RIT Offers Pilot Courses Beginning September 1988
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4>. April 1. 1988 CONTENTS Volume 64. Number 19 Reportage 6 Rr l'( )KI h K checks out night spots ligei track to host invitalion.il What (Campus Safety is doing for you. tom morrow. Reproview 22 Packaged courses beginning fall 88. Departments Debbie Ciihson/Pretty Poison preview. Letters 4 RIT's PrioRITy provides service. .VIorrisey. f rom the Smith's, releases his Zodiac 11 The Big Bash April 15. Tib Ads 28 his awaited solo album. Bloom County 29 RITTSA holds Annual Banquet. Off Limits, not a regular Rambo flick. What's Happening 30 Features 15 & 19 Scoreboard 26 Cover: Sc ia[) H.ii Photo By: Laura Sell/ (ienesee Figure .Skaters heat up the ice. Baseball warms up for their season. REPROFILE A man like myself who had three daughters the little things in business or government. business majors. in college at once (only one now} learns They are the specialists: the engineers, the This technically-educated and specializ- something about education. It is expensive aceountant, the chembt, the production ed generation has been out in the work force some time now. and mixed verdicts but worth every dollar. I enjoyed it as much manager. What we need are the big wheeb to keep all the little wheeb in line, to lend and new conclusions have arisen. Ibis as if I had been going. I like the small liberal generation is seen as two dimensional; they direction to their work to be a guiding arts college. have true limititations and major corpora- star—and the liberal arts college is the best Starting in high school and up through tions are turning away from the specialist the higher echelons of learning, I think more prepararion for the men and women who and back to the generaiist Many corpora- emphasis should be placed on teaching the ran become leaders—who can light up the tions believe products of this mode of student how to be, and only after that should path ahead, and give it a touch of splendor. education rise to levels of incompetence he be taught how to do. If the student learns Yours, faster than the more traditionally educated. I hey fail at being a big wheel yet excel! at only how to type or keep books or be a doc- Crosby W. Magnusson, being a small wheel. Krica Wonnacott. dean tor, our high schools and colleges have fail- 1956, reprinted from a California of Middiebury (College, believes that newspaper column. ed. They have failed unless he also has felt students "would get more out of college if the touch of greatness as in King Henry, in Well, RI T is not a liberal arts college, and they were less career and money-driven." the dark of the early morning before Agin- it is no longer 1956. But let the ideas my None of this is absolute truth. There are court, heartening his little company of grandfather wrote about not be forgotten. many exceptions. .-Xfter manv visits to soldiers; or Winston (Churchill, when the .\ lot of things have changed since 1956. friends at other "liberal arts " schools, I skies were dark with enemy planes; or Davey I he cost of educ ation has skyrocketed and come away feeling there is something very Crocket in the Alamo; or Abraham Lincoln this has changed the way we think about exciting and interesting there. At parties and other social interactions are conversa- at Gettysburg. They have failed if the stu- college. We are taking majors and courses tions and discoveries that would never oc- dent has not spent time with George San- that are career training, not subjects one may genuinely be interested in. In your cur at RTI. I fee! like I missed something. tayana, Lin Yutang, Voltaire, Ruskin, time at KIT you can expect to take twelve Every time I drive home past the Homer, and felt a thrill of discovery as new to fourteen quick liberal arts cla.sses design- beautiful campus of Eisenhower College, it vistas of thought opened before him. Four ed for breadth and minimal depth. Depth is a grim reminder of these feelings. years at a liberal arts college gives the stu- takes time; no. we can't afford that. Eisenhower College was a small liberal arts dent opportunity to find himself, to know (;c)me Springtime, the dialog of inter- college on the banks of Lake Cayuga which who he really is, to set his guiding star while viewing seems to epitomize the RIT ex- RIT bought and subsequentlv closed in the great men of the past look over his perience; starting salaries, benefits, com- 1982. Today it sits vacant and is mysterious ly taken care of like the house in Burnt shoulder. In his future life it will give him pany locations, etc. Four to five years of Offerings. a defense against the petty things of life, for RI T, a couple