Dr pepper hour: sonicflood hits Lady BEars 3-4 p.m. today in stage tonight volleyball preps Barfield drawing room in waco page 5 for 2006 page 4

ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 The Baylor Lariat tuesday, august 29, 2006 Students aid in aftermath

to transform houses into homes A year after Katrina, again. Baylor continues in “Sometimes it was hard rebuilding efforts because you would finish a lit- tle house and then you walked outside and none of the hous- By Laura Frase es around had been touched,” Staff Writer Baldwin said. At times Baldwin and Pompa With one year of recon- felt overwhelmed with the struction under New Orleans’ immense amount of work ahead, belt, pictures still tell a story but they were rejuvenated when of destruction, but students residents expressed their grati- have been stepping out to help tude. during the last few months by “We let them know that we cleaning up, rebuilding and were here to genuinely help,” offering hope. Pompa said. During last spring break, In return, “they would come Baylor students teamed up with up to us and say we are so glad First Baptist Church of New you’re here,” Baldwin said. “We Orleans to spend their break all made it our personal goals to gutting out houses rather than recap their stories because they hitting the beach. want to share them.” Springdale, Ark., sophomore Every time Baldwin sees pic- Chessa Baldwin and San Anto- tures of the devastation, memo- nio sophomore Matt Pompa ries flood back, she said. The Associated Press were two from a group of 60 vol- “You just can’t describe being unteers from Baylor. there and seeing it,” Baldwin The floodgates of the Orleans Avenue canal are shown against the New ern Louisiana. The Orleans Avenue canal did not fail during the hurricane, but Even though, the group had said. “The residents are in my Orleans, La., skyline one year after Hurricane Katrina came ashore in South- floodgates are being installed. seen pictures on television and thoughts and prayers daily. in newspapers, nothing pre- “I would go back in a heart- pared them for what they saw, beat,” she added. Baldwin said. For Houston senior Becca “It looked like a tornado and Childs, the spring break trip a hurricane had hit. Like every- with Baylor’s Chi Omega soror- Victims’ struggles continue thing had just happened the ity wasn’t enough for her. Dur- day before and this was seven ing the peak of summer heat, months after it happened,” Bald- Childs hooked up with a Chris- By Analiz González “The house has not been in a trailer in Marchand’s front and some people are living win said. “It looked like nothing tian organization called World Staff writer restored because there are prob- yard. among that filth because they had been done.” Changers and traveled to New lems with insurance, like most “Sometimes I feel like scream- don’t have any other choice.” The team gutted out homes, Orleans with more than 400 It’s been a year since Hurri- folks (in New Orleans),” March- ing,” Marchand said. “I just try According to an article in the tore down walls and Sheetrock, other students from other uni- cane Katrina struck Louisiana, and said. “I’d have to be away to keep myself busy because if I Dallas Morning News, Hurri- moved out refrigerators and versities. but some of those who evacu- from Waco in order to restore it, just thought of the whole thing, cane Katrina evacuees in Texas helped any way they could. “We did something com- ated to Waco still haven’t been so then I would lose my job. And and how overwhelming it is, I are most likely to stay in the As the cleaning process pletely different from spring able to return home. there are no jobs in New Orleans, think I’d kind of lose it.” state long-term. But that may began, Pompa became aware of break during the summer,” Johnnie Marchand, from New so I think I’m making the best She said there are mounds of not be the case in Waco. the personal ties intertwined in Childs said. “Spring break was a Orleans, La., said her house was decision that I can for now. I just trash stacked up against houses Carlton Willis, Director of the rubble. real heartbreaking job. This was declared “unlivable.” She hasn’t don’t want to be caught without in New Orleans because the Mission Waco’s Empowerment He recalled thinking, “These more of a hopeful work because been able to work on restoring any means of support.” trash collectors aren’t making Program said although some used to be homes, now they are we could see change from the her house because she can’t Marchand’s son, who is rounds like they used to. just houses.” abandon her job in Waco. back in New Orleans, is living “It brings rodents and bugs Please see EVACUEES, page 6 The team swept and cleaned Please see AID, page 6

Faculty Senate Chair Dianna Vitanza is the Familiar face heads up senate first person to hold that posi- tion for a second By Analiz González I want to do whatever I can to ning for senate positions. She Vitanza has served in other term. Vitanza Staff writer help the institution become all also wants there to be a greater administrative positions at has worked it can be and I think part of that awareness of what the senate Baylor such as associate dean in at Baylor for New Faculty Senate Chair- is having good relationships is doing by starting up an elec- the College of Arts and Sciences 24 years and woman Dianna Vitanza is the among the various entities on tronic newsletter. and vice-provost for academic has held posi- first to hold the position a sec- campus. I want groups to be She said she also aims to expel affairs. tions as both a ond term. able to work together and I want a myth that the Faculty Senate is She has also worked as the member of the “Probably people haven’t it to be a pleasant place to work, anti-administration because the Director of Undergraduate stud- faculty and the wanted to do this more than where people will not have high senate believes in working with ies in English. administration. one year because it’s a tiring job; levels of anxiety.” members of the administration Robinson said Vitanza’s rewarding, but tiring,” said for- The chair’s responsibilities to make Baylor better. experience in various leader- mer Faculty Senate Chairman include developing the agenda, Vitanza said she looks for- ship roles will help her as chair- Eric Robinson. “It’s easier to do serving as a voting member on ward to working with Baylor woman. something if you know you’re the council of deans, presiding President John Lilley, whom she “She has the ability to see the just doing it for one year.” over senate meetings and execu- said has demonstrated an inter- role of faculty in the context of But Vitanza, who served her tive committee meetings as well est in Faculty Senate. the administration as well as last term as chairwoman from as serving as a liaison with the “I think the evidence is in that the ability to advocate on the 1992-1993, didn’t mind picking president and responding to Lilley takes the senate seriously faculty’s behalf,” Robinson said. up the title again. issues suggested by the faculty. because he’s been meeting with “I believe she is going to be an “It is a concrete way to make This year, Vitanza aims to the senate each month, both at exceptional chair.” a contribution,” Vitanza said. “I see faculty members get more senate meetings and with the Henry Chan/ Lariat love Baylor. It’s my alma mater. involved in voting and run- executive committee,” she said. Please see SENATE, page 6 staff Cowboys blend Ernesto eyes Florida By Adrian Sainz It would be the first hur- The Associated Press ricane to hit the United States bridles, Bibles this year. MIAMI - Florida residents Memories of Katrina and rushed to fill their prescriptions the seven hurricanes that have By Claire St. Amant W. Truett Theological Semi- and stood in long lines for gaso- struck Florida since 2004 were Reporter nary this weekend for a cowboy line, food and other supplies fresh in the minds of many. church conference sponsored Monday as officials warned “Make sure you have the sup- Don’t be hankerin’ for yer by the Baptist General Con- people not to wait for Tropical plies for the 72 hours after the buddy’s stuff. vention of Texas (BGCT). The Storm Ernesto to become a hur- storm,” Gov. Jeb Bush warned Few theologians have ever weekend’s events covered top- ricane again before taking pre- people in Tallahassee. “A hurri- reduced coveting to such simple ics such as youth ranch rodeo, cautions. cane’s a hurricane, and it has a terms, but the Texas Fellow- chuck wagon cooking and cow- Forecasters said Ernesto devastation we’ve already seen. ship of Cowboy Churches has boy band worship. could grow back into a hurricane All you have to do is rewind to no problem translating elevated The concept of cowboy in the warm waters off Cuba and last year and see.” religious language into words churches is an outreach of the Henry Chan/Lariat staff come ashore in South Florida as Pedro Ballesteros, 40, carried any cowboy can understand. early as Tuesday night, exactly two new six-gallon gas tanks out This simplicity is in part what Paul and Corey Howie, along with other cowboy church members, gathered one year after Hurricane Katrina drew a record crowd to George Please see CHURCH, page 6 this weekend at George W. Truett Theological Seminary. pummeled the Gulf Coast. Please see FLORIDA, page 6

