Date: October 31, 2019 CAO File No. 0220-05623-0000 Council File No. Council District: All To: The Mayor The City Council ~ . From: Richard H. Llewellyn, Jr., c,f'~rative Offic r fl Subject: Proposed Capital and Technology Improvement Policy


This report outlines the proposed Capital and Technology Improvement Policy for the City of Los Angeles (Attachment A), which would guide the City's process for planning, identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing funding for new capital and technology projects, along with the ongoing maintenance of its existing assets. The proposed policy framework leverages the City's existing practices and identifies the policies, processes, and information gaps that need to be integrated into existing practices in order to successfully develop citywide investment priorities.


That the City Council, subject to the approval of the Mayor:

1. Adopt the attached Capital and Technology Improvement Policy for the City of Los Angeles (Attachment A), which will replace the existing Capital Improvement Expenditure Program Funding Policy adopted as part of the City's Financial Policies in April 2005 (C.F. 04-1822-S3);

2. Approve a minimum investment target of one-and-a-half percent (1.5%) and a goal of two percent (2%) of General Fund revenue for capital and technology improvements starting in Fiscal Year 2021 -22, which will be adjusted periodically as additional metrics become available and allocated to: • capital maintenance and repair of the City's existing assets; • information technology (IT) projects; and • new capital projects.

3. Authorize the City Administrative Officer to develop and implement procedures based on the approved policy; and

4. Request the City Attorney, with the assistance of the City Administrative Officer, to prepare and present to the Council and Mayor, any necessary ordinances required to codify the Capital and Technology Improvement Policy within the City's Financial Policies for the City of Los Angeles. CAO File No. PAGE 0220-05623-0000 2


The City of Los Angeles owns a vast and complex network of assets that are vital to the provision of City services and health of the local economy. As these assets continue to expand and age, and technology infrastructure continues to rapidly evolve, it is critical for the City to implement changes to the existing capital policies to guide its investments necessary to address the City's current and future needs. This report presents the proposed Capital and Technology Investment Expenditure Program (CTIEP), which includes a target annual investment, the addition of an information technology component, and an enhanced and coordinated approach in the planning, implementation and assessment of program outcomes.

As defined within the City's existing Capital Improvement Expenditure Program Funding Policy (Capital Policy), the City currently budgets "to the extent possible, one percent of General Fund revenue to fund capital or infrastructure improvements" (C.F. 04-1822-S3). This investment of General Fund monies is budgeted each year in the Adopted Budget as part of the Capital Improvement Expenditure Program. Like other major municipalities, the City has typically set an annual target for General Fund investments (pay-as-you-go), while also leveraging available Special Fund monies, grant opportunities, and debt issued through the Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MICLA). Pursuant to the City's Administrative Code (Chapter 3, Article 1 ), the City Administrative Officer (CAO) is also responsible for maintaining and publishing a five-year Capital Investment Plan.

The Fiscal Year(FY) 2019-20 Adopted Budget provides $72.45 million in General Fund monies for Municipal Facilities and Physical Plant programs, which factors to an investment rate of 1.1 percent of General Fund revenues totaling $6.57 billion. When factoring for an additional $25.58 million in General Fund monies budgeted for information technology projects, the aggregate General Fund investment level increases to $98.03 million, for an adjusted rate of 1.5 percent. The proportionate breakdown of the 2019-20 General Fund investment level is as follows: • 0. 7 percent - Capital Repair/ Deferred Maintenance ($44.1 million); • 0.4 percent - Information Technology ($25.6 million); and • 0.4 percent- New Capital Projects - Municipal Facilities/ Physical Plant ($28.3 million).

Inclusive of all funding sources, the 2019-20 aggregate funding level for capital and information technology programs totals approximately $552.2 million, which includes the General Fund allocation of $98.03 million, along with Special Funds monies ($368.1 million) and MICLA Commercial Paper authority ($86.1 million). An estimated $1.17 billion in additional funding will be required in the three subsequent fiscal years (2020-21 through 2022-23) to meet the projected cash flow needs for capital projects currently authorized, as summarized in Attachments (B, C, D and E).

On an interim basis, this Office recommends a minimum annual investment target of one-and-a half percent (1.5%) of General Fund revenues, and a goal of two percent (2%) to allow flexibility based on the City's prevailing economic conditions and future policy objectives.

As part of this report, preliminary five-year funding plans are provided for Municipal Facilities (Attachment C), Physical Plant (Attachment D), and Information Technology Infrastructure and CAO File No. PAGE 0220-05623-0000 3

Systems (Attachment E). These plans reflect the projected capital needs for projects authorized through 2019-20 and summarized in Attachment B. Beginning in 2021-22, this Office would reinstitute the process for publishing the new five-year plan that would be known as the Capital Technology Investment Plan (CTIP). The last publication of a five-year capital plan was in 2008, but subsequently suspended due to staffing shortages and the need to develop an integrated, electronic system for maintaining and updating the various project data, ideally with interfaces to major project databases in use by the respective program managers and construction forces. Both the annual CTIEP and the five-year CTIP would encompass all elements of municipal facilities, physical plant, and major information technology infrastructure and systems, to include the following assets, as detailed in the proposed Policy (Attachment A):

• Municipal Facilities: o Administrative Quarters o Recreational and Cultural Facilities o Library Infrastructure o Police, Fire and Animal Services Infrastructure o Yards and Shops Facilities

• Physical Plant: o Stormwater Projects o Street Projects o Street Lighting Projects o Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects

• Information Technology*: o Citywide Infrastructure o Major Projects and System Replacements * Information Technology projects would not include infrastructure or systems with an estimated cost less than $1,000,000, unless the project is determined to have a significant Citywide impact.

CURRENT CAPITAL FUNDING POLICY As part of the City's Financial Policies (Policies) adopted in April 2005 (C.F. 04-1822-S3), Council established an annual investment target of one percent ( 1% ) of General Fund revenues for capital and infrastructure improvements. This one percent investment target is implemented through the City's annual Capital Improvement Expenditure Program (CIEP) budget that encompasses the acquisition, renovation or construction of new and existing Municipal Facilities and Physical Plant infrastructure. The adopted Policies also recognize "the importance of maintaining the City's capital assets on a regular basis to avoid major deferred maintenance and to extend the useful life of the asset." Other provisions of the existing CIEP Funding Policy are outlined below: a. Five Year Capital Improvement Plan - to be prepared and updated by the CAO on an annual basis, with the potential utilization of debt financing as allowable within applicable legal restrictions for the purchase or renovation of capital assets. CAO File No. PAGE 0220-05623-0000 4 b. Addition of New Projects -to receive specific approval prior to incorporation as part of the five­ year Capital Improvement Plan, with required information to include: the proposed scope of work, any relevant phasing options, Class C cost estimate adjusted for inflationary factors over the term of construction, recommended funding sources, and any significant changes subsequently proposed to the approved scope and budget. c. Operational and Maintenance Costs for New Assets - to be incorporated in the City's annual budget to fund costs associated with completion of new capital projects and maintenance of existing infrastructure, inclusive of: associated staffing requirements, furniture and fixtures, custodial services, equipment and materials, landscaping, and other costs of repairs and upkeep needed to maximize the lifecycle of new capital assets. d. Capital Financing Plan - to reflect the financing sources for facilities included in the Capital Budget, along with a proposed prioritization, options for non-debt sources and impact statement of all borrowing on the City's long-term debt affordability ratios. e. Depreciation of Existing Capital Assets - to be recognized as part of the City's annual operating budget, to address repair, renovation and maintenance needs, as needed to maximize the useful life of existing assets.


As part of the proposed changes to the existing Capital Funding Policy, the current annual budget target of one percent of General Fund revenues would be increased to a minimum target of 1.5 percent and a goal of 2 percent starting in FY 2021-22. This range would provide the City the ability to allow for necessary fluctuations in annual investment level based on its prevailing financial conditions, infrastructure needs and policy objectives.

Since the adoption of the current Capital Policy, various motions have articulated the need for dedicated funding to rebuild the City's technology infrastructure and enhance its ability to support emerging technologies (C.F. Nos. 18-0600-S40, 17-0600-S7, and 17-1200). The Information Technology Agency (ITA) has identified various projects that range from end-of-life replacements to network security enhancements and require planning and investments over multiple fiscal years. The recommended inclusion of information technology as a component of the City's capital program would ensure the projects are managed through a comprehensive and transparent process, with access to dedicated funding that would enable the City to implement emerging technologies at a more responsive rate. With the addition of information technology to the City's capital budget, the new annual program would be designated as the Capital and Technology Improvement and Expenditure Program (CTIEP), while the five-year plan would be designated as the Capital and Technology Improvement Plan (CTIP).

Prioritization Criteria:

A major policy revision is the inclusion of criteria to prioritize the City's capital and technology investments. The proposed criteria are detailed in Attachment A and summarized below:

• Primary Criteria - All project funding requests will be reviewed and recommended for funding in accordance with the following primary criteria: CAO File No. PAGE 0220-05623-0000 5

o Risk to health and safety o Compliance with legal, regulatory, or other policy mandated requirements o Resilience and sustainability o Impact on City operations, asset condition, annual recurring costs and asset longevity o Equitable community investment and economic sustainability

• Secondary Criteria - Projects meeting the primary criteria will be assessed against secondary criteria to reach a final funding recommendation: o Project readiness o Funding availability o Multiple category benefit and bundling opportunities

Finally, the revised policy would provide greater transparency for existing practices relative to the annual development process and program governance, as summarized below.

Annual Development Process:

Similar to the current process, the development of the annual CTIEP would begin with an annual solicitation released by the CAO to provide instructions and applicable deadlines for City Offices and Departments to prepare and submit their respective funding requests for consideration. To be responsive, the funding requests would include relevant scope and funding parameters, including total funding requirements, phasing options, project timeline and corresponding funding for each major milestone, potential funding sources and the projected impact for operational and maintenance costs following project completion.

The requests for funding would be considered in accordance with the proposed prioritization criteria. The CAO would continue to provide the CTIEP funding recommendations for consideration by the Mayor's Office as part of the City's annual budget process. Likewise, the final adoption of the CTIEP would be subject to Council's final consideration and adoption of the City Budget. The adopted CTIEP would reflect the authorized funding for capital and information technology projects for the upcoming fiscal year.

The CAO would then update the five-year CTIP for each successive year to incorporate projects approved for funding through the adopted, current-year CTIEP budget. The information reflected in the five-year CTIP would include a detailed scope description for each project, cost estimates for the various project phases, cash flow schedules that include future funding, recommended funding sources for each project and a priority ranking by asset class.

Following the adoption of the annual budget and update of the five-year plan, the applicable governance bodies (described below) would be responsible for project implementation, the development of performance metrics and the evaluation of performance outcomes. The governance bodies would also consider any necessary reprogramming actions to address funding needs for critical, emergent projects identified outside of the budget process, or recommended adjustments for delayed or accelerated projects previously authorized. Any interim changes to the CAO File No. PAGE 0220-05623-0000 6

annual CTIEP that are recommended by the respective governance bodies would be subject to Mayor and Council approval.

The annual calendar for development and implementation of the annual CTIEP and five-year CTIP, is summarized below: • July: Funding requests for ongoing projects; • September - October: Funding requests to initiate new projects; • February - March: CAO provides annual funding recommendations to the Mayor's Office; • April: Release of Mayor's Proposed Budget, inclusive of the proposed annual CTIEP; • April - May: Council considers the CTIEP during its consideration of the Mayor's Proposed Budget; • May - June: Mayor and Council adopts the final CTIEP as part of the City Budget; and, • July-August: The CAO prepares the Five-Year CTIP to reflect the adopted annual CTIEP.

Program Governance:

Following the adoption of the annual CTIEP budget and its incorporation into the five-year CTIP, Oversight Committees previously established by the Mayor, Council or City voters would continue to be responsible for construction programs and similar projects falling under each committee's purview. This role includes oversight of project implementation and consideration of interim funding requests, including significant adjustments to the budget and timeline for existing projects. The project manager would continue to be accountable to the Mayor, Council, user department(s), and applicable oversight body, relative to cost control and timely completion of project milestones.

On a broader basis, each oversight body would be responsible for developing performance metrics for their respective portions of the adopted CTIP/CTIEP. Each oversight body would regularly adjust its own program performance metrics and would work collectively to review and revise components of the CTIEP/CTIP, as needed to ensure that the City's evolving needs are addressed in a comprehensive manner. The relevant performance data would then be considered as part of their budget formulation process for each successive year.

The major programs represented in the CTIEP/CTIP fall under the purview of several Oversight Committees outlined below, with various existing and future working groups to provide appropriate support of the defined roles and program objectives:

• The following existing Oversight Committees consist of the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), the Mayor's Office, or designees, and the CAO serving as chair: o The Municipal Facilities Committee (MFG) - oversight over the municipal facilities component of the CTIEP/CTIP. o The Information Technology Oversight Committee (ITOC) - oversight over the information technology component of the CTIEP/CTIP. o Street and Transportation Projects Oversight Committee - oversight over the street and transportation component of the CTIEP/CTIP. CAO File No. PAGE 0220-05623-0000 7

o Proposition O Administrative Oversight Committee - currently responsible for oversight of water quality benefit projects funded by Proposition 0 . The Board of Public Works and Department of Water and Power are also voting members of the Administrative Oversight Committee. o Measure W, approved in 2018, is a County-wide parcel tax that will support stormwater­ related projects and activities. The City is in the process of establishing a governance structure that will be incorporated by reference as part of this policy (C.F. 18-0384-S1 ).

• The lead Department(s) and/or the Mayor's Office may establish program/project specific working groups to monitor progress. These working groups advise the Mayor and Council on critical programmatic and/or budgetary issues. The following are the current working groups: o The Pavement Management Working Group led by the Mayor's Office; o The Complete Streets Executive Steering Committee established by the City Engineer; o The Sidewalk Repair Working Group established by the City Engineer; o The Wastewater Project Review Committee established by the Bureau of Sanitation; o The Downtown Streetcar Executive Committee established by the City Engineer; and o The Human Resource and Payroll Project Steering Committee established by the Information Technology Agency.


This Office proposes a minimum annual investment target of one-and-a-half percent (1.5%) and a goal of two percent (2%) of General Fund revenue for capital and technology improvements. The specific annual investment level for the Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program (CTIEP) would be determined each year as part of the City's annual budget process. The actual General Fund impact would be determined based on the total revenue for future budget cycles.


Attachments: • Attachment A: Proposed Capital and Technology Improvement Policy • Attachment B: Summary of Five-Year Budget Plan for Approved Capital Projects • Attachment C: Five-Year Budget for Approved Capital Projects - Municipal Facilities • Attachment D: Five-Year Budget for Approved Capital Projects - Physical Plant • Attachment E: Five-Year Budget for Approved Capital Projects -Information Technology Infrastructure and Systems Attachment A



The City of Los Angeles is responsible for the planning, development, acquisition, construction, and maintenance of critical capital and technology infrastructure that ensures the health, safety, and well-being of its residents. The City's investment in these assets and infrastructure is essential to promote and improve its ongoing economic development and vitality.

Pursuant to the Administrative Code, Chapter 3, Article 1, the City Administrative Officer (CAO) is responsible for developing an Annual Capital Improvement Expenditure Program. The City will use the development of its annual program as the basis for an enhanced, coordinated approach on infrastructure planning that includes technology infrastructure projects. The revised approach will be known as the annual Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program (CTIEP) and will be incorporated into the annual City budget development process.

Furthermore, in order to make sound and informed decisions regarding projects with costs that span multiple years, the City will quantify and capture, to the extent possible, project costs over a five-year term. This information will be presented as a five-year Capital and Technology Improvement Plan (CTIP) that will be updated on an annual basis, incorporating the approved projects within the annual CTIEP, with year one of the five­ year CTIP to correspond with the annual CTIEP.


This policy creates the framework to:

• Enable elected officials and City departments to submit capital and technology funding requests in a systematic and transparent process;

• Determine annual appropriations based on prioritization criteria;

• Establish a governance structure for the purpose of overseeing project progress, and for the approval of interim funding requests; and,

• Collect data and measure the effectiveness of this policy and its impact on the City's capital and technology infrastructure.

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1. Annual Plan Updates

1.1 The CAO will submit the proposed annual CTIEP for funding or other consideration in conjunction with the Mayor's Proposed Budget. The Mayor and Council's approval of the budget and concurrent approval of the annual CTIEP will provide appropriations to the approved individual projects for one fiscal year.

1.2 The adopted annual CTIEP will list the capital projects approved by the Mayor and Council for funding and, combined with projects receiving grant awards, will represent the projects within the first year of the updated five-year CTIP.

1.3 Each year, the five-year CTIP will be updated and released after the annual CTIEP has been approved. The information contained in the five-year CTIP will include project descriptions, total cost estimates, project costs over the next five years based upon the construction and implementation schedule, potential funding sources for the project, and project ranking based on the prioritization criteria.

2. Annual Investment

2.1 The City shall invest an annual percentage of its General Fund revenue for new capital projects, maintenance of its existing assets, and information technology (IT) improvements, in annual amounts consistent with the policies adopted by Council and the Mayor.

2.2 The percentage will be adjusted periodically as additional metrics become available to assess the effectiveness of the capital and technology improvement program. The ultimate goal is to develop an outcome driven investment measure. The CAO will develop procedures based on this Policy that will be amended as needed to facilitate the annual funding request process.

2.3 Capital and technology improvement as used in this policy is inclusive of all aspects of the City's municipal facilities, physical plant and major information technology (IT) infrastructure and systems. These are further described in Section 8 - Capital and Technology Element Descriptions of this Policy.

3. Project Identification Process

3.1 The City shall identify projects for funding on an annual basis through a systemic and transparent process that is consistent with the City's annual budget development process and that reflects the prioritization criteria detailed in Section 4 - Project Prioritization Criteria of this Policy. The annual process is as follows:

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A. Funding Requests for Ongoing Projects

• July: The CAO will release the annual funding request solicitation for ongoing projects and provide instructions and deadlines to Council offices and departments for the submission of these requests.

B. Funding Requests for New Projects

• September - October: The Mayor's Budget Letter and subsequent CAO budget instructions will provide departments with an opportunity to submit funding requests for new capital improvement and technology projects.*

C. Review and Determination Schedule for Ongoing and New Projects

• July - December: Funding requests for ongoing and/or new projects must be submitted with all required documents with necessary approvals from governing boards or commissions by the established deadlines to the CAO.*

• August - March: The CAO will assess requests for capital and technology improvement projects in accordance with the prioritization criteria and make funding recommendations to the Mayor for consideration in the Proposed Budget.

• April: The Mayor submits the Proposed Budget to Council, including a proposed annual CTIEP.

• April - May: The City Council will consider the proposed annual CTIEP as part of its consideration of the Proposed Budget.

• May - June: The Mayor and Council adopt the City Budget, which includes the Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program.

• July - August: The Five-year CTIP is updated to reflect the adopted CTIEP and incorporate comments from Mayor and Council. * The steps leading up to the release of the Proposed Budget are subject to change based on when the Mayor's Budget Policy Letter is released.

3.2 The Oversight Committees, described in Section 7 - Project Management and Governance of this Policy, will review project progress and consider and recommend interim changes and/or additions to the approved annual program, which will be subject to Mayor and Council approval.

3.3 The CAO will assess expenditures and report to the Oversight Committees on any necessary reprogramming actions to address funding needs for critical, emergent projects and for delayed or accelerated projects previously authorized.

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4. Project Prioritization Criteria

4.1 Primary Criteria: All project funding requests will be reviewed and recommended for funding in accordance with the following primary criteria:

A. Risk to Health and Safety 1. Project avoids or minimizes the risk to health, safety, climate concerns and seismic risk associated with the infrastructure based on condition assessment of the asset, or the lack of an asset, that may include the age, size, material, capacity, and history of failure of the infrastructure. 2. Project is urgent and necessary to reduce potential hazards to the public, property and environment. 3. Project has the potential to reduce health and safety hazards.

B. Compliance with Legal, Regulatory, or other policy Mandated Requirements 1. Project is required by regulatory requirements (project specific or programmatic - e.g. General Permit Compliance or State and Federal regulations). 2. Project is required to comply with court orders and settlements. 3. Project complies with General Plan, Community Plan, Regional Transportation Plan, Sustainability Plan, Resiliency Plan, and/or other approved City-wide master plans.

C. Resilience and Sustainability 1. Project improves the health of the community and natural environment through sustainable designs with improved water resources and regional air quality and reduced greenhouse gas emission that contributes to climate change, open space and land for preservation, habitat protection and biological diversity, and enhanced urban runoff management. 2. Project facilitates multiple transportation options (including walk-ability, bicycles, and public transportation) and reduces the need for auto-dependency. 3. Project promotes infill development, where appropriate. 4. Project incorporates design that meets or exceeds recognized Federal and State standards in the field of energy efficiency, such as State of California Title 24 Energy Efficiency Standards, or LEED building standards.

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5. Project results in greener neighborhoods and reduces or avoids the potential public exposure to pollutants, contamination and other hazards to public health and environment.

D. Impact to City Operations, Asset Condition, Annual Recurring Costs and Asset Longevity

1. Project is necessary to meet basic level of service needs. 2. Project avoids potential infrastructure failure. 3. Project minimizes maintenance needs by improving infrastructure and/or reducing future costs.

4. Project delay would create significant future costs, or negative community impacts.

E. Equitable Community Investment and Economic Sustainability 1. Project contributes toward economic development and revitalization efforts. 2. Project will benefit underserved communities including those with low­ income households, low community engagement and low mobility or access to transportation systems.

3. Project benefits communities that have the highest population served per acre.

4.2 Secondary Criteria: Projects meeting the primary criteria will be assessed against the secondary criteria to reach a final recommendation.

A. Project Readiness 1. Project is ready to enter the phase corresponding to the funding requested (e.g., a design-build project with a completed environmental document will rank higher than a design-build project without a complete environmental document). 2. Project shall be ranked based upon the delivery method. Projects that can be delivered most expeditiously shall be preferred.

B. Funding Availability 1 . Project that has higher leveraging of City funds against external funds (grant funds or cost sharing from outside entities) will receive greater priority.

2. Project rank is increased based on assessment of the amount offunding needed to complete the current project phase and the entire project.

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C. Multiple Category Benefit and Bundling Opportunities

1. Project reduces construction costs and community disruption by potentially bundling with adjacent projects. 2. Project provides for partnering or bundling opportunities with other local, state, or federal agencies (e.g., leverages shared resources). 3. Completion of project sooner may provide significant financial benefits.

5. Cost Estimates

5.1 Cost estimating is an iterative process that should be done at significant milestones during the development of capital and technology improvement projects. Cost estimating should develop a greater degree of detail and accuracy at each milestone and provide a major budgetary control mechanism on every project.

5.2 For purposes of initial scoping, preliminary cost estimates may be based on industry standards or existing practices.

5.3 Once a project has been funded through the annual CTIEP, cost estimates should be prepared after each applicable phase, such as space planning, preliminary design, conceptual design, final design (just prior to bid initiation), and on change orders during construction or implementation.

5.4 Cost estimates should be as complete as possible based on the information available at milestones and should address such areas as CEQA or NEPA compliance, land acquisition, grant funding requirements, design, construction, furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E), software and hardware, contingency funding, costs associated with staffing, maintenance and other additional incremental costs that may be incurred once the project is complete.

6. Funding requirements

6.1 Total requested funding should identify the total amount needed to complete the project, potential sources of funding including any applicable restrictions, options for phased implementation, and a timeline with milestones and the corresponding funding needed to accomplish each milestone.

6.2 The funding requirement should include the estimated amount needed to fund ongoing maintenance, programming, and operating needs of the project.

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7. Proiect Management and Governance

7.1 The project manager is accountable to the user department, Mayor, City Council, and the Oversight Committees, as applicable, for cost control, progress, and timely completion of the project.

7 .2 Oversight Committees established by the voters or by the Mayor and Council to oversee voter-approved . construction programs will continue to provide administrative oversight of their respective projects as applicable.

7.3 The Municipal Facilities Committee (MFC), chaired by the CAO, with the Chief Legislative Analyst and the Mayor's Office, or designee, as the other members, will be responsible for the municipal facilities component of the Capital and Technology Improvement Plan. The Municipal Facilities Committee is responsible for the following:

• Assess project progress and report to the Mayor and Council on any adjustments to project schedule or funding requirements;

• Review maintenance and replacement schedules to ensure that municipal facility assets produce the longest, most cost effective life cycle; and,

• Work with the Physical Plant oversight committees and the Information Technology Oversight Committee, as applicable, to periodically review and revise, as necessary, the Capital and Technology Improvement Policy to ensure that the City's needs are addressed in a comprehensive manner.

7.4 Information Technology Oversight Committee (ITOC), chaired by the CAO, with the Mayor or designee, and the Chief Legislative Analyst as the other members, is responsible for the oversight, as needed, of the information technology component of the Capital and Technology Improvement Plan. The ITOC is responsible for the following on an as-needed basis:

• Assess project progress and report to the Mayor and Council on adjustments to project schedule or funding requirements;

• Review maintenance and replacement schedules to ensure that information technology assets produce the longest and most cost-effective lifespan while maintaining relevance and providing benefit to the City in the frequently changing world of technology; and,

• Work with the MFC and the Physical Plant oversight committees to periodically review and revise, as necessary, the Capital and Technology Improvement Policy to ensure that the City's needs are addressed in a comprehensive manner.