of co-ops. internships, pick up the sheep skin, and depart to find out RIT serves a very unique purpose. We here, for a little while, he has lived among that what you spent your past five years have all chosen to attend this institution. the magnificent; and he will carry with him working towards, is not really what you By doing this we must also lake additional forever a little bit of the glow of greatness. want. personal initiative to further educate He will have gained perspective and his per- RIT is not alone among institutions that ourselves. Because of RIT's systemic re- sonal failures will appear small against the cater towards technical and specialized quirements, they cannot "educate" us. It downfall of Rome. career-oriented goals. It has been the trend doesn't stop at building six. or happy hour, He will be proof against fabe ideas, as of a plethora of institutions across the coun- but must be a continuum. (Crosby Magnusson never attended college, and he he will have studied history and noted how try to meet this technical education de regretted this, but he compensated by tak- these same ideas reappeared again and mand. According to Dr. Kennneth (ireen. associate director of the Higher Education ing his education upon himself. again and as many times failed. In his liv- Research Institute at the University of ing he will not be alone or without resources Uaiifornia at Los Angeles. "Between 1966 as he will have a great storehoue ofknowlege and 1985. the percentage of baccalaureate to draw upon. Ideas and Ideab he will have degrees awarded in traditional fields, and he will know what they mean in terms especially foreign language, went down of human happiness or agony. significantly." In general these students There are plenty of little wheeb to do went towards specialized science and REPOffTER MAGAZINE is published weekly during the academic year by students at Rochester Institute of Technology. One Lomb Memorial Drive. Rochester. Mew York 14623 Editorial and pro duction facilities are located in Room A 283 of the College Alumni Union, telephone 716 475 2212 Subscription f4 00 per quarter The opinions expressed m REPORTER do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute RIT does not generally review or approve of the contents of REPORTER and does not accept responsibilltyfor matters contained m REPOfTTER • Letters must be sub mitted to the REPORTER office by 4 pm Monday Letters must be typed and double spaced Please limit letters to 250 words REPORTER reserves the right to edit for libel and clarity Mo letters will be printed unless signed and accompanied by a phone number REPORTER will withhold names upon request All letters received are property of REPORTER Magazine • REPORTER takes pride in its membership in the Associated Collegiate Press and American Civil Liberties Union • © ItMW flEPORTER MAQAZII4E All rights reserved Mo portion of this magazine may be reproduced without prior written permission from fItPORTER ^ REPORTER LETTERS Magazine History of Passover tlie slavery and the redemtion that occurs EdftorinChief in each day of our lives. It is our own story, The Jew ish holiday of Pass(Acr, which begins not just some ancient history that we retell James A. Ferme at sundown this evening, has significance at Passover. Managing EdHor and meaning on a variety of levels. This Simeon Kolko Ellis J. Canal factor, perhaps best appreciated when one Director, HUM Foundation Executive Editor considers the various names which the holiday actually has. A Military Perspective Kris Argento The name Passover is taken from the I usually don't let people's opinions bother Senior Editor F.xodus story: during the tenth an ultimate me When I read your question of the week Nils AAorgan plague inflicted on the Pharoah to break his "What Do You Feel About The U.S. Military Copy Editor will, (iod passed over the Israelites and Presence in Honduras.^" I gt)t pretty miffed. Marco Abundo struck down only the Egyptian firstborn. The article is very one sided. It does not That night pharoah finally agreed to let the News Editors l(K)k like the RtPORlKR staff put much Israelites go; and ever since then, we gather Kris Lx)omis effort into presenting fair and equal togetlier on that night to commemorate that Manuel Rivera reporting. I am bothered by the people who time, to contemplate the meaning of being News WrHera walk around putting down the military and freed by the "mighty hand and outstretched David Martin all its actions. Most of these people know arm" of the Holy One Claudia Lastella nothing about the armed forces. Further The central meaning of Passover is more, they would never consider Joining the Feature Writers lilreration.