VOL. 106 No.2 www.baylor.edu/Lariat © 2006, Baylor University 2 The Baylor Lariat Opinion Tuesday, August 29, 2006 New, veteran students should encourage one another

“What is man that You make about his life. He lived his life ment. Freshmen, encourage one tution. However, are we content to live lives of godliness and so much of him, and that You always conscious of this reality, another to stand strong in your with this culture we have helped purity and assure them that in are concerned about him, that and today I want to encourage point faiths. Be confident that the only create where our freshmen are so doing they will miss out on You examine him every morning all of us to live with this same source of security and love that about to enter into? nothing good. and try him every moment?” perspective. We have a God who of view you will find at Baylor will be in I pray that we will be honest Finally I leave you with Many of us are returning to loves us, who has a better plan our Lord. Hold fast to the ideals with ourselves and one another Paul’s encouragement to Timo- Baylor for our last year: some are for our lives than we could ever by mark laymon you have come to our campus and have the strength to aban- thy. “For if we died with Him, lucky enough to be just begin- dream. I believe He is calling us with. Believe me, we need your don the parts of our lives that we will also live with Him; ning their journey. to lay down our plans and our leadership. We need your faith. are empty and only defile us. If we endure, we will also reign As I prepare to embark on desires and in faith seek the ing and home had not afforded Upperclassmen, we have This freshman class has been with Him; If we deny Him, He my last year, I wanted my final much better life He has for us. me. already begun to leave our entrusted to us. We are in a posi- also will deny us; If we are faith- welcome to our students to be I began my time at Baylor And I knew that my excuse marks on this campus. The tion of great influence to affect less, He remains faithful, for He a reminder and an encourage- unsure of what I wanted during could always be, “That hap- way we have lived our lives and the course it will take at Baylor. cannot deny Himself.” ment. my four years. Part of me was pened when I was in college and interacted with one another has Let us commit to being older Student Body President Mark Job knew that our heavenly curious to experience the parts stupid.” shaped our organizations and brothers and sisters to these Laymon is a senior economics Father loved him and cared of life that a Christian upbring- And so this is my encourage- the culture of our beloved insti- freshmen and encourage them major from Richardson.

Editorial Opinion policy The Baylor Lariat welcomes reader viewpoints through let- Katrina aid ters to the editor and guest col- umns. Opinions expressed in the dispersion Lariat are not necessarily those of the Baylor administration, the Baylor Board of Regents or the Student Publications Board. shows flaws Letters to the editor should include the writer’s name, major, graduation year, phone number of system and student identification num- ber. Non-student writers should include their address. Capitalism, and America itself, is Letters that focus on an issue built on the idea that competition will affecting students or faculty bring a better product to the people at may be considered for a guest a better price. column at the editor’s discre- A recent report in USA Today stated tion. that the federal government keeps All submissions become the two financial books, and if it were property of The Baylor Lariat. to report the federal deficit the way The Lariat reserves the right to corporations are required to file with edit letters for grammar, length, the Securities and Exchange Commis- libel and style. sion, the deficit would be $760 billion Letters should be e-mailed instead of the current $318 billion. to [email protected] or This number does not include mailed to The Baylor Lariat, One Social Security and Medicare pro- Bear Place #97330, Waco, TX grams, which would bring the total 76798-7330. debt to $3.5 trillion. The government says it is spending the taxpayers’ money wisely, but the Corrections policy lack of counting the money leads us to believe otherwise. The Baylor Lariat is commit- And it may not even be spending ted to ensuring fair and accu- the money wisely. rate reporting and will correct The Democrats in the House of Rep- errors of substance on Page 2. resentatives issued a report Thursday Corrections can be submitted to outlining the lack of frugality in con- use it to their advantage, wasting even captive audience to one construction not provide the information. the editor by sending an e-mail tracts for reconstruction in ravaged more taxpayer money. company but chose to buy a $4 Coke. Not only is money being doled out to [email protected] or areas following Hurricane Katrina last Take the example of fans at a foot- A larger question that is difficult to the highest bidder, the government by calling 254-710-4099. August. ball game. If you want to buy a Coke, to answer is where is the rest of the isn’t keeping close tabs on the money The report states that of $10.6 bil- it’s going to cost $4. There is nowhere Katrina relief money? According to itself. lion awarded to construction compa- else to go buy a Coke in the stadium, an article published Aug. 11 in the “I asked (President Bush) for $1 bil- A subscription to the Lariat nies, $7.4 billion was awarded after so vendors will charge whatever they National Journal, reporter Paul Singer lion and said I will personally guaran- costs $45 for two semesters. only one company placed a bid. can get away with. The fans are a cap- stated, “Congress has provided $125 tee it, be responsible for it and audit it. Send check or money order to A simple lesson in economics tive audience. billion in aid through four emergency And I’ll do everything in my parish,” One Bear Place #97330, Waco, would tell the government not to take Given the choice, a thirsty pedes- appropriations bills.” St. Tammany Parish President Kevin TX, 76798-7330 or e-mail Lar- the first bid. trian would not walk into a movie the- The article states that after a request Davis said in the National Journal [email protected]. Visa and And if companies caught on to the ater to buy a drink. He would go to a filed by the National Journal for a sum- story. MasterCard payments may be idea that the government was award- convenience store down the street and mary of where the money was spent, Maybe putting the money in the phoned to 254-710-2662. Post- ing contracts with no competitors, buy one for much cheaper. the Homeland Security Department’s hands of those who can’t afford to take master: Please send address some unscrupulous companies might The federal government was not a Office for Gulf Coast Rebuilding could the first bid is the best idea. changes to above address.

