ORDER BOOK – Definitive Guide to Superyachts Under Construction –
2014 In association with: Presented by: GLOBAL orDer BooK – Definitive guiDe to superyachts unDer construction – Azimut 84 By Raphael Montigneaux and the editors of ShowBoats International magazine or a while, we’ve noticed activity leading builds than their U.S. counterparts. While us to believe that the yachting industry the rest of the world’s builders are eager to Fis on the road to recovery. Now we cash in on the U.S. economic recovery, U.S. finally have some proof. For the first time shipyards did not seem to benefit directly this since the financial turmoil and the record year. Greece clinches the 10th place this year, year of 2009 (when 1,008 new orders were pushing France out of the list. A few months recorded), the number of new build projects ago French builder CMN, a member of the is higher than that of the previous year. This ADM Group, quietly refocused its strategy on year’s Global Order Book reveals that 735 commercial and navy contracts, temporarily new yachts are under construction or on shelving current and future superyacht 2014 AT A GLANCE order, a 6.2 percent increase over the 692 projects. projects in the 2013 Order Book, and also up from the 2012 figure of 728. The reversal NEW yachTS 735 yachts more than 80 of a decreasing trend that lasted four years ArE UNDEr feet under construction is certainly good news but warrants digging CONSTrUCTION deeper to reveal a more accurate picture. Or ON OrDEr world-wide, up 6.2% While little has changed among the world’s five top yacht builder nations, with Orders for the largest yachts—those 19 projects over 100 meters Italy still by far number one, a closer look exceeding 328 feet (100 meters)—have LOA sets new record reveals a few significant facts.
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