Statutory Document No. 3 3 J08



ComingintoOperation: g May 200g

In exercise of the powers conferred on the Department of Transport by Sections I and 2 of the Road Races Act 79821, and of all other enabling powers, the following Order is hereby made:-


1. Citation and commencement

This Order may be cited as the Manx National Rally Order 2008 and shall come into operation on 9 May 2008. 2 Interpretation

(1) In this Order :-

"the Act" means the Road Races Act 1982;

"the Clerk of the Course" means the individual designated as Clerk of the Course by the promoter and includes any deputy or assistant Clerk of the Course so designated;

"closure period" means any period during which an authorisation under Article 3 is in force in relation to the Course or any parl of the Course as specified in Schedule 1;

references to a marshal shall be construed in accordance with section 3 of the Act (appointment of marshals);

"the Course" means the roads specified in Schedule 1;

"the Department" means the Department of Transport;

"the promoter" means Manx Auto Sport Ltd.

"the senior police officer" means a. member of the Constabulary of the rank of sergeant or above who is authorised by the Chief Constable to act as senior police officer under this Order.

t rgT2 c.r4

Price: f, 1.50 Price Code: A Authorisaliott to use roads for lhe rally

3. Authorisation of use of Course for the rally

(l) The promoter is authorised to use the Course for the motor-car rally on the days and times specified in Schedule 1.

(2) The promoter may for any reason cancel the rally, or any section of the rally.

'Where (3) the promoter cancels the rally or any section of the rally under article 8 or article 9 and notifies the senior police officer of such cancellation, the relevant authorisation under paragraph (1) ofthis article shall cease to have effect so far as it relates to the rally or section of the rally.

Regulation of trffic etc.

4. Suspension of right of way etc.

Subject to article 6, during any closure period in relation to any part of the Course -

(a) the right of way over it is suspended; and

(b) no traffic may pass on to or over it.

5. Regulation of traffTc on side roads

Subject to Article 6, no person shall during any closure period without the permission of a constable -

(a) go or remain on,

(b) drive any vehicle or cause or permit any vehicle to be driven on,

(c) allow any vehicle to wait on, or

(d) allow any animal to go on, any part of a road leading on to the Course within 150 metres of its junction with the Course, being a part indicated by barriers or signs in accordance with Article l0 as closed to traffic, except where specified for access to properties.

6. Exemptions from Article 4 and 5

(1) Article 4(a) and 5 does not apply to the following persons -

(a) the Clerk of the Course;

(b) persons appointed by the Clerk of the Course as officials for the purpose of the rally;

(c) constables;

(d) persons lawfully taking part in the rally and their attendants;

2 (e) media representatives and photographers approved by the promoter and bearing an official badge, tabard or armlet issued by the promoter;

(Ð persons driving or being carried in ambulances, medical vehicles, fire brigade vehicles, police vehicles or highway maintenance vehicles in use for emergency pu{poses and authorised by the Clerk of the Course, and highway maintenance vehicles authorised by the Clerk of the Course.

(2) Article 4(b) and 5 does not apply to the following vehicles -

(a) vehicles approved by the Clerk of the Course for the conveyance of persons mentioned in paragraph (lXb), (c) and (f);

(b) motor-cars engaged in the rally,

7, Restricted area and prohibited area

(1) Restricted area. No person or vehicle shall during a closure period enter or remain on any land specified in Schedule 2 as a restricted area other than rally officials, marshals, police offìcers in the course of their duty and Media Pass holders or other persons and vehicles approved by the Clerk of the Course. The extent of the restricted area shall be clearly marked and indicated by notices bearing the words "Restricted Area".

(2) Prohibited area. No person or vehicle shall during a closure period enter or remain on any area of land specified in Schedule 2 as a prohibited area, except to go to the aid of a stricken competitor or person or to prevent further danger or risk. The extent of the prohibited area shall be clearly marked and indicated by notices bearing the words "Prohibited Atea".


8. Publicity for cancellation etc.

V/here the senior police offrcer is notified of the cancellation of the rally or a section of the rally under Article 3(3), he shall take such measures as he considers appropriate to inform the public of the effect of it.

9, Notification of end of closure

(1) At the end of each section of the rally for which an authorisation under Article 3 is in force -

(a) the Clerk of the Course, or

(b) the senior police officer after consulting the Clerk of the Course,

shall arrange for a motor vehicle to travel that section of the Course.

(2) As respects any part of the Course, the Rally period shall be treated as completed for the purposes of this Order when (and only when) an official motor vehicle displaying in a prominent position a notice with the words "Roads Open" has passed along that part of the Course,

3 10. Erection of barriers and signs

(l) The promoter shall ensure that barriers, diversion signs and closure signs are erected and maintained on all roads leading on to the Course immediately before, or as soon as possible after, the beginning of every closure period, and in any event before the relevant part of the Course is used for the rally.