Letters to the editor Lilley unites in divided time refuses anyone’s prayers who pel. Every day at Chapel there branch of the Ronald McDonald with the people staying there. campus residences. reaches out to those of other is praise and worship through House — the sorority’s national We realize that we are It wouldn’t hurt to slap some This is in response to John beliefs. music, and numerous Christian philanthropy. receiving as great of a blessing pavement down in that so-called Jones’ letter Aug. 21. It’s time we as Christians speakers gave riveting talks on We were always full of excite- ourselves to interact with the recreational field and solve some Dear President Lilley, stop focusing on how to dis- subjects of salvation. ment during the car rides there families staying at RMH as they real problems around campus. I would like to take the time tance ourselves from each other I think including Jews and about what we would do for the receive from the help we give. I’m pretty sure you should to thank you for comments through denominations and Muslims in prayer during a brief children and families staying at Thank you for highlighting have enough money saved up made at the graduation ceremo- other religions through our dif- but important graduation cere- the RMH, while during the rides this quality organization and from writing parking tickets nies recently. In a world divided ferences. Thank you for taking a mony could not possibly tarnish back we were always more reflec- the assistance it gives to those all day long to those poor saps by cultural and religious differ- step in the right direction. the Christian influence Baylor tive of what turned out to be the in need. that make the mistake of park- ences, I find it profound that Luke Blount provides to its students. blessing my sorority sisters and Holly Gerard ing backwards or not adhering the leader of the biggest Bap- Professional writing 2008 Matthew Dennis I received from interacting with Alumna 1994 to every minute detail of your tist college in the world would Political science 2009 the families. so masterfully worded parking take time to mention Jews and Baylor influences from core Sharing time with them and Parking headache continues code of conduct. Muslims positively in a prayer. House influenced volunteer seeing their courage as they If I had come to college to Sure, many will say that I firmly believe that Pastor faced their children’s illnesses I do not want to offend your walk 15 miles a day to and from comments equating the Chris- John Jones’ remarks involov- I thoroughly enjoyed Melin- had a significant impact on us parking options/availability, but my truck in the parking garage, tian God to the Jewish God and ing Christianity being watered da Henderson’s column Aug. to realize that we should live I don’t think that 10,000-plus I would have moved to the Muslim God can diminish the down at Baylor University are a 21 about her internship at the each day meaningfully, as each students are going to fit into Himalayas and become a Sherpa Christian faith, but for you to go little far-fetched. Ronald McDonald House this day is given to us as God’s pre- your so inconveniently cluttered instead. out of your way to reach out a As a Baylor student, I was summer. cious gift. 500 spots. I hope this letter might make hand to those minorities here at required to take a semester Reading about her experi- Even now, several years after Maybe if Houdini worked for you think more of your students’ Baylor is something I find com- each of Christian Scripture and ence of working with this out- graduation, when I volunteer your DPS Department, this feat welfare than your professors’ mendable. Christian Heritage. In addition standing organization brought at my local RMH with other would be achievable. pocketbooks and spend some Though these three faiths to constantly increasing my back wonderful memories of alumnae sisters of Alpha Delta I think the students may money on something that actu- maintain many, many differ- knowledge of Christianity in the my years at Baylor as a member Pi from around the country, the appreciate a garage behind ally matters. ences in their approach to God, classroom, I was also required of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, as same feeling still occurs as we North Russell, located in the Cam N. Joe I find it hard to believe that God to attend two semesters of Cha- we volunteered at the Temple assist the staff of RMH and visit heart of the three largest on- Political science 2009

