4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS 4.1.31 Hurtle Square Assessment

s, and the subsequent

HURTLE SQUARE: 987 HURTLE SQUARE: Of some design and cultural cities as City Gardener sque planting design today. Accordingly, the Of some design and cultural merit. tensively modified with the advent of electric reet resulting in the construction of north-

il from the design intent of Light and were the overall Square has retained its design intent : ace with no topographical feature. No significant and the original planting scheme has been ternal pathway system. These components were Light as a rectangular common encircled by use of its design and spatial integrity. (J&E LB.18): the overall spatial form and internal LB.18): the (J&E (J&E LA.18)

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS Hurtle Square Spatial Pattern circulation systems of the Square that ha created by O’Brien and Pengilly in their capa modifications due to the introduction of roadways. merit. Hurtle Square Park Use Hurtle Square Park Use and purpose as proposed by Light in 1836.

™ ™ compromised resulted in a fragmented but Gardene Square holds cultural landscape merit beca Light, has a compromised circulation system, Land Use The land use has remained consistently, as proposed by light, a public park or village common. There is one area of significance evident in terms of its use and function: Responsiveness Natural Features Hurtle Square is a relatively level rectangular sp features are evident. Circulation Networks Historically Hurtle Square was proposed by roadway with a north-south- east-west axis in developed in accordance with this plan but were ex tramways and heavy traffic volumes in Pulteney St south and east-west roadways through the Square. These circulation routes include:

south-east corner of the pedestrian access to the ng, lighting and street l pathways to meet the public spaces. A largely open lawned setting, its City of Development Plan corners are envisaged. ) trees together with other ined and improved. Parking should be to the rear ross the Precinct from the nue to develop as an attractive residential Square r, promote unity of the Square and provide areas for operty frontages. ts on Pulteney Street. Safe macrophylla

as one of the City’s major explaining the angles of particular pathways as envelope of the Square and create a low to medium maintenance costs but the rest of the pathway he Precinct. Paving, planti th tall trees set in an main north-south and east-west roads through many of which were removed progressively in many of which were removed progressively lost its spatial pattern and form as proposed by adding a set of diagona aracter that exists today has therefore been y. Plantings reinforced these axes and newer c volume while all other streets should only provide for footprint and dominant circulation system as way encircling the rectangle, with a north-south the representation of an open lawned semi- on the north-south alignment. These works dium scale buildings to e 1900s-1930s. With Pelzer’s departure, the Ficus

om ground level pr north-south pedestrian promenade in the centre of Square.

DESIRED FUTURE CHARACTER Hurtle Square and its surrounding buildings will conti with a built form character reflecting its importance furniture will aim to maintain the traditional characte informal recreation. Pulteney Street will continue to carry a high traffi local traffic. Specific provision will be made for cyclis continuous wall of buildings will enclose the spatial scale, inner-urban residential environment. Me landscaped open space dominating the character of t The Square itself will remain generously planted wi landscaped area of the Square, Park Lands and ac City to the Central Activities District should be mainta or in basements, not on visible fr the Square together with the original tramways effectively broke the one large Square into four small quadrants removing extant period ornamental vegetation at the same time. The ch extensively compromised by road construction works but it does not visually read this way as the maturity of these ornamental plantings result in Victorian square. The original pathway system in the Square was largely in a union jack configuration and parts of this system exist today there were to meet with a larger Light proposed a rectangular space, with a road east-west pathway circulation system within the Square. Both have been compromised. O’Brien and Pengilly appear to have maintained the latter originally proposed by Light with the intrusion of (p. 369). Its ‘Environment’ is described as: Hurtle Square has deteriorated from the spatial axes, together with an internal perimeter pathwa pathways, and a pattern of Moreton Bay Fig ( ornamental species were planted in the 1860s-70s the 1940s remnants of which remain today. There are remnants of these plantings today together with plantings the Pelzer added in th internal perimeter pathways were removed to cut system was retained. Overall, Hurtle Square has Hurtle Square Existing Planning / Development Plan Context Hurtle Square exists within the Hurtle Square Precinct R18 of No components in Hurtle Square are identified the State Heritage Register. No components of Hurtle Square have been identified on the National Trust of ’s Register of Significant Trees. Significant Components and Places In terms of Hurtle Square, they include: Overall Spatial Pattens