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7 .5 The Physical Plant management oversight structure is comprised of several oversight committees and working groups that are created to provide oversight to their respective infrastructure asset classes. This approach allows for a focused discussion and evaluation of projects by asset class which have different characteristics and funding streams. These committees or working groups include the following:

• Street and Transportation Projects Oversight Committee (STPOC) - Established by the Council and Mayor during the Adoption of the 2011-12 Budget. Chaired by the City Administrative Officer, with the Mayor or designee and the Chief Legislative Analyst as the other members, is responsible for the street and transportation component of the Capital and Technology Improvement Plan.

• Proposition O Administrative Oversight Committee (AOC) and Citizens Advisory Oversight Committee (COAC) - Established by voter approval of Proposition 0. The AOC is chaired by the City Administrative Officer, with the Mayor or designee, Chief Legislative Analyst, the Board of Public Works, and the Department of Water and Power as members. The COAC consists of nine experts in clean water appointed by the Council President and the Mayor. Both the AOC and COAC are responsible for water quality benefit projects that are funded by Proposition O (Prop 0). This governance structure may potentially evolve into a more general oversight role for over $7 billion worth of stormwater quality projects funded from other sources of funds. These projects will be similar in scope to projects implemented under Prop 0.

• Measure W - Approved in 2018, is a County-wide parcel tax to support stormwater-related projects and activities. The City is in the process of establishing a governance structure that will be incorporated by reference as part of this policy (C.F. 18-0384-S1).

• Working Groups - The lead department(s) and/or the Mayor's Office may establish program/project specific working groups to monitor progress. These working groups advise the Mayor and Council on critical programmatic and/or budgetary issues.

7 .6 The Physical Plant management oversight committees and working groups are responsible for making recommendations to the Mayor and Council. These committees are responsible for the following:

• Review progress of projects, identify obstacles to project completion and recommend adjustments to facilitate timely project completion;

• Provide reports and recommendations to the Mayor and Council on the priorities of physical plant projects for funding, acquisition, and construction;

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• Review maintenance and replacement schedules to ensure that physical plant assets achieve the maximum useful life;

• Establish funding protocols for its respective projects; and

• Work with the MFC and ITOC, as applicable, to periodically review and revise, as necessary, the Capital and Technology Improvement Policy to ensure that the City's needs are addressed in a comprehensive manner.

8. Capital and Technology Element Descriptions

8.1 The Capital and Technology Improvement Plan will include all elements of municipal facilities, physical plant, and major information technology infrastructure and systems.

8.2 The Municipal Facilities elements include:

• Administrative Quarters: Includes office buildings such as City Hall, City Hall East, and City Hall South.

• Recreational and Cultural Facilities: Includes zoos, parks, pools, recreation centers, senior citizens centers, boxing gyms, junior arts centers, and youth art centers.

• Library Infrastructure: Includes regional and local libraries when not under the exclusive control of that department.

• Public Safety Infrastructure: Includes all fire and police facilities, and both regional and local animal shelters.

• Off-site Infrastructure: Includes yards and shops that support the various departments.

8.3 The Physical Plant elements include:

• Stormwater Projects: Storm drain projects, water quality improvement projects, projects funded by the Proposition O Clean Water Bond, pipelines, sewer treatment facilities, and sewer pipes.

• Street Projects: Includes highways, streets, bikeways, sidewalks, busways, bridges, tunnels, bus pads, median islands, signs, street furniture, slope failures, stairwells, bike paths (not adjacent to streets), trees, signals (and other traffic controls), and green street infrastructure.

• Street Lighting Projects: Street lighting safety improvement projects, tunnel and bridge lighting projects, stairway and walkway lighting, and energy­ saving conversion projects.

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• Transportation Projects: Includes rail, bicycle and pedestrian projects.

8.4 Information Technology infrastructure and systems elements include:

• Citywide Infrastructure: Includes core technical infrastructure, such as radio towers, network equipment, servers, storage systems, backup and recovery systems, licensing for citywide services, security/disaster recovery hardware and software, ecommerce, database platform, fiber optic infrastructure, citywide broadband, and specialty equipment.

• Major Projects and System Replacements: Includes upgrades or replacement of major technology systems, such as the Asset Management System (AiM). The scope of the systems either benefit the entire City or support large departmental operations, such as public safety technology, that require significant investments in resources and time (i.e. public safety radio communication system and the Human Resources and Payroll System (HRP)).

8.5 Information Technology capital projects shall not include:

• Computer Equipment: Funding to replace, upgrade, or repair personal computers, laptops, and associated network devices as well as associated software will be considered on a case-by-case basis during the City's annual budget process.

• Minor Projects and Infrastructure Upgrades, such as Business Applications, Mobile Applications, Cloud Computing, Social Media, and Online Services: Projects with an estimated cost less than $1 ,000,000, unless the project is determined to have a significant citywide impact.

Page 10 of 10 Attachment B


I. PROGRAMMATIC BREAKDOWN (Includes funding awarded in 2019-20, 2018-19 and prior years)

Percentage of Special Funds Program Categories: General Fund MICLA- TOTAL Total Budget (Various Sources) (All Sourcesj SEISMIC AND OTHER BRIDGE PROJECTS $ 9,550,000 $ 168, 160,000 $ 768,886,379 $ 946,596,379 18% YARDS AND SHOPS PROJECTS 1,405,663 20,913,570 0 22,319,233 0% CAPITAL REPAIR AND DEFERRED MAINTENANCE 65,756,157 59,963,550 0 125,719,707 2% PUBLIC SAFETY PROJECTS 3,956,757 60,748,437 0 64,705,194 1% OTHER MUNICIPAL FACILITIES PROJECTS 24,033,575 383,850,181 225,478,720 633,362,476 12% PROPOSITION K PROJECTS 41 ,216,079 105,953,550 340,565,671 487,735,300 9% RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL FACILITIES 4,534,675 34,637,005 17,361,370 56,533,050 1% LOS ANGELES CONVENTION CENTER PROJECTS 0 19,171 ODO 2,309,373 21,480,373 0% MUNICIPAL FACILITIES IMF) PROJECTS $ 150,452,906 $ 1,354,601,513 $ 853,397,293 $ 2,358,451,712 45%

STORMWATER PROJECTS $ 35,682,487 $ . $ 440.939,91 1 $ 476,622,398 9% STREET PROJECTS· DEFERRED MAINTENANCE 182,667,936 0 749,138,690 931,806,626 18% STREET PROJECTS • ANNUAL PROGRAM 155,985,346 0 130,391,731 286,377,077 5% STREET PROGRAM • INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS 20,464,751 15,000,000 875,228,91 3 910,693,664 17% STREET LIGHTING · ANNUAL PROGRAM 1,400,000 0 2.993,000 4,393,000 0% STREET LIGHTING - INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS 0 0 9,785,000 9,785,000 0% PHYSICAL PLANT {PP) PROJECTS $ 396,200,520 $ 15,000,000 $ 2,208,477,245 $ 2,619,677,765 50%

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) $ 136,475,807 $ 4,000,000 $ 121,097,614 $ 263,573,421 5%

TOTAL· MF PP & IT PROJECTS $ 685129 233 $ 1373601 513 s 3182 972152 $ 5 241 702 898 100%

11. PROJECTED CASH FLOW FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS (Reflects future funding requirements for Years 3-5) •••

MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Year1 Year2 Years 3-5 Total Costs Funding Sources Prior Funding 12018-19) (2019-20) IFundlna Gaol /Prior+ Years 1-5) General Fund IGFl Subtotal $ 26,137,671 $ 25 356,459 $ 27,181 ,069 $ 71,777,707 s 150,452,906 MICLA Subtotal 448,039,145 133,578,353 71,095,265 200,684,530 853,397,293 Soecial Fund CSF\ Subtotal 1,266 620 384 32 963 655 24 095 278 30 922.196 1354601513 Total $ 1,740,797,200 $ 191,898,467 $ 122,371,612 $ 303,384,433 $ 2,358,451 ,712 PHYSICAL PLANT Year1 Year2 Years 3-5 Total Costs Funding Sources Prior Funding 12018-191 12019-20) tFundlnn Gaol /Prior+ Years 1-51 GF Subtotal $ 51 ,727,015 $ 77,201,798 $ 63,486,780 $ 203,784,927 $ 396.200,520 MICLA Subtotal - - 15,000,000 . 15,000.000 SF Subtotal 1 001 290 351 343 737 479 321449595 541 999820 2 208 477 245 Total $ 1,053,017,366 $ 420,939,277 $ 399 936,375 $ 745,784,747 $ 2,619,677,765 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Year1 Year2 Years 3-5 Total Costs Funding Sources Prior Funding 12018-191 12019-201 IFundino Gaol !Prior+ Years 1-51 GF Subtotal $ 40,578,324 $ 11,242,872 $ 25,580,1 22 $ 61 074.489 $ 138 475,807 MICLA Subtotal - 4,000 000 - 4,000,000 SF Subtotal 16 877 473 20 828 505 22 535 169 60 856 447 121 097 614 Total $ 57,455,797 $ 36,071,377 $ 48,115,311 s 121,930,936 $ 263,573,421 ALL PROGRAMS · MUNICIPAL FACILITIES, PHYSICAL PLANT, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Year1 Year2 Years 3-5 Total Costs Funding Sources Prior Funding 12018-191 12019-201 IFundino Gaol /Prior+ Years 1-51 GF Total $ 118,443,010 $ 11 3,801,129 $ 116,247,971 $ 336,637,123 $ 685,129,233 MICLA Total 448,039,145 137,576,353 86,095,265 200,684,530 872,397,293 SF Total 2 284 788 208 397 529 639 368 080 062 633 778 463 3 684 176 372 GRAND TOTAL $ 2,851,270,363 s 646,909,121 $ 570,423,298 $ 1,171,100,116 $ 5,241,702,898

* The balances shown above and in the subsequent report Attachments (C, D and E) reflects the anticipated timing for expenditure of funds, which may exceed the funding levels authorized through the City's Adopted Budget for the corresponding year.

The Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles (MtCLA) is a financing authority that issues bonds on behalf of the City. It is not a separate source of funding, but rather an alternative to cash when acquiring or constructing larger capital projects, as defined in the criteria reflected in the City's Debt Management Policy.

The total values reflected in the summary tables above may not equal the totals reflected in the supporting Attachments (C, D and E) due to unknown costs for individual projects and annual programs, as denoted by the following symbol - "#". Attachment C

Five-Year Budget for Approved Capital Projects MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (ESTIMATE OF FUTURE COSTS AS OF JULY1, 2018 in DOLLARS)

APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMAT ED FU NDING REQUIRED TOTA L Y£AR2- CO LO MUNICIPAL FACIUTIES PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION YEAR3 YEAR4 Y1:A R6 TOTAi. FUNDING PROJECT 2010-2<1 2020-21 2021-22 FUNDING GAP (Y,.. 3--6) COST GF MICLA 8F ., MICLA SF GI' MICLA ., MICl,.A I GF ., GF MICLA GF SF GF MICL A 8F- I HISIIIC ANDOTHER BRIQG[ PR0£CIS NORTH ATWATER MULTlt.ACE~ENT AND BRIDGE briodge. <: Tho lhe oosl irdudos onautt:mt and parebl 477,000,4Zl 22,290,000 454.710,423 7,489.968 3,8&1,000 11,000.000 15-0 4, 150,000 1.1 ,000 - $ 4,100,000 $ 1.160 ,000 $ REHABILITATION acQ~i,sition CO$!.,.,

$!1a.5M iri u,.....icipal lmpm11&m~ritC<1J poJmion of Los SIXTH STREET BRIDGE.IMUNICIPAl A"ll'"'l"a leH•r d ct..dt in cr,:1..,. to ,;:a,h fk>w lho .Stxlh eoe IMPROI/E.MENTCORPORATION OF ltt Viaduct profeot. Ti',e moniec a,-e "'8~ilod h lo % .500,000 76.000.000 LOS ANGE.LES CASH FLOW Sh - I Fund MW and rsimbureed wi91 federal qrarit. mor1ios - ' - ' SIXTH STREET VIADUCT PARK, ARTS, AND RIVER CONNECTIVITY Cona1rur:I a <1ew JMl•I

Conalrucl ,. ,..,p&a~I ai!a fo,- the B11eau or SIJGo0t SIXTH STREET BRIDGE/BUREAU OF SatviGaaYard, which waa loosled vnd,srr,eath lhc "'"~t 4,71J0.0OO 4,700,000 "°" STR.EET SERVICES Y/IRD end of the old SiKlh Street ViedtJcl and wae 111Jbsoqoonll~ - I .. - displaced dl!a to demolition ol "1e Viaduct ' .

Ret.a.bililaw and aeiarr,ic nilrofit fie bridge,. Work 11oilJ'.)N VIADuCT incl ude up,;;irading the hr~ r-iilifi~ ,ealigning the 13 BOE lnt• •alai&-5 f,- • y north bQ.Jnd ¢1111mp 3"d a ,_. 55,605,253 100,000 500.000 54.945-.263 311,749 BRIDGE REI-IABILITATION - pedealfian bridi;,e over tll• l0 1 Angele@RivOr . H191,;:,v.111 - ' . - ' benoaddillorlallaflea Rehabililete and wider, the 4-l&l"le br;dge includo SOTO STREET AND VAI.LEYIIR.IDCE ~ 1 ,S.14 BOE ,n • .idd 5'dewalk and upg-acl• hrk198 rail 111.060,625 100.000 560,01)0 2:i,1ag RE:l-4ABILITAT!ON ~ld ~• 1a ,400,e2.s That• will W no add..! laine capacity - ' - ' - ' STA.TE STREET ANO UNION PACIFIC FooAabillll,lo and wldori tha 4-lan& boidQG,!o iAC:lude BOE RAIi.ROAD AND BUSWAY BRIOGE. shooldors. and upg,a,de bridge railings. Tt-a 18,004,084 100,000 &60,000 17,344 ,0B4 - RE'HABILITA.T!ON M l 00 no 11dd,e,dlano CIUlar:ltv. - ' - . . R. habililabl widan Iha 4-ISfle bri,,Jgei lo ir,c.ludEo> FIRST STREET AND GLENDALE n MlDllklw •, aid&w'llll., 11pgrada b,idi;,e «1it""ir,g, Alld w,mc 15 , 2 100,000 BOE BRrDGE RE.HAlllllTATION 087,73 5<0,000 14,427,732 65,1194 r...lrofit. There 1¥111be oo adodsr:lla roacapEIC~ . - ' - '

10 BOE 5 .077,661} 100,000 510,000 •,467.666 1~,79 1 - ' - . - $ NORTH SPRING S'rF;;EETAN DtO.S Reoobl'ilale aad wld9fl !lie 4-lanebtidga'loadd aiiiewa,k ANGE.LES RIV€R ~RIOGE and upgrackl MdQe r.i~lngs. The t 1; wil be no adcted laM> 58.094.186 100,000 560,000 !17,434,18!1 6.760 "°" REHABIUTAT!ON r.aoacltv. - ' - ' - ' Rop&aoo2 -t::mo bridg& 1111th2 through l.aine• brid""' 11s,irJ9 RlVERSIDE ORIVE. .MID t OS ANGELES to 4 larios at lr1torsecClon wllh San Fe.nartdo Road v.'here BOE 7!i,B115,:i!i8 !iotl ,O(JQ 75.156,366 ]55,373 RJVER BRIDGE RE.HAEl'UTAl ION a new JotIndat.oot is bunt. Tho work - inciude Cla!.a - I .. OMbik(>Wa)'0rltht1brl,j,;io. - ' ' R!VERSIDE DRIVE NEAR zoo ORNE Rt:d\abiilll!fJ ti.rid wid"'1 111.i4 -lttrlo b1idga ti:, add ""-.,Ide.-. BOE BRIOGE RE.HAil iL iTAT ION am:I upgrecl&b ridge railings. T111'1ro Y,H bGIno .add'..d lar>a l ,B71>.~9,8 100, 00 0 560 .000 1.219.698 148,968 capacitv. - . - ' VANOWEN STREET ANC>6 UlL CREEK Wl!Oll IMH)~. ad4 .ix,uid9rt1.a nd upgrade bridge railiri',J,. BOE 3,474,557 100,000 560.000 2,814.667 22,198 BRIOGE: REHAll IL IT ATION Thorn wlll brl no olddfid l;',inti U~ I\I. - I AVENUE 215ANO ARROYO SEco - ' - ' S• lamic r•lr l>fil lhe !xidi,t . 2,200,734 t00,000 560,000 BOE BRIOGE RE.I-IAlllll TATION 1,540.784 - Rehabilitate and wiclan 4-lane llfidge, to aooommodat.a . - ' - ' FIRST STREET VIAOUCT AND LOS Geld Une lrar:lo.aa, ndhi3loric reatoralion (Pylon p,eS&rwd BOE ANGE.LES RI\IE:F~AN P WIDENING 5.27i.,3.26 100,000 660 ,000 4,15HJ,325 and ,,.;lingo. r,apli,;;ale,d wi1h h hio;,!oric::ra iLi11g), S,000,000 - tho far:lllty ,Qmd u$\Jy •lilndafd&. - ' . - ' SUBTOTAL · SEISMIC ANO QTI--IE.R BRll)GE" PRP JECJS S,.. A "7A 4 .. , , l 1 66o CIOO 124 02 0 000 .,... "'"' ...,., S 750"'' s l:86D ooo 11 0000 -"' 1 e ," ' 00(1 S 4 1500 00 :Ii 1£ 1,4()00 l 26<>0 o l I ' - - ~ YARDS AND SHOPS PRO,J€CT!I . . AcqW e oo fmsdng Asphlllt Planl from All Ame,iean ass ASPHALTPt.ANT ACQIJIS ITlON 5,000,0(10 $ • $ 6 ,000,000 $ Ast>hall . ' .. . . Replace •ndlor inalaNa cold avgrega,l t ~IOU!g,i,bill , tiot . ' ' ' . ' a,;phillt oil r, mk, an emulsicn tank, and si rw,,,1 clust 487,298 collecto. al the Asph;dl Plant II facility

R"pl:&CQWQl'rl oot Op(lfll.'ciol1ill oqulptMnt .at d1• Aaphalt PlaJlt II IIUCh:&3 11n inelin -,d 36 x 32 !Qolll l,ra.n~far oorweyor. 670,000 6 70 ,000 3(1 foot dJag ebteonva)'tll", 1md 36foot lf:aw.::e con""')'Of - ' ~ ,;,plac,;, a 770 t;,n ,!Qr•~4il,Q11 M 3

Page 1 of 7 Attachment C

APMOF'fflATIONS ESTIMATED FUNDING RE.QUIRED TOTAL PRIOR YEAR1 ToAK CO LD MUNICIPAL FACILml:SPROJECTS PROJECT DESCRJP'TIOtil YEAR 4 TO"rAL PROJ£CT FUNDING 11)11-1'1 201tl-20 2021-22 FUNDING GAP !Yrs 3-5> COOT ., MICLA SF Gf M.CLA ., GF JC MICLA ., ., M LA "' Gf GF MICLA GF MICU ., MICLA .. W lll uliniie a consultant in 1he Jir11l ,>ha_ lo U MS8" IJJI to 69 y:.rds arid 6f'H'lfl~ f:it:li llY& W;.' itl Ui•: 1} South lo 11 Angi.l• t. R~ (C

Sl\9 cl(;Guisi.6on and Pf&-d8Y91opmenl cos I in ord&r kl 59CUf& a ,,gpPa,;,am,s,nt site for tha, ~partment of DOT & MARIANNA YARDS AND SHO~S Tflil1'p,)lt:1100n'11A- ll.l11 HI yar(lo;.and ahopr, f;ocitily_ BOE /\COUISITION COSTS 12 .g!io,000 - s Add!Uo,ial fLlrldi.,_D wiU ti.. , ,:,quir..-.1 lot • IW davulopm• r>t in 2020-:11120.11-22. SYl!TOJAL• YABPS ANP SHOPS f'RO:lFCTS s u s,3 5'o o;,inooo - . $ 405 883 $ 18.950 00,0 - S 000 000 - ' - . - • - ' - CAPJTALREPA IRAHO MtUtfil=NfiNCE . II CITJWDE pefeRMP ffi9JECT5 .

YARDS AND SHOPS . CAfl lTAl F;:4pair 1ind r"plftQ" V11•iw 'I-C11)itlll equipmllM11roquirod fQJ #-Ariooa v~ GSD 1,000,000 580.000 320,0DD 1,000,000 1,000,0 EOUli>MENT !tlllQWJfi(ion Qfrn:lir"d"'""'nol'.,-..rd~~cir.tlllir.>~s fiwit~io,;,. Ptogran 00 1,000,000 - $ 3,000.000 $

BUREAU OF STRff T SERVICES Addrim • Mkl1y h11D11d11a OOR191.1laW11<: ompliaooe h suM ll·A!'riua v~ B88 CRITIC.6.LREf>A IRS • VAROS ANO .at y,i•d• and el;op, laciliiaH OP$1"11"5d by~ Burei1u QI 5()0,000 2&>,00Q PJog,an - SHOPS FACILITIES Slr.8 1 $ · - . BUILDING EQUIPMENT U FECYCLF. #•An r,u;a Vw GSO Prrowd" ,:;apilal rapairo. a nd irn,iro...emerila for Ftgueroa # ·Armua i> S.uildinQ. ,,_, 500,000 200,000 1500,000 500,000 500 ,000 lata 500.000 - ' - 1,50D,OOO $ GSD it.16~oREPAIR - MAR VIN BRAUDE ll ·A r> . ~~ Prolli(lfl copllal rOl).-.irs for Ma1\lln Blaudll Buildl110 4 50,000 2 , 00 000 500,000 roo,ooo 500.000 1,600,000 $ CAP'lTAL REPAIR • POLICf - ' - ' Pr0"1d<1ca pita! rei,air, ~I the PolicoaAd1 ntn,istr.a\ioli GSO ADMtNISTRATION BUfLDl~G AND ·-· 2.000 ,000 460,000 1.920,000 Blllldll'l!)andpo.Jblicliilf""-yfacillli.Qs 2,•00,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 - 7,200.000 $ PUBL~ SAFETY FACILITIES - ' . # - Aririua P,owtta ~ pibl 111f.C.H"•a t the p,_,1:dic W01ka B,.nkling 375,000 7&2,782 500,000 soc.coo 600,000 P1oX1arn - ' - ' 1,500,00Cl $ 1• GSD PUS.UC WORKS CENTRAL P'LANT Coo11lactuaol pa~ ril for an.,,.,.al e-apllal 1911air PIDg&m. 361,000 351,000 - ' - ' - ' 1• OSD F'UBLIC wo~s GARAGE Collt,actual paymenl for illll1'-'31<:aplta l 1&paif p,cg,a.m. 221.000 221,000 - Remove L1naf11tcipt1led1116belt.OS, lead pairil, lood ' - ' - ' ll·AnrlU;lr ablltemeflt, and mold hAZIIIIU encountered during 1,000 ,000 7 ,000 Program 50 1,000.000 1 ,000 ,00 0 1,000 ,000 - $ 3.000,000 $ mllin~MOOEI>ani.tucfion if1 City bui&.fno, - il -A nnwil ' Va. GSD CITYWIDE ELEVA.TOR REPAIRS ew,ooo 850,000 SS0,000 850.000 fl50,000 CHYWID E INFRAf!iTRUCTlJRE AddTeii it, tlo!llltl !lllld a.if&ty-rol;Jtod hf1;11slru<:MQ IH~ S (Ill ii - AnnuR - ' v.. GSO "-· 1,700,000 640,000 1,360 ,000 IMPROVEMENTS a Ci~ ·na,is . P,°"'"am 1,700,000 1,700,000 1.700,000 - $ 5,10 0,000 S - ' CITYWIDE MAINTENANCE AND P'JffQfm ~pi bll 1('1Jl!llirs. mainfona11QOwork , and v.. CAO 1,000,000 1,000,000 1.000,000 1,000 ,000 IMPROVEMENTS imprl)y8ment, Ill. '131ious facililiee lhroug'ICMJt the City. 1,000,000 - S 3,000,000 $ - ' AddrB38 n1Jiaaonc01a b"'lflrn• nt iE-11J011 a,! Cil)'-O'M1911 v.. GSD CITYWIDE NUISANCE ABAl EMENT 667,000 j)r'c.-,.,,,.o; 820,000 990,975 990 ,Q75 s um ,e2.s s - s GSD CITYWIDE ROOF RE.PAIR$ Repal1 roofe. at City fa,eilllM with Iha. 11'101-I cimcaol tt- Anriual v., 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,-000 prot,l,;irn5. p....,..,.m 1,300 ,000 1 ,300,[)00 - S, ~.SI00,000 $ - ' Addren dllfooed rnal,1tenaoc11, ~ teo"adoMc Vld improwmenis . arid for d9'8lgn « construclioo t.tarl-.Jp of CAO CIVIC ANO COMMUNITY FACILITIES civi<:and communl1yfatill afld kl addren ~ ny 760.000 7 , 0 iu 50 00 1,000 ,000 1,000,000 1.000 ,000 - $ 3,000,000 S r i:,qulrod improvomonb lO C:ltyfil cil tkts acq.!lr9d 'h ough eminent llom,:,,in.

