Florida State University Florida State University Department of Dance College of Visual Arts, Theatre & Dance Department of Dance Project Order Form

Name ______Full House Address ______City ______State ______Zip______Phone ______Project Email ______

Name(s) to be placed on chair (Please type or print clearly - limit 20 characters)


Number of Chairs purchased ______

Cost per chair x $400.00

Total Amount Due ______

Payment: ____ Check payable to Help Fill the FSU Foundation/Department of Dance ____ Master Card _____ Visa Florida State University Card # ______Department of Dance House for Years Exp. Date _____ / ______PO Box 3062120 Signature ______Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2120 850.644.1024 to Come Return Form to: dance.fsu.edu Florida State University Photographs: Jon Nalon Department of Dance Full House Project PO Box 3062120 Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2120 Full House Project at the Florida State University Department of Dance Your Partnership in Performance A Full House will be a fi nancial foundation that the Department of Dance can build The Full House Project upon for years to come. The Nancy Smith With your donation you will receive: Fichter Dance Theatre, located • Engraved plate on a chair in the NancyNancy in the beautifully Smith FichterFichter renovated DanceDance TTheatreheatre Montgomery Hall A Lasting Show of Support • Certifi cate of on Landis Green, AuthenticityAuthenticity is home to the • Map of the Theatre nationally ranked All proceeds from the Full House Project go with the locationlocation of FloridaFlorida StaStatete UnivUniversityersity DDepartmentepartment of directly to the Friends of Dance Scholarship youryour chair Dance. The theatre houses state-of-the-art Campaign, ensuring a lasting future for • Name on plaque in equipment and has a seating capacity of students and dance. lobby 380. You can become a lasting part of the • Listing in the annual DanceDance NeNewsletterwsletter theatre through the Full House Project. You can dedicate your chair: TheThe NancyNancy Smith FichterFichter DancDancee • To commemorate TheatreTheatre is inintegraltegral a graduation • In honor or toto a dancdancee majormajor’s’s memory of studies herehere aatt a loved one FloridaFlorida StaStatete • To celebrate a University.University. ItIt providesprovides special occasion not only state-of-state-of- • To acknowledge the-artthe-art facilities but a business givesgives the studenstudentsts an extraordinaryextraordinary performingperforming experexperience,ience, makmakinging it a highlight of their dance education. Help fill the house for years to come.