I L L A M A E E W I H I N S YT L .

E DI T E D W I H M E M I , T O R ,

M H V E A L E W I LLI A . N B .

Th e oe c ould not sin th e Heroic a or u nless h e h im self we e P t g W rri , r r Wa r or o I n h ere is i im t h e Polit i c x a at l eas a He o c to . fa c n h n t i r i y t , t h e h nk er e sla o h loso h e —in on e or t h e ot h e d e ee h e T i , L gi t r, P i p r r gr ” u ld h v e b een h e e — r l le co a h e is all s . Thomas Ca . , t y


n L AR K E O M AN TH E R o ns r C C P Y . 1894 .

awe 290 2q



E L I ! A B E T H H A I N E S B O ADW E L MR S . R L ,

With th e h ope th at in it s ac co mp l ishment

h er he h w sh h b een f l fi lled c ris ed i as u .

R F . J . .

W M HA I N E S L Y T L E ME M O I R . ; ,

M P O E S .

A e ntony and Cl opatra , l o o c at a et l P p p , ’ S Brigand s ong ,

S o n th e S ea ailing ,

c e c Ana r onti ,

c e e Ja qu lin , A Fragm ent

’ M c e a donald s Drumm r ,

T h e V ee olunt rs ,

’ A M e - e idsumm r Day s Dr am , Lin es to Miss Lin es in an A lbum

T h e S ee Ma M w t y oon ,

I n Camp ,

! N o t th e e T is Tim ,

W e the S h n Long hadows ,

Th e Me Eld rry Days of , L in e s to Miss E

T he H e R e aunt d iv r ,

F e F e ad d low rs , CONTENTS .

Tw o Y e A o ars g ,

A V e e al ntin ,

e Lov e and Tim , L H t h e e e n . e Lin es Sugge sted on D ath of G . T . am r

A S e e e r nad ,

S the ong of Lightning ,

e Om ns ,

M - x y Thirty si th Birthday ,

M S e To y ist rs ,

! F is c e W e e Only On Lov ,

The S e e e ec i g of Chapult p .

’ T he S e e oldi r s Dr am ,

T h e F e arm r , H S unting ong ,

S th e R e A e ong of agg d ttorn y ,

T he F e e ar w ll ,

’ Ge e e S eec n ral Lytl s Last p h ,

K A P e Company . o m ,

M c e Last ar hing Ord r ,

M c e e a c -s im il e L ast ar hing Ord r to Brigad in f ,

Ex c c R e tra ts from Offi ial ports , E WILLIAM HAINES LYTL .

In the Appendix to his Geography and History of the Western States , published in in

1 8 2 8 , Timothy Flint gives a personal narrative from the pen of General Lytle , whom he describes “ as a distinguished and respectable citizen of the

who rom State of , has been in that countryf

Ike be innin who has g g, and probably seen as much ” of its progress as any other man in it .

t e The narrative , fresh and suggestive in style ,

lete p with interest, relates how its writer, a lad

1 nine years old, came with his father, in 7 79, from the Pennsylvania to West, descending the Ohio ,

1 80 — in the spring of 7 , in one of sixty three large arks, or Kentucky boats, some of which were

in occupied by families, others by young men tending to explore the country . The number of ” fighting men on board, says Lytle , was nearly ” ” a thousand . My father, he continues , had WIL IAM HAI E 2 L N S LYTLE . been a practiced soldier in the former wars of the

as country, and had been stationed, such , three years at Pittsburgh . He was, of course , versed in the modes , requisites and stratagems of Indian ” warfare .

On the 1 2 th of April the fleet halted at the mouth of the Licking, and discovered an Indian encampment on the Ohio shore opposite . A considerable force crossed the river and the In

was dians fled . The boy Lytle among the sol

- diers on this occasion . Fifty one years later General Lytle died in his own house which was built near this scene of his youthful ventu re against the Indians . m The two Lytles , father and son , both na ed

William , are distinguished from each other in our early histories by their military titles, the elder holding the rank of colonel , the younger that of general . The family stock is of Irish origin . Colonel William Lytle was commissioned captain by Governor Morris, of Pennsylvania, in the year

1 0 an d 7 5 , he served in the old French and Indian

War .

General William Lytle , like his father, became a famous Indian fighter and pioneer . At the age BE 3 RO RT TODD LYTLE . of fifteen he was put in command of a war party under the direction of the adventurous Daniel

1 8 1 2 - Boone . In the war of , he was major gen

1 82 8 An eral of Ohio militia, and in , President drew Jackson appointed him surveyor—general of the public lands of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan .

was L tleto wn now He founder of y , Williamsburg, C lermont county, Ohio, from which village he

1 8 1 removed to Cincinnati , where he died in 3 .

General Robert Todd Lytle , third son of Gen eral William Lytle , was born in Williamsburg, in

’ 1 80 4 . Coming to Cincinnati with his father s

1 8 1 0 was family in , he educated in the old Cin c innati College , and then studied and practiced law . After. serving a term in the Ohio Legisla

1 8 ture , he was elected , in 34 , to a seat in the ni National Congress . The next public o ce he

was - filled that of surveyor general , to which he was appointed, as his father had been , by Jack

was son . Once more he chosen Representative in the Ohio Legislature ; and , later, was commis sioned m - ajor general of the Ohio militia, a rank

his held by his father before him , and after by illustrious son .

was Robert T. Lytle a person of fine presence , '

4 WI LLI AM na m es LYTLE .

a . courteous gentleman , an accomplished scholar

His ability in conversation , and as an orator at

was a as the bar and on the stump , so m rked to win him universal admiration . In the democratic i fam liarity of political fellowship , his constituents ” O as delighted to call him rator Bob, just Cor win’ s followers showed affectionate loyalty by ” huzzaing for Old Tom .

0 1 8 2 On November 3 , 5 , Robert Lytle married

Miss Elizabeth Haines, of New Jersey, a lady of h rare culture and beauty . T eir children were one son , William Haines Lytle , the subject of this i memoir, and two daughters, Joseph ne R . and i Elizabeth Ha nes Lytle . Robert T . Lytle died

1 8 -five in New Orleans, in 39 , aged only thirty , and his wife survived him but two years .

r On the east side of Law ence street, midway between Third and Fourth , Cincinnati , stands a spacious old mansion surrounded by a broad lawn and shaded by trees . This is the Lyt le residence , built by General William Lytle in

1 8 1 0 - , and now occupied by his grand daughter,

Mr s. . wa Josephine R Foster . It s the first brick residence of its grade erected in the city . When Andrew Jackson made his only visit to Cin cin THE LYTLE MANSION . 5

’ held nati, he was General Lytle s guest, and a

t he levee , or Old Hickory reception , in south parlor of this mansion .

ho itab le Under its p roof, the Lytle house has — welcomed many noted visitors statesmen , mili tary officers, journalists, and foreign travelers .

Always have its doors been Open to such as sought or had won distinction in any department of art, science , or literature . Among these were

Powers, the sculptor, Mitchel, the astronomer,

- Read and Fosdick , the poets . The book shelves,

are cabinets , and walls rich in family mementoes

— ofii c ial of four or five generations autographs, commissions, portraits, silhouettes, souvenirs of military interest and of patriotic devotion .

In this house , the home of his father and of his grandfather, was born William Haines Lytle , on

2 1 8 2 6 . November , Here , under the wise guidance of his father and the gentle care of his c mother, he re eived the strong mental and moral impulses which started his thoughts and feelings in the right direction . Here , when his parents died leaving him an orphan at the age of fifteen, he was still the companion of his two sisters , for whom he always cherished the warmest brotherly W HAINE 6 ILLIAM S LYTLE .

ff m a ection and most chivalrous regard . The u tual love and fidelity constantly manifested by three so near and dear to one another, illustrate how sacred and beautiful is the friendship of kindred, the reciprocal devotion of brother and

’ sisters . Among W . H . Lytle s latest verses are the lines

m e th e e 0 1 m en In vain for applaus ,

The e en laur l won by sword or p ,

t he h 0 e e ee But for p , so d ar and sw t , ” t e ee To lay my rophi s at your f t .

These lines were written for the poet’ s sisters and when he lay dead on the field of Chioka

- manga, friends found in his pocket book the last letter they wrote to him , a letter filled with anxious ff solicitude and a ectionate assurances .

William H . Lytle inherited the martial spirit of his ancestors , and the gift of eloquence . He early manifested a natural tendency to express himself in oratorical prose and romantic verse . The poetical predilection he derived from his mother, who was an accomplished writer in meter and prose . The favorite themes on which he exercised his boyish invention were patriotic . BOYHOOD AND YOUTH . 7

Stimulated to the pursuit of knowledge by all that he saw and heard at home , he read and studied and wrote , with that eager pleasure which , in an ambitious youth, gives promise of rapid progress .

b ook s not With steady fervor, he pored over , as a

task , but as a privilege . The formal schooling he received was from the professors of the old Cincinnati College, of which his grandfather was a founder, and in which his

was en father educated . Young Lytle gave his er E gy to the study of language, nglish , Latin,

Greek , German and French . His diligence was such that, before completing his sixteenth year, he finished the prescribed course and graduated with first honors , the youngest student in his class . The oration which he delivered on the occa

1 8 sion , February 3 , 4 3 , was on Law and the

Legal Profession . A local newspaper mentions “ ” re the speech as the gem of the evening, and marks that “ Master Lytle is unquestionably an uncommonly good speaker ; the mantle of his parent seems to have fallen upon him, graced by additional gifts from the God of Eloquence , Which — adds to it fresh luster and brilliance a strain of rhetorical praise which probably pleased the young 8 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

D who e orator . oubtless the several students spok graduation speeches that evening in College Hall were conscious of some special demand on them to meet the highest expectation of General Lewis

who was Cass , chanced to be in town and present at the exercises . The speech on law and lawyers was by no he ff means t maiden e ort of its author . A packet

- r - of closely w itten , neatly folded manuscripts, pre pared for delivery before the Phi Delta Sigma

’ society of the college , and preserved by the poet s

sisters, contains a number of academic exercises of merit far beyond that usually discovered in

s lad of fourteen or fifteen . One of these compo “ ” sitions is on Love of Country and another “ treats of Intellectual Freedom , or rather , of l the evi of mental servitude . In this last, the hereditary ardor and local pride of the young speaker are brought out in a vigorous appeal to his fellow students to be worthy of their ancestors “ ” and the place of their nativity . And then , he “ — cries , mightiest of motives there is your line age ! descendants of the Western pioneers ! natives of Western soil ! Can you be degenerate ?” In BOYHOOD AND YOUTH . 9

conclusion he quotes from William D . Gallagher the lines beginning, — Land of the W est gree n forest land

e e ee e Thin arly day for d ds is fam d , Whic h in h eroi c page shall stand

e e e Till brav ry is no long r nam d .

While pursuing his studies at the old college ,

' and finding such inspiration as could come to a “ b o a y in a new city, which he called the Athens

” ” of the Backwoods, Lytle caught the trick of verse , and often amused himself composing sim ple ballads and songs . The earliest of his metri cal pieces that escaped destruction was composed

was when he only fourteen years old , and is called

“ ’ ” The Soldier s Death .

Having finished the college course , Lytle studied law under the guidance of his mother’ s

f was brother, E . S . Haines, in whose o fice he made ready for admission to the Cincinnati bar .

During the five years of preparation , in his ’ f uncle s o fice , he found time to extend his gen eral knowledge of science and literature , and especially of French and German .

1 8 6 The Mexican war , which broke out in 4 , 0 WI LLI AM n a m e 1 s LYTLE .

u ec cu had a romantic, advent rous, and Sp ta lar

a ch racter, irresistibly attractive to young men of cavalier instincts . The reports and rumors that

’ a c me from Taylor s army , of marches and battles

in the - r ai and bombardments , gulf gi t mount n i land of the ancient Montezumas , sounded l ke

m edia val some tale of war , in which personal deeds of daring and pursuits of love made

- knight errantry the glory of manhood. Hun dreds of volunteers enlisted from all parts of the

Ohio valley, leaving book on shelf and plow in furrow, to follow the flag in Mexico . No wonder that the martial blood of the young and brave was stirred by the recital of daring exploits and perilous escapes, shared by heroes who charged on the field of Pal o Alto or helped storm Monte rey . The very names, Mexico , Cerro Gordo ,

Cherub u sc o , had a sonorous sound echoing of old Spain . Captain George W . Cutter led the Kenton Guards from Covington to the seat of war in , and , after the battle of Buena Vista, told verse how

A midst t h e sanguine dews

L ay the guards of Montez uma

A n d the V e z knights of ra C ru .