Provid& oonsllllarit 80ih11anal)l¥>8 ol oootamiM!Qd iltH CONTAMINATED SOIL v., GSO 1md te<:hnical &'qleriM in prepaiil'l'iJmi 1i1J&~on pl..ns fo, 1.200.000 1,000,000 REMOVAf.lMITI GAT ION 1,200,000 1,200.000 1,200 ,000 - $ 3 ,fl00,000 $ • ~lstorvap prowl - ' CRA FtJTUAE 0€ VELOPMENT rol\abllltaUon and m~lnt:dnat\Cfi for CRA dewilopmfinl Vo, CAO PAO GA AMICAPITAL REPAIR pr~Jiou . IB0,000 - . - . # • Anrw~ v., 1,100,000 1 ,100,000 f>,OIJam 1,100,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 - . 3.J00,000 $ - . MUNICIPAL 6UILDINGS E NERGY & POJfonn entorgy &nglneerlng, re1ro-ca.,nmissionlng, Var GSD W ATER MANAGEM ENT ANO 1 ,23 2,2i.[) 3,M 7,710 1,232,200 and r{lt"Oflt at \'&flOOt;City foclll~,;is.. 3,517,710 1,23 2,290 3,517.710 1,2:l2,2?0 3,517.710 1,232,290 3 ,617, 710 - $ :l,89fl,8 TO $ 10,553,130 $ CONSERVATION ~k

To d,ova&opand t,;,.. cona,.,111,n!s for pral,minary '!,\Hwlural n,lrofil ,,..,.,.,.amenl3 ir, 01da1 lo c:ompfo, wi1ti ffi• C ily't Nor, OuctileConc,el1 6uildir,gOrdin.11noaNo. 183!193, lhal\ 25-0,000 260,000 reqllnl e r&CrGlt!a arid impro~ ls tc, building, ~ r ffiiii 250 ,

Provido !(In.ant improvemonb .ind lho roloc11tion o f City # - Annual Var CAO SPACE OPTIMIZATION TENANT WORK ~ : (J., ~~: :: 2,000,000 ~: 11c::~n:m::~ ;i~ ~~~~ f>1C9ar 2,Cl00,000 2,000,-000 :2,000 ,000 - - $ G,000 ,000 $ Commitffie. . y,, GSD OVE~H'EAD DOORS, AUTOMATIC Repair ow rhead doors and aulornalic gal& Rt variouR City #· Ann,.aal GATES, AND AWNINGS F aciliM and im,lall awnings a( lhree luri &hop& P'rog,am 300,000 :l00,000 300,000 300,000 - ' 900,000 $ - . Rilnable land~lalQ lhat 1.1s&s less wate1. 160,000 - . 450,000 $- - '

- $ 2,200,000 $ - $

SUBTOTAL . CITYWIDE CAPITAL REPAIIU.NO DEFERRED MA.INTENANC [ PROJECT§ _t 2 77200-0 ~ , ~"~"''"' s H 3427 0 - S 125650 7 4: 4'.>U"'71[) S _ S n n~ 6S 5 119 11110 n 0 7 · ...,_., S 11 g17 ,7 1D S IV PUBLIC8.lfl;TYPRO:l=CTS R~ptacll lnl'l <:unoot fi1-0 S!alloo. -""ning S~ IOm IMth a rl&N Va, L AFD FIRESTAT IONAL ERTINGSYST E.M 20,000,000 $ 1,000 ,000 :r,: $ ,000,000 $ oommorci.1iv-sut1oortod t vsfom • $ 6,333,333 $ $ 4.333 ,333 $ $ M33 ,33<1 $ $ 15,00(),000 $ i;cquisiCion, <1'1tig,1, aM «m&lroo!ion of " new flow ~ - ft. LEED s ~ver looWity, trout epo,;.ifically to BOE l APD PROPERTY WARE.HOUSE 1.APP's funct,go-]111•~rf>mt,11 h ;m<,1BOE taclmical 29,000,000 27 ,995.000 1,005,000 specfhca-lione for critical openilio'1a1 neoede of lh,f, LAPD's - ' E~denc:a W•u~houae DMaion.

Page2 of7 Attachment C

APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED FUN{HNG Rl;QUIRU1 TOTAL PRIOR , YEAR ) CO LO ,.._UHICIPAL FACIUJll;S PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRlPTIOtJ .... ,c.AR4 v... , TOTAL PAO.JEcT FUNDING 2<11N0 1020•2 1 2011.22 20 22·23 FUNDING GAP (Yr,, 3-!!) COST Gf MICLA SF GF MICLA ., GF MICLA ., ., MICLA. GF MICLA SF GF MICLA Sf GF MICLA SF IM~tlati:on of an <1pproxlma1e 600kW solar phol(N(Jltaic (PV) &)'Stem and ,vucrural 1up,port on the 60.000 t (j. ft 14 BOE I.APO MTD SOLAR ARRAY 3,600,000 343.640 2:.583.460 ,QOt ct tlio, e,,:isting LAPD Motor Tran1,port DivltJon (MID) 573.000 - 573,000 Main $t~ Pa1king Facility. • •

EMDII.APO AHMANSON RECRUITMENT Retrof:t ltle '1~!\ l ll(lrvtco p,anol at tflo Mm ~nsoo l.APO CENTER ELECTRICAL SERVICE RecJ\J11rnenlTri. lfllng Coo tor~~ lntlaM ::t m~bilw J9tl,43T UPGRADE generslQr pad to e-n&uro coo1inuIf)I of op,oratlOrMklr th& 396,437 - Cil'f • Emerge,n,c Oiieration8 Cor1t~ • TINKER TOY LOT 1' PARKING 0..mol>liQri ,;,t ,i., rodelng parkfr,p strooturo, and tho 14 LAPO STRUCTURERD.IOVAL AND ,-.,~i..llatioo o1 a!JJ>h11lt toe tirity li\pt.illg, lllro8cap lng, .ind 2,4ELB,1 00 4t:l!!,G57 4GS-,657 REPAVING ..tor m draira aptem for OllsQf&dl'!peirlling. - • • 2,200,000 .!,200 ,000 - ' F'-'nding i• providocl lo conllrau.. tl1'I QXJ>.'.m&lo~o f ..kicttic Var U.PO ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGERS· LA?D ;::h:~r:~:~=h-l~'::1~~n~~·: :• Dls1rlct 6 ,6 52,000 2 ,652,000 2 ,000.000 2,000,000 - C11rr111nt Fa, lch• g,,r and lhreo Lowl "d imgors. •

8URTQTAL • PURLjc SAFETY PRO~CTS .it 2.e6.2000 s - S 34.338 540 S 2"'RR ~n• it 4811R<;.? - . II 817 • $ 5 906 333 $ - . - $ A">">"> 33 $ - . 333334 • - .USIU57 • 16,673,000 • Y 9Tt1fHHlfflclfA) f ACUTESPBOA:CT8 ' . LOS ANGELES RIVER REVITAt.12 A TIO N Progrim1 im:aluOOI.a nc.tpll,a l prn]r;,,ch: rel.!IIJ.rtQkl O! aijjac&n v.. BOE - $ Hi7,800,000 $ 1'.J1,055,000 S $ - $ PROGRAM to the Riw,i1_ - s - -$ - $ o• ~ •• -$ - ' - - - - ' - - - t11r1dacqulWtloo , Ea11eman1, Ri~ t--ol-way, R&localion, ' . ' . . . - ' - ' y., BOE. ARBOR ~Ei:tRDS 11fld Oi3,p0,aJ arvas !Ll:RRDS~along tt.e Lw A"ll8ie!­ 2,000,000 .. Rive,r. - . . Predeeigra of t h& dtr..elclf)m&At,-d emolillon of oldstin g building, ei't. prepat!ltion. communicatiOl'I sysloms. arid 11,000 ,000 12.654.667 6.745,•33 - - b,;,~l c::,:,unaalc::or>tult&nt . . En~fOl~rrwnlal lmpacl raporl ~• for al 111meiraing pha e& of '!ti" approved Civic C..nter Master Developrm,nl 1.000,000 - PIQn. . R6qu!.6d ma1!c::hfo r th& ~ fur>d"1n9a wardOOt;I "'° Proiacl. 1 ,1.'.15,000 - - Res!OfB tho OCOS:yilolm lr!G>4:2: •illC.nil ~ r I. - . of e. rt. . ' n • .lnd enl'I, M ll'Milol\211docu,"rw ,mation of Lho, BOE: TAYLOR YARO G2 fir" pl,Me for o.ll1,' act1vatloo of d-.e sl\Q and lnretl,n u- 1\0,000,000 - 11 - .. ucA a11 c11mm11nity-9'o'ents, educational aod nature . ' . prvgrar11ming. Donigrl-bulld solar energy syslam& el municipal fecilil,' building, tliat h,:lude : 1) Vision Theatre: 2} E:ll'!lf9'9en; J) Diwom1hlrc,: 011d, 4) Topa,,gi,, Commurilty Ptdice (if 1G,OIH,500 10,000,000 .. posaibl& MIS&lonCdmmu nlty a ~thii w :t.c p.a,lof U,., . - ' Meiw..-& Pro Budgtil) - ' - . - . Retoeate ITA's Cllam el 35 operalion f rom lcat.ed apaui ltl BOE:. CHANNEL3 5 Little-Tokyo lo tho Merced Th,Jae&r 21,1d Ma~onic H..JI al E.I 36 ,59A,OOO lJ ,000 ,000 17,300,000 2,200,000 1,084.000 - $ H i,MU,000 $ Puo,blo. - ' T~ proposed ?foJocl will b'1 .-, 5-t.lOf'/. tEEO <:ertlfi&d 150,000 tq ff offico t111ildlng lntorldlfld 10 hoUMI 460 11mpll:iyw 1, ~ of ""1lich ;'111) curr~II'/ localed al lhe SAN CLEAN WATl:R CAMPUS I.IOOi• Comter ~~di ng. Tho p1ojoetwill inc::luoo a two-lo\'111 13 7,000 ,000 5(),000,000 undaoero,..,r-.clpark i'lg {lftl"IIO,., lo pr:Ximalellf 60 r,cl,'IOM,

nia CDa Con... ti luoll! Stnvioo Ceir.ter (GSCJ loc:llod !It 647 5 S. V•rmonl Ava, a Cily-(lWN!d l acl ily, v.ill IJOOergo BOEJ COUNCIL DISTRICT t CON STITU EN T ;;in ext&rasive roenowition of 1t1ee ratire 16,000 ~wi re foot 6,200 ,000 900,000 4,000,000 C AO CENTER INTERIOR, 3 ,300,000 - bultd't11g. Currently, the CSC hoowe bell, C~ and tt,e - ' . - ' LOfl Angele,; Or;,?Mtmenl 61Jilding & S•ie ty (LADBS).

:J2,SOO,OOO 17,S00,000 4,972',000 7.710.000 2.677.000 - ' - $ 15,259.000 S

ln'1.~Ualibo1o f E:V ct..11r9ir.g inlrH truc::lure&f or •••u«)ue d&pan.Mnhi. GSO report& that fLJture projacta wil ba ELECTR:IC VEHICLE INFRASTRlJCTURE irrw1Qm90ted tha need i• gr Nie at beMCI on GSO 16,36<1,000 4.6-60,000 3,500,000 - C l TYW IDE oloclJlr;,,,I eapaelly a nd r&adineH of building, public end 3JIOO,MO 1,205,000 1.20~ .ooo 6,21 0.000 $ omplctyeg dl'lmand, kie.atitin arid -.Lui tit fac."1itylg,iogr,;,phic - ' - ' di$tn"bullon. :111drtJ11 dlrni

A.JlhollZfiu in 2004-0~, tha program he:a recei.-:1 $30 mtllion f1om various funding sources ID make cap;t.el l1np1owm&~ts at El PI.Jllblo. M0sl elemimta h- been C1Jmplot9d. llieluding variou s &oleclric.!l un 11des ora()jvers BOE ~~~~ CAP'I T'"'l. I M'P'ROVEMENT 51:JOOLl)!.Mli!- IO IWl(lV-....ions . wnary r91"1170'a\;on&, l~hn Hell 30,000 ,000 2'0,8'00,000 100.000 S,900.000 f&l\(t'<\'ltlOrll . a1-.d

Addr<.1n , Amsrk:sns ...,.., Oisabi~ti1ni Act sor.e~eibifify IG$U•H aAd n,i,c:e9sar~ coda upgrade. at City.owned F:.rrlll)&,1.11011l .:ac.ilitiae operaled by 1h11H otJ&ing and Commu11i1~ln .....tmanl Oep11rlmanl and 113 .,..twc,,k. r:J 1,100,IJOC 1,100,QOO COf'l'l":1-CIOfS. HCID staled thal 11raad dilionsl CIE:Pfund ing - i8 NOT REQU IRED as thENe ~& uff.ci1m\ foodiragbetween . - ' - ' ttlfJ CIEP monies and CM G to fully a.ddrfi s U-...ADA it.,._,11:18~ I FSC1

E11s 1.ore s1'1.octural and H iunic auff;c::iancy. Repair, aa- t-llGHl -""l Cl J'AR:K SUllDI NG MOO~ . lXlrnporienta 1eq llired to meet Amerieera BOE CONS'flTUENT SERVICE CENTI:R (~(l01 Di,aMilivs Act (ADA/ ;,c,,;eN-, tt.e eleval DI", heatr>g, 15,000,000 360 ,000 2 ,IH5,000 11,675.000 - $ 11.675,000 $ NORTH f=IGUEROA STAEETJ 1'6n~131ion arid alt eond'i~tl!W,g (HVAC) t \1>'1-m, ,.nd - ' e~iea l tr-,tGm

Page 3 of 7 Attachment C

APP~OPIUATIONS l;~IM AH:D FUNDlh'G REQUIRED TOTAL PRIOR YEAR1 Yt:AR2 CO L[l MUNl(.IPAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PROJECT DESCRIPTIO~ YEARJ YfAR 4 YiEROSERR A aR.ANCH LIBRARY tenant impoc.,.mant wo,-.for ,e~d.~ve u,-e, fl& fl 1,060.~ 300.000 (?raj ad C ampllll...d) 5.r'll/1$1()FB - ,::onimuni ty can t..r forCoi, .-.; ol. COl'l~r\let~ • ­ . - ' - c;on,plDllfd by GSO . TI,,. rnrw Fir,. Sbllion 3Q fllplar;ee !Mi 8:iating fire allOOl1 lot.ailMI a l14415 S-,iv• n S tu,,111, T~no,wi;\w •~f ir" o.ta~onwi ll b.o,. abl • of th& srt HI,~ oi;ifl buddi"9 Qfl BOE NEW FIR£ STATION 3Q 16,000 ,00( 16,000,000 a pt:,roximalely 1. I Q ac,e JDI, The bui lding wiH be

The project incl11.1ri~ Irle oon&'l'ucion of a ?alkirig

11-lruchJr11wilh .llpPf':lxi 240 parkiflo} iJP8'=9'V;,b uKt on -~ 13 ,263,536 11,68-0,000 1,003,536 an • xi, open p,rrkin!J kl,t nt tie loo-,lk>n of~ 11ew - - - North...,11-t Pd i""' Stalio::rn. ' . .

Ten>llll I ml)fr.>l'tlf'l1ent f.,.- i,n ,1,:lstlng Animal ShQlte.r loceted a l, SCop& 01 wo,kl, il"ICll.ldO ttl9 ,1ooovaUon ri the 1011owi11g; madical i.roa, offico :iroa, communlfy.l 21,108,SM 1 7,000,000 4,108,344 lraining room, IJ'lhliC t1nimal recoMng. animal h

OPERAT JONS VALLE y SUREAU S11pul~ 11B lvd, S~c,rman Ollk, ) l:l p,,tm.:\~lfy ~s,, BOE HEACN:lUARTERS - LOS ANGELES FIRE lhe Loe ArtgeleR Fill! CMr,ar.nenl (L.AFD)Oper aoon, 3,C00,000 100 ,000 600,000 1,450,000 1,450,000 DEPARTMENT V 11lley Bureau (0 \18) ke.adQIJ!I~ . Re\'lted ScO?'): 2,5100,DOO $ - Modify old FS # 3,g ( 14415 S'jtYan St. Van Nl.l'f'l) to - ' . atoornoodate OVB wilh $700,000 i<;enlitied fore Phai,8 I project, Ph.ase II ..alimBl& al $2,0 mi lion,

F undil'lg is prO\lided for preliminary apace progremmir,g atld i,copll'lg for an,- Police Department S«Jth • ffic 0 I..t&lon (Dhbi<•n) f,toilily_ c .....,...,~ y locatecl in r-,Rd l,Jl3Cfl, tAQ DlwlOl'I Ii- .a eri&al Police O..p,,rtment furd ion lf'1a1 should ulllm.alElly ~ i-,o,,,-l ir, a Cily-<>'Ml..d lacilily lo ,1...:,id lho di1ruplio,1 10 opet.alion~ In 1118ewnl TBD BOE. SOUTH TRAFFIC 01Vl840N 1,000 ,000 a prlwto l1ossord flostres to leuniMta a l&aM or - - - cfiimgos tho \Q,m~ of a lease In a manner that negi'illwily ' . . imllff(:I& th-o Polii::o Ooparlm~;mt. Who;in a proper , 11.,. l,s. iderltified. lhe Cilyw ill haw lo ld9titiry afund lna mec'1aniam to purohllso, dosio,J1, 811d<:oo sb'ucl a r111w Oi'lieioo lacilily.

Tenant mprtivement, at the-We1t l 01 An1,1o:11,;s6tl~ding., WESTL OS ANGELES MUNICIPAL lmpm_.._, 1• for~ ?ft<'inoll.Kle MW carpeting, 11 GSD ' " 250,000 250 ,000 BUILDING pr,inling, m i,ior l'llp,llira, rophillCCorr>l!llll Qf do(ir lrwillineR . . - '

D etermine 11',a• 0 11ro& of wlli&r per,e1rs lioo on th& frtl C[)6 CONSTITUENT SERVICES floor of the building, ?10pC SE1 ad uior1& and implem&flt BOE 4,412,521 1.2DG,OCIO 1,891 ,145 1,:115,376 Cl:NTER • PH/\ SE ONE (INTERIOR) lhem. T~ll::Iw alli. are hoo'Nng-8600 • quare f11111in each of lhetwolloots. - ' lnteriof build...,IJI:of roL, n Spoc.'1a t too Mo1or Tran< GSD MTD MURAL CONSERVANCY 360 ,000 3(10,000 Oi-.i1ioo bll.lildin9 loc1itoo ot 260 Souih M.ifn Str'Mt MISSION HILLS ANIMAL SEAVICES - ' - ' - ' BOE 107,647 107,647 Cl:NTER - ' - . - . Design and OOJ11t111cta new Hom&llln Service ttnd D\lly U\bor f~ lllti, at DWP 1Jt1o.iliong ShermaJ\ W ay GSO C[)2 NAVIGATION CENTER 3,764 ,000 725,7~1 Th& l.acili~ wiR pr

Thi,s.proi. ect involw a conY&rting the old Holly,.,iood 13rancti GSO CV4 WO MEN'S 6RIOO!: HOUSING l ibrary al 1403 N. Garden!II' Slreel into interffl hooai'l!I 2,649,600 ft'lfwomon - ' UNIF'IED HOMELESS RESPONSE ln,tallation of al.ldia visua4 equipment in Iha UHRC within 14 GSO 287,000 287 ,000 CENTER lhe Emlill'A9T'CY Ori- ~ori• C..-.!er - MURAL RESTORATION AN[} - - TBD CAD ' . ' 244,187 l~OMMlsu.':IONING - WEST VAU.EY MUNK::l?AL BUILDIN<3 R...::oJr1"1ru<:fioni.,tt, c,~oyoop.,,r1tjng lot .itlf'10W c1t . - ' BOE 427 ,600 427,&00 PARKING LOT v'alle Municipal Cente-r. •• $ - s SUBTOTA TH ~ MUNc 1co,11.1;: .ru, 11 -O _J 3'58 0 5 28 S S 28117311 45 22547&7 0 S ,.. ...,,.,.,. , S """'u ID~ S 1'"487 933 S - S ,. ,. ,.,..,. (IO - s :>41i77 00" - . 145000 0 S 16 ,,1!,_0pj _I_ s - s " 878 000 _ 5 14,575,ll'll0 S 41,0ISJ.11(10 ,I, VI. PROPOSITION K PRO.If.CTI

Rooova!o basebaUf ielcl: r enovate ~ esllia11palhway 10 BOE ALBION AM.R S~DE PA.RK cl(JWf)Oyc '1~dca re cenwr: and renovate $.lilff aewH road $ 28 ,339,:3';4 $ S 26.2•7,2:30 $ 92,124 $ and p;'lrkinQlot BOE l'ILGIN SUTTON RECREATION CENTE A C<>rHln a::lion r:I rww p<><>It,v iktirl!,I 16,536.036 11,660,556 2,000,000 2,874,477 10 ,417,421 :l,765,0Q7 1 ,-000,000 6,66.2:;l:t 4 - . l)l'Cl\18'f11erita REG BOE ANGU S GATe PARK =~=~~:1:'r:'master plan im andl 2,1116,362 2 ,"152.29:l 2 ,Q62,N 3 2,982,293 - $ 8,94!1,679 $ BALDWIN HILLS RECREATlON CEN TER Re,ilec. &.:i• lir,9 ligh~ng at tJutio 00Miball fic,kli with 10 BOE • SPORTS FIELD ANO SPORTS COURT LEDs; R11p111e11eldating lighij11g M two 008Mlttlal courts •150.000 200 ,til44 - LIGHTING wi1h LE:Oi. . Ro~~ ro::lsling 1Qh6ng al on• b;l@.~elb;d Ot11Jrl with LEOa:,e&Q)d 11gh~01C1at four l&nnls. caU

Page 4 of 7 Attachment C

A.PPROPRIATJONS ESTIMATED FUNDING REQUIRED TOTA L PRIOR YEAR 1 Yl:AK2 CO Ul MUNICIPALFACIL ITIES PROJECTS PROJECT ~ESCRIPTIQN YEAR3 YURs TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING 201B•t ll 20 1i -20 zo;w-21 -~•• 20:1!1-22 2022-23 F\INOING GAP (Yr• 3.-S) COST MICLA SF GF GF MICLA SF GF "' ICLA ., GF MICU 8F SF GF Ml(:LA 8F flAulti-f,h.atEld project cornlstlng of Iha coroetn,clicin r:I' a SHELDON ARLETA, Aft.A CESAR ba""ba~ ti::I , pk:nic arw1 ;md plaJ'Qlound; and the BOE cQn•ilf,...,~,;,n of lt'lr,,c, 80CCOrfl.e lds (two wi'll lighte), two CHAVEZ RE:CRE:AT ION COMPl EX 4,790,460 b.ii~ba~ fiekl• seeu~ ligh0ng p.irkil'lg irti~ , drinking fourotair,a, tenci11 12 B OE CHATSWORTH PARK NORTH Reolac11·.- ,;.,,,1ioro •j'8tem ~33,0Si 4110,340 342,1599 BOE ECHO PARK SKATE PARK Dovelop now •kato pt111< 1,266.387 146,000 1,100,000 1&,887 EL SERENO ARROYO PLAYGR D ",. BOE O~ Acq11ieHion ol op,;in $pat& t-0e iq>and tile El Se.eno pfay ,t,eQUISITKlN 1,025,100 1 50,000 23 U i2tr -~ 321,528 - $ 603,0 56 Refurtirwl, r&lrofil arid ooowrc Engiro&Com pany 23 into BOE ENGINE t; OMP'ANY 23 ARTS CE NTER . 9,8~ 4,873 9,254,878 600 ,000 .., .t, ,:;.,rt!tM"to - YOvouth .. ' BOE G.t.AS.SELLP ARK SOCCER FIELD lrislal ait!on o f ftf1N S\11'\lheticf;00C erli&kl 841,000 3 41,000 frnpr-OWJm&rililo ,oods, b ait• , w,ilor •y~hml, ro•I rc>omt;, BOE GRIFFITH PARK 6,s.ea,961 6 ,3.M,081 Dicnic.:iroos, pa""'U""' •t..atn.. ~par kin 104 GRIFFITH PARK CRYSTAL SPRl ~GS BOE BflSEBAI..L FIEt OS 1,700,000 1.150.000 550,000 GRIFFITH PARK HORTICULT URIE Reroo¥11to.1 por1ion of~& u!& t"1g n ll'IM •Y on BOE 1 50,000 1,650, l EAF!.N ING CENTER Commoowoallh AWlnuQ ,6 000 GRIFFITH PARK PERFORMIN(;ARTS REG BOE - ' CENTER 3 ,000 ,000 1,367,873 1,632,127 - lrll?f"OVO::lm~BIClaa, lotic fleld1, r.wimmir,gpools, or BOE GRIFFITH R~CREATION CENTER PH II . ,..,.,,....,lion~" nle,r 1,17:l.(l14 RAP HACLA; MAR V ISTA GAAOENS - ' RECREATION CENTER Soooer complex, r,, part., ranger ,t:i~onl'oi sl10,•,. ci&nh.-, - Rmwi~ta . fe,n,cing 005,301 4!'J9,l!49 Refurhtr.h rhri16 e.xi&lif'l9 bileeoan fiold1. ii'lstan ri .... , - ' BOE HANSEN DAM 8AS~6Al l FIELDS 1,3<10,600 reslrooma, blaachera, lniUN:j M d fonclnsi - Ou ~ OOf dotwiloprr,ent aoccer Mi ds, 'JOIICl~ I at(;aa, tlar•b· . BOE HAZARD PARK 600,000 600,000 Q or~lt. and tab!ea , licll!ioo. walkwa','8 - R.,fo,ht•h, n,Volil and can.,..rt city building lflto a Jr. Arts . BOE HIGH ND PARK ARTS CENTER LA JR. 26,239,000 3,4 11,211 4 50,000 Cer.t• 2.000.000 9,961,597 - $ 21,823,,194 $ 454,593 HIGHLAND PARI< RECREA.TlON R uistn g loghting 111 tv...a b.:,.ekottiall coum wiltJ BOE &~ . CENTER - SPORTS COURTLIGHTJNG LEDs 420 ,000.00 420,000 HOLLYW OOO RECREATION CEN1ER BOE P'H II 23 ,000,000 0.799,4,!,!l 617,228 " $ 12,'563 268 $

