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I JPocket Almanack \ k For the Year of our LORD 1

t Being the Second Sih^r Leap Year, f A i AND T I T Eighteenth of /American Independencs, f bigan 7k.> 4th, 1776. Y Which | Ufe of i Calculated chiefly for the ^ T The C0MM0NWEAI.T« of i

^j MASSACHUSETTS, f BOSTON, the Metropolis, * j i BEING k In Latitude deg. 25 rein. North. f 42 |

Longitude £ deg. min. Weft from f 7 4 f T the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, i

T To which is annexed, f

f THE k

hI Majfachiifetts Regifter. |


I BOSTON: I Jj Printed and T.«t I Sold by J, FLEET, I | O^ f at the BfiU aad Heart in Cornhiil. * ?

--<»«-«..«<>» ••4»-.<>.-"4»" •<>«-<>..«<>--— J|5 ^2— w<>--<>«-4»-«J» .^»2 '^ ^ X Dijiria of Maffachufetts. To nuit, f ^L. ^-Jj^E IT REMEMBERED, That on tbe tiji >-w/ ^''y o/Oftober in tbe \%tb year of tbe Inde. j^ pendtKce of tbe United States of America, Thcmas and John Fleet, 2/* the faid DifmB, ba-ve depofited in this office tbe Tit.'es of two Boots, of or.e tbe rigbf'wiereoftbe^ ^i Claim 4s /iut'Bprt in the luordifollowing, " tp ivit. A Foc^ et ^ jAlmanack for the Year of out Lord, 1794., to which i»an- ntxt^XhtMaJfcchufet(iKt%\T\tr^ by TiematScJobn Fleet." Of the other f tbe Right •whereoftbey cUim ai Proprietors, in tbe Jfords following, to ivit, *' An Aftronomical Diary, or Alm»r>acU for tha Year of Chriftian y^ra 1794, calcu^ lated for the Meridian of Bo/ion in America, lat. 42'deg, »5 mm. north. By Nathaniel Low J" In confo rmity to the AR cftbe Congrefs of tbe United States, intitled, " AnAS. for tbe Encouragement of Learning, by fecu ring tbe Copies Mi of Maps, Charts and Booki to tbe Autbort and Proprietor$ offucb Cipies during tie Times therein mentioned,"

N. GOODALE, Clerk of-the Diftrja tfMafacbufettsX

AtrueCcpy, Atteft, N.^Goodalb. '

Tbe Patentees have flriftly complied with the Rule* prefcrib'ii by the A(S of Congrefs for the fecuriog pf Copyi Right, fo that if any Perfon, fliall pfcfume to ** print, '* ie>printy publift or import, or caafe to be printed, ** pubii/hed or impottedj ot txpof: to fale my Copies of .* fuch Book or Books, without the coofent of the Author * oc Proprietors," he will do it et the Peril of incurring I he Peoaltiei T>f the Law la that cafe made and provided.

) Yearly Meetings of ihg Q^sk&xz,

AT Hampton, on the 7th day before the 4th ift day of l< the ift month. At Salem, the »ft Stb^ay'of the 6tlx month, At Falmouth, on the 7th day before the 4th ift day in the gfh moiith. At Dover, the 7tb day before the 4th ift day in tbe loth mootb'^ At Falm9u!b{^»Ti\^%\i\t

County) the id 6th d^y in the 1 zth month, Ar Sandwich, the 6th day before thelaft ift day in the 3d month. An Nantucket,iht 3d day after the4rth 6th day in 6th morith'i And at Long Plain, tbe 7th day btfore the 2d 6th day ioi c loth month Un the WE/Tl FTcmr ^rom the Re*. Dr. Trofler'j London Aimanaclc, fof^ '793*

I . Thick dark/ky, Idjting for fortie time Ttiibout either jf fun or rain, always becomei firH fair, then foul y hat is, change* to a fair, clear fky, bsfore ittuxni to rain. 2. A change in the warmth of the weather is generally

'iUotoed by a cbinge in the tui^d : thu«, the northerly ad foutherly winds, tommbnly efteemed the caufe of cold^

.id warm weather, are in reality the eJeBt of the cold •">/>• ' If warmth of the atmofpbere. 3 ;7' .^

3. M:ft vegtfab.'et expand their floivers and doiortf iffk*^^,

' 'iir/hining weather^ and toivards the evenings & aga.nft ' ain. clofetbem aiain, efpecitUy at the beginning of thsitj^^ fiotoeringi •when their feedt are tender and fenfiHe ; this i* rifibie'.in the down of'dandelion. and the tloweri of pini- pernsl. If the'fiowerj be clofc fhiit up, it foreteUs. raia' ftailc and foul weather 5. if fprea^ open, fair weather. Th* of trefoilfwiills againft raio and grow? niote upright,

I 4. A'l ivood, even the hardeft and moft folii, fwelh im fAmft weather, and foretells rain. |, 5. Stones- and vMiinfiott, when they fwfeat, pcrtend- rainy weather, j 6. Clofe weather ivith foutherly wind prefaget rain, j 7. A red fky at fun-fit indicates ivind. j 8 H^ben tbei6tnd fuddenly fhifts and blows In a diffcentl Ireurfe to the funs apparent motion in the heavens, ivhicb is\ Ifrom eafi to itiefty it foreteUs •wet anttblowing tveathe'.

I 9. A circle 1 ound the- moon, at fame dijiciice, is generally followed with Wa'n the next day, 10. Shetp will feed eirly in the mdfnin^, end cattle, deer and- rabbits feed bard agaiift rain ; and a heifer will put up her nbfe and fnuff' in the air^ before wet. 11. Flame is more fufceptable of air than we are : thu», the trfmbiipg of the flame of a candle, foretells wird, ai does the bending flame of a fire, and their throwing more a/hej than ufual.

I «. The obfcuring of the fmaller ftars,in iicates a tempeft. 13. Sea-wted hung up in a dry place, will give, cr grow damp before rain. The Reverend Almanack njaker, howeT.eri foformi hij ' Teaders, that there is more knowledge to be derived fronr. a gord weather glafs or barometer, iiey bein^ more to bci 'depended upon, and therefore rfcpmrnrntli' to Farmers, and other perfcns (that can afford to lay out two or three g-jiaeaQto provide themfeivcs with one. the [ £GLIPSES for Tear 1794. Eclipfes this Year 'pHERE will \itfix j four of the Sun and trvo of the Moon, in the following Order, viz. 1. The firft will be a fmall Eclipfe of the Sun oa Friday

the 31ft of January, at 1% minutes after 6 o'cicck ii the morning, invifible to us. |I. The fecoftd will be of the Afo#B, on Friday the 14th

day of February, in the £7eaing, total and partly rifibile. Beginning of the EcUpfe, Beginning of total darknefs. Moon rifee, Apparcnj Middle, Time, End of total darknefs. £rening. End pf the Edipfei Duration of the Eclipfe • Digit! ectipfed 11 deg. ttmin. The Maonvi almoft io the centre of the Eartb^s iliadow, and will rife ix jninutes before the middie of the EciipCe. III. The third will bsof thtSun ooSaturdtf the rft day of March, at iz minutes after 5 o'clock in the afternoon, iovifjbie. It happens in the nth deg. of the Fi/hes. iV. The fourth wiit be of thc<^0n on Saturday the tSrh day of July, at 20 mio. after 5 o'clock in the afternoon invifible* It bappeoain the 4tb deg. of the Lion. V, The fifth will bs a total aad vifi We Eclipfe of the Moon on Monday the nth day of Auguftin the Mora/ng,vjz. Beginning of the Eclipfe, - o 54 Beginning of total darkne^, I Mi.idle of the Eclipfe, End of total darknefs, Efjd of the Eclipfe, Duration of total darknefs, Eclipfe, - Duration of the _ ._ Digits eciipfci 20ii«g 3 3 minutes from the South Side ot the Edrth\ Hiaflow. VI. The fi«th Will be cf the San on Mbnday the a 5th ef Arsguft, at about 7 o'clock in the rtornifig, im-fible. k wijl happen in the td deg. of the ceJeftJal P'trgin,

Cycles, «>r Vulgar Notes /or th Year 1794. JANUARY i794> beo^<^ s onJWc^^jg^: New Moon iH day 7 in the afternoon. Fifft quarter 8th day 11 min. afternoon. Full Moon 15th day 1 1 in the afternoon Laft quarter 24th day 4 in the morning. New Moon 3 lil day 6 in the morning. Rtmarkabie Dava, ^C' r.es. r.^j.i F.Sea; feta II 4 Cr'ircumcifi. Ncw7c 7 26 5 1 14 6 S3 7 tfo/i fla fo/ 4 aiid perbgpta tbani). 7 »3 5 morn. 5 1 Coovci-ri.,!! St. Paul. 6 ko of 7 14: 5 5J 6 Js 7 Third Sund. ifteir Epipbeny. ft «f 9 7 ^'f^tnui rifei 5h. ^gm. 8 1 8 5»ii » flj» of eloeft i jm \it J3 5 3 Sfi K. £?^fe«7<4^rfe6?h 1749. 5 4 ^^ 5 K.Ciar'f^l. or£'iii|. beheaded '7 T ^ ii6 {zt lf^eltmlAfter, 1648- 9. ,'7 ^5 L lets'" * The Yeaf'i begiomng with cbe la of [anuary, was firft FEBRUARY 1794, begins on Saturday. /

Firft quarter 6th day lO in the afternoon.

Full Moon 14th day 5 in the aftcrtioon. Laft quarter iid day g in the afternoon.

F;Sea O Perigee. mtddHng tide* Purification Virgin Mary, OT (Candltmas Dajr. 3 fnow or rain, 4 SunCiow of clock 14m. 5»(. 5 Alliance with Franctf 1778.

6 I cold andivind). 7|Daj*i length 9h. 5Sm. «,. Fifth Sundjy after Epiphany, Jomeivhtit pleafant, Ptefi.iFaJbington boro 1731* frprmyvfeiKher. (O.S. 9 3». 18' then -goad jledding, TO yakntinii day, 4^ 6\^t\it%\ II 4 II more moderated 47 6 5 54' 48 ^ISeptuage/maSuniif, 46 6 6 1* 53 ^6 I ©Apogee. fmaM t?des, 44 6 7 S^ 10 2 S.j.C. BeffOH. Lutk-rdki 41 6 i -4-7 O (1546,^1.63. 40 6 9^46 45 comfc'tabfe ixnathery 39 ^Jo 45 3 *9 IX iutjfiotv JoonfolU'mi^ 38 6] II 44 4 or elfe rain, j7 6; morn 4 56 z.Sexafre/tma Sunday. 36 6 5 49 6 40 %\st. Mattbiat. J56' yBun {Tow of clock 13m. r6t, 34 6 7 33 or rainy 6 8 26 1 4 ] wore jnoiv 3« '9 likely very Jtormy, 30 f I 9 5 and I 10 Is 3t 6 (Day's length loh. 5600. 29 6'

nations fajr, ** Hail the aufpicious day ! Now let til Saeied the dawn» When the vaftconcaTe rung, At through high heat'n 'twas iung. By each immoTfal tongue, ^ Washington it boio. MARCH 1794., begins on Saturday.

New Moon ift day 5 in the afternoon. Firft quarter 8th day 10 ia the morning. Full Moon i6th day 12 min. afternoon. Laft quarter 42th day 10 in the morning.

New Moon 31ft day 3 in the morning.

wf .Remarkable Dayi, i^c. 8. IF. Sea,

7 St. Z)<2X/|(i. E S^ini^uagefi, or S^^'CffSund. O Per gee. high tides. Sbre've Tuefday, 4" j/ijh Wednefday. Maflacre at (Bofton by frefton, I770;. rar/J or fnow. Sun How of clocic t im. sf. Firft Sunday in Le»f.

'ojz Town Officers cho{c in Boffcft "3 C.C.P. TauKton. izU f'eafant lueaibtrfor '3 fiveral

14 6 I foltotued by rain.

'5 7 I 9 Apogee, fmail tjdes. 16 E Second Sunday ia Lent. I 17- I, \^t.,Fatrick, Boftou eva.1776, r8 'C.C.P. Concord. •J »9 4|Stadth. HoUofid boTO 174S. zc 5 Day aad Night near equal. »i ' fleafant fortAitch^ iz Printing by Caxton, 1471. '3 Third Sunday in Lent, ptrbafts atbaiv. »s C,Cy,iV9rcefter, Nantucket, x6 (Annunciation Wit, Mary, »7 5 L9«/'iu^ar/^«ci devantDaupb 28 (France, born J 5. 78 S 53i 8 ia *9 Perigee, high # tides. 29 .9 M 30 Fourth Sunday in Lent, S 6 10 4o S«n How of cluck 3»f 5m. gf. Dfctsii.i 34

In March 1737, upwards of ^.3100 O.T. wsa fubfcribe**, by a number of Gentlemen towards building a brictj WorkHoufe in Bffton, and which was foon after erefte^l at the place where it now flandt, near the Common. 4 1

^PR'^L 1 ' 794, bggins on Tuefday.

:Firft quArter 7th day i in the morning.

Full Moon 15th day 5 'n the morning. Lait quarter 2 ad day 8 ia the afternoon.

New Moon 29th day i c in the morning.

Remarkable Days, &"<:, r^ s. r.0?. F.»C4. j O I C.C F.ipfivrch,Sc l<.arn^table'.\s 45 : 7 441 12 A7 -a 4 •windy, t'oiuSTy 'weatber, $ 41 7 8 591 1 ao tf5 abcut this time. 5 A't 7 10 10 a 13 St. Ambrofe.

Suff How of clock Oiii. 44f. 5 moro. / 39 7 3 59 Fifth Suadajr in Le»f. 5 »-8 7 o II 4 46 6 ArtiKery Training Bo/ton. 5 17 7 y 5 36 '8 S. J.C. Coflfor^. C.C. P. Z*/);;?!? 5 35 7 T 5* 6 24; p/eafant weather $ 33 7 2 34 7 9 ,10 for a number of days. 5 3* 7 3 xo 53 7*'s fet 9h, 4STn. S .30 7 3 42 8 30 9 Apogee* ffiiddiiog tides. 5 a8 7 4 12 9 '9 E 6tb in Lent. Falm Sunday. 5 27 7 4 40 10 3 H Sun and clock near tO|;tther. 5 26 7 S zo 46 ,ISJ3|C.C.P. Bofton, York, Lenox, 5 »S 7 ([ rifej 1 29 16 CEdgartown, Fenohfcot, \ S 24 7i 7 45 i» 16 r»7 Pay's length i3h. i6m, \5 13 7 8 46 -3| Good Friday. S a^ 7 ? 43 » 49 Bittle ^ exington, 1775. 5 »' 7 10 40 2 ^6 Eastkr Sunday.* 15 '9 7 tx 36 3 a4 expeei thundtf fho'weri, 5 »7 7 morn. 4 13 Worcester, 16 ft6 ° S.J.C. 5 7 5 *3 St. George, 5 »J 7 » »3 5 54 a4 CQoliuet tveatber, 5 >4 7 1 S6 6 49 St. Mark evang. 0. Crom 5^7 a 33 7 43 (tvellhorn 1599. 5 la 7, 3 i

* Eafter is a FeAival in memory of our Saviof*e refurrec

tionj the obfervatlou of which is as ancient as the time of the Apoftles, and tho' fome Chrifti^n .Ghurcbes dif- fered in the time of celebrating itj they ateresd io fhew- ing particular tefpefl and honor to the feftital. ' 1

M A Y 1794, begins on Thurfday^ ^j

Firfl quarter 6th day 5 in the afternoon. Full Moon 14th day 8 in the afternoon. Lail quarter 2 2d day 3 in the morning. New Moon 28th day 8 in the afternoon. w| Remark3bIeD33rs,^f. jf.G'- r.©6.'F.Sea.

5 jSt, PbtVp and S:. James, I5 5 7 8 59 6 parr. America. 10 I (TaTuman-/, ,5 37 3 47 7 (^^ufc'i f;t5 7^. 58m I! o 38 « j:j«cand Suryoay. after £fl;^f. S » 7 II 50 a7 Arri'fC'v Training Eolion, S 07 mcrn. 16 St.ya^wevap. ante pert, lat. 4 59 S 37 5 7I4 Gea. Eteft. /^i'ot/^ ^^W. 4 588 1 16 Gen, E]s£V. Ccnne^iicut, 568 35' 6 (^Apogee. (f*/> 4 4« 7 40 1 16 plea/ant ivcather. 447 S) 8 37 12 17b Day's l«rgta J4h, jcm. 4 46 Sj 9 33 T a? Fourth Sunday- aftc;£i?j?fr. 4 45 SjJo 27 a ,6: ReTriarJ:abIedarkDa\.i78o. 444 8jT*i 15 3 5 5. ].Q,Flym«. C. C.P'. A'er/i», 4 43 8'»» 59 3 53 2^!4 warjiif and no [cTr.ptcn, 4 4* Slrrorn. 4 43 ler^j 'wet tveacber 4 41 8 o 38 5 33

tbh 1*,$^}. . '4 40 8 2 n 6 i9 PerJ^f?. ^ I4 J9 g I is 7 »3 KogttftQti Sunday, 4- 3? 8! S 16 High tides. 4 s8 s; * 53 9 c\C.P. Portlattd, '4 37 2| J 261 rp 6 G«!ii5f al Eietti«^D Ballon. 4 S6 8| Dfe o j/^rf;,j{j„,«or HolyTburjday, 9)5 4 Sr 8 7 43 I ] 49 30.<6.' probably rain ,'4 35 8 % 46 J 2, 36 ji77 li'aH faft of rlock, am. 53^1434 8 9 40 1 *5 ^-. ______* P AfceKfitn Day isa feftival cbferired by fome chriftian

Ch«r?hfe&, atid is heW ren izys btfotc fVtitfun'ide, inj (htn-.cty .:f Our Sav'.pr's afcscS^n into heaven after hidj

rirurfefl'.-ri. |i JUNE 1794, begins on Sunday.

Firft quarter 5th day 10 in the morning. Full Moon 13th day 8 in the morning. Laft quarter 2cth day 7 in the morning. New Moon 27th day 6 in the morning. w| Rftnarlcible Dap.fefr. r.O ^flls.'F.Sea.i

I Sunday after Afcenfion 33 10 30 It 2 Artillery EleftJcn tofion, 3' 11 8 C.C.P, 59 3 Foz'jna!h''rou(th. 31 ii 49 46 Georit 1 1 1, K,Eng. b. t7j8 3« mcro. 31 (Gee. E)ea, fJeivEamp 3«> o 20 J9 Apoges. h % ('yZ^/Ve. 30 50 6 /^fn»5 fets 9h, 9m. 30 ' '5 50 8 29 1 43 3^ probably 8 9 Jome /hov;erx» 29 % 9 S 23 10 ex. P. Worctjier, 28 8 a 36 9 %t. 9 I i Bamahat, 27 8 3 7 9 53 T* perhaps thunder, »7 8 3 40 ^** 39 Vir. Aftfrj^ died A. D. 8 n- 40. »7 ^rifesfij ajl Sto« faft of 8 deck «4f, 27 * 19 II i6j Fr iNiTY 'S Sunday, a7 8 9 10 6i 16 Vl'aim weather, 8 26 9 55 59' S.J.C. Ipfwicb. Bat, ^a»- 26 8 to j6 iS (i^r^j Hill, 1775. 6p*> 11 11 43! 7* rife 19 8 2h. Um. 26 8 '» 43 35] 2C L^njteft Days at this time. 26 8 nnorn.j 25, IT P

Full Moon 1 2th day 6 in the afternoon. Laft quarter 19th day 12 at Noon. New Moon 26th d^y 5 in the afternoon. F.Sea. Remaikable Days,&fc. | r.0». jr.^i S.J.C.Po^^'a«^.CCP.£o/?o« 4 ig 8|io j6 Vifitation Vir. M<«rj>. 4 »8 8 19 45 3 »7 9 Apogee 4 aS gjii II 4 a ^merjVanIadependeocei776;4 19 8 [H 39 4 47 uH How of clock 3in. 33^ 4 «9 81 morn. 5 31 Third after trinity, 29 81 o 6 6 19 y^enut fsts 9h. 14111. 30 gl o 31 7 6 S.].C.Hano o 36 4 iSun flow of clock 5m. ^zf. 8 4 43 I 22 8 33 a4 5 Dog Days bffgin, > 4 44 t IC 9 a5 St. y^mes, gpcft, 4 45 8| 3 4 10 15 2 6'7 St.^fl«e, mother otV,Mary 4 46 8, ))fefs 11 4 Sixth after Trinity, 8 4 47 7 36 II 49 2g t fame rain, after v/bicb 48 4 8i 8^2 »» 34 *9 fultry hot zveatber. 3 4 49 81 8 43 T 18 3o Dty'e 4 length I4h. lam. 4 50 8 9 12 a a 3«|5 Apogee, fmall 9 tides. 4 51 81 9 3^ a 46 • The Supreme Judicial Court, to be boldeo for the Uunties of Lincoln, Hantock and Wajhington, is, fiacc "arcb 1793, to be held alternately at mjcajjet, and UalatoeU, beginiiing with the former. 1 3

AUGUST 1 794^ begins on Friday. Fir ft quarter 3d day S in the afternoon. Full Moon nth day 3 in the morning. L&il quitrter 17th day 5 in the afternoon. New Moon 25h day 8 ia the morning.

r.©8. r.9«. F.Sea. 4 5*« 10 6 30 ^MVenus fees gh. 4'3m. 4 S3 8 10 31 16 Scfcntb after trinity, 3U 4 54 8 TO 59 o 4-1 2 iVf'r.dy tveather. 4 55 8 1 30 49 Sun fltjw of clock, 509.16/. 4 (£ S'niorn. 37 Trentfigurathn. 4568 o 4 x7 Dog Star rifee |h. 1301. 4 5^8 o 46 16 S 6- ^erbap$ rain tbunder, & 598 » 35 9 thtB cool 'oitatber* 7 X 30 53 Bightb after trinity. 1 7 3 13 »o 43 ^ Pefigeje. htgji tide8» a? ^ rifes II 33 C.C.P. ^lymqutb. 37 7 40 »7 Mar.tfO,tht ^f ft favage bap. »3.4 4 7 S 16 a3 5 ( io N9 /imcriea, 1587, 57 8 53 19 i6 AJjumption Vir. Mary, 67 9 26 ij rife lob. 7*'t 9jn. 587110 J 9 B|Nio»h^fter Tr:»;Vy. Battle 7-*o 5 59 3 a I (at Bi^nington 1777. c 10 7. n a 53 3 IS.J.C. D^di;0ni. (.117 njorn. 49 2o;4 Cccnrprnc. Dfirtmo, Coil. f T» 7I O 11 >o Da)'8 i,«!jgtk 13b. 34m. I 14 5'3 7| 4 is 6 CMpeBrrain^ per b ^ apt <.'47 ' 53 3 xj 7 tbuajsr an4 baiU * 57 49 *4 helTeptb ^ftttlrivty. 177 9 c6 ,c 3^i 19 1 Dfets ,j 13 a^7 7 19 5 t2 7 7 <6 la 5''

-ol5»St. Augufiiee. 1. 5 *4 7 8 '3 . 33 *dj6lSt, ^oi)« '"f ' bapt. beheaded. r»S 7 R 40 * ^9 ^Oj7j 5'a*'aad cloc|c near tofetbeij c 47 9 7 3 :- jiiKjEieventh aftfr ^riniiy^ 9 33 3 4M

St. ^oi»*, eTacg/V'rofe.bi»>GofpeI at Efhejus after h" leitttn frcna Patma, at the dfefire o/ihe ChjiitteDsof y>/i* io order to rsfnote the errors cf »hc Ceristbhr.s, Ehio oiits^ and other lefts in opptEiico. f-^e'ditd .A.D. 99. SEPTEMBER 1794, be gins on M-.iudzy,

Fir ft quarter 2d day 1 1| in ihe morning. Full Moon 9th day 1 1 in the morning. Laft quarter i6th day 2 in the morning. in the morning. New Moon 24th day i zmln. M W RpmiTkable Dzye^SEfc.

11 ArtiUery fjraining Bofion, aJ3 jCCP. Ncrtbam^ton, 3 4 iC^mmeocemtnt Prcvidence. 4 Doz Dayi end, jijir.g clouds^ and 6 probably feme rain. 7 Twelfth after 'frinity. S fJattvitj Virgin Mc7ry, 9 C C. F. Concord, Taunton, ic ( Lenox tn6}Valdoborougb.\^ 4s 7 TI (Commsnc. N, Haven luth. J5 43 7 12 (© Perigee. m:dd5ingtidcs.,5 44 7 plea/ant ivholfomeiveaibs

S4. Thirteenth after "Trinity. Sun faft of clock 4m. ^jf. S,].C.lVorcefi. CC.F. Penci>. warm loet iviatber, hang plenty of rain, and fomeivbat ivir.Jy, Day and night near equal. 14th StfietTrinity.Sl.Matth. K. Gr. Brit, crowned 1761. S.J.C. Springfeld, @ Apogee* ("mail tides. K.. Pru^ia born 1 7 44. 1616 ^ewKi ("eta jh. 15m. 87 Day's length iih 4Sm. Fifteenth after Irinity, St. Michael.

JO 3 CC.P. Dedbam. %t. Jerome. rhe DudUian Lt&iitt is held at Cambridge the ift Wed.

nefi'.ay in September : The fulitcft this y-iir (ofcourfc)! is to bf en the " Validity of the Ordination of Minifte'i

_a8 the fame hath been pradifgd in NeAEj>gJand»

bei,';ins on dnefdayJ I O G rOBER i794-> We Flift qnAi-ier 2d day 2 ia the morning. I liFuil Moon 8th day 7| id the aiternooa.

i in the afiewiooa. I Lull quarter 15th day New Moon 22d day 6 in the afternoon. i 2jn_the_kfternoon. I Firft quarter s'lft^day " F. Ser. !MI»/! Rerr.trfcab!c D«rs, i^c.

^1 7**9 rif: 7^' isni. coolnn>rt:ingi and eve 'ing:. 3 Day's .'Cngth iih. 3301. 05> 5?a^ riffs ih, 5 i^iixtcsnth after Trinity. 6 (\r$i]'ety Training Bof.or.,

6 r.ot cold. 31 j i«f :j £ Seventeenth 'J:er Trinity. 13 I ^Fenus fets 7^. 24m. 53f. I4I5 Su^ f?a of clock 15m. begins 15:4 cs/d weather to come on aft ace.

'?arjf'J).'^« furrecdered \^^7^ j6 33^

19' Eighteenth affcr Trinity. '(CornzvaHis taken, 1781. I" S. I.C.TJKHftfn. CC.?. Port- 42 ly Apogc*. /'.<3«^i. 4 3 toiutnbui d a. Atnerica, i ^t 9 moierate -jjiatber.

Cri<'j}''rt, vatr, Shcemskers. Triniy. 36! t N)n«'e«ath after alianfiftofcjojc, JSm. 54^. o p.^i/Jaz-y.; ; !S. j.C.f;aw;^r.CC, iSt..!>iffion&i St. ;7«c3V 9 4 I rob. iBm. ; '',1c 'Oiv'" l-rx'th

the Court of Spasn^i . r>^^,., T'.i7 W3S receive* at

May -- aj^d .-^ed .^f V3li^d.v=d. SoVEiVIBER i794/^^'*s on ^-^^^^^^

in the mormng.^ Full Moon 7ih day 5

morQing- N-;iVlaoa 2.d day ii^m tac Fikl quarter 29d^d^^ni_l^^

l',7 I All Suinti. Trtmty. 2 Ujrwcniieth ^UCT 6 5^ 6j 1 s"S[ 7 cool. 5>] • 1 Jometbing U e i 4 ~ 47 4i^!c.C.H. Sarnfiable, 6 59 6! 3 54| 9 4^

effaced in yf;«er, 6 c l(of which i3 6|#l'"cn^«- ^'^^ ^^^"- 7 Ht nf clock 15^; 55»- ^ 8i7 5«n I aft o'e TwftQt7fi'ftafterTrz«iO'. |7 tk^(:int for the jeajoa. i7 io' z !

born, ? \i\A (cv. of Spain 1748. 24^' i3ic r^naJ fet8 ah. .,lg dry ani wndy. II TsU OH Parr died i635.i^.T5»,' 5 7 i» 5 ,6 ElTweatyfccondafietTr?«;f;. f^orm, ^3 5 .7 ,1 expta a cold 7 Great, 7 14 5 iS Ice P. Phmoutb. ' * »5 5 iJiI (Earchquake, I75S' 1? fmall tides. 7 »6 5 J!tUAi^g^«. T7 jneDiy-s length lob. 3001. 7 5 tu'^r, 7 »« 5 zaL cold and _ third after Trini/y. 7 '9 5 23' eiTveentv

RopemakcJS.7 *6^ii frW, patron '^if"' 9^' ^^^' 2^?! c Dor i'^'Z'- V V r^ gigl^j r,.n-l rrne-ither for thli 17 *

';; launched a? ?ortf-| I G.n7^ S^-P_^"o»,-.„ vpas # Ncv. 5. 17S*, » 74 ,,e King of| ci^^;^^^^^^^^^^^J ,, mouth. New Hampft.re, find,. | DECEiVISSR 1794, begins on Monday. Fu!l Moon 6th day 4 in the afternoon. quarter Laft 14th day 3 in the morning. New Moon zzd day 4 in the morning. Firft quattar 29th day 9 in the morning.

V7j Rcmarkiiie Daj?, C9V. r.Os.