The Baylor Lariat THE Daily Crossword Edited by Wayne Robert Williams ACROSS 64 Emerald Isle 23 "Dies __" Editor in chief Kelly Coleman* 1 Leading 65 Abel's sibling 24 Eur. particle City editor Aaron Turney* 6 4 7 2 6 Earring site 66 Half of the U.A.R. accelerator News editor Jordan Daniel* 10 Yorkshire guy 67 Prom partner location Copy desk chief Gretchen Blackburn* 9 2 4 5 1 14 Hold contents 68 Exaggerated 25 Vietnam capital Asst. city editor Amanda Bray* Entertainment editor Anna Woodcock 15 Sitting on publicity 26 Flee Editorial cartoonist Ben Humeniuk 2 3 8 6 16 Waikiki's island 69 Rundown 30 Fam. members Special projects editors Amy Hall 17 Surrender 31 Pamphlet ending? Melinda Henderson 7 5 8 20 Pouch DOWN 34 Uneven do Sports editor Daniel Youngblood 21 Listens to again 1 Take steps 35 A votre __! Sports writers Will Parchman Brittany McGuire 1 6 5 4 22 "Hawaii" writer 2 Expression of 37 Pull up fasteners Staff writers Van Darden 27 Twin Cities suburb derision 38 Day-__ paint Analiz Gonzalez 9 3 2 28 Anticipates with 3 Be off 39 Forest denizens Christine Tamer terror 4 In the past 40 Big name in locks Laura Frase 29 Deuterium 5 Used a divining rod 43 Dr. Tim's Copy editor Jon Shroeder 5 8 6 7 Photo editor Henry Chan discoverer 6 Biker Armstrong hallucinogen Photographers Melea Burke 32 Last of cash? 7 Great Giant 44 Humbled Stacy Chen 4 7 5 8 9 33 Mountain lake 8 Physicist Niels 45 Speakers' Kelly Moore 34 Vile smiles 9 Fencing foil platforms Advertising sales Amanda Sawyer 2 3 1 8 Daniel Watson 36 I surrender! 10 Talked to pigeons 46 __ de corps Delivery Heather Griggs V. EASY # 2 41 Kin by marriage 11 Hilo's island 48 Coll. hotshot Garrett Turner 42 "Hud" co-star 12 "A Night to 49 Represent in relief Webmaster Katie Laird Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 44 Exist Remember" star 51 Rouen's river * denotes member of editorial board 3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. 47 Fraternity frock 13 Rotating neutron 53 Coeur d'__, ID 48 Areca nuts star 55 Part of M.I.T. The Baylor Lariat is owned by Baylor University and Newsroom: 710-1711 50 __ nova 18 Holm and Hunter 56 Freeze, Fido! overseen by the Student Publications Board. Advertising: 710-3407 52 Complained 19 "__ Coming to 59 Cool or groovy The entire content of The Baylor Lariat is protected Sports: 710-6357 peevishly Take Me Away, Ha, 60 Potash under the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any por- Entertainment: 710-7228 54 Features Haaa!" 61 Miner matter tion of any issue by any means, mechanical or otherwise, is Editor: 710-4099 57 Lofting tennis shot 22 Denver summer 62 Disencumber For today’s crossword and sudoku answers, not permitted without the express written consent of Baylor [email protected] 58 Surrender hrs. 63 Pronounce visit www.baylor.edu/Lariat University. Tuesday, August 29, 2006 News The Baylor Lariat 3

Officers begin BEAR BRIEFS Blackboard help session Blackboard Orientation seminars term with ease will be held every hour from noon to 4 p.m. today in G32 Moody Memorial Library. Seminars will By Van Darden be successful.” last 45 minutes. Seating is on a Staff Writer Marshall called the transition first-come, first-served basis. “a really positive experience,” With dust mites from a adding that one goal this year Study Abroad info session recent cleaning binge still float- is to open his office up and be ing above him, student govern- more accessible to students. A Study Abroad Information Ses- ment’s new External Vice Presi- “My motto this year is ‘Get sion will be held for those inter- dent Allan Marshall settles into out of the office,’” Marshall said. ested in studying in a foreign his new black overstuffed desk “I want students to know I’m country at 4 p.m. today in 201B chair. here for them.” Poage Legislative Library. He’s comfortable. And he Marshall, who calls himself should be. He spent the sum- a “people person,” said he’s New faculty performance mer planning for his transition encouraging Baylor students to Seven performing artists new into office. stop by his office anytime. to the music faculty will perform “The changeover was seam- Laymon said he was a joint recital for the School of less,” said impressed with both Marshall Kelly Moore/Lariat staff Music’s Opening Convocation at S t u d e n t and Plummer’s upbeat attitudes 7:30 p.m. today in Roxy Grove Body Presi- and hard work. Hall. The event is free and open dent Mark “They’ve already organized Taking the heat in stride to the public. L a y m o n . committees and have people “Both he signing up for them,” Laymon Michelle Clanton, a graduate student from Van and Baylor Golden Girl, practices with the Baylor University To submit a bear brief, e-mail and Travis said. Golden Wave Band Monday Afternoon. The students were all smiles despite the scorching weather. [email protected]. (Plummer, Plummer said he and Mar- new inter- shall’s predecessors did an nal v ice amazing job during their time president) in office. were