420,000 - ' BOE LINCO\.N POOL Chik!ran'e waler la area in pool facUlfy 12. 143,323 2 ,690,•45 2 ,400 ,000 7,0r>U17tl L11nd • cqui• iloon, gr-rtno;J • IQng a,oo of Enolno, Sherman REG BOE: LOSAHGE:LESRIVERFRONT PARK 18.8 19,671 11,640,287 305,300 1,011,096 320,322 1,011,0tl6 - ' Oah . Stud.a Citv 104,678 1, 29 1,8012 1,186,000 $ 3,437,968 $ 104,678 Refurbi• h bcretl-,u,..., recr•Mioo build!ng. ~lgna, OOffdlng REG BOE MACARTHUR PARK 9 ,017,866 2,18 5,4-54 1.706.l M .lltld t,,llld• t...11. f,mcinsi • .-.1 - 1:-f:Jtdm ont 1,70B,10ll 1,708,108 1,TOll,108 'S ~,124,324 REG BOE MA!;:ARTHUR PARK LAKE uality • rid fiftrJiti<:lnimprovomw 1ts a l ialw wn , l300,00D 150,000 350,001;1 100,000 VtSION THEATER FORM ERLY Refurbi• h, fBlrotil and conl'l!lrt City bu'i'dkl(l ltl IC a .k. Art,;; - 1CIO.OOO BOE 28.:20 8 7, 47C,248 3,7 . MANCHESTER ..R. A RTS CENTER Canh!r 1.36 00 000 6 ,000 ,000 2,109,547 1,140,684 2,!169,316 . - ' BOE 11 ,45:Z,631,i 3, ~2D,Wlo or,r,;a ~wiltl LED, . Slabiita tlon i111d gradirlg " ' hill1i(le aM C1'rl}'Of). oUldoor REG BOE POTRE:RO CAN'l'ON p a1k.d W91opr,wnt incli..rding larode-c::i>f"flg & i11igatior, -of 34,660,000 2t!,!!i00,000 4,H:i-,000 4,175,000 surnrnit $ 8,300,000 MU:ti-ph1t...d prc,j8CI lh11t incilude• ltlo con'I-IJl.11':11oclof t.tnass anne..and improvernan~ to elhlolic flolcls, ,0 Boe RANCHO CIENEGA SPOR1S CENTER bteaet...r1, parkif'III tol, picnic 811la, i"f)911Uon .\rid (imcing, 12 ,8 60,000 3 4,000.000 4.826,000 4,1!25,000 MWrlly li.#iliog, aorid• M

RESEDA PAAK - SPORTS COURT R(lfll~co ~ •llna •o~ lng .at two full ba• l.elhal ooum ;,mf BOE 1/2b,asl,;,Q11:lal ooo.r t\onlh LED-.; 450.000 450,000 LIGHTING - r.:iplac11-O!dst lng llghlln9 at four l8roriia oourlJJw ia, LED• . BOE RESEDA SKATE FACILITY A,:;qui•i~on 1111dc oroslruc~on of l,::e hocle y arod rollar 30,704,300 15.225,569 6,6 71.~0 9G1 ,G17 2,646.734 t,jfldifl9faCiiflt - . & 4,999,300 $ 2.84tt, t:!d Replaco 9>:!s gt'.tirig at ,ee ba1keibal1court s wittl RITCHIE VALEN5 PARK • SPORTS thg ll lh BOE COURT LIGHTING LEDs~ 4 50.000 4~ ,000 roplaco °"3stlng llghl'nr, ;jl l wo berY1i1 court, wilt> l EDs - ' Coo&truct -om 9'/lrtiastum, comro,.mity cerdef, ctiMd BOE ROBl;RTSON RECRl:AT10N CENTER 12,&15,4'1.9 10 ,573,208 2,322,200 ctir'l omter, oorimolor lmprow1111en11 - Con&tluctio11of cflildcuo unu.s to w,hanc. nrcr&atiorwl BOE . ROSECRANS RECREAJ10N CENTER 4 ,i oo ,ooo 4')0,000 1,400,000 "l;e,;fg,rctJHdrtin 1,400,000 - ' 1,400,000 REG •oe SEPULVEDA BASIN - LAKE BALBOA 2 ,606,534 2 ,50(1,534 - Oui:loor retu,bir,hm&flt; improvoirrl'llnll kl alhlo tie fi• ld 5, BOE SEPULVEDA RECAEATION CENTER . 643,886 2'5,947 400,000 swimmifl<>nn.-J 417,009 417,9'39 SEPUL V?.OA RECREATION CENTER • - ' BOE Roplac& 9>:!&!lngll gl\tirog al lhr- ba...a..r,~fi tlld8 wilh LEDs SPORTS f'lf LD LIGHTlNG 722 ,4 75 420,000 J0 2,47C, - Fa,cilily r8NWailioro, ball liald irnpn;iWffiOllb, fencing. . BOE SHAOOW RANCH " irr~ tion 1,700,000 350,000 1 ,350.000 ln• tan naw lighling fi;,:rpropo,00 one 1yn1he1k socc:er rield - ' SOlm l PARK REC REA TIOH CENTER • BOE and h!#ili"IJ for on., _,.,.t~ l;,at,0billl fklld or mu1UJ1Yrpo&11 13,30 1.237 1,500,000 7,026,174 198,63 1 1,144,106 1 .1 44 ,108 SPORTS FIELD LIGHTING ,.., 1, 144,1D8 1,144,108 - $ '3,A3i ,J Z4 S SOUTHEAST VALLEY ROLLER & Acqui.ition • nd construction o f roller ar.d t.keteboard rink REG •oe 6 ,50C,M3 SKATEBOARD RINK in s,e. Sari F• m11n(IQV f'klY .. ' Cons.lroofion ol mOOemgym , oomrnunltyc:enter, BOE STUDOC ITY 16,000 ,000 5 ,!165,1)37 1, , lllndw:a1>•and irrirJs~or, 000 000 2 ,126, 740 2,ne, 141 2.12.B,r.-11 2,12S,741 S $ (1/366.22:} M ulti-phiauod project ir>eludo• impr7 13~.174 a.lld In• d@rr,ollbhin,g and replacement cf ol&sting - ba1hhoUl 9 . BOE VENICE BEACH RESTROOMS R.:iplac• menl of oim~tinq 111• lroom• 2 ,1569.846 !500,000 1, 378,845 ca,.ooo E BO VERDUGO HILLS POOL 6,875.ll~g 1 21:11 ,000 395 ,760 000 ,000 8 ,034 , 147 66M:i-2 - $ 685,052 $

Page s of7 Attachment C

APPRO PRIATIONS E5TIMATED FUNDING REQUIRED TOTA L ~ IOR YEAR 1 Yl::AR 2 CO LO MUNICIPAL FACtl fTIE8 PROJE.CTS PROJECT DESCRIPTION 'r"EAR3 YiAR 4 YEARS 10 TAL PROJECT FUNDING 20111-19 19-20 20 2020-21 2<121-22 2022-23 FUNDING GAP (Yra 3-5) COST GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MIC-LA SF GF !'-'UCLA SF GF MICLA. GF MICLA MICLA SF WHITSETT FIELDS PARX • SPO R TS BOE : ~~~E~~~ ~l:t ia'!.~~ X In~~ ,,_ LEO r,ghtng lor tfwee ..,.-..;6ffi er,Je. 10,987,-851 2,7W,OOO 600 ,000 7,187,851 260 ,000 MASTER PLAN - ' 7-49,944 450 ,000 289,944 - ' A. .5,42 $, $lJRJQT [ •PROPQSIJIONk pRQJECT§ S 4' "'73 300 18 985 096 C 1'J -'.nl'll'III .t 592(11 i. 00040(1 27,4866 55 -"17 '" 21 " 5" " 17 B0 t, 23205...,~ t 412e41l S 1 0 06 8 13.1761170 I 128 40 s. 1 11~3n .s 4..811 453 Yll RECBEAJPPWA NDCUl.TIJRALft,CUT1£SPRQ.Jt:CU

Th.. oun1't11Jction p,xt)on or ltio City's ~ lm,prvveme rit If ual At CAD ONE PERCENT FOR THC ARTS prografll ie l!!Ullject to a ooo poroQfll ,:i,uu1&111unt for 11,,. •hln 107,243 100.000 10D,ODO "''· Ptogra,n 100,000 - $ 300,000 $ 6.•50,000 $ 1,871,370 $ 1,900,000 $ $ 1,678 ,630 $ 1,eni ,630 s Rellovafiona n~ t-' flrir1g lhe Madrid Thoalrril facllit)I BOE MADRID Tf-tEATRI= 8 ,490,000 2,!il!ilD,D00 up ilD irn:luB.,.I' , 1and01rd1. !i,':IDD,000 - BOE: ~ LDEN PERFORMING ARTS Addren crificsl capital im11roi,,emerit, at lhe Nat& Hoh:km . ~~~ 4 ,375 P..rlormir.n Arb Ce m..,-. 13 41 3,37':i O.. <18velopmet1t Md consult.ant ftMI~ to ciernoli~h and BO E NORTH HOLLYWOOO PARK redeve!Qp a )'NJ roo11daq uatics fac.Rilya rid rec,sation 11,000,DDO 1.00 0,000 .. . $ 5 ,000,000 $ C="'o.iw.·I a formur libra,y racilil-j for,.,.. ,.. u '-' oommurl ly Boe OLD ARLINGTON LI fl.RARY faclll~ . nw $1 mlllior.wilt fund deaiQll an(t initial 7 ,600.000 1,000,000 6,500,000 -d9Wklpm&nt COSls . $ t3,6oo,OIMI $

Cornploell9 a l easibHity study for the propos&d caipital irrn;,ro YemMle M tl e hi,-toric Pico HooH al El Pueblo, .a 3 • lQry ~ ;lding <:omp!el-edin 1670, which Is currenlly lis'o9d BOE PfCO HOUSE. PROJECT 2 ,000 .000 2,000 ,000 ..... :t C• llCoc1>1t1Hj~ to!ic"II L;i1no'nm1k.,tind a National - Hiatoric l.enr1rnai11 {pN1 of too Los Mgo l~s Plaza. Hislc-ic . Dia lrict). ~p ml}Tlt edet 1201 W. 481h SL 600,000 600,000 WHIT NALL DOG PJ\RK lmi- a,,..rnunt~ t<>.Z--...Cf'll l..,,;Je,;l dQl1~rk. loc.awd at 6801 - ' RAP 300.000 IMPROVEMENTS 1/2W t.;1na1IHwv. ,00 ,000

ZOO BIRO SHOW BLE.ACtsER~ AND F-1,pl11~e tie e,)Oetil'lg bleachors w11hne w kl""'81 b1Nclier1 Zoo .11.-.! (l(ll;lir>9 t u SHADE STRUCTURE a new !J.hoo6 .. rud ro owr lh& bteacMI'$ for 470,54a th .. A"IJ'I~ CQ!lfor W9fld or Bln:I~ Thoator

616,-43i 5 16,437 Zoo ZOO Pm:FABR.CA TEO LACTATION lns~ll .a prefebricakid laclation ebtion for 200 ',lsllort ~nd ,64'10 SlAl'ION wr 1ploy,e,ea 35 3~.680 2nt ,397

ABptu ,11r(lJ)a ir 1:llld ,qp.;111-tng rA lfw Zoo's. l.11, ,.ortJ, perkino;l - ' 101 ir, prep11ra~on ro, a Ro'iilkinl Solaf ps-0],-;1 that i3 if1 partnerahip l'lith tho Los /\R\J[lloi-D61p,mmo,nt of Wale, !100,300 600,300 - .and POYJ«. . $UfllOTAL • RECREAJtQNAL ANO CUL TURAL FACIUTlES PROJECTS .S 577 S4 Q38 t. 4i 7 D DOD , n#. ~6 $ 5.0D0 000 $ I.Oll 1Mt1 $ 1 4QCl189 DO 000 S A" Art • e,o I 10001)( . - - 725.000 - . 100 000 .!; '"" ""0 I - \/W QNY NT . . I qs ANC.t:l fS C EfillQN Cf ER l'fIDJ'l;CTS . Upgrade llideo su rlfeillance sys tem throughout the 2.09:3-,000 $ 1,665 ,00 0 $ LACC ~~~~~M~~~v:R~~ fac.ilitv. 22a,ooo $ Replac.e the Los A ngelas Conl/Ontion C&i,Wl"i;, bl* t in9 lllltom~ lon u-.trtcom tOls the facility's air oeondiUoriing, v,enbl6lion, .and h eeling systems . This project in d ,.rdes the ins.lallalioo of nMV ~C«i , LACC ~~~~ ~~AUTO MATION SYSTEM controllers , and component.s, es wel as lr-ansUionITTg 3.000 .000 3,000,000 - systems frc.(n pneuffletic-controlled (pressure­ . ~l.l latoo} device , to III new di:roct dig 'ilal coolrcl S)'!llem Iha! js more en.«gy efficiElnt .ar,d KqiJlat(is tftm 0<0'aturD ft'ti:ii"& ~<:u ro~)' .

584,000 534,000

1,M 2.000 660.000 1132,000

Mr.rllirni2'9 Qi'e,vators a,d oseakllors throughoot the Conwntlon Center with upgraded controls, motol's. and µumps, cab ll'ltericnl, anro vide a 5.rlcr aT1d m0N1 effleient o~ I ewerience.

IIYIPf¢\o1' lhu sound S'j'$reffi~ in the ConVl'fition Center's exhibit halli and meeting rooms with new equipment inc:Udirigt.~nkir.g ll'll(lrf&el!4 , C-otitrcl room pateh bays, mee,tir,g room patch panels, ccnventiai .1!100,000 B00,000 h all mlXi&

M-odll!'nizo th& apP'l::t.rance r:A.lh& COr"M;,i,,._.,;,.... •Landa 111 LACC CONCESSION STANO RENOVATION 3!ID,OOC ti\& C011V1:W1tiol\Conl &r - lnalall digital disp'tllys lvoo ghoW too L°' Angul~~ . l.ACC VISUA.l INTERACTION DISPLAYS 3 B~,OOO Icon vention Center (LA.CC). - . loalall _,,wrs 1" d..t~ <:arbori rnonwod~ kiowls in the LACC CARBON MONOXIDE. SENS.ORS 7(5.000 7M OO ~,ea cl ltle Loi An~ Conwmtiol\ C~nw (LACC}. - '

Pag&6 of 7 Attachment C

APPROPRIATIONS E"STIMATED FUNDING REQIJIRl;D TOTAL - YEAR I y CO LO MUNICIPAL FACILITIES Pf«>.JECTS F'FlOJECT DESCRIPTKJN AR> YEAR4 YEARS , Al ,!=UNDING. ,v PROJECT 2018-19 2019 -20 2021-22 20 22•.U FUNOll+G GAP (\'re 3-5) COST GF MICLA SF GF MICLA Sf Gf MICU. GF MICLA SF MICLA Sf GF ., GF MICLA ., UpgraCttM!ln.-:>r9 . hoal 11,00,co. pholo 415,000 4 15,00(l ,arnoke -,Ull a, n•lv,ork alll.l m8\'.li\'I o rd1-. power - •~ , a nd maa!erco rtlroh:. . Replace 16 cf Iha 41 waltlfhEHt.l"8f&111atie rvkr.i pub41c LACC WATER HEAl eff~r LACEMENT resllooms, iaflibor rooma. 10.,.1am 1 D01111, and ldtehQ>ns 100 ,000 100,QOO :and l)anlriH ll>roughooJtihe C~n""Snlion Center. - ' Replaoe foor a1,torMt.ic 1JanM"or twlldl,.;,a !11 tl'KI Wo~l H• IJ with new micfOl)rOO&H Of oont"ollod automa~c Cla r1d • r 78,000 Tl!,000 - &Witches . . Raplaoe ID0•1ing oscalall'.u 111.ala rt un~bl• la i:,e modomiud. 1,444 ,000 1,444,000 - ln~l!!II rm"N LED r8lld'01' board; to pr~d e reel-time . LACC LED READE.Fl BOA.RDS FOR PARKING traffic info, parkhg a vailability, pricing, and event 66,000 ~00 ~- - ' LACC ~~ LTING OF EXTER!OR OF WEST Paint the 283,000 1q1.tare feet C( Wosl H.:iN& Kl&rlot wall• 570,000 6-,0,DDO - ' REPLACEMENT OF CHILLERS, Replaoo lour of the t.• wn chill.,,.. at th• Lo• A~ o~ LACC COOLING TOWER MOTORS, ANO Con',Ql'l\on Center, ,~aoe all rnotia,1, aOOacid Ylfl•illbl& 6,000,000 5,000,000 MOOERNl2ATION OF CHILLER Pl.ANT fJ'l&(looncy d,lw s Ori al! ,cooling to.\lEors in tie Weat Jllant -- '

LACC ~~~REPLACE MENT - LOWER W EST " Hal l taof with • OIM' 81'111'11Y :;:: ~oor~t" 1,874,000 1,874,000

L ACC SCISSOR LIFT REPLACEMENT Jlurchas.::ioo• 1,c;i-,, , litt - ' 24,000 24,000 - LACC WE.ST HALL ELEVATOR Add a !llllW MoO-et(lfl elhali>r ir1 tt-.aW eat Hall lQt,tiv. ~ ,000 . SUBTOTAL • LOS ANGELE$ CONVl:N;HONCENTER PRQJECTS $ 21 480 373 S $ 1 522 37l $ - $ ~3,89,000 727 000 - - - ' -~ ' • . . - . - . - . - s - $

Page 7 of 7 Attachment D

Five-Year Budget for Approved Capital Projects PHYSICAL PLANT (ESTIMATE OF FUTURE COSTS AS OF JULY 1, 2018 in DOLLARS) # = lndjcates that fufl costs of the project is not yet known


This project will ins~I a series of stormwatar best ALBION RIVERSIDE PARK IMPROVEMENTS management practices (BMPs), such BA bioswales, 1 SOE 18,355,00 0 $ I 18,355,000 s $ $ (PROPOSITION O PROJEC,-) biore~rition basins. an lnfiltradon tank, and a storage tank, • • • • $ $ $ $ • $ • • $ $ to ~at ~torm water runoff. ' • ' TtJe proj~ct v.ill consv:uctBMP!I !<:I~du ce contaminants to Ai so/1..imekl .n Creeks, end the Los Angeles Riwr to c1ssi$I Al.ISO CREEK ANO LIMEKILN CREEK BOE lhe City In meeling water quality r111quireme"t :., The B MP, 16,140,080 RESTORATION (PROPOSITION O PROJECT) 10,040,08-Q 5,200,000 $ " indude bioswales, vegetated ~asln, open and space • • ritstoratbn.

The proj~t Y>ill divert a nd eapttxe slotm water flows from ARGO DRAIN SUB-BASIN FACILITY IV,'O s.tom, drein~. which will be treated through the 11 BOE 52,Ge2,131 5:l,8('12,131 (PROPOSITION O PROJECT1 implementalion of sr,,1P, , incll.ding clarlflt:-r for $ $ $ inilial treatment. and underground in1illra~oo gaUery

W et· and dry-weather flow from 11266 acre drainage area will be il"llercepted at Henno n Dog P ark (SoulhA..-enue 60 ARROY O SECO URBAN RUNOFF PROJECT 1 and Arroyo Seco}and infiltrated ar'ld reu:sed for ~ rk 14 BOE 8,Ml8,200 680,500 575,7(10 10~.000 1, , 0 (HERMON DOG PARK) purposes. The prcx.ess train INill include a S;et of BMPi Yllleh tl07 50 4,375,000 1.459,500 $ 7,442,000 will aid in the remow1 of trash, bacteria, and meials prior to • • use on part,; facilities..

Dry-wealherftowfrom a 200 acre dral'lage ar ea will be Intercepted at Sycamore Grow Park (Nortti Flguer

The project v.ill rl!ltrofit lhe e.lasdng North OUtfal Treatment f acility lo a ~ter quality facility that provides disinfection BALLONA CREEK LOW FLOW TREATMENT Va, BOS and treatment of dry wealher1'tows m Ballona Creek , and 9,9 72,232 529,7QQ 3,082.733 e,~ .100 FACIU1Y 7,238,016 6,575,300 s 6 ,575,300 I $ diversion of dry wealN!r nows to Hypenon Wet-er Reclamation Plant for reeyctlng.

Th~ project Consi sts of ins talling appro;,dmab=-!y' 450 feet of 24-inch diam eter storm

The project will construct 600 feet of36' storm drain in Branford SI. f r

This project will construct 1200 feet of 10· IQ 49• storm drain, eatch basins , maintenance hole on Butwood Avenue J BOE BURWOOD 5/0 FIG.UE:ROA and comec t lo Los Angeles Count)/ Drain on Figueroa to 2., ~2,000 445,000 1,000.000 746,000 s $ aneviate frequent flooding of priVi!l.le property, and improve ,afe ty of vehiele alld pedestrian traffic '

CA TCl-151\Slfl' SCREENS AND INSERTS The project wlll retrofit caU:h basins c it-,w;d~ with openi:ng v., so, 0 ,1CO,OOO eoooo PHASE IV {PROPOSITION O PROJECT\ :screen cover.J tond inserts. e, 1 , $ $ Thi,;; project cont l, ts. of ln:ilalling 300 line.or feet of 48 ir,ch • J BOS COLLIER WINNETKA STORM D RAIN storm drain, ca tch biisins, maiot~nance hOles, laterals and 1,2 12,000 1, 1e6,1ee $ ass.aciated improveme,nl.$. • • Funds ere pro\ltded for feasibi ty studie$ of water quaUty ENHANC ED WA TERSHED W..NAGEMENl V•r BOS projects to be submitted for funding consider.ii.ion 81!1part of 4,000,000 PLAN - FEASIBILITY STUOIES 4 ,000 ,000 $ $ lhe Measure W Regional Ca l for Projects • ENHANCED W ATERSHED J\tQ.NAGEMEN T Funds are provided for thd initial deYelopment c,.f tegiooal Var BOS PLAN - REGIONAL PROJECT OEVELOPMENT 7.00D,000 7,900 ,000 watar quality projects. $ $ ANO REVOLVING FUND S s

Green ltm-8,:;,tructure projects ( strut&, sidewalks. and olher paved .ilreas) will b@i O$tallilld toca pl ur(I, c lean, aM infiltrale Var BOS G F.:i:EJ\I INFRAS TRUCTURE 1,000,000 1,000,000 slormwat&r to roeduce pollution and impro\l'C - ter quality in $ $ $ Iha City's recef>Ang water bodies

This project cons1sts of ins talling 1,300 rn ear feet of 24-t'lch 1S BOS HAWAIIAN-OPP STORM DRAIN diameter stonn drliin, catch basins, m arl lenance holes , 3,304,000 3, 104,0,00 $ lateral$ and as.s« ia~ d impro11ements. ' • The project scope incl1,1de:$ sto:rn d,aln 0iver, lon. detention 10 BOS LAFAYETTE PARK S IGNATURE PROJECT 20,2 15,000 2, 140,GOO basin, and onsile treatment for tett:-,e 3,110,000 5,865,000 ~ .100,000 • $ • 18,075,000

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Dry-wealherflowfram a 13foot boX$torm dralrl ~IOl'IQ2nd Street will be intercepted tiy lhe lnsteillatlon of,11R2U FS, LA RIVER SEGME:NTB URBAN RUNOFF whk:h allow for the reu9e of the diverted flow for .ibovie 14 BOE PROJECT 1 (2ND ST.A.OS ANGELES Rf\/ER ground needs (i.e., green street, public right away 7,372.230 602,000 508,lil80 408,750 1,250,000 3,125,000 1,8'3Cl,250 $ $ 6,2il1,250 REMOVAVREUSE URBAN FLOW SYSTEM land:u:ape watelirig). II the project Is not completed, the City wm taoe sigN:ficant financial 1'3bllitles ($35.500/day until ' abeiement) fot failure to meel permit requir,ements

Ory-wealher flow f1om Mu (2) 'iilO-inch slorm draim in lhe vicinity "'1 Palmetto St. wiff be intercepted bytlie rnslalltltion of a & Reuw Urban Flow Sv,tem (R20FS) . The LA RIVER SEG~ENT 9 URBAN RUNOFF R2UFS wm a low for lhe reuse "'1 the divertea flow f-Orabove PROJECT 2: (PAI.ME.TIO ST.JLOS ANGELES 1 BOE ground nee-ds. The projecl includes Iha constructJon of !1,981,050 se9,500 4a1,'ii150 RIVER REMOVAL/REUSE URBAN FLOW 387,500 1,250,000 3, 125,000 1,555,500 5,030,500 approximately 2.500 feel of pipe and appurtenance I s SYSTEM) • slructures. If lhe project is notcompleled, Ille CilyYdll face &[gnffioant fioooolal liabilities ($35,SOO/dayunti l abatement) for failure to meel permit "'quirem,mts.