Of Ficus

Of some

located on the : located in the :

HURTLE SQUARE: 988 HURTLE SQUARE: (J&E TA.26) ), an elderly specimen located in the north-eastern (J&E TA.28) located in the north-eastern . Of some aesthetic merit. . Of some aesthetic merit. macrophylla

its age but bearing evidence of dieback ) specimen A Ficus ee that very strong evergreen visual accent quadrant, an elderly Moreton Bay Fig ( ) specimen A ) specimen A: ) specimen B:

Of some horticultural and aesthetic merit. molle molle columnaris

var var





Schinus Schinus ) in good form and heath considering ) in good form some aesthetic merit. some aesthetic merit. Pepper Tree ( quadrant adjacent to Pulteney Street, an elderly specimen probably dating to the 1870s under O’Brien in good to mixed health and condition south-eastern inner corner of the Square, a very good specimen in form and health considering its double leader, that provides a very strong evergreen visual accent feature planted in the 1870s under O’Brien. to the intersection and Square. Probably quadrant just north of the Moreton Bay Fig ( probably dating to mixed health and condition. to the 1870s under O’Brien in good horticultural and aesthetic merit. horticultural and aesthetic merit. Moreton Bay Fig ( Captain Cook Pine ( south-western corner of the north-eastern macrophylla amongst its top branches. An ornamental tr feature to the intersection corner. Pepper Tree (

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. ) procera

Ulmus located along inner flank of Of some design, aesthetic ) line: east-west pedestrian paths, as proposed by Of some design, aesthetic and Of some design, aesthetic and em laid on top established in the 1860s-70s and east-west road pattern was constructed. Square that possess cultural heritage merit: evidence of dieback and termite infestation

oxycarpa five specimens of English Elm ( devices and fencing apart from the fundamental var an internal pathway system consisting of a basic the more contemporary north-south Pulteney Street a dense tree-lined narrow roadway system that ) arc: . Of some aesthetic merit.



Of some design, aesthetic and engineering merit. Of some design, aesthetic and


Fraxinus .1900 located in the south-west and south-east quadrants of the Square. c Hurtle Square Pathway System: Hurtle Square Pathway union jack configuration of a north-south and Light in 1836, with a cross-axis pathway syst under O’Brien, of which some components exist today. and engineering merit. and the east-west Halifax Street alignments. Hurtle Square Road System A: encircles the Square. Hurtle Square Road System B: engineering merit. Of some design and aesthetic merit. Desert Ash ( In poor and mixed health today displaying English Elm ( planted in These were street trees planted to a design by Pelzer that established a southern arc road sweep of the Square before north-south the north-western quadrant of Hurtle Square, in reasonably good health and condition and dating from the 1920s

™ ™ ™ ™ ™ No evidence is present of past demarcation road boundaries. There are numerous vegetation elements in Hurtle Boundary Demarcations Vegetation


Of some located in the located in a Of some : : Of some located in the :

Of some aesthetic 989 HURTLE SQUARE: (J&E TA.26) (J&E TA.27) It is probable that during the (J&E TA.28) located on the inner intersection ) specimen ) specimen B th deterioration and dieback probably due to section and Square. Probably planted in the ) specimen: ) specimen D

heterophylla columnaris

canariensis tern quadrant, a large specimen of a Moreton Bay Fig (

) in relatively good health and condition forming an evergreen macrophylla


Araucaria There was up until recently a matching Norfolk Island Pine Pinus Araucaria . ) in the opposite traffic median strip. Ficus canariensis

Pinus heterophylla ) planted in the 1860s under O’Brien providing a dominant feature to this

Araucaria corner of the south-western quadrant Hurtle Square, a large wide formed Canary Island Pine ( traffic median strip in the western portion of the Square, a very good specimen in form position in the median strip, that provides a very strong and health considering its evergreen visual accent feature to the inter 1870s under O’Brien ( visual accent to the corner, probably planted in 1870s under O’Brien. aesthetic merit. north-eastern quadrant of the Square, a very good specimen in form and health considering its double leader, that provides a very strong evergreen visual accent feature planted in the 1870s under O’Brien. to the intersection and Square. Probably road construction works, Pelzer relocated these specimens into the median strips from their original locations in the Square enabling visual effect. horticultural and aesthetic merit. merit. Canary Island Pine ( botanical and aesthetic merit. Captain Cook Pine ( Norfolk Island Pine ( Moreton Bay Fig ( lower centre of the north-wes macrophylla quadrant but displaying evident signs of heal changes in the ground surface and underground installation changes over the last 25 years poor form and appearance that is not assisted by itsresulting in a age.