well- “They set up everything for Laymon p r e p a r e d us to be successful,” Plummer Student Congress nixes legislative session and well- organized.” said. “From day-to-day paper- Laymon said because both work to new bylaws and a new By Van Darden enacting legislation. ing some people vote for their the needs of Baylor’s student Marshall and Plummer spent constitution, they paved the way Staff Writer “Everything is different this residence or college representa- body. the summer in preparation for for us to have a voice that the year,” Plummer said. “We want- tives in the spring and voting for The 52-member senate is this semester’s term, he expects administration will listen to.” For the first time since the ed a more easily established class representatives in the fall,” divided into six standing com- things inside the student gov- Plummer said the next step early 1950s, Student Congress policy for direct representation Plummer said. “So we switched mittees, including Academ- ernment offices to run very for the office of internal vice will not hold a legislative ses- so we condensed the old way everything to the spring, except ic Affairs, Community Life, smoothly. president is putting a student on sion this year. of having representatives from freshman class representatives Finance and Operations & Pro- “I spent a lot of my time this the board of regents, eventually Instead, the inaugural Stu- each class, college and residence which will still be voted for in cedures. summer getting ready for the a student who votes. dent Senate will convene at hall into 13 members directly the fall. Elections will be easier, “We take our positions very student senate,” Plummer said. “If we can get a student regent 5 p.m. Thursday, with senate representing each class.” no question about it.” seriously and as a result, the “I’ve been working hard at estab- on the board, even one without a leader and Internal Vice Presi- Plummer said they have also Plummer said despite its new debate can get a little heated,” lishing relationships and build- vote, I’d consider that a victory,” dent Travis Plummer promising changed election dates. name and format, the student Plummer said. “But we are a ing foundations for the senate to Plummer said. a more streamlined method for “It used to be confusing hav- senate’s main focus is tending great group of friends.” Prosecutors drop charges against Karr DUPLEX FOR LEASE WALK TO CLASS!! DNA fails to link suspect conducted DNA tests last Friday on a 703 WOOD--2BR / 1 BATH to child beauty queen slaying cheek swab taken from Karr and failed to connect him to the crime. CLEAN, WELL-KEPT! By Jon Sarche “This information is critical because The Associated Press ... if Mr. Karr’s account of his sexual $385/MONTH, $385/SEC. DEP. involvement with the victim were accu- BOULDER, Colo. — Prosecutors rate, it would have been highly likely that CALL 754-4834 abruptly dropped their case against John his saliva would have been mixed with Mark Karr in the slaying of JonBenet the blood in the underwear,” Lacy said in Ramsey and released him Monday, saying court papers. DNA tests failed to put him at the crime She also said authorities found no evi- scene despite his repeated insistence he dence Karr was in Boulder at the time of killed the 6-year-old beauty queen. the slaying. Country Place The move came just a week and a Karr was released from custody by the new brick homes for sale in a quiet half after the 41-year-old schoolteacher Boulder County sheriff, who said Cali- neighborhood 6 blocks from Baylor was arrested in Thailand and put on a fornia authorities had not asked for him plane to the U.S. in what was regarded to be detained to face child pornography as a remarkable break in the decade-old charges in that state. murder mystery that had cast suspicion Defense attorney Seth Temin expressed on JonBenet’s parents. outrage that Karr was even arrested. District Attorney Mary Lacy said Karr “We’re deeply distressed by the fact emerged as a suspect in April after he that they took this man and dragged him for tours and info spent several years exchanging e-mails here from Bangkok, Thailand, with no and later telephone calls with a Colorado forensic evidence confirming the allega- call 752-1647 professor in which he admitted responsi- tions against him and no independent bility for the slaying. factors leading to a presumption he did According to court papers, Karr told anything wrong,” Temin said. The Associated Press the professor he accidentally killed Jon- Lacy defended the decision to arrest John Mark Karr is escorted off of a plane on last Thursday Benet during sex and that he tasted her Karr, and said there was no way to collect in Broomfield, Colo., to face charges of homicide in the blood after he injured her vaginally. DNA for testing because it would have slaying of child pageant star JonBenet Ramsey. But officials at the Denver crime lab alerted Carr of their suspicion. Excellent Starting Pay!

