.4 tt ustJ2z Cv Hi Were on the road in Europe with Metallica and Guns Roses but wanted to take moment to tbanlc you for all your support flopefiuilywell have chance to see each ether when we are on Ozzlbst this summer or our hesdlae tour this Pall We are eiy excitad for you to see our video ibr$eize thQtay which we just finIshed with Wayne Jshanz its completely dffTetent from anything weve done bethre We hope you dig it Ibanks again fbi- supporting A7X See you soon Sincerely Zacicy Vengeance Gates AVENGED SEVENFOld of4 ntge Susalis Gary MC-EX From Jen Graham Sent Monday September 182005507 PM To Susalis Gary MC-EX WiG/OS Subject RE MUSIC CHOICE METAL CHARTS AUDIO/VIDEO THAN You 50 MUCHIIUUillli PRIORITIES flJJ Love Ends Suidde Destroy Destroy Destroy Behold...the Aretepus \m/ This Girl Wa Made To Grind \m/ Sen Dying Fetus Still Rules Graham TSQ Metal Blade Records Radio Wonder Woman 805-522-9111 x21
[email protected] AOL TM Vanilla Assault 8c Scotleld Miller www.myspace.couilmeralbaderadio Never let tue fall from this highest of places -Immolation LLP Dimebag Darrell Mieszko Talarezyk JjJjlljlljljljJjJjljJjJjljJjljJjJjIjljJt3jYJJJljljJjJjJjJjJjSjljl UPCOMING ADD DATES 9119 AMON AMART3 With Oden On Our Side Sampler 10/10 AMON AMAItTH With Oden On Our Side 10/17 GAZA Dont Care Where iGo When Die BMA/Metal Blds 10/31 GOD DEThRONED The Toxic Touch From Susafls Gary MC-EX Sent Monday September 18 2006 1152 AM To Susal Gary MC- Subject MUSIC CHOICE METAL CHARTS AUDIO/VIDEO 9/1806 -r- RAP 1-JERVE ROMAIN 969.2006 MUSIC CHOICE 1METhJL NEW rox