Michael Fullilove Michael Fullilove is the director of the Global Issues Program at the for International Policy in , Australia and a nonresident senior fellow in Foreign Policy at The . Dr Fullilove’s principal expertise is in U.S. foreign policy and grand strategy. He also writes on Australian foreign policy, Asia and the Pacific, the U.N. and multilateral diplomacy, diasporas, state-building, human right, and speech-making. In the presidential election season of 2008-2009, Dr Fullilove was based at Brookings as the Lowy visiting fellow.

Previously, Dr Fullilove worked as a lawyer, an adviser to Australian Prime Minister , and a consultant to Frank Lowy AC on the establishment of the Lowy Institute. He graduated in international relations and law from the Universities of Sydney and New South Wales, with dual university medals. He also studied as a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford, where he took a master's degree in international relations and wrote his doctorate on President Franklin D. Roosevelt's foreign policy. His dissertation was awarded the annual prize for the best international history thesis in Britain.

Dr. Fullilove’s current research addresses President Barack Obama’s foreign policies as well as China’s relationship with the United Nations. Recent publications have dealt with the U.S.-Australia alliance, Australia’s bid for a seat on the U.N. Security Council, and capital punishment in Asia. His first book, Men and Women of Australia: Our Greatest Modern Speeches, was published by Vintage Australia in 2005. His next book, on the Second World War, will be published by The Penguin Press.

Dr. Fullilove has published well over one hundred articles in publications such as The New York Times, the Financial Times, The Washington Post, the International Herald Tribune, Slate, The Daily Beast, the Los Angeles Times, The Christian Science Monitor, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian, The Australian Financial Review, The National Interest and Foreign Affairs. He has been quoted in publications such as The Yomiuri Shimbun, The South China Morning Post, The Observer, The Wall Street Journal, TIME, Newsweek and The Economist, and he is a regular commentator for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and CNN International.

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