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located in the located in the : : . Of some aesthetic merit. (J&E TA.28) (J&E TA.28) located in the northern portion of l shady avenue effect that are in relatively today provides a dominant corner feature in a continual stressed environment. Has a large relatively healthy specimen of a two lines of mature street Hackberrys ( quadrant of the Square, a large but poorly

) specimen B ) specimen C ) specimen:

Of some botanical and aesthetic merit. Of some botanical and aesthetic merit. Of some botanical and aesthetic merit. ) planted in the 1860s under O’Brien providing a ) avenue:

rubiginosa macrophylla macrophylla


Ficus Ficus Ficus occidentalis

Ficus ) planted in the 1920s under Pelzer resulting a feature tree this

Celtis Of some botanical and aesthetic merit. ) located along the service lanes on north-eastern and north-western rubiginosa

Ficus the north-eastern quadrant, a large and relatively healthy specimen of Port Jackson Fig ( quadrant. Moreton Bay Fig ( Port Jackson Fig ( upper centre of the north-western quadrant, Moreton Bay Fig ( dominant feature to this quadrant. south-eastern corner of the north-western specimen that has been unsuccessfully severely pruned over the years to prolong its life poor form but has been continually affected by surfaceresulting in a changes and underground infrastructure changes resulting only a few years remaining, and unfortunately to the Pulteney Street roadscape. Hackberry ( occidentalis portions of the Square, that provide a beautifu good health and form. Planted in the 1930s under Pelzer Moreton Bay Fig (

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John Bray passage


with the above art installation indicating st of Dreams’ are drawn from a quotation by Lord Mayor Alfred Huang on 18 February by Lord Mayor Alfred Huang on 18 February

a contemporary design feature constructed in 2005 two aluminium mounted plaques, positioned on the Of some social merit. Of some design merit.

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS Plumped out with scattered scraps They cease to fear mishaps. Accost me as I walk With wheedling-salesman’s talk. And when I don’t provide They jostle me aside. Security we know Is mortals chiefest foe, And Shakepeare’s warning words Embrace both men and birds. They end who this defy Car’s lunch or pigeon pie. So fly off, bludging crew, And don’t shit on my shoe.

from the real to imaginary.” Plinth and ‘Hurtle Square’ Sign: as part of the Pulteney Street street-scape renovation works, featuring a low timber slat bench on top of a impregnated concrete plinth with ‘Hurtle Square’ metal letters embedded in the lower flank. ‘The Forest of Dreams’ Plaque: ground surface adjacent to the ‘The’, associated design-ship by artist Anton Hart, unveiling 2003, and explaining that the words ‘The Fore from French philosopher Gaston Bachelard wherein he wrote “the continuous Of some design and social merit.

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Of some social

erected in August 1967 as a a concrete tapering crown hosting Of some social merit. Street, that continues the honour to and drinking, with mosaic tiled recesses on all the street was originally named.

re that have merit. These include:

a bronze plaque memorial a red brick cube installation with the larger Square itself bounded by Hurtle Square roadway Address to the pigeons in Hurtle Square. The pigeons in the Square Are pert and debonair. Street Memorial:

Hurtle Square: representing a clearly identifiable landscaped space. Hanson consequence of the Council decision to re-name southern section, Halifax Street to South Terrace from Hanson Street to Pulteney Sir Richard Davies Hanson after whom merit. Pigeon Fountain: a shallow wide water bowl to enable pigeon encircled by red brick edging. The positioned in a crushed rock surface four sides, and mosaic tiles also carry a poem:

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Spatial Arrangements One area is present: Structures There are no structures in Hurtle Square of significance. Small Scale Elements There are several elements in Hurtle Squa