12 W ILLIAM HAINES LYTLE . in the war to afford much occasion for active service , but it furnished valuable experience in military training, and gave opportunity to see a

a wonderful , tropic l region, and to enjoy the poetical and romantic emotions evoked by ad

’ ventures new and strange . The ten months

sojourn in Mexico was rich in literary material , part of which he worked up in letters mainly de scriptive of scenery . Some of his best poems

were the fruit of his Mexican experience , for ex “ ” ” Po ocata e ample , The Volunteers and p p tl . Every youth whom Fate reserves for a bright ” c manhood, comes soon upon the lay which bids

- him lay hold of his life work in earnest, quit the dream and begin the deed . Lytle had in him a steady fire of energy which kept him always

was active . There nothing eccentric about him , nothing hesitating or despondent . Though of “ ” s - the o called poetic temperament, he did not ff a ect peculiar sensibilities, indulge unruly pass

or ions , exact tribute of sentimental sympathy

hi was - from s friends . He strong and self reliant,

f r asking no one to live for him or to die o him .

n i Returni g to Cincinnati , when the Mex can war was ended, he entered into a law partnership with 13 LAWYER AND POLITICIAN .

rm 8: the fi of Haines, Todd Lytle and at once found business as an advocate in the courts of the

‘ city. His general popularity among both Demo crats and Whigs, and his known ability as a pub li his c speaker , led friends of the Democratic party to nominate him as candidate for state legis

lature ffi wa 1 8 2 . , to which o ce he s elected in 5 He served two terms in the House of Representa i t ves . , and was for a time speaker of that body All the accounts which we have seen of his political career agree in testifying that, though he

was the spoke seldom , his speaking always to point , clear, forcible , and effective .

1 8 at One of his addresses , delivered in 53 , t was racted much attention . The speech in advocacy of a bill introduced by Durbin Ward, of Warren county, to appropriate ten thousand dollars for a statue of Washington by Hiram

Powers , to be placed in the State House . The

. was discourse eloquent and persuasive , and it has a special interest because it discusses matters of taste and art, and pays deserved tribute to the genius of an American sculptor .

1 8 . was In 5 7 , Mr Lytle the candidate of the

- Democrats for lieutenant governor, and canvassed 14 W IIAINE ILLIAM s LYTLE .

was s the state , but not elected . Governor Cha e ,

a in the same ye r, bestowed upon him the com

i - m ssion of major general, commanding the first li division of the Ohio mi tia. At that time no one foresaw the imminence of the war-cloud which

1 1 was to bur st in 86 . Though no acts of special military or political significance are ascribed to

W . H . Lytle from the time of his appointment to the command of the militia to the breaking out of the Civil War, yet, perhaps , the verdict of pos t erit y will be , that within that period he created , i in a happy hour, that which w ll perpetuate his memory after his war laurels have faded . In

1 8 8 . July, 5 he wrote his best poem

’ The story of General Lyt le s splendid career from the day when Fort Sumter yielded to the ’ day — of his death on the field of Chickamauga a period of less than two years and eight months— covers

al the events of three princip campaigns, each sig nalized by a terrible battle . The time was indeed short , but it seems long because the flying days of it were laden with deeds of historic moment . i The t me was short, but long enough to develop many heroes ; but not one more illustrious than

- a William Haines Lytle , the poet w rrior . THE AWAY TO WARS AGAIN . 15

’ President Lincoln s first call for troops was is

ou 1 1 86 1 sued Sunday, April 5 , . Next day, the O governor of hio, William Dennison , telegraphed to General Lytle , ordering him to establish a camp i hi at Cincinnat . Summoning s staff to meet at the Burnet House , he kept them at work all night i recruit ng a regiment . A local military company,

was the Guthrie Grays, made the nucleus of the

u organization . So many volunteers desired to e list that the doors O f the rendezvous had to be locked after the last company of the regiment

a li was filled with picked men . Hundreds of pp

1 0 cants were disappointed . On Tuesday the t 0 ps marched to Camp Harrison , on the grounds of the old trotting park , near Spring Grove . This was the first properly organized camp of in struc tion in the West .

The suddenly- formed camp at -once attracted universal attention to its scenes of busy prepara

- tion and high wrought excitement . The chief interest and admiration centered in the com

b e mander . Scarcely had the troops assembled

of ff fore throngs _ citizens flocked to camp to pro er words of cheer and gifts of price . Mass was celebrated in the Irish companies of the Tenth W 16 ILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

Regiment, and Archbishop Purcell made a stir

i da r ng speech to the soldiers . On the same y ,

a 1 M y 5 th , a sword was presented to Colonel l Lytle by T. J . Gal agher, from members of the

Cincinnati bar . Other friends made the colonel l an equal y appropriate present, a handsome black i horse of noble breed, bearing the Ir sh name , ” F a u /zn -Balla u lz g g , or Clear the Way .

th 1 86 1 On the 4 of June , , the governor of Ohio issued a commission appointing Lytle colonel of t the Tenth Infan ry, Ohio Volunteers , known as

the Montgomery Regiment, in honor of the

Montgomery Guards . The regiment presently marched from Camp Harrison to Camp Denni son ou , the Little Miami Railroad , sixteen miles

from Cincinnati . Before the departure of the

r t oops to Virginia , whither they were ordered, a stand of regimental colors was presented to the

' oflerin Tenth Regiment, an g from patriotic women

of Cincinnati . The flags were presented by

a Hon . Bellamy Storer, with an appropriate d

dress . Colonel Lytle replied in these words : “ : O Sir n behalf of the Tenth Regiment , I

tender to the ladies of Cincinnati , through you,

our heartfelt thanks for these beautiful flags . THE BLOODY TENTH . 17

we When these wars are over, will bring them back again to the Queen City of the West, without spot or blemish . You see around you a thousand men who to day say good- b y to their sweethearts and their friends . God bless the city, the state , the Union , and the ladies . We make no promises, but when it

s comes to the cla h of steel , remember the Tenth . “ Sir, tell the ladies that there is not a man in these ranks who will not shed his heart’ s blood like water beneath these colors .

-b We bid you good y , and God bless you all .

’ - - Ballau h Faugh a g .

The Montgomery regiment moved without deo lay to the assigned field of duty , in Western

Virginia, taking its place in the general army . Numerous important services were required of the regiment, though it engaged in no great bat tle until September . Repeated testimonies came from the war correspondents to the effect that “ Colonel Lytle and his ofli c ers deserved the highest credit for their success in the long, heavy march over the mountains that “ the colonel was wearing well and was fit for his onerous tasks and that his men were havin g a full share 18 W HAINEs ILLIAM LYTLE .

- of bush whacking and guerrilla warfare . On

one occasion of terrible excitement, almost panic ,

in Lytle rode among the men , addressed them

lef . he in happy but emphatic terms, and t t m cheer ” ing lustily all he said .

The battle of Carnifex Ferry , fought on Sep

1 0 1 86 1 was tember , , the first in which the Tenth

Ohio was engaged, and the first scene of great slaughter witnessed by Colonel Lytle . The crim son baptism which the Montgomery regiment that day received rechristened it The Bloody Tenth .

The new banner which mothers , sisters , wives ,

and sweethearts had given to the boys in blue , on the peaceful banks of the Miami, went down w i as . ts in the conflict, but not lost Under very

who folds , the young Colonel had received it, and given pledge to protect it, fell wounded . His sergeant, Michael Fitzgibbons , shot all but to

: ! pieces , gasping in death , said Never mind me Where is the flag ? Where is it ? For God’ s ” ! - sake save the flag Another color bearer, Dan

’ iel O conner , was shot down . Then Captain

Mc roart was Stephen G y , held up the colors, struck by a rifle ball and fell wounded . All this gallant work— no playing soldier now— took place


” presented to the Bloody Tenth , in June , was

’ placed in a show- window of Shillito s store on “ Fourth street . A newspaper item said : The ff sta is broken into several pieces , and in front of

- the banner lies the oil cloth cover, stained with ” blood . People came in curiosity to look , but,

t e looking , could not see , for tears . The dread ality of war was but too sadly emblazoned in that

- blood stained silken symbol . The common emo

O f tion found expression in several pieces verse ,

en among which was one by Mrs . S . H . Oliver, “ ” s titled , Banner of the Tenth Ohio . The la t two stanzas of her poem are here quoted

the G e e On banks of aul y riv r ,

Many a son of E rin died ; Many a brav e and loyal Ge rm an

’ F ought Columbia s sons be side .

H the e onor to T nth Ohio , Who th e brunt of battl e braved ;

He c e let b e e e e e n forth it r m mb r d ,

’ E s th e e e rin sons bann r sav d .

r Having recovered f om his wound , Colonel

was Lytle placed in command of Camp Morton , K at Bardstown , y . , a camp of rendezvous and A NEW COMMAND . 2 1

an instruction, with average presence of ten thousand troops . He remained at this post from

1 86 2 late in January till the beginning of April , , and was then assigned to the command of the Seventeenth Brigade of the Third Division of the

. h Army of the Cumberland, General 0 M . Mitc el commanding . A correspondent of the Cincin

O f 2 nati Enquirer , writing under date March 7 ,

1 86 2 , gives a lively description of what happened when Lytle presented himself for special orders “ at Camp Van Buren , Murfreesboro While I ” write, he says, I hear a tremendous cheering , and go out to learn what it means . I see the guard turned out at present arms to some digui

ho i w s . tary, and hasten to see it Imagine my

see surprise , when I Major Moore , of the Tenth

Ohio, ride up to a squadron of cavalry and shake

- hands with a very modest looking trooper, who, on closer inspection , turned out to be Colonel

William H . Lytle . He was now on his way to

’ al Gener Mitchel s quarters , where the Tenth met

u him on their ret rn from town . As soon as the

n boys recog ized him , a cheer went up that called out the whole camp ; hats, caps, and guns went 2 2 WILLIAM HAINEs LYTLE .

up in Wild confusion , and the scene presented by ” the enthusiastic Tenth beggars description .

2 d 1 86 2 is On the 3 of August, , orders were sued instructing Colonel Lytle to “ take command of all the forces at Huntsville and hasten the shipments of supplies from that point to Louis

ad ville . The general commanding expressed in

’ vance his confidence in Colonel Lytle s judgment

efli c ienc ffi im and y as an o cer , to perform the portant and probably hazardous duties assigned

him was to . Nor this confidence misplaced . The mar ch was successfully accomplished within seventeen days, without the loss of a soldier, an animal or a wagon . On the last day the com

- mand marched thirty two m iles , reaching Louis

2 6th . r ville on September Besides the t oops, which included the Tenth Ohio, Fifteenth Ken tucky, two companies Alabama loyal troops, one

company Michigan engineers and mechanics,

’ ’ ’ ’ Loomis , Ames , Ballard s , and Kennett s cavalry,

ort - the Third Ohio , and F y second Iowa, and

’ was Stone s Battery , the command burdened with a train of over a hundred wagons , a drove of

six between five hundred and hundred horses , and also by a large number of refugees . The dust BATTLE OF PERRYVILLE . 2 3

and heat were intolerable , and the water was scarce ; but, notwithstanding drawbacks , the march ” was a complete success . The general movements of the armies of Buell and Bragg in the series of military operations culminating in the battle of Perryville can be read in any history of the Civil War . The special part of the general action , with which our sketch is concerned, was very clearly described in an admirable paper on Colonel Lytle read before the

. . . 1 88 Loyal Legion by Dr A C Kemper, in 3 , from which we quote Colonel Harris notified Colonel Lytle that his

was sa left flank exposed . Colonel Lytle w that his right flank also was attacked by overwhelming numbers . Upon the one side , General Bragg appeared in person on the field, and General

an d Polk , encouraging his troops , on the other, c General Rose rans , a host in himself. Colonel

o Lytle begged for reinforcements . He was r

' c his dered by General Mc ook to hold ground .

Next day it was asked by some one if, under such circumstances, he obeyed the order . The reply

‘ was : Go ask Rousseau ! Go ask the Fifteenth 2 4 W ILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

u ! ask Kent cky And, if you dare , go the Tenth Ohio if Lytle obeyed the order ! ’ “ was The most practicable thing to do done .

n Colonel Lytle dismou ted, and led in person a

charge by the flank . A fragment of a shell struck

e him on the left sid of the head, behind the ear,

prostrating him and covering him with blood .

Sergeant Donohue lifted him in his arms, only to

’ be told : Leave me ; I m done for. Stand by your colors ! He was left upon the field with his

dead orderly , Robb ; one of his aides, Lieutenant

-five St . John ; and two hundred and sixty out of

five hundred and twenty-eight of the Tenth ” Ohio .