ExpeSi fni'iv or rain, C.f.K 2 ? y/orce(ier. '>a;f's length gh. 6m. % Perigee. mltldl.tides. .6 8uii faft of elock 8m, ^if, 67 Venui fets 6b. 5am. yjE Second Sun-Jay in Advent, gjt Conception Y'u. M,irf, Q|j Bodon To.Houfe burnt, 1747 !oi4 pleajant nv^.a'herj

5 according to the jeajon^ 6 /sr ?^5 greatiji part

i 3 7 of thli month, 14 E Third Sunday in Advent. 15 a © Apogee, fmall tides. 16 3 342- c^.sfts of E. India comp. (Tea deft, at ^o//5» 17 J4 1773, (in iS 5 ordrr to obftruft the 19J& {Hrit-fo Aft for binding 2 0|7 [the CiltTsies in all cafes. aijE Fourth Sunday in ^ve»r. 2Z z Shortcft Da-c.

23' 3 ^£r,ui fcts 6h. 3m, 2^|4 5a« flow of clock f I f, zifS Chrsitmas Day* ' - ii am rmaiwii >_ KUADS fromBoSTON to the ^ ouch ward and Eaftwardjwith theNaines ofthc Innhcidets. I (*.; La i*iymouth and (111,> Road to Taunton Capt-Cod. acd Svoanxey, RoxSury, Kent 4 Roxbury^ Kent Mi/ton^ Vofe 2 Milt on, Vcft ditto Pc'rce I DittCy E$n$ ^iney, Marlh a Stougbt^Mf Doty ditto, Saliibury % Ditto, May Arfiold T Sbaron, Savage ditto, Rice 3 Eafton, Howard Cufiiiag 3 Narton, BabbU ^cituatCf CoUamorc 4 Taunton, Crocker HanovtTt Wal«i 5 Dijrbton, Whitmarfl|i^ Baksr 4 Stoanxty, 6 fIV.) Ro»d to Nev/port, Bartlet&f I ^/ymouth, Roxhury^ Whiting g Withcrcli I Dtdbam, Amei or Gay ditto, Corniih dittj, Eliii ditto, Ellit IValpoU, Dow DC ditto» HsddcQ JFrtntbam, Mtrno Barnftahlt, Baxter, ditto, HoSmei Hawland & Chipmao ^ Attltboreuib^ NewelJ dittOf Loring Sf Crocker a [Tbence to Providence 9] »•—"'*. W:; \ 5 Over Steonck Plain to Uarvfieht Silk 7 Rebobotb, Dagget % Warren, Burr ditto, Cluk&Snow i 9 Kafibam, Knowles 6 Briftol, Wardwell 4 Ferry.beuji, ditto, Koowlcs 3 Pierce a Port/mouth, Stranger j Newport, Lawton 9 Truro, Knowlci 7 (V.) Wefterr road toPA/- ditto, Ste?eot i Pr^vinet ladelphia ScAUxandria, j Mayo ^ ^ JVatertown, Willington 8 To^gm, I Nickcrfoo H^altbam, Weftcn 3 (II,) To tbe ytntiard, Wefion, f*agg Smmdwicbf Feflcodca 60 5 EaftSudhury, Stoce • falmoMtb, FiA 10 ditto, Baidwjo a '"J Sudbury, Howe falm^mtbTomfm, S »V 5 l,""J Marlborough, Howe 4 jTood't-HtU, Parker 4 ditto, Wiliiami 1 uSaZjU—fc2.3t^' Neale ^Hortbhorougbf Monroe Newdrk, 9 E-ixiabeibTowit, 6 and Rice 5 Lott to [SbrtvuPurjf Fairar J fVcodbridge, Drake Ic Worctfitr, Patch t Brunjwick, Ttffl w/7ri »»«» Jonri «o XLeiceJiir^ Wait 6 Princttcn, Hamilton 8 [clitto, SKran I Maidenhtad, Phillip» 6 \SptTtcer^ Mafon Or Jenki 5 Trenton^ Drak« loi Urookfield, Reed 7 Br//re/, McElroy 10 ditto, Rice 1 [ ?enny Peek, Holme* 10 ditto, Hitchcock I FrarJ/ortf Martin 5 iVtJi$rMt Dwight 4 Palmer^ Scott 10 Fbiladelphia, 5, Haye» 7 ditto, Craves 1 To Derbjf, Cbefier, Withy 8 ^Vilbrabamt Sike> 5 JVilmington, Btanton i^ Spring^. Plain, Chapin 5 Ueivport, Miller 4 Springfield, Parfons 5 Cbtiftiana, Hills 6 \freft Sfrirgfieldy Blift 5 HiddEik, or IrobHill lo Supeldf Hitchcock 5 CbdrU/tcwn, Palmar lo If^indfor, Picket 8 Sufquebcnnab Ferfy ditto, Eiirworth 3 Haver di Grace, ditto, Mather X Bujb, Stilw Har't/ordt Boll or. A very 6 j^bir.gton, PFeafbersfieldy M afon 4 Pid Lyon, iPortbirgton, 9 Fed Heujc, WaUinjrford, Smith n Baltimcey^ttiU ert)rake 7 Nortb Havsn, Bro#n £/* KidgeLand. SpoTvier 8 ditto, Wadroof 6 £/A Ri^fr, Spurvier 8 Milford, . Cla.ke 5 ditto. Willett 13 Slaford Ferry, Giliet 3 E^adi^.i^urg, ^ Stratfordy Benjamio ^ CeorgeTown, Suiters 8 Fairjield, Pcnfislii ^exjrdria^ Wife 8 NorHValk, Marvin Dift ^ from BsHoft atout (^OjP dittn» Ktei

) Poff Road to Stamford, Young ' (VI, Lo*er NevHove'i,^ ditto, V/ebb Prairidence, Hor/tneek, Knapp L a:;d NeviTcrk, Rye, Haviland ToMlihordugb.'Ht^tW yk Maroneck, Horton I" (See Road IV.) New Rocbtl,^ iWi^m* Pre*/ J«Bf ^01ney ,Dextcf, Daggct or Aldrich < EajtCbeftery . Gytfn or Randall Kingibridge, Hyot Pdtn:*et, Abot a | harlemUeigbtt, Hafley Ej»/> err«J»t«"Vi, P«ir<« New-York, Beckman flhi Arnold f J

JYUxS^idge, Tift 'on, AlUa Dou^a/i, Wbippi« ,^er~b,ll, Saad. 8 Hiwkini 4 Tbomp/Qn, Jacob* Kin^on, \ NicboU Chsmplmio .J.tto, bar!eJlov>n, Grofvecor Thcmpfon S 1 Ponfrttt Vr/y, Spriog VVilium* lo tonington, Fcrkia* retry, Jeffrey S ditto,, 'rofon C!ark Jt^hoK-^n, Beldeo, i ditto, Waterman Utlcy Upt'ftrry* 5 Dunham Aadttfon 8 Mantpldt .*«#» Kimball the Ferry, Coventry, thence acrcft Howard aybrockFerryr ^]^ * Bolton^O0(tU», ^ Hartferd^VfiyoCihtii^tA iayhrwkt ^'T 4 E d'-tto. Crcut 4 ditto, - }f^\ d.tto>. i^ittle 5 'CiUinzfr^orfb, MorifilU Oter the River, to 3«i7/<^r*/j, ^^/b,„^„|8 hr^^.^^r.,^, R,ley 6 Gleony 10 Meriden, Robiofcn .Mi7/»ri, | ' liKfl'/j«,fi/or

Brown-K ' Webb 9" Stamfi^fd,* rtfrw»«|f/o«,Wadfwoith »0 K,aap 7 I Hatilaod' « Southinpon, UwU 9 Judd 9 Bcmmana 10 3 Swtbhury, Chandler 9 ISafi'CbtJttr, Gregory 4 Neiototon, 6 Danhvry, Clark JC? Vantaflall 9 {Halfway Hthi/t* 7 Oblongi Paterfoo 9^ \Ne^-forh, TrtdericUburg, Hop'ewtll, Storma I 'VII.) Middle roadtoK^rf. Fi/h-Killiy Bccrv.roi *> ^ New HanteHf Ytfif^ ford. North RifCT, Kills, and Pbifadelpbia, Chefter, From Bdfton State Houfe to . 10 Col. Hawthorn**, Roxhury, W biting 8 | Wallen'i, IS Dedbamt Amea Snidcr'a, s ditto, Colborn s Pettit'r, \M*i0«U, CUfSte 6 RUhwdfon Wire^a, lM««'w<'i. HackttVTown, 6 Bf/Zin^AflW Smith Millcr'a, 7 mitfordt PenDimao Philadelphia, 67 \€ndon, Aminldon 21 pmOPoftRoadta >7«w- Tori, EmcrfoQ fifPi ebbi c 9 burjf Port St Cafeo Bey. diMo, Sewall©" W,er 5

[Ov«rChariciRiTcrBridge] ditto. Cole 1

McdfQri^ Bltncbard 4 ditto, Bernard 4). Ualdtn, Hill Biddtfordj Hooper 3 | [Over Maiden Bridge die to, Spiiog I to SaUrn is 15 ixiiles.] Pepperelloro\ Br«dbury4 Maldtrit Wait a Sc^ierougbf Burbank x liynn^ Ncwcll 4 ditto, Miliikea 2 [Over Wionifimct.Fcrr J dittOi Barmen t. to Ncwtll'i, it only 7] ditto, ASarHi 2 Danvtn, Wioehcftcr 7 Faimouib, Broad 4. Salem^ RobtnfiDm and ditto. Pollard 4 Buffiogtoo % Portland, Motley, | * {T

'Nevfiury-port'fttry, Pike Camden, . Gregory 7' [Over IVeifteni point Maduncookt MeClatbry 7 Duck Trap, VImer 7' ; Salijbury, Dr. Nye 4 Hampton-Fallt SanborciJ Beilfaft, Mitchell ia and Wellf, i Frankfort Black 1 The Ferry, aampton, Learitf 3 i tJortb-ff/^mpton, Leavit 4 Bbu mil, Parker i 3t (?rtfngfeUow 4i( B9rt/noitth¥cxn, Rted 3^ I t 1 •••^THE— ' III—IW—P— r— . I REGISTERMASSACHUSETTS FOR 17 94'

By T. and J. FLEET.

GOVERNMENT of the United StatesJ GEORGE WASHINGTON, PrefidenU Dollars pet Annum- Salary (granted by Coogrcfs) 45,000 Secretary to the Prefident, . Tobias Lear, John Adams, Vice-PrefidenU (Salary 50C0 Dollars per annum)

DEPARTMENT of STATE, &e. :hfitsxz%}t^txiont Secretary of Statey - 350oDolhirS Alexander HsTrvXton^ Secretary of Treafuryt 3500 "ench Coxe, Commijfioner of Revenue, - 2400 ieory Knox, Secretary at War, - - 3000 o(.HQyft\)^/iccomptant to IVar Department^ l»oo Caleb Swan, Pay-MaJJer to Ditto, to refide l 60 Dollars nfar bead quarters of the troops, \ monthly^

Dliver Woleott, Comptroller ofthe T^reafury^ 4650 lichard Hamilton, Auditor ofthe Treafuryy 2400 lamuel Meredith, Trffl/wrtfr, - - 1400

-lofeph Nourfe, Reiijier of the 7reafury. 1750

'n the Offices of the clove Department! there are a great number of Clerks necejj'arrly employed, fome of the chief tbi Clerks have a Salary of 800 Dollars a Year j but AffiUants Salary is not to exceed 5C0 Dollars each." they have alfo Meffengers, Door-keepers, &c. &c. v/ho have a competent allowance for their Service** *

t»794-J I 1 S E N A T O R S j Of the third CONGRESS rf the Unifed State?.

[The Pay heretofore hat been to each Member of t Senate and Hcufe ofKeprcfev.tit'ives, 6 Dolla'sa Da and the every miles travel. fame Sum for ao ] No Perfon is eUgib'e for zS.enator unlefi he is 30 years age, an Inhabitant and citizen of toe State for 9 yea

The Prefident ii to have no Vote, ur.lefs equally dividi

Neiv Hampfhire, Maryland, . John Langdon, John Henrv, Samuel Livcitncre, Richard Fctts,

MaJJ'acbufetts, Virginia, Caleb StiOPg, James Wunroe, George Cabot, John Taylor, Rhode IjJandSc Providence. t^ortb Carolina, Wiiijim Bradford, Alexander \'ai:io, Theodore Fofler, Eerjamin HswkiMj CcnmBicut, Oliver Elfworth, South Carolina* Stephen Mix M'tchel, Peiicc RUiler, Ralph Izard, Nenv York, Aaron Burr, Georgia, Rufue King, J?me3 Gunn, Neiu fetjey, - James Jackfon, John Rutherford, Vermont. Frederick Frelirghuyfeo, Stephen Rowe Bradley* Perrfylvania, Mofes RobinloOy Robert Morris, Albert GaDatin, Kentucky, John I'n wu, Velaivare, John Edwards, George Read, ' hn Vining,

Samuel Allyne Otis, Secretary to the Senate* Right RcY. iiifhop White, Chaplain, » James feathers, Dcor Keeper,

Cornelius MaxvcU, MejJ'er.ger,

Jt>hn Fcnno, P; inter. — r_ J 1 . i V E S "Federal REP R E S E NT A T [ the United S.a.cs to- hofenfor the Tbird Ccngress of meet the Jirii Monday in December 1793' | not Msmbcis cf the| rhofe Willi this Mark (J) were Second Congrejs.] { Inhabitaflts. ewHaMpshire, 5 Counties, and 141,885 Nsmaa. Towns. Cour.nes. Rocki-gham, icbolas ailn:a\ Exerer, yubr.S.Sbe'6.rne,P

ConnectJcut, 8 Counties, snd a37;946 Inhabitants Umci A.Uillbouje, New Haven, New Haven, imafa Learned^ Uriab Tracy, Litchfield, LitcLfie^d, ^onatbanTrunihull, Lebanon, W.odham, feremabWadfwortb, Hartford, Hartford.

^^Two RcptefentJtivej are wanting for tbe State cf\ ' Cocncfticu-: tbe'r cboice iviU not be made knoz^ip tiU\ tbe jirji Monday in December i793. r 4 3 |F

NewYork, has ao Counties, divided ioto lo Diftrifts. and contains 340, izo Inhabitants, * J. E. Vaa AJIco, • Heory Gleo, * Theodoras Bailejr, James Gordon, * Philip Van Cortland, * Elias Taibot, * Peter Van Gaafbeck, Thomas Tread well, * Ezeleiel Gilbert, * John Watts.

{NEwjEESEY,has 13 Counties, and 184,139 Inhabitinte. [* John Beatt7, Abraham Clarke, jEiias Boudlnot, Jonathan Dayton, I* Lambert Cadwallader,

Pennsylvnnta, 12 Counties, and 434,373 Inhabitaflts, • fames Armftrocg, ]chn Wiikss Kittera, Williim Findley, William Montgomery, Thosaas FitzfimonSj Frederick A. Muhlenberg, Andrew Gregg, * t'eter Muhlenberg, Thomas Hartlev, * Thopas Scott, Daniel Hejfter,' * John Smiiie. * William Ir?ine.

Delaware, has 3 Counties, and 59,094 Inhabitants * John Paltoa. i jMaryiamd, has 19 Counties, divided into 8 DifiriAs, and contains 319,72s Inbabiiants. * Gabriel Cbriilie, John Francis Mercer, * George Dent, William Vans Murray* » Uriah Forrsft, * Samuel Smith, * William Hindman. * Thomas Sprigg.

ViRGiNjA, J?7 Counties, divided into 19 Diftri£t8y andi contains 747,610 Inhabitants. * Thomas Claiborne, [ 5 f(?ii(?r<:^;'Reprefentatives,3d CongrefStCo^fhued. Ibofeivitb this Mark [f ] 'Ufire not of the zd Ccngrefs. North Carolina, 6o Counties, divid. into lo Diftrifts, and coataim 393, 750 Ifihabitants. •j- Thomas Blouat, Nathaniel Macon, William Johnfon Dawfon •j- Thomas Mebane, •j- Jamei Gillefpie, f Jofeph McDowell, Wiiliam Barry Grove, f Benjamin Williams, \ Matcficw Locke, t jofeph Winfton. ^SouTH CAROLINA) 65 CouDtitfs, dIvid. ioto 6 Diftrifts. and contains &4-9>o7 3 Inhabitants, Lemuel Benton, if Andrew Pickens, ^•f-

•j- Alsxander Gillon, William Smith, Huoter, Richard VVion. -f- John If Georgia, has ii Counties, and 82,4.58 Inhabitants, Thomas Peter Carnes, Abraham Baldwin, 1 f Vermont, has 7 Counties, and 8559*9 Inhabitants.

Nathaniel Nites, | liVaei Smith. Kentucky, has 73, 677 Inhabitants.

Chriftophcr Greenup, | Alfxaoder D. Qtt,

CONGRESS not being in Sejfion at this Publication, the Speaker, Clerk, and other Officer?, cannot he yet chofen,

• '""lis fuppofed there ivll be Jome contefied EleBions, The Members of the Houfs e/Reprefentatives have hitherta bad the fame ?iy ^ AUoivance for "Travel as the Senate

Excifs Officers i?i MafTachufetts Diftr-M, Nathaniel Gorham, of Charleftowr, Super-vifor. The Diftrift is divided inio ihittSurveyiM^ih an InfpeEior, Survey ^0, I, The Supervijorh tht Infpeiior, Comprehending the Counties of Tork^ Cumberland^ Lincoln, Hancock and JVajhington. Survey Ho." 2f Jonathan Jackfoa, of Nev/h.Pott JnfpeSJor. Comprehending the Counties cf EJJ'ex^ Middlefix, Worcefier, Hamppire and Berkpire. Survey No. 3, Leonard Jarvis, of Bofton, Infpe&or, Comprehending the County of Sujjolk, and 'J\ the

other parts of the State not included in No, i &, t. The Alhtoance^ totht SopervifcrSj, Infpeftors, and other Officen o/lnfpe£tion c/ the United States, are net to exceed 70,000 Dollars per annum. ' [«794-J L 6 J .officers of the Revenue Department mSofton.I l«:njamin Lincoln. Colleaor, Port of Bo/ion & Cbtrleftotva Dt:>]ym\n\yt\i, Deputy Co'leSior,

James Lovell, Naval Officer. Thomaj \UW\\], Surveyor & Infpeaor of Excife. |oha Godboid, Samuel Cook, & William Newman, Clerks Jonas CUrkMioot, 7 , . „ MP'^on, Robert Duncan, ( *'!^ John Popkin, f ,^ Meafurers, Peter Do! liver, 3

John Farnbam Barber, "^ Benjamio Eaton, V Irjpea'on, Abraham Hunt, 3 Beza Lincoln, InfpeFtcr at Hingham, Thomas Kette), hifpeaor & Meafurer at CbarMoivn. William Shaituck, '^ JoHvoa Pico, C Weighers and / Jofcph Spear, C Caugen, Samuftl VVbcelwrigbt, -^

' Green Pearce, John Green, / Employed in the Benja. M organ. Joseph Newel!, C Cuftcm Houfe Boats. Infpeaors of Ports in Mairachuleits DifriB, ' Thomas Melvill Bofion Edward Pope, Neiv Bedford^ BartholomewPutnam, ^alem Jofeph Otis, BarnpabU Tho. R. Gerry, Mdrhkhead William Watfon, Plymauth Jeremiah Starjiford, Jpjiuicb Richard Trivet, York JSani.Whittemore, Glocefer Jeremiah Hill, Biddefcrd (Mich. Hodge, Nnvbu^yFort Jamjs Lunt, Fdrtland ijofiah Batcheldcr, • Beverly Wiliiam Webb, Bath Frnccis Cook, Wifcajci HodljahBaylics, >f'>^^,«& John Lee, Fenohfcot jStephen Huffsy, Nantucket\Mz].]otiin, Frenckman" Bay ^^'^'^'^^a'i!S:e;.he.i v . Smith, | John ^-^^^'Ptiftf -^ . ,. Ilohn S__^;..^^.^ L.F. >^«^'^''^'j I Dclefd etnjr

Officers 'of the Revenue Cutter, \ John Foder V^jlJiam', Captain, e.o DcUars per Month,' J and Si)brit1cnce.of a Captain in the Aimv. ! Hfztkiah V/eWh, ill Mate. i6 Dollars per iMcnth. ! Nathaaici Nichols, -^d Ma'.e, 20 Dollars per Month. I SjNaausColman, yd Mate, 1% Dollars per Month. \ every To Mate the fame Subfiftence aa a Lieutenant ifi the is to Armf be allowed, I iT<>g3cK '."JariKfr, notexc;gdKg ;oDol!grs per Month.-- _E,7 ] ^ A TAH'LE of FEES, ! To be taken in the feveral Cuiicoti Houles of the Unitedj States, agreeably to the Laws of Congrefs, I

For the Admesfurcment of Veffils to be Regijiered, Velieis of loo Toas aad under, one cent per Ten, If abooe 100 Tons and under ioo tons, 150 cents. If £bo9e 200 Tons, tiv} hundred cents.

Admeafurement ofVejJ'tls to be Enrolled, VcHcla of 5 Tons and uoder zo, fifty cents. VeiTsIs of 20 Tone to 70, fevsnty five cents. VcMcla above 70 io 100 I'ocs, or.e bunired cents.

Veucls above 100 Tons, one hundred and fifey cents, Fees o/Regiftry, I jFor every Certificate of Rcgiflry, two bundrjd cents. For every Certificate of Record, two hundred cents. For e^ery B.>od requited by the Aft, tyj&niy five cents For tyery Endorfement, one hundred uftsi\^

Fees c/" Enrolling and Licencing, Every Certificate of Enrolimenr, fifty cents. Every Bond therefor, twenty five cents, Ev^ry Licence, incJuding the iiond, if the VefTcl be ao Tons or under, twenty five cents. If above 20 and not more cba.i 100 Tons, fifty cents. If Ebovc 100 TonH, one hundred cents. Every Eodcrfcment on aCertificateof Enrollment, %o cents. Every Endorfement on a Licence, twenty cents.

Feesfor the aSlive Bufinefs in the Foreign Trade. For the Clearance of every Veffei for a foteign Port, if under 100 Toos, one hundred and fifty cents. If mofc than loo Tons, twj hundred and fifty cents. For every Cocket, twenty cents. For eve/y Bill of Health, twenty cents. For every Sea Letter, twenty cents. Every liond given by Expartcrs for Drawback or Bounty, Jejeniy cents.

Fees in the Coafting TradCr For certifying a Maniteft and granting* Permit to proceed from onfe D;aria co another, if the Veil's! be iiuenccd aad lefs than 50 Ton?, t%vtr.t\ fie certs, ilf abv-^ve 50 Ton^ fifty cents. C 8 ] bees «/ the Cuilon Houfe continued. For receiving a Maaifeft, aad granting a Permit for licMccd Vc'TeJ, if under 50 Tons, twenty five cents Kihove so Tor.s,ff:y ants. For certifying a Maa-feft, and granting a Permit to proceed fromaftriatoDiftiia, if the Vcffe; be Regiftcred, one hundred and fifty cents. For granting a Permit and receiving a certified Manifeft of fuch Vefi*il, one hundred and fifty cents. For receiving a Manifeft and granting a Pcfmit to a foreign VeiTd to proceed from one DAt\€t to another, two hundred cents. For receiving a \faoifeft and graatmg a Permit to unload tor fuch Veffcl, twty hundred cents. Fbi' granting a Pcrmi: to a Vdlel licenced to carry on the Filhery to tradi at foreign Ports, twenty five cents. *?* *"'* ^"^'y ""^ ^*"«'8a ' ?^?°^^ ^"y Goods imported in fuch Vcfle!, twenty five cents. For the Clearance of every VeflTcl having made a partial Entry, certifying the Manifeft & the Bond, eighty cent^^ If any thing is carried Coaft^ife. two Manifeftj thereof. muft bsmade, one to beretair.ed, 150 cents moie. For every Addition to the Manifeft of a VelTci going coaft- wife, which aofwers Co a Cockct in the foreign trade twenty cents.

United States Impoft and Excife DUTIES.

Payable on Goods^ Wares and Merchandize, imported after the 30th of June 1792. •

^LE, Beer, and Porter, per gilloo, 8 ceats, Boots, per pair, 50 cents. Bricks, ten per cent. Buckles, /hoe and knee, ten per cent. Buttons, all kinds, ten per cent. Cabinet Wares, ten per cent, , Cables, per cwt. i2o cents. Candies, of tallow, per pound, 2 cents. Ditto of wax or fpermaceti, per poucdi 6 cents. Cards, wool and cotton, per dozen, 50 centv Ditto, playing, per pack, 25 cerjCs. CariHagcs— ccacb, chariot, phaeton, ') -.r ,«-» -«»„«f '5 and an half cbaife, chair, f.lo. or other car- f ^^^ ^ riages. or rarts of carriaees, J ' C 9 1 Impoft and Excife Duties continued,

-heefe, per pound, 4. cents, Carpets and carpeting) mats and floor cloths^ lO per centt 'hioa ware, fifteen per cent. i^hocoiate, per pound} 3 cent9< liocks and watches, ten per centt ^oal, per bu/hei, 4 cents and an half* -ocoa, per pound, a cents. i^ofFse, per pound, 4 cents. Cordage and Cables, tarred, per hundrpa wt. 180 cents. Ditto untared, and Yarn, per hundred wt, 2*5 cents. Totton, per pound, 3 cents. 3olls, Toys, Cofmcticks, Dentifrices, &:c, ten per cent, 3rug8, medicinal (except thofe in dying) ten per cent. Earthen ware, ten per ccpt. Fans, Flowers, and other female ornaments / i© per cent, ments for the head, - 1

Fire-arms, fifteen per cent. . Glafs— Ipoking, window aud ether g!aft, "^ anj 2li manufactures of giaf», except > 15 percent. qu3it bottles, - - J C^Joves, I.IIuer.s and Hofe, ten per cent»

G'ne, fiite'-i jer cent. ' ^ C '<• 3id,3:i7c. Lacr, :eo fcr ffot, Gw.d v;a:c% ten p--- c^ni. Grocer us (except articles cife where enumerated) viz* Cinnsmoc, Cloves, Mj:e Nutmegs, Gin- "J ger,Annifeed,Curr«nts, Dates. FisE.Plunibs, /

Prunes, K. a. fiiu, Sogarca«^<',(>fanges,Lem- ( 10

I nions, Lime<:, Fiuivs percent' and general'*' atl and { Comfir«!j j OUvfs, Capers, I'ickics of every \

fort; Oil. Maftard in fi -ur, - J^ I Gun-Powde/, loper c-sut. Kair-Powder, 15 per cent. Hats, <-a,;s, and ii>onnei8 of every fort, ten per cent. Hemp, per huodred weif'-'t, 100 cents. I :J.g,o, pet povjd, zr cent?,

Irrn— caft, fiit, /oll-i'^acd manuf^aurei, ten per cent. Lace, gold and fi:ver. ten per cf.nt. Laces, lines, fo-?es, taffeis, and •rimm'.ngs "^ ccmmonly ufed by U^holftercrs, coach. > 15 per cent makers and faddlers, - J Lampbiac;:, ten per ceot^ Lead, bar and other, psr pound, 1 cent. Lcar^>er, tantjed or tawed, and ?vianuf«clutes \ ..,.„. 10 percent.! \ of Leather not otherwire r.t.d, - J C 10 3

I Import anJ Excik Duties continued* •Malt, per boflicl, tea cent». iMatb!e,-fla:eaad other ftones^tableSjmortarsJ ,„ _.. -«_» ^ and other uteafils of marble or flate, \ M;l!;nery, ready-made, ten per ceat. MoiaflTes, per gallon, 3 cents, Mufkets, Piftols, and other Frre-arms, fifceeo per cent. Nails, per pound, z cents. ipaclcchread and Twine, per hundred wt. 400 cents. painters Colouff, dry or *f0UDd in oil, fifteen per cent. Paper—writing, wiapping, pafteboaid, / ^" P" "°^' ^ fheaibing and cartridge, - { I jPaper-bangings, fif;een percent. Parchment and Vellum, ten percent, Paftswork and Jiwclry, ten per ceat. Pepper, per pound, 6 cents, Piclures and Printe, ten per cent.

Pimento, per pound, 4. cents. Plated Ware, ten per cent. Porter, beer and ale, in caikf, per gallon, g ce s. Pester, tin, copper, brafs, iron and fteel warei, 10 percent, Salt, not exceeding in weight 56'b. per bofhel, iz cents, [Salt, Giauber, per iixlb. aco cents, iShoss and Shippers for children, per pair, 7 cents, 'Shoes and Slippers of fj!k, per pair, 20 cents.

'Ail other Shoes and Slippers, for Men or 1 -_ -£«« r ) Wome~,C-ogs and GoJofh'Cs, per pair, Silver and Go d Lace, and Silver Ware, ten per cent* Sail Cloth, ten per cent, Siate ftones, and uter.fiJs thereof, ten per cent. Soap, per pound, 2 ceats. SnufF, per pound, 10 cents. -viz, Spirits im jarred, dt ft i lied wholly or chiefly fre>mO:3i'^n, Firft ciaft of proof, - pef.ga!loa, z8 cents. Second cbfs cf proof, - -'- —— - 29 cents Third ciafs of proof, - - - 31 cents Eo-jr^h clafs of proof, - -.-——. 34, cer.ts Ftf'h c'afs of proof, - --- —— 40 cents* Sixth clafg of nroof, - — - —— • 50 ceots. Spirits, all other diftiii'd, of the fecond ciafs of p oof and under, - per gallon, 25 cents. Of the 3d c)afs cf proof and unier, — »8 centt. or the 4ih clafs of proof and under, — —.— 32 cents. Of ihs 5th clafs of proof and und;r, 38 cents. Of the 6th clafs of proof and under, .--' 46 cents. r I I 1

' continued. ( ImpoH; and Excife Duties Spirits diftiird ivhcHy or :n part from Molsffes, Sugar, or other foreign mitf.x-.ih. Firft clsfs cf proof, - per gallon, lo cents. Second clafs of proof, ------n cenis. Thicd clafs of proof, - tx cer.ts. Faurth clafs of proof, - - 14 cents. Fifth clafu of proof, - — — -- 18 ccnis. Sixth clafs of pfoof, - »S cents. Spirits difiiWd from materials ef the groivtb or produci of ths Ucitcd States, Firft clafs of procf, - per gallon, 7 cents. Second clafs cf p»jof, - -•- Scents. Third clafs of procf^ - — 9 cents Fourth cbis of proof, - -— •-— iicerits, Fifth clafj of proof, - — —— I3 cecti. Sixth clafs of proof, - -- 18 cents. Stills of lefs capacity than 400 gallons, to -^ay a yearly duty 54 crnts for every gallon, wine meafure, iocfuding the head the reef y to be at the option of the proprietors. Spikes, per poadrf}""f5ri»nt.

