CHAPTER 3 : MEASURE AND PROOF I. §3.1 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A. §3.2 PURPOSE. 1. §3.3 General Statement. 2. §3.4 Importance. B. §3.5 RULE OF CERTAINTY. C. §3.6 CATEGORIES OF DAMAGES. 1. §3.7 Compensatory Damages. 2. §3.8 Nominal Damages. 3. §3.9 Liquidated Damages. 4. §3.10 Punitive Damages. D. §3.11 MITIGATION OF DAMAGES. 1. §3.12 Generally. 2. §3.13 Additional Expenses. 3. §3.14 Burden of Proof. 4. §3.15 Personal Injury. 5. §3.16 Property Damage. 6. §3.17 Future Wrongs. E. §3.18 COLLATERAL SOURCE RULE. 1. §3.19 Generally. 2. §3.20 References. F. §3.21 INTEREST ON DAMAGES. 1. §3.22 Liquidated Damages. 2. §3.23 Unliquidated Damages. 3. §3.24 Interest on Judgments. G. §3.25 ATTORNEY FEES. 1. §3.26 General Rule. 2. §3.27 Specific Instances. 3. §3.28 Reasonable Fee Requirement. 4. §3.29 Pleadings. 5. §3.30 Lien for Attorney Fees. H. §3.31 COSTS. I. §3.32 CONFLICTS-CHOICE OF LAW. J. §3.33 RELEASES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE. II. §3.34 PERSONAL INJURY A. §3.35 CAUSATION. 1. §3.36 Generally. 2. §3.37 Aggravation of Pre-existing Injury or Physical Condition. 3. §3.38 Negligent Treatment. 4. §3.39 Plaintiff’s Duty to Segregate. B. §3.40 ELEMENTS. 1. §3.41 Special Damages. 2. §3.42 General Damages. 3. §3.43 Property Damage. 4. §3.44 . 5. §3.45 Medical Expenses. 6. §3.46 Loss of Earnings or Diminution of Earning Capacity.

(2020) Washington Lawyers Practice Manual Copyright © 1977-2020 King County Bar Association / Young Lawyers Division

7. §3.47 Value of Services to Family. 8. §3.48 Disability and Disfigurement. 9. §3.49 Mental Pain and Suffering. 10. §3.50 Physical Pain and Suffering. 11. §3.51 . 12. §3.52 Loss of Parental Consortium. C. §3.53 FUTURE DAMAGES: REASONABLY CERTAIN V. REASONABLY PROBABLE. D. §3.54 PRESENT VALUE OF FUTURE LOSS. E. §3.55 TAX ASPECTS. III. §3.56 WRONGFUL DEATH A. §3.57 DEATH OF ADULT. 1. §3.58 Action Under RCW 4.20.010–Elements. 2. §3.59 Dependency. 3. §3.60 Remarriage. 4. §3.61 Actions Under RCW 4.20.046 or 4.20.060. 5. §3.62 Contributory Fault of a Decedent. B. §3.63 CHILD DEATH STATUTE. 1. §3.64 Elements. 2. §3.65 Adult Child. IV. §3.66 EXCESSIVE OR INADEQUATE DAMAGES A. §3.67 “INADEQUATE PER SE.” B. §3.68 TEST. 1. §3.69 Passion and Prejudice. 2. §3.70 The Conscience of the Appellate Court. C. §3.71 REMEDIES. 1. §3.72 New Trial. 2. §3.73 Additur and Remittitur. V. §3.74 TRIALS ON DAMAGES ONLY A. §3.75 RULE. B. §3.76 EXCEPTION. VI. §3.77 DAMAGES A. §3.78 PURPOSE. B. §3.79 FORESEEABLE CONSEQUENCES—THE RULE OF HADLEY V. BAXENDALE. C. §3.80 MEASURE OF DAMAGES. 1. §3.81 Election. 2. §3.82 Construction . 3. §3.83 Sales Contracts. 4. §3.84 Expenses of Preparation. 5. §3.85 Lost Profits. 6. §3.86 Miscellaneous. D. §3.87 RESTITUTION. 1. §3.88 Distinguished. 2. §3.89 Measure. E. §3.90 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. F. §3.91 UNJUST ENRICHMENT. G. §3.92 FUTURE DAMAGES. H. §3.93 BUILDER’S BREACH OF WARRANTY.

(2020) Washington Lawyers Practice Manual Copyright © 1977-2020 King County Bar Association / Young Lawyers Division

I. §3.94 ADDITIONAL CAUSE OF ACTION––INTENTIONAL BREACH. J. §3.95 MENTAL SUFFERING OR EMOTIONAL DISTRESS. VII. §3.96 MISCELLANEOUS DAMAGES A. §3.97 . B. §3.98 EMPLOYMENT CASES. C. §3.99 PROPERTY DAMAGE. 1. §3.100 Complete Loss. 2. §3.101 Partial Damage. 3. §3.102 Damage to Fixtures or Part of Realty. 4. §3.103 Temporary Damage. 5. §3.104 Loss of Goodwill. 6. §3.105 Fair Market Value Defined. 7 . §3.106 Loss of Security Interest. 8. §3.107 Loss of Exclusive Use. D. §3.108 EMINENT DOMAIN. 1. §3.109 General Rule. 2. §3.110 Consequential Damage. 3. §3.111 Inverse Condemnation. E. §3.112 TROVER AND . 1. §3.113 Measure. 2. §3.114 Consequential Damages. F. §3.115 MISREPRESENTATION. 1. §3.116 Deceit. 2. §3.117 Negligent Misrepresentation. G. §3.118 . 1. §3.119 Generally. 2. §3.120 Attorney’s Fees. 3. §3.121 Triple Damages. H. §3.122 . 1. §3.123 Generally. 2. §3.124 Mitigation. I. §3.125 BREACH OF COMMERCIAL LEASE. J. §3.126 “KICKBACK” SCHEMES. K. §3.127 CLASS ACTION DAMAGES

(2020) Washington Lawyers Practice Manual Copyright © 1977-2020 King County Bar Association / Young Lawyers Division

(2020) Washington Lawyers Practice Manual Copyright © 1977-2020 King County Bar Association / Young Lawyers Division