
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 25, 2016 Contact: Tess Seger [email protected] (310) 801 ‐ 0448

California Democratic Congressional Delegation Unanimously Endorses Congresswoman

EL MONTE, CA – Congresswoman Grace Napolitano continues to grow her large coalition of support. Today, she adds an overwhelming endorsement from the Democratic Congressional delegation.

“It is wonderful to have the backing of my colleagues,” said Congresswoman Napolitano. “I am so proud of everything we have been able to accomplish for the San Gabriel Valley and California as a whole during this session, especially the funding we were able to secure for infrastructure in the FAST Act. It has been an honor and a privilege to work with these fine legislators, and I look forward to building on the progress that this delegation has made for California in the next session of Congress.”

The California Congress members endorsing Congresswoman Napolitano are:

US House Democratic Leader US Chairman US Congressman US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congresswoman US Congressman Tony Cárdenas US Congresswoman US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congresswoman US Congressman Mark DeSaulnier US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congressman US Congressman US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congresswoman US Congressman Jerry McNerney US Congressman Scott Peters US Congresswoman Lucille Roybal‐Allard US Congressman US Congresswoman Linda Sanchez US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congressman US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congressman US Congressman Mike Thompson US Congresswoman US Congressman US Congresswoman

Congresswoman Grace Flores Napolitano is a powerful advocate for Southern California on water resources, transportation and power generation, and dedicates considerable energy to mental health issues. The daughter of a Mexican immigrant who raised two children on a shoestring budget, Napolitano married at 18 and had five children by 23. She launched her first political campaign for city council where she served for seven years, two of them as mayor, before moving up to the California Legislature. Congresswoman Napolitano is currently serving her ninth term representing California’s 32nd District, where she is the founder and Chair of the Congressional Mental Health Caucus, serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and is the Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.

Find more information here: www.napolitanoforcongress.com/.