Steel, unwrought, s*er hundred weight, lOO cents.

Sugar, brown, per pound, 1 cect and an half. Ditto, loaf, psr pourtd, 5 cents. DiTto, ali '.rhers, per pound, z cents and an half. Swords, Cutlaflcs. and other fidc-arms, fifteen per cent, Teaifrcff. China or India, in Vejfels of the United S'ate?, Bobca Tea, - per pound, 10 ccm^s Souchong and other black Teas, — — -- 18 crixs Hyfon Tea, - — — »- jt cent!!. Other green Teas, - — accents. From Europci in VefjeW as above, Bohea Tea, - - pc' pound, 12 cents. Souchong and other black Teas, — —— %i certs Hyfon, - - - — •— 40 ccnis. Other green Teas, - — - — - 24 cects. Teal imported in any ether manner. Bohea Tea, _ . per pound, 18 cents. Snichoog and other biack Teas, — ---- %7 cents. Hyfon Tea, - — - --— 50 cents. Other green Teas, - — -— 30 cents, TTies, ten fe: ccn% Tobacro, manufa£luied, per pound, 6 cents. ^'<'S% Deitifi ffs ar.d Cofmeticks, ten per ccut, i'wine and Packthread, per hundred weight, 400 centf. C 12 3

Impoft and Excife Duties continued, i Vellum and Parchment, ten per ceat. j Wafc'g, fifteen ^x cent. Wares, earthen, done, gold, filver & plated, v P*' tin, pev/ter, copper, iron, bra£s and ftecl, i ^ ^ ' Watches and Clocks* ten per cent. Wine, Madeira, London particular, per galloo, 56 cents. Madeira, quality of London market, per gal. 49 cents. Other Madeira wi&c^ * -— -^- 40 cents. Sherry, - - --- — 33 cents. Saint Lucar, - - — — 30 cents. Li(bon, - - --- — 25 cents, Tenetiffe and Fayal, • *•.-— ao cents. Oporto, - - — — as cents. Ait other Wines, - forty per cent, ad valorem, but fo as not to exceed 30 cents per gallon. Yarn, per hu^idred weight, 225 cents. goods, and merchandize (other "^ All wares 1 .- j thanTeas) imported difeftly fromChJoa ^ v'^^"^ '^"^ *" ' *ialt per cent, 1 J- • c — ir-i- \ or India, m torc.ta vefleJs, -- j '^ All other Goods not herein heCore enumerated, on the value thereof, feven and an half per cent.' Except the following Articles, exempted from Duty, v'z. Bullion, Tin in pigB| Tin PIatcs« Old Pewter, Brafs, Teutenague, Iron and BrafsWjre, Copper in p'ates, pigs and bars, Lapis Calaminaris, unmanufadtured Wool, Wood, Sulphur, Saltpetre, PJaifter of Paris, Wcol, dying Woods and dying Drugs, raw Hides & Skins, undrefsM Furs of every kind, the Sea- Stores of Veffels, the Cioatbs, Books, Houfehold Furniture, and the Too^s or Implemsnts of the Trade or FrofefTion of Perfons.who

ccme to refide in the United States ; Philofcphical Ap-

paratus for any Seminary of Learning ; all Goods intend ed to be re-exported to a foreign Port in the VeiTe! in

which they /hall be imported j and all Art'cles cf the growth,, produfl ot manufactures cf the United States The Duty on Horfes, Cattle, Sheep, Swire, and other ufeful Beafts, imported for Breei^, is repealed. Foreign Goods, fubjedt to duty, are forfeited, togethei with the veffel, if in?.ported in any veffel under 30 tons Captains of VefTtiis are to d&liver their Letters at the Poft Ottice before ^bey cao make Entry. Every licenfcd Veffel is to have her Name, and the Port to which fhe belongs, painted on her ftern, on pccalty paying Dollars. of the owner's twenty _ [ 13 3 ppropti/i! ^ns /bf the '.ufpo^ t of Go'vernmcrA

0/ tbiUiUtti^^aiCs/or tie Tear S79J. « 'ht Af^prapriaiio's iit rot ro exfetd Cne milU^n^ fivti bundre! and eighty nine tbjuj'^nd. forty four Doll.i s\ ind je-V'-nZ) two Ce^ts J I

!>Il '.he ct)in..s.ifation8 trrantrd to the t DoVars. Cti,\ KifAdenr and Vtce Prclidcut, / 30,ooj f ihe members of the Senate a -J H?u''e of

23 68j

• erucncc of fie*.i;.<5 ftaci>9nz-y, printing ! vork, &c. of the two Hcufss of Cfu^rjsrs, $5552

• m3«)r»g 30'id a de/ic;?!-.cy In che oilke of IVxii of tbe H.-^ufs of Repfefeaiativ?^, - 5-8 tb« Chief JofiiC^-, aiToriate [udgss, D ftricl fudges aed Attorney Ger , - - 4'5jToo onai fa'ary he Attor.-;ey Gfne-aJ, add;t to 260 82J defray! ig the expcrife of C tf ks ct'C^.Ajrts,

uiO;tiad wifneiTe?, Ji;3id (;f ihe fir fs,&rc. !,2 o dciray.og the txpe fe' of p>r.'Cu i-'n-i for ffenctts 2f,aif,ft the United Stites, &c. - 4, coo

ccmperifa:icn r:> the Sectetary cfTreafury,

I'JCfks, tod oihers empUvrfd ifi hn oti ce, 8. 3C0 fa'aties of his two piinc;pa! Ciciks, - 1,043 aS] experjfs of fta ipoary, priinting, and other onfingerc es in the Treafiiry otLcf, - - jco t^-e Comptroller of the Tfcafuiy, ClcfJrs, nd other perfins errpioyed in h»« cffce, 9,450 ths cncrea.ed falary of he Con:ptro!!er, 260 ftstip-iar*-, printing, Ccz. in his offce, - 600 | the Auditor of the Tieafury, C:eiks, &c. 10,4^0 | th; c.icreafed fa ary r.f'hs Auditor, . - a6ct' 8aj fta'ior;ary, p^rinti'ig. &c. ifi his cflite, - 6co t'lC R»gifter of rhs Tre!lfury,C!erk^ &:. i3, 6co th« encresf;?d faiary cf ths Rti .?icr, - 3^6 rcsking good dflticierc.cs in 1791, - jco ftatienary, prinfing, fee, in bis cfJice, - a, coo the Treafuier, Clerks, &c, in his rffire, 4 100 the encrcafed falary of the T;eafurerj &c. 530 €%\ fir««s'Ojr'., ft5':i0Dar.T printiriE,- &c. -, 4CO thtfComrnurioncrcf th?R.c«ccueiCicrii.,&c, 4,100

""£^'794 ' J - r '4 ] Appropriations continued. 'DoH, Ctt. For falary due to tbeCommifiiooerofReveooe, Clerk8,&c. from (he eftablinimeot thereof, 2,87] 46 For ftationarjr, printing, &c. in Lis omce, 300 For making good the deficienciea for contin. geociea of the Treafury department, - a,40o For payment of rent for leteral Houfei em- ployed in the Tteafury department, - 1,489 gg and For wood candlei in the Treafury offices, i, 200 For compenfation to the Loan Officers, - 13,750 For ftationarjr Cierkj, in & the Lean Offices, jz.Vao 9 c To m«1

j penfiesj d oe to the office io 179*. 89! - »,'65 pMH^mm . .i« il _ III M l III I.II..II m.. £ ^ y^xz^- . =— Appropriations <;(?n//>af

For Quarter Maker's Department} • - 100,000 . For Maps, Expreffes, printing, advertifing, lofs of ftores, appreheodicg defertcrs, and

other expenfes i^j the War department, 30,000 For the ^efenfife Proteftioa cf the Frootierst 50,000 For the Payment of Booaties, - - 15*240

Befidet the above Appropriations for the Support Government, there is a Sam granted by Coogrefs, no to exceed 59,107 DoUatt arid 41 Cents, /or itfrayin^ certain fpecif,c Demands in the fear 1 793, amon tvhicb are tbefoUowivg, vix. For purcbafiog two Iota of Ground with the Euildings.an for er^<£l(r>f otheti, and for purcbiifing Materials for th ufs pf the Mint, 12,079 DoMars and 7S Centt, For Salaries doe to the Officers of the Mint to December I79t, 2,694 holla's and 8S Ceots. For falanes to the Officers of the Mint, Clerks, Woil

men, &c, for one year^ 1 1,500 Dollars. The other Appropriutiont are for Claims 00 Governme

for Service* done j fuch as bringing Votes to the S« of G ^verprnent, pay to the Adjutant-general underGe, St. Clair, witcefles attending on the erquiiy ofSt.Oaijj eondu^, building Light Houfes, extia fervicescf Clerl '

Door-k*epcrs, and othe s for printing and expeole •; b 'ok», ar6 making good dtficiencies cf former Appjj! priation«, &t. &c. j J^me. Ircid,of 35^o Dollars N.,thVaroi;n, f V^.!..-m "^''^' ^""^ Par/.ron, .f ' P*' New Je,!; J

' * Saiarjr rgoo Do.';at8. Sain»,e)^ay„d, '^f Piii.'ade'phi,, C/S.

lyij^ria JudgesT e^^ For the D[(lri£l of Maine'"^'fif. "avid SewaJl -^^v, c ^''"^ Vmlmui'^^'' ^c.co Dollars per anr

J-.nn Hobby, jlffl^^^/^ • /• Hen/y Scwall, C/fr;^. [/f^«/-«,V,ar>d Mar/halt hiv^ F--. i.

John Su nvan, jr,^^,^ icoolbolia,,.

:' ^'":««pf'cr Gore, ^ ^ * I /Ittar„ey,

Jjfeo Brooks, Marjhal ^''^'^'^^r.iio.^ Deputy Marjhal. P'f^-r^Gt of Rhode Ifland C '7 ] Judicial Department continued* Diftria of Neiu Jerfey.

Robert Morris, Judge ^ looo Dollars* Abraham Ogdeo, Attorney, Thomas Lowrey, Mar/hal, Diftridl of Pennfylvania, Richard Peters, Judge, t6oo Dollars* William Raw.'e, A torney, Clement Biddle, Mar/hal, Samuel Caldwell, CJerk. Diftridl of Deiaioare. GunpJng Bedford, Judge^ 800 Dollars* George Read, Attorney, Allaa M'ucan, Marshal. Diftria of Maryland. William Paca, ^udgs, t 500 Dollars, Zebulon HolUngfworth, Attorney, Nathaniel Ramfey MarJhaL Diftrift of Virginia, Cyrus Griflin, Juige, 1800 Dollars. Alexander Campbell, Attorney, David Mead Randolph, Mar/hal, Diftria of North Carolina, John Sitgraves, Judge, 1500 Dolliri* William Hill, Attorney, }oha Skinner, M.irfbal. Diftria of South Carolina,

Thomas Bee, Jud^e, 1 800 Dollars* Thomas Parksr, Attorney, Ifaac Hfuger, Marjh^h Di'ftria of Georgia, Natbaoiel Pend'eton, Jud.yet 1500 Dollars. Matthew M'Callifter, Attorney, Robrrr Forfytb, Marfoa'., DiA?!aofrtfr/«j«r. Nathaniel Cbipmao, Judge, 800 Dollars, Stephen Jacobs, Attorney, Lewis R. Morris, Marjhal, Diftria of Kentucky. Harry lonis, Judge, 800 Dollars. George Nicholas, Attorney, Samuel M'Do^all, Mgr/g.^/. £»7y4.j r i8 1 Silting^ of the Federal COURTS. SUPREME COURT. be alv/ays held at the Scat of Go»ernment on th TO \t firft M^rdav a of Febtuary and Augr.ft ang ually. CiRCUir COURTS. Eajtern Circuit. Io Neiv Hamppire, zt?oxi{mo\}i} and at Exeter on ihe 24th da on tbe«7thj3y of May, 1 of Oftober. In Majfacbujetts, at Bofton, on the 7 ih da of June, aad lath of O£lober. Iii Rhode IJland, at Neu tort, on the 19th day of June; and at Pro'vidence, on th 7th of Ncvember. In CenreSiicutf at Neio tlave/iy en th 25th day of April, and at Hartford, on the 25tb cf ^ep timber. In New York, at Neip York, on the 5th days ( April aad September. In l^emfnt, at fFlndfor and Ben nington, ahcrrately, beginning at the fiift, on the \%\ day of May ap^iuaiiy. Middle Circuit. It the Diftri£l of New Jerfey, s Trentoriy on the ad ('ays. of April & O£lober, In Fenvjy vania, at Pti'ade'phia, on the i ith days cf April ar; Oftober. In J^ei^xoare, it Newcajtle »tti Dover, alter nately, on the Z7th days of April and Oftober. In fySarj /and, at Avnapolis, and EaUon, alternateJy^cn the 7th dsj of May and NoTember. In Fi'ginia, at RicbmoTid^ on tt aad days of May and November. Southern Clrcuit, la the Diftrift of North CaroUn, jat Raleigh, on the i"* day cf June, and jothof Novembei J jln South Carolina at Charlefion on the 25th of Oftobe, {and at Columiia^xhft nth ai May, 'In Georgia, at Savar \13ah, on the 25cb day of April, and ineachfocceeding je: j at Augufta, the 8th day of November. l^ken any ofJaid Da-^t happen on a Sunday, the dm

it to be btld 911 the Monday fo!/ozvt«g, '. DiSTRTCTTCOURtS: '

IN the D:ftiift of New FTampp'ir'e^ Piftr-ft Courts ai

to be he'd, Eircrniiely, at Exr'er and Portfmcuthr en t| jthrd Toefdays of Marcl^, June, Sifpterirfber and Decembeji lln Majjachufe-.ti, siietnately, at Bpft>"p and Salem, on tj jlirft Tupfdays of March', June, S*pr9 ] Sittings of the Federal Courts continued. the firft o NewTork, at tbs City of New York, on ."uefd^ys of Februi/y, May, Aoguft and November. ana Bar- D A'ew Jerfe-j, alttrnatfly, at New Biunfwick Aug-ift ingCon.oQ ;he fi«ft Tuftfriays of Fc&ruary, May, nd November, la Ptnnfy'vania, at PbiJadesphia, on the izavA Tuefday of Febiusjy, May, iiugoft and No- snibTf. In Delaware, aUefnatciy, at Ntw CaftJs and )ci^£r, on tbs foutth Tuefsavs of February, May, luguft and November. In Maryland, aUcrnately ai }a!timore and Eafton, on the nrft Tuefdayi of March, 'une, Ssptcmbrr srd December. In Virginia, alterQitely,

t Richmond and Willianiibarph, on the third Tuefdays f March, June, September and Oetemb«r, In Kentucky, t Harrod:turgh, on the third Tucfdays cf March, June, itptcrobcr and December, In South Carolina, at Charlef- or, on the third Mondays in March and September, the irft Monday in July, and the fecond Monday in Decem- •er. In Georgia, aUernateSy, at Savaanah ani Aog'J*^a, •in the fecond Tue'days cf March, June, September and i)ecfmber. In North Carolina, a: Newbern, Wi'mi^gtoo

nd Edcoton, in rotation, ou the fiift '.Mondays in J'j'yi )£lcber, January and Aprii. lu RbsdeJfijr.d ini Provi- ience Plantation^ aiternateij at Newport and Providencf. )Q the firft Mondays io Auguft, Novencber, February and ^ar. In Vermont, at Rutland aod Wicdfor, on the firft kWordays ia May, Auguft. November and February. The DiSttiCt Judges may occafiona'ly hold fpedal Courts,

FEES of the Officers of the Diilria Courts, in Civil Procejfes in faid Courts. "T'O the Marfha!s for the fervice of ar.y writ, warrant, cr other procrfs, on each peiffin, fato dollars. 'ot travel out in ffrving ditto, five ctnts^ti mile. *or eich bail bond; f-fty cents. " fe'lifig > ^or goods Ci-.tdemoed. three per cent. ^

''or committing or difcharging of a" ^x\iontT,jifty cents, . 'or fun: mjning witnciTea, each rii/r/j? «B/j. ,. 'bV'fummoning a jfand or petit jury, each thrre dollars. For attending th«f Supreme, Circuit, or D;ft*i£t courts, Jive dollars per day, scd ten cents per m'.'e fcr triveJ. •"or levying an ex^Jcution, and other ferv'tea, fuel) F^cs as are allowed in hr foprtms court of tb« Caic whcff the ftrviees fhilj be rendered. 1 , L 20 J Fees in the Federal Courts continusd. {To thehe Oerk of the fupremc court of the Unked'stVes. /tfa» dollarzii per day _ for his acread^ice, ^ aid_^ for bis other fsfvJces, double the Fees of the Cierk'of'thVfoo^m! cjurt of that ftate in which the court is held To the Clerk of the diftrift and circuit courts fuch Fees ia each ftate as are allowed ia the fapxecne court! there. and/c;e dvla'-i per day for his atteada^ccat court and ten cents per mile far travelling to faid coorts To each grand and petit juror, //ry ,„,, \ ^ fivecenu per m.!e for travelling expence. to court and the hice allowance for returning. To wi,;ncfle3 fumm^aed, the fame compenfatioa in eac.i „ teasareallowcd in the fupreme courts of the f.me, t To the Attorney for the Di^ria, ^. fuch Fee, a» are al!ov.ed in the fupreme courts oPthe fame, and for trarellio. the lams as clerks the of the diftria courts. Any of the aforem:ntioned Officers receiving greater F«i than thofe allowed, are liable a fine to of coo dollars, i, There ,s to be allowed and taxed in the Supreme, CirH; cu.t and Dhlria Courts of the United States, in favou. o» the parties obtaining judgments therein, fuch compen , ration for thejr travel and attendance, and for attornie. . and coonfellors fees, except in cafes of Admiralty and Maritime jarifdiaion, a, .re albwed io the Supreme* oi. ,, Superior Coorti of the refo«aive ftare,. ].

FEES in Admiralty Procee^4ngi. !^ To the " CouofeMor or Attornfy in Admiralty & Mwttimi proceedings, far drawing and erhibiting Ibel, claim o/ anfwer lo each caufe, three doUaru Drawing interrcgatoriea, three .dollars. All other fervices io one caufe, three dollars. the Clerk To of the coqrt. for drawing every ftipulatjor procefs, monition or fcbpcBoa, for each fhect cootaininj ninety wordi fifteen cents. For eqgroffiDg each /heet, ten cents. Entering the re:urn of prccefs, fftcen cents. Fiing every libel, ciairo,.pleading, or other ^^j^t^ fix cents, '^opies of the p'tadngs, interrogatories, depofiuocs, an( exhibits, for e>ch /h;et of ninety words, ten cents, ntftiing each proclamatisn, jfr/>«» cents. Entering each default, txvehe cents. Entering every rule of ccurt> Jijteen ants. r^^r-1

Ci ea r r«U,nt"''" r''-*"^'^^=*"^«- -'^npf,, at! aw.ne tvety dec-fc, or d-cr^ai order, for each flieetf ter

y cett.ficait, /si„,y „»r,

-g c™™,ao. ,. examine »i./4,, f„,'i„h fl,„,j

'ng each witncfs in court, t(„ c'pts o^ey ^"""' ^"'"^*«' deponed in coufMl' ^!L , -^- ' " - ai.u a quarter per cent, ^ ^ _

5'"g each mi;e,.gcfr» on'v ^^IfV*. »« /

erS of tr-rr^f f-J,

^aw8 of the different ll^!i:£f^ fta-e?. | J [ 22 1_ F E E S^ Officers in Maffachu Ortbefevcral Court. a«rf Ci.U •^ Eflablifhed by Law. ^^**- 7a/?iV^/ (?/rAtf ^^^<^^ t-OR ereiy blank ^rit o^ *"«^"l'"* Thef' V^lfJlTdcc«ara ^ tbereoniot original fummons./. a writ tnable before a Jaftice. j/-*-^' S'^^P^^l^/ aftion or fil-ng « more wUneires, 4^. Entry cf .r, i/. ;" Uint in clfilcaufes. ^'''"8 P*^"*',, * .Howmg an,„ Writ of execution. t/.4^. Exam.nmg, joagment lo c^ ing a bill of coft, 5i. En'e»iog «p i/- 4«* criminal caules, and recordiog the fame, if oncer a etery etidence, origmal paper, or record, rate of «tf. f>d. if one page or upwards, at the Pf pr>n«!| A recogoiiacce or bon4 of appeaU locloding court, m or< furety. i/. Taking amdaVits out of Jufticee the trial of ant caufe, i/. and fcr the teturoing, •" every ten m»!es, «/.6i. the fame for , luf proportion; the travel to be certified by the the Court before whom the caofe ii to be tried, writiog depofiMQf!, caption and notification, at the m*f td. a page. Taking a^.davits in perpetvam ret tr to each Juftice^ i/. and writing th« fame, and afore-meotiosed. Adoiinifteriog an oath to oeTfi poioted to appraiJe efiatea, or to ippra^fe and di»' ij eltatea, teg -ther with certificate* of the fame, at tl ratnifteriBg ao oath to one or more w'Tne "^m, tr time, before referee* or arhitratwa, t/. and f^r Ta that poroofe» th« fame aa in taking affidavita. fei acknowfedfment of a deed. wUh one orroore ani* wrtifff »i<»ed \t be at one and the fame time, 'ffijinSf •• fame, «

' Trial of an iffuf^ «/, Pie,\ Fees in the Court of Common

And i' F R the en-ry "f e»»rj ?6tinn. •»/. ^d. faft is ^'O"' ' aainn where an fTof in law or 3 *> Ta irg a biU of Uioo to the fee for entry. j res in MafTichufctts Courts continued, :ing «a appeaii and taking a recognizaace o^ the prio- and fuiety or fureties, if. Proving a deed> if, adering the principal in court by hU fuiety or fute-

\d. GraaTtng a writ of protection, if. Entering itioQ and mak.og aa order thereon, fur the fate of

fta'es, if.

:es of the Clerk of the Common P/eat. :.y eftion entered i/, Enttriog and recording &. or report of refejces, td. Every a£tioa wlth-

I, or non-fuit, ^d. ^ oofefTMg judgmenf, or defaolt,

jder, o«" dcinutie;, 6d. Entcing up ja^^ment and

ir,g the f»aie at Jarge, if. Ack.'iOwledging fatisfac-' fa judgment on «eco.-d. ^d. Er»tering an appeal,' ;cbga:z:ng princl|»al and futfties, Zd, l^xamining ftinp each biU of coft, 6d, Filing each paper, id,[ Quioj? esch caufe to the aext term. 6d. Entering' riendsr of a prmcipalin court, and making a record

•f, Si. Entering a /uie of Court ur on the parties tting a caufe to referees, Gd. Every b;sDk writ and onr-t ii. A blaok fcire facias, 6d. A blank ori- fuoim^nsi (:d. ^n original, or a!ia» execution in

.al matters, and flhng the f^me when returned, if, wiit of po-^eii'ion in real a(n:;->is, 2/. A writ of

Yian, or h.be^i corput ad tefiificandum, if. Each f;;t:i3is to: jur^fmsaj to be paid out of the County ~ u.'r, zd,

Fees in the Ccurt 0/ General SeJ/ions*

each joftice for every day's conftaot attendance in

( 4/> and no Juftlce is to b: allowed pay for more two day's atcecdacze at any cne tnw, tta^ci for udices as are ten miles and u-p«a/ds dii^ant from jurt-houfc- or placf where the Court fiti, 4/, for twenty milc$, computing out and honrie ; the travel te-joance to be paid out of the County Trcafury, fucb Jufticc» as are fwcrn Attoraies at law, or

\ of the feve>al Courts of Seflions, who are not to be :d for ttavei or attendance. The Clerk to keep an It at of their end^ncc aa aforefaid ; and all fines •rfeitu'es all fled by the fame Court, and not ctbcr- ippropiiaied by law, are to be paid into the County ury, for the ufe of the County, r

Fees of tfjff Chrkf of the Sejp.ons. Entering an indi,ce, 6c/, £»ch

warran.r for Cfim na t; if. E-«ch lum nons or fubpccra lot m a w tnefj or wittiffT:s, ^d. Each ftcogn.zaRee for inho)- dc s or retailers, inc'iiding principal aod furefies, and fcr trji/mtdn.g tbe name of the WctuUA pt.fon ti the S"-

leftonn; and recording the licCJice, ^

ount^ tax, t/. Warrant to lay out or alfcr a road, f/.

Exifnin li^ a'id cifting the Grand {iirots account, *e:r'y,

S'ld crdcr thereoD, \f.(id, Eximinifvg any other ate :ut>t,

I4.7, pach. R»c

Ic/. £nrrTing an appeal a/.d recogr: ziDg tLs pnncip«) and

furcties, 8

Juftkfs FecE /'« /^^ Supreme Jud'cia! Ccurt ENfERING an aaion or ccmpiaiot, 5/4^. Ttkxr.^ fjjecial biil, 2/,_ Allowing a writ of error, or prin.ing:

certiorari, haheai corpus, or other wiif on motio?, if. Granting pro:eftion, a a >wfii of if.^d. Provlrg detd, \f. Entering a f.er»tion and makiog order thereon, for the Talc or partiiion of real eftates, 6/. Accepting psrtitioo cf rea

eftates, 2./. Tzx^ng a biM of coft, i/. The foregoing fevs to be paid to the Cierk of the faid Court, who i§, fonic- time in the month of December, annually, to certify to the

Governor and . Cour.cil tbe fumj by hm fo taken and received, and pa'd over to the laid Juflices, tha*^ tbe r.'m< rri3y be deduced from tbe iaft qua/rer of tbe fsid Juftccs

yca'ly fala'v ; and rhe G;iverr»o» and Couacil atC enr<- powercd to dcduft the fati e acTordingly. Clerks Fees in the Supreme Judici&l Court. Entering each iftion for tr;?I, 3/ E teriog each €omplair/t, if.6a. Receivirg and rec'.'?ding a ve:-d'£}, if, A wsit of rev)"*, 3^". A wrif of ffirc facias, a/, A writ t>f ex?cutico, }/.6d. A w.'ic of racizs habcc fofrefnuricm, 2/,6rdf, eich page, 8(/. lef's than a p

Court, 9/> Entering an ap.iear- 1 ice, 6d. Ackaowedging f'ati8b£l:oo of a j^idj^meru s:.i\ cord, ?

1 other caufe? in faid Court, and all caufoi in the CouUj "Common Pless, and Court cf General j:.*u:cn9 of th»j eace, whese an ilTue in iaw or faa is joined, 6/.' Afli] ir all other eaufes in faid Court, df. | For parties recovering cofts, whether in the Su or trot! idicial Court, Court of Ccromon Picas, Genera! Sefiics! the Peace, or before a Juftice, i/.oi. for «cb day*'» tendance and travel j ten miles to be jccounted ai oc» no allowance 7 ; to be made for travel ta or from tht lerk's * cffice, in order to make cut a writ or fumm'^ni carrying the fame to an officer. Ard 00 piaintiff is t*'

: aliowed more than two dsys atf-ndance, when the de-j ndant is defaulted, unlefs the defendant aupcajs in Courtl d makes anfwer to the plaintiff's fuit, in which cafe, if! e defendant is afterwards defauKed, no acfendar.ce AaUj taxed for the plaintiff, aficr the day whereon fuch d«-* iit happens. 1 In criminal eaufes where one or more defcndaoti ar»! ed by the jury at the raa:2 jime, in the Supren e CourtJ where the caufe is detemiined by an ifTue in law, u/J d if no trial by jury, and the caaf^ is oot dciermiu-i'' an i^ue in JaiP, 6/. and in the Court of Ceaera? SeOionaj the Ptace, the fanne allowance for Couni«L a« la the! )mmon Pleas. ,*

Drawing an indiftment in the SeAions, g/. Drawing an j indiflment in the Suprejr.e Cou rt, » *"" 6/. -^ t»794j ^ 3^Wii.ne(r«» in

• of al Seflions Gene of Ihc Pticc, 3/. 1 day, and id, u\ feacbmie's tratet gobg out and jetorning home; an before a juftce of the Feace, 4/ a day ^ and the tra»« the fame at at other Courts j provided the faid witneift

do peifanaily attecd either of the faid Court* and give it in wtitiog, to the Clerk cf faid Court, bit time and travc Fees of Sheriffs and Confiahlei, For the fervice of ao on^inal fummoos or fcire facia<

on one defend am for trial, other by tending the fame, < by copy, f/.^J. if ferved 00 mure than one defcndac

then for each other defendant iti, fervedj i/.4


ferved, i/. 4i/. and vehere the Oihcer is by law diteded : leave a Ci*py, in order to cicpleat the fervice, he ma^i charge at the rate of Si. a page. For a bail bond ac writing the r»nie, iccluding pri. c pal and fiitetics (toll paid by the perfon admitted to bail) i/. Scr»if»g a writ of poflelliOn, cxc\ufi»e of the poundagd on the coft of if Court, 3/. on more than one piece \ land, 3y", each.

The fees for collecf^ing the coft on a writ of pcfTtflioi the fatne pour>dage as in perfonal af^ions. Serving a v^ arrant, 1/4^. Sheriff's aid in cflmin cafes, to each perton, 4/. including expences, for evei ^ twelve hours } fod fj m proportion for a iefs time, an zd. for each mtlt'i travel goinj! cut and returning home, SummoRin(< witreflin in crtn nal cafee, fid, for eac; vitJ-'cf*, ard rravel as in ci*ii caufes, unleU in fpeci . « cafej, when the Court may iocteaie the fee to what thrri fl>«i> judp« leafooab e.

