum of Scotland Holmes, N M McQ.indd 133 23/11/2015 12:55 134 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 2014 Illus 1 British Victory sestertius of Commodus, minted ad 184–5. Diameter of coin is 30mm with the abbreviation BRIT (Britannicus), and on Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire (1893): the reverse, the abbreviation vict brit (Victoria possibly 47 silver (Robertson 2000: 57–8, Britannica) occurs in the exergue, beneath a hoard 282). ÀJXUHRI9LFWRU\VHDWHGRQVKLHOGVDQGLQVFULELQJ Inchyra, Perthshire (1993): eight silver on another shield. (Bateson & Hall 2002). The authors suggest Apart from this, the material evidence a date of deposition early in the reign of comprises almost entirely a series of hoards of Commodus, although the latest coin in the coins, almost all of silver denarii and concluding hoard was minted in ad 178. with issues of Marcus, Commodus, Pertinax or Kirkton Barns, Tayport, Fife (2009–10): 16 Severus, which have been found in territory to the silver, unfortunately in very poor condition north of Hadrian’s Wall. Until recently there were (Holmes 2011). thirteen of these ending with coins of Marcus or Commodus, most of them found a very long time In addition, a hoard found at Carstairs, ago and not adequately recorded. (Early Severan Lanarkshire (1781) is said to have comprised ‘a hoards from Scotland are discussed below.) The hundred or more’ bronze coins (Robertson 2000: list comprised the following: 54, hoard 266). Hoards closing with coins of the reign of Hoards closing with coins of the reign of Marcus Aurelius (ad 161–80) Commodus (ad 180–93) Linlithgow, West Lothian (1781): ‘about Muthill, Perthshire (c 1672): ‘a considerable 300’ silver (Robertson 2000: 55, hoard 268). deal of monye’ in silver (Robertson 2000: 74, West Calder, West Lothian (1810): unknown hoard 348) number, silver (Robertson 2000: 54–5, hoard Pitcullo, Leuchars, Fife (1781): 19 silver 267). (Robertson 2000: 73, hoard 345). Mindrum, Northumberland (1826): ‘500/600/ Strathaven (Avondale), Lanarkshire (1803): nearly 700’ silver, according to different ‘about 400’ silver (Robertson 2000: 74, hoard accounts (Robertson 2000: 56, hoard 274). 347. Holmes, N M McQ.indd 134 23/11/2015 12:55 THE SYNTON AND KIPPILAW DENARIUS HOARDS | 135 Shotts, Lanarkshire (1842): ‘several hundred’ Commodus issued Victory-type coins in ad 184– silver (Robertson 2000: 73–4, hoard 346). 5, but it is impossible to be certain whether this Broch of Lingrow, Orkney (1870–1): four date truly marked the end of military operations silver (Robertson 2000: 74, hoard 349). beyond Hadrian’s Wall. In the case of the Synton hoard, the sole coin from the reign of Commodus Briglands (Rumbling Bridge), Kinross-shire is otherwise undated, but the very fact that there (1938, 1948–57): 180 silver to ad 186–7 is only one coin of this reign strongly suggests (Robertson 2000: 71, hoard 335). that deposition took place in the very early 180s To this list can now be added the 228 denarii found ad. in 2011 at Synton, Ashkirk, Roxburghshire, Since Rumbling Bridge and Synton are the only closing with a single coin of Commodus for his two Commodan hoards from Scotland which are wife, Crispina. Appendix A contains information large enough and well enough recorded to permit DERXWWKHORFDWLRQDQGFLUFXPVWDQFHVRIWKHÀQG detailed analysis, it is necessary to identify some and a complete list of the coins. hoards of similar date from within the province of Research on hoards found across Europe Britannia for the purposes of comparison, and the has demonstrated that Roman denarii were following have been selected: being exported across the imperial frontiers Wreningham, Norfolk (1994) (Davies & into barbaricum in large numbers during the Orna-Ornstein 1997): 186 denarii to ad 180. reigns of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus and the This contained no coins of Commodus, but very early part of that of Septimius Severus (eg the latest coin of Marcus Aurelius dated from Berger 1996; Bursche 1996). It seems probable that late second-century hoards found beyond the WKHÀQDO\HDURIKLVUHLJQ frontier in Britain comprised coins which arrived Ollerton/‘Edwinestow’, Nottinghamshire as part of that process. In the case of Commodan (1910 and 1988) (Carradice & Burnett 1992 hoards, however, the possibility must also be (nb published total of 417 coins is incorrect)): considered that they may in some way have been 419 denarii to ad 180. This included one coin connected with the military campaign of the 180s RI&RPPRGXVGDWLQJIURPWKHÀUVW\HDURIKLV ad. In the case of the Rumbling Bridge hoard, reign. the date of the latest coin (ad 186–7) would seem Barway, Cambridgeshire (1960 and 1988– to suggest that concealment of the hoard took %ODQG %XWWUH\ ÀYHDXUHL place after the conclusion of the campaign, since denarii and one As to ad 181. Table 1 ,QWHUQDO GLVWULEXWLRQ RI GHQDULL LQ (QJOLVK DQG 6FRWWLVK &RPPRGDQ KRDUGV DFWXDO QXPEHUV 7KH ÀJXUHV IRU 2OOHUWRQH[FOXGHVL[LOOHJLEOHXQFHUWDLQFRLQVWKRVHIRU%DUZD\H[FOXGHÀYHDXUHLRQH$VDQGWZRSODWHGFRSLHV of denarii, which may be later in date than the types imitated. M Ant 54–69 69–81 81–96 96–117 117–38 138–61 161–80 180–93 Total Wren’ham 4 2 20 7 45 33 57 18 0 186 Ollerton 1 5 49 29 116 111 58 43 1 413 Barway 3 10 42 12 123 80 136 55 2 463 Brickhill 9 8 44 14 55 60 70 31 5 296 Bletchley 26 25 137 42 194 185 219 78 7 913 R. Bridge 0 5 12 7 29 22 53 43 9 180 Synton 0 1 2 13 41 42 88 40 1 228 Holmes, N M McQ.indd 135 23/11/2015 12:55 136 | SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND, 2014 Brickhill, nr. Bletchley, Buckinghamshire denarii of Mark Antony, struck in 32–31 bc (one (1967) (Robertson 2000: 66, hoard 319): 296 at Ollerton, three at Barway, four at Wreningham, denarii to ad 183. nine at Brickhill and 26 at Bletchley), whereas Bletchley, Buckinghamshire (1967 and these coins are absent from Synton and Rumbling 1987) (Tuckett 1992; Robertson 2000: 66–7, Bridge. The nine imperial periods into which the hoard 320 (nb published total of 923 coins is coins have been divided are as follows: ad 54–69 incorrect)): 913 denarii to ad 186–7. (the reigns of Nero, Galba, Otho and Vitellius; ad 69–81 (the reigns of Vespasian and Titus; ad Table 1 shows the actual number of denarii in 81–96 (the reign of Domitian); ad 96–117 (the each of the above hoards.
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