TEMEX RESOURCES CORP. 1660-141 Adelaide Street West Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5H 3L5 tel: 416-862-2246 fax: 416-862-2244 website: www.temexcorp.com email:
[email protected] Assessment Report on the Temex Resources Corp. Latchford Gold Project 2009-2010 Exploration Program Latchford, Ontario Larder Lake Mining Division, Ontario NTS 31M/04, 31M/05 Karen Kettles, M.Sc., P.Geo. January 18, 2011 Project Geologist Temex Resources Corp. 1.0 Summary From November 18 to 23, 2009 and June 9 to 23, 2010 an exploration program of structural and geological mapping, mobile metal ion leach (MMI) sampling, and rock sampling was performed over several gridlines in the Temagami - Latchford region of northeastern Ontario by Temex Resources Corp. Samples were collected on Temex claims belonging to the Brett and BH Properties of the Latchford Gold Project (“LGP”). The LGP is situated within the Cobalt Embayment of the Southern Province, which occurs at the boundary between the Superior Province to the northwest and the Grenville Province to the southeast. Most of the project area is underlain by Proterozoic sedimentary rocks, represented by the 2.5 to 2.2 Ga Huronian Supergroup. The Huronian rocks, consisting mainly of Gowganda Formation conglomerates and Lorrain Formation sandstones, unconformably overlie the Archean Superior Province, and importantly from the point of view of base and precious metal exploration, windows of greenstone belts are exposed within the Cobalt Embayment. The windows of Archean ultramafic to felsic intrusive rocks and mafic to felsic volcanic rocks are exposed in the northern portion of the Brett Property, and the majority of the current sampling was focussed near unconformable contacts of Proterozoic sediments with Archean volcanics and intrusions.