His wound, though frightful in appearance , did

not prove dangerous . He was taken prisoner, but

soon released on parole , and sent home . The

l was 1 86 2 battle of Perryvi le fought October 7 , ; Colonel Lytle returned to the home of his brother

- i . 1 n . law, Dr Foster, Cincinnati , on October 3th

Lyt le was ill- content to stay at home longer

than necessity required . Immediately he solicited the Secretary of War to hasten orders for his

exchange . Secretary Stanton responded in a tele

1 : gram , dated October 4 , saying The adjutant 2 5 PRISONER OF WAR . general is instructed negotiate your exchange as speedily as possible . Allow me to express my high estimation of your gallantry and hope for your speedy recovery and restoration to your ” command with appropriate rank . On the next

the day, following letter was dispatched from the state capital

PR ISON ER s HEADQUARTERS PAROLED , “ tober 2 1 2 0 Oc 86 . COLUMBUS, , 5 , — Colonel Yours of yesterday reporting your

a self as paroled prisoner is at hand .

I will answer it myself, Colonel , that the opp or tunity to tell you how sincerely sorry I am that

you are hurt and a prisoner may not slip me . I wish , also , to congratulate you that you have won

’ fame so far . Courage and a clear head are God s

’ good gifts , and for our country s sake I am glad you have so nobly manifested them as your prop o rties . l No doubt you are in excel ent quarters, sur

if so rounded by friends ; , remain there until you

are recovered , exchanged, and receive orders .

are I . i You needed in the field , where w sh to 2 6 HAINEs E WILLIAM LYTL .

heaven I could accompany you . Wishing you well , Colonel , I am most truly your friend,

Ma - Gerri . LEWIS WALLACE , j ” To COLONEL W . H . LYTLE .

The complimentary dispatch from the Secretary

’ al of War , and General Wallace s cordi letter of soldierly congratulation , though grateful to Colo

’ his nel Lytle s feelings , only increased anxiety to return to the field and resume his command . After waiting impatiently two months for news of his restoration to the service , he wrote to the commissary of prisoners, inclosing a copy of Sec

’ retar y Stanton s telegram . His letter ran as fol lows “ C a nua r 1 8 6 . INCINNATI , j y 5 , 3

S . A . COLONEL WILLIAM HOFFMAN , U . , “ Commissa r General o P risoners Was/zin y f , g

ton D. . , C

Colonel— At the battle of Perryville , Ken w tucky, hile engaged in rallying one of my regi ments, momentarily thrown into some disorder by

O f was dis an attack the enemy in great force , I abled by a wound and taken prisoner . On the

was a day following , I paroled at H rrodsburg .


command of the First Brigade , in the Third Di

vision , Twentieth Army Corps of the Army of the Cumberland . The corps was commanded by

’ Rosecrans, the division by Sheridan . Lytle s l brigade had been commanded by General Sil , a

n disti guished Ohioan , who fell in the battle of

- Murfreesboro . A sergeant major in the brigade ,

’ ’ referring to Lytle s succession to Sill s command, says : “ It speedily became apparent that the same lofty courtesies and qualities of mind and heart which had so endeared to us the one , shone out l with an equal uster in the character of the other .

The same calm breadth of justice , the same high scorn of meanness and baseness, the same rare culture , the same philosophic quiet and studious earnestness to excel , the same genial warmth of manner, the same affectionate tenderness for the ffi comfort of his subordinates , whether o cers or f men , the same scrupulous care not to o fend, the same magnanimity toward foes , and the same magnificent surrender of self toward friends, dis

e tinct in individuals , yet alike in their grand r semblances to the patterns and models of the — race it is enough for me to say that the beautiful K FROM PERRYVILLE TO CHIC AMAUGA . 2 9

tribute which General Lytle , in his late speech at

Bridgeport, paid to the virtues and valor and wis i dom of S ll, is itself the best and truest eulogy that can be pronounced over Lytle .

The speech all uded to was a notable one which was delivered in accepting a jeweled Maltese cross f presented at Bridgeport, Alabama, by o ficers of the Tenth Ohio . The magnificent ornament, of

in gold set with emeralds and diamonds, with scri tions p , and the Irish emblem , the shamrock , engraved upon it, was presented near a spring

’ close by the general s quarters, on a Sunday even

1 86 e ing , August 9 , 3 , just seven w eks before the day of his death at Chickamauga . Lieutenant

Colonel Ward , of the Tenth Ohio, made the pre sentation Speech , and pinned the cross to the gen

’ eral s ad coat . In the course of his eloquent

ih dress reply, General Lytle said “ re I will not deny, gentlemen , that, when , on porting to this department, I found you were to be no longer in my command, I felt that sense of loneliness and isolation natural to one whose old army associations were broken up . My present i h command will pardon me for say ng t is, I know, f for, in my judgment , no man who orgets his old 30 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

friends deserves to make new ones . But long since I have felt perfectly at home , and I can not let this occasion pass without expressing to the offi cers and men of the First Brigade my heartfelt thanks for the warm and generous welcome they have awarded to a stranger . Gentlemen of the

Tenth Ohio , you see around you your brethren

’ in arms , the men of Sheridan s division ; men

- from the North west , from the clans of the peo

who ple , pitch their tents on the prairies of Illi nois and Michigan and Wisconsin , and by the — shores of the great lakes veterans of Pea Ridge ,

Perryville , and Stone River . When the next

fight comes on , may they and the old Tenth stand shoulder to shoulder, and see by whom , in

- fla s glorious emulation , our battle g into the ranks of the enemy can be flung the farthest and fol lowed the closest .

r In this noble st ain the orator went on , making the most memorable speech of his life , a speech

is which , in its simple fervid force and sincerity, not unworthy to be placed side by side with Lin

’ coln s , at Gettysburg . The closing paragraph of

’ the warrior poet s address is in t he following Words To K FROM PERRYVILLE CHIC AMAUGA . 31

That the day of ultimate triu mph for the

Union arms , sooner or later, will come , I do not

wis doubt , for I have faith in the courage , the dom , and the justice of the people . It may not be for all of us here to day to listen to the chants that greet the victor, nor to hear the bells ring out the new nuptials of the States . But those who do survive can tell , at least, to the people , how their old comrades , whether in the skirmish

rifle— or the charge , before the pit or the redan ,

e war died with th ir harness on , in the great for the ” Union and Liberty . The effect of this eloquent address— the last

as public utteran ce , it proved , of a brave patriot — i was profound and thrill ng .

R ealf who The poet, Richard , was present then sergeant -major in the Eighty- eighth Illinois — Volunteers was inspired by the speech to com

ou pose , the field , the following sonnet, which we copy from the original draft .

N N E S O T .

n W H e id e or ee h of ri a die e e a l m . l c G . ! Sp B g r r L y t , Br g p t,

V e ! e w e e at s I shout d , hil your sol mn words ,

R thm ic c e y with rowned passion lilt d past , 32 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

c c ff That land whi h , lung with agony , a ords Great souls all c oin ed in o ne grand battl e-blast

L e h ik t is soul and this singing , shall not fail

c a - e the S o mu h as by a h ir br adth , of large

afli u en t e e R esults of wisdom , wh r unto

c o t he hew A r ss bloody gaps our swords must ,

e the the e And far b yond mountain and marg ,

W e press with bruised limbs that y et shall s c ale ” The topmost heights of being : therefore thou

we for L ead on , that may follow , I think

The future hath not wherefrom w e should shrink

o f Held by the steadfast shining your brow .

so The terrific battle of Chickamauga, fraught

so with disaster, memorable for deeds of heroic

1 2 0 daring , raged for two days, September 9 and ,

was 1 86 . 3 It in the forenoon of the second day,

Sunday , that General Lytle While directing the movements of his brigade , on horseback , was shot and killed by a ball which struck him in the

was ff head . He the only Union o icer of high rank who fell that day . The manuscript journal of Captain Alfred Pir

’ ' - - f aflords tle , aid de camp on General Lytle s sta f, an accurate and sympathetic description of the general’ s personal aspect and conduct on the bat K G 33 CHIC AMAU A . tle -field just before the onslaught in which his life was lost . The journal says

“ - The Eighty eighth Illinois , led by General

Lytle , charged the enemy and took position on the top of a gentle slope . A few moments after,

- the Thirty sixth Illinois joins them , and then the

Twenty-fourth Wisconsin moves up to the sup

- port of the Thirty sixth Illinois . Our other regi

- first en ment , the Twenty Michigan , is also soon

n gaged , and a section of the Eleventh India a

Battery pushed up the hill by hand . “ The general is sitting on his horse at this

n time , facing south , his left side toward the e emy, grasping in military style his reins in his left hand ; his sword drawn , the blade sloping

upward, rests upon the reins . He wears high top boots, plain dark blue pants, overcoat with

or out ornament cape , buttoned to the throat , — with sword- belt outside the only mark of rank being the gold cord of a general on a military hat ; under his overcoat he wears a single- breasted

- - blouse with brigadier general shoulder straps . His horse is caparisoned as becomes his rank . Upon his face is an indisc rib ab le expression caused by what is called the batt le -fire - a spirit of en 34 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE . thusiasm brought on by the tremendous excite ment of the conflict , which irradiates every fea ture , sparkles from his eyes , marks with sharp outlines the curves of the nostrils, and seems h l ready to leap forth in words from is parted ips .

I can almost see him now .

He leans toward me , and I bend to catch his words, while he calmly says with a firm voice ,

‘ ’ Pirtle , I am hit . For an instant I can not speak my heart almost ceases to beat, but I say , ‘ ?’ ‘ Are you hit hard , Gen eral In the spine ; if

see I have to leave the field , you stay here and

’ ’ that all goes right . I will , General . And then ,

‘ ’ -b i after a pause , I say , Good y, not know ng whether he is going or not .

“ ’ The enemy s fire is heavier, indicating that they are reinforced , while our men drop fast . A

two moment or after, in order to strengthen the thin line , he sent me away to bring up a regi ment that had fallen back below the brow of the hill . While doing this , the line began to give

’ wa i y, the general s horse galloped w ldly down the

hill, and I felt that he had fallen from his wound .

was My horse wounded by an exploding shell ,

r escaping from me in his te ror and pain , but I


been consulted in the preparation of this memoir, narrating the particulars of the fatal charge , says From the moment I saw an aide from General Sheridan ride to General Lytle with an order for him to bring his brigade into action, he was con stantl y in my sight up to the moment he was shot .

few A moments before we were ordered in , he

was i rode down alone near where I stand ng, and as I saluted him , he wheeled his horse around and, speaking to the men of my company, said :

if t o— l our Boys, we Whip them day, we wi l eat

’ Christmas dinner at home . Soon the bugles rang out and we started, our regiment following

as we the battery, and left the road and formed ff line of battle , General Lytle and his sta rode

n right behi d the center of our regiment, and he

was remained there until he shot . Almost the t last words he ut ered were , Brave , brave , brave

’ ! was boys As I looking into his face , a ball struck him , and seemed to me must have struck him in the face or head , for the blood flowed from his mouth . He did not fall from his horse , but one of his staff ofli c ers eased him down on the ground . The young ofli c er who received the dying gen ’ 3 CAPTAIN GREENE S ACCOUNT . 7

eral in to his arms was Captain Howard Greene ,

- of the Twenty fourth Wisconsin . In a letter to

1 1 86 Dr . N . Foster , dated November , 3 , he gives the following particulars We had been hotly engaged with the enemy for nearly half an hour before he was struck . At the time the general and myself were on horseback , in the front line .

He had just turned to give an order, when he

was was struck in the face . He no sooner struck than he reeled in his saddle and I saw at once

a that he w s seriously wounded, and that, unless caught by some one , he would fall headlong to ' I the ground . jumped from my horse , caught him by the head and shoulders , and lifted him

r ca efully down . He recognized me as I caught “ him , and tried to Speak . I called

’ Sill cox Passmore and , two of the general s or derlies , to me , and we then started with the body to the rear . We had gone but a short distance

ar when we met Colonel J . F . H rison coming up i with a reg ment he had been rallying . As soon as saw he us , he jumped from his horse and helped u s a c rry the general . A few steps further on ,

Sillc ox was i killed . By this time the br gade had broken , and was going past us to the rear . It 38 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE . was just at this time that Lytle opened his eyes and tried to speak , but could not . I asked him

if he wished to lie down , and he nodded .

Soon after this the general breathed his last .

a Colonel H rrison then left to rally his men , and

was I left alone with the body . I knelt down by the general ’ s side and satisfied myself that he was indeed lifeless . By this time the rebels were closing in from our left and were not a hundred

u feet away , and , feeling satisfied that I co ld be of no further use to the general , I also went to ” the rear .

