CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1341 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1341 HON September 24, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1341 staunch, lifelong advocate of education, she HONORING THE LIFE OF ALFRED California. But Father Serra is also a major was instrumental in founding this innovative D. COWARD historical figure in California’s settlement and and highly successful community college tai- expansion. As important as his contribution to lored to address the multiple academic, social HON. TIM RYAN the faith is, his effort to unify and connect and service needs of the East Palo Alto com- OF OHIO north and south California laid the groundwork munity. The college began with 120 students IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the state it came to be. As most people know, Father Serra is re- and grew to 200 within a few years. One year Thursday, September 24, 2015 before its founding, Dr. Martin Luther King had sponsible for establishing the first 9 of what been killed. As the war in Vietnam raged and Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today would eventually be 21 missions up and down several American cities went up in flames, to recognize and remember the life of Alfred the coast of California all the way from San D. Coward, who passed away on July 10th, Diego in the south to north of San Francisco. Mavis Knox joined with visionary leaders to 2015 with his beloved wife, Verlene, by his In today’s world, those 21 missions are tanta- offer an alternative to fires burning within and side. Alfred was a community leader in mount to social media. They represented a without: the light and hope of a quality college Youngstown, Ohio of the utmost caliber and network of community and connectedness that education. Her love of education would distin- influence. Over 35 years of distinguished serv- brought order to a wilderness and established guish Mavis Knox in years to come, and her ice to the Mt. Calvary Pentecostal Church, Al- common links between myriad towns and vil- community leadership was built upon this bed- fred ‘‘The Rev’’ Coward served in multiple lages. Those missions were so important to rock commitment. leadership positions. These included Super- the framework of community, commerce and Mavis began her career with San Mateo intendent of the Sunday school, Head of Pas- government that eventually coalesced into a County in 1982 and retired in 2005 after toral Affairs and Bereavement, and Chairman state, that every school child in California must spending much of her county career in Chil- of the Brotherhood Department to name a few. construct a mission diorama in the 4th grade dren and Family Services as a social worker Alfred’s leadership skills were also em- as part of his/her history lesson. The majority and supervisor. When she supervised the ployed outside of the walls of Mt. Calvary of those missions still stand today and are still Long Term Placement unit she was the driving Church. Reverend Coward’s civic involvement vibrant centers of faith and community. They force in enhancing the Independent Living included four years as Chair of the Mayor’s also serve as strong tourist attractions and Task Force on Crime and Violence Preven- Skills program and the Moving On ceremony. bring to life the story of California’s early set- tion, five years on the Steering Committee of tlers to millions of visitors every year. So piv- Mavis was elected to the Ravenswood City the Youngstown Weed & Seed Initiative, as otal was Father Serra to the rise and pros- School District Board of Trustees and served well as an appointment by Mayor Jay Williams perity of California that the state elected to the community from that position for 12 years to the Youngstown Civil Service Commission, have his statue exhibited here in Statuary Hall during the 1970s and early 1980s. This was a where he served as Vice-President. Alfred of the U.S. Capitol. time of tremendous change in the district, with was also the recipient of the Crisis Interven- Father Serra’s presence is especially felt historic segregation and its legacy being chal- tion Unit for Domestic Violence Award. strongly in Carmel, California where he estab- lenged regularly. Alfred was preceded in death by his par- lished his headquarters and actively adminis- ents; an aunt and uncle, Naomi and John Car- Newspaper reports of the time indicate that tered the expansion of the Catholic faith in penter, who reared him; and a sister Darlene California. From here he also helped manage students and parents demanded equality of Carter. He leaves behind the love of his life relations between local peoples and Spanish opportunity, and they demanded