Dry-wea!herflowfrom a QO inch arch. SlOl'M drain and a 84tn LA RIVER SEGMENT 9 URBAN RUNOFF x in box storm drain M .98ionRel and Mante Busway PROJECT 3 (MISSION RD,JLOS ANGELES l20 al El 1 BOE v.tll be lnteroepled b-ythe insta la!ionofa R2UFS. The 5,212,0® 443,500 372.810 RIVER REMOVAL/REUSE URBAN FLOW 372,810 1,250,000 2,S00,000 645,760 $ 4,3Q5,750 R2UFS will alow for lh6 reuse of tlie diverted flow for abo-.e SYSTEM) • groond needs. '

The project design ineludes in-lake Improvements, ha Ch i .:nd p.ark improvemen~. and parkJand structural best management practices (BMPs.) to add'ress the TMDL 1 BOS LINCOLN PARK LAKE RESTORAilON 6 ,208,77:3 750,000 impairments identified by t.he EPA Lake TMDL. 2,702,303 2.75(!,410 $ $ 5.458,773 Improvements consisted of a new lake skimmer, and new • lake waler ~clrculatlon and aeration s~ms.

MA.CHADO LAKE ECOSYSTEM The proj~ct too~e lncludt-.s h .lake rehabilitation l9Ctv'riques. BOE REHABILITATION (PROPOSITION 0 rf.parlan a~s1ern et1Mncements, arii.1tre atment best gg.457,5(13 09,457,seJ $ " PROJECT) management practic$$. ' • This project will insl&II 700 linear feel dsting4S- inchdiameter storm draf'I In the 11 BOS NORTHFIELD STf'(E.ET STORM DRAIN public ll!lhtofwayln Alley south of NC>fthflelcl SL, and 1,773,000 1.773,000 $ convey it tio the watercourse downstream to address • • iocalized flooding. NORTH PICO UNION STORMWATER The project f'lciudes s.txklcal ,green slreets wilt\ we! s .inc 11 BOE 6,710,000 710, 0 SfRAi EGY rain garden parklette:i. 00 1,000,000 2,000 ,000 3,000,000 I $ e.000,000 the project will construct an stormwater • PENMG.R WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 11 BOE INatmentldislnfectlon system. The treated' stormwater wil 5,630,200 S,830,200 PHASE II (PROPOSITION O PROJECi) I $ be Used for l1mdX-!lpe irrigation. • The project lnelude:!I dtversion, dete-nllon basin, BOE POINSETTIA PARK SIGNATURE PROJECT 1MOO,OOO 1,500,000 4,600,000 ' end onsite tre11lment for reusl!'. 4,100,000 3,200,000 • $ $ 11,QOO,OOO QUEEN ANNE RECREATION CENTER The project inciudes stormdraln dl11ersl0t1, detention lla~n. 10 BOE 39,500,000 2,800,000 SIGNATURE PROJECi dry,wlls, ar.d overflow dNer.:ion to the s.e\Wf. 4,100,000 7,600,000 12,000,000 s $ • 23,700,000 The project will convert .i 30-.i.cre ia~fm lo a wttland:i. FNJ.k RORY M. SHAW WETlANDS PARK facility lo pro\oide t'Manced W3ter (IUlllty, ffood protection, BOE 52,862,131 30,122,000 22,740,131 • (Pri:OPOSl'TION O F'ROJE.CT) habitat c:readon, groimdwater recharge. re~.itional .ind s $ $ waler reuse.

The project inctudes the conwuction of five Stt>rtl'Iwo,ler capture projects (dry-wells, blaS"WalM, and infi:1raDCn SAN FERNANOO VALLEY OISTR:IBUTEO 2,0,7 BOS galleries) Ir\ the San Femando Valley to lmprowi water 18,000,000 15,000,000 3,000,000 STORM\11/ATERCAPTURE PROJECiS $ $ quality, increa:i.e groundwaler recharge, reduce local • ftooding, and e,q>ediltt the transfer of water lo an aquifer

This project will install a weather, sionmvater SEPULVEDA CHANNEL LOW FLOW dry low flow 5 BOE treatment facflity to clean waler prior to ent,uing the 7,085,700 335,400 TREATMENT FACILITY 3, 1'10.460 3,553,840 Septilvedw Chiirinel. $ • • SOUTHEAST SAN FERNANDO VALLEY The project lnclOOes the clesign o1 slorrrt

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APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED FUNDING REQUIRED TOTAL PRIOR VEAR1 YEAR2 YEARJ YEAR 4 YEARS CD LD PHYSICAL Pl.ANT PROJECTS Project 0eM:ription PROJECT TOTAL FUNDING 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021- COST 12 2022-23 FUNDING GJ4P {Y~ 3-5) GF MIClA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA Sf GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF NICI.A SF The project will install BMPs along a or.e-tialf mile slretch of VERMONT Ave $TORMWATER CAPTURE Vermont Awnw ttiat consist rA a biofiltretion median oai;i$, BOE 3,700,000 3,700.000 • ANO GREEN ST (PROPOSITIO"l O PROJECT} C~lifo/'nia friendly vegetation, a penneable alley, and I $ $ genen;il ~e:;ilhetic improvem1nts.

The prQj,ect Yiill cap Me itoftl'IW3te-r ruriofl ~om 2,400 acres from 011erland drain and dlvetted water 'Ni~ be. lffted to a oonstructe-d siream on the nortn s.lde of the S1.atlon.Projt-c t W ES1WOOD NEIGHBORHOOD GREENWAY 5 BOE elements include vegetated swales, educaUonal and s.4ea,aao 5.460,000 (PROPOSITION O PROJECT) $ interpretiw signs, natiw vegetalfon and smart irrigation, • • s.tormwater Aft statlomi, return flew slructure, and pede3,trlan 111'8.kway

TOTAL- STORMWAT~R e:RDJECTS 1 3,846199 L_____, $ 1'&69630 1....______, l 32 886131 $ 10 791 658 L____, S 34,896 728 ~ ~ s e s1s.300 1....______, $ 26 594 683 1....______, L_____, ~ L____: L____, S 36 627 000 $ $,$7fi,300 $ $ 104,730,nl •. STREET PROJECTS -DIEFlHED 1111'1(J'ENA,NCE

Funding is provided for the clsa,ning of the e..>dsUngiUnn ef 2ND ST. TUNNEL CLEANING&. SAFETY 14 w:d s quarterly and additiOnal malnter.ence 1¥:>rkto BSS $ $ $ $ 44,744 5Ul 19 51,Q.10 MAINT.ENANCE oomplemenl re~nt replacemenl of four 11entilalion fans and • • • I $ 5U1G $ 51,9Ht 155,7~7 ln!!tellatlon of carbon monoxide Sf:l\$0r'$, '

Funding is pro\'ided for ~le-anlng I.he elli:,tir1'.l tunnel Wii!Us 3RD ST. TUNNEL CLEANING&. SAFETY quarterly and addltlona1 maintenance lt,Of',( inctuding regultH 14 BSS 52.125 50,444 MAINTENANCE mahtenance end serllice lo carbon monoxide .&eMOI'~. the 59.444 5(),444 5Q,444 178.J32 ventilalicm :syslllm, and other eleetrlcel components '

Vo, ass ALLEY PAVING Funding is p.rovided for N pa'wirig of alle~ citywide. 1,000,000 5.2,125 3,000,000 • 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 ll,000,000 The program supl)Or!S r'l18inlen1mce repairt; fOr City bridges BRIDGE AND TUNNEL MA.INTEN..O.NCE Vor BSS eM' tunnels as identiied by City and C.iiltrans Bridge 45-5,000 23Q,000 23Q,000 478,00{) PROGRAM 23G,OOO 23Q,000 239,000 239,000 231.1,000 230,000 717,000 Inspectors. • 717,000 Funding is pro\'ided for Uld application of Cool Pavement Vac BSS COOi. PAVEMENT 2,000,000 sluny seal within lhe C!ty. • 3.000,0oo 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 e,000.000

Tl'li:s proje<:l will provide for emergency erosion control Vac SOE EROSION CONTROL mitigation measure!! tr> Ptolect damaged :streets and righ.t-o 50,000 50,000 100,000 • 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 600,000 111'8Yfrc-m further storm damage,~ $ nH

FuM(ng [~ pro\'tded for guardrail:s as warranlt!d to en'hanoe V&c ass GUARDRAIL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 45,000 47,000 4g,ooo the safety of -.ehicutar, C)<:~st and pede,;.trian lraffle. • 40,000 4Q,OOO 49,000 147,000

Funding Is pro\'tded for the removal and replace-merit of Vac BSS LARGE ASPHALT REPAIR 2,000,000 2,000,000 distressed paw ment acros:s the Cit . • 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 e.000,000 Fundlllg i:s provided for the maiqt~nanee of median tslands Vac ess MEDIAN ISLAND MAINTENANCE 1,700,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 citw,i

Fundfng Is provided to properlymai.ntain the City street ~jl'!ltem 11r1d keep the system from de-!erioraling. FY2018- Vo, BSS PAVEMENT PRESERVATION PROGRAM 10 fundillCJ& vpports .iipprolGmately 1,545 b ne ml!e:s of sluny 25,434,461 106,010,31-4 31,058,805 116.a21,gse 31,05.8,805 116,827, "86 31,058,t GS 116,627,086 31,058,SQS 116,,827,881) 31,05-8,895 116,827,086 ~3.H6 ,fl8S 350,483,058 se~I and 855 lar"I(,mU,es otr,e ~urtscing to rnjlinl!!in the • current Pavement Condition Index of 86.

SUBTOTAL· STREET PROJECTS (DEFERRED MAINTENANCE) 25,939,461 0 111,305,314 31,297,195 0 1.24,96.2,980 31,s:J8,8PS 0 128,788,349 • 31 ,297,8115 D 12&,027,349 31,297,1195 D 128,1127,349 31,297,H S D 121,027,349 93,8i3 ,685 384,062,

Funding Is provided for the installstion of bicycle projecis Vo, DOT BICYCLE PLAN/PROGRAM I 2,250,000 2,21}5,000 2,295,000 w11hln theCity. 2,205,000 2,295,000 2,2Q5,000 6,885,000 y.,- Funding i, proVided tor the reoonstruetlon of ooncrete BSS CONC~ETE STREETS I 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 $Ire els .aGtQ$$ t.h~ gity. 2,000,000 2,000,000 :2,000,000 e,000,000 Funding Is pro\'ided forunanlicipaled shartt.ills and o~ r Voe Va, CONTINGENCY FOR CONSTRUCTION 600,000 500,000 500,000 ,o-ao capital needs o'ur!!(iilth e ftsca~ r. ' ,,ooo 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 DOT FORCES ACCESS RAMPS l14 Funding is provided for design only of ADA compHant Vac BOE I 1,120,000 1, 120,000 1,1 .000 INTERSECTIONS~ access ramD& for DOT t ignsl pri'!eol:5. 20 1,120,000 1,120,000 1,120,000 S,3e0,000 Fundlnc Is pro\'ided rep,ilir most verfy damaged Vo, ess FAILED STREET RECONSTRUCTION to the .e streets 'Mthin the Cily s'lleet $Y$lt rn. ' • • 25, 130,18{1 • • Fu ing is provi d for the in~talladon of pedestrian pro c • Vac DOT nd de je t$ ' PEDESTRIAN PLANfPROGRAM 2,250,000 2,:205,000 within the City. • 2,2Q5,000 2,2Q5,000 2,205,000 2,2g5_000 6,685,000 Funding is provided~ oorrect drainage problem, in City Va, BSS SAFETY RELATED DRAINAGE PROJECTS street:s p.flmarilycaused by aged and wom gutters, cross-- 323,000 323.000 tl46,000 646,0'00 (148,000 640,000 1,936,000 gutr.e-r!.and curbs. ' Va1 BOE SIDEWALK REPAIR PROGRAM Funding is proVided for sid~walk repeirs C!tYNide. 20,325,535 1(l,767,Q42 24,28Q,Q5Q 6,842,046 1 44e,ss2 <1 s, 2 ,575,554 31,000,000 31,000,000 J1,000,000 03,000,000 Fu ing is provided r the ins aUon of speed hu • v nd fo tall mps a, DOT SPEED HUMP PROGRAM 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Citvv-idti. • 2,000,000 2,000.000 2,000,000 e.000.000 SUBTOT Al. . STREET PROJECTS (ANNUAL PROGRAM) 20,925,535 18,J77;1l42 25,112,959 Hl,375,o,a 1S,44e,8S2 63,070,743 31,SIXl,OOO • 10,$56,000 31,500,000 10,856,000 31 ,500,000 10,856,000 94,500,000 l 2,S63,000 IV. STREET PROGRA»- INDMOUAL PRO.-::eni

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The project consist cf lratfic calming treatments ineluding a roundabout, curb ramp upgrades, cuftl e.>«e11sion:i;,and 1,632,000 32 ~RFBs. Additional traffic c.alming strategies will bft made 1,0 ,000 surrounding Budlong Elementar11School.

The project 'MRs tudy how lb remedlate the 2nd St. l unnel deficiencies, includ ing loose and falling ceramic tlle~, ....ttich 360,000 pcse a tlYeat to pubnc safety. The: project 'M~replace the 11entlalion fan &t the 2nd St 410,000 Tunnel. •10,000

Thia project ...,;ureconstruct portion at Pie street. curb & 430,00 0 gutter and sidewalk lo contain rLnOffv.(thln 351h St 430,000

De'5gn only of J.DA compliant access ramps for DOT s~naJ 160,000 projec~ 160,000 T'1e project 'MIi study how lo remedi.!ile tile 3J"d St. Tunnel 14 BOC 31,!0 ST, TUNNEL PER/W\NENT REHAB deficiencies. includll g loooe :.Incl fall~g e&r..imlo tne, , 'M'li<::h 100,000 pose a tnreat to public safety,

This funding will provide a sludyto determ ine whether 14 BOE 3RD ST, TUNNEL STUDY 500,00~ 500 ,000 r.ii'.ldill on.-1rep.J [rs. are necessary for lhls lunnel

The prcjecl will repl:iee the ventilalfon fan al the 3rd St 240,000 Tunnel. 240,00r.>

The project f'Tlproves pectestri:111s.:if$ ty by installing curb e.xlensions, Yddening t:-idewalk$, improving l)edM tri:isn 14 BOE TTH ST. STREETSCAPE PROJECT lighting, enhancing ct0sswal-:s, and pedeslrian amenitiet:­ 1 0,665,6 8.{l 10,flBS,680 flke bend'les., slreet lrees, r&ndscape,d buffers, and bike rad<.:s. The pr-0ject ridudes design only of AOA compliar.t acceM 14 DOT 8TH ANO SOTO Sl , ACCESS RAMPS 80,000 nimps.fur DOT signal pJtljectt:, 80,000

Thls project.includes v.&rious pedesbianand ~ycie improvements b)I convsrtilig an existing railroad right-of- 1,)0,000,0-00 55,000,000 3,000,000 way. This project includes lhe construction of perm.inent SOE AHSC • ELDEN ELMS PROJECT supportive housing, a s wenas street trees, street ligh~ng 5,160,765 5,166,766 upgrades , and walkwayimprowments.

The project includes the oonstruclion of permanent :supportive, as v.-ell as bicycle and pedestrian 13 SOE AHSC · PATHVI\.LASHOLLYWOOD 3,207,007 ei,t,aneements lneluding bike lanes, sh.arrows, bicycie 3,207,007 slgnsge, cl.l"b el'llerisions, cro:sswalks, and a bike box.

The proj,e,ct irwolYes \'Mlening

EDA ST, WIDEN ING ANAHEIM of 15 BOE AtAM FROM ST. !:~~:":i .i:::.e:: =i~::n~ o~~;: ~Ltde 6,905,188 TO 300 S/0 PCH-EASTSIDE IMPROVEMENTS , 1dew8lk:s. a storm drain system, and pO'Ner pole reloeatio,n.

The scop,e,o f w:if'k

The scope Of w:,(k eomlsl9 ol wlde11lng Alameda Slreet by 17 feel H~oyBtid ge':5Blvd. to Anaheim St and 18,771 ,764 8,000,000 Includes new curbs & gutters., $biping, Gtotm drains. and catch basins.

The profee l repl11ces the e;,jslirlg timber bulkhead with a neY 13 BOE AtVARADO ST, BULKHEAD bulkhead 'Mth steel pi8es and cot'!Crete lagging kl restore 321,000 27,000 294,000 lateral support to the roadw~

Ro111dwayimpro vemen~ inctL1de inslalling medisn ist.ands, sid€1wal1'.sutfae.e and e«.e ss lmpro~m errts, upgrades lo the roadway s"1plog a, nece5SIIT)', the relocation of the easlbaund r.;i!road CJale mecn:mi$m, ~ssary roadway surface repairs, and upgradu to roadw.iy mal'klng:s and signs. Fl:arroad impro-,,eme111s Include upgrading railro,oQ 2,270,642 2,27Q,642 W3rnfng gale and Hght mechanisms, repairinCJthe railroad crossing surface, installing em 9atE1sto CN!ale a crossing, upgradi~ the ra~r-0ad signal house and railroad track <;ir<;uitr)I3$ neoessar)'. and the po~ lble mta lalion -0f rellroad mechanisms for pedestr;;i,ns,

This ~roje~t iMnu pgrade a ~ctio n of Anaheim St. from

Farragut Ave. to Dominguez Ch&1mel b)l vwidenlng from 76 fl,5.e5,203 15,565,203 to 84 feet and Kier easing lanes from four to $Ix.

FundiTig i:s pret\lided for tt,,e installation of 15 decorative 14 BSS ANGELSWALK 80YlEHE. IGHTS pavem" nt markers In the Bo~ Heights area and primng of 750,000 750,00 0 100,000 gurdebook:s.

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APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED FUNDING REQUIRED TOTAL PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR2 VEAR3 YEAR 4 YEAR5 CD LD PHYSICAL PLANT PROJECTS Project Oe$C.r\l)tion PROJECT TOTAL FUND ING 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 21- COST 20 22 202:M"3 FUNDING GAP (Yrs 3-S) GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF G F MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA S F GF MJCLA SF G F MICJ.A SF The project wJ install decorali'le pavement markers at BSS ANGELS WAI..K CENTRAL AVE strategic locations along Central Ave - Martin Luther King la 857,000 857,000 • Sa.iuoonAw lnstan~tiOn of 15 decoratl...e pavement marilers in the 8,10 BSS ANGE.LS WALK CRENSHAW 764,000 764,000 Crenshaw area t'll'ld prinfog of 100.000 guidebooks. lr.s.taU81'ioriof 15 decorative paV(lmentm.arke in lhe Slvtr 4,1J BSS ANGELS WALK SILVER LAA:E ,, 750,000 Lake area a~ n~ of 100,000 guidebooks. 750,000 A new re!alning structure :.nd s.1ope ~mediation wtll 00 11 BOE ASILOMAF- LANDSLIDE MITIGATION constructed to stabiHze Aslomar Blvd, between Almar Ave 22,500,00,0 4,000,000 and Wynola Ave T~ pro]ecl IMll..epj8 ce 11ndmDd erniM the existing Bureau Gf Street i,phalt plant faeility to the kllesl 14 BSS ASPHA.L T PLANT 1 lechooiogy, to prOduoe hr,t-mixed asp~lt c1increte up to 38,000,00{) 38,000.000 B00,000 Ions per yearGr 600 tons per hour, wiltl 50% recycled pavement mater.a!s. ATP CYCl€ 2 - PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE The project win include iristaling new traftlc calmirtg Va, DOT NEIGHBORHOOD INTERSECTION ire.itrnent& \lffli<;h tnelUde eurb ramps, bulb-outs, and four {4) 2,616,000 2, ENHANCEMENTS roundabouts. The proJeet wtUImplement Complete Stre1;tl trea.lments to Improve Jefferson BIid_ bet>Ne"n Vermonl Ave. and ATP' CYCLE 3 - JEFFERSON Bl VD COMPLETE Western Ave,, which includes buffered blcycle 1acililies, curb BOE e ,336,ooo (1,3-36,000 • STREETS l!lxlensions, pedestrian refuge areas, path impro...em111nt s, pedestrian llghtlng, and additional shade trees, Ylith a road

Hi e pr~ect reploces deteriorated sidewalks artd curb ramps ..ikmg Hotly.o.oo(:IBl\.'d, oonstruct eurb exteMions, improves bu $IOp ligtlling, inslalls beothes, bike r8cks, trash ATP 1-tOLL\'WOOD ANO WESTERN 13 BOE receptacles, street lrees, and landseaping, rec.ilibrat&$ 3,Q:23,000 PEOESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 3,Q23,000 pedestrian signals.. if1$tall$ new pedewlan cro,»i g signals and enhanced crosswalks, and fflproves street fl'\ark.iogs

Thi~ " roicct wilJ imp1cve 1!:xisling mid•bloek pede:!ltrian aoMings .arid COO$lructnew ml

ATP SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL: OOLORES The project \MIi create im'r-Gtress M hborhOod-ftlendly HUERTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 28TH ST. il, BOE pedeslliart and bicycle linlulges along several slrect:s S.3o~,131 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, ANO Ql.llNCY JONES 5,305,131 • serving Maple Sl., 30th St., Jeffer500 BIid_ _a nd Oriffilll Ave ELEMENT A.RY SCHOOL

The project VI-ill create k>W-:'lb'eS:'111.e ~ hborhood-iriendly ATP SRiS MENLO AVE. ELEMENTARY pedestrian and blc)ICle link.ages along several s!r"ffls BOE SCHOOL AND VERNON AVE. ELEMENTARY 4,742,000 serving Menlo Ave. Elementary School and W est Vernon 4,742,000 • SCHOOL Elementary School.

Thi:s project 'MIi create low-stress neighborhood-friendly ATP SRTS SHERIDAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 14 BO E pedesbian and bicycle Onkage:'I serving Sheridan 5.0Q2,000 ANO BREED ST. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5,092,000 Elementary SchOOIand Breed St. Elementary Sdlool.

Ttie proj ect Vrill ereate low-slress rieighborho•d-friel"IOly ATF>SRi S: HOLLY\NOO DBLVD. HIGH pede.slrlan and bicycle linkages alor,g several s.treels BO E SCHOOL AND SELMI\ AVE. ELEMENT ARY 3,412,000 3.412,000 serving l ywood H>Qh SchO~ and Seim.a Ave. E menta SCHOOL Ho le ry " Scho~

This pro,Ject entttil:s lhe de:sign annstf\JCliotJ of a new Automated TratfiC an<;ISu rve-illar,oe Co" trol Center ( AT SAC). Pha~ 1A C(lnslslS (If the design and cc:>nst,uctic>n 14 BOE ATSAC CENTER RELOCATION PHASE 1 of a new Master Ccntrol R•om and staff area on(he 11th 8,330,0,04',l ftoo, ol lhe Caltrans buik:ling. Ptia&e 18 consists of improving the ,eQ ng .server room on the P-4 jevel of City

H:.11E: a$t

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Tt,e project oonsi:sts of installing new fiber oplic. backbone trunk rine$ tieMen Ille Crty Yards on Manchester Ave. and Hamilton Ave., new multlplel!er:i and relevant electronic ATSAC INFRASTRUCTURE devlces for communlD!iltirms el\C:Qders/deoodets at seleeted 8.~.1! DOT 1,425,000 1,425,000 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT ATS AC Comml.l"l.,c.ition Hl,lt,$, and new <-entrar end field \lideo swtches for the el;)aMlon of video sl'litc.h inpul .ar.d output flies at selected ATSAC CommLJ11ication Hubs and ATSAC Center.

Ttut project inctude$ the demo~~on and removal of ATWATER VUAGE LANDSCAPING MEDIAN 1l BSS PROJE:CT oonc.ret,e,11ee pl anling, lendxiip e planting, and irrigation 232,000 232,000 s~tem lnstafalion at the med13n loca~d at G/$ndale Blvd.

The projecL includes two left tum lanes on northbound' BALBOA AND SAN FERNANDO B.albo:aBlvd, widenirig the west $ide (If Balboa Rd. by l"M:I 12 BOE ao1,g52 801,Q52 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT (2) feet, curb, gutter, access ram!)$, AC pa1>emeri1. street lghts and U'afflc 91gMIS.

This project WIJI'Mel en the east sid,eoof Balboa lly 3 feet for a distance o.f0 .1 mile south of Devonstii~ lo acoommcdale BALBOA BLVD, WIDl:.N1NG AT DEVONSHIRE 12 DOT dual lefl-wm lanes in U'le north and southbound directions. 1,85.e,1140 1,85a,Q40 ST. The-project \Ml include new AC pavetMn'3, new cubs .;;ind gutters, end modfficaeions to lhe ellisting side.walk

BERENDD MIDDLE SCHOOL: BICYCLE Ttis project includes conslructing Cl.nt;l e-xl@on&ions, 1 BSS FRIENDLY STREETS FOR A BICYCLE erassv,,alks, bik& loops, llffs., signs, sherr~, bike rack:,., 072,40,0 g72.400 FRIENDLY SCHOOL and sidewalk repairs. lnsiallatlt>n of S;treetscape .and tnmsport.:;itioA •nhancem&nls BEVE.RL Y BLVD. TRANsPOf.!lATION 1,13 BSS 111009B everly Blvd. between v , rm-cntAve. and BealJdry 1,0GEl,000 1,098,00() Ef'.IHA.NCEMENTS Ave. Tt,e project ~u

This project is Ill design ~no ins.tall 665 w.,~ndlng Slgn!I along dedicated bikeway CQrrldors \Mlhw'Ik ey destinatianlJ, Va, DOT BICYCLE WAYFINDING SIGNAOE PROGRAM 504,000 504,QOO such as transtt. hubs., unive~tles, c:ultural aoo 1,,porting institutioos, parks and other re,giDnaJ attractors.