Within less than a month after this letter was written , the brave Captain Greene was himself

2 th killed !November 5 ) , in the charge at Mission

Ridge . c The gallant Colonel Wm . B . Mc reery, of the

- fi rst Twenty Michigan Infantry, was one of those who helped to bear the general from the field ,

o was a and while s doing himself wounded , t ken

prisoner , and afterward confined in Libby . General Lytle had been carried to a green knoll under a tree , where his body was afterward e recognized by confed rate offi cers . The respect ful and even reverential care which it received at K A CHIC AMAUG . 39 the hands of the enemy was owing largely to the fact that the dead general was recognized not

as . only as a distinguished soldier, but also a poet

A confederate major, Douglas West , of General

’ ! was ack Deas brigade , requested by a federal officer to protect the body of the dead general .

West relates that, on hearing the name Lytle , he “ was thrilled , being familiar with the poem which ” made the name immortal . Major West took in

’ - his keeping the general s sword belt and scabbard ,

o pistol , portmonnaie , memorandum b ok , spurs , ” - and even his shoulder straps . That night, he “ - fire says , in our bivouac by the camp , we read

e the papers, letters , and scraps of poetry that w ” - found in the pocket bo ok . f The confederate o ficer, Colonel Wm . Miller

Owen , in his reminiscences of the civil war, relates

- fi eld o that , while riding over the battle of Chi ka

e 2 0 1 86 amanga, on S ptember , 3 , he came upon the body of General Lytle , which he recognized “ l : as that of an O d friend . He says A confederate soldier was standing guard over the body . Dis i mount ng , I asked the man his instructions, and he replied I am here to take charge of this body, ’ ‘ i ’ and to allow no one to touch it . All r ght , I 4 0 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

’ said : I hope you will do it . Lytle was dressed

i - in fat gue uniform . His shoulder straps , one star,

his - indicated rank of a brigadier general . He wore high riding boots, a regulation overcoat,

- a dark kid gloves . While st nding beside the body,

: General Preston rode up, and asked Who have

’ : you there ? I replied General Lytle , of Cin

’ ’ ‘ ! al al cinnati. Ah said Gener Preston , Gener ! Lytle , the son of my old friend Bob Lytle I

’ am sorry it is so . And he then dismounted , and

as ff hi w much a ected . After asking the sentinel s instructions, and receiving the same answer I had

: obtained he said to him See that you do it, my man .

A beautiful instance of personal friendship b e

in ff tween enemies war , was a orded by the con

. . m duct of a confederate surgeon , E W Tho ason , who had been a fellow -soldier with Lytle in Mex

who i ico, and , recogniz ng the body of his old comrade on the field of Chickamauga, had it carried to his tent, gave it decent burial , and marked the grave . The wounds on the face of the dead offi cer his southern friend covered first with green

a leaves, then with a lace net and a fine c mbric

handkerchief. Nor did a thoughtful sympathy B E IEs FUNERAL O S QU . 4 1

forget a still more delicate care . The surgeon

’ clipped some locks of the slain soldier s hair, and sent them to the sisters of Lytle in Cincinnati . The articles found on his person were forwarded

- also . In his pocket book were found a printed copy of a poem , of unknown authorship , entitled, ” Company K , and a letter from his sister, Mrs .

Broadwell . The remains of General Lytle had been buried twenty days when they were recovered by C0 1 onel Ward of the Tenth Ohio , who bore a flag of truce to the confederate lines . An escort of ten men from the Tenth Ohio , in charge of Lieu

tenant Donahue , conveyed the body to Louisville ,

-ih - Fos was . where it met by his brother law , Dr

- M niin ale ter, and placed on the mail boat g g .

’ The boat reached Cincinnati at twelve o clock ,

2 1 Wednesday , October . On their arrival , the

’ remains were rec eiv ed by a company of sixty men from the Seventh Ohio militia, under com

. es mand of Captain R . W . Carroll, and were c ort ed to the court- house and laid in state in the

c n i rotunda . The black offi f w th massive silver mountings , was placed on a dais in the center of

was . the room , and strewn with white roses Four H I 42 WILLIAM A NEs LYTLE .

o sentries guarded the b dy . One of these , a pri t vate of the old Ten h , having been ordered to ” keep still until relieved, stood at order arms

for two hours , without moving a muscle , no one relieving him by some neglect . Being asked how long he intended to remain on guar d in that rigid

u : re attit de , he said Forever, if not regularly

” ’ was oi lieved . Such the soldier s idea discipline and fidelity .

During the afternoon a multitude of citizens, t men and women , poured into the ro unda to look

’ upon the casket that contained their hero s clay , over which the tattered flag of the Tenth Ohio

i who drooped ts mournful folds . Of those paid

was Sin tributes of grief that day, no one more cere than the aged colored servant who had been with General Lytle in his campaigns, and now

c n stood weeping at the foot of the ofli . At sunset the body was taken from the court house , and escorted to the residence of General

’ ‘ - - i . . n . . Lytle s brother law , Mr S J Broadwell The funeral obsequies of General Lytle were conducted with much solemnity , on the afternoon

2 2 1 86 . of Thursday , October , 3 From an excel

Da il om lent editorial report, published in the y C


l measured steps they led the way to the a tar, the congregation rose , and the bishop read from the

liturgy . Prayer and an anthem closed the ser

vices . The guard from the Tenth Ohio, who had attended the body fai thfully from the day

the it left Chattanooga, then carried coffin back to the hearse ; the mourners and several delega

in tions followed, and entered the carriages wait

ing .

and The streets were lined with spectators,

Fourth street , from Broadway to Race , was com

letel . p y blocked Along the line of march , many beautiful flags were hung out, tied with crape, and in all parts of the city they drooped at half mast . The military display was the largest ever seen at any funeral obsequies in this city . Our four

the militia regiments were out in force . After

t e long lines of infantry in platoons , with arms versed, and marching to the solemn dirges played by the bands , came a battery of artillery, two guns abreast .

The hearse , surrounded by a cluster of distin

i he - as u s d . w g pall bearers, followed the battery It

- drawn by six milk white horses, with black F N E A L B E l b s U R U S Q U .

plumes, and was draped with emblems of mourn ffi ing . The co n was partially covered with a beautiful silk flag . Behind the hearse stepped the charger of the departed hero, with the boots of the fallen rider depending from either side of the saddle . Carriages containing his staff and relatives came next, While near by walked the aged negro

who was servant of the general , once the waiting man of Commodore Perry, now following the

- dead body of his second hero master to the grave .

Not far behind, the tattered banner of the Tenth Ohio was borne by some of the sturdy r t arms , which , unde its folds , had s ruck heavily at the rebellion on more than one field . It is now a mere tatter of silk , grimed with expo It sure . was closely furled and inclosed in fes toons of crape , tied at intervals with black silk ribbons .

An immense retinue of carriages, containing

ofli cials the mayor and city , bar, numerous navy

‘ oflic ers and army , and many distinguished private o citizens, brought up the rear of the processi n .

ad The police , handsomely uniformed , were in vance . The procession occupied about half an 46 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

hour in passing . It proceeded out Freeman

street to Hamilton road, where the escort drew aside and permitted the hearse and carriages to

pass on to Spring Grove , where all that is mor

tal of the gifted and noble -hearted Lytle now

reposes, near the city of his birth and love .

ffi in A large number of distinguished o cers,

who cluding , probably, all could reach the city,

attended the funeral as mourners . Among the

was i number General Stanley, command ng the

cavalry of the Army of the Cumberland . The Lytle monument stands in a beautiful

’ cemetery in Cincinnati s suburbs . It is of the

- Grecian order of architecture , twenty four and a

half feet high , and is made of pure Carrara mar ble . Upon the east and west Sides are sculptured

suspended laurel wreaths . The east side has the name of William Lytle the west, that of Robert T .

Lytle . The north Side shows the symbolic scroll and pen ; underneath is inscribed the name of

General William H . Lytle . The south side is adorned by a bas-relief representing the battle

of field Chickamauga . The general , seated on his horse , and with drawn sword, is in the act of leading the charging columns on that fatal day . 4 CHARACTER OF LYTLE . 7

The bas—relief is surmounted by a cap adorned

- with Shield and cross swords . Above all these springs a thirteen fluted column , suggestively ff broken o . On the top is an eagle holding a

a garland of laurel leaves . It is a tasteful and p

’ propriate tribute of aflec tion from the general s sisters to their family .

’ The quality of W . H . Lytle s personality was a shown in all he s id and did . In him , the boy “ as his w father to the man, and days were linked ” each to each , with consistent achievements . The reputation which the public gave him repre “ sented truly his character . There were no

” ” tricks in his plain and honest faith . That he was a man of energy , of integrity , of courage , of generosity , every act of his life illustrates . The martial impulse and habit controlled his destiny, molded his thinking , and colored his language .

e rtheless ‘ he N ve , loved peace and the quiet em

n ploym e ts of the scholar . Though he did not marry , his verses give ample testimony that he loved and honored woman , and had strong do m estic instincts as well as ardent passions . In one of his gay madrigals written in the year b e

he : fore his death , sang WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

e the But wh n birds of morning sing ,

t he are e And all wars ov r,

’ c e ee e fl Our lan s at your f t w ll ing,

’ ” A nd e e the e th n w ll play lov r .

The chivalric temper was shown throughout his

was history ; he the Bayard of a democratic land.

Masculine , vigorous, gallant, he had in him the

ma nlines w s. as supreme virtue , Manly he , and also gentlemanly . General Banning relates that when General Lytle was preparing himself for his terrible last battle , he was observed to be in full uniform , and while pulling on his gloves said merrily, in reply to a question Why he had taken such care with his toilet, I have tried to live like ” a gentleman , and I propose to die like one .

General Lytle was a handsome man , of slight an d graceful build, but well developed, erect and

’ nervous . Like that of Wordsworth s Wanderer, “ hi ” s whole figure breathed intelligence . His

was al complexion delicate , of a rosy softness most feminine , his eyes were gray , and his brown hair lay in rich , silken masses over a high

u forehead . The mo th was firm , indicative of

was resolute character . Altogether the face ex — pressive of intellect and sentiment an interesting LYTLE, THE POET . 49

face, capable of assuming the stern frown of

and ff . anger, the sweetest smile of a ection To summarize the hero’ s life and character in a few lines, we borrow the words of the great

of Ben Jonson , who , in his ode to the memory

Sir H . Morison, exactly portrays William H .

Lytle . We have only to substitute one name for the other .

Alas but Morison fell young ;

’ He e e e — fall st u n v r f ll thou , my tong e,

He e the end stood a soldi r to last right , A p erfec t patriot and a nobl e friend ;

son But most, a virtuous , All ofli ces w ere done

e By him so ampl , full , and round ,

e me e e In w ight , in asur , numb r , sound ,

As a e e ec e , though his g imp rf t might app ar , ” His l i e of the e e f was hum anity sph r .

- Within the period of thirty seven years, meas uring the short life of William H . Lytle , he

proved himself a good scholar, a successful law yer, an influential politician and legislator, and a military commander of great courage , skill and popularity . He was also an orator of uncommon

o ability . To his triumphs achieved at the bar, n 0 5 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

the floor of the House of Representatives, and

his in the army, must be added accomplishments

l . u a . . in literat re , especi ly poetry Mr Leslie J D C . Perry, of Washington, . , in a discriminating “ ” - sa article on the Warrior Poet, ventures to y that “ Notwithstanding his military fame already earned, notwithstanding the high encomiums passed upon him by his commander and brother

ff al o icers, I judge that William Haines Lytle is ready better, and will be longer, remembered as the author of a little poem than as a soldier of the republic . Time alone can verify or disprove the correctn ess of this opinion ; but there seems no reason for not prophesying that Lytle ’ s sword and pen will be remembered together, and that each will add sacredness to the other . It is no detraction from the meed of the most famous

t a mar ial Chieft in to magnify his literary vi ctories . Renown in arms is doubly dignified in the hero

t . illus rious in letters For, after all is said, there is ineffable truth in the line of the Ohio poet who sings, ” b e o h o To immortal th u must t ink a th ught . So fugitive is the fame even of the most emi n ent and worthy, that their memory is apt to fade


d o u tony and Cleopatra, a poem unrivale in p p

lari in l ty by any thing yet written the Ohio Val ey ,

’ e excepting Kinney s b autiful lyric , Rain on the ” Roof.