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www.springbrookduplexes.com 4 The Baylor Lariat sports Tuesday, August 29, 2006 ‘New Sepulveda possibly punting Sunday Oklahoma, Texas Tech, Texas name starting quarterbacks blood’ The Associated Press shirted last season behind Vince Young, earned the start with a One of Baylor’s best weap- strong preseason camp. infuses ons is punter Daniel Sepulveda, “(McCoy) had a terrific camp who last season averaged 46.2 and was at his best during our yards per kick, better than in scrimmages,” Brown said. 2004 when he won the Ray Guy Brown said he still wants to volleyball Award as college football’s best play both quarterbacks against punter. UNT, but won’t script when By Brittany McGuire After tearing the anterior Snead might get in the game. Sports writer cruciate ligament (ACL) in his “I think we’re in as good of a non-kicking knee during a pick- spot as we could expect at the It’s pretty easy to aim high up basketball game in April, it position,” Brown said. “All they when you’re already tall. Even was expected by coaches and need now is to get some game with an average team height of doctors that he would miss at experience.” more than 6 feet, the Lady Bears’ least the nonconference portion File photo Sophomore throwing for Tech volleyball team is doing more of his senior season. than aiming high. But the NFL prospect might Daniel Sepulveda is expected to play Sophomore Graham Harrell The team is trying to accom- play Sunday when the Bears in Sunday’s game against Texas has been named the starting plish what it hasn’t done since open against No. 22 Texas Christian University after suffering a quarterback for No. 25 Texas torn ACL in April. 2001 — make an appearance at Christian University in a match Tech, and in Saturday’s opener the NCAA tournament. up of former Southwest Confer- might have developed into that. against SMU he’ll become the After losing five seniors, this ence rivals. He hadn’t developed into that first underclassman to lead the feat might seem too high to reach When coach Guy Morriss yet.” Red Raiders’ wide-open offense for the Lady Bears, but after went by the weight room to check When the season opens Sat- since 2001. bringing in a strong freshmen File photo on workouts over the weekend, urday against UAB, senior Paul Harrell, who owns the Texas class, third-year head Coach Jim Sepulveda pulled him aside and Thompson will be the starting high school career records for Barnes is confident his team can Sophomore right-side hitter Nicole LeBlanc and junior outside hitter Kelly said he wanted to kick. quarterback, just like in last passing yards and touchdowns, rise to the challenge. Spriggs go up for a block against a Kansas State player in 2004. The Lady “We’ll punt him this week as year’s opener when Oklahoma had been favored to beat out “Recruiting’s a big game now, Bears will host the Clarion Invitational at noon Friday in the Ferrell Special he was going to punt Sunday. lost to TCU. redshirt freshman Chris Todd. especially at the top of the Big Events Center. We’ll see how the knee holds Bomar took over as the start- Tech coach Mike Leach con- 12,” Barnes said. “We were lucky up and how he feels Saturday,” er after that, and Thompson firmed Harrell won the job Mon- to find so many quality players a senior in high school, she led Young said. Morriss said. switched to receiver. day. in Texas. We really pushed for Martin High School to win the The Lady Bears had their first “Like you, I thought he was Thompson is getting another Harrell, who wasn’t avail- getting the best.” Class 5A state championship test of the season at a round- definitely out,” he said. chance at throwing instead of able for comment Monday, Barnes’ search paid off. His and was the state tournament robin tournament in Berkeley, Morriss plans to talk to catching passes after Bomar was passed for 392 yards and three freshmen class ranked No. 16 MVP. Calif. They got off to a great start Sepulveda’s parents and team kicked off the team Aug. 2 for touchdowns in five games as a nationally, the second-high- Coach Barnes said the pair with a 3-1 win against UC-Davis doctors before making a final breaking NCAA rules. backup last year. He went 41-3 est ranking in Baylor’s history has a great chance of starting and a 3-0 sweep over the Uni- decision. “He looks great. He has done as a starter in high school and behind the 2000 class, which for the Lady Bears, and expects versity of Montana. “I just want to make sure a really good job,” Stoops said. racked up 12,532 yards and 167 ranked third. With talent and them to complement the experi- LeBlanc led the way for Baylor, he understands what he has to “Day in and day out, he’s got- touchdowns. He threw 67 TDs playing experience, Barnes ence of his returning squad. tying her career-high with 21 gain, and what are the risks,” he ten more comfortable with his his senior season. said, the freshmen will be key to “The seniors have been great kills and added a team-high 21 said. reads, throwing and where we’re Harrell and Todd spent the building a strong team core to leaders for this new group com- digs. LeBlanc’s feat was the Lady Oklahoma faces Bomar loss going with the football.” fall practices competing for the make up for the seniors lost. ing in,” he said. Bears’ first 20 kill-20 dig match McCoy starting for Texas starting spot, and Tech head “We lost some great play- The seniors include Deja since former Lady Bear Stella The unexpected loss of start- Coach Mike Leach said both ers that we’re certainly going Sweeny, Adeline Meira and All- Odion did it in 2004. ing quarterback Rhett Bomar At least defending national men will continue to split plays to miss, but we really feel like Big 12 players Nicole LeBlanc After victories in each of created plenty of questions champion Texas knew last Janu- in practice to ensure arm fatigue there’s a new blood of young and Desiree Guillard-Young. their first two matches, the Lady about if No. 10 Oklahoma could ary that Vince Young wouldn’t doesn’t set in. players,” Barnes said. “These Guillard-Young said the fresh- Bears took their first loss of the still be a legitimate Big 12 con- be back. The Heisman Trophy While Leach doesn’t believe freshmen are going to be a good men will help make up for the season in their final match of tender this season. finalist bypassed his senior sea- in using a two-quarterback nucleus to what we build.” depth lost from last year’s team. the tournament. After suffer- Maybe for everybody else, son to be a first-round NFL pick, system, he said Todd will prob- Although young, Barnes’ “We lost a lot. We gained a ing an ankle injury in the first but not Coach Bob Stoops, who leaving redshirt freshman Colt ably see more playing time than freshmen seem up to the high lot,” the Berkeley, Calif., middle match, Guillard-Young returned believes too much has been McCoy and true freshman Jevan other recent Tech backups. goal the team has set. blocker said. “It will be interest- to help the team against No. 17 made out of Bomar’s departure. Snead to battle for the starting “If Graham’s not healthy, “We’ve been practicing ing to watch their progress over University of California, but it “We had a guy who ended job. we’ll play him right then,” he together since early July,” Buda the next four years.” wasn’t enough, as Baylor fell to last year with 10 interceptions Texas head Coach Mack said. “If Graham is healthy, then freshman Anna Breyfogle said. Guillard-Young was tabbed the Golden Bears 0-3. and 10 touchdowns. It’s not like Brown ended the quarterback we’ll play him when we think “One goal we have is to just put 2006 pre-season All-Big 12, but The Lady Bears won’t have when (Heisman Trophy win- controversy Monday when he we’ve got the game in hand and forth everything we have.” she said the team’s interests long to dwell on the loss. Later ner) Jason White left,” Stoops announced that McCoy would we think it would be best to put Breyfogle, a member of the come first. this week, the team will host the said Monday on the first Big 12 get the nod in the Longhorns him in.” 2005 Junior National Training “The honor was great, but I’ll Clarion Invitational at noon Fri- coaches teleconference of the season opener on Sept. 2 against Sports editor Daniel Young- team, will be joined by Arling- take a team win over a personal day at the Ferrell Special Events season. the University of North Texas. blood contributed to this report. ton freshman Taylor Barnes. As accolade any day,” Guillard- Center. “Maybe at one point, (Bomar) Brown said McCoy, who red-