Levying execuiions in ferfona! alliens, fcf the firf^^.s >

-or under, %d, a pound ; 2Rd abt-ve that, not fxteedin^,^.^. \t^d, a poLiid i, above that, rot riceedin; ^,' co, is z^ {•ound all J fcr above >C«loc, to be \d^ a pcund. Provided neverthriet*, that »he Sheriff or ether officJj who may itivt execu'i* r, flued any by the Treafurcr 1 this Lemmor wealth, or i)> any County or Trwn Trex furer, apanft any ConftabU or CclIet>or of fubtic, counif or town taxe&, ^.^\\ not he iotitled to demand or receive '

C »7 1 0T« than half the poundage, and half the travel, whi^fej allowed in ether cafo, | Travel for the fervice of each execution cr mean procef?, warrant to hint direfted, zd. per aiiie, the travel to be mputed from' thr place of fervice to the Court where ! writ or execution fhall be returned, by the way that! muft coirmon^y ufed j bi't cne travel to be allowed to| e writ or ezecutiorif and if the fame be ferved on mote! rfons than one, the travel to be conrputed from that! ice of fervTce thar jr the lUoil remote from the place tfi ura, with-all farther neceiTary travel ia fervina: fuch!. it or execution ; the traveliiog fee and fees of ferviceJ

beenf?orfed !>f the Sheriff or his d«pur? on each me»ij|

>cefj or execution, other^vjfenot to be allowed. i Serving an esecatioa upon judgment of Conrt, ff^t par-i ion of real eftate, or for aifigning dower, 5/. a daj, aadi

. a mils out, from the plart of bis aboHe. I

Every trial, 6^. Everf default, ji/. I Keturning *he cfirtlfiiates of votes of ?he fever-M

wn* for a Govsraor, Set. ta the fecretary's oimc?, 4^/. • mile, computing from his abode to the S'crefary'a ics. to be paiiout of the County Trealury, and but one vel to be allowed for thr whole, Tfj the Officer atteadinij the Grand Jury, each day, 6i. the To Oificer attending the jury for trial, if, every caufe, to be paid with the jury's fees. For difperfing veairies for Jurymci from the Clerk of ' Supreme Jadicia! C>urt, Tre^firer'a warrants, and iclamations of all kinds, 3^. each. To each appraifer of real crtatcs, for extending execu ns, or a"igning dower, 4/. a day, and fo for a longer or 'rrer tira*.-

Every ConftaWe who (hzW attend the Supffme Judicial «"t. or Court of Grneral Scflisns cf the Peace, or mmoi Plea?, by th-jr ord*r, 5/ a da*, tr» be paid out the Cour^t^ Treafur-y. And for encoursgtment «oto J Sheriff fo take and afe all poffib'e care and diligence thefafe k^epinf of rbe of>fine-s. that fhall be com- tted to hir, curtody, he fliall have fuch a faliary allowed n for the fame, as the Jodices of the Cou't of Gcje^al Tions of the Peace, within the fame coun'y, ft a!' think to order, not exceeding to/, a year for the county of ffijlk^i, *od not exceediag 5/. for each of the other ' C i^ I ^ ^ «0'tntiff3 within the gOTe«o.xenf, at the difcretion of the | Court of SedioDS, to be paid out of the County Trctfuij. I Criers Fees. Calllop a Jury, 4J. to be piid with the Jury fees. A default or non fair, a judgment alfjg'jed or coait.!ai^t, a veKli

SefFtoDS of the Peace, 3/. 6i» To every other juror, 3/. and allowance for twve', ih fame as the Grand Jurors, to be paid out of tbe Count Tieafury. Fees of Judges oj Prolate* Fcir grgntinp adminiftration, 3/. Appotating or allov? ing guardians to manors, %j. aod if mote than one raino

to the fame guardian, jd. each^ for a!i abOTe the firft|; A decree refpettinj; the probate of a wiil, or cordicil, 3/ 'I

Examining zvA allov/jng an inventory, and fwjaring \.b

execeror or executors, sdniiniftrator or adininiftrators, \j Swcari-;)g t'^e appra:f;rs, t^d. Examining and allowic] accounts, tj. A decree for fettling inteftateeftate?, 2/ A citation, gi. Summons for witncfs, \d. A quietus, 1/ A warrant to apjraife or divide ef^a'e, ij.iid. IflTumi jcommi'nons to rfcsive and examine creditors Cia^ims^whc: are reridered infolrent, Sedates \J. An order of difhiba tion, i/. G»antir.g an appeal to the Saprem* court, l/. J [ 2-) 3 b^its of t/^e Regi/iers of Prolate, For wtiiing a bond, aud Icctcr of admioiltadon, if. mak:n,-r Wricinj a bond and ictter of guard lanHiip, and | thart one •ecord thstcof, 3/. for one minof, and if f

intiftate eftateamong the bci-s, :/, Writing a warrant to f=t off a widow's dowex only, or a warrant to examine anj the claims oa if>i

order of d.ft.ibutioi, .r/. A quietus, x/. A citation, g;^. • A fa.nmons for a ^itncl'a or \vi";eiT-&, 4-i. PropDrtlonin^ an infoivent Cilftte among the creditors, at the rate of 3/. for every twelve creditor?, eve y c.rediioi's propcrtioa', being feverally diftiriguiHied. Recording a will, inven-| page, Si, tory, eccouot, or other matter*, for every | Copy of a wfl, iiiven'orv.or other pa;Jcr, for each pajc, 8

/ha!! be dcemeJ i»Iej;al ff« ; and the p^rft'o or pcffcns receiving tlie famfj fhill fofffit end' futiVr trtbie the (vtn by bini io received, and be liable to an eftion of debt fo be

brought by him *»ho ihaii fo J)ay the f^me, iu any Ccuit proper to try the fam?. Ccroners Fees.

For ferving a writ, fumnions or txecution, acid for tra- vel in returning the fsme, or for leiorriirg an itquirnipn the fame ailovvante «s ii by law ai'owcd to Shenfis, For

.a bail bond, «/. Every trial where the Sheriff is ccnccrnrd, /ivtending Granting a wsrrznt, j 1/. the Jnry, if. srd

1 taking an ioquiT'tion pn 2 dead body, 4/, if n o^c th^n en?

at the fiiTje tiire, and who c^itjc to their death by \\ ': jrame m«ni T/ foT^ve-y other af:;, the U. TraV «nd .xoencc for takmg aa i.quifition, per day, foreman ,/. T of the Jury at r^e ute of j/.6J per Jay/for t r ^nd «',eacrs and to e.ery other J.ror. at the tc o }pcr d.v c.c ufi.e of t^a^el. fol which, if m.)«. above fo he /hall have .^. per mile, out and home T, ^o-.ftab.e f.r h.. attendance and ex?.nc..»^ i„ fun^^ioni, ju-r, per .^ 4/ day and zW ; the aforcfaAharge. of :nq..fitnn to bi pad out , f the Couoty Txeafufy, exce

th.s -0 Comm.nwe»ho. ar.d \n fuch cafe the expen. to be 3 p,.d out (he T.eafury orth, Con^monw.lul och accoan: of c.pcnce, being fi.ft .„a,ned and allow., by the Court of Gfoe aJ Se fion. of t^e Peace in th Uu.ty .a wb.ch fuch .nquif.tic. ftall be taken? Fees /;.^- Marriages, ZDC. I To the Town \ CJck fcf pafi'iliing the ba

^o be oa;d by the r.fpea.ve To>rn Cleks, xi. For ever

|o.at..s. 2i. For each marrugf, to rhe Minifteror Juft c jo.nc.atmg a: for C-rtiry.og the fan.e ro the Tovraderk 6/ "\^ ""^^^^'^ °^ the hiiths P o\ joetthsMVl:or every pcrfon,^°V4^. Fees of Cottnty Re^ifiers. j For entering and r-crdmg a deed of partition or otheii paper, of the lengib of one page, or under, gj. and foi- (C.rt.fyngon the onginJ. the cme when, the book ant place where the fame is 'ccDrde

^bc O-^or^ by the per^.n d.fchargiag the hme. ?!

S tees ' <;/ tU MtJ^nger of the General Court «^vc7 war a,.t v.h.ch . Jo'^^'»'^? the Gz. eral Coorc ci jSKherI Houle may prant. for arreftuip, im.riromng, o tak- , u^g any 5,euoo, *.. For travei e^.h m.!e cut. and the* Ihrr.t for rerur«ing. 3.V. For ' keeping and icMng fuci h» d.fcharge ^ri^' "£Ai!L-_^'^' or d rai,.Iion. if. ' : r 3' 7 ~ Fees in the 'Secretary i O^ce, For ail copies /or the benefit of i.d.»idorf s, at 'he -ate fef tf. fai eacti huodted- word? . For cjpici- of refoijes a d Wfdere of the Genera' Coun, or of ihe Governor ar,romotion of aiis a':d fce-ee^ igric J t^jre^aod manufiftures, rcii^ion and cha'iobie por- pofcs) I 2/ F ,r every a t r the nco-poratiora of a town, d.and. eci |) a.jr pa- fh, excepting t:jc incorporation of ?l4uatiohs, to be paid by the agent applying tiierefor, 6/. For every of comm.flioo fewers, 6/. F.r ctery war.br.i: For * bra cii p.!a% 6/ For every im ,reiTi >n of the fe^l 3» the Stale with a cerificate on pnvaie pa icrj, ixf, Forerery pais or letter of recomntenduioo fo' pe.f>n<« or fejrjls bound to fore^fn fans, 12/. For e,ery no.lfica. !"<^nofthe Secre'try ftr an appointment of infpeft .rs, iiT

Py th, F-e-Bill the ChATIT^fe^er al Courts crd then keeptng public O^cet, are confiantiy to ha've a UB of\ i>e\fit^ fa. atrelatet to f them refpeai-vely. trintel -^r' ^rote burg up m ibe;r U'utral o^c^, ; ani .-„y *.,/:. J emnndinz a grexter Fee than is by lany p.ctide'd, he is\ '/or/eu and pa^ for e-oer, ojfenre ^he fum of^.ic. ic'-fb\ ^^sof/u.'t, to tBcm that xvill profecute a.d fue therefor^ »tbtn ove ye -.r after the o^ence it committed, and alf*] '.ndered incapahh r>ffuftainir.g any ofz.e nvitbin the CnJi 0«iViahbj3r a term oj time not exceeding fe^.n years, i O^.cers of //;^ Marine Society /« Bofton. Nehcmia'i Sjines, Majle^, John Fc'fter VViliisras, Deputy Mafter, Aisxander Hodgdon, 'Tre.jfurer, Jch.i MoIJncaux, Secretary,

is ors ift in i Their annual Viseting the Tuefday Novembi

Ojicsrs Of the American Academy o/'Aris,^ joho Adams, ll. d. Preftdent, ll.d. Vice Prejident, jofeph WilUrd,COUNSELLORS.d.d. sod Robet t Treat Pain a Richard C?aoch John Lj well Brnjamio Lincoln LoamtH! Baldwia John Warren Caleb Gannett frsncis Dana Coltoa Tofts jercmjr Beiknap, d.d. Rev, John darks, Rfcording Secetary. Eiiphalct Pearfja, Correfponding Secretar^t Ebensrer S:orsr, Treasurer. Cha/lc&BuIfinch, I'ice Treafurer^ John Latircp, d.d. Librarian and Keeper of the Cabiv

Their anr.ual Meeting is on the 4tlvTuet'dfy in Ma]

Officers of Mafiachufetts Agricultural Sode Thomas Rulls!!, of Boftoo, Prejtdent. John La*eU, of KoxhriTj, Tice FreuJent.

lAcie* Gill, of Priacetoo, Second - ice Preftdent, John A*ery»jun. of Ba.tan, Recording Secretary, Olive: Saiith, of Bofton, Correfpondiag Secretary*

I Aaron Dexter, of Bofton, Treafurtr,

j TRUSTEES. Cotton Tuf:s, I-Fdymoutb iChriftop her Gore, Po

Loanimi Baldwin, fi'oburn ! Ch&iles V»UKhao, Bo

ijamis Bowdoin, Dorchefier \ Martin Brimmer, Rt}ct

As the prcmotion of agriculture is aa objeft of %i j

the Tjuliecs i\ ; importance, have agreed to meet once in jin^Dch, fur the purpofe of receiving communicitio^J* promoting the purpofcs of the Inffitut'on. and deure the comnaunicy at large wonid .esmcftly engige in bufinefs, aid its funds, aad make ccmmunieacions o£l difcoter'ics that they may deem ufeful and necefiiry. ^ " II I. I L_;?:? 7


|t>hn K.nefland, Treajurgr, N»lh»nie! Nojes, Secretary, T R U S T E L S.

Ssmi^.l B«tren, fen. I An

TSiis Society, foe (^y eta i ytar* previcus to their being incor}/oi» ed ir» 7779, hcd iiTcctated and raifed ccmmoii ftock fir lh« re'ie^ing the V/idi«t»8 aodi

O phzrs of t^«tr dectfifcj m-mbera. ! "hev arc at na time tacj-fift of m j e than loc members*!

I Bofton Epilcopal Charitable S&chtjr,

\Y iWiam Tuir T, Frefijant, Ricba'd Gteen. rine Piefidert, Bs^jamin Greene. Trtafurer, TRUSTEE S.

Samuel Patktr, d.d, i John Ha'^int John Cut'er y>ftuh C^em Dapiel Kubb'jrd O'lvr Sm-th

Their annua! Kfeeting is on Eafter ru«f^>fi Tbie Socipty \v»f f ..tmed bj a num^x'r of perfons of the Bpifcopalian perluafian in the year 17*4, buc were not iiic->rpcrafcd till February 1784, with ilii« pro- vifo, tTat ihey are not to be io fabjeft'on to any other Society, or to any forcigo potentate, pte'ate, or jurifdid^ioc whatfoever.

TWe are b the Commo.'JwcaKh of Maffjcbufittxt itvt- al other ircorpq?3tcd Societies, Infti^o^ed for piou3, chari- table, aid beoevoleot por)iof)e«,, Ajch tt thr Irifi & Scitt Soci"sr;t3 in BoIIctj, Congregational, Efijcopalian, and Baptiji Societies at Warwick, Ne** Saiem, Mcadon, Nor tea, Taunton, Oraage, Great Barnngton, Mavfhfisld ForJl,

^i^.vri oftkeSociQty for ^ropa^atlfjglheGoM \ antotig toe Indians and othen in North America. Thomw 2.aa«:i. Prejldemt, Mofes Gill, ;//« Ptef^dent, Ebenezer Storer, Treafurer, R«». joha Eliot, Tif^ treafurer, Peter Thacher, d.d. Secretary, Re». Elipbalet Porter, SELECT COMMITTEE.y^//;^tf»r Secretary William Phill.pt feremy Belknap, d.i>, Thoniat Oawe« Nathaoiel Appteton Simron Hiward, » i>. Their anoual Meeting ii^n the Jaft Thurfday in May.


The ftated ni£«ting! of the Society are en ?F-e ffcond dnerdajr in April j rhe fifft wtdreft'ay m June j and ! third wednefday ic Oftcber anno*l|y.

^cers of the Middlefex ^ledtcal Jfcctation. OiifPr P efc^tt, M.D. Frefidemt. Benjamin VV»te,hovle, m d Fice Ptefident, John Brnyk» ^ Jofl^h Bai'Ictt, M.B. C CcunfellorSf Ifaat >-'urd, 5 T;m'^t^Y Miaot, Treafurer, Joff, h Hunt, tecre'arp, Jv«eeurg$ >$cmi-ann»»ai of tni» Ascciafion are holders at r>cord OD the Uft wedrefday* of Apr! ar»d 06^ bcr

Ojjicers of t^e Biifti^l Medical Hocuty, Wpliam iiayiief, Hre/ident, Sai.uei Perty, lice f^ejtuent. Jefle BuKcck p Eberezer W>n(]ow V Counfellcrs, Lewis Lepii.ere j Fofter Sw»ft, Secreta y» "P. B laCr'ngtcn, ^rsafurer,

T Jefe ^'^edical Spcfie;. {..e '•fifrcc u cifvie Vfdiea' a* e«^+>e, j,rtrrpe i<<'e;dy fntercourfe, ard aid tie «• of rof ^ir'hfr. T^.ry ictfifl of Phjfitiam, Sur i» at)d fajfjofirf ft-ccQb.rs. Phyjcians and Surgeons pradlifing in Bojion. James Peck

The Mafrschnfetts Medical Soc'ety earreft'y recommer. an Univerjity EJucarion to all who are (ttfgnrd Jor tt M'diccl ProfeJJicn, and to all Students in Pbs.fic an attei idafice on Medical Leffures, as ta u^bt in Univerjitiet,

Officers ofths Cincinnati in MafTachofetts. Major General Benjamin Lincoln. Prefident» Doftor Wijljam Euftis, Vice Prejldent. Major General Henry ]iek(oa, Treajurer, Thoma* Edwards, Secretary. Thiir annua} Meeting is always oo the 4fh of Jo'r* r 37 3 §>cers of the MaJ/'dchufctts Humans Soctciy. Thcmas RtjflVil, Frefider.t. Jonathsn Mjfon, Pirjt l^lce Frefider.t, John Vvarrci), Ni.D. Second Vice trejdent, Simeon Hawaid, Vi.'D^ Treafurer, Samuel Fatker, d.d. Ccrrefponding Secretary, John Avci-^, jun. P^ecording Secretary. T R U S T E-E S. John Lithrop, d d, .Thomas VVcl'li j' Peter Thsc^icr, d 9. Aaron Dc^^rer

I Rev. John Cla-ks N2thariic; Ealch

Mtttir.g i? on the 2d Tujfdajr in December, heir annual |

Officers cf ths Boll on Library Society. TRUSTEES. Sam-jel Parker, B. D. Cbairmsn. BuifiocU Samuel Hall Charles j Rev. John Eliot " George Px. Minct Charles Vaughao Rev. Jofei-h Eckley j Redford Webft^r. Treaftirer. Caleb Einghinij Librarian, Ebcsczef Larkin, jun, Secretary.

Their annual meeting is to be on the firft monday in [arch for the choice of Trufices znd other Officers.

The I'ibra'y is kept at the Building fornr.erly called the lalTichu^stts Bardic, for the bef.eni uf Subrci';b;!S, .

Subfcr Derb are to pay ten dollars at the time of fubfcrib- > g, to be approjiriated to pu'chafi g books, &c. but a?e >t precluded fr-m fubfcribi; g f-.r m>rr than one rig^t. Subfcribers nemc* are to be rcr;i{ier«d, each of whonfi e to hap5 the right of 'skins lu: oi the Ljb^aty at one oir, one folio, tvr':^ quarto?, & not more thao three o'.hcj jlomes one nti'^nth of a fmailc' fize, and to retain them j retained after the expiration of chat t n»i, they are to y ka'f a dol'ar per v-'cek for every fet. The Book* are to ba re u-^ned in as gocd order as re- ived, ahowirg for wear with gccd ufafc. neccHaty ;

The Library is open •v^ry T.-ufJsv aftarnooo, ana ai:| ch other>im:s a? tie Tiutl'ees may diveft. J The priyi'egcs of this Affociation are not confined tcj e inhabltsnt! of Boft-nftu" to a I others, vvh fron;l eir local ftvuation, can conform to the Raks p;t:rcrib<'-d.!

[1794.] •"" C 38 ] LJOffice»s of the Grand Lodge '/Free MafoRS. hn QMVet^ Grar.d Mafter. Moft Worn'i.ful J Vacant. Deputy C rand Majier. WorHifpful fiah Bart.'eit, / Grand Right J

R;ght Wotfli • ful Murgo Mackar, \ Harjtnt. iianrnKl Harkm?^, Grond Treajurer, SsmufI Co'f (worthy, j'Jn. Crar.d Sea etary,

William Littir, L r' j n ,^-.. Wjliirrn Ucnnilor, \ Samuel Hrzd^oti^ Grand -Ma^JhaK Benjaii in RuTfclJ, G'ar.d ^tvord Bearer, Brazier, 1 John ^^^^^ Suivardi, Lcwu Hayr, J Their Quarterly CcmmufiicatioTii are he'd at Bcftoo ot the Eirnirga of the lecccd Mondays in March, Juce, September, ttid December. The Officers are choJeo at their meeting in Deretrber.

Itir A Bopjc of Coiiftifotjcns, containing the IVlafonic Hjftory, and ail thiogs n^ce^Tary for the ofe cf the

Fraternity, is lately publifhed under tVeir lan£tioo.

The other Lodges he'd in Bofton, are, The firft ?>r«1 fffqd Saint Johnt Lcd^s, being onited with the l^ifiig Sun Lodge, meet at Concert Hail on ifce laft Wedrefday in each Month. Saint ^rdreiv^s Lodge, ^eet at Frcc-Mafon's Hall the fecond Tfeur(<5av of every Month. The Royal Arch Lo<}?'p, meet at the ("aire Place on i\a laft Thurfdar of each Month. The Kifing States Lodge, meet »t Concert Hall on the laft Monday m each Mamh. MaJJacbufe'ts Lrdge, at the fame Pljce, the 2d Monday. The African Lo^Jge, meet the firft Tuefday in eve;> Morth, at the Gulden Fleece. Other Lo-ges co?5(iiruted arid held in MaJJ'acbufetts, are. King Solomon't Lcdfe, at Char>flowr, v-ln meet a; Warren Ha'I the fccrnd Tve'^day rf each inonTh. lytcan Lodge, at Cape Ann. E/fcx Lfi'^gr, At Salem. St.Peter^i at Newbury Pott. /imity Lcx^'^c, at Di;to. Berkpire, at SrorkbridEe. t'r.iiy Irdps, at L fwich. Trinity, at L?rc2fter. U arren L< dzJ.aiMachias. f^nited States, at Darverf. FedualLodge HsmpfhireCc. J , Morning^ tarLo^gS, Wptctti r -^9 I States Officers of the United BANK. Kept at the City cf Philadelphia. Th mas Willing, Preftdent. Thotnat Fi zfimoni Wjiiiam Smith Triftranr, Dalton Samuel Johnfon' Hen-y Nicholi lamss Watfoa JameJ M'C'urg • Jofeph Call John Wirts Ifaac Wharton NichDias Low JamssC. Fifhsr Andrew Craigic William Bingham Herman Le Rof Jofeph Anthony famss Davenport Arch. bald M'Call Georgs Cabat Krael Whelcn Rufus King Robi't Smith Samuel Breck ]cho Lawraocc ehg:^Jisxjbh ht more than three fuarten of the Direasrs are Direaor -who pall be for more that one year^ except the PrefiiJea?, and he may alivayt be re-eie&ed. John Ktaa, Cafbier, Sa'iry - - «7oo Dollars. George Simpfon, firfi Teller, - - I 500 Gulian M'Evers, fecond Teller, - looo William Lawraoce, Jirft Book-keeper, 1000 John Rudd, fecond Bock-keeper, - 800 Philip Eok, OiJt^uBt Clerk, - - 750 Edward Stew, jun. AJfifiant Cletk, - 600 Guftavu* Rubey, Runner, - - 600

Officers of ihe BANKS /> Baltoa. United States Branch Bank. DIRECTORS. Thcraas Ruflell. Prefident. ChriftopHer Gore Caleb Davis Jofeph Barrill John Lowell Davd Scars Henry Hill John Codman Sjmuel Parkmao John Coffin Jones Chirlcj Miller Jofeph RufTell, jun. John Jojjjuo. Peter Roe Dalton, Copier, John R'fe, ift Teller, ' Danie! Oiivc-, id Teller. Chri.lopherM.nor, 1 Book-keepers. Turner Khiilipc, S Samuel Thwng. Difcount CUrk. Giliam Bais, Mejf;ng^ — r. 40 ] MafTachufetts BANK. DIRECTORS. Vv iil am Pi.jllip*, Prefdent.

j era' Ian 'vi&ica William 'I udor Thomas OawM John Amory 'i hcm'ji Wa'Ify William Phillips, jun, Aaron Dexter Jares Thwlng, Crjkier. Nathifiel F-i/le', Acc^untctant. J^mrs F.-rter, JJJiJtar.t. ]cfe'.>h Svt^ectJer, Attendant and Mtjfenger. " Union BANK^ DIRECTORS. Moies Gill, Prefident. Jofeph Blake Samuel SewsU Samuei Brown William Smith Nathaniel Fellows Oliver WeridcH David Greene ' Daniel Hubbard Perez Morton Jofeph Head

jcffc Futnanr* I Alexander Hodgdon, Capier. Nathaniel Emmons, Accountant. jobrrfon Jackfon, AJp.fiant Accountant, David M:nzy, Difcount Clerk. George Burroughs, TeUer. Andrew johonnot, Mejftnger, James Goddard, Attendant.

EiTex BANK, kept at Salem. DIRECTORS. William Gray, jun. Prefident.

J?C(.b Alhron I Wil.iam Orne

George Dtdge I Edward PuHing

John Norris I jofeph White James King, Capier.

I The feverstt Hanks in Bojion, are kept in State Stret jnear the Siaie Hcuie, beirg the centre of the Town, arc jOffice hours from 9 o'clock in the morning to r, 2 (from 3 to 5 in the afternoor>. Payments rcccved, cr paid at the feveral I Banh, mi be examined at the time, as ro deficiencies fuggelii I afieiwjrfis will be admitted. [4^ ] RA'es of Gold and' Silver COINS, As e-iab'ijhei O; an AfV ot' Cortptefs. Fdnuary 0, 1793, J £ HAT .after the fi il d»» of Juiy 1793. -C'cfs" G'>ld aad Si ver Coioj fh* I pafs cursent as Maney wsthiot !ic Uaiicd States, aod b; a legai tender for :he psyment fall <5sb:s a id dsmands, at the fsverel ra.^s as foJiOws,] ad .;oc Of her wife, viz. Pre gold coics of Great UrttatH'. nd ^O'tugal, of th-ir. p:efcrn ftiid^rtf, at thr rate of cr^j undred ctnti for every twenty fc-en graifjs of the afiuai c^ghc therirjf j tne go^d coins of France, Spain, and the oinmioas of Spain, of tneir pefent ftandard, at the rate f one brcndred cenis forever/ twanty feten grains and two r.hs of a grain, of the a

!en penny v/e gh:! and fevto grains j and in pjopertion for] ic p^rt? of a d.vlar. Crowns of France, at the rate ofj le hundred and ten cents, for each Crown, the a(ftu2.li 'cighi whereof not to be Ufs than cghtceri p^cnyweighra ':d fcvintecn grain?, ard in propovtion for the paris of a) rown. 8nt nofcscign Coin th^t may have been, or /ha'ij ; ilTufd fubfequjnt to the firft Aay of January 179?, fhallj i a tender, a> alortfild, urst'' f^-m-jjcs thereof fhi'i'i havel een found, bv alTay a: the Mls.t, to be onformab'c tol ie rer-sft ve ftardards req ;ired and proc'amauon thereof j .a'l have bfcn nude by the I'lefidenr of rhe UaiiedSt8',es.! I'hat at the expiration of three ye^rs r>ext eufuiog thsj me wherj th^ caiuige rf Gold a-

the Mint of theUiiied Sja^ca ( /vhich tim; wiii be an-l I .Tjnccd by the proclamaticn of ci cP^efident of thcUnKedj '.a^es^ al! f.-regr Gi.'.d Coinj, aad ah foreign S'l*erCoias,i ccepe Spamp miM'd D;)!latf, and pacts &f i"uch Doliars,! e to ceefe t<> be a tcder. j That ail fo ei^n God a.id SiWer Coior (fxcept SpajiiM ;mi*d Dollars, and parts of fuch DolUrs) wl.ich fhai! be| csived in payment for Monits due to th". United Sratcsj

I'tcr tht fa d time, v/hen the coininf of Goid and Silver

|0'n! ihzW be-iiT at 'iie Mint of ti»e United ot>ies, fhd'l, I'evici:!'!)' to their bcirijr ifTjed in c-fuiaioii, be Cuinedl' a iC*, in CO .form: ty to ih" Aft for .e»Ub fhinj; MitiC. , j.Vioney accouuts cf the Uncet^ S-a'cs a e to be erjrtetTed

, Dollars or L'r,:ts. Difmes orTfiirhs, Cpnt? cr huntJrcdths, )d M: les or thoufandths. A liiime besnt; th? rectb par. • a Dollar, a Cent rhe hu: d'Ctith \>i.rl of a Dc:izr, and a ^ ['I»ile ibe thoufandth part cf a Dollar. 1 C 42 A TABLE For rccerjing and paying of Gold Coins, agreeably to the late Lanv of Cangrefs.

* of GreatSritaii JGo'd Coins of Frdn

Thcff Coins a

Guinea', Tc::r Fif::!e \l G\i\m%^, Jh:innesJ^Ji

Pieces^ and their parts. j| ^/arfj, and their parts. A •» ~~~^ [ A TABLE f ewirg the Valos of any Numb;r of Cents^ from one taj Farfhirgs. one Hundred, in ^biliingt, Psrcf, and j Very ufeful to all Peifons who may be cocerned'io ihsj Dutici eftaMifhid by th- R«verrjs Laws of Cons'efs.

s. d. f Ctt. 44 J

I MINT of the United Sutes.

;gY ar) A£l of C n^reA, a M.nt is tu be eU^bliflifd: he S«ac of, Gove^nmeoc, for the cor.di;ft!n£ I o; v/ii c j'th-re !< to b«! a in D edtir; A, layer ,- a coief Ooir.er ja» £' graver } a/sd a freafurer j alio Cle.ks, Workmei |arjd S-iv nfs. The foihwiog Officers are already appointed. Divid '^(cenhoufe, DireSior^ 2000 Doiiars per ann. T"ft.am Dalton, T^eafurer, izvo. Hcarj Voight, Chief Coiner, I500, /^/faytr, 1300, Engraver^ 100. Three Clerks, ar 500 Dolla-s per annum each. The Worfimer) &c. are to be allowed fuch Wage as are cuitimi-y and reaforsable. T-c CoJnn to be ftruck a-e fo be of the followin denrm r.aric^os, valuta aid dpfciptiofjs, vz. Eagles : Eic'i of o be the v» ue of 10 daliars, and l conrai;) 24.7 p ain» and four eights of a grain of pure, a70 prai s nt ftandatd go'd.