’ B ryant s Librar y of Poetry and Song is held responsible for having first put into circula tion the absurd fiction that Lytle’ s famous poem was writt en while the author lay mortally wounded

a e fter th battle of Chickamauga . The true his tory of the composition of the poem is this : “ ” Antony and Cleopatra was wr itten at the Lytle

homestead in the summer of 1 858 . The original manuscript—long in the possession of the poet’ s

— off sister, Mrs . Josephine R . Foster was dashed in

who a glow of creative excitement by the author, left it lying upon a writing table in his private

. s room There it was found by Wm . W . Fo dick ,

a oe an intimate friend of Lytle , and himself p t

of more than local celebrity . Who wrote this, P” i Lytle inquired Fosdick , after read ng the ” “ poem . Why, I did , answered Lytle How do you like it Fosdick expressed admiration

for the verses, and taking the liberty of a literary comrade , he carried a copy of the manuscript LYTLE A POET . 5 3 away and gave it to the editor of the Cincinnati ” : EDS Commercial , with the explanatory note . — COM. The following lines from our gifted and

. we gallant townsman , General William H Lytle , think , constitute one of the most masterly lyrics which has ever adorned American poetry ; and we predict a popularity and perpetuity for it unsur — ” W. W passed by any Western production . . F . “ ” The poem appeared in the Commercial on

2 1 8 8 . July 9, 5 The poem “ Antony and Cleopatra is enjoyed not only by the uncritical reader, too simple to ” art admire , but by exacting judges in literary .

For , though not a perfect piece of artistic work, it is of masterly power , and sustained excellence of style . The vigor never flags, the passionate swell of its music mounts higher and higher to the climax in the last line . No lapse into bathos, no straining for rhetorical effect impairs the dig nity of the verse which moves on with a rapid and intense but sincere and solemn energy from

a the beginning to the close . It is h rd to decide whether the dramatic or the lyric element pre dominates, for, while the imperative song recalls 5 4 E WILLIAM HAINES LYTL .

action and the rush of war , subjective feeling sur — charges every stanza and, While remembering

r Rome and glory, Antony dies t iumphing in the love of Egypt . “ The strong and beautiful poem , Antony and

” ’ r Cleopat a, is the author s masterpiece , certainly, l but not by any means his on y good poem . The r reade will find among the pieces, now for the

first time collected, several productions of such merit as to demonstrate the injustice of ranking ” - Lytle among the one poem poets , though some of these rank very high . The apostrophe to ” Po ocata etl p p is a fine poetical conception, well wrought out and shows how carefully this

was poet capable of finishing his work , which , it must be admitted, he too seldom took pains

’ is to elaborate . Macdonald s Drummer a brilliant descriptive ballad, full of pathos . The

’ ” ” Brigand s Song, Jaqueline , Sailing on the ” “ Th e Sea, and Volunteers, picture in the glowing colors of romance , the adventures of love

war a and , and the objective delights and d rings of hot blooded youth . The martial strain best suited the genius of 5 5 CRITICAL ESTIMATE .

’ “ Lytle s muse . The Antony and Cleopatra is, essentially, a song of war . The greater number of the selections in the book treat of military and

u n patriotic subjects, and the war poems are All doubtedly superior to the rest . along the pages are scattered epithets and phrases, exult “ ” “ ing in the big war, the glittering guard, “ ” “ ” “ n cla king spurs, waving plumes, free

’ ” man s sword, bugle note, and roll of ” dr ums . t Nex after the war songs, in number and in d “ merit, come ma rigals of love, of which Fare ” “ ” “ ” n well, Sweet May Moon , Valenti e, and ” Two Years Ago, are good examples . The most art istic of the poems of the amatory class is the “ passionate Anacreontic, especially the first two stanzas, which , in warm imagery and melodious

i a ar t r sing ng qu lity, suggest the lost of Ma lowe and

Ben Jonson . But the sentiment and al so the style of Lytle’ s verse are not much influenced by the

a Eliz bethan literature . They belong more to the romantic school of the first part of the nineteenth century

n The i fluence of Byron , Moore, and Shelley is 5 6 E WILLIAM HAIN S LYTLE .

n plai ly discernible in the form, and to some ex

n in ’ te t the substance, of some of Lytle s poetry ” the In Haunted River, and one or two other

pieces, echoes seem to come from the sounding

a . gallery of Edg r A Poe .

i i the l t Crit cs w ll notice , in poems here co lec ed,

s many hackneyed, sentimental expres ions, faulty

a s met phors, and defect in meter and rhyme . But we must not forget that General Lytle had

little leisure for literary study and composition, and made no claim to proficiency in the artistry

of poetics ; nor were the poems ever subjected to

’ i a the author s careful rev sion for public tion . He

r a wrote for pleasu e and from impulse , more b sorbed in the poetical contents of his work than

al in precise , technic forms . Those pieces marked

1 8 as by a date earlier than 4 7 , are to be j udged juvenile productions .

One can not read the poems of W . H . Lytle without being impressed by a Serious tone of mo

rality and religion which pervades them . They

t s breathe , besides, pure patrio i m , tender regard

for kindred , and loyalty to friends . The poet, in

a his solitary hours , meditated deeply on hum n 5 7 CRITICAL ESTIMATE .

r life and destiny, and ead deep lessons in nature —i n a ar . trees and streams, in m ount ins and st s

His moods were sometimes tin ged with melan c hol y, that infinite disappointment which comes to those who vainly seek on earth to realize the

’ poet s visions and dreams .

M P O E S .


! I am dying , Egypt, dying

- Ebbs the crimson life tide fast, And the dark Plutonian shadows

Gather on the evening blast ;

Let thine arm , oh Queen, enfold me ,

Hush thy sobs and bow thine ear, Listen to the great heart secrets

b ear Thou , and thou alone , must .

Though my scarred and veteran legions

Bear their eagles high no more , And my wrecked and scattered galleys

’ Strew dark Actium s fatal shore ;

Though no glittering guards surround me ,

’ Prompt to do their master s will ,

I must perish like a Roman ,

r Die the great T iumvir still . 62 WILLIAM HAIN ES LYTLE .

’ a v Let not C esar s ser ile minions,

Mock the lion thus laid low ; ’ T ’ was no foeman s arm that felled him ,

’ T was his own that struck the blow

who His , pillowed on thy bosom , Turned aside from glory’ s ray

His who , drunk with thy caresses,

Madly threw a world away .

Should the base plebeian rabble

Dare assail my name at Rome ,

Where the noble spouse , Octavia,

Weeps within her widowed home ,

Seek her ; say the gods bear witness ,

ar Alt s, augurs, circling wings, h T at her blood, with mine commingled ,

Yet shall mount the thrones of kings .

- And for thee , star eyed Egyptian Glorious sorceress of the Nile ! Light the path to Stygian horrors With the splendors of thy smile ;

Give the Caesar crowns and arches,

Let his brow the laurel twine ,

’ I can scorn the senate s triumphs,

Triumphing in love like thin e . 63 ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA .

I am dying, Egypt, dying ;

’ Hark the insulting foeman s cry ;

ar e ! They coming ; quick , my falchion

Let me front them ere I die .

Ah , no more amid the battle

Shall my heart exulting swell ;

Isis and Osiris guard thee , ! Cleopatra, Rome , farewell 64 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .


Pale peak , afar

Gilds thy white pinacle , a single star, While sharply on the deep blue sky thy snows

- In death like calm repose .

The nightingale Through “ Mira Flores ” b owers repeats her tale And every rose its perfumed censer swings ff With vesper o erings .

But not for thee ,

- Diademed king, this love born minstrelsy, Nor yet the tropic gales that gently blow

Through these blest vales below .

Around thy form

- m Hover the mid air fiends , the lightning war ,

Thunder , and by the driving hurricane ,

In wrecks thy pines are lain .

Deep in thy heart

Burn on vast fires , struggling to rend apart

Their prison walls, and then in wrath be hurled

Blazing upon the world . In vain conspire Against thy majesty tempest and fire e The lemental wars of madness born,

’ lau h st Serene , thou g to scorn .

Calm art thou now

As when the Aztec, on thine awful brow, Gazed on some eve like this from Chalco’ s

Where lives his name no more .

And thou hast seen

Glitter in dark defiles the ominous sheen

- Of lances , and hast heard the battle cry

’ Of Castile s chivalry .

And yet again

’ Hast seen strange banners steering o er the main . When from his eyrie soared to conquest forth

The Eagle of the North .

Yet, at thy feet, h W ile rolling on , the tides of empire beat ,

- Thou art, oh mountain , on thy world piled throne

al Of all , unchanged one . 66 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

Type of a power

Supreme , thy solemn silence at this hour Speaks to the nations of the Almighty Word

Which at thy birth was stirred .

Prophet sublime ! Wide on the morning ’ s Wings will float the chime

’ Of martial horns ; yet mid the din thy spell Shall sway me still— farewell !


Arm , brothers , arm ,

Arm , men , and away ;

Adieu senoras , in your smiles 11 We bask before the day .

All hail to night ; for since the world

Was made in times of old,

The day has been for coward knaves ,

The night time for the bold ;

’ ! - Hark to the mule bells distant chime ,

Our lady, grant a boon, That ere an hour the ring of steel

' r May d own their jingling tune .

Mount, brothers , mount,

Mount , men , and away ;

Adieu , senoras, in your smiles

’ We ll bask before the day .

To horse ! Hurra—with thundering press

we Over the plain glide , Around the startled hamlet’ s edge And up the mountain Side

With waving plumes and clanking spurs, We sweep along like wind ; ’ BRI GAND S SONG. 69

Our beacon on the rugged cliff

IS flaming far behind .

Ride , brothers, ride ,

Ride , men , and away ;

Adieu , senoras , in your smiles ’ 11 We bask before the day . 70 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .


’ Where is my heart s dearest , Where can he be ?

In his tall ship, Marguerite , Sailing on the sea ; i Sailing w th a gallant crew,

Winds a-blowing free Ah ! he vowed he soon would come Home to wed with me

Should he never, Marguerite ,

Come back to thee , Thou canst find another love

I thy love will be ; Then far away to Indian isles

Let us quickly flee , Pine no more for truant hearts ” sea Sailing on the .

Flashed her eye in anger, Proudly tu rned she From the muffled cavalier

Bending on his knee ; G ON THE SEA 1 SAILIN . 7

hi s But away cloak he flung , Marguerite ! cried he

’ T was her lover ! whom she thought

sea Sailing on the . 2 7 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .


Nay, frown not fairest, chide no more , Nor blame the blushing wine

Its fiery kiss is innocent,

When thrills the pulse with thine .

So leave the goblet in my hand ,

But vail thy glances bright, Lest wine and beauty mingling

- Should wreck my soul to night .

Then , Ida, to the ancient rim

In sculptured beauty rare ,

' Bow down thy red-arched lip and quafl

The wine that conquers care ; Or breathe upon the shining cup Till that its perfume be

as Sweet the scent of orange groves,

e Upon some tropic s a.

And while thy fingers idly stray

’ In dalliance o er the lyre ,

Sing to me , love, some rare old song That gushed from heart of fi re ANACREONTIC . 73

Song such as Grecian phalanx hymned

’ was When freedom s field won , And Persia’ s glory with the light

Faded at Marathon .

Sing till the shouts of armed men Ring bravely out once more Sing till again the ghost-white tents

Shine on the moon -lit shore ; Bid from their melancholy graves

The buried hopes to start, I knew ere many a storm had swept

- The dew drops from my heart .

Sing the deep memories of the past,

a l l My soul sh l fo low thee ,

Its boundless depths re-echoing

Thy glorious minstrelsy ; And as the wild vibrations hang

Enfettered on the air,

’ I ll ar drink , thy white ms round me,

The wine that conquers care . 74 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .


- Almond eyed Jacqueline beckoned to me ,

As our troop rode home from mounting guard,

’ saw And I Gil Perez s brow grow dark ,

i his Wh le face seemed longer by half a yard .

’ What care I for the Spaniard s ire ,

His haughty lip and glance of fire ; What so fit for these Southern lords

’ AS the tempered edges of freem en s swords ?

l ’ Say, sha l an Alva s merciless bands

Their hands in our noblest blood imbrue ,

And then with accursed foreign wiles , Our gentle Northern girls pursue Hail to him who for freedom strikes ! Up with your banners and down with the dykes! Better be whelmed ’ neath ocean waves

Than live like cowards the lives of slaves .

Haughty Gil Perez may then beware ,

- i For we love our blue eyed Leyden g rls, And would welcome the shock of Toledo blades

Were the prize but a lock of their golden curls .