(2) The barriers referred to in paragraph (1) shall consist of-

(a) Tubular steel structures supplied by the Department with suitable signs attached, in any case where the Deparlment so directs; or

(b) High Visibility Traffrc Tape across the road at the junction and again at a suitable point of advanced warning but no further than the 150 metres referred to under Article 5.

(3) All barriers and signs should comply as a minimum with the requirements of the General Regulations as prescribed by the Motor Sports Association under whose permit and insurance this event is running,

V/here appropriate an Advanced Warning Notice shall be posted at a suitable point on roads leading to the Closed Road. These notices are to be in place for at least one full week before the closure comes into effect.

11. Insurance

The promoter shall secure insurance and indemnities against any claims or liability against the organisers, their officials, sponsors of the event and/or associated companies, any other organisation or person, or the Department arising from the conduct, promotion and management of the rally and entrants and drivers in respect of legal liability for death of or bodily injury to persons or damage to property following an accident arising out of the conduct, promotion and management of and participation in the rally to a minimum limit of Thirty Million Pounds (f,30,000,000).






6.30pm to 10.30pm

Bridson Street from its junction with Bay View Road to its junction with Church Road. Orchard Road from its junction with Bridson Street to its junction with Station Road including that section of Church Road at its junction with Orchard Road. Station Road from its junction with Orchard Road to its junction with Strand Road. Strand Road from its junction with Station Road to its junction with Shore Road. Shore Road from its junction with Strand Road to its junction with Ballaphurt Road. Ballaphurt Road from its junction with Shore Road to its junction with the Darrag. The Danag from its junction with the Ballaphurt Road to its junction with Ballnahowe Road. The Ballnahowe Road from its junction with the Danag to its junction with the 431 Sound Road, Rushen. 4 2. BALLANANK, ST MARKS, MULLINARAGHER, TOSABY, ELLERSLIE, NEWTOWN - MAROÌ/N &

6.55pm to l0.55pm

The 434 Phildraw Road from its junction with the A3 Castletown to Road south of Ballamodha southeastwards to its junction with the 829 Ballacharry Road. The Ballacharry Road from its junction with the Phildraw Road to its junction with the B30 Ballamodha Road at The Gate. The Ballamodha Road from its junction with the Ballachany Road to its junction with the 426 to Road south of St Mark's Church. The link road joining the Ballamodha Road and the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road at St Marks. The Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road from its junction with the Ballamodha Road to its junction with the C20 Mullinaragher Road. The Mullinaragher Road from its junction with the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road to its junction with the U46 Ballacorris Road. The Ballacorris Road from its junction with the Mullinaraghel Road to its junction with the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road. That section of the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road leading from the Ballacorris Road to its junction with the 835 Garth Road. The Garth Road from its junction with the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road to its junction with the 836 Tosaby Road. The Tosaby Road from its junction with the Garth Road to its junction with the U53 Stoney Mountain Road. The whole of the Stoney Mountain Road. The A24 to Foxdale Road from its junction with the Stoney Mountain Road at East Foxdale to its junction with the C34 Ballavar and Lhoobs Road at The Eairy. The Ballavar and Lhoobs Road from its junction with the Douglas to Foxdale Road to 50 metres before its junction with Slieau Whallian Park at The Hope.


7 .20pm to I l.20pm

The southern leg of the Glen Mooar Loop Road to its junction with the D21 Brack-a-Broom Road. The Brack-a-Broom Road from its junction with the Glen Mooar Loop Road to its junction with the A20 Poortown Road. The Poortown Road from its junction with the Brack-a-Broom Road to its junction with the C3 Switchback Road. The Switchback Road from its junction with the Poortown Road to its junction with the C25 Staarvey Road. The Staarvey Road from its junction with the Switchback Road to its junction with the C5 Ballabooie Road. The Ballabooie Road from its junction with the Switchback Road to its junction with the A3 Castletown to Ramsey Road at Cronk-y-Voddy.


