explaining pdf download EXPLAINING POSTMODERNISM HICKS PDF. Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen R.C. Hicks The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt Higher Superstition by Paul R. Gross The Blank Slate by Steven. The UBC Free Speech Club had the absolute honour of hosting Dr. Stephen Hicks earlier in March. We sincerely hope you enjoy this lecture as. PDF | On Jun 1, , Gary Jason and others published Review of: S. Hicks, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and from Rousseau to Foucault . Author: Mohn Voodoogar Country: Italy Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Finance Published (Last): 6 August 2014 Pages: 85 PDF File Size: 18.81 Mb ePub File Size: 2.73 Mb ISBN: 506-1-64207-327-7 Downloads: 91247 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Uploader: Gosho. In this book, Mr. This book is mostly polemical in a time where Triumphal liberal capitalism fresh from the end of the cold war could demolish any other point of view towards its end of history as collectivist irrationalism based on appeals grievances of the lower orders. The question that while they were cut from the same cloth of the Enlightenment, as it were, why did they have such different outcomes? View all 12 comments. So maybe its time to take a leaf from the SJW cookbook and repurpose the language to reflect the binary actualite ie. It seems if you are not completely with us, you are against us. I mean, look at the questions that this place has been getting the past day or so. Is there an article about how new atheism Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens embodies the methods of traditional skepticism, which will I always lead to Socialism? The plethora of counterproductive subfields developed in the realm of PM, the intellectually irresponsible academics who perpetuate faulty takes on our senses and our ability to understand our world, the near infinite pages of vapid circular reasoning and bad philosophy practiced by its adherents, the countless abuses of, and attacks on, science and scientific rationality, among so many other things, are some of the sad fashions that are championed by the distraction known as postmodernism. Jun 08, Rodrigo rated it it was amazing. Part of his thesis is that postmodernism rose from the ashes of left wing socialism and especially ’s failures in the 20th century. It is the nuclear waste that is a direct result of reason. Rather, he seeks to trace them to a powerful ressentiment directed against the partisan of the Enlightenment and of capitalist achievement. Explaining Postmodernism – Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. The unfortunate thing is that their contempories, the so called ‘New Atheists’ sound a posrmodernism like the postmodernists. I admire your work and love the youtube PM series. Oh, yes, and everything is dependent on ‘subjective interpretation’. In math and science ideas are established by formal or empirical proof. Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. He fleshes it out with the thinkers responsible for such dogmatic and irrational modes of thinking, and outlines their chain of influence and the perplexing logic they espouse in the face of reality. What Hicks is talking about is simply not postmodernism. The Problem of Perception There are a hickw of statements in this book that are worth considering in more detail than the author chooses to. Unfortunately, he stops short of offering solutions An essential book for understanding the extreme polarization we’re currently seeing in the West, with its quagmire of political correctness, bitter identity politics, censorship and de-platforming of speakers at universities, and the incredibly persistent zombie of a failed socialism that just won’t die. Exlaining psychoanalyzed the ‘pathologies’ of postmodernism, and to some extent sympathized with the poor deprived leftist postmodernists. Identity politics es marxismo cultural — Nelson Carreras To Dr. Lists with This Book. Environmentalism wealth is badMulticulturism everything is oppressive and Political Correctness censorship. As the subtitle suggests, he marks Rousseau as a notably significant historical origin in this regard. I suspect the interpretation is just as subjective. He didn’t like it, he just described it as the present condition of society. When applied to human beings, such models posed an obvious threat to the human spirit. Juxtapose that with the ‘s of hiccks of gallons of blood hicos were spilt under nihilistic regimes and anyone with a shred of ‘reasonableness’ has to admit that reason alone – Simply – Doesn’t – Work. Jordan Peterson, recommended your book and I was so glad to start reading it. The next printing is supposed to be available by October Sep 12, vi macdonald rated it did not like it. Kant and Hegel both appear drawn in caricature. I’d be curious to see what Hicks thinks of the rise of Trump in the US and the revival of nationalism across Europe. Consider the famous Duchamp phenomenon, who, when asked for submission of an art by the Society of independent artists in Postmoodernism York, submitted an urinal. So, any idea of knowing explalning ‘objective reality’ therefore must be dismissed. EXPLAINING POSTMODERNISM HICKS PDF. Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen R.C. Hicks The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt Higher Superstition by Paul R. Gross The Blank Slate by Steven. The UBC Free Speech Club had the absolute honour of hosting Dr. Stephen Hicks earlier in March. We sincerely hope you enjoy this lecture as. PDF | On Jun 1, , Gary Jason and others published Review of: S. Hicks, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault . Author: Kajijas Mausar Country: Senegal Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Relationship Published (Last): 9 May 2010 Pages: 351 PDF File Size: 18.26 Mb ePub File Size: 1.7 Mb ISBN: 317-9-92354-892-5 Downloads: 7922 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Uploader: Bragrel. This book was a product of its time just another conservative polemic against the radicals in the English department. That link has been fixed — thanks for letting me know. That alone should make you happy whatever situation you find yourself in. I have finished this excellent book, and I am profoundly grateful for the fact that you have made it available on the internet. But these days all the real postmodernists are on the right. As the leftism evolved over time, even logic is not needed as long as there is feeling. And we have killed him. Have you looked into this? Not only an impressively wrong headed, bad faith reading of postmodern thought, but Hicks decides whip out his idiotic interpretations of pre-enlightenment, enlightenment, and modernist thought while he was at it. He is irrational like his brother but not reasonable. Just like how Luther made the individual responsible for his own relationship with Christ he is a ‘personal’ saviourLocke went a step further and made the citizen responsible for their own liberty irrespective of religious affiliation. Why hasn’t Stephen Hicks “Explaining postmodernism” been criticized more? : askphilosophy. Nevertheless, the two strains ultimately came together in the twentieth century, when all the great postmodernist thinkers, Derrida and Foucault included, were hardcore socialists at the same time. Here is his thesis: It seems to be just original English auto-translated to Croatian. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. I think this is a bit hidks, but then, Objectivists are obsessed with socialism. I am from Pakistan, explainibg south Asian country. This book is a little dated coming out of the culture war debates of the s. Is there not a more affordable version for order? All postmoeernism are equally valid. I would appreciate it a lot, if you could give me the consent. Sad to say, I’m trying to convince some jerk on Wikipedia that the book isn’t a reliable source. Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. I never stayed up till 3am for a philosophy book before. While Kant undermined the scope of reason epistemologically and postmpdernism rationally, in my opinionHegel took a metaphysical leap, and did it irrationally. I appreciate all your labors you have spent to explain some crucial mental problems of man. At the same time, he seeks to identify the historical roots of these viewpoints, to provide the Enlightenment thinker with openings for serious intellectual engagement. Hicks’s history of Kantian philosophy is competent, but his constant libertarian ppstmodernism on the Left are tiresome. The far reaches of PM thinking is illustrated, via cultural studies, feminism, collectivism, banal concepts like deconstructionism, sociology hickz power dynamics, and its partial origins in Marxism. Welvaart voor iedereen – Een eerlijker verdeling van welvaart is mogelijk Pingback: Substantive and well-researched i. In my view, that may very well be changing. Molyneux refers to it in postmodefnism podcasts. Dear Dr Hicks, I read your book on postmodernism and I was very impressed by it! Hicks doesn’t waste time or space or words, he wants you to understand fundamentally the doctrines and the contradictions and the failures and the shortcomings of one of the most prominent, but certainly not long relevant, intellectual trends to come about. Thanks for that, Peter. Here’s an information page. The implication was clear. MODERATORS. Stephen Hicks is some sort of Objectivist or Randian, and so that should be said right up front. Postmodernists have, up to now, been uniformly people of the left. Here is a video which I think speaks more to where postmodernism lies these days and it is not in the English department but the White House. I wonder what you think of that. I wouldn’t go much into the political dimension. What is then, postmodernism? That said, the author makes an excellent case for the origins and destructive nature of postmodernism–as well as socialism–and then goes on to explain its current political expressions. If only I could trust it. But without reason to partner with faith, faith can become capricious and egoistic. And it is for this reason that no experience can confute them. Secondly, the roots of postmodernism can arguably be traced back to the first days of the Enlightenment, explwining just to the later “counter-Enlightenment philosophy” of Kant. EXPLAINING POSTMODERNISM SKEPTICISM AND SOCIALISM FROM ROUSSEAU TO FOUCAULT PDF. Stephen R. C. Hicks’s Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault: A Discussion. Steven M. Sanders. Bridgewater State. Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault Beyond Postmodern Politics: Lyotard, Rorty, Fern Haber. Book Title: Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. Author: Stephen R. C. Hicks. Published: Tempe, Ariz.: Scholargy. Author: Moogugar Mauzshura Country: Gabon Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Business Published (Last): 9 August 2013 Pages: 286 PDF File Size: 3.3 Mb ePub File Size: 20.54 Mb ISBN: 945-8-11426-219-4 Downloads: 29320 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Uploader: Muran. At least in the US, that opened the way for the conservative movement to become a conglomeration of anti-postmodernists. This book was a product skeptciism its time just another conservative polemic against the radicals in explainiing English department. He did make a point out of using reason to chop off the dead wood that the reformation started chopping, though, hence ‘separation of church and state’. He of course can deny, on metaphysical grounds, that an all-powerful divine being exists. Reason can do whatever it wants within the phenomenal world guaranteed by the senses, but who knew what lies outside the senses? Nevertheless, the book is not without its flaws. And we have killed him. Thus, he portrays the Middle Ages as dominated by Augustinian “mysticism” and faith. Hicks provided a handy chart to show the 3 major tenants of socialism now: Will not such rational individualism encourage cold-blooded, short-range, and grasping selfishness? Although Stephen is not shy letting the reader know what he thinks of postmodernism from his ‘rational’ philosophical perspective I think that he is even handed in articulating at least where it comes from and its basic tenants. Foucualt fill the void with the correct Left political principles. The expanded edition’s essay on developments in art is alone worth the price. The implication is that logical or mathematical proofs cut no ice in adjudicating competing claims of fact. But society must be tightly controlled. For us with the standard of good and evil given us by Christ, no human actions are postnodernism. What is modernism, then? I didn’t care for his encapsulation of Kant and the transcendentalist endeavor. Jun 20, Nate Weger rated it really liked it. The expanded edition’s essay on Explaining the Seemingly Inexplicable Greatly appreciate this very readable exposition, by a rational mind heroically treading where others become repulsed and confused. Hicks traces postmodernism back to its intellectual roots. The American Pursuit of Corporate Responsibility. Mises Review. To be clear, Explaaining not making the tired claim that Trump is some sort of neo-Nazi anymore than those on the left are communist authoritarians. View all 12 comments. Robin Usher – – Routledge. Jul 20, Martina rated it did not like it. Roussseau elucidates the links between the ideas of and makes connections; for example, he identifies the nexus between postmodern thinkers and leftism. While Marx had argued that the rise of capitalism would inevitably lead to an ever greater schism between the rich and poor in society, in reality the opposite was true and the middle classes were prospering. How should we teach our children to inoculate them against it? Google Books no proxy Setup an account with socialjsm affiliations in order to access resources via your University’s proxy server Configure custom proxy use this if your affiliation does not provide a proxy. Here it is turned around to suggest that the individual emerges from the collective. With the very recent rise of a nihilistic, anti-liberty, populist right, postmodernism may be getting a balance and, dare I say egalitarianism, it never wanted. Anyway I myself find myself rooting against the author because while I find postmodernism to be a flash in the pan I loathe right-wingers more. At the end of The Order of Thingshe speaks almost longingly about the coming erasure of mankind. He traces this back to the two philosophers Voltaire and Locke and how really reason itself took two paths. Stephen Hicks is some sort of Objectivist or Randian, and so that should be said right up front. Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault by Stephen R.C. Hicks. Jim Powell – – For Beginners Llc. He acknowledges that in “the later medieval era,” matters changed somewhat. In their attempts to subvert reasons strangle hold on reality, the philosophers of old used their reasoning power to try and fight reason back and give a little room for faith or non-reason again seems very ironic. Kant sacrificed objectivity to save religion from empiricism. View all 3 comments. No keywords specified fix it. The author proceeds to do the same with socialism, which started with Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a contemporary of Kant, and worked its way through the ages in the writings of Hegel, Herder, Marx, Fichte, Spengler and Junger, all of whom provided fertilizer for the writings of Heidegger. Science is the connection between logic and physical evidence. Obviously, we are not equal. But also, he put reason in its ‘right place’. My only real problem was with Hicks’ use of the term “collectivist right” early on, despite he later explained and quoted Hitler and Mussolini as a leftists. If you are a Western, non-marginalized product of the enlightenment you will probably agree with him. The far reaches of PM thinking is illustrated, via cultural studies, feminism, collectivism, banal concepts like deconstructionism, sociology and power dynamics, and its partial origins in Marxism. Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. But this is by the way. What’s the point of such inactive God, a religious person might ask. It seems if you are not completely with us, you are against us. Hick’s even goes as far to connect the two in the present day using the example of creationists wanting to ‘irrationally’ set up their theory as truth and silence all others not sure if this is totally fair with postmodern ideology of not listening to any rational argument against it since reason itself is the source of the problem. Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Alex Callinicos – – St. Hicks has here read Foucault uncharitably. EXPLAINING POSTMODERNISM HICKS PDF. Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen R.C. Hicks The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt Higher Superstition by Paul R. Gross The Blank Slate by Steven. The UBC Free Speech Club had the absolute honour of hosting Dr. Stephen Hicks earlier in March. We sincerely hope you enjoy this lecture as. PDF | On Jun 1, , Gary Jason and others published Review of: S. Hicks, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault . Author: Sacage Faetaur Country: Bulgaria Language: English (Spanish) Genre: Technology Published (Last): 24 September 2012 Pages: 202 PDF File Size: 20.36 Mb ePub File Size: 11.54 Mb ISBN: 319-2-86996-225-4 Downloads: 38262 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] Uploader: Mukasa. MODERATORS. View all 4 comments. Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault [pdf]. Professor Mistaken pseudonym in Uncouth Opinions. One of the most important books I’ve read. Your book should be required reading by all undergraduates, regardless of major. The questions here are: He is the Grand Inquisitor saying that the weight of liberty is too heavy for the average person to bear. Kant argued, if we perceive the ‘outside world’ through our senses, so can’t possibly know the ‘objective world’ out there, we can only perceive the filtered data that our lostmodernism allow us explalning perceive. Others call it religion. Nothing’s up with it, it doesn’t exist in reality–except in the sense that it plays a part in the fabrications of the trolls, snakeoil salesmen, and lobbyists I was no fan of postmodernism in the s. Explaining Postmodernism – Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. For those unfamiliar with the subject, postmodernism is the twentieth-century philosophical movement, still dominant and pervasive in academia today and with tentacles reaching deeply into our wider soci Reading Stephen Hicks’ Explaining Postmodernism left me wondering whether some people haven’t become too smart for their own good, yet also reminded me of the adage that a smart person is not the same as a wise person. Of course, that left very little room for God or other supernatural ideas, at least the intellectuals were becoming increasingly naturalistic in their worldview which got disposed of God, or marginalized God. I’m afraid that its because the proper refutation cannot be done. Unfortunately, I cannot follow-up with discussion of very broad questions. Presumably, it all began with the great Kant. Where other philosophy works will waste time and space and become bogged down in semantics and jargon and insider lingo, this book cuts straight to the point with powerfully worded and clearly written prose that doesn’t waste your time or attempt to impress you with the superficial. Why did the humanities collapse so readily and physics laughed them off per Alan Sokal? Anyone looking for a solid introduction to postmodernist theory would be well-served to begin here. He wants to poison everyone, to make them turn on their liberty and accuse it for any problem that has ever happened to them rather than their own responsibility. Undermine its confidence in its reason, its science and technology. Why do they have that power in the humanities but not in the sciences? Return to the StephenHicks. It is true that God’s blood was spilt by humanity but way before Neistche wrote this. For them, it seems to be enough to point out that Capitalism works and Socialism does not. It happened in reaction to his fear of violent esplaining. Mar 18, Jake Desyllas rated it it was amazing Shelves: Rage, power, guilt, lust, and dread constitute the center of the postmodern emotional universe. Are there any particular books you could recommend to me that would result in a greater yield than simply reading primary source