. Of . Of . Of some . Of some

HURTLE SQUARE: 991 the Adelaide Hills escarpment, with little positions Hurtle Square’s cultural landscapes

onsiderable evidence of the escarpment

onsiderable evidence of the escarpment an open street tree-framed vista from Hurtle Square an open street tree-framed vista from Hurtle Square an open street tree-framed vista from Hurtle Square an open street tree-framed vista from Hurtle Square


Aesthetic Qualities Pulteney Street vista north: Pulteney Street northwards towards the city skyline with considerable visual evidence of buildings and a glimpse of the Bonython Building that visually terminates Pulteney Street aesthetic merit. vista south: Pulteney Street and the Adelaide Hills escarpment, with some southwards towards the South Park Lands visual evidence of the Park Lands and c some aesthetic merit. visual evidence of the Park Lands but c some aesthetic merit. Halifax Street vista west: westwards towards the West Park Lands and the coast, with no visual evidence of the Park Lands and distant coast but a commanding view of the distant blue skies Halifax Street vista east: and eastwards towards the East Park Lands aesthetic merit.

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Historical Views and Hurtle Square is relatively flat landscape within no internal vistas. But the roadways accessing the Square enable vistas outwards, framed by street trees resulting in numerous framed views: Cultural Landscape Heritage Significance Evaluation The following table summarises the cultural landscape heritage components present in Hurtle Square. A separate assessment, in the Main Report, in the context of the wider Adelaide Park Land.

Of some design

tic and engineering merit. tic and located on the inner road lifax Street intersection corners to a design uary by Lord Mayor Alfred Huang, and western flank, lengths of slate and sandstone

a four piece steel and component granite

reet street-scape renovation works. . Of some design, aesthe

Hurtle Square Inner North West Gutters & Kerbing: Hurtle Square Inner North West Gutters perimeter of Hurtle Square, along its north- the 1870s when these kerbing accompanied with bluestone gutter detailing dating from components were constructed ‘The Forest of Dreams’ Installation: art installation erected on the Pulteney and Ha also associated with the Pulteney St by artist Anton Hart and unveiled on 18 Febr and aesthetic merit.

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Recommended: Preparation of a ------Conservation Study

Proposed: National Trust of South ------Australia / Significant Tree Register Y Y

Recommended: Adelaide City ------Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Development Plan 992 HURTLE SQUARE:

(g) it has a special association with the life or work of a person

or organisation or an event of historical importance ------

(f) it has strong cultural or spiritual associations for the

community or a group within it. ------

(e) it demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or

technical accomplishment or is an outstanding representative ------of particular construction techniques or design characteristics (d) it is an outstanding representative of a particular class of

places of cultural significance ------

(c) it may yield information that will contribute to an

understanding of the State’s history, including its natural ------history

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS (b) it has rare, uncommon or endangered qualities that are of

cultural significance ------

(a) it demonstrates important aspects of the evolution or

pattern of the State’s history ------

Recommended: State Heritage Register ------

Recommended: Register of the

National Estate ------


Vulnerable V V V

------Low Significance L L L L L L L L L L

Medium Significance ------M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M-

High Significance ------

Existing: National Trust of South

Australia / Significant Tree Register ------

Existing: Adelaide City Development

Plan ------

Existing: State Heritage Register ------

Existing: Register of the National ------Estate Park – Hurtle Square Item / Component / Place ) line ) specimen ) specimen A ) specimen B ) specimen oxycarpa ) specimen ) specimenA ) specimenB ) specimenC ) specimenD ) specimen ) specimen var heterophylla

columnaris columnaris

) tree specimenA ) tree specimenB ) avenue ) arc canariensis

molle molle macrophylla macrophylla macrophylla macrophylla rubiginosa

angustifolia Araucaria

procera Araucaria Araucaria Pinus var var

Ficus Ficus Ficus Ficus Ficus occidentalis

aeria aeria

Ulmus Fraxinus Celtis Schinus Schinus Hurtle Square overall Hurtle Square Hurtle Square Spatial Pattern Park Use Square Hurtle A Road System Square Hurtle B Road System Square Hurtle System Pathway Square Hurtle English Elm ( ( Ash Desert Pine ( Captain Cook ( Fig Bay Moreton Pepper ( Pepper ( ( Fig Jackson Port ( Fig Bay Moreton ( Fig Bay Moreton ( Hackberry Pine ( Norfolk Island Pine ( Canary Island ( Fig Bay Moreton Pine ( Captain Cook Square Hurtle Memorial Hanson Street Pigeon Fountain sign Square’ ‘Hurtle Plinth and plaques Dreams’ of Forest ‘The Dreams’ Installation of Forest ‘The Kerbing & Gutters West North Inner Square Hurtle Pulteney Streetvista North Pulteney Streetvista South East Halifax Street vista West Halifax Street vista