7.55pm to l l.59pm

The 84 Summerhill Road from its junction with the 413 Ramsey to The Cronk Road to its junction with the 83 Jurby East Road. The Jurby East Road from its junction with the Summerhill Road to its junction with the C6 Rhendhoo Road. The Rhendhoo Road from its junction with the Jurby East Road to its junction with the Ramsey to The Cronk Road, The Ramsey to the Cronk Road from its junction with the Rhendhoo Road to its flrst junction with the D7 V/est Craig Loop Road. The whole of the V/est Craig L Loop Road. The Ramsey to The Cronk Road from its second junction with the V/est Craig Loop Road to its junction with the 417 Bride to Sulby Bridge Road at St Judes. The Bride to Sulby Bridge Road from its junction with the Ramsey to The Cronk Road to its junction with the B7 Kerrowgarow to Regaby Crossroads Road at Kerrowgarrow. The Kerrowgalrow to Regaby Crossroads Road from its junction with the Bride to Sulby Bridge Road to its junction with the 814 Bernahara Road. The Bernahara Road from its junction with the Kerrowganow to Regaby Crossroads Road to its junction with the A9 Ramsey to Andreas Road. The Ramsey to Andreas Road from its junction with the Bernahara Road to its junction with the Cl4 Ballacorey Road. The Ballacorey Road from its junction with the Ramsey to Andreas Road to its junction with the C36 Grenaby Road at Glascoe Chapel. The Grenaby Road from its junction with ) the Ballacorey Road to its junction with the Cl5 Dogmills to Regaby Road. The Dogmills to Regaby Road from its junction with the Grenaby Road to a point 100 metres from its junction with the 410 Ramsey to Bride Coast Road.


8.35pm to 11.59pm

The C37 Druidale Road from its junction with the Ballaugh Glen Road to its junction with the 810 Brandywell Road. The Brandylvell Road from its junction with the Druidale Road to its junction with the 418 Mountain Road at Brandywell Corner.




8.3Oam to l2.3Opm & 1.3Opm to 5.3Opm

The U36 Balladhoo Road from a point west of The Crescent, Baldrine to its junction with the 820 Begoade Road near to Conrhenny. The Begoade Road from its junction with the Balladhoo Road to its junction with the 812 Creg-ny-Baa Back Road. The Creg-ny-Baa Back Road from its junction with the Begoade Road to 50 metres from its junction with the 418 Snaefell Mountain Road at Creg-ny-Baa,


9.05am to1.05pm &2.05pm to 6.05pm

The U8 West Kella Road from its junction with Kella Close to its junction with the U7 Old Sulby Road. The Old Sulby Road from its junction with the 'West Kella Road to its junction with the 410 Jurby to Ballaugh Road crossing the Al4 Sulby to Sandygate Road and the 413 Cronk to Ramsey Road. The Jurby to Ballaugh Road from its junction with the Old Sulby Road to its junction with the 413 Cronk to Ramsey Road at The Cronk, and crossing the Cronk to Ramsey Road. The B9 Ballacrye Road from its junction with the Cronk to Ramsey Road to its junction with the C29 Old rWindmill Road. The Old 'Windmill Road from its junction with the Ballacrye Road to its junction with the C31 Dollagh Mooar Road. The Dollagh Mooar Road from its junction with the Old 'Windmill Road to its junction with the C30 Ballaterson Road. The Ballaterson Road from its junction with the Dollagh Mooar Road to its junction with the 89 Ballacrye Road. The Ballacrye Road from its junction with the Ballaterson Road to its junction with the C31 Dollagh Mooar Road. The Dollagh Mooar Road from its junction with the Ballacrye Road to its junction with the 410 Ballaugh to Cronk Road. The Ballaugh to Cronk Road from its junction with the Dollagh Mooar Road to its junction with the Dl3 Bollyn Road including the link road at the Cronk. The entire length of the Bollyn Road. The C I 9 Onisdale Road from its junction with the Bollyn Road to a point 50 metres from its southemmost junction with the A3 Ramsey to Castletown Road.


9.30am to 1.30pm

The C37 Druidale Road from its junction with the Ballaugh Glen Road to its junction with the B10 6 Brandywell Road. The Brandywell Road fi'om its junction with the Druidale Road to its junction with the 'West 822 West Baldwin Road including the link road. The Baldwin Road from its junction with the Brandywell Road to its junction with the C9 Ballamodda Road at Baldwin Village. The Ballamodda Road from its junction with the 'West Baldwin Road to its junction with the B21 East Baldwin Road at Algare. The East Baldwin Road from its junction with the Ballamodda Road to its junction with the A22 Willlaston Comer to Road at Ballaoates Comer. The Willaston Corner to Union Mills Road from its junction with the East Baldwin Road to its junction with the Cl0 Scollag Road at Abbeylands Crossroads. The Scollag Road from Abbeylands Crossroads to its junction \^/ith Johnny Watterson's Lane at Cronk-ny-Mona.


