Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway

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Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway Report from Panel 6 – Economic-Administrative Research Area Evaluation Division for Science and the Research System Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway Report from Panel 6 – Economic-Administrative Research Area Evaluation Division for Science © The Research Council of Norway 2018 The Research Council of Norway Visiting address: Drammensveien 288 P.O. Box 564 NO-1327 Lysaker Telephone: +47 22 03 70 00 [email protected] www.rcn.no The report can be ordered and downloaded at www.forskningsradet.no/publikasjoner Graphic design cover: Melkeveien designkontor AS Photos: Shutterstock Oslo, June 2018 ISBN 978-82-12-03698-7 (pdf) Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Executive summary ................................................................................................................................. 9 Sammendrag ......................................................................................................................................... 11 1 Scope and scale of the evaluation .................................................................................................... 13 1.1 Terms of reference ................................................................................................................. 14 1.2 A comprehensive evaluation ................................................................................................. 14 1.3 The overall evaluation process of the social sciences ........................................................... 16 1.4 Data and review process ........................................................................................................ 20 1.5 The panel’s comments on the evaluation .............................................................................. 24 2 The context: Social sciences research in Norway and Economic-Administrative Research Area .... 26 2.2 Economic-Administrative Research Area ............................................................................... 30 3 Bergen University College, Faculty of Engineering and Business Administration ............................ 32 3.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 33 3.2 Research group: The Mohn Centre for Innovation and Regional Development ................... 35 4 BI Norwegian Business School.......................................................................................................... 38 4.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 39 4.2 Research group: Consumer Research .................................................................................... 42 4.3 Research group: Leadership and Organisational Productivity ............................................... 44 5 Hedmark University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration ................................ 47 5.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 48 6 Institute of Transport Economics ..................................................................................................... 51 6.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 52 6.2 Research group: Traffic Safety ............................................................................................... 54 7 IRIS International Research Institute of Stavanger .......................................................................... 57 7.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 58 8 Lillehammer University College ........................................................................................................ 62 8.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 63 8.2 Research Group: Energy and Natural Resources ................................................................... 65 9 Molde University College ................................................................................................................. 67 9.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 68 9.2 Research group: Social Change, Organisation and Management .......................................... 71 9.3 Research group: Transport Research Group .......................................................................... 73 10 NHH Norwegian School of Economics .............................................................................................. 77 10.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 78 10.2 Research group: Centre for Corporate Finance ..................................................................... 82 10.3 Research group: Energy, Natural Resources and Environment Centre ................................. 84 10.4 Research group: Shipping and Logistics ................................................................................. 86 10.5 Research group: Centre for Service Innovation ..................................................................... 87 10.6 Research group: Future-Oriented Corporate Solutions ......................................................... 90 10.7 Research group: Norwegian Centre for Taxation .................................................................. 92 10.8 Research group: Centre for Strategy, Organisation and Performance .................................. 94 11 Nordland Research Institute ............................................................................................................ 97 11.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level ................................................................ 98 11.2 Research group: Entrepreneurship and Innovation ............................................................ 102 12 Nord University - Business School .................................................................................................. 105 12.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level .............................................................. 106 12.2 Research group: Innovation and Entrepreneurship ............................................................ 109 12.3 Research group: Management, Accounting and Control for organisational adaptation in changing Environments ....................................................................................................... 111 13 Norwegian School of Sport Sciences .............................................................................................. 115 13.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level .............................................................. 116 13.2 Research group: Event – organization, management, volunteers....................................... 120 14 Norwegian University of Life Sciences - School of Economics and Business ................................. 123 14.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level .............................................................. 124 14.2 Research group: Commodity Market ................................................................................... 127 15 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Economics and Management........ 130 15.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level .............................................................. 131 15.2 Research group: Computational Economics and Optimization ........................................... 134 16 Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences ................. 136 16.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level .............................................................. 137 17 UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics ................ 141 17.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level .............................................................. 142 17.2 Research Group: Economics and Business Administration ................................................. 146 18 University College of Southeast-Norway, School of Business ........................................................ 150 18.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level .............................................................. 151 18.2 Research group: Marketing Management ........................................................................... 155 18.3 Research group: Sustainable Tourism ................................................................................. 157 19 University of Agder, Faculty of Social Sciences .............................................................................. 161 19.1 Economic-Adm. research at the institutional level .............................................................. 162 19.2 Research group: eGovernment ............................................................................................ 164 19.3 Research group: Centre for Enterprise Systems .................................................................. 166 20 University of Agder, School of Business and Law ..........................................................................
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