Eag!ei : Each o bf Half of tbe rslce of 5 doMarj, ar.< IP 113 %-nA ard fix eghths of a grain of pure, or 131 'gra> :^ of ftandarjf gn,d. garter Eagles : E?ch to be of the value of 3 do'ian j and a.j /ia

'at 41S gfaiob of ftinda'd £i ver.

Hij//' Dollar I : ach to bs of half the va'ue of a d.llar, I and t.-conra»n 185 grins and ten fixtetnrh parts of a grain cfp:-e, or 20H grai.-ts of ftatjdard riivef. iQua'ter Dollars: E)ch to be ooc fourth the value of the daJiar, ar.d contain 92 gaint and fhirteen fii-.ocnihsj pa.-?s of z pra n cf pu-e, i>r T'-4 g'^a ne of ftar.dard T^ive-. Difmes: Each ro be of the v^k»; of one enrh .'fa doi-| far, and :o conta'n 37 nrains and :w."« fisteenlh parte rf si grain of pure, or 4.1 grams and three fiftn p»rts of a graie |of ft^'^d* d Ivc'.

Half DiftKit : Each to be of the va'us tf one twer^tieih [of a do-/ar, ar.d to cosuair- t8 gfiirs and D,n« fix'centh

^arts cf a g am < f po e or twenty gains and fou« fif h pans of a gra:a of Aaodard fuvei. [ -is. ] ^. Mint iVlattsrs continued. \

C'.nts : Each to bs of th: vJ'ije of :he onii handre| irt of a dollar, and to contain aoS grains cf copper. I

Half Cents ; Eacli to be of t^e Vilas of half a ientf and!

coiitai;-] 104 grams of copper. i L'ljan the ivi Coma reip3cl;?e-y therels to be the fol-l wirg devices and legends, ?iz. Upon ore {ij« '^f each an. ipieiiion emblemaric of Libtrty, with ao i-^fcnpcion of, '* e word Li'o;rty^'" anci the year of the comsge ; and

!0fi the rcverfe or each of the g;o!d snd fi ver cins there to be the figure or fcpreferitatioo of an tJg'e, wifh this ICiiption, '* Lnitai St'aCis af AmericA.^' ad up^n ihs ve fe of each of the coppei. coins, so infcipcioi tf w^ich aii txj.rcf8 the denomwaLion of ths piece, viz. Cent or| aif Lent, as ibe caf^, may irquite. I

The ttandaid for alt gold co'.ns of the Uriited State*,] to be eirrven parts fine tn one part anoj ; the aiioy to be ^mpoled cf frver 3rd cooper.

The ftandard for all fiiver coins of the Ualtei S-ate«, to be one thoufaud four hundred and eighty five partsr nc to cnc hundred and fsveaty nine parts ailo*y j which joy to be wholly of copper.

Every officer and Clerk of the Mint is to make oath r afiiimation faithfully and diligently to perform the Jties thereof. And the AiTayer, chief Coicer, aad Trea- »rtr, are tefpefti»e!y to become bound, with one or mora ireties, in tie fum of ten thcufarid dollars, for the faith- il and diligent performance of the duties of his office.

It any cScer or pe'fon employed in the Mint fhal! de- afe any cf the go!d or filver cainsi or m^ke worfe as to 3e proportion of fine geld ot fine fiiver therein contained, r of lefs value or weight than the fame ought to b;, wi';h fraudulent intent, or (hall embezzle any of the merais ori airs, will be deemed guilty of felony, isnd fuffer Death,

.A quantity of Copper, pot exceed ng 150 tons, is to be: oincd into Cents ^rd. half Cents, and after the cJtpirationi f fix months from the tinne 50,000 doiiars nf the fam^sj as been delive;cd into the Treafury of the Uaited States aencc to iffue into circulation, of which notice is ^o be, tveo in the news j'apers, that ro copper coins, ex'*eat fjidj ents and ha f Cents, sre to pafs :n payment for any deb.,,j nd if ofleed to be paid cr received m pavmeiit, to be for-} eitedj befides incurtitg a penalty of 'en doUars. r 46. T 5^ CofiiiDenial Scale ot DeprecuuoQ, As eftiblifhed by the late united Provinci; Congrefs, at their fedioa at Phiiadeiphii as a Rule for fettling the Rate of Deprt ciation on ail pahiiclc Contrafts made froi th? Y^ar 1777 to the Year 1780, and whic haih not fince been altered.

^alus of 100 Dollars Paper Monef in £psci\

»777. Do!,

Nov I. 17- Dec. 4. '7- 1778. Jan. 4. 19 Feb 3. 14. Mar. 2. 18.

April J. 19, May 4. 20. June 6. W- July 2.

1 5. L 47 J Majfjchufettt Sc^le of Depreciation. •eeably to a Law of the State for the fettling of Con_ rafliii8 of C'fdit of the Ur.ited States. One 'Thoufand Seven Hundred and Seventy i^even uary IOC May September '7S riiary 107 June Odlober *75 rch 109 July November 300 ril Til J Dfcemb-?r 50 S»o One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight nuary 325 400 S^^Dternber 475 bruary 350 400 Oaober 500 arch Novembpr 375 543 )rii 400 450 Dscember 634 One Thoufand Seven Hundred ard Seventy Nine, •iuary 742 May 1215 September j8co bruary S6S June 1342 Oftober 4030 sich I000 July 1477 November 4308 iril Auguft 1630 1104 December 2593 One Thcufand Seven Bundrtd and Eighty. January March 2934 j 3736 February April 3322 ( ^oro 1 w April ift, April 20th, 1780, to one Spanip miiv}^ Dollar Kuai equal to Forty of the Old LmiiTion. i! 25'-h, May 27th, 60 42 j fSsptembcr Jo'th -t ' "' • - May 30th, 62 ^" ' 0y to be of the Chriflian xeiigioo. Honorable Samuel Adams, Efq; LL.D. Lieutenant Governor. Salary ;C« •fio, and Pay as Member of the Council]

The quaiificarjone for Lieutenant-GoTeroor, in point of gioo, property, and refidence, are to be in the fame noer with the Governor, and ia always to be a member

he Council, except when the c! %ir of Government is ant, when he i» to prefidc at Prefidenr, and perform all duties, and exercife all tbe powers and authorities ich the Governor, by the Conftitution, is vefted with. COUNSELLORS. Names. Count its, T'oivm, lofes jill, Worccfter, Princeton, zor Orne, EfTex, Marblehead, dward Cutts, Kittery, York, 'homas Durfee, Briftol, Freetown, legzer Brooks, Middlefes^ Lincc'n, tliver Wendell, Suffolk, Bofton, /iiliam Shepard, HampfhJre, WeHfield, »mes Warren, Plymouth, Plymouth, ,

EbenezerThayer,Norfolk, Braintree. 1 Ifaac Pftrcef MeHenger to the Governor and Council, j since appoinfed Sheriff f^r the County, his Seat a» a Couofellor Is, by the Conftitution, therefore vacated. <

'HE Council is for the purpofc of sdvifing the Gover-j in the executive part of Government, whom tb* 'ernor has power frcm tinic 'o time, at hU difcrerion,; all together, for the ordering and direaipg the sft'airt he Commonwealth j five at leaf} to be a ouoium. [1794-] , 1 5° ] i ~ The Legijlaiure of Majfachufitts. SENATORS. \ *-t|Samuel Phillips, ll d. oyAndover, Pr^/li

Diftria of M.^ffuchuf(tti. Names. Courties, Ttnvns, —4T"homas Dnw«, Suffolk, Bofton, rJcnji. AuHiin, juo. Ditto, Bofton, Stephen Choate, EfTeXi Ipfwich,

HTheophiJusBradbury, Ditto, JSlewbLiryPo i Daniel Thnrfton, Ditto, Bradford, — 'Nathan Dane, Di'io, Beverly, Chelmsford '"'Ebenezer Bridge, Middlefex, \ — Jofeph Hofmer, Ditto, Concord, — Jo**eph B.Varnum, Ditto, Oracut, -—Daniel Whitney, Ditto, Sherburne, — John Hsftings, HampHiirc, Hatfield, — Samuel Fowler, Ditto, Weftfield, ^ ""Simeon Strong, Ditto, Amherft, —'Daniel Howard, Plymouth, Bridgwater, — Ifaac ThoiBpfoD. Ditto, Middleboro* — Jofiah Smith, Ditto, Pembroke, ••—George Leonard, Briftol, Norton, --^Eliiha May, Ditto, Attleborougl Solomon Freeman, Barnftable, Harwich,

TTTMi- , • CDuke$Co, 7 c j„^, William Jernigan,| Edgar toif« ^^^^^^^^^^ j -Samuel Baker, Worcefter, Berlin, Jonathan Warner, Ditto, Hardwick, Timothy Newell, Ditto, Sturbridge, Jofiah Stearns, Ditto, Lunenburg, Berkfhire, Williamflor Thomp. J. Skinner, Elijah Dwight, Ditto, Gr Barringt(3 William Heath, Norfolk, R ox bury, !' Stephen Metcalf, Ditto, Bellinghara, Ditto, Dorcherter, •-iUmes Bov/doiD, I • V ., - I i> 1 1 I'

I . s^TZZ '*' L(fg'^,^':tufe of Maffachufcttt,

•^"S E N A T 11 3 continued.

Dlftna (if' Maine.

Naitttt. Countiei. thaniel W- lis, YoiK, Wells, lOD Fryc, Ditto, Fryeburg, ioh Thacheri Cumberland, Gorham, Lincoln, ^ Naraguagiw tx; Campbell, 4ancock. & v, or vVafiungton,j' "No. 4.

Samuel Cofper, Cltrk to the Senate. PtUr Thachefi D. D. ChapUin. wdl 'HE Senate is the firft brartch of the LegiHaNM* tb« fifft to be ;!ect«d by the quaii^ed iohabitaar» on theff- namci tff iday in Aj>ril annuaWy, forever 5 and tturnsd by the Town Oerk of the refpcftr?« towns,

- Red by the Sctci>-i.en, 'ito tbcSectewry's oificefcvea- iaft wcdocfdav in May, , ddv* ar. ieaft- bsfyr* th» _ ^ wfeo To perion is ea>;abie of b-iiag <1s(S'.d a Scaator m fcizcd in bis owo righi of a frc«ii»ld of the ?«{«• ©Jl 00, or pfiflTdlVd of pgifiaaltftau to tta vilae of;C*^«'5»| jsarJ, b»sn an inhabitant lot the fpacs of fi?e jj*

'h« Ssna e js to bs » c^-ust w»ch fuU authorhy to hwrr detetrnine ail iinp?4C-imw»*9 matia by th» H»nfe •?!, •refe^tativea, agalnrt auy ofticejt of the C«cjitJ 30 wealth,^ in!i«onduit or ma!e-admJo»ft<:atloo ifl tb«u offiec*.^*— i» judgmetji, hoverev, 19 not to «xt«oii futchir tlua uf, iDvat fiora ofBcc, aad difqualifif ition to hold or MJOjf|

place of hrinar, trull or profit j but tba psrfoa (•

»i6t-3, is !jefeTthe?«f», )hbU to iodiftonat, t/iai. jttig' It, and pjnifnm-^it, aicr- ding to the i^'Si of the land •iQK lefs •hs'i futera membsraof th« Senate are to Wta- a-« a :una for doinj boQotft. rh^ Sfl«a»a a'c to choofe Hs own P.-sfidatt, apfoltt itJi r> O^'c^)!, »nd determioc its owe RuliBof {i'ceiedifl6«.\ HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES?' Edward H. Robbins, 0/ Milton, Speaker The Towni are arranged according to the Date when t, i were refpeftiTely incorporated, to which is added ! Dumber of rateable Polls in each Town, as reported the Committee on the Valuation in 1793.--And J m.Ies diftant, from the centre of faid Towns, to Town Houfe in Eolion, as accurate as the Bditors cci obtain, in even miles, the ufual route. County of SUFFOLK, Towns, Polls, Miltt, Reprefentatives Natn I -AVilliam Tudor (^Charles Jarrii -John Coffin BOSTON, Jonei •—Jonathan Mafon --William Euftis I (—Jofeph filake ^Thomas Edwardi Cbel/ea, County of NORFOLK. Dorcbtfler 448 4 —John Howe Roxhury 458 3 -John'Read Weymouth 349 15 539 20 I—Charles Cu/hing Dedbam 399 II —Nathaniel Kingfbury Braintree 449 T2 Hull 21 9 Mtdfield 1S9 20 —John Baxter Milton 222 7 -Sdward H. Robbins JVrentbam 442 27 --Nathan Comftock Brooklyn 10«; 4 Ifeedhcm t6g 13 —Jonathan Kin/bury Midioay 278 25 —Mofei Richardfon, juni Bellinghaat »53 34 Walpole 236 iO —Oliver Clap Stougbton 417 M —Elijah Dunbar Sbaron 220 *o —Jofeph Hewins Cobajet »9S 25 Frank aa 274 30 —Hezekiah F./her Foxborougb 149 26 Dover 119 IS putney 212 TO Sandoifb 15 —Samuel Bafs Randolph was the South Precioa in Braintrte, and u ri fince the Valuation corporated was taken. il [ 53 •] County of ESSEX. M;!es) Towns, FoUt. Heprefentattvei Names . V-j. hn i:ia!:horn *< thm 1464 20 f—fohn Saunders, jun. V-|)hnHcad tfzvicb 999 3* j 4-J oa* Cogfwcli'jjun.l I eivburf 849 43 --4'ifj'ih Little 598 12 —Ezra Collins loucef.er • 029 35 —\Vii!i»in Pearfon 01V !ey 593 —^'homas Mighill 2ii/}>ury 457 46 —Jacob Brown enbam 97 26 ianchtfier t*4 Jo 'ndver 782 22 —Jofhua Holt averbill —^Francis 508 r-53 Carr tarble head 1107 19 —Samuel Sewall >l>sjie'td SC2 39 —Silvanus Wjides mtft? try 50 —Chriftopher Sargent evirly 731 2* —Jofeph Wood radford 29 oxford 2e6 26 —Thomas Perley, joo. 'ethtien a.S6 3» liddUton v6f 2g anve'S S'7 ]g —Jfratl Hutchir.fon e'wbu'V Port 937 44 Enoch Titcomb, jun.

100 , ir.nfied '5.^ .^ amiltotti lat« Ipfwich Hamlet, incorporated in June 1793; County of MIDDLESEX. Towns, Polls. \ MiUs Reprefentatives Names, iarle/l(tzvn: 350 T -Richard Devea» ate't'iun. 237 —Amos Bond \edfrd 209 5 -*bcDezer HaJJ J-Stephcn Dana xmbr'tdgt' 457 4 Met^atbun VViiiJngton Jttcord 333 19 -Jonathan Fay 'efi' Sudbury 297 J9 MVii'sxn Rice churn 3H lo -SamuaJ Tborapfon '.a ling 4,62 i4 -iamss Saacroft 'alden. 240 5 J-lfitc Smith ofin f~Aaron Brown 41 o 37 Ir^imathy Bigiow Ulrica 29S Edward Farmer elm I ford 299 n^lborough 410 / sJh-Edtvard Barnei r 54,J County of M/DDTESEX continued. j Towns. Poll,,

Sber^urte iytoto Newton Framingbam Dracttt

Lexington Littleton Hopkintot Hol/ifioM 'Stonebam fTefiford Bedford Wilmington Tcwnfend Tefokjbury ASlon TValtbaM Shirley Pepperell Lincoln. Afhby Eaft Sudbury Natick Carhjle Bcxborougb Tyngporougb —

continued. "County of lU/UPSHiKH

' Namei. Towns. Miles. I Repreftntativet Palfner Southampton 10 I n. I South tiajihy Sme?d Geesnfeld —David ive51o{g Ue

' CkarUmont \Cbefttr Billitji HUonKvay —William Granby -Ephrsim Williams Na(h Shelburue —Benjamio WtrthtHgtis —Jonathaa 3rewft«f Fowler Sotttbtvick —Saul Willitmfiurg Wbately Nomvicb Joftia Ely Wtfi SpriuifeU — Le'Vereti —-Gideco Clark UaKpton Wefi Samuei Taylor ^uckjand — JacQM Eiebarda Cvmingtor, —

1 Mtntgiwery Wtndell Cofheu Midilefieli ^Lr-KP' Meadcw Qrar.ge r^f5 J County of H^MPi^HlRE coniinued. Towas. Polls. MiUs. Repreftntati-ves li^amet \ Ludloiv 138 90 ley den 163 Roive 98 .h'eafb 105 Tt6

1 10 izo E:.fi Hampton i>8 IC4 y-ioi and 9* So liarv'cy !a7 fiuj/iii. County of PLYMOUTH. Town** PolU. Flymjutb Scituate Duxhury Ma fhfield 8rid<"iua:er Ml (id/eoorougb R ocbeHer Pl\mpton Pembroke At>ifigton

Kingft on Hanover Halifax Warebam Carver L_57._J

County of BRISTOL. I . Town$, Polls. Miles, Reprefentati'vet NamegA Taunton 745 4i Rebobotb 904 44 —Phanuel Bifhrip Dartmouth 555 70 —Holder Slocum ^Svianfey 3^5 5« —ChriAophcr N afoa Freetown 458 50 —JBphulm Winnawr AttUborougb 503 37 Norton 33» 33 Dighton 347 47 Eafton »7 333 —Abiel Mitchef Raynbam 40 439 __Jofiah Deaa Berkley »95 50 Mansfield a33 30 New Bedford 739 58 Wejiport 430 70 —William Almy Somerfet I 2ZI 5* —Jeratbmec 1 Bowera County of DUKES-COU.NTY. Towns. Polls. Miles. Reprefentatimes Namei% lEdgartcwm 3»5 100 Tijbury *59 97 —Benjamin Alitn Cbilmark 199 I 99 County cf NANTUCKET,

Town. I PoUsAMiles.\ Reprejentative's Name, Uerb 1 121 —Micijah Coffin 13s I County of IVORCESTER. Towns, Polls. Mtles. Reprefentatives Names, Lancafier 3<6 40 John Whiiing Mertdon 32S 37 Brookfield 675 68 —Thomas Hate, jun. Oxford z65 55 "iff^orcefler 540 47 —Samue! Flagg Leicef-er z6z 55 Rutland %q% 56 William Caldwell Sa'ton 660 45 —Timothy Sibley H'efiborougb a»5 34 —Elijah Brieham Uxhridge 306 41 —Bczaleel Taft Soutbhorougb 184. 3« --Elijah Brignam Sbreiv/hury 252 40 —Jonah Hawc

» Since appointed Sheriff ^ot the County, hi? Scat as «

^e^refeatative is therefor* vacated* 1

r 58__] County of tVORCESTER continued. tells Reprefentatives Names, 173 40 248 60 |-John Chamberlain IJai'uu' d 359 35 HBenjamin Kimball rafton »S7 40 --Luke Dfcrjr 21 38 399 72 IB iton MofiahWIalcM ^iurbringe 454 \\ •-54 313- 50 ^^imothy Boutcl f^/rftern •»9 73 Doiglafs •48 47 *«9 65 -Arttmas flowe Spencer 349 59 -^amcs Hathaway 39. 66 HDaniel Wiglovr Char UoH ^85 6o -SaJem Towar »^i 60 -^ilas Ctttier a. 6 ^a kham *04 Fitchburg a68 5>3 -Danid Putoami 254 64 RoyaijJOB 263 '60 60

Paxton 5:> Northhorfugb S5 Hu' bv'dfion 60 y-yehminllif 55 Prtn el OS 5* Ncirthhrid^e "3 40 4.66 65 John Bi^ck iVa'd 119 55 M'.'foU I go 35 4-5 •-Edward R.8ynioai

it 3 5 Gardner- 'IS 6c 45 in as Temp!e Gerry '77 65 U th-Co«styoi- ffarcejier there it? foodry Gsret of La-.d tdigiair-g the-Tj*** o'' Oxfardy Slvrl^idge,

' Le:m'r.:le>-y Frt^bbur^b *tjA ^rtncctar.,.%hs Pall fas of ihe lahabiun^s oi vrbick tie adde4 lo thufe T^was ferpeAiTelj. 59 -— Couv^y of nERKSHinf^. Nanus. Towns, Poils.lMi/es. Keprepntatives Hubbiiid Shf_pe'd 425 "*5 -jcho Bacon ^tockbridge 306 •^i.hn

Nicho!a«i Race Bgremmt 164. 14.5 XDap el Hubbs'd tiitsfitid 441 140 Tim thy '-htids

Great Barrinpon '95 140 — ) .^oho Picket, juc« Saidisfir'd l»6 r7 '3' La'^'/h. sugh 46 '45 }i''i'liamjtin 369 '50 — Conant Beckei T70 T28 — her ox 248 »45 Jcfhua Seals Ifindfor 135 — Patrt:gefie}d

A'f'^rd « 17 US Louden 4 »*3 L«fk Weft Stockbridge 2:4 146 "T-Thfimas Hichmond 2.S ,50 t~Kaihaaiel Bifecp lifinc ck J5»

IVajhingtou ^ ^9 »3 5 Lee 249 »45 t4o [—tfrael Jones uidams 3 9 J)aiton 131 iMe. Wafhington 35 »5o iEetblebcH so lAVw /iflif'ird 81 DanW Bfcvra Chcjhire 237 J 50 Mco Arres ad \o\nyT\%Sandifield 38 1^0 Htr:rv Warren, of Plym©«c", C/iEr*. Pf/er Thaeber, D D. of Bofton, Cbapf-ain, Jacob fCubtJ, of Bofion, Mii/'erger. l

Thtrc are fund^y Gores in tcic Coucty of Berkfhtre containing abou: ^00 I habitaofs, who join in th« ch'ice of ?lcprefenr»t.v€s and are taxed with the} feveml Towns to w^h ch tbcy Uy aoj^ceot. j i*i rh? choice .>*' Re-.refr.'-a*i»s ihe Towns of Dover., lya-i f:!d/J]'n^fb'>rcufb B:xboro^u-^b Ca'iijle, EaftLamftony\

l.cyde?: lielland:- Ore-n.'e ^ PUirfi^id^ Benin, Mount Bet.bfeten:, and Neiu Apford^ ai.C aODexsd Wafrinft.e j j^jinK»? to tbslr'rerpcftifc a_f 3'il^'^ f '

4 5 ^ •-t«V,^ 3!^ O^O— (^ro-i-o n ' a c« «^

— CTi 0\ n cry 0\ tTi O C •^ O :• e>.rf» — o N ^ ^ >-« t^ i<% '* ^ CO *?< "^ ^' ,»» •

O -^ 1| ta- O 0»0«>C>rco OkO O Oi 00 ^ OvOC( 5 - - ;-

S is -^ j ^ '^ o O — rri T^ ^ «* N- r«, ^1 00 GO S r "* .V eo ~^vo o

"Si , o -*« cx. •-I ^

**• J^ l/^^0 " '-•0^C0^^0s->OOs o O rA J? — 1OO.NOO t-^O eo ^^ «>i "^ *- Tfl ts t^ -o ^ On a

u .

OO '*^ O C>* rr> • ^00 « C?v O"- 6 c «*»30 00 "^ l»* ^00 w»^ r^ ««« Ov o iS O 00 «^'>0 « I'xOO w-»00 t^OO "IS u s OOOC^O»»«^W^«S CS'* o « C^ S = »^ - <«r. Tj.

o •^ CO

c o» -5

CO tt3 ^ !5; c;, QQ c:5 Q ^ ^ 053I I T Dijlria of MAIN £. County of YORK. Towns, Polls. Miles. Reprefifiiativei Nsmes. 560 75 —jofeph Tucker ttery, 624 70 —Mark Adamo «37 88 —John Storsr rwickj 84S 86 —Richard Foxwell Cotts ddefurdf 184 105 —Jofeph Morrili 'undelf 96 —facob Wild txtoft, 334 ifS —Joha Wocdman banon, 170 loo ndford, 410 98 pperelb'jro'f »9i 109 —Jofiah Fairfield yeburgt, 141 t6o xball, 179 108 >apleigb, 861 108 trfonsjieldt I7T 118 aterfjorougb^ «xo I iO met ick, [*] Mark denotes Plantations not incorporated. CouDiy of CUMBERLAND. Town? Po't^ H4r!es,M'thi. Keprefentatives Namet, ar borough 486 «»3 —WiMiamThompfon ortbYarmouth, 4*5 Uo —William Martin i'pi- uth, 597 •20 —Jofeph Noyes 338 i?5 rViUiam Stanwood arfjiuell^ xt% t6z -—Benjamin Dunoing 'ififibam, £»9 M4 7rham< 470 i-fitephea Longfellow fdtf Rliza'>etb, 294 TZ6 eiv Gloctfter, 174 146 -^William Wcdgery 'as. «5* 14T andi/h, 198 163 >rtlandf 560 i»3 -O. Da»i9 ^ D. Iiney. ir/jerf gi I7» eeport, 333 140 —John CuTiiog 'irbamf 170 H5 tibroft. 100 i6z £1794-] TTTT) [ t2 , J_ Louuty of CUMBERLAND continued"' To woe. PoiUAMiUi. j Kt^refemativtu

• Eakerf:9n, * Bridgtcn, • Raymond^ • Oiiipt d^ Euckf.eld, RujhJieldCere, * Li'vsT'nuire Ts, '^bifiiCanada * Euiterjie.d, * Peacock, This [*J Mark denotes Pfaotatiom not incorporated. County of UNCOLM, To«nj. Pofs. t/'/fiJ Reprefentatives Name 3+4 16/ ,_ f^ewcaft/e, i7c 192 H'oolzutcht 199 i6g Pc^unalborou^b^ 4?i iSu —Silas Lee Boivdoirham^ 113 I7» — i«;6 'Sarooel Thcmpfon Boothoay^ —\^r'iiiiam McCobb 186 I Eriftclj 204 —Thomas johnfon F.allo'weU, 272 '55 athaaiei DutneQcr Vajfallo, ougbf 1S9 105 )Vintbrip, 150 185 —Samuel Wood ReaJfield, l-o 190 176 21 L ifVc do''>ofovgb, 293 204 {Edgccmb, i8a , 164 fP^arrcn, 163 203 S^botrojtctif tcj *J5 ^haihf ajt 162 'JJfiicn, 290 55 amcs Rcgeri \Eotidoir, ^50 J 55 'Canaan, 9« '^33 Norridge'ueck, £7 239 Creene, 93 164 ^airfield, i»7 225 tiobicburougb^ 99 «9' Cvfhingt 218 2i6 jPiit/fon, 140 189 [J^^onmontb. 71 tSo 1

County of L^C^/./V coniinued. Towns, Polls. Miles. Reprejentatsves, MS 103 ti 230 Pa'lfton, 205 '95 imbdeti, 97 ii8 hunt yervsn, H 100 Hancock, Lt'wifton &c. 121 160 bmithfiild, !00 185

Sandy Rt^er, I 00 iSo A^joi. B6iV:iotr 'JoneiiPlanta 5» Ccurity of H.^^COCK. ToWni. Po'.U peprefentativis, 246

''enobfc-t, *37 261 —4faac Pa*kcr trringtorr, 97 Ud^uiick, 3'S jltfb-rcugb, Si 260 'yeer 7/7-, J70 BluehuL 85 344 7o!dfloro-jgh, 8 3J0 Frcnkforty 138 ^'^iva'haven, 129 130 Bangor, 45 2^0 Mount Dtfart^ 2c6 335 Sullivan, ic6 112 Trenton, 80 Buck/icwn, 55 260 A'^join. Sulivan 34 316

' Dr-to Bangor. 49

*Duck Trap J SO "«• ^^-Cd. onf*" the 1000/ P'T/Koutb Como.LaDd? are tsxed ;^. » ^ County of IV.iSHlNCTON. r.tati'ves, Tcwfts, S:c. [Pol's. \Miks, Rep'ff Bruce UfachiaSf 358 ^Fhineas

*D'tto. No. 5. * Ditto, No. 6, '«£>.//o. No. 8. •Ditto. Na on the irtoo/. J^"v^/.;% Cll'.mli ta:c!d at £.t -j. 6i. po^

£. 1000 o o 40

BY the foregoing aggregate of the feveral Sums each County io the Commonwei!th of Mafacbufetts is re- fpeftttely charged as their Proportion to One Tboufatid f^atindi in future Taxe«, feme Eftimation may be formed of 'he fuppofedValue of the rateable Eftates io eachCounty

The Town of BoHen is fet at 3631 polls, and u to pay! _ I, 91 i6j. U ; en the l.iqoQ. ^ [ 65 j '^ubltc Officers in the State «?/ Maflachufetls. —John Avery, jun. Secretary.

f Offce kept adjoining the Coancil Chamber.] — Thomas Davis, Treafurer, [Office kept in the Room under the Council Chamber.]

