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Table of Contents Table of Contents Preface . ix 1. Open Source Licensing, Contract, and Copyright Law . 1 Basic Principles of Copyright Law 1 Contract and Copyright 3 Open Source Software Licensing 4 Issues with Copyrights and Patents 7 The Open Source Definition 8 Warranties 11 2. The MIT, BSD, Apache, and Academic Free Licenses . 14 The MIT (or X) License 14 The BSD License 15 The Apache License, v1.1 and v2.0 17 The Academic Free License 24 Application and Philosophy 30 3. The GPL, LGPL, and Mozilla Licenses . 34 GNU General Public License 35 GNU Lesser General Public License 49 The Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1) 62 Application and Philosophy 81 4. Qt, Artistic, and Creative Commons Licenses . 85 The Q Public License 85 Artistic License (Perl) 90 Creative Commons Licenses 98 vii 5. Non-Open Source Licenses . 114 Classic Proprietary License 114 Sun Community Source License 120 Microsoft Shared Source Initiative 144 6. Legal Impacts of Open Source and Free Software Licensing . 147 Entering Contracts 148 Statutory Developments Related to Software Contracts 150 The Self-Enforcing Nature of Open Source and Free Software Licenses 151 The Global Scope of Open Source and Free Software Licensing 153 The “Negative Effects” of Open Source and Free Software Licensing 154 Community Enforcement of Open Source and Free Software Licenses 158 Compatible and Incompatible Licensing: Multiple and Cross Licensing 159 7. Software Development Using Open Source and Free Software Licenses . 164 Models of Open Source and Free Software Development 164 Forking 171 Choosing an Open Source or Free Software License 174 Drafting Open Source Licenses 176 Appendix: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License . 179 Index . 185 viii | Table of Contents.
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