” of the L ow C o r e . D. 1 6 . A ballad unt i s , A 5 7



There in our Cloisters green , spangled with flowers ,

’ ’ We ll ponder o er the page which God hath spread ,

And dr ink its wonders ; the gorgeous vestment i Flaming with gold and crimson , nature fl ngs

- Over the fainting day . The rose lipped morn

Night garlanded with stars, the universe

Teeming with rich benevolence , shall teach

Our hearts to mingle in a sweet communion , So warm and glowing that the hoary Earth In love’ s sweet light shall wear another youth

And bloom as in the old primeval garden .

The sands of life shall all be turned to gold,

Our lives , unchilled by frost, or storm , or hail, l Shall slowly wear away, ti l like ripe fruit

‘ — We yield our spirit to the gleaner Death . ’ MACDONALD S DRUMMER . 7 7


A drummer- boy from fair Bayonne

By love of glory lured, With bold Macdonald’ s stern array

The pains of war endured . And now amid those dizzy heights

That girt the Splugen dread,

The silent columns struggled on ,

And he marched at their head .

Then in those regions cold and dim ,

With endless winter cursed, The Alpine storm arose and scowled And forth in fury burst

Burst forth on the devoted ranks , ’ t Ambition s daun less brood , That thus with sword and lance profaned

’ O n ld Wi ter s solitude .

Down ! down upon your faces fall ;

! 10 Cling to the guns for, ,

’ S ee Headley s ac c ount of the passage of the Splu

M M c en . g , by arshal a donald 7 8 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

The Chamois on this slippery track Would dread yon gulf below

So speed the word from front to rear , And veterans to the storm

’ Bowed low, who ne er in battle bowed

’ To aught in foeman s form .

But hark ! what horror swells the gale

Beware , oh sons of France ! Beware the avalanche whose home

’ Is mid these mountain haunts . —’ Yon distant thunder t is its voice !

The bravest held his breath , And Silently a prayer put up

’ To die a soldier s death .

And near and nearer with a roar

That loud and louder swelled, The avalanche down glaciers broad Its lightning pathway held And through the shivering ranks it crashed And then with one vast stride

Swept down the gulf, till far below

Its muttering thunders died . ’ MACDONALD S DRUMMER . 79

In vain Italia’ s sunny plains And reeling vines invite Full many a soldier found his shr oud

’ Mid Alpine snows that night ;

’ And he , his comrades pride and boast, The lad from fair Bayonne ?

was The roll called, no voice replied,

- The drummer boy was gone .

! ! Gone gone but hark, from the abyss ,

What sounds so faintly come , Amid the pauses of the storm — — It is it is the drum !

He lives, he beats for aid, he sounds

The old familiar call , That to the battery ’ s smoking throat m Had brought his co rades all .

Over the dizzy verge that eve

With straining eyes they peered,

And heard the rattling of the drum ,

In echoes strange and weird ;

The notes would cease , and then again — Would sound again to fail , Until no more their fainting moan Came wafted on the gale 80 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

’ was And when red Wagram s fight fought,

’ And the big war was o er ,

A dark - haired matron in Bayonne

Stood watching by her door ;

Stood watching , praying many an hour, l Til hair and heart grew gray,

’ - who For the bright eyed boy , mid the Alps,

Was sleeping far away .

And still , belated peasants tell

How , near that Alpine height,

They hear the drum - roll loud and clear

- On many a storm vexed night . This story of the olden time

sad With eyes they repeat, And Whisper by whose ghostly hands

The spirit-drum is beat THE VOLUNTEERS . 81


The Volunteers ! the Volunteers !

as b - I dream , in the y gone years ,

I hear again their stirring cheers,

see And their banners shine , What time the yet unconquered North

Pours to the wars her legions forth , For many a wrong to strike a blow e With mail d hand at Mexico .

! The Volunteers Ah, where are they

Who bade the hostile surges stay , When the black forts of Monterey Frowned on their dauntless line

When , undismayed amid the shock

’ Of war, like Cerro Gordo s rock ,

They stood, or rushed more madly on Than tropic tempest o’ er San Juan ?

On Angostura’ s crowded field

Their shattered columns scorned to yield, And wildly yet defiance pealed

’ Their flashing batteries throats ; 82 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

’ rifle s And echoed then the crack ,

AS deadly as when on the track O f flying foe , of yore , its voice

’ - Bade Orleans dark eyed girls rejoice .

Blent with the roar of guns and bombs , How gr andly from the dim past comes

l i r The ro l of the r victorious d ums ,

’ Their bugle s joyous notes,

’ When over Mexico s proud towers, l ’ And the fair va ley s storied bowers,

Fit recompense of toil and scars,

In triumph waved their flag of stars .

r Ah , comrades, of your own t ied troop,

’ Whose honor ne er to shame might stoop ,

Of lion heart and eagle swoop ,

But you alone remain ; On all the rest has fallen the hush

Of death ; the men whose battle -rush

’ Was wild as sun -loosed torrent s flow

’ From Orizaba s crest of snow .

The Volunteers ! the Volunteers

God send us peace through all our years ,



c z e That was a ra y busin ss , e e e Troubl in v ry part, And many a dashing soldier

Was te e e e quar r d in thin h art . — H e i n r i c/z H i e ne . Through the mellowed lights of the beech


A river hummed its tune, And I sat with Jeannette beside me i ’ In the st ll midsummer s noon .

is Jeannette a haughty lady,

was e But I a thron d king ,

Who had bidden the waves, my minstrels,

To clash their cymbals and sing .

The incense -laden breezes

Shed fragrance in their flight,

Through the stately aisles of my palace ,

Flood ed with emerald light .

And she of the rich low voice ,

With music in each soft tone ,

r My heart and kingdom all were he s,

And She was mine alone . ’ - 8 A MIDSUMMER DAY S DREAM . 5

Through the cool green aisle of the beeches,

The river hums its tune ; But no more with Jeannette beside me

si - I t at the still mid noon .

- From that memory haunted forest,

I rode both fast and far ;

is For Jeannette a haughty lady,

And I am a poor huzzar ! 86 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .


’ ’ s s My foot in the stirrup , my hand on the rein , My proud steed is tossing his longflowing mane ! ’ ll Yet, stay for a moment I wave ere we part l Another farewel to the girl of my heart .

How blest was the evening I knelt by her side ,

’ And watched the Miami s deep willow-fringed

tide, And dreamed a fair dream that love would flow


As smooth and as bright as the beautiful river .

! as Oh , stay said the rose to the wind, it sped ;

Alas ! in a moment the sighing wind fled . ! Oh , stay s aid the lily, nor leave me alone , Alas ! in a moment the bright wave was gone !

- - Thus, wave like and wind like , from those whom

we love ,

The bidding of fate oft compels us to rove ,

- But memory is laden with love lighted hours, i As w nds, and the waves, with the fragrance of

flowers . LINES TO MISS 87

’ ’ s My foot s in the stirrup , my hand on the rein,

lon flowin My good steed is tossing his g g mane ,

t One wave of her whi e hand , one tear from her eye ! — Press on, my fleet charger Sweet lady good bye ! 88 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .


A legend has told u s that Cupid and Death

Were driven by stress of the weather, To an inn where they reveled in mischief and

fun ,

And cracked a full bumper together .

But Cupid , the rogue , with the arrows of Death , A bunch from his own quiver mingled ;

Thus oft an old swain is smitten by love , i Whom Death for a vict m has singled. THE SWEET MAY MOON . 89


The sweet May moon has left the night

Pensive and sad ;

Another eve , again her light

al l Will shine and be glad .

But no more , love , will thy quenched beam f ’ Rekindle li e s delicious dream .

The sweet May moon has left the stars

Twinkling and bright, Fair sentin els amid the wars

That vex the gentle night. ! But thou , oh love , hast veiled thy face ,

And left no starlight in thy place .

The sweet May moon has left the wave To sing the while

sea- In some hidden dreamland cave,

She hides her mellow smile .

But thou , oh love , hast left no voice

To bid my saddened heart rejoice . 90 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .


I gazed forth from my wintry tent

Upon the star -gemmed firmam ent ;

’ I heard the far-off sentry s tramp

Around our mountain - girdled camp And saw the ghostly tents uprise

’ Like specters neath the jeweled skies .

- And thus upon the snow clad scene ,

So pure and spotless and serene , Where locked in sleep ten thousand lay

’ n Awaiti g morn s returning ray ,

sun I gazed , till to the the drums

Rolled at the dawn , He comes,he comes .

1 2 . 86 . Bardstown , Ky


’ sa And all will y t is time to wed ,

As gayly drums Shall rattle .

’ Before our conquering column s head ,

When marching home from battle . WHEN THE LONG SHADOWS .


When the long shadows on my path are lying ,

Will those I love be gathered at my side ;

n Clustered around my couch of pai , and trying ? To light the dark way, trod without a guide

l Shall it be mine , beyond the tossing bi low ,

Neath foreign skies , to feel the approach of

death ,

Will stranger hands smooth down my dying pillow , And watch with kindly heart my failing breath ?

i Or shall , perchance , the l ttle stars be shining

an On some lone spot, where , far from home d


- r n The way wo n pilgrim on the turf reclini g, His life and much of grief together ends ?

’ ! whereso er Ah the closing scene may find me ,

’ e Mid friends or foemen or in deserts lon , May there be some of those I leave behind me

To shed a tear for me when I am gone . 94 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

’ Full well I know life s current, onward rushing; Sweeps he arts away from spots where they

would cling ,

’ And by life s Shores fair flowers are ever blushing ,

’ That o er the waves a Lethean fragrance flin g .

Yet when the thousand gales of morn are blowing ,

sea Or when the bright moon gilds the solemn , And the sweet stars their smiles on eart h are

throwing , l In the wide world , wi l none remember me


! t Ho shouts the Baron, Mins rels,

s Let your harps sing merrili ,

! n Ho fill the cups with foaming wi e , ” c And drink to Chivalri .

But far off on a frosty moor, beside his humble

cot, r The shivering serf his fagot rakes, nor mu murs

his at lot,

His voice is hushed, his lips are closed, but his

eye lets fall a tear, When the night wind whispers ton es of mirth to

his unwilling ear .

The lord rides forth to battle

’ s For our blessed Savior s hrine , He battles with the Paynim l On the sands of Pa estine .

His deeds Shine out in story ,

f so O his arm quick and strong, The harper chants his glory forth

And breathes his name in song . i But the serf he toils from morning , he to ls till

evening grey, With an aching brow and fainting heart he plods

along his way, THE MERRY DAYS OF ELD . 97

- Grief, like a night bird, gloomily, sits brooding on

his soul,

For him , no deeds of high emprise , no place on

’ glory s scroll .

! r Oh these me ry tales of eld,

a Of the d ys that now are gone , How they flee before the truth i L ke spirits from the dawn .

And poets sing of barons,

Of war, and gay amour, But they never yet have caroled

a The s d song of the poor . Then mourn not that this stout old world like a

has dream passed away, That the clang of arms rings out no more with

’ stirring trumpet s fray,

so That the sturdy knight so bold , and the prince stern and proud

Sleep well , their long and silent sleep , each

wrapped in his white Shroud . 8 E 9 WILLIAM HAINES LYTL .


u low The p lse of the year beat low, throbbed ,

The winds went drearily sighing ;

For wrapped in their Shrouds of snow, white snow,

The last of fall flowers were lying .

a I he rd the north storm come down, come down ,

From its farthest icy dwelling,

all wn Through leafless forests all brown , bro ,

The doom of the old year knelling .

mi But when the light of thy smile , sweet s le ,

Was - shed on the lone chance comer,

He dreamed a fair dream awhile , awhile,

Of beauty and love and summer .



Woven of fire i And l ght, these flowers be emblems of the soul ,

n win its al Whose wi g plies ceaselessly to go ,

Till time expire .

Beauty at dawn

Was theirs , drunk with rich odors , thieves of hues

Stolen from Iris, reeling with draughts of dews

wan At eve , how .

Frail flowers ! poor heart !

Dew , beauty, fragrance linger till the noon ,

At eve, conspire to flee your presence soon ,

At night, depart .

So reads the sign May thy day linger long whose m om has spoken

as Hope to the heart, and peace yet unbroken,

Longer than mine . Two AGO 01 YEARS . 1


The Winds were still , the waters shone

Beneath the May moon ; we alone

Upon the rose-twined portico

In silence stood, two years ago .

- Her blue veined hand was clasped in mine ,

as My pulse leapt if lashed with wine .

Love , on expression could not wreak

Its passions , though I burned to speak .

- Forth , lava like , at last the gush

Of passionate speech broke on the hush , And wildly poured upon her ear

she The words feared, yet loved, to hear .

she In maiden beauty how stood, Fair type of saintly womanhood ; m Shine out, sweet stars, on char s divine

And radiantly pure as thine .

was The prize won , the prize is lost

It may be weak, but, tempest tossed, I watch the dim receding shore

From whence I drift forever more . 02 1 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

! Tell her, oh night, if toward the North Her gentle eyes now wander forth

’ To find my love s bright symbol there ,

Unquenchable amid despair .