that the dis- Verlene ‘‘Sweet Verl’’ Coward, his wife of government officials in Mexico as well as with trict overcome the impacts of decades of racial nearly 46 years; the pride of his life, his three the local military officers who commanded the segregation. Mavis Knox was a vocal advo- children, Alfred D. (Nicole) Coward II of nearby presidio in Monterey. Father Serra is cate for equality. This required hiring staff that Youngstown, OH; Teri J. Coward of buried at the mission in Carmel and neighbors would set high standards and be held ac- Austintown, OH; and Aaron (Veronica) Cow- of the mission, city residents and all who visit countable to the community. Press reports ard, of Boardman, OH; the joy of his life, nine the mission venerate his beneficence to the from that time indicate that such routine deci- grandchildren, Kandace Coward, Kamille Cow- people and the state. sions as hiring a superintendent were some- ard, Ashley Joseph, Kayla Coward, Courtney During Pope Francis’ visit to Washington times contentious, but the stakes were also Joseph, Gabrielle Joseph, Alfred Coward III, this week my California colleagues and I were high. While she demanded accountability by Aarion Coward and Addisyn Coward; a sister, happy to welcome a good number of Califor- the staff to the community, Mavis Knox also Brenda Townsend of Tulsa, OK; and a host of nians to the city to celebrate the Pope’s visit held herself accountable. She successfully ad- loving family, church family, and friends. and Father Serra’s canonization. In particular vocated for better school financing, and I am deeply saddened by Alfred’s passing, I was proud to have nearly 100 constituents strongly urged the community to unite in cre- and extend my most heartfelt condolences to from the Carmel area come to town to honor ating a first-rate system. his entire family. Reverend Coward was an our ‘‘home-town saint.’’ Among the distin- exemplary spiritual and civic leader who, guished visitors was Bishop Richard Garcia, Mr. Speaker and members, Mavis Knox was through his unwavering dedication and service Bishop of the Diocese of Monterey and his a dedicated member, committee chair, and to his community, left Youngstown and North- predecessor, Bishop Sylvester Ryan. I was leader in the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, east Ohio a better place than when he found pleased that they could be with us as for this earning the Bertha Pitts Campbell Award in it. momentous occasion. 2011, the Chapter’s highest honor for out- f Mr. Speaker, I believe the House was standing service to the sorority and commu- moved this week by the Pope’s visit and his nity. Among other distinguished community IN HONOR OF SAINT JUNIPERO actions regarding Father Serra. I am sure the service, she served as Foreman of the Grand SERRA House joins me in thanking the Pope for his Jury of San Mateo County and charter board leadership, his holy presence and his blessing member of the East Palo Alto Girls’ Club of HON. SAM FARR of Father Junipero Serra. the Mid-Peninsula. She was a prolific fund OF CALIFORNIA f raiser for at-risk youth. She is survived by her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO JEFF LARSON son Anthony D. Jones, daughter Brenda Des- Thursday, September 24, 2015 tiny Knox, brother Ronald Knox, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on be- HON. DAVID YOUNG and friends. half of myself and my California colleagues, OF IOWA Rep. ANNA ESHOO, Rep. JANICE HAHN, Rep. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A leading advocate for social justice has JARED HUFFMAN, Rep. NANCY PELOSI, Rep. now passed from our midst. In our sorrow, it MIKE THOMPSON and Rep. JUAN VARGAS, to Thursday, September 24, 2015 is important to note that the lessons she welcome His Holiness Pope Francis to Wash- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise taught by example will offer guidance and ington and to celebrate his actions yesterday today to recognize and congratulate Jeff comfort for years to come. Ultimately, this is in canonizing Father Junipero Serra. ‘‘Huck’’ Larson for his recognition as Citizen of the greatest gift to us all of Mavis Knox, a Yesterday we were all witness to a sacred the Year in Casey, Iowa. mother, educator, community advocate, and ceremony validating the holiness of Father Jeff was awarded Citizen of the Year at the an outstanding American. Serra as a leader of the Catholic faith in early Casey Fun Day celebration on July 11, 2015. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 Sep 25, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24SE8.002 E24SEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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