"James of tbe Committee appointed by the General Court to examine and pafs on public Accounts,

of the Senate, {f'^"^'T\f.Stephen ftfctcalf, /> Samuel Flagg, "1 John Saunders, jnn. > of the Houfe, Jofeph Tucker

Names of tbe Committee /or defacing Public Securities, Richard Cranch, of Quincy, Thomas Dawes, of Boftjo. Jonathan Mafon, of Ditto,

Committee /or tbe Sale of unappropriattd LanJs* Samuel Phit!i)>8, of Andover. Nathaniel WeMs. of WtWu Leo'iard Jarvis, of inftoD, John Re?.d, of R. ibury, Danicl Cony, of HaDowell,

Keeper! of the pub'ic Powder Magazines, Ebef!fZ':'r Hancock, at Bofloo, John Auftio, at Cbarleftown. No Gun-Powder imported into the Town zf BofionU to be landed in any part thereof, except at Hstcb's or 7i!e- fton's wb«rf, at the South Eafterly part of the Town (un- kzU prevented by the Ice) and from thence to be carried through Summer-ftreet acd Wintei-ftrcet, by the moft direil paiTage to the Powder Magazine at Weft Boflon, in carriages without iron on any part thereof, and dofely covered with Leather or Canvafs, on penalty of forfeiting a^l f-ich Gun- Powder. No Perfon in Bofion is to keep !n any Building, except the Magazine, mure than ajlb. weight of Powder, on

penalty of forfeiting the fame j and for every half barrel, (exclufive of the forfeiture thereof) they are to pay a fine

of zo/. and fo in proportion for a greater quaa tity, and to I

the fecond offence, |i paJ a double fine on .-_____ r. 66_] >PuYticKoi^'.€S m th& State ^/MaiTachufe.. Ezekiei Price, Bofton. Henry ASlinc, Ditto. \Sufol\, Simcel Cooper, Ditto. Ssmufl Parrett, Ditto. £(iwa<'d Morris, Sa!fjn. Datiicl Rogtre, Glccefter. Jchn Rogers, IpfwicK. Michael Hodgo, Newbury Poi Jofeph. V/coi3, Beverly. William Wjogate> Haverhill. Samuci SewaJl, Marbiehcad. /- jofeph Cordlt, Char'eftcwa

) l«hn Fowl?, VVaterfowa, AV. J John M«rricU, Concord, C Wi!Lii>m Swan, Croton,, I- ( Elijah Turner, Scituite, < Nathaniel Gocdwic,. PlymouLho C Heary Warren, Ditto. C Ebeneztr Bacon,., Barnflable. ) M.chael Collins^ Wellfleei. ") Jcfeph Do3nf» Chatham. V jafeph Falmet , jus» Falmcuth, r William Tobey, New Eedfo!* \ VViiliam Brown, Dightcn, t A polios Leonard, Taunton.

I . Ebenezer Smith, Ed^itowfl,: iJ^ukes County, 1 William Mayhew, Chilffark, Abfjcr Coffin, NanCucketi

!ThcophiJu9 Wheeler, WorcePe?.- ' Jonathan Grout, Peterfham,,- Phillip Amm. don, Mecdon, Mofe» Smith.. Sterling. i PeUtiah Hiiciiccck, Brookfield, I Juftin Ely, V/eflSpriiigfi 'HatKpjblrei 3 El'jsh Hunt, NorthampUi J.>;.athaQ (^ Leavitt, jtan Grcerfisld. I ^ Henry W.UiaaasDwigh: Stockbrldg* Daniel Dewey, Pittsfield.- / Jof^ph Tucker, York. Tori, ^ J^fiah Fairfteid, Fepperrclbo c J Jchn Frothifigham, Portland. ^ Samuel Marfto*. Dfunfwicfc. .,1 . _I__l7 . in Mairachufeits con'.inued. Public Notaries | r Ebenczsr Whittici, Pownalboro', > Wa'doboro', \ Jicob Lud*!g, 1 Ltncih, "S Nathioie' Dummsr Hailowcl!, C Francis Winter, Bath. J Eli Foxbcs, Go!d(borough, Hancock, \ Thomas PWHips Penobfcjf, ifVaJhington, WiUiam Chaloner, Machian. | State Excife in Mafrichufetfs. I Colledors of j tiUi 'They ivere cboftn in i790i and are to continue in Office the furthsr Ordir of thi Genital Courts for tbe purpofe^ of co'leSiing tbe Duue'. cr. Ci2rrij:gis,&:. andfrf-MHng] Excij'e A:tountl with licenced Perfnf, I F'.rrir»jton» Suffjlk, Thomas I fjfev, Wi! liam Van?, fyliddlefex, Samuel Henley. flambfhire^ Noah GV-:-drr.3n. Plymouth, Wii'.iara D-e-v. Barr.fiai'le, Nathaniel Freeman, jun, Brifiol, Samuel Falej. Totk, If-iac Pope. Vukii County, Matthe-v Mavhe-^, tertit'-»» y<3n'ucket, Chr;ftoi;her HufTtf.

. IVorceJinr, Ca'eb AmmHon. Cumberland, Ebenrzer M^y. iincohf David SyHefler. Berl poire, Mofes A/h'er. [fgn'rock, Richard Hain^well.

H'a(bir>gton^ John Coopi:'. 1 The E>cife Officers are to giv? 3ond f tbe Trearu'-e'', ler^j |f?ith Sureties, in a fum nnt m - ; than ^. foo, oor •than £• Too each, for ^he ^aithfol perfomnancc cf the 'Duties cf their OSce, agreeably to Law.

arg foUoivs, viz. i The Duty on Carriajr^ and Licences m fo/i-Chaifi', yearly^ 6', 1 On tverv CoacktCbariyt -in^ 3*'. I On every Phaeton zn^ four IVbeel Cha fe, yearly,

I On every fall back Chaife yearly, 'o/,

I On every other Chaife, vear'v, T. On every Suikev ir^d Riding Chair y^f^rXif, ^.f On every Licence frzntci tn ar* Lmholde^, » ;/, On every Licence grant*.' to » Rfftai'er, iif. The Du'?« o'> certain Papers. Cor-mi "^'f^ns, and Ihftfu ments, alfj ftill continue to be in full Force. ' [ 68 ] A Statement of the Indian Tribes in Norths America, ou./^ />5(? /Vum5er oftheir Wurriont

'J*HE Lower Creeks in Eaft Florida, the Midd'e > Creeks behind Wei8oo The Sioux of .he ^Teadows, towards dittOi »roo The B'anes, or Barbu«, white Lidians, with beards, ijoa The AffiniboiU veiv fn North, near the {.akes of I the fame Name. ( 'S^o The Chrifti»«eauK. near ditto, jooo The Ouifconfios, on a River of that Name, which? falls ^^' into the Miffjfiopi, on the Eaft fide, J The Mafcontens, South of Puan*a Bay, 50JL r 69 1 The Sabiei, South of ditto, 400 The Mecherouakij, ditto, ago The Folic A»oice, or the Wildout IndJws, 350 7oo The Puani, . The PAwtowatamis, near St.j3feph'sRi»ei& Detroit, 350 Men"efague8, or River Indiani, bring wander- The V jp^j, ing Tribes on Lakes Huron & Superior, f The Ottahways, near Lake Sopeiior & Michigan, 900 The Chipewas, near ditto, 5000 The Wiandots, near Lake Eric, 300 The Six Nations, or, as the French cal! them, the V , ^gp Iroquois, on the Frontiers of New York, ( the The Round Headed Indians, near the head of v j^og Ottabwa River. / The Algonguios, near the above, 300 The Nepiflins, alfo near the above, 4°° The Cba!a», St. Lawrence Indians, on the back V of Nov* Scotia, ' Tha Ameliftes, ditto, IIP The Muofiacks, ditto, 7«o

The Abenaquis, ditto, ^ 350 The Conawajhaioas, near ihc Falli of St, Lewlsy «oo

Total amouoti So, $36

This being the whole number of Men fit for bearing

Arms, it is computed, that from the Gulph of Mexico, CO the Lskss of Canada inclufive, there may be about 35,000 Warriors.

The Indian languages are almoft as numerous as their

Tribes ; thofe indeed which border upon each other, by means of their intercourfe, retain a general affinity : but there is no affinity betwixt the lanfuoce fp 'keo by the Weftero Indians, and that ufrd at the Eaftward. Amoogft the various Tribes of Indians fcattered upon this immenfe continent, there is a great fimitarity in their mode of government, ail being of the patriarchal kind.— The Indians, by long Wars, have, in fome n)eiru''e, learnt the European manner of fighttng, and ufe it alter nately wich their own j the knowledge of which, n a| number of inftancee, of la^^e yeafs, America has fataMy e x- perienced the unhappy cffefls. TF ' , , Puhlic Tonvn Officers /« Bofton. j be NeceJ'ary to known by all who tranfaEi Bufinefi tbereh\ jgOSTOV is the Capiril of the Commonwealth of M»l fachufetts. It it built tjpon a peninfula, of an irregulai! at the fom, bottom of a large biy ; the length, funnily about N.N.E. at the entrance from Roxbury, cxcIuH't of the Neck leading therefrom (which ii about one m'le

to th; extremity at Wionifimmet ferry, is i m'le, thre quarter*, and 199 yards. The Itreadth of the Town i

various near the eg^txance it is j narrow, but'^tofling th'c I

it widens; and t^Tg^atcft breadth is fioti^aft-HilV! (ilcar the ceatrr) to the uttr.oft poi^r^at/be Wef {>art the town, which is i mile and T39 yards. The breidtl towards the northward diminiflies, for from the Mill-pon on the weft (thro' Crofs-ftreet) to the fea on the eaft, it i but 275 yards j however, it incretfes again to the north ward, for from Chailei's river bridge to Gov. Hancsck* wharf, it is uowards of 730 yards. Tht who'e Icng:

of the Towa tocladiog the Neck which joins Boflon t Rorbury (b3ing I mi-e and 39 yards) is i mile?, 3 quartej- «nd 23? yards. The oufnber of acres upon which th Town is b'jiit, has never been afcertained, but fuppofe to be about one thoufaf^d, TomjH Clerk. WUIIam Cooper, (annually chofen for 3^ Year*)

Selegmen. Ezekiel Price iEbenez«r Seaver jWilliam Little Thomas Walley Tboma? Crafts Charles Bulfinch William Bordmao Thomas Edwards Will-am Sciilay The Se'eSimen ars atfo Surveyors of the Flighways. And of the Coromitrte to Vifit the public Sitbools.

™hey meet at their Chamber at the Eaft end of Faneu f^all, e»sry Wednesday afternoon, for tranfaftin' the prudential A^aifs cf the Town ; and the laft Mot ^»y of every Month for the examining end allowir fuch Accffonts as may be exhibited sgainft the Town, Matthew Nszro, Attendant t% tb. Seledmeo.

Jo'eph RuH"-]!, Tflw» Ireafunr. Jofiah Wster?, I-Jpt'^sr of the Pnlicr, William Gioch, Clerh and Condvilor of the Markef. Tvbn Weare, Toivn Cryer. School Comm'tltee^ The Seltftmen, together with, bomit Dawci Thomn Welfh cv. Samuel Weft Nath, W. Appleton ohn La^hrop, D.D, Rew. .I<^hn Ciaike ohnCofln Jones Aaron Dexter

' sqathan L/Aaftia I George Richards Minot

/»lliam Tudor | Willi»m Smith The School Committee, by Law, ate efpec a)ljr to attend the Morals of the Pcrfcns whom 'hey may emaiary,

\ to be fuch only as are qualified to difchaige the duri^: reived upon them. The yearly Vifitation of the Schools is in July. ames cf the public Schcol-Mafteis ir, BoHon. Samuel Hunt, Latin Gran.mxr Mafter, Centre Sobool, John filcften, Writing Maj'.er, Iv'ortb End, Amos Crofby, EngUfl^ Cramn.ar Majter^ Ditto, James Carter, U'ritirg Majter Centre cf tbt ^ own, Ca'eb Bingham, Englijh Gramnur !\'iafttr. Ditto, John Vinal, Ifrittng Majler, Hi^utb End, Eliflia Ticknor, EngUp? Cranmar Mafter, Dtito,.

lePeiialty for ncgledt cf Schools in Town* cf to Fsm: lies, is xo/. thereof loo Families, is 20/. aid th fed 150 is 30/. to be paid on Ccmplaint to he StfTjone,

i^rfeers 'Oftbs ^o^ot^aud 0/ the Work houfe lathan Mafoa Jonathan L. Auftin'John Codman, hn White Samuel Parkman j William Smith P.-ofter Edward Edej Will. Phillips, waid j jun, in Sweetfcr Henry iUU 'Stephen Goiham The,0»erfecrf, by rotation weekly, daily vifit »^e A?m lufc.'and a general Board of them meet there the fit^' dfleftay in every month, for ttanfafting the bufmefs of ;T a-'foioiment, erfeen of the Poor a'e to take care of idV, dilTolute & ragrant Perfons, iik^wife to take care of, ar

Samuel Whitweif; Mafier ef the Almt-Hcufe. "^

2c nj » m o Ha-nm it >. , Mafler of the fFork. Houfe. > »i/Vilham Ja:kfoflj M. D. f byfician and Surgeon, j .

_l 7^ ] FirenvarJi Thomas Tile'^oo Bdward Ed^s Muogo Mackay John W n hrop ^•:''nud Parkmao Wiiliam ScolJay 7 b-.>mas l:l»ille A'l-iafa Davis William Little S« Ha.ih ^ oflMf'i Sturgis Jatne» Tifdale joffph C ?-k Herrj Jackfon jofeph Majr jofeph RuiTe.'I jun.

^nditors of Accounts.

Thomas Dawes ) Hermaa Br immer | Jofeph RufTell.jui

iWil'iam Lowder iSami.ei Rueeles U . . «. ^'"«'>»'<' .Giles Harri8_ jjohn R. Sigournejl^'''''' ColisHors I of Taxes^ Benja. Henderfon j Thomas Baifey James Thompfon / Benjamin Jepfoo Licenced Vendue Mafters. RufTell and Clap Thomas K. Jones /James Eaton Edward Proaer Joftua Eaton Kobert Molineaui Lewis Hayt

Perfons prefumiog to fell without a licence are toforfeci « lum not more than ^15 nor Icfs than 15/. Cietkiofthe Market, James Perkins Edward Cufhing John Gardner ThomasCrafcsjjun. fohn VV, CheckiC)' Jyhn Lathropfjurs amis J Cutler Wiiliam Jarvis John Fox Edward Biake Tho, Amory, jun. Samuel Hewes^^^^^ The Aflize of Bread is to be afcettained by the Selea men, and if any haker who bakes Bread for faltf, doc not imprint the initials of his Name on his Bread, or if IS found wanting in ite goodnefs of the ftuflF, or in tb due working and baking, or deficient in the due weighi or not truly marked, it is liable to be felzed, and given c diftributed to the Poor of the Town. — Any Perfons op pofing, hindering or refifting the CUrki in the performanc of the duty of their Office, forfeits ^.3. Any of the Juftices of the Peace, or any of the Selefl men, or any two of the Clerks of the Warket, ha?ea righ m the day time, to enter any Houfeor other Building t any Baker or feller of Bread, to fcarch, view, and try ao Bread that /hall there be found. I 76 J Infpeaor o/PottfW Pearl Arties. Divid Town fend, of Bofton. lis I*fj.efting Stors is at the Grafiflry,near the Common. Gilbert W. Spcakmsn, Clerk, Deputy Infpeaors of Pot end Pearl Afhes. ^ ohn A.jitin, Ci'ar/f/J-.ws.JofiathanCall, NewburyPort ibaer Ciaft, /^;^tfrfrrcw» Shirley Erviog, Portland Indrew Bianchard, /l^f

.9 will amount as near Is rtiay be to'14' p'«f ^^nt tire.— \11 Pot and Pearl Afhes brought for Infpeftion into the own of Bofton, arc to be examined at the InfpetlionStore, vhere there is fufficient roonti for any quantity that may tC brought for that purpofe. Surveyors of Fiaxfeed. lamue] Blagge, Bcfton\ Richard Nutting, Sahm Arthur Latigford, Ditto\ John Stufjc,. NeioburyPcrt ,'ofeoh Soear, 'pitto\ Mofes K'yt, Ditto cfrph Hammatt, DJtro] William WeiiiedFfout; Dj'^o' Dbadiah White, CbarUJioivnl John Ccmbs, ' DUid ^aieb Limfon, DittJi Neil Mclntire, Portlandl iaac ^mifh. jun. Ditto] I Tlie for Fee furveying is 6d. perCaft:, if under ten, a;>dj re^ :/^. CaHc if above ?har number; and when rarrejed' fnip'd in be buik, cm haif'pcnny for every bui'ie'. ? infpe^..rj cf Tobacco. ~

The i-£<; for iLfpefti^'i; is jfM, for e^ery Ca/; ujidert four, ^^'^_ K^yfoj^^vtJlQj^^ju^fi^ Chat iiumxjer.l InfpeiTtor of Buiter. \ ^Job Whee^w.i5h',j.n. for bofi.n zU Charhflo-wv. \ rhe .'ee for ezimin.r.g and prcvira e^erv Fifkr:n j. .J. ,/ _t3d_cr fix, and *'" % d, -fc? each abov e rhzt numb-. ' f- [^794 3 — I ?4 J Surveyors of IVheatf

Joha Lucas | Edward Tuckerman Surveyors of Hemp.

WillianuMcNeil | Jcffery Richardfaa

AJ'ay Mafters. Skinner Samuel John | Green

• Sealers of Weights and Meafures. John Cutter, for the CcmmoovreaUb. The mas Dakin, for the Town of Boftop, Sealers of Wood. John Ballatd Ijirah Holbrook jBenjamia Homacn

£dward Weld I Wm. Cunoingham] Aaron May^ at Bofton Neck, and Mofes Ballard, ai

CharlesRivcr Bridge, are Meafureri of Wood that it biougbt bjr Land in Carts or Sleds.

Seaiers cf Leather, Nathan Green, David Hollis, The. Bradley, Matt. Lorioi

J^ence Vieiuers^ TowcfeDd: Beojamin White, ] John Ballard, ( Andrew

Surveyors of Boards, Shirglef,

Conftablet. Shubacl Hewes John Cades David Lewis Beojamin Hcmans Andrew Tcwnfcnd Enoch May John BoiTon Samuel White Thomas Stevenfa^t John Buttcrfield James Petkins Robert Smalipeac / ...III. ,i..,i Cullers (?/" Slaves and Hoops. ob \Vbfelwri3ht William Fa«kmaa Thomas Barber «muel Girdner Edmund Burt Jon«;h»n Cufhlog fenry PurkctC George Kogletoa Hcrckiah Hudfon of<;ph Loring »Jofeph Ballitt

Feei I For vicwiog and cu'ling of Sfaves 1/, %d* per loofand for barrel, a/, per thocfand for hogfliMdi »/. 4m£rchantab!t feller 3 be pa'd by the buyer, aad the refufa by the ; nd 3/. perthoufand for Hoops. None of the above arti- !et «re to be exported without beiog iirft culled. The above Cullers of Stafe8,&c. being by occapation voopers, are appointed to be atfo Culkn of dry Fi/h, iearcberi and Packers of barrelled Beef, PmU* Mackarel

ind other Fifli difij;oed for exportatioa : Far furveyiog aad ulling dry Fi(h they are allowed \d, balf-penoy per [uintal, and id. for repacking each pickled barrel.

Cuihncf Dry Fi(h only. Bsrtlet, Johc McFarland, Roger and J ofeph Do b!e* Hay^wirdt,

JF,^ ward Jones | Francis Booth | Samael Curtis Their Djty is to take u? and imwjnd any Horfe,Shsep or Swine, going at li'ge 00 the Common or High' ways leading through the Town,

I Sexton: and Funeral Portsrs orUndertikers. lohn Ca3(S Elijah Adami lEdward Vaocavah Ebenezer Herring John Jones jLerrue! Ludden lefTfi Houghton J-jfcph Blaney jGeo-ge Geyer Jofeph Edmunds George Clark IZebediab Jjhnfoo Robert Nswman 'The Kitiifor their Fune-at Services are,

" For diggin? a G ave, or opening a T^mb. 5/. For the Ufs of a Pa!! for aa Adult, 4/,6i. Ditto far a Child, a/ 3^.

Carrying a Corpfe to the Grave, each Porter, 3/,

Each Tel ing of the Bell, id. I Forthjir Service in borrowing Cha'rs, Tralting upon the

Pal'-ho!ders, and varning the Relations, Sf. I For ex'raordinary Cafes, fjch as putting' the Bodies

into tarr'd Sheers, &c. If. I t CT^ 1 Light Houfe Keepers^ and Branch Pilots. "", Thomas Knox> Keeper of BoBon Light Houfe. Samuel Hewfton, at Cape Anne, Hannah Thomas, at the Gurstty near Plymouth, Paul PJnkham, at the Ifland of Nantucket. Aboer Lowell, oo Piuml) IJland, near Newbury Port, Jofeph Grecnieaf, at Portland, Cafco Bay, Branch Pilots. Thomas Knox ~\ Robert Knox ( Pilots ^r the William Mions C Tort of Boftoa. Beti'^amlo Smith ^ John Saywardj/or Gioucefter and Cape Anoe. John Miller / Pilots for Salem and

John Btrry . \ Matb!e;h«ad. Jonathan Eva as John Somerby Enoch Pike Pilots yVr Ncwbury-Port, Jofcph Lunt avd the Ifaac Randall River Enoch LuM Merrinnack. Enoch Lunt, jun, John Somerby, jd Jonathan Folger Pilots for the Coaft Abraham Pcafc and Jonathan Mirick ShoaU o/" Nantucket, jofeph Swain Samuel Daggett John Holmes f Wiliiam Daggett Abr.Cf Noi:oa Pllots/or the Vineyard, Siiaw Jamas and Lrmusi Kelly Nantucket Shoals. Francis Norton Ab fha P«&fe Ifaac Dagger Thomas Jon?s Hugh R'jpers, for the River Kennebeck, Ssmuet Sma 'conj/tr the Fort and Harbmr o/'Kittery. Robert R.'3d, Pilot fnr Pfoobfcot R;v?r. Petfotis ;)il' rif g withoutComm/dion are not entitled to any Fee, but hable to pay Damages, if anv accrue therefrom. C 77 ] t^lrt&ion^ for /atHng in

hcigihs beisg on the routh}apdis about 65 feet hi^h : Tofteer for it fjom Ca;e Cod, the eourfe h W. N. W, ,when wi;hin one leafiuc of the Cape. Frona Cape Cod to

ths L.ght Haufe is aooat 16 leagues : From Cape Aflne to

Lighi Fioufe, the eourfe is S. V/, diftsr^ icaguei. I the lO Af':er mak-ng the Light, and the wind fsir, you may

bring it to bear W. by N. of W. N, W. and then rurt far

it, till you com: within two cab!ei length of it. if the

weather Is fo bi3 that a Pilot can't get oiY (as is fom;- timeJ the cafe) Jiet runntng a-breaft of it, fo as to bring) it to b;ar N, by E. you may run W. by S. abont a mitej and a3 half, to Nantaflcet road, wheie yoa may anchor' in frcfn 7 to 5 fath-imj in fafety. To wor'i. into Bofton b?y, you miy ftand to the Soutb- wa,-.'' tiU you bring the Light to bear W, N. W. and to the Northward till you bring it to bear VV. S. VV. ti!l you

coco* within one league of the L'ghr ; then you muft r.ot]

ftmd to the Northwajd any further than to bring it to

beir W. by N. and to the Southw.rd.ro bring it to bear \V, N. W. Yo'j may anchor in the Bay ic fafsty, if the wind is iff fliore. The t gKtj at Cape Anne ftsnd kj an Ifland called

Thitchet'a in?nd ; the two Lights bear cf each other when in cr.?, S. S. W, a quarter S. and N. N, E. a quar- ter ^. To ?c o'fide the Londoner, cr Thatcher's Ifland Ledge, you mad give the Li^ht one Leag

Fees o/Pilorage/or tbt Port 5/" Bofton.

Vefieia drawing ftom 9 to »s feet vra'cr, 3/. per foot;

» from "t to t 5 fttf, 4/. per foor ; f.-otn j 5 to 1% feet cf. liS per f'joc ; from to ai feet, 6/. per foot 5 and from zj to 2<; fee*, 9/ per foot, PifoU are under oath faithfu'Jy to perform the <^utie» cT

a Pi.'ot, actuiding to their beft /kiii and jud^men: ; iifo to! fve bonds for the due pcrforiracce cf their truft. Ar,d if •^y TefTel is loft, c»(l av.ay or rr-r. agrcur'd, thrc' tbcif unrK'-fulreA or rtegleft, tf ey ac 'o pay the juft value of the damage the vcflcSJor^rgo may fuftain. Rales tf/^Wliarfage j and Dockage in So {Ion. i'rbe folloiuing are the Rates eftablfjhed at the lollon Pier or Long Wharf, and generally obftrved at the others. [This Pier is in thi centre of the Town, running out from the lower partof Stats Street 1743 ^"^ 'o^o *^« •>»'- bour, fuppofcd to be the longeft in the world, and hts at

the end thereof 17 feet of water at low tide, and is in compleat repair, being wholly faced with Stone work.] DO C K A G E. Veffels from 60 to 100 Tons, at 1/.6//. per day. From 150 to aoo tons, 2/. 6

From 200 to 300 tons, 3/. From 300 to 400 tons, 4/. And larger vefi'els WHARFAGE.in proportion* Landing of HogfKeads and Pipe», at 4

Iron. H/mp, Cordage, Timber, &c. if, per too. Coali, per Cfaa'dron, if, Shrek Ho^fheads, id. a piece. Fifh, \d. per Quintal. Grain of ail kinds, one half peoBy per bufhel. Salt, zd. per Ho^fhead. Ha^, %d, per Bundle. Lemons, id. per Box. Bales cf Cotton, ^d. Bags of Coffee it Coeoaf \t. Ranging Timber, %d, per :oo feet. Hocf) eads, Tierces, Barrels, and all other Merchandize taJceo off tke Whaif, to be the fame as if iaadcd. Goods t»ken in Lighters or otberwife from on board any Veflel lying at the Wharf, to be one half as mach as if they were landed.

Offices for Inlurance on Vejfels, 3cc.

Edward Davis, V « ;. „ a S'«««» Peter Chardon Brooks, \ S^"« ^'fi'''' F 79 1 ^. "" '"'' j?ofl Office Matters

| Timothy Pickeriog, Poji Mafter Gentrah Si'ary »ooo Djllars, pe? Ainutn.

The Ceaeral Poft OfH:« is always to be at the Seat of

• Gavernment, and the Poft Matie- Genefal has aucho- rityta appoint an Affjitant, and Dtf^uff P«,ft Malle.s at all places where f-jch flid!l be found neetffaty.

Pfofpcf Wetrtroic, /ijfijiantt at Philadelphia. loco Doll «.

Deputi Poft-MAfters as far as Pennfylyania

A>w - lia mpihi r e; Rbodt Ifiand, Jeremiah. Libby, Portfmoutb Jacob RichardfoHf Newp. John W. Oilman, Exeter Will.Wllkinfoa, Provide, ce George Hough,. Cmcord Nathaniel Phillips, l^arren Samuel M'Clucr, Hanover Hfzekish Ufher, Bn^^d Samuel'Crofhy, Charle/isn G\A^.MviTa,^oti,E.Green%oicb Mijfjchufetts. Conne£iicut, Jonsthai) Hattingj, 5of5«jTh'>ma3 Hiidrup, Hartford Ebeoezer Whitticr, WiJcaiJ'et Wer.fley Hobby, MiddUtoiun Dummci S^wall. Batb EJias Bee:9, Neiuliaven Aidrcw Duiing, Srunfwick Viftoiy V/ tlm^xti Stratford Paiae ElweU, No. ; a'-wctf^i; Thcddcus Buir, Fairfield Samuel Frcemia, Port.'ane:{ iVfaithew ilsed Horivalk Beojarain Hooper, Biddeford Smith Ww-^.d, fit amford Jofeoh Storer, /^e//j ^''-^m. Leffi:?gwell, tvoywich Daniel SewaU, York f JamtbyGreen, NeioLondon BuikIeyEme^«o,2V«wi>.?'?r?| B-nja ?-!m?ge, Li'chfield Danie! Noyes, /^yw/V/jj Oliver Burr, Danbury Afi Lesch, ^sw/y'Joftiua King, Ridgefeld Mafcol \Viriam?, Sa:em\^ Nezsj TorJt. TiomasLswis, Marhl£bead\%tht^\tn BiMmiQ% NitvTork Henry Phelps, Gloucfter Daniel Halfey, Kin^s6 ridge Ifaiah Thoma3| Worcefter Dswzinbury, Perkf.iil f^. Hutchins, 5/)r/>|r/ffi/(/tCorne!ius Vanwicit, Tifhkilh Gorge Watfdn, Phmoiab Nicholas Power, Pougbk:epfee NdthaaielFreemaa,5d»i-wuo C/fua de Harti ^btnehec\\ Richard 3o«*o, Barnf^able Hciry Little,, Red Book Wil'tam Coffin, Nantucket WiUia.n iViVifon, Clermont NicholasTj)lingbaft,Tja«fo« EiihoE.Gc)odrich> C/avafack WiUiamTobey,/Ve'a;5^(i/«^«i CottO'^Ge'ftoo, Hudfoft Ji)hn B

\ Lorin^' AndiiWS 5/gC/^g/-tiig£i Jyha Ljrett, Lanfingburg Poft.affiw Matters couth ucd. lo NenvTork. la Delaivare, ' 1'HsndilckFfey, Conajorharry lobn V/ebftcr, Wilmington jChiiftopherTappen, Kingihn Francis C^orh. llbniiiana. .Gearge Smith, Shawarvunk Roberr N axveil, MiddUtown Half, ? 'n? s^ s;--*;'^''^'^^^''^^^'^^""'^^ /;z>;,i cH Joha Smuh, ^,.«,/,^ Benj.m.A.o..mbe, FrJcriZ In Vermont. "Dpiv-'i RufTilJ, Benninfjon rbc«,core Wijfon, C/owji Abfl AiiJi, Manrhifter ir&ac Funnell, Dagshotougi Frederick Mill, i?.//aai la Alexander iirufli, V.rgennes ^ Pennfylviinia, Robert J-^hn Fay, Burlington Pattoo, Philadelphia 3 'ofcph i Q^'S'ey, Shippenhu-.g johnG'iffi'- ^-' 1 ere. Man^r>».,ri^.- «,.-/! _

Th- m« Jones, Sa'em

Rae v/ P^ffa^a cf e-jirv ftn^le Lerer *y L«ni. [No -I'low-srKe IS tt Sf m.Jc for iaterm-d5are Milps.l Single letter jo miles, ^ C/i. a 50 - 17 c^sfi, 6o - iS c(vfi, 350 . 20 f^wr*. TOO - lo r.-na. 450 - 2s ff«ri. 150 izl^ cents. More than 450 • 45 fMM. ao3 - T; ff«ri.