I 1.00am to 3.00pm

The Cl1 Ellerslie Road from its junction with Ellerslie Farm to its junction with the A26 Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road. The Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road frorn its junction with Ellerslie Road to its junction with the A24 Douglas to Foxdale Road at the Braaid. The Douglas to Foxdale Road from its junction with the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road to its junction with the 837 Rheligh Road. The Rheligh Road from its junction with the Douglas to Foxdale Road to its junction with the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road at Stuggadhoo Crossroads and crossing the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road. The B37 Clanna Road from its junction with the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road to its junction with the C20 Mullinaragher Road. The Mullinaragher Road from its junction with the Clanna Road to its junction with the U46 Ballacorris Road.

The Ballacorris Road from its junction with the Mullinaragher Road to its junction with the 426 Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road at St Marks. The Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road at St Marks to its junction with the 830 Ballamodha Road. The Ballamodha Road from its junction with the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road to its junction with the Link Road. The Link Road and that section of the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road leading from the Ballacorris Road to its junction with the B35 Garth Road. The Garth Road from its junction with the Glen Vine to Ballasalla Road to its junction with the B36 Tosaby Road. The Tosaby Road fi'om its junction with the Garth Road to its junction with the Douglas to Foxdale Road at the Eairy. That section of the Douglas to Foxdale Road from its junction with the Tosaby Road to its junction with the C34 Ballavar and Lhoobs Road. The Ballavar and Lhoobs Road from its junction with the Douglas to Foxdale Road to 50 metres before its junction with Slieau Whallian Park at The Hope.


11.3Oam to 3.3Opm

The D47 Garey Road from its junction with the A27 Colby Glen to Peel Road in to its junction with the Cl7 Slieau Whallian Road. The Slieau Whallian Road from its junction with the Garey Road to its junction with the 436 Shoulder Road at Glen Rushen Mines. The Shoulder Road from its junction with the Slieau Whallian Road to its junction with the A27 Colby Glen Road at the Round Table. The Colby Glen Road from its junction with the Shoulder Road to its junction with the 839 Corlea Road at Ronague. The Corlea Road from its junction with the Colby Glen Road to its junction with the 841 Kerrowkeil Road. The Kerrowkeil Road from its junction with the Corlea Road to its junction with the 840 Ballamaddrell Road at Grenaby. The Ballamaddrell Road from its junction with the Kerrowkeil Road to its junction with the 842 Ronague Road at Ballabeg. The Ronague Road from its junction with the Ballamaddrell Road to its junction with the Colby Glen Road. The Colby Glen Road from its junction with the Ronague Road to its junction with the 843 Ballagawne Road. The Ballagawne Road from its junction with the Colby Glen Road to 50 metres from its junction with the A7 Ballasalla to Port Erin Road at Ballabeg Village. 7 11. OATLANDS, KERISTAL, MARINE DRTVE _ SANTON & BRADDAN

11.55am to 3.55pm

The 824 Oatlands Road from its junction with Oatlands Farm to its junction with the 425 Old Castletown Road. The Old Castletown Road from its junction with the Oatland Road to its junction with the 823 Road. The Port Soderick Road from its junction with the 425 Old Castletown Road to its junction with the 437 Marine Drive at Keristal. The Marine Drive from its junction with the Port Soderick Road to 150 metres south of its junction with the Douglas Head Road at The Arch.


2.30pmto 6.30pm

The C37 Druidale Road from its junction with the Ballaugh Glen Road to its junction with the 810 Brandywell Road. The Brandywell Road from its junction with the Druidale Road to its junction with the 'West B22 V/est Baldwin Road including the link road, The Baldwin Road from its junction with the Brandywell Road to its junction with the C9 Ballamodda Road at Ard Whallin. The Ballamodda Road from its junction with the West Baldwin Road to its junction with the 821 East Baldwin Road at Algare. The East Baldwin Road from its junction with the Ballamodda Road to its junction with the 422 Willlaston Corner to Union Mills Road at Ballaoates Corner. The Willaston Corner to Union Mills Road from its junction with the East Baldwin Road to its junction with the C10 Scollag Road at Abbeylands Crossroads. The Scollag Road from Abbeylands Crossroads to its junction with Johnny Wattersons Lane at Cronk-ny-Mona.


In this schedule the areas should be assumed to be PROHIBITED unless stated otherwise

Manx National Rally 9 and 10 May 2008 Stage 2 The triangular parcel of land bounded by the junction of the 434 Phildraw Road and B29Ballacharry Road

4 The triangular parcel of land bounded by the junction of the C 14 Ballacorey Road and the C36 Grenaby Road at Glascoe Chapel.

6 & 12 The triangular parcel of land bounded by the junction of the U36 Balladhoo Road and the 820 Begoade Road.

7 &' 13 The triangular parcel of land bounded by the junction of the 410 Ballaugh to Cronk Road and the link road.

7 &.13 The triangular parcel of land bounded by the junction of the U7 Old Sulby Road and the ,A.10 Jurby to Ballaugh Road.

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Minister for Transport