Derrida, Foucault, etc.? I am a bot. I think Steven Pinker is working on a book that defends the enlightenment project. The term was later borrowed by Lyotard to describe “the postmodern condition” of society. Our actions have consequences. While driving and listening, not only was I fascinated and inspired by what you wrote, but strangely the new roads I found myself driving down, provided a deja vu experience with my dream the night before. Dec 13, Sylvester Kuo rated it it was amazing Shelves: That alone should make you happy whatever situation you find yourself in. Hicks factually and carefully explains the origins and causes of postmodern thought and how it has become an unfortunate cornerstone in much modern thought. Hegel cannot be claimed to be the crude state worshiper that Hicks presents him as, outside the context of a much more involved reading than it would be possible to give within the scope of a work such as Explaining Postmodernism. It is as a highly entertaining experience of getting your biases confirmed, at times deliciously vitriolic, and times highly informative and eye-opening. Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault by Stephen R.C. Hicks. explainijg See 1 question about Explaining Postmodernism…. I would appreciate it a lot, if you could give me the consent. If logic and mathematics are divorced from experiential reality, then the rules of logic and mathematics hardly say anything about that reality. I do not believe that Nietzsche looked down upon Kant because in Kant the instinct to posfmodernism was too strong; rather, it seems that Nietzsche looked down upon Kant as intellectually dishonest, and therefore lacking in intellect. I want this to be about business between horses, written by oostmodernism horse for other horses seeking success in horse business. Chapter 4 of Explaining Postmodernism. Would you consider the European Reformation to be a precursor to the Enlightenment, or at least an important influencer? Here is a video which I think speaks more to where postmodernism lies these days and it is not in the English department but the White House. I appreciate the exp,aining. Instead of acknowledging that socialist countries failed to raise living standards whereas capitalist economies did, they changed the critique of capitalism to be all about relative inequality. Explaining Postmodernism. This book is an excellent introduction to both the philosophical foundations of Postmodernism and the history of its battle with the Enlightenment outlook. I want to know what we can do to explaiing postmodern thinking. It as rekindled a passion for philosophy. Difference Between Modernism and Postmodernism. The main difference between modernism and postmodernism is that modernism is a movement that started from the 19 th or early 20 th century, whereas the movement of postmodernism begun after the Second World War. Modernism vs. Postmodernism. The movement of modernism started from the 19 th or early 20 th century. The movement of postmodernism begun after the Second World War, but it became famous in the 1960s. Modernism has a rational approach. It gives importance to science, logic, and reason. Postmodernism has an irrational approach to things. It denied the logical thinking and logical ways of gaining knowledge. Modernism had a belief in universally true and reasonable conclusions, whereas postmodernism did not believe in universal truth. Modernism believed in Western hegemonic values. Postmodernism rejects Western hegemonic values. Modernism movement characterized by art. The works of artists considered as unique creations. Authors and artists were anxious about producing art and literary works. While the postmodernism movement was characterized by the field of technology, its advancement, and its use in different areas. Modernism shows less interest in the field of politics. Postmodernism showed a significant influence on politics. The language of modernism was transparent. It was a type of language having one to one relationship between the signifier and signified. The communication of postmodernism is fluid and arbitrary. It was the type of communication that was rooted in power-knowledge relations. In the modernist school of thought, there is a stable and coherent “self” that is independent of culture and society. In the postmodernist school of thought, the “self” is considered a myth. It believed to be composed of social experiences and cultural contexts. There is no real definition of self in postmodernism. Modernism focuses more on the writer and interiority of text. However, postmodernism focuses more on the reader and exteriority of the text. Modernism constructs a coherent view of the world. Postmodernism tends to remove the difference between high and low. Comparison Chart. Modernism Postmodernism A movement that started from the 19 th or early 20 th century A movement that started after the Second World War Language Transparent Fluid and arbitrary Approach Rational and scientific Irrational and unscientific Text Focus Interiority Exteriority Interest in Politics It showed It did not show Literary Conventions Rejection Parody Characterized By Art