Every douTj?e lettrr is fo ^ pay double the fa id rates 5 syefy triple letter tripfe j fcry packet weighing one li^upcs, at the ra e of four iingte letters for each ounce. r 8i ] Poft-Cffice Matters continued. A LL letters and packers, paffing by fea to and from the; United States, or from oas port to another th«reic, io fcffcJs the property ofj or p:ovided by the United States, centi ire to be rated as follows ; for CT^ry fingle letter, S j or every double lettes, i6 cents j for every triple letter or tacket, z4 centt. Fc< every letter or packet brought into he United States, or carnsd from pae port therein to inothsr by fca, in any private ve.Tel, 4 ««/«, if delivered it the plijce where the fame Hiail arrive, if ;o be feat to my place, the po/lage \\ to be added.

The compenfaticn to any one Poft-Mafter /* not io exceed the jum of i2oo Doling per annum,

Bf calculation far carrying the MaiUf the difitnce ts» Milttt From Wlfcaffct to Portland, - - 55 From Portland to Portfmouth, - - ^o From Portfmooth to B ofion, - - - ^T From Boffoh to New- York, - - *49 From New-York to PhiladeiplJia* - - 95 From Philadelphia to Baltimore, - • loa From Baltimore to Alexaadfia, - - 5*

. Fiom Alexandria t>o Edeaton, - - a^lS From Edeoton to Wsihingtcn, - - 5^

: From Wafhington to Newbe.'O, - - 3? From Newbftfqto Wilrn 3gto0, - - 93 From Wi!miog'on to G-jcge'own, - - '^7 From Georgetown to Ciizricfton, - - ^* From Cbarleftcn to Sa/aanah, - - - 219 ; there f Exciufive of the eftabllfhed Poft Office Stages, -ire a Dumber of privsfc Carriage^, which' confta-Ttly *ua, at ftatcii times in fhs week,

Worcefter, Sptir.gfield, Kortha^vpttin, Green fieldt 'o iJart-

' Krath CoHe^e. Othcf^ tt> Dorchs/hr, Milton, Pfy>n'.'J-h, 'Tii-mon, Be -^ord^Portjncutb^ i^ro'vidence, H^rtferd Q^c .for theaccominadaiion o/Pairci^gers & tranfafling buli\.eis.

There is alfo .in Bdft^i a number of gsnteel Hackee Doaches, ready at the

»ny part of the town or country at 3 moderatp ts":*. r 82 1 POST DATS at Bo/iofu

From NOVEMBER FirR, to MAY Firft. Southern Mail. ARRIVES. CLOSES. We^nefday, - lo A. M. Thurfday, - - i P. M. Saturday, - - i» A. M. Monday, - - 1 P. M.

From MAY Fiift to NOVEMBER Firft, ARRIVES. CLOSES. Twttay, - - - 7 P. M. Tuefday, - - to P. Mi Thiwfday, - - 7 P. M. Thurfday, - 10 P. M. Saturday, - - - 7 P. M. Sunday, - - 10 P. M.

From NOVEMBER Firft to MAY Firft. Eaftero Mail ARRIVES. CLOSER j Wedoefdiy, - - 6 P. M. Wednefday, - 9 P. M.

Saturday, - - 6 P. M. 1 Sunday, - -- 9 P. M.

From MAY Firft to NDVEiM3ER Firft. ARRIVES. CLOSES. Toefiay, - - - 7 P. M, ToefcJay, - - to P. M. Thurfday, - - - 7 P. M. Thurfday, - - 10 P. M. Satu'<33y, - - - 7 P. M. Sunday, - - - JO P. M.

From NOVEMBER Firft, to MAY F.rft. New-London, Norwich, and Providence Mail. ARRIVES, CLOSES. Wednefday, - . 5 P. M. V'edflefday, - 9 P. R^. Saturday, . , . 5 p. M. Srnday, - - 9 P. ^S.

From MAY Firft, ti NOVEMBFK Firft,

ARRIVES. . CLOSES. Tuffday, 7 r. M. Tii«r

From NO VEM3ER Firft, to MAY Firft. Naoiucker, New- Bedford, and TauDion, Mail.

ARRIVES. 1 CLOSES. - - - - - S A. M. Tuefdav, 4 P. M. } Thurfday,

Fiom M4Y Firft to NOVEMBER FIrft. ARRIVES. CLOSES. Monday, - - - 7 P. M. Tuefday, 9 P. M. Thuifday, 7 P. M. Friday, - - - - 9 P. M.

Throughout the YEAR. Newport, Brirtol, Warreo, Dightoo, and Taunton, Mail.

ARRIVES. 1 CLOSES. - - - - Wednefday, 5 P. M. | Thmfday. 11 P. M.

'Samitable, Sand wicb,& Ply raourh, Mail, ARRIVES. CLOSES. I Wednefday, - - 5 P. M. | Thtrfday, - - 7 A. M. iSalem. Beverly, and Marblchead, Mail ARRIVES. CLOSES. Monday, - - - At Noon, Monday," - - » P. M. TueWay, ----- ditto. Tuefday, - - - a P. M. Wednefday, - *- - ditto. Wednefday, - - a P. M. Thurfday, - - - ditto. Thurfday, » P. M. Friday, - - -\ " - ditto. Friday, - - - - a P. M. Saturday, - . - . > ditto. Saturday, - - - a P. M.

\:^ That there may be time to make up the nunoerous Mails above-mentioned —** All] Letters b! ought to any Poft-OfHce, half an hour before the time of making up the Mail,! (hall be forwarded therein,'* otherwife they!

will lay over for uext Poft. 1 L «4 J r 8S_ 3 ._ . "MiDiftenal and Cpnfular Appointwinti^ From the United Stales a/ Foreign Piacts, [joverneur Morris, Miniller at the Republic of frantu rhcmas Pinckney, Mibiiler at the Britipy Court. Williani Short, Refidentat the Bague. | Charles WjiUam Fiede:ick Dumas, Agent In Holland, William Carmichae), ChafE,edes Affaues mSpsin, Da\H Humphry, Miniller at Por/aga/. }oihua Johnfon, Conful at London. Samuel Sbaw, Cooful at Canton lo China, Thomas Randall, Vice CcnCul at Cbina^ John Marfden Pintard, Cotful ac Madeira, Tobn Clarke, Deputy Cooful at Madeira. b'iter Poilpck, ComraerciaJ Agent a: the HavaTinab, Edward Church, Conful at the Port of Li/bofi. Thomas Auldjo, Vice Conful at the Pert of Fcsfe, Stephen Catalon, Vice Conful at Marfeiliet, John Pari(h, Vice Conful at Bamburgb. Jofeph Yznardi, Conful at Cadi'z. Richard Harrifon, Vice Confu! at Cadi», James Mauiy, Conful at liverpoo I, William Knox, Conful at Dublin, John Fen wick, Confnl at Bturdeaux, Burrell Carncs, Coaful at Nantz,. Nathaniel Barrett, Conful at Rouen. Sylvanus Bour»e, Conful at WJpaniola. Fclivar Skipwith, Conful uMat^iiique. John Street, Vies Conful at the Iilaad of Fayat. Nathaeiel Cutting, Cooful at Havre de Grace. M. dc h Motte, Vice Conful at Havre de Grace, Francifco Chiappe, Agent ac Morocco. Guifeppo Chiappe. Agent at Mogador, Ebcatzer Brq/h, Conful at Surranam, Benjamin Joy, Ccmftfl at Calcutta. Edward Fox, Conful at Falmouth in Great Britain. Robert Montgomery, Conful at Alicant, Henry Cooper, Cooful at the Iilartd of St. Croi^.^ David Matthew Clarkfoo, Conful at St. EufiattuU Benjamin Hamr.jl Phillips, Coaful at Cwac-a. Samict Coo?er Johonnot, Conful at Dtmar'ara, Michael Murphy, Conful at ^Mahga. Conful at Am^erdam, Jtmcs Ot-ealeif, ^ f !^6 I I

Ap^ointvients from the Republic (?/"FraiiC€. ¥6T th: United States e/ America. Edmund Charles Genet, Min»ftc; PJeniporentiary U ConAil Ge«er«! frtm the Freocb Republic to ih; United Stttci. M. f^ounonrillc, / Sec'ctanei to the M. Pafca}, f B?r.ia/ry. A. C. DophJne, ConfuS for Malfafbufetti, Fftntw Ternaat, Minifie.Pienipotentiary,at?AiWf/*i/(i

' Lewis Otto, Secretary to the EmbiiTj. . Anroine C. M. de U Foreft, ViceCooful General, M. Mintel, Cb«r;ce:io to tbe Confuitf. M. Tofcaa, Vice Conful for Ntw Ham-.Jhire. Wtti.-'. St. de Juhn C7e»ef(B.ier, C-nfuifor Conneaicut JSiew Torkf a<>d Ne^v 'Jerfey, '. Laurent D' An )emoiir!, Conful for Maryland & ^;r£/ff/> Ignace Romtire, Cjnfvil for iVcrr/; Caro/,afl, ^««/A Carolina apd Georgia. Peter de Mttbais, Vice Ccnful for Cenr.eaicut, New ycrk, aod A'ifw Jerj'.y, M. A. B. Mirjgcrit, Ccfal st yirpni/i, Andrew Ofter, Vi

From Holland, or the t/«i>tfJ Netherlands. Francis ^''an Eerckfl, Refiiient. Dicderick Leertouver* Conful for Majfacbupttt aaj A^/fW ttamp[htre. •fertrao leRoy, Citfu* for Venv Tcrk •&$] AVw yeWVy. >« Hendrck Cbiiftua Heinek«f, Conful for Fennjyl

vania and Dela'Ware. I AitUa Valclc. Cor/u! for Maryland and Firgtma. \ Jf'ao Booen Gravet, Conful for JVor;^ Carolina, Sc^tb

Carolina y and Georgia.

From his mnft Catjiolick Majefty. jofepb Ii?n*tioac Viar, / Ccmmijjioners, lufeph de jaudeoe*, \ and Chayget aes Aj'qirts. From Genoa. \ M^Raytra, Conful General. "^ L ^7 1 From his "Swedifh Majefty. iRichard Soderft-om. C^r-fui for Mafatbujetu, a, Ciiaric5 Heiifteotf Conful fotPftm/yivar.i

F^om ths Queta

^^dry/ari and-^»r^*«.'«. • Iame» Barr>, Vxe Cofiful for Coot'uHor Scutb^aronna, KraaciB James Vtrknnck, Vice From the King c/Prufila. Ggneral. Charles Cotrfrrd Pjirikf. Conful

FriJAi Grcai Briiaiii. George H*mmcmd, Min'ftsr PeQipateotiary, Mr. Trojntoo. SccicCwy. Sir 'ohn Trmp!*, Cont'ul Ceoerel. Thonjas M'D JpAu^b. CorJul for Majachufettt, NiVf- Hampp.ire, Rhode Ijland atttl Conntaicut. Phin-a' Bend, Cf.r fii lor A''^ ^V*, h'tto Jttfey.Pezn fyl-vama, De'aivate, and Maryland. G",osge Wtiler, Confui for North Caro'ina.SoutbCarohna, and G^'O'gia. Thutn»s Moyr, Confui for ^ioi* JprJ gcPrc-viuc riee.

Fee* o/Gonfals /raw /^t* Uoired S:£tes. t^rprntlon, For aut.her.ticatiiif urider f«a^ every protcft, w p\,:Tue.cn, rn.T- otr.er adi, which caprains, marine-s, maj chufe chanft, or »'hs« citizerjs of the United States to m»kt, the fum of rwo dollars. For the taking into ppl'.clTio;i, fcttUr.g ar>d pajing the ba- bncc due on the p;rfonal eSate left by any citizco of the United States who fhail d'e within the limit* of his confulatcZ-yf per centum oo the grofs amcuo*. efta'.e, which fha') For taking iiito polfcfliCD any fuch be deJivered to the lepa! reprefcntative before a fina' part as fettlcmtnt, t'U'O end an hclf per centum OQ fuch tfcc grcfi fiiall not be in mor.ey, and p'vt fer antum en amouHt of the fcfidue. I iConfulfi are K^ not.f-/ the death of any perfon belonging tc cor^fuiate a!fo to take i the United States, wiihn his ; pto^cr mcifusts in icgaid lo fliatidcd vtffeli of the U.S. J.r ool^rg auoafereoce «,/r^ tbebofi,U Indian. ;„ x 70, Bcnjam,, L:nco]n, ssi Majfachufctu, Beverly Randolph, of /7,^,,y^/ imoihy 1 P,cke.-ing» of VbUadelpbia. The a'.Jowiace ! 10 the CommilJioaers for nruociafmc ,nJj

"«wev«f, is not *o exceed 100, 000 Doliarg.

^°' iatercourft the^^/iao rt^be! ^r^"-^; "«"'^^'^e v.ith, ,^'''^°" '' '° ^^»<*« *'"h ^J^^'" «ith- out 1 ccace 'o,*

^" merchaadize,. .:.d beingliable to. /nl^? A"!?^

CommiiHoners 0/ Loans.

^er,njyi^an.a, Tbom.. Smith, . Joo Delaware^ Ta-r.- tm. ^ Af«.>W.frT'S* >'-^'«- TiJton, - ' Be.jam«,Hatwood,^.oeojaiurti Hatwood, " - tooo Virginia,ytrotriim andan/4 J "^TT* Kentucky, ^ JoJ^n Hopkim, - ,500 horthCaroUna, WiilJam Skhjncr, . looo ^jt/i. Ca/tf/;^^, John Neufvjilc, - 1000 Ge.fgta, Rjcbard WJlJIs, . 700 Tv^tCommifjontrt of I,oant \a the fe^ciil Statei are to be alIo»;cd iu? necem..y ftationary, alfo the b.ieof CJerk* to aJijft in the d uties of tbej r icfpeaive Offices.

Th. Saatj, allowed ,8 1150 Dcllira per awicm each. rha | c>r.-.>cjF2 Oterk, 800 DoHars. I ,

CH9ZJ , Ifland, 0r. )fficers of the Garrifon at Caftle Chief. Hi» Excelleocy the Governor Cammai-der in nionth. IVilliam Perkins. Captain Lieutenant, ^C- 9' P*^ per month. Samuel Treat, I ft Lieutenant, ,^.5, month. John Burbeck, 2d Lieut, aid' Gunner, ;C-4t PC' Three Quarter Guaners, at 46/. per month. Four Stijeants, at 4»/* P" nvontb.

Four CorpoiaSs, at 34/. per month. , One Df Hmmer and one Fifer, at 3

^Ricb(trd Gridley, of Stouglatoo. Chief Eagineet. Colon* of Artillery, and £ew/j Anftrt, of Dr»cut, J Infpeftor G«netftl of tb> Founderiea.


/Ancient ar.d HonorMe Anilltfiy Comp-n;y, Rie^'"-"^ Incorocr*t»»« t: wHich a Sermoa is preached- forf tliera by Tome cft^sio^d Mir.;0«»r. Tbe fdk.ioirg atetbeO:T,ct:tcbcjen in joce 1793* Andrew Cunningbsm, Captain. S^itnuel Todd. Lieutenant. John Bray, Enflgr. CotEpapy. Tbomas Clark y is Clerk of the C 90 ]

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Brigade Staff Officers. rbeopbHui Cufoing, Brigadier General, ift-Brigadr Sanud M. Thayery brigade major. Setb Turner, jgn. brigade quarter niaftsr. ZiipbaUt Pond, Brigadier General, 2d Brigade. Jacob Mann; brigade major. Jama FatrSankt, brijtadc quarter mafter, r Stephen Abbot, Brigadier General, i ft brigade. ) Ralph Brigadier ^^y?. Geriera?, ad brigade. / Da%id Coffin^ brigade major, Mvfei Crajf, ^ A. brigade quarter mafter. ^^fjjj''^-' HuK Brif-adier c" 5* f General, ift Brigade. Tmotby Jackjon, brigade major. Tbomai Curtis, brigade quarter mafter. rienry sVoods, Biigadter Gfneral, zd Brigade. Samfon tf^oodsf bngade major. Aaron Broion, brigade quarter mafter. Ebenexer MaitooK, Brigadier GcacTa], i ft Brigade. _ y^^n Smirb, brigade major, ^ a:< Abraham Ripley, brigade qoartCf mafter. 2 I Setb Murray, I .^ingadi^f Ger^ral, 2d Brigade. fa;/ Setb C^tlin, bi.gade major. iietijjmin Tappan^ brigade quarter mafter.

Biifadier Geaerai^ ift Brigade, ^h Benjimin Warren^ biigade mijor. Si'as C'.bhf 8rii

Jahn Kiiby Smith, Brigadif-- Central, z

^h'jmai B. li^ait. br»g3 ,.': quarter mafter.

John Cutler^ Bngadlsr G;n^ra>, ift Brigade, H'iliiam Tijke, b»]gai^ majo". IVilliam Weldi bT.gal? q»»arf

John Prbititg, Brigi

Brigadier General, ift Brigade. Alexander Cam{>bt!l, BrigadierGcaeral, ad Brigade. James A-very^ brigade major,

Jorem-ah Hickock, Brigadier General, ift Brigade. David Manning, brigade major. Jam^i Orton^ brigade quarter mafter. ToritfonJ. Skinner, Brigadier Geocra!, ad Brigade. PVUliam Toivner, bvigade major, quarter mafter. Jofei-b Goodwin, bii^ad*

Fte'd yffrcrs in the jever at Counties. Divi/ion. ESSEX. ift Divificn. SUFFOLK, aBC.I %A Fir/i Brigade, ^^V/| Brigade. Regiment in Divifion, ift ,ft /„ divifion, ift in brigade,

1 be Brigade, | and flint ,. , col. com. William ScoUay, Colonel John Page, I'eot. Hathorne, v^ John Sale, lieut. col. Joho ^^-^^ majcr • . ^ , . i j /« MarftonliA^.Ann Watfoo,^J^iinn Heat,rienf. col,C James Stodaer, i majors Samuel H. Gatchcl, major

m3j< y majc "Jihin divifion, 4th z'« brigade. Not organiztd. 7th in divt/ion, ^th in brigade, Second Brigade. foha Francis, lieut. col, com,| Sto:er id indivifion, ift ;« brigade, Henry v^ ^,.^^, JohnKi.igfbary, {iaot.col.com. John Lo,ell. v, ^.j^,, 8 th in dtvif,cn, 5th in brigade Ab^etCbeevsr. lieut. col. ccm. 4th «'« divifton, 2d /« brigade, Jofhua Bumham, v^ Narhan C'ra«-;c, cnloael ^^^^^^ Jofe h Richards, lisut, col. Robert Swan major 9th in division, 6ch in brigade, brigade. Gideon Fofts', colonel 5'h in divifion, 3d in j Timo'bT Mann, cO'Oael BerjaminPcabod*, licu?.coI. Jethro Putnam, major J< l>fi Ellis, lieut, co!. Eliakim Adams, major £^794-3 Mthtta Matters conlh^. Second Brigade. | Second Brigade Id m divificn, I ft in brigade. .4th in . di-vijicn, jft ,„L' lieat. col. com.

Dav.d Curiis, ^ majors lieut. col. ^P.^^'.n^.R'^/rd. major 3d in divifiQny 2d ;'» brigade. ^^'".'^"^^/''"'•^dinbrirracfe.l Nathanael Wade, colonel Benjamin Ofgood, colonel lieut. col. Abel Boyntoo, lieut. col. James Hodgkso«, major Jonathan Sancroft, major 4th in iivifiOTit 3d in brigade. '^'^';'t'"f/^'"'3i'» brigade. Math. Lovejoy, lieut. col.coqi. Timothy p» mtjors [cneMicut. col. Will.amjjljidreth, major lath in divijion, ^th in brigade ^ihDivi/(on, HAMPSHIRE. jona. E?»ns» lieut. col. com. Firji Ezra Jewel, t Brigade. l& Jonathan Smith r «»>Jo" regiment in diwjion, and I ft in the brigade. C ith in divijlon^ 5th /« brigade Thomas Dwight, colonel James Bricket, colonel Abel King, Ijeut. col. j lieut. «ol, Abel Cbapio, major i major jd in divi/ton, sd in brigade^ Jsmes TayJcr, colonel 3d DivifioH. MIDDLESEX. Pelstish Bnfsj lieut. col. ZfcJ'triah Firii Brigade. Hu/h, msjor

I ft 4th indivifiOK, ;« in divifion, I ft in brigade. 56 brigade, Henry Amo» Bond, colonel Dwighr, coionel Zabi' Darid Wood, lieut. col. a Montague, lieut.eol, Eli/hs major Kent, major 8:h in c'ivifion, 4t.',.» brigade, »d in diviftan^ ad /« brigade. jricob r*sre», lieut- col. 20m, William Biancbard, ccJcdcI Dairld Mack, v John WaJkcr, lieut. col. / majors Robert Douglaff, major loth/fl divifien, ^thin brigade. /« AlfrefJ ^viAj 3d di-vifiony 3d in brigade. colonel i Roger Brown, colonel D?vid Mo»p-?n,neut. col. Abritc Bf<.>Ar. Jouas Hcald, lieur. co!. msjor Jamcj Colburne. mt^oc Secirtd Brrgade. Cth in dt-vijlon, ^.th in brigade. ad ;« divifton^f Jft ;> brigade^ Simoon Cutter, cftloRcl Will'Dm Lyman, co'one N^han Perry, lieut. cc!. / Jcfiah AJHs; lieut. coi. jafon Chamberiaio, majot | Solcmcn Alien, major [_9S,J Militia Matters continued.

'Hi ir. divifiOHt 2d in Irigaie. Second Brigade, Brifiol, Jofcph Stcbb'nj, colonel ift rggimer.t, id brigadt, John Long, lieut. col. Eliphalec Slack, colonel Thomas W.D'ckinfoo, major Frederick Drowne, lieut. eoI ih in divijion, 3d in brigade. major amesGoldfbury, k.«aI.corj. id Reginent, id bng^de. Ezekiel KeUozg v -_ • CI-/V A. J /> majors Eliflia Alexander f ' G«orgeClaghorne, colonel iieut. col. 7th Regiment in Divi/ton, Robert Earl, major and 4tb iu the brigade, John Brsdi/h, coloosl "id Regiment, %d brigade, Amafa Clap, Ueut, col. Ncah Halt, colonei Jobo RuiTeU, m&jor Gideon Williams, lieut. coK job Winflow, msjor )tb in divijlan, 5ti'/« brigade. Afaph White, colon*! ^tb Rcgimsnt^ id brigade. William Longlty, lieut. col. lieut. col. com. William Kitie*!«it«, major }> majors

5th Diiiijion, *rb!rd Brigade, Barnftablci PLYMOUTH, BRISTOL, DukeiCounty & Nantucket BARNSTABLE.DUKES- 1^ Regiment, ^d brigade. COUNTY, AND NAN- Jcfiab Dimmock, colonel TUCKET. Abraham Williams, lieut. col. Ebenezer Loth^op, major Firfi Brigade t Plymouth, tdKegitnent, ^d brigade^ ift regiment, xft brig*de. Doanc, colcosl JohrsTorrejr, lieut. eoi. com. Jofcph Eliiah KoowltJ, lieut. col. Kehcmiah Cobb i «,,;«.. Na'thsaicl Freeman, major

ad regiment f ift brigade, Scth Bates, colonel 6tb Divifiolt. George Turner, lieut. col. YORK & CUM 13 UR LAND

Chitle* Turner, m»jor jji Brigade, .Yotk.

I brigade, 5d regiment, I ft brigade, ^fi Eegiment, ifi Luke Bicknei, coloael Jofaiis Prebble, colonel Syltanus Ltzell, Ueut. col. Jofeph Hubbard, H«ut.coi. Deniei Cajcy, major John Cole, mi«jor brigade. 4th regiment, 7ft brigade, id Regiment, ift Jfrael F^arinf, colooul And. P.Fisrnald, It. col. com. Sparrows, lieut. col. William Haley, Edward j, ^,^^^, major ' 7- " C 96 3 Mititfa r/ Matte continued, I j I ^d Rfgiment, brigade, \fi ^tth Regirmnt ix Divifianl rWunipViiy Fike, colonel and ^d in the brigade, ijcfcpti Morrill, lieut. col, Jcfcpb ]or>es, lieut. col, com. rSamoel Jordan, major 'Jsmei Paige, majori ^tb Regin:tKt, iBbngadi, ^ I *]oha Kci-ny, Jieut. coi. com. 5th Regiment in Di'vifon,

KeniaminWarrcni i AfidAtb in the brigade^. majors f J'.bo Spurr, lieut, coi. com.

Sfb RerijKsr.t, }fi brigade. Srmuel Corbia, 1 lors. JonathariKinfman, co'onel John Wcbfter, licut. coj. t^tb Regiment in Divijkn^ Thomas Gilyatrick, msjor and ^tb in the brigade, id Brigade, CumbecJand, Sylv2nu« Town, colonel ]?mes 1/2 Regimentf 2d brigade. Fletcher, lieut. col. Wiiiiam Cobb, colonel Samuel Warers, msjor James Lurt, lieut. col, Second Brigade, names Webb, Ksjor d Rigiment in Diwifionf sd id brigade, I Kegimentf and ifi in the brigade. jV.'JUiam Stanwcoa, co.'cr.cl Jjna'.ban Witherbc, colonel Ozi^ Blsnchaid, lieut. co). John May, iieut. col, .F&u! Racdell, n^aior jjohn ' Watfo.T, major _ ^d Kegiment, id brigade. Regiment in Divi/ton, IC;/) ^atb. Froft, i?eut. coi, ccai, and J.d in tbe brigade.

~ James Harty, i . 'Jcaa. VVht'eier, iieut. col.coro,

Jonah Houe v ( 7 ^fb Regiment, id brigade. Warren Leiand > *"*J''" Iir^sc Parlr^nj., cclooei "Jtb Regimtnt in Di'viftcHf itiiwa'-d Ar.dcrfcn, Ikut. coJ. end yd in the bttgade, (Jacob Ha/kejl, major ]ti\.Vi Read, iieut. cyl, com. 1 jof«(;h J?rown. v \^tb Divifi. WORCESTER. MofetGrcer^wood, r "'»J^»<»

lliKe^iinent in l>i'vifion, %th Regimer.t in Di'r)ifion% I j and vji in the brigade. and \th in the brig.de, I Phiuea« jone«, 'lewv.ccl. com. ijnfbua Mzrtsn, colonel

WiliiaroVvhiie, 1 . . rhsddeui Bord, Jiicot. col, ? m»)oH JcfcpJi Je«»'ett, msjor ^d Regiment in Div^eng IIo^i> R-gimefit in Divijieu, and zd in the brigade. and tjh in the brigade. Solomon Wci-2, cr>Iooel jSib'^^H.-zelrine, heuf.coJ.com;

Ssmutl Joiics, -ewit. coL iPau) Biynton, » • Daniel Taft, m>jor L_ 97 J /lathtia Matart ccntinusd. Regin:ent in Divijioti, %tb DiviJtJtt. '7th ' brigade LINCOLN. Hancock, and id in the George Snllman, colonel and WASHINGTON. Obrien, Heut. col, Lincoln, Jcrero'ah Fir/I Brigade. major Jofcpb WalHs, Regiment in Di-vi/ion, tyj Qtb Regiment tn Divifion, brigade* and id in and ^tb in the brigade. Lamont, coioncl )hn James Pattin, colonel col. )hnRced,lie»t. Cornelius Thorapfon, It.eol. major .bid Wood, Melatiah lotdan, m?jor id Regiment in Di-vifion, gtb D/tT^on. iJERKSKlRE. brigade. and %d in F;Vy? Brigade. colocel ;Lofa:rt Page, in Dviv^/iOtt, I ft Regiment .imon Paje, lieut. col, brig<^de. and \ ft in the major j •^cnry Smith, Thcmsi Ivej, co\oueJ I 'O^' %d Regixent in Divi^oVf |ofcpb Gccd.id?*, S'cut' brigade, major atd 'id in the Thomas lagciiol, colonel Di'vifion^ id ward Emetfon, ^b V^egimarJ in 'aul Dcdge, iieuf. col. and td in the Bngade. major fV^i'illiam P4clr5tire, SiJas Pe?oor., colonel Divijiony Ufeut. col. /^ib Fegimtnt in |8ted B.adiey, major ^tb in the brigade, Billy Mcdcnger, Thomas Surrct, co! end sth Rr^iffJfi^f '« I^i<'^fi'>'» the brigade. l; Pfvif'Ont John Moore, iisiit. col. ' in the brigade, major ardi ft Slo»o, co}*sel "brigade. Samuel SecoKd jieut. «oi. Hancock snd \V-.;!i;ngton. William Yottn|. major I ^ih Regiment in D'vifton, in Di-vtfion, I 3 J Regiment 1/2 in the htiga-it, brigadt. and » arJ td J>- the coinnei N»voanN»v oan F*'lc«. ! Oi;,tr Rftfi?, col&nel

major Gevge vVh'ie, C^mfoit WcM.d, m»]ot «'« D/*/z>*, 6fi Re^imfnt ie r^vifiony tth Re^imerJ brigade, bngade. a^.d ".d '.n the ayJ y> in ihe coW Jfi'^r^ BrT-v^'tsT, eoioiiel ].nath»nRem«£:on. *^°'- Bfjf.mirShcte, >Jeot. col. Lrno Binghars^^ ''=»'^; Ties?, majar Rockier,, major jRobefl I Aaiafa Commanding OfRrgrc ^rr J f: . \ Artillery. iftZ)/.;:^iift Divi/lon. ^'"'V-^^^'-^^ e/- James Robin fon, cjpt. jAftner Thomas NichoJfon, Morfe, capt. capt. Ij Daniel Knap, Jonathan Wamer/eapt. tapt. i [Luke NaA, «jpt. , SamucJ SradJce, capt. Sib Divifton. \\ Zaiock Riniwonhjordaa.jua. Bufficgtun, capt. capt^-^ James Pcarfon, cape. John Sweet, juD, capt. • J oho Stimpfon, Lemnal Weeks, capt, capt. ! WiiJiam Cfofs, capt. 7 th Divifton. 3^ Divijioa. Thomas StoweU, , Amog capt. Farnfworth, cap*-. Setb Caldwell, capt. lWiIliamCaI

[The Companies are arranged according to the Numher of the Wardt to ivbicb tbej belong, and tbei r Rank in the Regiment ;* denoted by Figures. ] Captaim, Lieutenant^, Enfigm, Robert Gardner Robert Ball William Kendall Jofeph Gieafon John Chandler Jolhua Ellis Setb Jo.hafon Rchard Jsques John ftouJftane Cfat) Beia E

SatTJt's' Brajiee, Captain, OJficns Dan'fl Weld, Capt. Lieutenant, liftbe Benjamin Larkin, ift Lieutenant, Artillery,

LJeut. Co!. Samuel Bradford. CoJone!, Ma]. Simon EiiJtr, Lieuteoanty Cadets, M.^]. ;'-'>iepb May, Enfij^o, Capt. Jstob Eu.'hs Adjutant,

Jpfeph L^iu^hton C. plain, ThoRsab Adams, v^^pf, Lifiucenant, Samnel Aoftin, ift Lieutenant, Fuxfleers, Samuei Ureeo, ad L,euteQant, John Gavdner, Eniign.

