Life on Broad Street: Archaeological Survey of the Hollings Judicial
ILilIFIE (())N IBJF$.(())AJD) §1I'JF$.IEIE1I'~ All<$. <CJHIAJE((J) JL((J) G Il <CAIL § 1LJJF$.VJEY (())IF 1I'IHIIE JHI(())JLILilNG§ .]f1IJJD)Il<CJIAIL <CIEN1I'IEIF$. ANNJEA\9 <CIHIAIF$.ILIE§1I'(())N9 §(())1IJ1I'IHI <CAJR(())JLilNA ClfUCOJRA RJESJEARCH CON'fRillBU'fllON l92 © 2001 by Chicora Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherWise without prior permission of Chicora Foundation, Inc. except for brief quotations used in reviews. Full credit must be given to the authors, publisher, and project sponsor. ILIIJFJE ON JIBJROAJDl §'ll'JRJEJE'll': AJRCJHIAJEOILOGIICAIL §1UJRVJEY OlF 'll'lH!lE JHIOILILIING§ .]"1IJlOJIIClIAIL ClEN'll'lEJR ANNJEX, ClHIAlRILJE§'ll'ON, §01IJ'll'JHI CAJROILIINA Prepared for: Mr. Thomas Moore Moore Development Company 3103 Devine Street Columbia, South Carolina 29205 Prepared by: Michael Trinkley, Ph.D. Debi Hacker Chicora Research Contribution 192 Chicora Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 8664 a 861 Arbutus Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29202 803/787-6910 Email: August 16, 1996 This report is printed on pennanent paperCX1 AIBS'fRAC'f This study provides the results of an the dense development of the block. Very few archaeological and historical sutvey of that portion areas were available for sntvey, with most of the of Broad Street in Charleston, South Carolina ground covered by buildings slated for demolition proposed for the construction of the federal during the latter phases of the project. Hollings Judicial Center Annex. The historical Consequently, survey efforts focused on four areas research and field investigations were conducted identified as suitable for backhoe trenching.
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