11910 Eddie & Park Rd, Sunset Hills, MO 63126 SUNDAY LITURGIES https://stjustinmartyr.org Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 & 10:00 a.m. WEEKDAYS Monday thru Friday: 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m. Mass Saturday: 8:15 a.m. HOLY DAY MASSES On the day 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Exceptions will be noted in the bulletin.) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Anytime by appointment. SACRAMENTS OF BAPTISM AND MARRIAGE Please call the Parish Office (314) 843-8482 ext. 0 to make arrangements for these sacra- ments. ANOINTING OF THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND VISITATION Please call the Parish Office (314) 843-8482 if anyone is homebound, in the hospital, criti- cally ill or wishes to receive the Eucharist or the Anointing of the Sick NEW PARISHIONERS We warmly welcome new parishioners and visitors. Let us know how we may be of ser- vice to you. Our Parish believes in the Stew- ardship Program committing to serving the Lord with our God-given time, talent and treasure. You may register by calling the Parish Office at (314) 843-8482 x0 ST. JUSTIN MARTYR RECTORY 314-843-8482 | 314-843-8507 (fax) ST. JUSTIN MARTYR SCHOOL 11914 Eddie & Park Rd. 314-843-6447 | 314-843-9257 (fax) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 11914 Eddie & Park Rd 314-843-6447, ext. 2499 Father Bill Kempf, Pastor Father John J. Johnson, BULLETIN DEADLINE Retired Archdiocesan Priest, in Residence 10:00 a.m. on Monday
[email protected] Deacon Mark Jaeger AUGUST 30, 2020 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 30, 2020 MON 8/31: 6:30 am: Jerry Adlon 8:15 am: Jerry Adlon TUE 9/1: 6:30 am: Jerry Adlon 8:15 am: Larry Kaiser WED 9/2: 6:30 am: Jerry Adlon 8:15 am: Richard and Jane Schroeder THR 9/3: 6:30 am: James and Elizabeth Williams 8:15 am: Grace Weisbrod FRI 9/4: 6:30 am: Jerry Adlon 8:15 am: Marcella Jackson SAT 9/5: 8:15 am: Celebrant Intention 5:00 pm: Les Gibson SUN 9/6: 7:30 am: People of the Parish 10:00 am: Leslie Jackson 2 | WELCOME TO SAINT JUSTIN MARTYR CHURCH Please remember to let the Parish Office know of changes to the prayer list by calling 843-8482 x0.