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New Housing Construction - Why rent when you can own? Moti- vated builder with new construc- tion close to campus. Own and rent to your friends - Contact Andy Sheehy w/REMAX Greater Waco - 254-315-1891 or [email protected] Tuesday, August 29, 2006 entertainment The Baylor Lariat 5 Concert to blend Stars, singers unite music, missions for charity prizes By Cat Smith assistant with Sonic Club Inc. in ‘Idol’-like contest Reporter SONICFLOOd said it wanted this tour to reach out to people By Marisa Guthrie Marx, Brian McKnight, Smokey “It’s not about being a super and let them know how mis- McClatchey Daily Newspaper Robinson, Randy Travis, Christian,” said Rick Heil, sions affect the lives of people and Lee Ann lead singer of the band SON- who may not find out about Singing in the shower is one Womack. ICFLOOd. “It’s about being Christianity otherwise. thing. Viewers will vote to send one involved in other people’s lives.” “We have visited India, Singing with the likes of contestant packing each week. Waco is the second stop Istanbul and Thailand, and we Courtesy photo Aaron Neville or Patti LaBelle is The winning celebrity will get on a special tour for the band saw that there was such a great Grammy-nominated Christian band SONICFLOOd will perform at 7 p.m. today another. $100,000 — to give to his or her SONICFLOOd and will feature need for truth, the Lord and his at Columbus Avenue Baptist Church. Tickets cost $11 and can be bought at the But Lucy Lawless, Cheech favorite charity, of course. music with a mission — literally. word,” Heil said. “It’s going to Compass Bookstore, the Baylor BSM or the door. Marin, Lea Thompson and wres- Producer , who The band partnered with the take going out and being Jesus tler Chris Jericho will give it a is looking for a new singing star International Missions Board to change lives.” same city. benefit the numerous college try, all for your entertainment with NBC’s online series Star- to give attendees the chance to A big motivator for the band David Dover, the coordinator and high school students in the pleasure. Tomorrow, is one of the Duets learn more about volunteering was the horrible conditions it for the Baptist Student Minis- area. They have been chosen to judges, with two others still to for missions around the world saw when they visited orphan- tries at McLennan Community “Our goal is to put informa- perform with the pros in Fox’s be named. Comedian Wayne while enjoying worship music. ages in India and learned about College and Texas State Techni- tion out there for students,” he Celebrity Duets, a musical ver- Brady will host. “We wanted to tell people children who are sex slaves in cal College, is largely responsi- said. “We wanted to make them sion of Dancing With the Stars, Duets bows at 7 p.m. today about this opportunity to change Thailand. ble for the band’s stop in Waco. aware of the possibilities to serve produced by ’s with a two-hour installment people’s lives,” Heil said. “With the world becoming “I heard the band play at God now and in the future.” . before settling into its regular The band will perform at 7 smaller through travel and tech- a conference and approached Tickets for the concert are Other contestants are gym- time slot, 9 p.m. Thursdays, p.m. today at Columbus Avenue nology, it is easier than ever to them with the idea,” Dover said. available at the Compass Book- nast Carly Patterson (a 2004 beginning Sept. 7. Baptist Church. The concert will bring ministry to the world,” “We prayed on it and decided store, online and at the Baylor Olympic gold medalist), Alfon- All of the celebrities partici- feature footage shot by the Inter- Heil said. that Waco would be a great BSM. Tickets cost $11 and also so Ribeiro (who played Will pating in Duets can carry a tune, national Missions Board during He said he also recognized place to put information about will be sold at the door. Smith’s uptight cousin in The promised Peter Liguori, Fox’s past mission trips. that missions around the world missions out there and let stu- Heil said he was excited to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air), Queer Eye head of entertainment, and “We are calling this a multi- are not for everyone. He said dents make the decision if it was educate people about the value style guru Jai Rodriguez and Hal some of them may surprise you. media mega-music experience missions are for doing the Lord’s right for them.” and necessity of mission trips. Sparks (Queer as Folk). “I can’t tell you what they’re with mission mobilization,” work, no matter if they are half Dover said he thought that “Let’s do it,” he said. “Let’s Each week they’ll perform going to do under pressure, but said Lynn Jasperson, a personal way around the world or in the SONICFLOOd’s mission would change the world.” a duet with a rotating roster of as a public service,” he said, “I singing stars including LaBelle make you a solid commitment and Neville as well as Clint that we will do everything Black, , Belinda humanly possible to present ‘Idlewild’ presents music where story lacks Carlisle, Taylor Dayne, Peter high-quality singers in the com- Frampton, Macy Gray, James petition because I think that’s By Amanda Toller Director Bryan Barber, best Rooster. is the music. OutKast mixes its Ingram, Wynonna Judd, Chaka where the ‘wow’ factor is going Contributor known for directing OutKast’s Meanwhile, Rooster’s child- style with jazz, blues and swing Khan, Kenny Loggins, Richard to come in.” off-beat music videos, checks off hood friend and the club’s creating a blend that is uniquely Idlewild meets all the basic all the requirements for a great piano player, Percival (OutKast’s Church. criteria of an old-fashioned gangster movie. Since it seems Andre Benjamin), is busy falling As Rooster raps about his gangster movie. he stuck to the basic mob-movie, for the club’s newest performer. bow tie surrounded by scant- University Rentals the plot is predictable. He fights the classic battle of ily clad chorus girls, Church’s Rooster (Antwan A. Patton going against his father’s wishes patrons swing dance. It sounds 754-1436 • 1111 Speight • 752-5691 MOVIEREVIEW — better known as Big Boi from and following his heart. ridiculous, and yet it all comes OutKast) is the star performer Idlewild’s characters fall flat together seamlessly. ALL BILLS PAID! There’s the aging mob-boss at Idlewild’s sleazy juke-joint in most cases, with the excep- Barber’s only failure musi- and moonshine distributor, Church, where men worship tion of Trumpy. Howard’s expe- cally is he didn’t take full advan- 1 BR FROM $450 • 2 BR FROM $600 ready to pass on the business women, women worship Rooster rience as an actor shows on tage of the amazing artists in the GREAT SELECTIONS! and retire from his life of crime. and everyone worships moon- screen next to the singer cast. film. Macy Gray only sings one He, of course, has a back-stab- shine and music. Patton shines during the incredibly forgettable number. FURNISHED bing assistant who turns out to When Sunshine Ace, Church’s musical numbers, but he never Patti LaBelle’s appearance was POOLS be more cold than his predeces- owner, meets his maker, Rooster turns Rooster into a real person barely long enough to be con- sor. is the natural replacement. the audience can connect with. sidered a cameo, and, sadly, she 24-HR MAINTENANCE There’s the loyal wife and The club’s booze supplier, Benjamin runs into the same doesn’t sing a note. ON SITE MGMT. many fallen women, a little love Rooster’s “Uncle” Spats, meets problem. Percival faced a life It isn’t a blockbuster Holly- LAUNDRY FACILITIES and lots of hate, booze and, well the same demise as Ace, leaving filled with heartache, but the wood musical, but it’s entertain- WALK-IN CLOSETS — more booze. Trumpy (Terrance Howard), his emotions never soar the way ing. The music alone makes it There’s even a car chase and heartless assistant, controlling they should. worth the trip. MON-FRI 9-6, SAT 10-4, SUN 2-4 a gunfight now and then. the booze and trying to control What does soar in Idlewild Grade: B- Calling all performers! NOW OPEN!!! !&4%2$!2+ The Seasons auditions: Wednesday, sept. 6, & thursday, sept. 7, 6 p.m. to midnight