This projecl wfll reoonstruct and re-grade a portJo-no,f the, BOEING /WE. AND 78TH INTERSECTION Q 80E intersection of Boeing A11e.and 78th S1. to resolYe floodlrog 23.2,000 232,000 RECONSTRUCTION pr

the project include installing new traffic calming lfeatments BOYLE H~IGHTSJCESAR CHAVEZ GREAT along Cesar ChaviezAve. fr<:im Warren St. to E~re en 14 DOT 6, 126.889 ~.126,88Q STREETS-WARREN TO EVERGREEN 'M\lch 4nGfude wrb ramps, bump-outs, sidewalk work. curb and gutter, pedestrian ~ghlirig , and 1,,trt-et ~ e:i..

This projecl oonsisls of repairing bridge-oonc«!le spalls and BRIDGE. PREVENTATIVE. MAINTENANCE FOR lreating the entire tJTidg& decks wilh metha<.t)1'ale ,esin for 3,15 BOE TAMP.A.J..1/E., PETERSON AVE. SNO the following bridges: Tampa Ave. over LimekHnC hannel, 268,000 268,000 VERMONT AVE. Peterson Ave. over Bell Creek 1md Vermcnt Ave. aver Dominguez Channel.

lmprc:we pedesbiafl safety tiy inilalUng curt, extensions BROAOWAY HISTORIC THEATER DISTRICT 'Mdening sidewalks. lmproW'lg lighting 14 BOE PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS-4TH ST. TO croSAwalks, and pr01iide pedesbian amenities; 7,000,000 7,690,000 6TH ST. beoche.s, street trees, landscaped buf'rers from traffic and bike racks lmprovie pe-desbiar\ s.afet)I by l.-.stali11gcurb edensions, l'Mening sldewa ks, improving pedestrian lighUng, BROADWAY STREETSCAPE 14 BOE enhancing crosswalks, and prow:le pedeslrian amenltfes: 3.000.000 IMPLEMENTATION (6TH-eTH) ~nche s, slrH t trees, landscaped burler!! from tr.affic and bik.e racks lmpro\/e pedesbian :safety lly ins.t.lliflg curt, ~nsfans, l'.4dening sidewalks. improving pedestrian llghdnr;i, BROADWAY STREETSCAPE 14 BOE e-nflancing crosswalks. and pro'Me pede!llrian ~menities: 2,Q81,000 2,Q81,000 IMPLEMENTATION (BTH-liHH) benche:;, :s.treel tree,, landse21pedbuffers from tr.atnc ~ d bike racks

Thi:s project wtll improve bolh Brazil St a-nd San Fernando Rd. W&&t. which i~ des roadway widening. drainage

1,1pgr11de$, N!OOM!IUUC.tlon and res\Jffilcing, tv.o new c::urb BROADWAY/BRAZIL ST. AT SAN FERNANDO reluM!I ffl&laccess ramps, a. newtr.:affli:: $ignal and street 13 BOE 4Q9,871 4GQ,871 RD. WEST ligh!.ng po~s. foundations f,cr bc,th traffic signal and tilreel lighting poles, n~ conduits al\d eable9, pul bo=, I/idea detection equipment. roadway .striping :al\d pavement, m11fic.ings, and traffic signege.

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Thf& project ~I narrow the e.lri$U'lg mediJn !~land to provide a sooond left 1urn lane on the westbound Burbank 8I\ld. tor additional que-..e capacity required dl..\ing peak hOiJr.s to BURBANK BLVD. AND HAYVENHURST AVE BOE aCCE1ssthe US 101 Freeway ramps, II 'MIi also prollide a 1,052,S77 s.• INTERSECTION IMPROVEMfNT 1.052,577 dedicated righl tum tane on easlbound Burbank 81\ld. The traffic 5ignal will also be modified ID accommodate widening arid reUeve lraffic congestion.

Thi.s.proje ct 'Mmm odify the e:o:ietlng mooian LOa dd a left rum BURBANK BLVD. AND WOODLEY AVE.. pocket on easlbou.-.dBurba nk Blvd. to northbound WoOdfey 0 BOE 695,516 l:'QS,5 18 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT Ave. New trees 'MIi be pllilnlei:l in the rne-

This project 'Ml widen approldmale!y 0.6 mHe of Burt>an~ Blvd. by 12 feet on both sid~ between l ank&rsi'lim 81...:1 and Cleon A11e. Ydth curb ell.flensio~. Improvements rnclude BURBANK BLVO.-LANJfcon,;;rete e;urb, gutter and 3lde\j,1Jlk, AC : 1,566.462 21,5tl6,462 CLEON A.VE. pa;,em.ent, storm drain, arid sanlwy Soe1'4erfa cililies, $Vl;$I trees, street lighting, lraflic Signals, cros.sVQlk, and dry-..wllS as green street elements.

8USHNELL WAY AT WHEELING WAY This proj9cl ¥41ocn struct a nEW btllk.head and reconstrud a 14 BOE 1,631 ,000 BULKHEAO ~ cuon Clf lhe roadYmy. 1,631 ,000 CAVERNA DRIVE (7280) BULKHEAD This project Yli! remo ve and replace a portion o f 4 BOE REPLACEMENT AND UTICA DRIVE (833n 1,004,000 deteriorating bulk.head artd e1lends an e;,jstl11g bulkhead. 1,004,000 BULKHEAD EXTENSION Repai' resldentJal and other broken sidewalks ir, council 14 BOE CD 14 SIDEWALK REPAIR PROGRAM 500,000 500,000 District 14 CENTRAL AVE. PEDESTRIAN The project wlll Include lnsta.•ing Great Street pedeslrian 0,14 BOE IMPROVEMENTS-V\IASHINOTON BlVD. AND elements alcng Central Ave. between Washington BM:j. lO 1,900,0 00 1,000,000 SLAUSON AVE. Vernen Ave. The project 'Nill Include-lnsta•ing Great Street .streetscape CENTRAL AVE. STREETSCAPE BOE elements along Central Ave. bel'M::en Washington 81' 2,587,68cl • IMPROVEMENTS 2,5e1.eee SlaLISOflA w . ATCS improwmen ts include the upgrade/modilicalion o f lhe existing traffio $lgnal equlprnent by i<:placi~ I.he:sig nal 14 DOT CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ATCS oontrone~ .and lnst.al6ng fiber optic: c:abies, etl as conduits and pavement-embedded loop detectors. ATCS lmp,rowmer.ts mclude the upgradelmodific:ation a f lh(I; existing traffic signal equipment tty replacing \he sfgnal 1,14 DOT CEfl'TRAL CITY EAST ATCS cor.troUers ;.nd irlstalling fiber optic: cab~s. \>ideo eamers.s 4,885,000 4,885,000 and poles.. as Mi l as conduits and pa11ement--embedded loop deteclors. This profee l \'II~ install pedestrlen .safely tmprovemenls in thE 1 BSS CENTRAL lA NEW HIGH SCHOOL IKl 311,200 311,200 vicinity of the school

This proje-cl ~ the inttlal phase of lhe Jori:lan Downs Redevelopm enl Project being ocordinated by the Hous'ng Authority of Los Angeles and 1hti Mayor's Office. The projed will e..ldiend Cenwry B!Vd, from Gr til)e St. to Alameda St. Thi:. CENTURY BLVD. EXTENSIONfGRAPE ST. TO ,. eoe project will include desi!)fl .ar.d construction of tht new 11,128,Q03 ALAMEDA ST. 11,128,QQJ roadw-ay, sidewalks, curb & 11utter, .s,trt el Nght$, traffio signals, striping & signs, drainage pipes & cetch basins, sewer tines, water lfnes, land9Caping, and green street elements.

This project enhances pedestrian e)flerienoe by ins1allin9 street trees. a new pedestrian path, ornamental planting and CENTURY BLVD. URBAN DE.SIGN & 15 BOE sile furnishings. The pedestrian path isto Nnk kl a Mu re a,343,751 PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION 3.343.751 Melro slop and developments on Sama Monica 81\ld. and ConstellatiOn BIVd

This proj eel proposes to reconstruct. the elOsting fi\18•1-egged .s.ignal/$t(lp $ign contrallei:I irlto:-~n of Chavez. Ave../ Lorena St. flndlana SI. lnte>a modeM roundabaut. lMth CESAR CHAVEZ AVE./LORENA ST./INDIA.N.A. 14 BOE center median, The project Yd! reduce the comple)ljl_y of the 10,i;J,33,000 ST. - ROUNDABOUT 10,933,000 intersectirm and improve traffic flow and safel y. The oval stiape centl!lr median wm proYidl!I space to house the Vetera.n·s Me-morlal.

The project consists of the design and insta lation of capital improwment s the Ce sar Cha corridor CESAR CHAVEZ flETWEEN EVERGREEN lo wz be~en 14 BOE green . tind Lorena St The-Improvements inclu

Page 7 of 17 Attachment D

APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED FUNDING REQUIRED TOfAL PRIOR YEAR1 YEAR2 YEARJ YEAR 4 YEAR6 co LO PHYSICAL PLANT PROJECTS Pre>ject OeS<::tlption PROJECT T OTAL FUNDING 2018.-19 2.01~20 2020-21 COST 20;!:1-22 202.2-23 FUNDING GAP (Yrs 3-S) GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICt..A SF This prc:ijecl will construcl curb ramps and bulb-outs, ins!JIN CHARLES H. KjM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 10 BSS speed feedback signs, sharrows, Sjgns, and pavement 500,000 SAINT BRENDAN SCHOOL 500,000 markings, ood upgrade pedestrian signals. This projecl "'-ill rernediate the llansitiClnstrucrure at lhe culvert out1e1by cwect lng lhe grade to drain to the :soulh COCHRA.N AVE. (Z520) • CUL.VERTAT CUL-DE 10 BOE and replace lhe deficient curb .&nd 9utter 3IOng YAtl'Ithe SAC 345,000 345.000 sidewalk that wiJIbe impacted in order ID re"'1slat>lsh the original draflage pattern.

lhe prcjecl w111lmpr

A Complete Streel.s Projects involvrlg 3.0 larte miles of slreet recon&truction, 5.3 lane miles of reMJrfadng , and safety improvements. The projecl wif include slreet rec.onflguratlon, fully protected bike lanes, speN feedback. COMPLETE STREETS PROJECT ·AVALON -'lgn"S,l e:8ding podeslri0 7,459,000 tight,ening, new crOO$WllkS wilh RRFB, new traffic signals. • • and bus $10p reloCiltion. Soclewalk.s v.iQ also be repairt.i In compt'iance v.ilh AOA and stormwatbr management etements (green straets• w111be hstelled

A Compleie Sveet Project Involving, 3.1 lane miles Of asphalt slreet reoonstructlan, 2.3 lane miles of concrele ~ eet reconstruction, 4.0 la~ miles of asphall resuriacing, COMPLETE STREETS PROJECT· MAIN ..ind satet,r improvements. The proj ect will include spee(l 8,0 BOE {SOUTH) FROM MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. 13,061,000 feedback s~ns, leading pede~ ian inlervals, adding RRFBs 7,018,000 6,003,000 TO IMPERIAL to cros.sWlillks, prolecled left turns, &ignal ~mtlg upgrades, new crossw.ilks with RRFB, rKtW traffic slgnals. ~od bus stop relocation.

A Complete Street Proj ect k"lwll'ing 6.2 tane miles of street recOM "'-'otion, ~.2 lane mites of rtiwlfacing and safety improvemerits. The prOJEICl will inciude crosswalk iMtaAaOOll COll,f)LETE STREETS PROJECT · RESEDA 3,12 BOE or upgrades, striping modlflcatlollS:, curb e.densions. signal 17,202,000 FROM PARTt-tENIA TO VICTORY 12,641,000 4,421,000 phasing and timing changes, and propos;i~ tor clOkl g a gap in the e:dsting bike lanes, between Valerio ar.d Vanowen

A Complete Sir~ ! ProJi!ct lrwoMng 3.4 lane miles of street COMPLETE STREETS PROJECT· ROSCOE reconsbUctk>n end ~fe ty im provemcnls. The project will BOE 8,58-0,000 5,361,000 • FROM THE 405 FREEWAY TO WOOOMII.N include :speed feedback sagns, leading p@ldestrian Intervals, 3.21g,ooo protected lefl t1Jms, tr.df"IC signals and crosswalk upgrades

A Co111p1eteStreets Projec!S !n-.-::iMngs trt:et rooonstruction, resulfac!ng, safety lmpro11ement:i.,stree t recoflfi9Uf"9tion, fil ly pro,tecled bike lanes, speed feectPack signs, ~d[ng pedeslrian intervals, fi!R:FBs, protected lefl turM, curb COMPLETE STREETS PROJ€Ct • TEVPLE 1,13 BOE extensJons. signal timing upgrades., lntef'!leetion tigMening, 9,1 25,000 FROM BEVERLY TO BEAUDRY 5,963,000 3,162,000 new crosswalk:!! w!lh RRFB, new traffic signals, and Dus


A Com pkt'! Streets Projecls inllOCving6.S lane miles of street constrvcUon, 1.e lane mik!s of re.s.irfadng, end COMPLETE STREETS PROJECT· VENICE re 1,0,11 BOE lmpro~ment.s. projool

Thie!.p(O jecl will implement Complete StrHls element.son COMPLETE STREETS PROJECT FOR Colorado Blvd. by ir'l$~lling new Signals {t\¥:1no n 14 BSS 2,193,000 2, 193,000 COLORADO BLVD. IN EAGLE ROCK conse,,:uli~ inte,r~e-Lons). turn lane, . median islands. bump outs, and pedestrian llghling. Three locations far reconstruction of deteriorated and 8,0,11 CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENT dama9e concreti pawment are: - 871h St. from 6th A11e. to BOE 13,233,7B2 3,428,000 0,805 ,78.2 RECONSTRUCTION - VARIOUS LOCATIONS 11U1A y,e,,• 41st Or, from Figueroa Sl to Hoover SL - Oeonan Blvd. fror-n 43rd Pl. to 43rd St CRESCENT DRIVE. (8735, 87e5, A~D goo3) l'Ns proj~cl will con:i:lruct bulkheads to reslPre lateral BOE ,,e23,ooo • BULKHEADS SU'.vu-tlothi:1 $~ 1, 1,823.000 'rhe proJee I includes abow--deck repairs lo fencing, CYPRESS PARK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE. enhanced lighting. ar'ld pathway enhancements on the- 1 BOE 500,000 200,000 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS pede.stritm bridge over lhe 110 f;°reew.;1yn&ar AtrO'JOS eco 300,000

DEL AMO BLVD, BE'TVVEEN DENKER AND ·~·Street Reoon.s.truc lion of ~I Nno Bl'>

Page 8 of 17 Attachment D

APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED FUN.DING REQUIRED TOTAL PRIOR YEAR1 YEAR3 Yl:AR 4 YEARS TOTAL CD LD PHYSICAL PLANT PROJECTS Project Description PROJECT FUNDING 2018•18 2020-2, 2021-22 2.022•23 COST FUNDING GAP (Yrs ~S} GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICl.A SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF The pro,jeel inc!L1deslhe removal of the failing road 1>3vement at Descan:so Dr. from Larissa Dr. lo Robinson St., removing 8 tress from the median isl.and, excavaling out 3,725,000 3,100,000 625,000 thil trM roots, reeonstrtJetlng the pavement section, building concrete curbing, and provkting land:ic.aping in lhc center median isl&nd Funding is pro'oided f

Construct and operate ,el,e(:tr~lly powered GIJeetcar ser\lice, including 24 station platfanns, along .an allgrimenl that would begin al the earner of Hill end 1st SL The 14 DOT DOWNTOWN STREETCAR 2QC,OOO,QOO 14,300,000 propooed loop would be up to 3.S mfles in length.. A mi!lintenance and storage facility would also be consll'ucted to se,r,,;ces treet<:ar vehlcles.

Reconstruction of slreelto correct clrai.nage due to laflQ• 700,000 term subsidence. 700,000 'Ttlis proj~cl 'MIi cc-nstruct a guardrail ln front of an effltlng 4 BOE ~:~~:IVE (3200) Ml:.TAL BEAM 140,000 wall to mill ele a safety hazard. 140,000

lnstallalron of pede:i.tria n ,11nd bicycle Vllprovem@nts along 14 BSS :~~::ig;ACCESS IMPROVEMEN TS 1l,800,000 0.$00 .000 1st St. in tt,e 80Y1eH eights community Streetscape and pedeslrian ~rt:.ages \Mlhln 1/4 mile or 2,000,000 2,gg(),000 Eas.tslde Light Ra I stations Street.scape and pedes.lri1m improwme nts on four north­ 2,772,263 2,772.263 .south shets ~nldr.!9_to Gold Line stations. A bike p.rilh \'All be N talled lO impr-ove pede:itrianard 13 DOT ELYSIANVAI..LEYBIKEP ATH 1,000,000 1,000,000 blc..-::le Mletv. Pedestrian sarety in'lprowimenlS \MJIbe lns1.aled In the \'icfnlty of lhe new E.)1)0 Line, beMeen la Cienega Bl'w'd.and 2,8QO,OOO 2,800.000 Cren:lhaw Blvd.

Th1s project v.1I1con:i.ttuctt-,i,o reg me rib of bike hici~-s: a 0.28-mite bike Jlath just nor1h oftl'l• HG freeway from MolOr 5 BOE :~~~l~~N- WEST BIKEWAY - NORTHVALE ::·b::i:n: ::,~a~~:!~o~ :g::r7;:1::.~~:eer Dr 13.000,000 5,510,329 Project is part of an overall effort to construct a continuous bike -way path from E""° sition Park to Santa Monica Beach

This pro,j-e,ct \lolllperm anenay repair the d~ma.ged .sldewalk FALMOUTH NORTH OF 83RO ST.• SIOEWAI..K caui.ed by rein by recon~tructi.r,g the dam119ed porti~ of 11 BOE AND STREET REPAIR street~ of8~r~ SL., including curb.g u~er, alld &kle-w.i:lk, 400,000 400,000 a low height wal , and four compliant ADA ramps at thei-intfn.secUoos.

FLXlds are provided for design only of ADA complanl 480,000 480,000 acce~ ramDs for DOT signal~Jecls. This project ~II rehabUitat$ !Jeterioraied ottnter me dlin GAGE AVE. PUBLIC SAFETY ME~AN i slands along Gage St. between A11alon Blvd. atld Central IJ BOE IMPROVEMrnTS. AVALON BLVD. TO Aw , The me

The proje ct wfll install 6,300 3qUiire feet of wire mesh on a 585,546 34,546 53 1,000 haz;ir

This project \Mll rt«> ni.Cn,Jctt he slJ8et mte~ction lo 11 801:. GLIDCR AVE. AND WILEY POST SUBSIDENCE e!fflinate trooding: at lhe lntersecllon at Gilder Ave. and 300,000 300 ,000 Wiley Post.

This project prollides Great Slreet!I improvements including eonstruction of curb eKtensions and curb ramps, removal of 305,000 365,000 .an interfering poJ'\ion of .rin existing m e-dian isla nd, and constructlon of a landscape medran Island

GREAT STREET SOUTH ROBERTSON BTWN i his proJl!!ci pro\/k:18s Great Slr8et improwments Including 5,10 656,000 ese,ooo BOE HARGIS AND 25TH ST. =:~;~:r~,:=~:~ns and eurb ra mps al South

Thi'll project v.;ii construct com plete streiet elements such as curb el1en$10ns, refuge median islands a nd/or ADA 500,000 500,000 compliant oom er ramps. FU'\ds artJ provided for c1:m!ra.ctual services fur advanced Var DOT GREAT STREETS planninQ &nd constructior. irppro1emer.t,s on Griiiat Street 1,500.000 1,160,000 1,000.000 corridors. ' 12 BOE L REPAIR ON WOOLSEY CAl'NON This project wit! repair the guard this location ~~:CRAI ral at 100,000 100,000

i his projeclwi!l widenthe north side of Hamilton Ave. by 18 15 BOE :~~ l~~:=~~OEN1NG - PATTONAVF.. fNt between Patton Aw:. a nd Ba rbara St. l'Ath curb. guller, 2.047,000 2,047,000 Sidewalk, street pavement, and :i.tre el tree:s.

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H ANCOCK PARK CONCRETE STREET This project will remove and replaee tM oonaete pavement 4 BOE RECONSTRUCTION (PHASE I) MCCADDEN in Mc.Cadden Pl. berween 2r1d St 11rld3rd St to mitig~ti, 750,000 750,Q:[)0 PL. - 2ND TO 3RD ST. dralnege Cssues and 'Mll replace d :irr,.iged wrb G.

600,000 eoo,ooo

Thls projed. will r eplace the rock slope adjacent to the bridge abutments and protect the winowa ns that were Q62,000 heaVily damaged.

Var DOT HIGHWAY RAil GRADE CROSSING Thi$ proje« include$ 3 «imbln&lion Qf traffic :signal. railroad 8,706,000 8,706 ,000 lf¥PROVEMENT PROJECT (40 LOCATIONS) preemption, and railroad equipment upgrades.

This project will<;onslrUct a bulkhead to ~ tote 1aren1I 4 BOE HOU. YWOOD BLV D (8720/8730) BULKHEAD 500,000 support to lhe roadway and prevent further erosion. 500.000

Toi:s projc.ct 'Mllclo:se a pedestrian tunnel at Ho.lywood and 100 ,000 New Hiil'T'li>Shire. 100,000

The project inctude::s$ lr&41tscape, i mpro\'!'ments on HoUy,o.ood Stvrl. >Mth&lreet lrt:ts , 1tan~ atr1enili'!:s, and 1.3~1.000 1,3Q7.000 deoorallve pedesll'iari llghis. The project incllJdes stree~ ll!l)e impro~ menl:J.o n maj or 86(),000 commercial streets along HoNY1NOOd81 \'d, This project will install rapid flashing beacons, speed 1, 14 DOT HSIP 5-R RFBANDSFSALONGTEMPLf 57:5,000 575,000 feedt,ack signs, and minor ~lgnlng and slripina.

DOT HSIP 5• TRAFFIC SIGNAL, RRFB , BULB-OUTS The proje,c1wm lnstana ll'.e.ffic:s ignal &nd fbshiri1;1be :m ons 8 4Q5,513 4G5,5 13 AND RAISED MEDIANS- WEST/SOUTH LA and construct bulb-outs ard raise

HSIP CYCLE 5- PACIFIC AVE. 8TWN This project iMUconstruct median Islands, sidewelk widening g BO£ WINDW ARD AVE. & 18THAVE. STREET 1,11.2,556 ,ooo n,taining wall, affic slgnal, slgnsge and stripif19. eu IMPROVEMENT tr 4 5 , , DOT HSIP CYCLE i,. 5 NEW Si'GNALS lnslat tive traffic signals.. 1,123,400 14 new 1,123,400 Traffic signals and warning devices at four 1,2()0,000 1,200,000 localions. HSIP CYCLE e-BURBANK BLVO P-ROM 2 BOE BAKMAN AVE . TO ENSIGN /\VE. STREET Thi~ project will include s idewalk bump-o1.1ts and one, RRFB. 1,992,000 1,gg 2,000 IMPROVEMENT

The project will inc Ude installing new traffic medians tllong g BOE ~ir ;;~~~g~~~IN ST. FROM SLAUSON 775,600 77 5,1'.iOO Main St from Martin Luther King Blvd. 10 1)211dSt.

HSIP CYCLE e- OLYMPIC BLVD ltll\l: project will ind Jde Installing new traffic calming 14 80£ PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SAFETY treatments along Olympic Blvd. from Orme AVfl, '° Dacotah 1,072.000 1,072,000 ENHANCEMEN TS St.. v.tiich include curb ramf)s .in

HSIP CYCLI: e • PROJECT 1-5 NEW SIGNALS 14 BOE (Al.t1AM6RA AND LOWELL) FOR LOCATIONS Curt> ramps at the inler:se,ctlon of Alhambra and Lowe I 1,200.000 1,200.000 #52-56

1,200,000 1,200,000

This project will install curb r.i,mps and RRF6 s. 7, 3(10,000 1,433,600

HSIP CYCLE 6 - P ROJECT 4 - RRFB #45-51 This project will construct signals, curb ramps 11:nd o1her 2 BOE TRAfflC SIGNAL MODlFICAT iONS AT 7 lmp,l'

HSIP CYCLE O - TRAFFIC SiGNAL This project will 1nclude lefl.lum ph.ising at 6 il1~ ~ ctions Var DOT MODIFICATIONS A T 7 LOCA TIONS IN SAN 856,000 856,000 and op posed phasing at 1 interseclion. FERNANDO V AllE Y Safely measure:s (bump-outs, new crossing a, RRFB's , raised isb r,rjs) Wfl be irni,lemented !!long CreM.haw Blvd. 3,000,000 3,000,000 bet-Neen Florenoe Alie. and j"g(h St HSIP CYCLE 7 - GREAT STREET CRENSHAW Thi,: project-MIi con:i.trucl curti e:

S idewalk gap do t, :sidewalk repairs, ctJrt> ram~ . 1-iUNTINGTO N DR SIDEWALK 14 Bs s retaining w.ill an

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Localed along Flower St_ and Gra nd Ave. between Gage A",Je.and Manchester Ave., the proposed project \MJiinch,.de : 1. Installing bike Ian-as along Flower St. and Grand Ave. lfom Ga,ge Ave. doYm south to West 83rd SI. 2. Installing 1·110 GRAND AVE. - FLOWER AVE. bike l ane~ ab t19 wilh sidewalk and curb ramp improvement! ..• BOE REVITALIZATION, EXPRESS LANES TOLL 1,231,000 1,231,000 ei;isterlylillong We$l 83rc.1St. tr-Om Flower St. le, Grand A11e.; GRANT PROJECT lhen sootherly alOng Grend Ave. from W~ t $3rd St to West 841h Pl., then easler1y along West 841h PL to Olive .SI., lher1 sou'thedy along Olive St. 1a Wes! M:lncflester Ave,, lheri wes'i£rt)I along Ma~hester Ave. IO lhe 110 Freeway

The project Yr'illmod ify the median Isl.and end widen Imperial 11 BSS IMPERIAL HIGHWAY BIKE LANES Hwy. along 1000 feetjusl east of Pershing Or. to 1,883,000 1,883,000 accommodate bike lane.s.

