From the Ground up the First Fifty Years of Mccain Foods
CHAPTER TITLE i From the Ground up the FirSt FiFty yearS oF mcCain FoodS daniel StoFFman In collaboratI on wI th t ony van l eersum ii FROM THE GROUND UP CHAPTER TITLE iii ContentS Produced on the occasion of its 50th anniversary Copyright © McCain Foods Limited 2007 Foreword by Wallace McCain / x by All rights reserved. No part of this book, including images, illustrations, photographs, mcCain FoodS limited logos, text, etc. may be reproduced, modified, copied or transmitted in any form or used BCE Place for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of McCain Foods Limited, Preface by Janice Wismer / xii 181 Bay Street, Suite 3600 or, in the case of reprographic copying, a license from Access Copyright, the Canadian Toronto, Ontario, Canada Copyright Licensing Agency, One Yonge Street, Suite 1900, Toronto, Ontario, M6B 3A9. M5J 2T3 Chapter One the beGinninG / 1 416-955-1700 LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA CATALOGUING IN PUBLICATION Stoffman, Daniel Chapter Two CroSSinG the atlantiC / 39 From the ground up : the first fifty years of McCain Foods / Daniel Stoffman For copies of this book, please contact: in collaboration with Tony van Leersum. McCain Foods Limited, Chapter Three aCroSS the Channel / 69 Director, Communications, Includes index. at ISBN: 978-0-9783720-0-2 Chapter Four down under / 103 or at the address above 1. McCain Foods Limited – History. 2. McCain, Wallace, 1930– . 3. McCain, H. Harrison, 1927–2004. I. Van Leersum, Tony, 1935– . II. McCain Foods Limited Chapter Five the home Front / 125 This book was printed on paper containing III.
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