Come and audition for Baylor university’s annual talent revue. sign up for an audition at the Campus programs Center on the first floor of the Billd aniel student Center (suB) or the front desk in the student activities office. please call (254) 710-4919 for more information or visit us on the web at www.baylor.edu/special_performances. BRING A FRIEND!!! BUY ANY ICE CREAM OR SMOOTHIE, GET ONE FREE!!!* (ITEM OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE) OFFER EXPIRES SEPT. 15, 2006

HOURS: Sunday – Thursday, 1:30 p.m. –¬11 p.m. !&4%2$!2+ Friday & Saturday Late Nite, friday, september 22 1:30 p.m. – 1 a.m. 7 &10 p.m. at Waco Hall (FORMERLY THE SEASONS 3:1 CAFE) 6 The Baylor Lariat NEWS Tuesday, August 29, 2006

AID from page 1 EVACUEES from page 1 homes we were building.” interest, they asked the group Even with the visible chang- questions about their age and settled in the Waco area, most hotel rooms. es, Childs noted that the city why they were in New Orleans, have either already returned to “Pastor Raymond (Bailey) reminded her of a messy bed- Childs said. New Orleans or are still decid- had opened up the Bible study room with no notable place to “They were shocked that I was ing whether or not they want to hall to those who needed shelter begin picking up. out here with my friends in the return. from Katrina,” she said. “He was “Even though it’s been a year middle of summer in the heat,” “The cost of living here is dif- able to place families in sepa- since it happened, compared to she said. “He really expected me ferent than in New Orleans, so rate rooms. There was food and when I was there every spring to preach to him, and I told him the wages they are getting here water and drink and it was clean break, it pretty much looked the that I was here to serve God and are less than what they were get- and there was a host of volun- same,” Childs said. “That was a that I hoped I could lead as an ting and they don’t understand teers from Baylor who were able four-month gap.” example, but it’s not my opinion that,” Willis said. “Some people and willing and on stand-by.” During her summer trip, that matters.” were also working in areas that Mary Darden, who was the Childs had “one of those eye- Childs said she believes she didn’t require certification in Seventh and James moderator opening moments,” with a cou- made an impact in the mens New Orleans, but they do in during the evacuation, said she ple residents in the area. lives. Texas.” estimates that more than 100 Two men approached Childs Even though there’s been little Marchand’s family was the Baylor students participated in and a group at McDonald’s change in the past year, students Courtesy Photo first to reach Seventh and James relief efforts at the church. while they were taking a break are hopeful for the people and World Changes volunteers spent their 2006 summer cleaning out the Baptist Church’s temporary Marchand said she appreci- for breakfast, and showing the community, Childs said. destroyed homes in New Orleans, La. evacuation center on Sept. 2. ated all the student efforts. She arrived with her son, daugh- “I give so much thanks to ter and her two grandchildren Baylor students,” she said. “They after they ran out of money for were out there full force.” FLORIDA from page 1 of a Home Depot for his home the Everglades. A warning Haiti. One person was reported planned to evacuate sick and generator. means tropical storm activity killed along Haiti’s southern elderly people to Miami. from page 1 “Every year we prepare a lit- is expected within 24 hours. coast. Mobile home residents in SENATE tle more because we’re learning About 400 miles of the state’s Forecaster Richard Knabb at the Keys were also urged to from our past ordeals,” he said. densely populated Atlantic the hurricane center in Miami clear out. Faculty Senate Chair-Elect “She is a great bridge “I’m taking care of everything coast were under a hurricane urged people not to become Miami-Dade County opened Matthew C. Cordon, who worked between administration and fac- that’s important — flashlights, watch, issued when such con- complacent. a shelter for people from the with Vitanza for two years as ulty because she has worked in batteries, gasoline.” ditions could occur within 36 “Just because the system is Keys. part of an ad hoc policy revision administration and also knows Forecasters issued a tropical hours. not a hurricane now, doesn’t Some Keys residents and committee, praised Vitanza for a lot of faculty because of her storm warning Monday after- Over the weekend, Ernesto mean it can’t be a hurricane business owners put plywood her “clear sense of judgment.” years in the provost office.” noon for all of South Florida’s became the first hurricane of later,” he said. over windows or installed eastern coast, north to Vero the Atlantic season and lashed In the Keys, visitors were hurricane shutters as tourists Beach, as well as the Keys and the Dominican Republic and ordered out, and authorities struggled to get flights out. STUDENT APPRECIATION CHURCH from page 1 SPECIAL

BGCT and targets those “in ings allow the church members other ropers to come,” Howie enthusiasts. Blair’s Cove apartments a western culture who may to have fellowship in a familiar said. “The church started with Dwayne and Jodie Dye of Affordable Luxury Living not be comfortable in a regu- environment. a vision that a lot of cowboys Texarkana are new members of lar church,” said Pastor Greg Top Hand Cowboy Church were lost folk.” Circle J Church but came to the Moore of Top Hand Cowboy began last September with a This vision was apparently conference “to meet more Chris- 2425 S. 21st Street Church in Crawford. Bible study and had an official prophetic. According to the tian cowboys and cowgirls and Waco, Texas 76706 While their theological kick off on Jan. 1. The church BGCT Web site, there are cur- learn about the ministry.” 2 BEDROOM beliefs are in line with the BGCT, now averages 125 cowboys and rently 68 cowboy churches in Truett Seminary was proud their style of worship varies. cowgirls on Sundays, Moore Texas, the first of which began to host this event and to sup- STARTING @ Many cowboy churches meet said. This type of growth is not in 2000. This weekend’s con- port others in their quest to $443 in arenas or barns as opposed uncommon in the cowboy com- ference was the 10th School of encounter God in a unique cul- to traditional church buildings munity. Cowboy Church Planting and tural environment. and have youth rodeos instead Pastor Paul Howie of Leon had 460 registered attendants. “It’s a new concept, but one of retreats, Moore said. River Cowboy Church in East- “This is the biggest gather- that has attracted a lot of inter- Profesionally managed by Monarch In addition to conventional land, said his church began only ing of Cowboy Churches I’ve est, and one that we are excited Properties--Dallas, TX (254)756-5855 values like discipleship and two and a half years ago and seen yet,” said Bill Rice of Dun- to be a part of,” said Nancy evangelism, cowboy churches now has around 200 attendees canville, who frequently volun- Floyd, assistant to the dean 1&2 Bedrooms • Sparkling Pool • Basketball & Tennis Courts also have a desire to keep the each Sunday. teers at cowboy conventions. of Truett Seminary. “Everyone Free Outside Storage & Patio • Controlled Access Gates service and activities culturally “We don’t do a lot of pub- “It’s spreading like wildfire.” always has a good time. They Pets Welcome • On-Site Management & Maintenance relevant to the western heritage. licity. Most of it is by word of The event targeted pastors bring their horses out, barbeque Walk-in Closets • 2 Laundry Facilities Events like trail rides, cook- mouth, ranchers talking to and church leaders but was on the grounds, and even have outs and cowboy poetry read- their friends, ropers inviting open to all Cowboy Church live music.” www.BlairsCove.com • [email protected] DESIGN STUDIO MEDIA TRAFFIC PRODUCTION CLIENT SERVICES CREATIVE DIRECTOR CLIENT PLEASE SIGN YOUR INITIALS FOR APPROVAL

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