The scope o-fthlse.irJsting project. Yr'illbe upgraded to inctLlde JEFFERSON BEAUTIFUL COMPLETE STREET 8 BOE Rsshlng bea-oons and a full signal. This amount reflects only 680,000 PROJECT 680,000 ill! funding rtiquired for !he additional soope.

KINNEY PLACE (3611)AND QUAIL DRIVE This project IMDconslTuct bll1Kt)ead$ .it both !Ocation, and a 1 BOE 1,528,000 (656) BULKHEAOS storm drain structura al Khney Place. 1.s2a,ooo This project includes retaining wa l.s and street im ~rovement, KINNEY STREET IMPROVEMENTS BTWN 1 BOE im:ludb19 regrading street. new curb end guner for drainage 1,700,000 CRESTMOORE PL AND LAVELL DR. 1,700,000 co-ntrol. The project wm reconstruct and I.ands.capemed ian, a:;, LA BREA MEDIAN JMPROVEMENTS 10 BOE designed for prior LANI 'Adopt a Median· projecl, 8-permlt g70,239 {FORMERLY LANI) Q?0,239 Index No. P-3TT58 never bunt

The project 'MIi ~truct Cla.s.s 1 btKeil>edestrlan path (1.25 miles) al LA River Headwaie,re In West San Fernando Valley rrom Ov.ensmouth Ave. to Ma.son along GQUU, LA RfVER BIKE PATH - HEADWATERS 3 BSS bank of the rive:r. The biKe path will include underpasses at 6,136.000 SECTION 6,136,000 Canoga A.Y!I.JMetro Orange Line and De Soto bridges. The project v.,71lnelud e righting railing, strip1ng and signage and a

connection stnlcturc to the Metro Orangt: Lin111bi'Ke way.

this project includes a Class I bkeway on lM roulh bank of LARNER BIKE PATH PHASE IV 4 BSS the LA RiYer Flood Control Channel from Rivenikle DJi11eto 2,284,000 2,284,00() CONSTRUCTION Fore,i LOWJ'IDr ive On-Off Ramps.

The project includes 3-mlles of blkews.y and faciDtles, consisling of bicycle and pedesbiac, palhwa~, 3,5 BOE LA RIVER BIKEWAY - VANALDEN TO BALBOA con:i.truction of undercrossings and river parks, and on- 58,000,000 6,552.000 500,000 18,00.0,000 1B,800,000 street impruvernenls to Increase a~ss to the LA Rhler • BiKeway n 1his area

LA RIVERWAY (SAN FERNANDO VALLEY lllEI proj,ct \11111construe t a standard crass I blkeway and 3 OOT 1,500,000 1,soa,000 COMPLETION) r~nway along M nks of the LA Ri,,.er

LA TUNA CANYON RD. EMERGENCY STORM This project will reamslruct the roadway embankme-nt and 7 BOE 1,100,000 DRAIN AND Eflol3ANKMENT REP..,IR re:ilore lateral .i.upport lo the La Tuna Canyon Road. 1,100,000

Pha:ie 3 of work to :st.ib~iZOJILa T-.ina Canyon and repair an L..O.TUNA CANYON STORMDRAIN 7 BOC 84-inch slOrm drain as result of re,oent Ylildflles and 2,836,aOO REPlACEMENT AND SLOPE STABILIZATION 2,338,000 500,000 rainstorms In the area. Funding is prollided for de5'gn oll'y of ADA compliant Va, BOE LANI - ACCESS RAMPS (14 INTERSECTIONS) 1, 120,000 access ramps for DOT sjgnal pro'ecl:5. 1,120,000

Im pro~ pedestrian enviroMlent in Bo)'i'e Heights LANI - EVERGREEN PARK STREET community lo promote intermodal and transit connecti-.!ly. 14 DOT 1,076,023 1.076,023 ENHANCEMENT Continental cro!.!.wal~, bus stop :,ecurlty lighting, bu:i shelters, bu, benehe:s and streel trees will be in$Wll9d.

This project includ8s streetscape/p,edestrtan Improvements LANI• HIGHl.AN'D PARK PEDESTRIAN along F~ueroa between Avenue 50 and Avenue 60. 1 OOT 307,500 307,500 IMPROVEMENTS Deooralive !.idewalk wid be insta~ed ne..r the comers of intersections The project wlll enhance decorative concrete paving and/or 10 DOT LANI • KOREATO WN Improve :ilreetsc.ape at !hit nol'th$ast oorner of Noimandle 246,978 24fl,WS Ave. .a.noOlympi c 81Yd.

The lnst.aUaijon of the ATCS fmpro~ments, inc\Jdirtg 1114 upgra.ding/modiocalion of the el1sting traffic si'i}nal lOS ANGELES ADAPTIVE TRAFFIC CONTROL Al DOT equipment J}y replactlg !hoes ignal oontl'Ql~ rs and in91.alflg 14,811,776 14,811,77fl SYSTEM fiber optic cable!., \okleo cemer11:1ar.d poles, u wel as conduits and pavemenl-embedded loop detec.lor$

Thi~ project will CJ!Jlalld lhi:i <.lecoratJve concrete and brlcK LOS ANGELES NEIGHBORHOOD IN'fflATIVE 1 DOT pLilza :;indtor irnpro'M' Gtree-tsc.ipe by adding l)t'deslrian 4Q4.Q56 4G4,95a (LANI)· BYZANTINE LATINO QUARTERS impro\'ements

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APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED FUNDING REQUIRED TOTAL PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAff2 YEARJ YEAR4 YfARS CD LD PHYSICAL PLANT PROJECTS Project DeserlpUon PROJECT TOTAL FUNDING 2018-19 2{119-20 2020.21 2:02:1r22 COST 2022-23 FONDING GAP (Yrs 3-ti) Gf MICLA. SF GF MICLA SF Gf MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MJCLA SF This. project WI/?Widen the north half of Magnolia BIV.,. bew.-een Cahuenga Blix! .:1100Vineland Ave•• Niduelng the sidew.iilk 'Mdth t(I 8 ffft on Che north ~e. Thex MAGNOLIA BLVD (NORTH)- CAHUENGA improvements Include the c:onsb'Uctionof c:or.crete curb, 2 BOE S.402,537 8.402,537 BLVO. lo VINELAND AVE. gutler, and sidewalk; AC pa1;ement; storm drain and sanitary sewer facilities: rer.ocation of udlllle:ii; street trees: strHI lighting and traffic signals. No Right of Way l'dn be aequirt:d.


MANTAU ROAO (225•23Q) RETAINING WALL This prnject \'di remove ..iOOrepla~ a concrete l't'talning, 11 BOE 773,000 REPLACEMENT wal tc prov;de protection 10 lhe Ustlng roadwait. 773,000

MI\RTIN LUTHER KING VERN.ONT EXPO Fund[ng 19prow:Jed for design onl)I cf mpliant Va, BOE STATION ACCESS RAMPS (3 240,000 access ramps for DOT signal projKIS. 240,000 INTERSECTIONS)

The ~pe of WOfki ::i ID dew:lop an engineeling construction plan of curtl glltt&f, sidewalk. curb ,.,mp, culvert and intel'$&Clic;,n crcis.s g111terat the north OOe t}f h"8JoelJ11Avenu~. MAXEU.A AVE. AT LINCOLN BLVD, SIDEWALK TM length of cc.nstructlon is approxim :iIBly 1S5 ~riearfeet. 11 BOE 532.000 ,000 IMPROVEMENT The current oondttion o1 the area of impro11ementdoes not S32 have a protectt\le tiarrier lo safe &ccessible route fm pedesbians and veh.lcles are often LJSingthe AC shouk:ler as parkil'IQ

MELROSE AVE_- FAIRFAX AVE. TO This project inck.ldes. the flrsVlast m~e conneclivily 5 BSS HIGH LANO AVE. PEOESTRIAN 3,005.713 3,~05,713 improvements along Melrose Ave IMPROVEMENTS

The project wiUrepair and/or replace 1111sidewa k s and curt;,$ In bolh directions on Crenshaw Bl'>d. tietween Exposition 8 BOE METRO CRENSHAW SIDEWALKS Blvd. and 67th SL to a...c,klpatch\Yo rk appearance and to • 1,037,7Q7 2,750,000 pro\/ide continl.lily or roadv.ay appearar,ce of the fin111 project. MILLER WAY {1451 N.) BULKHEAD This projee-t Ml replace an e.".isting bulkhe11d and construct 4 BOE REPLACEMENT AND MAGNOLIA DR. {8500) 1,230,00-0 a bulkhead Miller WBy .and Magnoia . 1,236,000 BULKHEAO new at Driw

Va, BOE MLK Street.cape This project wil install sln~etscape alOng Mal'Ui Luther King. 750,000 750,000 This proj~ct 'Ml construct a bulkhead. resurface the road, 4 SOE MOUNl LEE ROAD REPAIR al'ld repla<.e the d"eterloraling berm al fiv-e locaOOnsa long 489,000 •89,000 the ML Lee aoce:ss ro11d. Thi~ project 'Ml re~ ir lhe eldsllng bulkhead and ext•md it by 1 BOE MOUNT WASHINGTON DRIVE BULKHEAD 700,000 an addilional 25 feel 700,000

NATIONAL BLVD. SIDEWALK BETWEEN This project inck.ldes new sidewalk. hcludlng S

This project 'Ml pro"1de addltlonal sidewalk rep11ir, curb NEVIN EtEMENTARY SCHOOL SRTS- PHASE g BSS rllmp,. al'ld remodek:d driYCway:s •ri a continuation c s a 1Q8,500 2 SB,500 140.000 140,000 previously funded project .al th1$ tocatiOn

This project ffll construct a new bridge to <.:.1ny pede$tl'iao, NOR.TH ATWATER. MLX..TIM ODAL BRIDGE bic)"Cle, and equestrian traffic. This amount reflects lhe 4, 13 BOE e,g33,140 eoJ:,314 eQ3,314 6Q3,314 OVER THE LA RIVER funding needed to repay the pcrtlon of the projecl costs 6Q3,314 6113,314 2,07'1,Q-12 fUnded by a PWTF loan otse.-.i m Uic-nove r 10 years.

This project proposes to add II right lurn lane k) the \IVeS!boond vehicular lane on Ol)fflpic Bl\ld. between Mateo BOE OLYMPIC BLVD. AND MATEO STREET 14 St and Santa Fe A\'e.. and increases both curb returns on 4.421,000 IMPROVEMENTS 4,421,000 the r'IOrthboond (If Mateo St betweeri Ol)'r'l'lpiC Blvd. arid Port-er St. IQ ih'lpr'ove fi-eewlly access.

The proje<;t incl\l(lefo pe,de~trian and bic)IC!e WJ11)rol'ements. ORANGE LINE EXTENSION - SHERW1.NWAY 3 BSS to enha nce conne,ctlons to the new Or.&nge Line station ori 1,1'561,Cl41 STAllON PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENT 1.681,541 Canoga Ave. and Sherm11nW ay.

ORO VISTA AVE. SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS This. prQJect 'Ml Install pedes.trllln safety lmprovements 2 ass 650,000 650,000 - FOOTHILL BLVD. along Oro Vista Ave. bel>M:!.en Foothll Bl'ld. to Hillro~ St.

OSBORHE STREET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT This. project wH replace the e.idstlng bridge over the Kagle BOE 3,800,000 3.800,000 ' FHWA) Canyon Creek. Funding w!II be ~ed to repf&ee lhe fencirlij 11roundP acoima Wash and to fund design cost tor tti,a Telfair AW$. Murtimoda Bridge. The pl:m includes two separak, projects: 1) Telfair Ave-n.Je Multimodal Bridge c:werPaoo lma Wash • Install a 7 BOE PAC OIMI\ WASH VISION PLAN new pedestrlan/blcycle bridge along Telfair Avenue mking , ,500,000 the neighborhoods separated by Pac~ma Wash and • providing acoess lo a future park planned at El Dorado Ave; -'Od 2) Street lmpro...ementt at l'.he four sites near the Pacolma w e,h h C07.

PASAOENA AVE, PEOE.StRIAN CONNECTION This project lnCkJdes ~treetscape and pedestrian linkages 1 BSS 2,500,000 2,500,000 TO GOLD LINE along Pasadena A...e. belween Bro

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APPROPR~TIONS ESTIMATED FUNDING REQU IRED TOTAL PRIOR YEAR1 YEAR2 YEAR3 YEAR4 YEARS CD LO PHYSICAL PU.NT PROJECTS Project Des,criptian PROJECT TOTAL fUNmNG 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 COST 2022•23 FUNDING GAP (Yrs. 3-S) GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MIClA SF This. project wtll re.grade the landslide and provide a i-5 BOE PASEO DEL MAR ROAD REPLACEMENT SltiJctLJl'ero wpport the re-esblbli$hmt1ot of the Paseo Del 35,000,000 3,000,000 Mar alignment Th& project enl.)il$ lhe c~ure ()f the underground pedestrian tlXlne! W'ldeme.alh Sunset Bl~ at Golden Gate Ave. Work 1'1dudes the derpolition of lhe ()ntran«: ttJ the pedestrian twmel back-rnllng with slul'ri, oonstn.tcling 117,000 117,000 ocncrete sldeMi lk 10 pro~de fu1I widlh iiccess to pede~tri.;m, and upgrading two (2) handicap ramps to be ADA full'! oomplil;mt.

Pedestrian tunnel do.surn at the folloYling locetlons: 4 1-!0~od/ New Hampshire. BarMdaRParti. (CD4); ;!· BOE PEOESTFi:IAN TUNNEL CLOSURES 1,400,000 1,400,000 52nd/Hoove,, 52ndNermont, 0b t/Figueroa (CDQJ: and, FlelCher-btwn Avenue 3~ & Eslar;i, Lo,g.l~Montana (CD 13)

This project wmexcavate and constr1Jt;Iappro»matefy 200 3 BOE PENFlELD ALLEY (8325) IMPROVEMENi S 163,000 linear fee t of alley v.;th guttier amd chain liril fence. 1e3,ooo

ihis project ~ Uins ta1 fGIX (4) ramps, mini-roundabout, BOE PICO BL VD, AND BERENDO ST. PEDESTRIAN bump-c>ul$.a t two (2) inler~tion s, continental crossv-.alks, 77S,OOO 778,000 IMPROVEMENTS pe,destrienwa,rning:, bike loop&, sharrow-s, bike racks, and street trees This prr>Jeotoons ls.1' of a study lo evaruate the subsidence 11 BOE PORTOMARINAWA.Y(1U!06)STUDY at Porto M!irina W1iy, ineliding J.easons for subsidence and 301,000 301,000 fi.Jlure llliligation me.isures..

The project 'Nill improve infra.structure on CreMhaw Blvd consisting (lf sidewalks, curbs, gutters, pedestrian et0ssir,gs, wayrlnding signagie, bu:s shelter&, slJtll!!t tre• s, 7,27Q,568 2,500,000 lal'ldsc:11.pifll,tr affic: :signals, cultural artwo~. and planlers. Pruning trees ~oo rQ0I$, $lreevs.eourity light$, and traffic signal improvements.

The project includes the reconslruclion ofdama!)e,d and no compNant areas of Ventura, rncludlng pa11ernent, curb and 500,000 gutter, ADA ramps, med~ns. Slgnal:s and slreel lights to be deSgned by L.AOOT. The project includes pedesbian improllE!ments around the ~ BSS ~~c:~g~LIZARRAGE ELEMENTARY QI0,0 00 Q10,000 Ricardo Lizarraga: Elemenlary School.

400,000 400,000

Phase, IIIA involves the- consuuctlon o1 approllim8tely 1_g miles o-f8.8 mne long Class I Bikeway(bike patn) comple-1e l'lith welded wire-mesh fencing, lighting and Eandsceplr,g. The proposed bike p,ath wil be designed lo crC>Mover the 10,462,0-0() 10, e.xisting Tujunga vvasn. The proposed bike path Ylih have a minimum wldlh of ,2 feet including .on 8 foot traw l way(two 4 foc>t lanes) for tim-W'lily bicyel(l tri vel and 2 toot 'Mde paved shoulder£.

Phas1t 1118 involws the construction of approximately 2.24 BSS ~~~;~~~~~~~RD, BIKEPA TH PHASE 1118 miles of 8,5 mile long Class I Bik-eway(bike path) complete 10,7 14,000 10 ,714,000 688,000 l'oithweld ed v.ite..mesh fencing, li9hling and ~ndscaplng.

The pmjecl in wives lhe ~e nir,g of toadwa,r a,id iri,taBalion sof,,.. retaining v,,aUon Siln Fernando Rd., between Mtoriai 11nd 1,060,000 1,060,000

Thi$ prOje-etWill mden lhe west side of San Fernando Rd. to proVlde an addltlonal souttibound right turn lane al Balboa 12 BOE :t:;ER NANOO RO , WIDENING AT BALBOA. Rd. to reduce queuing and lor,g Clelays for $1)U(hbound 1,632,000 1,832,000 lraffic. Im prow,mflnts include construotioo or retaining -•1. concrete curb, gutter and 9idewalk; AC pavement slOrm drain; streel trees; street ighting and traffic signals.

~sign and oon!.tructlon or2 landsi;aped median is~nds, 'Mdening of lhe .sidewalk, narrowing of t~ &ldel'allk, and re­ Q,2 12,000 Q,212,000 slripJng of lhe street. This project WII remove tia.z.i:rdous rock and ~ ugh from the 447,000 slo e and inslall k-rail, 44?,ooo

The scope of m11intell!lnce and cl~ar,irlg work includes 11entllalion lioystflm, uninterrupted power suppl,r syslem, carbon monoxide sensor callbratlon, remole monitorl('lg 200,016 22e.se1 s119tem, sump m aintenance, and ff e ~ ala,m syst-em ln!.ining. Ful"lldirxi le provided fur mainten;mce acti'nti"='S'Mthin lhe 11 BSS :~~~i:;,__~ATUNNEL MAINTENANCE 50.000 Sepulveda Tuooel 50,000

The project consists of sidewall\ improVme Ats around Sheldon Meta Park t,o OOude ~treet pavement reconstruction, curb, gutter, ll'ees, u~lilies pales, new 3,075,000 3.075,000 concrete sidewalk, re stripe .street, conslrucl street ltghts, reloce.le rence, and new fence wrought iron (l\.tbu1er).

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The project COr1$iS-I&of Sidewalk. improw,me-nts around Sheldon Ark-ta P.ark to Include su-eetl)t'lvell'ler\t reconstruction, curb, gutter, trees, u~l:ties poles, new 3.133,s,e 3,133,516 concrete sidewalk, re stripe slreet, construct street lights, rvlocate fence, and newfenee Wl'

The project consists of sidewailk improvem~rits arourld Sheldon ~ta Park to includl!" .slreet pawment reconstruction, curb, gutter, trees, utilities pc1es, new 683,385 683,385 concrete sidewalk, re.stripe slreet. construct sb"eet light&, relocate fence, and new fence wrOtlght iron (tubular).

The project con~lsts Gf sidewalk lmJ)n>veme,nls arourtd Sheldon Artela Park to include slreet pavamenl reconstruction, ct.rt>, gutt&r, trees, utilities poles, ne-w 1,120,730 1,120,730 concr ete sidewalk., restrlpe slreet, con!ltruct s~et lights, relocat,e fence, and new fence wrought iron (tubular).

The $COpe ofma.inte-nance and cleaning 'NC>l'kiooludes maintena nee of the existing wate, sump pum pir.g s~tem, 'lenli.lation system and electrical s.,..;lchgear matntenance, I 45,320 63,235 80,000 80.000 80,000 B0 ,000 240,000 carbon mono)OOe sensor calibration, cleaNrtg tunnel walls, and remote monitoring system maintenance.

Thi~ pr,ojeclwH replace the ventilation fan st CheSherman e ess :~~E~M~~iTUNNE:L vrnr1LAT10N FAN 410,000 410.000 WavTunnel near the Van Nuys sirporl

The proje(.t includes ~destl1an ar.d safety enrlanoemenb 13 BOE UNDERPASSARCH :~~~:~EBLVO. IO SUver Lake 81..-d.Underpass at Sunset BMj_, inctuding I Q00,000 sidewalk improvements, guard rails, and a curb axt.e nsio n.

The proj,i,ct wiDimprove a 2.25 m~e wction of Slau~ n by increas!"Q cUJbradii, Installing new slgnaNuitlori equipment at key Klter.iecUons, reoonstructing failing AC pavement. 2,402.352 2.402,352 prollidirig s treet lightirig, and installing ADA c.omp~ant curb ramps. This projectv-i l restore lateral roadw.111 support \ldtha BOE SOLA.R DRJVE (2405) BULKHEAD 611.000 bulkhead and Install a cult. gutter, and' uardr ai l 811,000

This safely relall#d proj ect installs a,pprol!lmatel)' 4SO linear 14 BOE SOTO STREET (2440} ROCKFALL MlTIGATION feelof'MJ"e m esh netting to sllfid a11y stab~im the cver- 548.000 71,000 41 7,000 5leepened cut 5kJpc . Thb i5 8 thei!lt lo public ,safety.

This pr~jec:twi l in51a0four (4) ramp5. mini-rounda bouL SOE ::~!~~~~~~~T~IODLE SCHOQ: BICYCLE ~;:s:': ~:~ 2Je~:~~=~~:~-:~r!!:~~ ~:., , 778,000 454,300 and street trees.

OveraN traffic safely impro11ements to neighborhood slfeets surrounding Elementary School and Liechty Mi!jdle- Sch0o1. Prt1ject i1ciudes addiOona! pedestr.Sn 6,684,580 852,ofl25 signal~. curb eXfeJ\!;lons. oontlnental eto:J.llwark.s, curb 5,831,'15:5 ramps. rec't.ingutilr r.apid i,Hhing beacon. gp~d h1.1rnps. bike bo:.s . and s.idew.i,lk rep.iiir.

ThEip rojtct WiUinclud'e in1-tafling new u-afficea lmlng treatmenl!I along New Ham pshire Ave.from ~lro:,c Ave. IQ 454.300 454.300 11th SL ...+iich inck.Jdes curb ramps ,md$.

The project wfll Include lnstrtl•ng new lr.iffic ca lming treatments along P~rce St/S ari Fernando to Ole~aks and 500,000 500,000 along Her(lk AV&.IPN!rce St. lo Brov.neN which lncltJde curb ramps and bump-outs.

The pro]oot wil lndud'e ttaffie eaimin9 treatments on Hal"llin St. from S)Amar and TJITone Aw . ....r.ich incltJ(IIJS-bum~-out.s.

pedesil'ian and traffic sbiping. Speed hump$ 11,i l be tnstal~ on Gilmore SL between S)' and Tyrone A'le. Pedeslrian safety l lghling will be Installed on Hamlin St., Gilmore SL, 500,000 500,000 Ave .• and T~ imprcve the walking @J1Pt1ri1tnce along h perimeltir of Van Ni.1Y$E lem entary Sctlool. Thlt project alScl inclOOes croM walk upgrades at Viclory Blvd. and Sytmar Ave. . and Vicio

P rt1Je c:l tc construct shatro-Mlo, si,gns, bike loop de'lectori;., bike racks, pavement treatment speed humps, ped,e,slflan 1.538,625 1,538,t:12S re fuge island"s, curb extensions and m edian islands.

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This project include$ lh(I de$ign and consln..'Ctlon of a .-.ew !andmarkliconk: ~de$tr [an bridge \Mlh a b-ikew:ey conM eting the existing bikewayalong the west bank al th6 LA River lo an e.>istir,g road r,r, the ea&I sidE!of the LA River. TAYLOR YARD BICYCLE ANO PEDESTRIAN 4 OOT lt'MD be appro:,,irnate-ly 400 fl. long w!lh a 17 ft. blkeway BRIDGE OVER LA RIVER D~SIGN • 1,400,01JO Also. the proje,:;1\N\11 -hCIUde an On.grade ra~road crossing. The overall f11ten1 or building this new bridge is to ewntuaUy connect the bike paltl .iit S~n Fem.ando Rd. to the LA Rivet bikeway

The project ..-.ill improve the Right~f• Way along lh8 North side of Terra 81!)naSt. from Fenton St. to appro:4mately 350 FENTON AVE AND TERRA BELLA St 7 BOE feet north east of Fenton Ave. to complete a 20,foot 791,200 SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION PROJECT 450 ,000 173.200 168,000 roadway, along wllh a 13-faot concrete in aooordance with Collector Stru t standards.

