New West Indian Guide 91 (2017) 223–259 nwig Jakarta and Paramaribo Calling Return Migration Challenges for the Surinamese Javanese Diaspora?* Peter Meel Institute for History, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
[email protected] Abstract The Surinamese Javanese diaspora includes distinct Surinamese Javanese communi- ties living in Suriname and the Netherlands. Inspired by the success of diaspora policies launched by the Indian government recently the Indonesian and Surinamese govern- ments have started to consider the introduction of similar initiatives. As a result the Surinamese Javanese diaspora has been confronted with requests to contribute more substantially to their homeland and contemplate “going back home.”This article argues that the Indonesian and Surinamese governments have no reason to set their expec- tations too high. Jakarta and Paramaribo are reluctant to take necessary legal action which negatively impacts the effectivity of their diaspora policy. Overall Surinamese Javanese in Suriname are unwilling to settle in Indonesia, whereas Surinamese Javanese in the Netherlands contemplating return to Suriname carefully weigh their chances. For most of them, family, friendship and community ties and concomitant socio- cultural, spiritual and religious motives override economic motives as pull factors. Keywords Surinamese Javanese – diaspora – return migration – Indonesia – Suriname Homeland connections have been a feature of the Surinamese Javanese pop- ulation group ever since the first Javanese indentured laborers left Indone- * A first draft of this article was presented at the conference Legacy of Slavery and Indentured Labour: Past, Present and Future, Paramaribo, Suriname, June 6–10, 2013. I am indebted to Irial Glynn and two anonymous reviewers for their stimulating comments on later versions of this text.