Candidates Adjusting to Covid-19 As Election Nears

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Candidates Adjusting to Covid-19 As Election Nears Monday, July 20, 2020 • Volume 136 Number 42 • Moosomin, Saskatchewan 2020 EMPLOYEE PRICING Minister Lyle Stewart UNIVERSE SATELLITE SALES GMC SLE • CREW • 4WD Universe Satellite is your new 1.99% FINANCING says $4 billion ROXOR DEALER Canyon $ SLE 245 irrigation investment in Rocanville! STOCK# 20094 BI-WEEKLY + TAX CALL DEALERSHIP FOR DETAILS will pay dividends BRADLEY’S GM MOOSOMIN, SK | 1-800-209-4628 | WWW.BRADLEYGM.COM Page 23 WWW.UNIVERSESATELLITE.COM • 1-306-645-2669 • 1-306-435-8018 Publications Mail Agreement 40011909 Saskatchewan’s first community newspaper • Published weekly since 1884 Kara Kinna photo A moose and her calf in a canola field on Knob Hill Road southwest of Moosomin. Candidates adjusting to Covid-19 as election nears BY ROB PAUL Most election years involve heavy campaigning in the set in every electoral district in Southeast Saskatchewan, LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER community, with candidates getting out into their areas WKH\·UH SUHSDULQJ IRU D GLͿHUHQW NLQG RI FDPSDLJQ WKLV There will be people all across Saskatchewan heading for everything from barbecues to going door to door. summer and fall. to polling stations on October 26 to vote for the MLA in Campaigning is all about putting a face to the name and “Campaigning (for the fall election) has been going on WKHLU DUHD 7KH SROOLQJ VWDWLRQ ZLOO ORRN GLͿHUHQW WKDQ spreading a message on why residents of a community IRUDORQJWLPHµVDLG6DVN3DUW\([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU3DW- most years, however, with the Covid-19 pandemic forcing should trust a candidate to lead them. With Covid-19, ULFN%XQGURFN´6RLW·VQRWMXVWDERXWKRZLW·VLPSDFWLQJ 6DVNDWFKHZDQ&KLHI(OHFWRUDO2΀FHU'U0LFKDHO%RGDWR though, it won’t be so simple. With most community us over the next few months, but it’s how is it impacting implement health and safety protocols with the guidance events cancelled in the short-term and the unknown with us now? I would say that after the Covid-19 pandemic RIWKH(OHFWRUDO$GYLVRU\%RDUG³PDGHXSRI%RGD&KLHI the long-term, candidates will have to go about cam- really broke out and the government started to bring in PHGLFDO +HDOWK 2΀FHU 'U 6DTXE 6KDKDE *RYHUQPHQW SDLJQLQJGLͿHUHQWO\LQ their response to slow the spread of Covid-19, the party House Leader Jeremy Harrison, and Opposition House basically made the decision that it was best to stop all of Leader Cathy Sproule. Sask Party only one to nominate so far our activities. 1RWRQO\ZLOOWKHDFWXDOSROOLQJVWDWLRQVORRNGLͿHUHQW With the Sask Party the only party to have a candidate in 2020, but so will everything leading up to October 26. Continued on page 20 Fresh Trade 2017 GMC Yukon XL CELEBRATION Guy Wall: Lots of room –FORD SALES– (306) 435-0215 ALERT! for summer fun! $ 208 $ Eli Tremblay PER WEEK 53,900 (306) 434-9101 1-800-880-4533 • 306-435-3313 Check out for all the amazing inventory! 2 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, July 20, 2020 Businesses forced to close temporarily can still apply: Saskatchewan Small Business Emergency Payment program expires July 31 BY VICTOR VAN DER MERWE LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER Any Saskatchewan small business that had to shut down or substantially curtail their operations through a 3XEOLF+HDOWK2UGHUE\WKH&KLHI0HGLFDO+HDOWK2΀FHU of Saskatchewan, has until July 31, 2020 to take advantage of the Saskatchewan Small Business Emergency Payment program (SSBEP). This applies to businesses such as restaurants, personal service providers and seasonal businesses that have not received any payments or amounts from any other sourc- es, including insurance, to replace or compensate for the loss of sales revenue other than amounts from other gov- ernment assistance programs. As of July 15, 2020, the SSBEP program has paid out $31 million to 6,241 businesses with 3,527 of those businesses receiving $10,000 over two installments. The Government of Saskatchewan announced the SS- BEP on April 9, 2020. The $50 million program is meant WRSURYLGHÀQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHWRHOLJLEOHVPDOODQGPHGL- XPVL]HGEXVLQHVVHVDQGQRWIRUSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQVWKDW were ordered to temporarily close or substantially curtail operations through a Public Health Order by the Chief 0HGLFDO+HDOWK2΀FHURI6DVNDWFKHZDQWRKHOSFRQWURO transmission of COVID-19. The program also extends to Seasonal Businesses that had to close during the emer- gency lock down. Payments are based on 15% of a business’s monthly sales revenue in either April 2019 or February 2020. Busi- nesses may select either of these months to calculate their payment. The maximum payment is $5,000 per business Small businesses on Main Street Moosomin per eligibility period. The payments can be used for any purpose, including Although there may be a few eligible businesses that SD\LQJÀ[HGFRVWVRUH[SHQGLWXUHVUHODWHGWRUHRSHQLQJ “All governments have been building an airplane while have not heard of this program