This proJeCLJnC l!ne s the installation af a new pe'1estr1anfbicycfe bndge along Telfair Ave l1nk1ng the 7 80 E TELFAIR AVENUE MULTIMODAL BRIDGE tl,8-56,000 750,000 500,000 5 ,606,000 ne1ghbcfhoods separated by Paocima Wad-I and prowii~ 5.000:,000 SC>Oe$$ to a tuture park planned at El Dorado Ave

The project wiUco n,5,IJ'uct11.affic sig nal throughout lhe City. var DOT TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONSTRUCTION e.e1s,341 including signals lhetare pan of the VIOOn Zero • • The project will prowle upgrades to traffic signals and TRAFFIC SIGNAL RA1l CROSSING niilroad cn:;s.sing equlpment at highwa)l-f"SIIgra de ao ssings Var OOT 5,2.24.250 5,224,250 IMPROVEMENT PROJ ECT wt.ere both syslems are tlterconnected and l'dlere preemption elO:ib TUJU~GN STRA.THERNifAIR Funding is provided for ttle design of siwet Im pro11emenb BOE STREH /SIDEWALK PROJECT (RORY SHAW 300,000 1,200,000 • ss.socialed ~ th'-' Rory Shaw Pelt( Project. STREET IMF'ROVEMEl"T) ' VALENCIA TRIANGLE i!t.CCESS RAMPS (2 Funding Is provides for design anlyaf ADA compliant Vac 80E 1t50,000 160,000 INTERSECTIONS) ecce:ss ramps far DOT signal pro·eocts.

Funding is provided for th.e design and cons.truction of VENICE BEACH OCEAN FRONT WAU< 11 BOE retractable crash-ramps. and botlards al accessways "'adtr.g 3.440,000 CRASH-RAMPS AND Bo 1.J.A ROS 250,000 3,100,000 1o the Venice Beac" Ocean FrontW etk

VENICE BLVD, GREAT STREETS The project incllJdes Great Streets Program improvements 11 OOT 1,000,000 ENHANCEMENTS on Venice Brvd. So0,000 500,000

This.projee-t wmwtden Topal'lga Car.yoo Blvd. ta pro\ok:l~ a $(1COnd soothboond la and Ventura Blvd. VENTVRA BLVD. AND TOPANGA CANYON left•tum ne to 3 BOE provide an easlhoumt fight-tum only Ian&. lmproll(:men~ 1,422,521) 1,422,529 BLVD. INTERSECTION 1MPRO\IEME.NTS inclOOe curb, gutter, AC pawm e-nl, sw m drain, ~treet trees, :.triNI lights, traffic .algnals and striping

This project \11111add an addltioMI nonhbound Lane. This VENTURA Bl VD. ANO WOODMAN ST. project 'Mmde s!gnale a righl•turn lane end will free up the 4 BOE IMPROVEMENTS {VENTURA-CAHUE.NGA 407,115 407, 115 through lane. New cuftl, tter, asphalt, accesa ramps, SPECIFIC Pt.AN FUNDS) gu traffic signal and catch basin

VEmU RA BLVD. SIDEW ALK IMPROVEMENTS The proposed project ""111inc lude new sidewall<, drfYeway, 2 BOE 1,78'iil.300 l, ?Bg,300 (CAHUENCA Sf>C.CIFIC PLAr-. FEE FVNDED) curb ramps and trees along the abo~ addres.s.

Thl:oisafe ty re1~ ,:1l)l"O j ect cons~ ts a new bulkhead v.ith 4 BOE VERDE OAK DRIVE {2252) BULKHEAD steel pi~s and i;onorete-lagglng. Thi~ bolkhead ha:s a lenglh sga,crno 140,000 75,8,000 of 90 feel and a reteEningd epth or 10.!5 feet

VERDE STREET (2401 ) REMEDIAL SLOF'E This project 'Ml (.00$trUCt approximately 201Jli near feet of 14 8DE 1,:3SJ,OOO MITIGATION bulkhead 10 sia.biliz.e the slope ..ind prevent further ~rosiOn. 077,000 378,000

This projeclvJJIi nslell rock fills in two areas in crdcr to 7 eoE VERDUGO CRESTLINE DRIVE (7e7S) laterally 5Upport the eds-ting roadway and to pn;w,nt further 454, 000 52,000 402,000 eto:oiii:m.

1,8,0. VERMONT AVE. BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS - BSS Bu"i stop lmpco11ements along Vermont Ave 584,0"94 10 MARTIN LUTHER KING TO WILSHIRE BLVD. ('1:84,()04

This. pr

The project v.ill witjen the soulh side orvrctot)'Blvd. {Phase I) betwtien Canoga Ave. and Owensm outhAve. to pmvide VICTORY BLVD. (PHASE 1) - CANOGA AVE. an addltlonal easlbcund travel lane .alcng this segmenl to 3 BOE 2,553,441 2,553,441 TO OWENSMOlJTH A.VE. prol'ide a minimum 11-footwide lane-and 10-focl 'Mde :iklewalk/parkway. This proje-ct wlll nol need to aoquire any Right-of-Way.

Page 15 of 17 Attachment D

APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED FUNDING REQUIRED TOTAL PRIOR YEAR 1 YEAR2 YEARJ YEAR4 co LO PHYSICAL PLANT PROJECTS l>rojeet Description PROJECT YEAR• TOTAL FUNDING 2011-il ~019·20 2020-21 COST 2021-22 2022·23 FUNDING GAP (Yrs J-5) GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA Sf GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA ., GF "1CU SF Tne projeelwi ll widen VicioryBl\ld. from Oe Soto Ave. to Canoga Ave., ocnstruct a concrete eurb, gul~r. and VICTORY BLVO. (PHASE II) - OE SOTO TO DOT CANOGA AVE. sidewalk, AC p a~mer.t. uUllly telocation, ~tre el trees, 8,2415,000 8.245,000 ' s.treelllgh1$, traffic ights, and s.triping. R'9ht of Way tor the widening will be requirer;t

VIStON ZERO eus STOP SECURITY Vu BOE Funds are prollided for ligtiling i"'proll\lments oil bu$ stop$ 4'1l5,00 0 405,<:lOO LIGHTING on or near lhe High lnjur11Network to [mprove public ~rely .

VISION ZERO COt.n-RACTED ACCESS RAMPS Fll'ldlng fs provided for de:sign oo,Y af ADA compliant Va, BOE (140,000 640.000 (8 INTERSECTIONSl acce.sis ramps fQt" DOT sigrial pr1>eets.

VISION ZERO CITYWIDE FLASHING r'unding is prolnded far flas~ g beaoons construction V i,, oor 2,000,000 BEACONS are part c,f the Vi~ Zero Program 2,000,000

Fund$ ~re pr-o\'ided k>r e<>nctete lmprow:men~ that i,re p_i,rt VM DOT VISION ZERO CONCRETE IWPROVEMENTS 5,000,000 or the Vision Zero Pmoram 5,000,000 Funds are p,ravided k>r Visicn Zero Ccnidor projects.alClng Var DOT VtSION ZERO CORRIDORS 8,3411,487 the High lnjlXY Network (HIN), • 4,500,000 1,5ee,1n VISION ZERO EXPRESS l ANE CYCLE 2 t•10 The improW1ments Ir.elude a new traffic ~~Ml, pedestri:;m Vac oor CORRIDOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL a,ooo seramble phase, and left-turn phasing n ne,ooo IMPROVEMENTS VtSION ZERO FORCE -ACCOUNT ACCESS Fl.lnding is prc>llided for design onl)I' of ADA eomplient VM BOE e40,ooo e RAMPS !~ INTERSECTIONS) .1cce.s.s.r.trnDs for DOT elgnal pn)ects. VISION ZERO MEOIAN LSLANOS ROUND 2- 20 This project'Mh c,onslroct 20 Per1e•trian and Bu, Slc>p, V,r BOE PEDESTRIAN AND BUS STOP REFUGE Refuge Islands along the HIN, Ma pan of Vision Zero 1,<100,000 1,'600,000 ISLANDS millgationeflorts. Funding js prD\llded for traffic signa\s conslruclion ttial art Var DOT VISION ZERO 'TRAFFIC StGNALS e,000,000 pan. of the Vision Zero Program. ' 750,000 15,000,000 tl,614,060 lhis saktty related p,roject replaces app(olGmatety 82 linear 4 BOE VtSTA CREST DRIVE (3Cloe) reel ()fan uro-etlforced concrete retaining wan wtth a new 663,000 85,000 578:.000 Concrete bulkhe.i

Thlt project Includes pedestrian/bike-friendly im proYemenls WALK PICO! A CATALYST FOR COMMUNITY on Pic;o Blvd.J'Terinessee Aw . to strengthen community BSS 2,023,730 2,023,730 • VITALITY & CO NNECTIVITY vitalityar,d conoectivityl(I bl.I$ , top, and the E~oJSepul-..eda & Westwood ra~ 310~:J..

WASHINGTON BLVD. TRANSIT Slreetsc.ape improverrient.s.-on Blvd. between 9,14 BSS 2,04Q,OOO ENt-tANCEMENTS Figueroa lo San Pedro. 2,Q4tl,OOO

WASHINGTON BLVD. TRANSIT Slreetscape improvement!I {m WashilYJlon Blvd. between Q,14 BSS 2,2Q4,820 2,2(14,820 ENHANCEMENTS PHASE 2 Hoop,er Ave. and Abimeda SL .:;indon Long Beach St

Street$c.ipe enhancement, on 103rd St trom Central Ave 15 BSS WATTS CENTRAL AVE. 4,000,000 4,000.000 to Graham A' d Central from 103/'d St. lo Imperial Hwy.

Enhance 103rd St 'Mth street trees, street furniture, WATTS STR.EETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS 15 BSS pedestrian lghting, cross1Wlk trealments, access ramps, 8e5,422 PHASE 2 865,422 i,nd wayfinding signage.

New pedestrian bus lights, pl;mting of treies, inslallatioo at WEST THJR.DSTREET PEDESTRIAN lree :s, bike racks, benches, trash ean~. and «o sswalk ,,. Dar 1,473,044 1,473,044 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT improvements along W,e,i 3«t St. and cro~ ~treel:l between La Cienega Blvd. and F&irfax Ave

This project will install pedestrian and transit .imeniti,e,sto WESTERN AVE. BUS STOP AND 8,10 DOT enhance the p,edastrian en>Aronment along Western Ave PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 1.472,500 1.472,500 between Eiix>sltion BIW, and the 1-10 Freewa)I'.

WESTERN AVE. BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS - The project inch.Ides bus stop EmprowimentA along Western 10 8$$ es4,0'Q4 6&4,0Q4 10 FWY TOWILSHIRE8LVO. Ave,

The project Wil insta streel:3cape and tran~ WESTERN AVE. EXPO LINE STATION ll fon BSS eManr;ements 8iong Western All'e. between M;r.rtin Luther 3,352,370 181,000 753,000 2,0QG,370 • LINKAGE PROJECT 31Q,000 31Q,0OO Ktn,g Bfvd. Lo Exposition 8tvct. This project wi!I improve bus slops in 1hc Westlake WESTLAKE W.CARTHUR PARK PEDESTRIAN MacArlhllf Park .:;ifCa b)I' improving shelters and benches for 1 DOT 1,674,000 1,674,000 IMPROVEMENTS b"ar,$il G-nd adding addJUonal slleetsespe and llghUng to enhance safety.

WESTMINSTER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL· PedeS\rien ~f et)I' Im provements Mi be instaneid in ~e 11 BSS 622,000 FEDERAL SRTS vicinily of the school. 622,000 WILBUR AND PROTOLA ELEMENTARY The project include,s lhe lnstallatlon of pedewlan safet-t BSS 435,000 435,000 ' SCHOOLS - F"EOERAL SRTS improvemerits In the viclnily of the school. This projec:1wtl l reeonslruot vario~ .sect.ioM of lhe curb a rod lhe four middle h11)e.5of Wilshire Bl'ld. fromWcslcm Ave-, to San Vicente Blvd. oonvt'rt wr ious Cl.lrb lane& to peak-M i.r 4 ,!S, WILSHIRE BUS RAPID TRANSIT A"ID MIDDLE BOE dedicated bus 001'1la nes, vAden north and soulh side of 10,1 1 LANES the 31,6B1,855 '31.661,855 Wilshire Bt\d. from Barry Ave. tc Barri!lQton All'e., and add an eastbound lraffic lane from Federal Ave. tc Barrington Me,

Page 16 of 17 Attachment D

APPROPRlATIONS ESTIMATED FUNDING REQUIREO lOlAL PRIOR YEAR1 VEAR2 YEARJ Yl;AR4 VEA~5 TOTAL CD LD PHYSICAL PL.ANT PROJECTS t- D1:::w;ription PtoJ ct PROJECT FIJNDING 201s-1e cos~ 2010--20 2020-21 2021-12 2022:-23 FUNDING G>\P (Yrs 3-5) GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF MICLA SF GF liUCL.A SF GF MICLA SF GF MlClA ., G F MICLA SF This p,roject will lenglhen two median islands on W oodlel/ WOODLEY ST, ATRAYMERI..Ve..A T-GRAM Ave. near Raymer St. on each side of the at.grade railroail BOE 437,402 437,402 • RAILROAD CROSSING A new llatflc signal :SY3lemwi~ be installed along wltrl newslriping and :street li9htng.

The project rleludes .street Improvements on im unimproved BOE ZELZAH AVE. STREET 1MPROVEMENTS 187,500 1.500,000 " section d Zelz.ah Ave. , approldmatet111eso fNt in lenglh ' SUBTOTAL- STREET PROGRAM (INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS) 1,282,353,051 116,320 0 591,484,814 8,121.31, • 1'4,11 8,322 5,.4e1,175 15,000,0DO 91,821,777 6,519,314 0 19.119,IXI0 773,314 0 0 773,314 0 a 8,055,!il42 • 19,119,000 TOTAL -ALL STREET PROJECT .$1 212,353 051 $72!11148 632 168 l2 070 1§2 12 $306 1H 34 $15 000 000 f283 6!15869 $8a,317 209 $158,002,3-4!11 3 571209 ~ ~ 12 $6 12 S,38833349 S83s 11 209 12 $131 883 3-4!1 ~ 12 S:4:,:; 769 047 ~. STREET LIGHTING~ ANNUAL PROGRAMS

Furidlng Is approved anriualt)I tor blkeway lighting vo, BSL BIKEWAY GENERAL BENEFIT MAINTENANCE; ....maintenanoe,. ~ de$ replacemerH ,:;,fco pper v,ire due to • 100,GOO 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 4 50,000 BRIDGE AND TUNNEL LIGHTING Fl.riding is approved annually 1or the ongoing maintenance v., BSL $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 $ 100,000 100,000 W.INTENANCE and

ThlS proje-cUnslalb new &Vliet lighting poles and/or upgraideS-lil:.QStillg ll.lminaires ti t 75 pedestrian crosswalks in ST~EEi LIGHTING AT EXISTING PEDESTRIAN Va, BSL coordination 'Mth the Oe-partmenl of Tr~msport!llion to 493,000 500 00 CROSSWALKS ,0 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 1.-500,000 provide the necessary lighting ievel:s for th(!, saklty of • pedestrians at these localjons..

5U8TOT AL • STREET LIGHTING (ANNUAL PROGRAMS) 0 20Cl,OOO 493,000 200,000 500,000 250,00CI 600,000 250,000 500,000 250,000 600.000 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,500,000 !'ti.Slft!:Ei UGKTING~ IN>rvDUALPROJECTS

2ND STREET TUNNEL - HU TO FIGUEROA The pr,cjecl i1dudes the repla.oement of tunnel lights, 14 BSL 1,307,000 STM'STP Including conduit, wires, poles, luminaires, and ~ mps. 100.000 1,207,000

1hr pr,cjecl will replaoe existing high -..olta.gese ries street MAIN ST. LIGHTING IMPROVEMENT UNtT 1 lighting $yslem Vlllth a. low "1itlage syslem (insta~ new poles, BSL 1,500,000 1.340,000 160,000 • CIP/STIP founcla~ons, ~onduit, wires, an,:Jene rgy effickmt LED lighting) The pr-ojecl will re-place eldsllr,g high 'IIOll..egeserie s street MAIN ST. LICHTIN G IMPROVEMENT UNff 2 ltghtin,g system Vlllth a. low "1iltage system (inst.a~new poles, BSl 2,000,000 • CIPISTIP foundations. conduit, v,ires, and energy efficN!nt LED l~hting).

Project VIIIII replaoc e)l;fali'.ng high systems wilh low 'IIOll.ilge systems using lED lighting, therot>yredu cing energi R:IVERSLDE DRIVE UGHTING IMPROVEMENT 4 BSL usage, main and ~r-ovtdlng bettet lighting 515 lJNIT 2 CIP/SYP te~. of st~ets 1,1 ,000 QM ,000 250,000 and i1.terseclicn.s lO increase safety and enhilnoe vet-.cutar trafflcfiow. Part of the-Security Ughting at Bus Stops Program. This projec;l instalb modem pedestrian ~htlng systems al .select Va, BSL SECURITY LIGHTING UNIT 20 4Q5,000 4Q5,000 bus stop locations to meet lighting standarcls ror pedestrian lr~ IC.

The project enhan l hUng at e JOO M els and TUNNEL AND UNDERPASS LIGHTIN G ces ig lh lu Va, BSL undotrpa,se., thl"

SUBTOTAL- STREET 1.IGHTING (INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS) 10,471,000 3 ,223,(100 4,195,000 2,367,000

TOTA -ALL STREET LIGHTING PROJECT~ $ 10471 000 S 200 000 L____, 3 S 716000 ~ L____, $ 4095 000 ~ L____, $ 2 867 000 $ 250 000 L____, :S 500 000 I >Saooa L____, ~ S 250 000 L____, L___ffi.9!l! ~ L____: ~ --•t_vt. St,797,479,IOII $6-L,727,016 - t1,001,ao.351 $77,201,?M Sl43,737"71 sss,.a.,1ao 15,000,000 S3Jt,,MQ,IH $70,142,fOI $11,li,.(187.212 $13,121,201 l110.182,2MO ...... ,..... 1176.of0,34$ $203:,711,127 ..,,_,...

• Funding for permi fee ls currently pending

Page 17 of 17 Attachment E

Five-Year Budget for Approved Capital Projects INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ESTIMATE OF FUTURE COSTS AS OF JULY 1, 2018 in DOLLARS)


TOTAL W'EAR 1 YU.1\ 3 YEAR 4 l't ..RI TOTI\L PROJECT _., 2011-11' 20!1-U ,.., FUNDING GAP IYr• 3-5)

OF ., .,.ci.,- """' ., "' ltlCL•. Tho Hvrniln Reio-,u~ .i<1d Payroll Roplarxlmonl P1Qj.,,;:\ " ITA I-IRP PROJECT (HUMAN RESOURCE AND PAYROLL t~ : :.~ ~'.'::::s:i~~at~~,t;:,20,200,000 ...... :: - $ - s - $ - 9,000,000 $ - $ 6.000,000 - - $ 4,600,000 $ - $ - $ - $ .. $1 1,200,000 $ SYSTEM REPLACEMENT PROJECT!· conlig,\lre-d to meet~ City'• oore HRP' 1'$11Uiremenlto wiltl • • • • • • • • - • lfli!'l'"mel cusbmiE!l•·or,• . Digi~zation of lhe City', oommodtt:i&s. construction, and pe,ton~I e-ervioesoootrll cts, Ttlft. M aniticlpatOOto ITA CITYWIDE PROCUREMEN T SYSTEM 2 1,728,032 20,728.032 1,000,000 , iteamline ttlfl oon~ tint;J proo,JH in oroor to mlplify lfl'QJkttwt bu, irM.1•~· rRUfl ro !o QQl'llH,cl v.;t:h tt,-, C:ity.

Upgrede oompenenla U,al 1,e.,. reac;hed end-or-lifs el ITA. l APO & L.AFD RADIO IHFRI\STRIJCTURE REPol\lRS 10,000,000 2,136,000 2,500.000 2,200,000 variol.J ~ rJodi,:;, lDwarl and ;are a l ri• k r,f f,iilun, 1,900,000 1,264,000 5,3(!4,000

Cootinuoll lhe imt:allalioo of Voie

Automa t9d t-ye!Gm deslgr,ed to &rlhanoe c)belteeu lt)I' by ff A PUBUC & INTERNAL IDM {IDENTITY MANAGEMENT) Cr\latng fi 8lrlcllvo llill'Oh of acc..n to ~n.;l1~1.i,ls who 2,825.000 300,000 600,000 280,000 250,000 465,000 4e5,000 465,000 1,3Q5,000 I YQl.lll'" lnf

Mo,;lefnivff. bil -pay • r••eorn, by trt. Oeol"l'r-irrutnl of - BSS BU.II.OLA ~ 2,855,000 l;luilding a nd S id"tv- 730,000 730,000 685,000 255,000 255,000 1,195,000

Prol'ii;lo a law onfo~enl rs!Q,fd!I rnimiigomonot srsl ~ - L.APD RECORDS MN\111.GEM ENT S~TE M 21,091,481 5,Q00,000 5,300,000 2,285,919 1,300,000 2,101,866 loc ltlo LAP() to ropla0& :25 exi&lif'IQs y~em•. 2.101.e5s 2,101,1356 6,305,568

P,o ..da funding fo, "'"1U.a,r dala plim• , 1'id11=- r• a nd LAPD BOOY•WORN 1/IOEO CAMfRA SYS1EM 73,166,230 1,235,822 10,977,473 1, 376,468 10,8a4,219 4 ,5&7.673 7,605,18 9 5,185,913 6,987,149 5,185,Q13 ti,987, 14G s,1e&,g1s 6,987,149 pl,om, lw,cfw.,,11, at'ld ordimr alor.a,g,r,of ~.-deu -d: ~. 15,557,7.39 20,861,447 Provide annual foml in9 to m.!lirtb in INI 9-1-1 ~ 111dia &witch r,yatiam lo enaure unin16rruf)led radio 9,204,160 1.478,000 1,476,000 1,562,040 commu nicaliom, bet.wen 911 dlapatchn1 a nd Polio& 1,5e:2,040 1,s e 2,040 1,562,040 4,6SB,120 Off~11 ir, the fia,ld

C<1nlr...,L....,.w:,r,. pmwded try Silma ..Cedet !o deW1\op, - LAPD CONSEl'H l')E.CREE:E:S YSTE.MS SUPPORT a,r,han09 and 1<..1ppattthe TEAMS II • ~,.11,m and o1her 8,400,000 1,400,000 1,4

RanewM mairlle,n:inoe for aoftwaro lio8nMa ;,,~ auppo,t 8,732,124 1,455,354 1,455,354 1,455,354 fie well fte hftrdvl'iare rrte"1 and meifl'leNlnoe. 1,455,354 1,455,354 1,455,354 4,366,062

lnsliln Aulom.11ic[),:,poOO erit Surwlllilnc& • Br-0adc.1st ltt.P°r: HELICOPTER TRANSPONDER (AWll1ic,) (ADS-I!) GPS tochnologyoo all LAPD 11.00 LAFD 2,3(t8,,342 1,000,000 1,398,342 Jioltooptors t,y Jftooary 2020.

FiflencH 11,500 polioe-hand~ ,adioe, 4,500 police woot. raclioe, 3 ,~ fire hlllr>dMld mt io9, .al'ld relaled - ~~IPOL ICE. AHO 'FIRE RADtOS 60,814,286 'Qjr>g 12,900,000 12,900,000 38,700,000 nelwort;. "N".,,d,.. for di*?" h;ti 01:1nle" :u1d llilatiDO•.

f>tannlr,e, deaign, oHWloprnent, and irnplementation ri 1 - LAFD LAFO FIRE STATION ALERTING ,eplec e meflt for lhe Fir a SlaliOfl AJ&mng S~r./am (FSAS ) 4,000, 000 4,000,000 with a flew, comme, icerly-eupponed • )'lllem. Replace • OOflvantiona,J analog s~ tem b1iltin 19891'rith - LAFO LAFOD ISl'"'ATCH CENTER CONSOLE REPLACH.1ENT "' lreslwd oompor., t& installed belwMr, 2002-2007 lh.rt 7,000, 000 3,500,000 3,500,000 7,000,000 IY1'UrMl:Md4M'!d-of"4ilu Firu,nce • 11,500 polir:e handie ld rar:Ho1, 4,500 fdi c,e _ LAFD FIAE AUTOMATIC VEKft;LE LOCATOR [AVL) ""1id• radio&, 3 ,'500 lira ha ndt...ld r•d ic• , and re l• iliod 5,536,91ti 5,536,916 SYSTEM 11,quOpmenl n-;..d to DJMlrB\e the rEodics, ird.r ding 1'le Mobile OalaNe~ k (MDN) Srstem.

GfWCITOTAL • MJlRIW10N IECtflOlOGYfROeECTI ~ .mdZl wu,12,,... ~ L---= l1l.m.m tu= ~ -= L---= W-WJIII lWIZUS 1----= ~?,.17.11.Uil L---= ~ ~ L---= 11.'l.lil.m - L---= HUH.Ml.

l'llge l Ol1