HURTLE SQUARE: 993 HURTLE SQUARE: ee planting species and scales in ng of Hurtle Square, as proposed under e drip-lines of any Significant Tree under Square roadscape in line with the above

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS or identified in this Assessment; /Hurtle Square. Tangkaira Development Act 1993 the Review and reconsider all 1960s-1990s street tr the inner and outer perimeters of Hurtle recommendation, and seek appropriate implementation actions; That the Corporation consider the dual nami Amery, to pathways and not through lawns or under th

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Ulmus Schinus ), Pepper ( ), Pink Kurrajong ), Canary Island Pine ) together with other of his populneus Olea europaea

macrophylla arizonica

), Olive ( Brachchiton Ficus ce infrastructure in Hurtle Square; rategies, and display of adjacent features itioning of a fountain, enables the use Square that seeks to undertake a major tree plantings along the perimeter Hurtle Cupressus uding replacements and new plantings, for s historical planting design strategy. O’Brien all infrastructure placement under existing ition deterioration, and transportation changes, od plantings that would create a mid-Victorian of the Park Land square concept that Colonelof the Park Land pedestrian pathway system, prohibits any ) in single ornamental and avenue styles of the internal roadways and electric tram routes, gly, it lacks the integrity and cohesion of the an pathway configuration, and the intent of its pattern, to address the major changes Square Plan a mapping and rationalisation of all citations pertaining to R18 reflect the above rategy with period plantings of English Elms ( siliqua

Araucaria columnaris ‘Italica’), Kurrajong ( Ceratonia ) specimens and their replacement with similar species as soon ), Arizona Cypress ( nigra

acerifolius Populus macrophylla x

Ficus ), Captain Cook Pines ( Development Plan ) trees, and Carob ( populneus

molle memorial plaques or similar, enables the pos and views; Prohibit the erection of Corporation maintenan Remove all overhead wires and stobie poles from Hurtle Square; Revise the Square, conserves existing axial mid Victorian – early Edwardian style bollards, fencing, gates, paving, edging, light standards furniture, signage, and which seeks to craft a mid Victorian – early Edwardian style public park including the choice of plantings and detailing; That preparation and execution of such a Landscape Master Plan be considered an Conserve and reinforce the strong roadside Square roadscapes and seek to strengthen the roadscape character paying particular attention to views, co-ordinated tree planting st conclusions and recommendations; Prepare a Landscape Master Plan for Hurtle renovation of the tree planting strategy, incl urgent budget item; That as part of any Landscape Master underground infrastructure be undertaken with the intent of identifying such but importantly to rationalise and consolidate their locations to conserve extant mature tree specimens and further infrastructure placement; That the Corporation seriously consider the removal of two elderly and poorly Moreton Bay Fig ( as possible; That the Corporation reviews its underground irrigation and infrastructure policy as it relates to all Squares and seeks prioritise canariensis

), Italian Poplar (

var ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ Brachychiton Pinus ( preferred species to conserve the basic spatial experienced with the excision of land to create and update the landscape style to a more robust Gardenesque atmosphere character These changes in vegetation largely due to age and cond have resulted in a highly fragmented planting design for the Square that is far from original commonage form and character as proposed by Light. Accordingly, rectangular village green or the Square has been severely compromised by vehicular and tramway alignment excisions, retaining only the intent of its original pedestri O’Brien established planting design. Accordin Square as envisaged by Light a designed and functional space. Recommendations: procera plantings. Pelzer reinforced this planting st Cultural Significance Statement of Hurtle Square represents a reasonable example plans for Adelaide, including was seeking to create, as depicted in his 1836 survey roadway and pathway system configurations, but over the years its circulation system design has been compromised and this has severely affected it sought to establish the latter and undertook peri styled public park that appropriated the union jack as the pedestrian pathway design and used Victorian era plant species including Moreton Bay Figs ( ( aeria