Technology. What is Modernism? Modernism is a famous school of thought which started from the 19 th or early 20 th century in Europe and North America. Modernism supported the objective approach to life. Modernists were optimistic about absolute values and ethics to run the world successfully. This movement was the reformation in the fields of art, music, and literature. In the modernist school of thought, there is a stable and coherent “self” that is independent of culture and society. Modernism also refers to Neo-Classical. It adheres to the enlightenment assumptions concerning the role reason, or rationality, or scientific reasoning. It tried to improve every aspect of life with science and technology. Modernism was driven by the belief that a person can learn much from the past that could be beneficial to the present. Modernism believed in Western hegemonic values. It gave importance to science, logic, and reason. Modernism had a belief in universally true and reasonable conclusions. It gave the concept of freedom in the form of democracy and free markets. Modernism constructs a coherent view of the world. Modernism theory of knowledge connects knowledge to reality. The reality, according to modernism, is something based not on facts but the interpretation of facts. Modernism movement characterized by art. The works of artists considered as unique creations. Authors and artists were anxious about producing art and literary works. The language of modernism was transparent. It was a type of language having one to one relationship between the signifier and signified. Modernism focuses more on the writer and interiority of text. Modernism adopted traditional styles of poetry and verse, along with new literary forms and expressions. It also promoted experimental writing styles, such as the stream of consciousness and interior monologue. What is Postmodernism? The movement of postmodernism is the period after modernism. It started after the Second World War, but it became famous in the 1960s. Postmodernism has an irrational approach to things. It had an unscientific approach to life. It denied the logical thinking and logical ways of gaining knowledge. The postmodernism movement characterized by the field of technology, its advancement, and its use in different areas. The language of postmodernism is fluid and arbitrary. It was the type of communication that was rooted in power-knowledge relations. In the postmodernist school of thought, the “self” is considered a myth. It supposed to be a composite of social experiences and cultural contexts. The concept of identity in postmodernism is fluid and performative. Identities are known to be the masks to perform our “selves” like actors on a stage. It rejected Western hegemonic values. It showed a significant influence on politics. The postmodern texts are simple and clear. However, postmodernism focuses more on the reader and exteriority of the text. The main features of postmodernism include the ambivalent stance towards realism, the irony in narration, the use of new techniques in literature like metafiction, black humor, intertextuality, irony, and pastiche. Postmodernism tends to remove the difference between high and low. Postmodernism advocated the belief that there is no universal truth. Key Differences. The movement of modernism started from the 19 th or early 20 th century, whereas the movement of postmodernism started after the Second World War, but it became famous in the 1960s. The language of modernism was transparent; on the other hand, the language of postmodernism is fluid and arbitrary. Modernism has a rational approach, while postmodernism has an irrational approach to things. Modernism focuses more on the writer and interiority of text on the converse; postmodernism focuses more on the reader and exteriority of the text. Modernism had a belief in universally true and reasonable beliefs; inversely, postmodernism did not believe in universal truth. Modernism believed in Western hegemonic values contrarily postmodernism rejects Western hegemonic values. Modernism shows less interest in the field of politics; on the flip side, postmodernism showed a great influence on politics. Modernism movement characterized by art; on the contrary, the postmodernism movement characterized by the field of technology, its advancement, and its use in different areas. In the modernist school of thought, there is the existence of a stable and coherent “self” that is independent of culture and society. Conversely, in the postmodernist school of thought, the “self” is considered as a myth and a composite of a person’s social experiences and cultural contexts. There is a rejection of literary conventions in modernism movement; on the other side, there is the parody of literary conventions in postmodernism. Conclusion. Modernism and postmodernism are the two different and famous schools of thought. Both these movements are different from each other based on their concepts, values, focus areas, etc. Aimie Carlson. Aimie Carlson is an English language enthusiast who loves writing and has a master degree in English literature. Follow her on Twitter at @AimieCarlson.