STATE REVIEWS Indian Minerals Yearbook 2015 (Part- I) 54th Edition STATE REVIEWS (Uttarakhand) (FINAL RELEASE) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF MINES INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES Indira Bhavan, Civil Lines, NAGPUR – 440 001 PHONE/FAX NO. (0712) 2565471 PBX : (0712) 2562649, 2560544, 2560648 E-MAIL :
[email protected] Website: July, 2017 11-1 STATE REVIEWS UTTARAKHAND Production The value of mineral production (excludes Mineral Resources atomic minerals and value for the month of Febru- Important minerals that are found to occur in ary and March in respect of 31 minerals declared the State are high-grade limestone in Almora, as minor mineral vide Gazette Notification dated 10.02.2015) in Uttarakhand at ` 85 crore in 2014- Bageshwar, Dehradun, Nainital, Pauri-Garhwal, 15 increased by 3% as compared to the previous Pithoragarh & Tehri-Garhwal districts; magnesite year. Uttarakhand was the second leading and steatite in Almora, Bageshwar, Chamoli & producer of magnesite and talc/soapstone/steatite Pithoragarh districts; and tungsten in Almora contributing 19% and 10% to the total output of district. the respective minerals in the country. During the Other minerals that occur in the State are: year under review, 16% increase in production of asbestos in Chamoli district; barytes and marble magnesite and 3% decline in production of steatite in Dehradun district; copper in Almora, Dehradun was observed as compared to that of the previ- & Pithoragarh districts; dolomite in Dehradun, ous year (Table-3). Nainital and Tehri-Garhwal districts; graphite in The value of production of minor minerals Almora district; gypsum in Dehradun, Pauri- was estimated at ` 64 crore for the year 2014-15.