yet, McLellan feels that the business once restrictions have been lifted by the WKH\KDYHEHHQÁ\LQJLWDQGWKDWLVYHU\GL΀FXOWWRGR:H the province did do a good job getting the word of the province. needed them to do that full credit to the provincial and program out there. federal government and many municipal governments “There is always going to be a business that hasn’t seen for reacting to the challenges that they saw. By nature it Eligibility it, but through the local chamber networks, through the is not going to be perfect, however I have been amazingly %XVLQHVVHVWKDWKRSHWREHQHÀWIURPWKLVSURJUDPQHHGV publications and the promotions by the province, I think impressed by the success of the programs, the well target- to meet the following criteria: most businesses have seen it,” says McLellan. HGHͿRUWVWKHÀQDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVJRLQJRXWDQGHVSHFLDOO\ • Have been carrying on business in Saskatchewan As far as the government’s overall support of the busi- how fast these dollars have been released. I give an A if on February 29, 2020 ness community, McLellan feels that it has been a unique- not an A-plus to the provinces,” says McLellan. • Have been ordered to temporarily close or curtail ly challenging time. operations through a COVID-19 public health or- “Those (businesses) that have received it (assistance) der. DQGDUHGRLQJRND\ZLOOVD\LWVEHHQÀQHWKRVHZKRKDYH • Have less than 500 employees. missed the criteria, because they are too small or too large • Attest that they have experienced a loss in sales will say it has been not as positive,” says McLellan. Moosomin Dental Clinic revenue from business activities due to a COV- This pandemic has forced people to make large deci- We’re pleased to welcome ID-19 public health order. sions in a very short time and that includes the govern- • Plan to reopen operations following the cancella- ment. Dr. Manal Soliman tion of the COVID-19 public health order. • Have not received any payments or amounts from and her 20-plus years of experience any other sources, including insurance, to replace or compensate for the loss of sales revenue other Dr. Soliman graduated in 1989 from Alexandria than amounts from other government assistance Steven Bonk, MLA University in Egypt. She did her residency there as programs. well as taught university. Of the 6,241 businesses that did qualify for this program for Moosomin Constituency RIWKHPTXDOLÀHGIRUDVHFRQGSD\PHQWLQ0D\ In 2011 she moved to Canada and she became Businesses asked to remain closed or substantially cur- 622 Main St., Moosomin SK engaged in research in the Restorative Dentistry tail operation after May 19, 2020. These businesses got the Phone: 306-435-4005 Department at the University of Toronto. payment automatically and where not asked to reapply. Fax: 306-435-4008 Since then she has applied her advanced training, more than 20 years of experience, and her passion “A-plus to the Province” for dentistry to her work as an associate dentist in Office Hours: Toronto. She is also a clinical instructor at the U of T “We are fans of the program it has served the small Monday thru Thursday business community well,” says Steve McLellan CEO at 9 a.m. - 12 noon Restorative Department. 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. 19:eow the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Soliman has worked previously at Moosomin Dental Clinic and has chosen to return as she enjoyed her time working along with Dr Pat Biglow- Serving Moosomin, Virden Lecomte. She is comfortable treating both adults Reach over & surrounding areas and children and is licensed to use Nitrous Oxide. She is accepting new patients in Moosomin 12,000 - Asphalt Sealing 306-435-3080 local readers - Pavement 903 BROADWAY AVENUE | MOOSOMIN, SK 42:2c when you 306-271-0808 Cracks advertise in the YOUR FULL SERVICE LOCAL - Line Striping World-Spectator ASPHALT MAINTENANCE COMPANY - Pothole Repair 35:9c RP-HJE120 $ 99 Ear Buds REG: $19.99 14 Moosomin, SK | (306) 435-3040 Glasser’s TV Service Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday, July 20, 2020 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 3 Chief Electoral Officer prepping for impact of Covid-19 on fall election BY ROB PAUL to provide in September on for hand sanitizer use, en- do is rethink and adapt the LOCAL JOURNALISM the viability of calling the couragement of masks, our absentee ballot approach INITIATIVE REPORTER election for the time set in HOHFWLRQR΀FLDOVZLOOEHXV- and build capacity in that This fall people all over legislation. ing masks, many polling regard. Saskatchewan will be When people all across locations will see plexiglass “I have been quite clear heading to polling stations the province exercise their on the table so voters can to the premier and Legis- to cast their votes, as it’s an right to vote, it will look a HQJDJH ZLWK HOHFWLRQ R΀- lative Assembly that we election year. This election OLWWOH GLͿHUHQW WKDQ PRVW cials and have that barrier couldn’t possibly have an \HDULVDOLWWOHELWGLͿHUHQW year’s, with extra precau- between the two of them.
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