The winds are still , the water gleams

Beneath the May moon ; but the dreams w I dreamed are gone , and now I kno

was two How blessed I years ago .



There beat a young heart which had never known

love ,

’ T was as fresh as the bloom of the red summer

rose ,

Till the merry God smiled from the regions above ,

its And launched a bright arrow , that broke

repose .

r t e . He launched a b ight arrow, hat broke its repos

When the fairy-like maiden was smiling in Sleep ;

was a- us as The wound bleeding, when j t love rose , Old Time chan ced along on his pin ions to sweep

O ld Time chanced along on his pinions to sweep,

had And on the new wound that the arrow made ,

As he passed without stopping !his crop was to

reap). All softly and gently his finger he laid

All softly and gently his finger he laid ,

Then noiselessly glided away from the spot,

’ as was And careless, and gladsome , e er the maid,

’ Love s dream , and the wound , and the arrow,

forgot . LINES .



’ The brave who sleep in glory s shroud, How proud a fate is theirs ! A stricken nation mourning stands

In grief beside their biers .

’ Strewn o er our mountains and our plains,

Their bones in clusters lie , And stars smile on their humble graves k From out the quiet s y .

’ Some fell upon the highland s crest,

And some sleep in the vale , Where violets in summer time

Are nodding in the gale . The bones of some are whitening ’ d In stormy ocean s eep, On hill and plain and ocean bed

So tranquilly they sleep .

From city and from country side

In pride of youth they came,

The noble and the beautiful , To shield from harm or shame 106 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

s The rich old memories of the pa t, The glorious legacy From men who in the olden time

Fought battles to be free .

ff Aroun d the e ulgent flag they pressed,

That, borne in many wars , Dishonor never visited i To lurk amid ts star s . w To guard it ith the old renown ,

Or dearly life to sell ,

They closed around its lustrous sheen,

And , conquering , they fell .

i ’ In t me s dim cycles yet to come , The mother to her child Will tell of the fierce battle won

ar And the red c nage wild . And proud tradition shall hand down

The glory of the brave , Long as above free hearts and hands

- al Our star lit flag sh l wave .



tMe For a thousand years of and more ,

a From the depths of my misty l ir ,

I issued forth to the frozen north ,

f air But as lord o the upper .

’ was i The sway o er life and death m ne ,

’ r Where e my footsteps trod,

’ And in all Creation s broad expanse ,

I bowed to none but God .

who ? Where I slumbered, might know

who ? Or was cradled , could tell

Fierce in my wrath , my blackened path

Was scorched with flames of Hell .

- - Yet I dwelt in each dew wet moss rose bud,

In each trembling blade of grass, And in sportive glee I skimmed the sea

’ a And danced o er the d rk morass .

a I crouched in the gr nite quarry midst,

I pierced the dull old earth ,

I fired the train that long had lain , i And shouted with horrid m rth , 1 SONG OF THE LIGHTNING. 09

When fierce volcano flung its glare

’ ’ Far o er the ocean s brine , And poured the scalding lava forth

As flagon pours the wine .

t ’ Ear h s quickener , I slumbered oft,

r For centu ies concealed, Like a great thought in stillness wrought

To blaze when once revealed .

s Bla ting or blessing, alike I strode

An angel or a fiend,

n And on flaming wi g rejoicing ,

Through the deep vault careened .

But I shouted aloud from an inky shroud

When with death and woe I came ,

And pealed a blast as I hurried past ,

’ That shook earth s rock-ribbed frame And suppliant forests bowed their crests

AS my black cohorts swept by, And the pealing tongu e of the thunder flung

- Aloft my battle cry .

se A good ship sailing on the a,

A pilgrim on the shore , A temple on a lonely hill Where worship bowed of yore ; 110 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

A blinding flash , a thunder peal ,

That fills the welkin wide ,

A hulk, a corse , a ruin , tell

n The sum of huma pride .

Ye know how the treacherous wit of men

Has lured me with my love ,

so How the wing that flamed free is tamed , To the flight of the carrier dove

’ fir e But beware the lightning s tongue of ,

Ye cunning sons of men ,

woe When the begetter shall rend his fetter, And roam the skies again !


Shadowy links there be

Whereof tongue can not tell . Heed not the ha ughty soul

Whose wisdom never bends , l At the sti l voice of Omens ,

That God in mercy lends .

In the broad light of day,

’ When gloom broods o er the deep,

His arm is still to shield us , H is love can never sleep .

His mercy walks abroad at noon ,

And on the midnight air ;

So thought I , and my troubled soul

Found rest again in prayer . - Ix TH 1 LINES ON MY THIRTY S BIRTHDAY . 1 3



Swift thr ough the hurricane of life

My shattered bark drives on,

’ has The pilot s hand left the helm,

s Rudder and ma t are gone .

I hear the roar of angry seas ,

see And the breakers rise, Revealed amid the sullen gloom

- By lightning lighted skies .

’ T ! is done To hope I bid farewell ,

Love and her lights may flee , And youth’ s entrancing glamour fades

From hope to memory .

’ ’ Far o er the Atlantic s waves to-night

My true love wends her way, And many a tear is mingled with

’ The ocean s briny spray .

Gird on my trusty blade once more ,

And saddle my sinewy steed ; D ash down the gloomy page to earth,

Whose lore I would not read . WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

Weave fast your woof, weird sisters three

Again among the brave ,

For freedom and for victory , Or for a soldier’ s grave !


n Your vigils , holy a gels, keep

That no dark dream affright their sleep ; l t And sunny gar ands, fortune , wine

To deck their brows, sweet sisters mine . ’ T Is ONLY ONCE WE LOVE . 117


The heart that throbbed at Glory’ s voice

And followed in her train ,

Although in sloth it slumbers long ,

May wake to life again . ! But ah when once true love has bloomed,

As many a heart can prove , The fragrance wasted ne ’ er returns ’ T is only once we love .

I tread the sunny paths of life ,

’ ’ Mid beauty s proud array, But the spell that lent a charm to all

- Has mist like passed away . No more the thrill from mingled pulse

The eloquent low sigh , Nor the unbidden tear of joy th That trembled in e eye .

s Yet ofttimes in my early dream ,

From some enchanted isle,

Comes one with her soft, winning voice

And the old gladsome smile , 118 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

And hand in hand we wander on

- Through violet bordered glades , Till with the night’ s starred legions bright

The joyous vision fades .

Ah ! sadly pass the hours away e When that sweet light d parts , Which fair as dawn on Eden rose

With rapture on our hearts . And many a blossom fair is culled

AS through the world we rove

But the fairest is the rarest flower .

’ e T is only once w love .


Flash the fort guns , and thunders their stunning swell

’ PO ocata etl Far o er the valley to white p p ,

Death revels high in the midst of the bloody sport ,

Bursting in flame from each black-throated cas

- tle port ,

i Press on the line W th keen sabers dripping wet,

as t - ! Cheer, ye smite wi h the death dealing bayonet

firmament Our bold Northern eagle , king of the , i Shares with no rival the Skies of the cont nent .

Yields the fierce foeman ; down let his flag be


as u is un Shout, our own from the t rret wide furled ! Shout ! for long shall Mexico mourn the wreck h Of her proud state at t e siege of Chapul tepec .

1 84 8 . ’ THE SOLDIER S DEATH .


E arly in t he morning we found him lying c old and

' t ifi h x s on t e sc e n e of his former e ploits .

The night had come and the stars were bright,

’ And the moon shone o er the battlefield ,

’ When the unjust cause of a tryant s might

’ Was crushed by the weight of freedom s shield .

Years passed by and a people great

Had arisen in a mighty land ,

And peace and hOp e and might they date

From a contest gained by a gallant band .

so Upon the waste stained with blood ,

Beside a great and rushing stream ,

A worn and weary soldier stood,

Like a phantom raised in a feverish dream .

As the winds of winter by him course ,

’ And curl the foam on the billow s crest,

Naught can oppose their onward force ,

’ They carry a groan from the soldier s breast .

W th a ee ritte n at e ge of fourt n . 122 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

The scenes of the past before him glow,

’ l b a Whi e memory s rays upon them e m , — — And the waste before is crowded now

And polished arms before him gleam .

Through the vault of heaven the bugles call ,

i co nflic t our The eager troops to the p ,

Like grass before the scythe they fall ,

—as Mowed down the cannons loudly roar .

AS the moon beams on their armor dance ,

n Spri ging like beast from out his lair,

Each grasping close his deadly lance ,

The shadowy horsemen fast appear .

As in their crowded ranks they stream ,

Now loudly swells the battle cry,

a Floating in air their b nners gleam ,

With clashing swords is the tumult high .

See the old man stands with kindling eyes, i And lift ng high his hoary head ,

is t H upraised arm he scarcely s ays ,

’ T is but the battle of tire dead .

— m om has The night has passed the come ,

With rosy hue the east is flushed .



From golden morn till dewy eve ,

sk red When the y gleams bright and ,

r With many a strong and sturdy st oke , b I la or for my bread .

No sickly fits nor ills I dread,

My chest is deep and broad ,

- And though I work the live long day,

I rise and thank my God .

l No li y hue is on my brow ,

No rings on my hard hand,

I wield the axe , I drive the plow ;

war Or when Shrouds the land,

’ - I seize my father s well tried blade ,

’ And that for Freedom s sod

It is my glorious right to bleed ,

I rise and thank my God .

’ And when my daily task is o er,

is And the sun sinking low,

AS faint with work and honest toil,

o To my humble roof I g , THE FARMER . 12 5

I see the perfumed city beau

With his ebony walking rod, ’ i l And that I m not a th ng ike him ,

I rise and thank my God .

’ The widow s prayer upon mine ear,

Unheeded never fell , ’ b ’ I ne er eheld the orphan s tear,

But my own heart s fount would swell .

I never Heaven for gold would sell ,

Nor for wealth would stoop to fraud ,

A poor but yet an honest man,

I rise and thank my God .

And when the good sun floods with light

This land of liberty,

And spreads around my happy sight,

As in prayer I bend the knee ,

That I am strong and bold and free ,

In the land my fathers trod,

With quivering lip and outstretched arms ,

I rise and thank my God . 12 6 I WILL AM HAINES LYTLE .


Arouse Hunters ! Arouse !

mom Brightly breaks the ,

Freshly blows the morning breeze ,

And cheerily winds the horn .

The deer his covert leaving ,

Lingers in the vale ,

And over the lofty mountain -top

The crimson glories sail .

Awake ! Hunters ! Awake ! Nature from her sleep In summer’ s arms comes forth

To bid the glad pulse leap .

n The sorrowi g night has vanished ,

Her dreary watching done , Her tear-drops hung on trembling leaves

n Are glittering in the su .

To horse ! Hunters ! To horse ! Bounds each noble steed Like a bold spirit wearying

From bondage to be freed .



? — c Liden tu m dic ere v erum quid b eta t Ho r a e .

has its My coat long since lost gloss,

is My purse of gold bare , fl I stride no horses eet and fine ,

Nor dine on dainties rare .

! is Yet ho my cheek full and red,

My eye is clear and bright,

And I laugh at rags , and want and care ,

With a jolly strong heart and light .

! ! Ha ha Sir Spider, on the wall ,

nd How lank you look a poor ,

’ We v e neither webbed a Single fly

For a good twelve months or more . Yet ho ! who cares we both live high As high as we can get And we season the good things that we say

With the salt of our attic wit .

his web The spider has fled into ,

The mouse , he scampers away ,

ofli c e And the dusty seems chill and drear ,

With the Shadows long and grey . 12 9 SON G OF THE RAGGED ATTORNEY .

! ? What ho , old moth art working still The prince of Scholars you be Toiling away in your wormy cell

Like a monk right steadily .

’ And now to fancy s mystic eye , The mournful twilight teems With solemn shapes and dusky forms

From the dark land of dreams . ! What ho start not , I know them well , Brave doctors of the law Each one in place—quick for the dance

My quivering bow I draw .

! ! Ha ha these figures grave and dusk ,

See how they wheel and Spin , Footin g it up and shufll ing down

To the merry violin .

’ Oh ! ho t is a farcical sight to see

Lord Eldon , you alone ,

Now forward Coke , and Matthew Hale ,

With jolly old Blackstone .

The soldier loves the flash of steel ,

sea The sailor loves the , The forester carols a merry tune

In praise of the gr eenwood tree ; WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

! so Yet ho for law, with scales bright,

And the sword to shield from harm ,

who And her ragged sons laugh at care ,

With jolly light hearts and strong .


