Mayflyer Donegal Trout Unlimited February 2011 Vol. 41 # 1 which will be a swap meet at the Farm & Home FEBRUARY Center, will require some additional planning to What’s gather equipment and organize the evening. MEETING Planning for the annual banquet/fund raiser, FEBRUARY 16 Emerging scheduled for Saturday April 2, has begun in earnest. Dan Brandt, Banquet Coordinator, has made contact JEFFREY DEITRICH PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE assignments for the committee members to solicit funds and items from the community. Well over 400 STATE ibernation time! Not for DTU! Just as many contacts will be made in order to acquire the needed of us are preparing for the coming fishing OF THE donations and items for the raffles and auction Hseason by tying flies and checking gear the BROOK TROUT DTU Board is preparing for a new year of stream work and education. Continued, page 2 FARM & HOME The Trout in the Classroom program is alive and CENTER well in five Lancaster County classrooms. Brad Mc- Corner ARCADIA ROAD Clain �Warwick�, Josh Shortuse �Ephrata�, Jim Hovan Buttons are now available for fishing 7:00 PM �CV� and Eric Mast � Manheim Central� have reported Millport Conservancy in 2011. Purchase that their eggs have hatched and the fingerlings are them at a meeting for $20 or contact me doing well. In the spring the surviving fingerlings will for mailing instructions. Current mem- be released into Lititz Run, Moore’s Run or Hammer bers of Donegal TU or Millport Conser- ONTENTS Creek. To quote Jim Hovan, “This program is worth vancy only. Contact Faye Haering at C its weight in gold.”
[email protected] or 285-2572.