15. 1944 . April 15. 1944 NEWS DOWN BEAT 5 hed back Bain and Barris Ops Stop Vocals ! Aprii 71 I Carnevale Band Pleases Buffalo I r with Al To Eliminate Tax on office. : HoUdb^ Back from Wars —Cocktail lounges . J munte in this territory are rushing to ie oighb Los Angeles—Bob Bain, Holly­ replace singers, entertainers and »m Aprii wood guitarist, arrived here vocal-Instrumental combinations March 27, following a three- with strictly instrumental com­ ned ani months* tour of European com­ bos In the belief that they will c Resta», bat zones as accompanist to an thus circumvent the new 30 per­ siaddente entertainment unit, containing cent tax on so-called cabaret arning to George Raft, Louise Allbritton style niteries. *on Roth, and June Clyde. Somewhere in Example of above trend la 331 loth, wet Italy their troupe was joined by Club, where Herb Jones signed tsing tue Harry Barris, who was returning the Jack McVea combo to replace ternating Th«' Square «loean’t stick oat to the UJ3. via the European the King Cole Trio McVea group ¡razza and hb neck very often, but be insists area after a long stint enter­ will stick strictly to instruments that you run, do not walk, to the taining troops In the China- on orders of Jones, who, like oth- loom of •earr-t record »hop and latch on Burma-India area, mi piotaif erer operators of similar places 1« Loub Prima’a waxing of I'll Like others who have returned here, la under the impression •ed with Re Seeing You (Hit 7082). It from a close view of the actual !... The got only b the finest thing Prims fighting zones, Bain and Barris Buffalo—One of the moat popular unite in town b the Tom Carne­ that as long as bandsmen avoid it piehed aver turned out, but it will be one were reticent about discussing vale band at the Park Lane. The leader playa piano, with Jimmy vocal renditions the spot will not of the disc» of the year! the raw side of the war. They Contino on ba»a, Danny Guerra, »ax and elary; Cliff Staueh. drama; be classified as a cabaret. Hal McKusick, alto and bary, were stationed for some time at Charlie Andalora, violin and trumpet, and Blue Drake, vocalbt.______A query to internal revenue that »pot joined Boyd Raeburn. . . . Bill Naples, which is just 55 miles in North Africa was Paul Neigh- army show. In Algiers, he met authorities here brought reply linbt, er. Black, who used to handle the south of Cassino. bors, former Hollywood band- Henry Levine who used to handle disagreeing with above interpre- payroll for the Ted Weems band, Among the musicians Bain met leader now with the Hey, Rookie the music on Basin Street.______I tation. 1 thr Bi», rtill is handling one as disburs­ or it ttiU ing agent on an army transport. He writes from that ught his hzola’s health is improving. I Raeburn Jack Egan, who’s been courting oin Floyd Dady Moen, b writing a book titled i and out, gasrs Trudy ... Kermit Biercamp, i rehears- fanner manager of the Tromar en at the ballroom in Dea Moines, b a aer* te Street gaaat at Buckley Field, Colorado * has been , , . The Vernon Browna (he’a a ved to the gaaibonist and she waa Edith Harp-

•y walked Your sense of duty and devotion to an ideal is built on the firm n be B» foundation of unimpeachable moral and spiritual determination. jloivl with r. Bat hb There is that indescribable something that can be built into an ar­ ing voie« ticle only by your spirit and enthusiasm; regardless of the task to e JD fans mce their be performed, quality always comes first — and right now "on time" shares the spotlight with quality. ider and INC. To each and every one of you the "i" stands as a symbol of a job well done and as a constant reminder of the duties that lie ahead. d irdudln. Kalamazoo, Michigan ÇíIíok, JnC., JCJaHUUM, ïïiiciiyan »to° IOUSE Cits New York—Singing in Swing

( in invia, •£*w. at Kelly’« Stable on 52nd Vis. Cw* J****« _is sweet Betty Jerome. J™*«» eh? Quiet, wolves, she’s ■e wife of Harry Jaeger, drtun«