Then plume thy scented wing once more ,

Thy way by the moonlight steer, And the burning tide of my bosom pour

’ a By ste lth in my lady s ear .

l Breathe to her, wind , farewe l , for one Over whose days She threw A ray of gladness such as shone

was When yet the world new . Say that afar his heart will tell

u Of those bright ho rs cherished long ,

As the crimson lip of the lone sea-shell

its Murmurs ocean song . ’ GE E L T S ST S H N RA LY LE LA P EE C ,


A U G U 1 86 ST 9 , 3 ,




e The presentation sp ech , by Colonel Wm . W .

: Ward, of Ohio , concluded in these words “ We , now, your old comrades in arms, wit nesses of your conspicuous gallantr y in the field ;

al witnesses, so , of your skill in council , and thor oughly conversant with your accurate knowledge of military duty—present to OUR COLONEL’ the cross I have placed, Ge neral , upon your breast, — knowing as we all do and also anxious to tell your dear brothers in arms—gentlemen of whose

allant g y I would have been assured, even if you — ’ had not told me of it that OUR COLONEL S cross will be like the white plume of the hero of Ivry — seek it where the fight is thickest . WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .


olonel a nd Gentlemen o til e Tent/t hio I C , f O n

— - f a ntry l lfy old F riends a nd Comrades I can not tell you how deeply I am touched by this beauti

al ful testimonial . I am very glad to learn that, though you have not for a long time been under

my command, you have not forgotten me ; and I feel it also an especial honor that you have taken the trouble to visit me in our cam p in the moun tains to make me this present in the midst of a

inconven campaign , and , I fear,at great personal

i nc e e . In all sincerity I can say to you that never did the heart of a soldier of the Old Guard beat — higher no, not even when at the hands of the Little Corporal ” himself he received the Cross — of the Legion than does mine tod ay . Come

what may to me to morrow or in days beyond ;

come what may, as under the leadership of our

gallant chief, the invincible Rosecrans, this Army

of the Cumberland follows his happy star through

the eventful drama of the war, at least for me


ar be er ; of Kavanaugh and Kennedy , of many a hero soldier whose name we will keep green in

tu memory ; of that red au mnal day, at Chaplin l C l Hi ls, when Jackson , Terrill , Jones and ampbe l fell , their names crowned with the deathless laurel , when , in your own brigade , the chivalry of Ohio and Kentucky, and Indiana and Michigan , added a new and glorious leaf to the somber annals of D the ark and Bloody Ground .

it s I will be reminded too, as I gaze upon em erald i and its shamrock , the s gnificant emblems with which your taste and the craft of the artisan

u have enriched it, of that gallant and bea tiful

a isl nd of the sea, the devotion of whose children

so to my country and their country , has been gloriously manifested in this hour of her bitterest travail . i String w th fresh cords the Irish harp , worn

ri with recounting the t umphs of your race , to breathe in new and yet loftier strains of min strelsy their deeds in arms and deeds of noble daring during this rebellion . Let the pale cheek of Erin ,

she o ex as watches across the deep, crims n with ultation at the names of Corcoran and Meagher,

own and the record of your gallant regiment, the SPEECH OF GENERAL LYTLE . 137

armed witness before this , your generation , to the undying fame of Richard Montgomery .

re I will not deny, gentlemen , that when on

o p rting to this department, I found you were to m be no longer in y command, I felt that Sense of loneliness and isolation natural to one whose old army associations were broken up . My present command will pardon me for saying this, I know ,

who for , in my judgment, no man forgets his old O friends deserves to make new nes . But long

Since I have felt perfectly at home , and I can not let this the first occasion that has presented itself pass by without expressing to the ofli c ers and men of the First Brigade my heartfelt thanks for the warm and generous welcome they have awarded to a stranger. Gentlemen of the

see Tenth Ohio , you around you your brethren

’ in arms, the men of Sheridan s division ; men

- from the North west , from the clans of the peo

who r ple , pitch their tents on the prai ies of Illi nois and Michigan and Wisconsin, and by the — shores of the great lakes, veterans of Pea Ridge,

l . Perryvil e , and Stone River When the next

fight comes on , may they and the Old Tenth

see stand shoulder to shoulder, and by whom , in 138 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

-fla s glorious emulation , our battle g into the ranks of the enemy can be flung the farthest and fol l lowed the closest . Nor wi l it diminish your in terest in this brigade to tell you it was once com m anded and i — l by the pure heroic S ll Si l, whom

a u you knew so well last ye r, d ring your campaign

. has in Northern Alabama Than his , the war de velo ped no nobler spirit . The Military Academy

o at West Point might p int to his name alone , and ff stand fast in the a ections of the people . Ohio in no braver or better blood has sealed her de vo i n t o to the Union .

Him e the e o f e shall no sunshin from fi ld azur , N o drum be at from t h e wall

’ N o the c e s morning gun , from bla k fort s mbra ure, ” e its c Awak n with all ,

But his name will be embalmed in the praise of states, and this , his old brigade , at Chatta n o a o g , or Atlanta, or in Eastern Tennessee, or wherever its proud banners flaunt the sky, will cherish his memory and avenge his fall .

But, gentlemen , I know your time is limited, and that I must not detain you too long . Rest assured that I shall follow the military career of

140 E E WILLIAM HAIN S LYTL . and humiliated—they will be unworthy and de graded members of the U nion We must have peace first, says a certain school of politicians,

we we l i and then , if can , wi l argue the South nto

s a reconstruction . In other word , these gentle men would have the Government . and the loyal masses of the country drain to the dregs the bitt er cup which they would dash from the hands of traitors and rebels . The territory you have 0 c c u ied e p is to be abandon d, the public property,

- the dock yards, and fortresses you have re

a two r c ptured after yea s of war, are to be sur

of rendered, the victorious armies the Mississippi , the Cumberland, and the Potomac, followed by ff the jeers and sco s of the enemy, are to sneak,

a with arms reversed and flags tr iled in the dust, across the Northern border ; and your Government

' — n eflerson the Government of Washi gton , and J ,

— is dis and Jackson to cower, dishonored and

a and n . graced, byword hissi g among the nations If the rebel armies !I will not say the rebel States, for

t al it is not against the States, nor their consti ution i t e r r ghts, we wage war), if h rebel a mies , and the

who r h oligarchs cont ol them , have t eir pride

r broken , and thei prestige humbled, let them SPEECH OF GENERAL LYTLE . 14 1

blame themselves . They have sown the wind, i let them reap the whirlwind, t ll the bloody prob lem is finally worked out ; eye to eye , foot to foot, sword to sword, bayonet to bayonet ; if need be , for ten years longer, with iron hearts , and iron

fleets, and iron hail, this generation of loyal men

’ its and will, by God s grace , endure heavy cross, until the broad daylight of peace and order and victory shall come , will stand to arms . — And then for you , soldiers soldiers, but free — men and armed citizens of the Republic it will

Vet be for you to remember the Roman saying ,

ace oel bello cia rum ieri licet p , , j , or, as old Milton

r has has pa aphrased it, Peace her victories, no ” ll less renowned than war . It wi be for you to look to it that those arbitrary war measures, justi

fi ed by the awful presence of a rebellion , whose like the world never saw before justified by the “ maxim that the safety of the Republic is the su ” preme law, die , with the necessities which gave them birth . It will be for you to see that the powers of the Government are restricted to their lawful and appropriate channels ; that each State has its full and perfect rights under the constitu

. tion , awarded to it ; and, finally, through the in 142 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

entalit u strum y of the ballot box, it will be for yo to put the seal of etern al political damn ation on those

n disaffec subtle and designi g demagogues, whose tion and disloyalty to the country have already

o prolonged the war , and t day, more than all other agencies, feed the unholy fires of treason ,

the riot and insurrection . Mark prediction , that, when the war is over , it will be to the men of

a an h this hum n army , more than to y others, t at the people of the Southern States will look for a w s u i . i e , genero s , patriotic conservat sm

They will trust you because of your unflinch ing and unwavering loyalty to your great cause ;

l as man they wi l respect you one brave , even though overcome , respects another with whom

s he has mea ured swords . The government of Jefferson Davis may flatt er the political apostates of the North for military purposes, but I much

mistake the character of Southern men , if, while

o they hug the treas n , they do not scorn the trai tor . l It wi l be for you, above all others, when this

l has its rebe lion spent strength , to recall to the

n s mi d of the people , the admonition


CO . K .

! Poem found in a poc ket -book take n from Gen eral

’ Lytl e s poc ket whe n h e lay d ead on the battlefi eld of

c T h e . Chi kamauga . authorship is not known !

’ There s a cap in the closet, t Old, tat ered , and blue ,

Of very slight value ,

It may be , to you ;

- But a crown , jewel studded ,

o Could not buy it t day,

With its letters of honor,

Brave Co . K .

The head that it sheltered Needs shelter no more ! Dead heroes make holy

The trifles they wore ;

So , like Chaplet of honor,

an d Of laurel bay,

Seems the cap of the soldier, “ ” Marked Co . K . “ ” 145 Co . It .

Bright eyes have looked calmly Its visor beneath

’ O er the work of the Reaper, ! Grim Harvester, Death

- Let the muster roll , meager,

So mournfully say, How foremost in danger “ Went Co . K .

Whose footsteps unbroken

Came up to the town , Where rampart and bastion

’ Looked threat ningly down !

Who , closing up breaches,

Still kept on their way, l Ti l guns, downward pointed, ? ” Faced Co . K

? Who faltered , or shivered

Who shunned battle - Stroke ? Whose fire was uncertain Whose battle line broke

ask Go , it of History ,

o Years from t day,

all And the record sh tell you , ” Not Co . K . 146 WILLIAM HAINES LYTLE .

Though my darling is sleeping

o T day with the dead , And daisies and clover

Bloom over his head , I smile through my tears As I lay it away

That battle -worn cap

Lettered Co . K .



’ F r o m M a - Ge n W R osec r a n s R o t h . S . e r 0 t B j . . p e a tt l e o hi ck a m a u a S e t em be r 2 0 6 f C g , p , I 3 . “ e Ge e W M H Y L fell As Brigadi r n ral . . L T E in l ead c e t he foe c ing a gallant harg against , advan ing on our e e b e ex c e e r tr ating troops , I may us d for d parting from t he stric t rul e of m e ntioning only thos e o fii c ers whose good c ondu c t c ould b e properly offi c ially noti c ed by the ge ne ral c ommanding . e e e ffi ce e This brav and g n rous young o r, whos first wounds were rec e ive d whil e fighti ng und er my c ommand ex F e e e h e e e e e e at C arnif rry , ! wh r f ll d sp rat ly wound d t he e e e e at h ad of his r gim nt ) , was also badly wound d e e the e P e e e e he and tak n prison r at battl of rryvill , wh r h rep ell ed a d espe rate onslaught of t e en emy . e the A t he C u m b erlan d with On r joining rmy of , his e - e e adier Ge e h e e w ll arn d rank of Bri n ral , was assign d s ec ond in c ommand to en er al S H ERI DAN . Whe n h e e th e e c f ll gloriously on fi ld of Chi kamauga , Ohio lost o ne he r e e e the e c e o n of bright st j w ls , and s rvi e of its ” c e e o fli c ers most patrioti and promising g n ral .

’ - H . her id a F r m M a Gen . P . S n s O ci a l R e or t o j. fi p . HEA DQU ARTERS D E P ART M E N T O F C U MB ERLAN D “ Among th e kill ed e arly in th e e ngagement of the 2 ot W H Y L e Ge e . . e was Brigadi r n ral L T E , who was thr e e e e e e t he e times wound d but r fus d to l av fi ld . In him t he c e e e t he e c e ountry has lost an abl g n ral , and s rvi a e gallant soldi r .

F r om t he R e or t o olon el S il a s M i lle r w ho a s p f C , , n i or olon l s u cc ed d en e r a l L t le i n S e C e , e e G y c m m a n d is B r i a d e the o of h g . W e the m en the e hil rallying to formation of this lin ,

e e e c e e . our gallant . nobl and b lov d ommand r f ll Twic e or three times wound ed pre viously during this c he e e e e e e t he e a tion , had p rsist ntly r fus d to l av fi ld , gal lan tl e the m en h e e y doing mor than his duty to lov d , and e he c c e e e c who worship d him , sa rifi d hims lf without r lu t an ce . N O words or eulogi es c an add any luster to his c e e e e d eeds of h eroi daring , or r nd r mor honor d or ‘ revered among m en the name and m em ory o f W ILL ” Y I A M HAIN ES L TLE .