BY the XVI nth feftioi of rhe laft Milirtt A£l erery lOn-Ct-mminioned officer aod prinrate cf the Int^antry n •Jnfrantly

: an irors rot!, bayrnet ?.«

"pHIS Seminary was founded in the Year 1636, th. Maffachufstts Ginera! Afi'cmbly having tJiat'yea granted a Tum of_ money for its eftabjifliment, and in thi jcar was a~dded a generons 163?, dcnation, bcQuesthcd bt the Rev. John Harvard, of Charieftown, and the name the College was given perpetuate 10 his memory: I hi funds not being futficier.t for its fupport, about two yeafu aAerthe income of the Ferry between BoHon and Cbir/et., town was addsd thereto, and fiQce the ereflirg the Bridgu acfofs that Ferry, and the •thcr from Weft Bofton t< Cambridge a ^ fum fqual to th« former income is allowed d The Library now confifis of upwards of 13,000 volumes, 1 with a Tcry ample apparatus for «xpefiment«, &c, ioeverj branch of Phi^ofophy, Aftroncmy, &c.

Since its eftabli/hmeot to July 1793, 'Ijcut 3360 ftu. dents h&ve beea admitted to academical degrees ; neau losooft^hom have been ordained to the work of thex Gofpel Miniftrjr.

Perfons of any denomination may have their cbildreiri educafed thrre, but all are obliged to give bond at admiC ijon for the payment of the Collage dues.

This Seminary tc its firf^ inftirotion C0D/;ft«d only of a Preceptor, two UiTiers, and a Treafurer. Mr. Nathaniel Eaton was the fiift Preceptor, and ccntinued till i6

Harvard UNIVERSITY continr.ed. { Ths OVERSEERS of the University are, r The Governor, Licu:cnact Governor, Council ar.d Ssnatf^ of the Coramonweslth, the Prefidcnt cf ths Univerfity, and the Minifters cf 'he Cangregatiooai Charchcs if the Towns of Bofton, Ro'bury, Dotcbej^er, Cbariefiown, Cambridge and fVaterlo'un. Rev. Simeon HoiJJrd, D.D. of Bofton, Secretary.

' The CO R P OR AT I O N. Rev. Jcfeph milardi D.D. & LL.D. trejident. Hen, Oliver ii'endell, of Boftoo, '^ Hon. John Lciuill^ LL.D. of Roxbury, I Hon. "Jam^i Bo'wdoJn, of Dorcheftsr, S» Fe'lotvSt Rev. Simeon Howard, D.D. of Bofton, \ Rev. John lathtcp, D.D. of Bofton, J Ebemx.er Storer, A- M, of Bcfton, Treafurer. The PROFESSORS. Edivaid yVigglefivorth, D.D. Emefitus Frof^fT Divioity. D^fid Tapper,, A.M. Holiu PiofefTor of Dtvmity. Elipbslet t^earjory A. M. IJanC'ck Pro 'e .Tor of Hebre*' and other Oriental Languages, ind HofeHf of the English Language.

'Samuel Webber, A , M Hollis Prpfeffor of the Mathtmatics and Naturaf Philofophy. I \yohn JVarren, M.D. Herjey ProfefTor cf Aoat. &Su'gerr, Benjamin J^^'aie'-houfe, M.D. Herfey^toiedot of thsTbeory and Prafticeof Phyfic. j ^ Aaron Dexter^ M.l). Erving Prof.Chym.&MateriaMedica

. T U T O R. S at Cambridge Univerfity. j itfilliam AmberH Barron^ A. M. G^s.^graphy, and the iE!(ment« of Ocometfy. Natural Philofophy 2c Aftronomy. \yQbn Thornton Kirkland, fii.tA. Metaphyfics and Ethics.

^ Daniel Stanifordf A. M. Latin. G'-eek Tutofihip Vacant. Samuel Sbapleigh, A.M. Librarian. J, DejNancrede, P'receptor of the French Language. Cahb Gannett ^ A.M. Steward. John Pipon, A.B. Butler.

CoMi^iBNCEMENT "'ft CD ihc third V/cdnsfday of July. Vacations : From C:mmer.cementy four Weeks. From thcfhi'd Wed-ef^i? in Oft'jb?r, tv/o Weeks. From the firft Wedne'd^Y in January, five WeeL-«, from the third Wcdudday in April, two Weeks. " — ''' '^' Of Colleges and Academies. i Colleges in the Northern States, Williams's College^ Berkfhire County^ (Incorporated in June 1793.) Eberezcr Fitch, Prefidtnt, 5tephin Weft, D.D. Fke Frefident^ banie! Dewsy, Secretary, Noah Lififley, Tutor, Nathaniel Steei, Mafler of the Grammar SchotI,

the firft Commencement, Wedaefday in ^eftembtr^ 1 79'^.

Incorporated Academies and Schools. Pummer Academy, at Ncv^bory, J/aac Smithy Preceptor, Phillips' % Academy, at Atidbver, Eh.Fembertony PrectptoV Micah Stone, Aliiftant Pre-eptor, Abiab Holircolk, W':riog Ir.ftruftor. Leicefier Academy, ai Leicefter, David Smith.. Frccepcor* Berwick Academy, a; fTerwick,, Samuel Moody,? iet.efiot» Haliowell Academy, at Hallbwel!. at ; Fryeburg Academy, Fryeburg, PaulLangdon, Prcceptflr Tauntan Academy, at Taunfofi.

. IVaJhin^ton Academy, at Macbias, Plymouth Academy, ac P ymcuth. IVejtfie d Academy, a*. WeftfitJd. Grotort Academ?, at Groton, Wijtford Academy, at Weftfard. Derby School, at Hinghsm, Abner Livcoln, Preceptor. Peter Wbitvey, Aiiiftant Preceptor Ipfivich Gtammar School, at Ipfv»;oh. Roxuury G »mmar School, at Roxbury. Cbarleftoton Free Schools.

Yale CoUegeaf New- Hayen, <« Connedlicut. Ezra Stiles, Pfe'dent. Commencement The '"'^cond Wedoefday in Stptember.

Rhode-Ifiand College, at Providence. 'Jonathan Maxcy^ Prefident, pf&

Dartmouth Coiicgey in New Hampfliire. John V>^heeiock, LL.D. Prtfidcct. Aoguft. Commencement : Tne fourth Wedaefday in yo - - „ 3 I Alinifters, Churches, and Religimis AfTembriesh in the Copfmon'vjsalth oAMaffachufetts. //? Bofton, Suffolk County. irft Church, in Cornhill. ^aAw Clarke, founded' in 1630. This Cfcurch is thrse ftories in height, built of brick, with a light handfome fteeple, fupported by the roof The ispoer galleries hair*-> been la e'y taken down, and, abjve the fccond range of windows a Corinthiao cor- nice given, which fupport? four arches, which from ^ each fide of the walls, io terminate an ob'ong fquarc in > centre, the The .'ower gulleries arc fupponed bv pijlar« of thcTufcao order. It bsf- an organ and a public clock. Iscond, or old Ts'orih, Johtf Latbrop, D.D. founded iSto. The building was »boliy dcftroyed by the Briti/h troops in 177 5, «n^ ap^iropriated to the ufe of firewood, the members, foon after the Town was evacuated, united with the Church ;n Middle-ftreet, which wa? founded in It 1721, ftaads upon a rifiag §^ouni, ssd has a decent ftee'ple and a clod. 'Irft Baptift Church, Samuel Sti'liaan, D.D.fdunded 166;. This Church was har.dfomely rebuilt in 177 r, and has ftnce been much enlarged. It adjoint the Mill Pond. )ld South Chutch, Marlborough-ftreet,. Jofepb Eckley, founded i66tJ. It is a large and haodfon^e brick bui'd- ing the infide wes entireJy J deftroyed by the 1 7th regi- ment of Britifli d'agoons in 1775. and eonterted into a riding fchoolj it haj fioce been elegantly repaired. The lower gaileries arc fi'nifhcd with the Tufcan entab- lature and bftluftrade, fupported by pillars of the fame order. The fecond galleries are fin-fted in the Dorick order compJete, and a btlufirade above the ent;iblature. The pulpit wir dow & ornaments arc of the Corinthian order, Tbe b?!ck tower fupporf! a very handA me tall ft«eple, i8o feet high, and has therein one of the beft clocks :» Americas with a large library^f ancient books. IPhe Chare), io Tfemont-ftreet, Jamet Freeman, founded jo waa rebuilt 168?, with hewn ftone its 1749, Th? Mifide is elegantly fini/hrd agreeably to the Corinthian order. The dontle pillars, i^hich ftand vpon one pe- deftal, with the pilafters, fupport ?ntcrfeafd archef over the gallefies, firely executed. The Chancel \f highly finilhtd, with carved truires, feftoon?, and other ornament?. A colonnade of u large pillars furroucda C IC4 J Miaifters and Churches in Softon continued.

ihe towcf. The ftecple i8 not yet firii/hed, it was in- fciiJiJ to be of :wo fqua^e ftories & an ottagcnal fpire, The firft ftory to be of the lonick order, yrith 19 fluted c.tupled cotumus and pilafte/s, 19 inches in diameter. The feco^d fto'y to be of the Curinthian order, formed of S f.ated columns, 14 inches in diameter, aii to be

fini/hed in the richeft maoncr. In the church \» a large and very elegant organ. The Church in Brattie-ftreet, Peter 7bacber,D.D. founded in 1699, was/ebuilt with brick in 1774-. The ioQde is fit h!y fiai.'hsd, having large columns agreeably to ttjc Oriotbiau order, from the eotablatutc of which fprings the arch over the centre. The puJpic is of mahcgony,! and has a iarg* new organt jFriends, or Quaker tnMtiog houfe, in Levcrett Itoe, was

in is j fcuadsd lyio, fmaU decent brick houfe. New North Church, North ftreet, yebft Eliot, founded in 1714, is a fpacious wooden boildiog, with a tall fteeple, fappcrted by a tc«er,iQd in good lepair. New South Church, Summer-flreec, ct prefent Vacant, was founded io 1716, is a vveii finifted coavinient wooden buildifig, with a tuodfom: fleeple, finiihec agreeably to the lonick orc'cr entire.

Chrift Church, Salem-ftrtet, ff^tWam Walter, D.O. i, the fecond epifcopai Church, and was founded in 1722, it 9 bandfome brick buitdiog, with an elegant loft fleeple, with a ring of eight bells, and a public clock

In the Church is a handfome organ* [Chiirch in Federal -fir eet, late Iri/h Prefbyterian, Jerem Belkfiafiy'J.D, was founded in ijig, is a neat wocde buiidinfr., with a fteeple in proportion, !ate!y repaired. Church in Hoilis-ftreet, Sooth End, Samuel Weft^ w3i founded in 1732. It was deftroyed by fire in 17^7 and fin.ce elegantly rebuilt on an entire new pUn^ am finished in the moft eUgant manner.

Trinity Church, in Summer- ftreet, Samuel Parker ^ D, C! founded in 1734, ap.d is the third epifcTpal Church. '. is a large wooden boi^i^iog, the circular arch on tb

infide 5? fapported by fqua^e pillars of the Corinthia order, with the capita!; guildcd. In the Chanc

there are fome very elegant paintings, and is furnilhc with a large and beautiful organ. John Sylvejter John GarJi»er,]wo, AfTiftant Miolftelj C »C5 1 RiUf^iouf Affzmhliif in Suffolk, continued, >Vsi Cliurch, Lynde-ftreet, Simton Howtfd, D.D, was fou.-^dsd in 1736. Ic is a wcii prop-jrciotjcd wooisa b'jiidijg. in th« year 177 S> it was o«cupi;d by th« Brici/h troops, who wfioliy diftroycd ;he f>ewws, and alfo toa!^do«Viia hftsdfom: ftecpSe. Ths h^ufc bat fiace b::(i very neatly repaired ar^d painted. Iburch in .leanet-ftreer. wai foundsu ia 174-1) under the pafto.-ai cars of Ut. Ma.'her, bat after his deceafe it Y/u pu'chsfed and enlarged for the uf« of the Unirer- fa lifts, where yobn Mupray, cf Cape Ano, and George Ricbardi, of Hoftan, alternately officiate, Tbeinfide

of the Church is nsatly s>aiatei. and has a fma!! organ* Second Baotift Church, TBoaiJs Baldivirt^ wat foanded in^

I74^j, is 3 comnod.ouj wocdca buiiding,lately repaired, eoiarged, and painted. It adjoins to the Mill Pond. Church in So. School-ftreet was founded by fome French^

' Proteftmtt who fiid/roaj their perfccators ioFranceto-'

; wards the end of the i6th century, Sc had peinQifiioo ofj the C?eae;a' Court to refide in Bofton, flnce which, vbo ; in 1789, it has been ufed as a Romi/h Chorch, where yobn Thayer, lately cooverted to that faith, and Moof.. Matignon. officiate to thofc of their perfoafion^ The otter MiniHeis in Suffolk County^ ari^ Cbelfeot Phillips Piyfoa \Wngbamt Henry Ware,

Hull, I Daniel Shute, D. D.

Religious AJfifnhli&s in Norfolk County, ^dlinghatrtf S^uincy^ Anthony Wibird Noah Alden B Will-am Montague E Braintree Ezra Weld (he alio officiates at Dedbam Srookifftf Jofeph Jackfor* JoACIeverly, EpiJ^fteader Ccbajfetfjofiih CrockerShaw Randolfb, Jonathan Strong Dorcbefter, Tbad. M. Harris Joel Briggs B Dover, Benjamin Caryl Roxburyt £lipha^et Porter DtdbaiH^ Jafon Ha»en John Bradford jabez Ch!c!i:cring Thomas Gray Thomas Thacher Sbaron, Philip Curtis Wrm Montague £ Siou£btoft,7.echzTiihKoyiist6 Foxhofougb, ThomasKendall Jedidiab Adams, Ha-verkill, fohn Shaw Sakntt John Prince Pbiwas Adams Williann Bentley GiJe. Merrill Jrflhua Spauldirg 4th P*ri/h Vacant Thf^mas Barnard Heztkuh Smith B Daciiel Hopkins Ipfivicb, Levi Fnibie ICaJianiei Fifhcr I Jele^'h Dana FriMids ohn Clcve'and Sali/hury, Edmund Ncyes fiilbcrt Williams SamofI Webfter DD, Lynr.field, jofepb Mottcy 'Tops}ls:d, Afahe' Hunitngtor Wenbamf Adoniram Judfon

^eligUus /ijfemhlies in Middleiex Ccuniy. lASion, • tics Adaras Cambridge^ Abiel Kc!xnts Y^lhby, Tiiaddeus Fdkc Y[^dfordy lofepb Penr.'msn John Fcfttr \Billerica, Henry Cuniicf s Vacant lEcxbeTougb, Jofeph W jKaj-fl Vacant XkareJicivK, Jtdidab Morfp Corcord, Ezra RrpVy ^^beimifurfi^ Hp«e .Packard \Dracut. Solcmcn Aikip «'• John Perkins ?\Duvfiai>le, ICar/ij le, i^au! L' tchf^eJd jEafi Sudbury, Jofiah Bri^i : J , I IC7 J

Reading, "^ilsh Preatice ramingbati, David K.:ilog? EUab St;

rMw.^yJwrvSampf-jnSpauiding Uopkinron, Nsthanitl VLvtt an./ ritus Thcod. Barton Lexington, Jonas Clarice Uncofn, C•^sri^s Stearns Litdctoi, Editmnd Fcfter fValtbam, |4CobCurtii:g Marihoroui:b, Afa Packard Richsfd R.Eliot W:!'i» 'f^'a.'frrs'a.'??. .'i'TaAAn, Ehak.m 'Vtnfo'd, Ca'.t'o Bhkt ^Medford^ David Ofgood ^«,^3«, Samue» Kendall j/Vflnf-^, Stephen Bad?fr Vacant ^ Jonathan Homer iV'iW^o". B^glow W.ilum Grccnou^h \JVe(i. Sudbury, Jacob

l^.^.r^, Samuel Sa^geant F.*;....//. J>hD BuUard Whitney John Mar:e-.t 5ir%-, Phtoe*. | Stonekimy John Cievgland i

6'^«.'2^ . ReligUus Alfemhiisf in Hampfhire River,] [Laying on the EASQ' Side ot CcnneSiicut lOr^.r^^ Dav-d Ps.fcos • i^sji^r/?. ,, / B .J •, Badwm Ichabod Draper j/'j/ir;^ Mofcs -*— Oliver Belcbertcr., Jofius Forward |i».//^a»:. id Parifh V»cant G^anby, BenjsminChapniin SLuteJhury, ifeph Sme!!a?c B Grten-ivich, jcfewh Blcd'^Ct J liadle\, Joci Hayes JGlrua Crofoy 5ott/i 5oK/A PritnfeU, \Had!ey. Ssmue! Hopkins Cod'jirg Bl Fira Rc^ve 'E\t]ei\ \HoIand, ^ "'pringjielif, BezaWelHoward hcverctt, Hsr.*y Wiliiams

John McKinftry ! i S'rncon C-mb? B Sunderland, Afa Lyon sLcfig /kfffli^ow.Rich.S.Storrs /^are, Reuber: Mffs i^'ariaick, Sajnue; Refd iMoron. jz^t Ivff? Jofeph^Kilburn (Wcwi^^ff, Judah Nafh V/^ndi'd, Wilbrah&m, Jofeph Willard {f;o;f^/?/^, John Hubbard Mofej Warrea iA/tw Salem, Joel Fofter Vacant B Se'.h Clark L loS 3 Religious Affanhtles in HampiTiire continued', [Laying on the WKST Side oi ConntaUut Riyer.] A/hJield, Nehemiah Porter [flawleyt EnoB Smith B Heatb, Jofeph Strooj Ebcnezer Sitiith B Leyden ^ Berttard/loB, Amafa Cook . Jofeph Gteeo Levi Hodge ^iMi'dMefie/d, Dwlel iJaih Blandfard, Jofeph Badger I Vacant B Vac&nc Bj Montgomery, Buckland, iNoribamptott^ S^lo.WjJIiam* Ahatt Bemas Norraicb^ Stephen Tracy Cbarlemonf, flainjield, Mofes Hallock Vacanr Bj Vacant B Cbefier, Aaroa Bafcora U^'w*, Prefef^ed /•t/i ^,, «, Smith CbefterJieU, Timothj Allio [Rujell, \ Ebeaezer Viaia^ B EbeneB.'r Stow B SoUrain, Samuel Taggart ?\Sktlbur»e, Jefli Towafend Vacant Bj Da»id Long B Editt. Littlefield BiSoutbafuptoa, Joaathao Jadd Conway, John Emsrfoa South%oick, Ifaac Clsoton Vacant P IFefffield, Nmh Atwater Cumtngton, James Briggt Amafa Browo B Deerfield, John Taylor ^efi Hampton^ Enoeh Hale E.Hampton, PayfonWjilifton *^'; %'«//f /

Religious Afemhiies in Plymoiuli County, Al>tngton,SimMt\ SJilea jXi«^A»> Zephaniab WillU Sridgtuater, John Reed iMa'-Jkfield, William Shaw Sacvocl Aogiet Atherton Wales I and Zedekiah Sanger Elijah j Leonard Jt>hn Porter J Vacant I Vacant 'Bliliddleboro' , Jofeph Barker George Robidfca Caleb Turoer Carver^ Jafcn Howiand Da? id Giunejr John Tripp B ifaac Back OS B puxiury, John Allyn Ebcnezer Hioda B Halifax, Ephralm Briggt Vaaant vHanoverj John Melieo w J T—Tc^— continued^ R.liohm /ipmbSh, //."Plymouth

IvorTHotsy Wm.W. Wheeler El ^l^mpton, Ezra Samplon I

Ltncolrt Fa/»«o«ri', Henry o "l-l, « hi bldiidge Enoch " ^, . . , KnavWin Burr 5.«^.v:rfc. i^;^"^^^^^^ \cbafban, Thor.« Roby Ntthau Ston« \Dennii, ?,;.nd8 Edward Cbcsver '-;;/i7<2w, J J* "^ Jonathan B.fcom , .^-//^ tJ\^b^

R^;;«i^i«.P«'"^''*'-»'^' Attieborofgh. John Wilder g Vacant Ebcnezerpv:.«.„, LazellT.,T«ll Abaer Uswi» Robert Rflgerfon EUJha Carrenter Kathsn Pierce Berkley, Thomai Androa John Hides \ Dartmouth, larob B'cks Daniel Hicks Aaron Wheeler Ftieodt * , Vicant xDigbton. John Smith ]on»tban Chiffe I 1 Enoch Gnff 6 Two Baptift Vacant Iftf^^fl, WiiUtm R«cd ''omerftt, \fteeto'zvn, 9 ' Ruffell Mtfon Philip Hathway B Stv.nfey. rh»r'cs Thompfon e V tcaat I |ohn F^ift-.r Wamntld. Uc^tnd G^cJtza!eelSbaw 1 J^^iigtous Apmhlies^ in Ehke's-Countyr oM«^r* JoMtbao Smith xGayhead, Zac.. Hoofuit Idgauo^ Jofeph Thatter ^ Vac.nt Tijbut^, 1 Afarelah Morfe [ Zaccheus Mijrbevr, MiOiontty at /If^rfAa^ T/^y^rrrf. Oideon Hawlcy, M;ffioyry to the Mflr/;?.;>gg ladiaas. Rsligious /ijfemhites tn Worcefter County AJburnbamf Joha Cufhiog t'i^ortbborougb,?tietVfhhQty Vacant S Northbridge, John Crane j4/io/, fofeph Eaftabrofflc John Cooper I .^drr jofiah f , Dana Oakbam; Daniel Tomlio^.o /J^rZ/w, Reuben Puffer Oxford, Elias Dudley M'ilton, Phineaa Wright Vacant 1 8rookfield, Ephraim Ward jofcph Appieton Peter/ham; Soloixson ^eed Nathan Fiike, QDi jchoSeJiQi) B Soytftottf Prtn.etotiy CbarltOMy Roya^ion, Jofe ph tee Da rid Rathbara^ B Mofesi Kirioey B Oouglaft, Ifaat Stone Rutlandy Hez«k ahGoodrich Vacant B Sbrnv/buryy jofeph Sumner Dudley, fc/hua Jobnfon I Vacant B Fitcbburg^ fohn Payfon iSoutbhorougb Sa«nuelSaainer Gardner, {ooathan Ofgood \Speticerf jofcph P?»pe G^rry, Eh«n««r Tucktr (Ster:in?y Rfubei FJblcomb' Grafton^ Sturbruifre, fcAua Paioe Hardwisk, Thomw Holt Vacant Vawat BSuttonj Eimurd MClls Harvard, WJlljanfi Emerfon ad Par /h Vacant Ifaiab f*aik«r B Eb«n«zer Lanjforr B Holden , ]i'U2kx Ave^y WiUfsrn Bucbclder B Hubiardficfj .Hthtm, Parker Temp/e^on. Eben. gparhawk i*iincafterf Tttao. Karrioiitoa Vacant B tf)«<^ Nath, Thayer' Uptvg, Eiifln Fiffj Ltlcafter^ Benlartiin CeokUn Simroft Siow B Nathar: Dana B Uxindge, Samuel Jodfba Fricoda ':fi/<-d Iiaac Barley Leoninfier, Ffanr^t Gardner f^^eftborough, J^hnRobiofoo Lunenhurg, Za.bdie! Ad3T.s .f^'^^f/s, Stephen faster Mer,don, C«leb Alraar.der pTc/fwi/Vj^fr, Afapfa Rice 2d Parifli Vacant f^ificbe-^dort, lofeph Brovrir Milfordi 'Vorcefier, Samue' Aaftin ^enuBrgintree, Daniel Fofter j A^roo Bancroft L HI J fUIigicm Afemblief in York County.

*4rur.del, Siles Moody v LittleFalls, ^ervjick^ John Thampfoo Limirgton, Matthew Meriam Per /"jKi/ir/^^jSamiielWeeks B William Hooper li\Pef>ferelhoro\ jt-hci Fairfield 3idJeford,Snhzn\tm^b&tr\SarJfard, Mcfes Swett Sroiunfield, Turn Suxton, Paul Co^jq Vacant

, Zoxbalif S'lnon Lock 3 Nchemiah Davis \FranciJhoroughf Tozer Lor4 Vacant B IVajhingtoriy Wryeburgby Wm. FsflVndeo H'ateriorough, Kittery, Jonas Hartweli Vacant Saqpuf-1 Chandler ff

Religious /.pmhlies in CumberUtd County

Eakerftofif No.Tarmouttt Trift. G.lmec Bridgtcti, Nathan Church ad Pafih Vacant Bruvjivick, UeivG.ocefter, Sam.Foxtrcft Butterf.eid, Vacant B Buckfieid, Odsfieidf Cape iiUzahih, Eph. Clark? Paritt Dwbsm^ Vacant B Falmouth, tbencjsrWiirjanis JPcrf/iz«c/,Thri.mas Smith and Thcma? Brown S*myel L)?»o, D,D» Friends E'iish Kellogg JFreeport, Alfred johnffll Thomas Osaard £ Corbam, Daviti jc^ett Pbips't Canada, James McC'tfon R Payfii'*'d- Gore, G>a-i. S^^^ue; Feriey , Rujhfisld l,('aboro\ ThoirajL»nCafler . Harpfwell, Samuel Eaton

• Eiifta Snow B Betajanraa Chadwick "Ueb^on, -'acsfit .^.i&rJijh, Jonatbart Gould l-bCfljrnaa 2iViumer, ynhn Stricklard P Ifrindbapi, I eter T. Smith f T y

Religious Jljftinihliei in Lincoln County . Ball/ton, Vacant Nezvcaitle, Bath, Nol'Uborou^b, Bootbbayf No'-ridgeutjckf Pittjton, Jatnes Potter Bj Jofepb Warren William Stinfon Botudoinham, I Vacant [ob Macomber 6 keaJfieldt Briftol, Alexander McLean Sidney^

Cambdsn^ Vacant 1

Canaan I Smtthfeldt Sfer/ing, ^'•cant B Eliphalct Smith . Cu/hin^i Thomajcon, Edgecomh, Tof)/ham, 'onatban EJMs Daniel Hobbard B Vajfd'horcugb, Friends Fairfield^ Ur.icn, GeO'getoiony Ezek. Emerfon Pfatdohorougb, Gree-e^ f^arrtn, Halhwellf Winfiuv}^ Hancockt Wiritorop, Leviifton^ Ifaac Cafe Vacant V>\^PifceJf''t, Alden Bradfo'-d Meduneoke, ^Wooitijich^ jofiab Winfhipi Monmoutbt Sandy River Mount Vernon yones^s P/antalionf

Religious AJj'emhlies in Berklhire County^ Adams, Hancock, Alfr.*d, Clsrk Rogers Becket, Lanejbareupb, DaoieiCoUi' Betbhbem, Kathan Mafoa Cbejhire, jobo Leland Peter Werd en B Lee, Alvaa Hyde Nathan Msfon B Lenox, John Leland B Mount fVaJhington, Dalton, Loudon Egrentontt Eliphalet Steele l^eiv Apjf'.rd, Great BarrinsTton, l^eivMjiribjro\ JacobCat! Vacant E Patriiigejleld, jcbnLelan^ Jedutban Graj B Piitijietd, Thnujs AUen Valentine RathborD L 'M J Religiout /IJfemhlies in Beikfliire contimied. ^icbmond^ Dav;d Ferry \1'fririgham, jofeph Avery SandiiJieU, Elcrzcf Siorrs j^/Wfo»,W CBillacticc Jofhua Morfe Ej Vacant " Samuel Baldwin ll}p^eftSt'jck^ridge,OV\ycTAyet

Shfffieldy Ephiaim Jucfon . p^/7//jw//i», i)t:h Swift iyindjor^ Stockbrtdge, S;ep. Wc^^K^ D.j Samuei Wheij-ley pj

Counties i?/' Hancock and VVadii'^gton, IN the County ax Hanccck theie aie 15 incjrporatei To'vns and 3 PUrtations (for their Names fee ?. 63) in the whole of which they hare oniy tbrse rettirdt-Siniltsfs. ^jr^or, Srth Ni.-b!« XSegdivick, Dan'el ^Jclrill

D£sr-Jjli,?titt ^Qvizxi \ IJle/barough, ViCaai B

is th« Ir^cr.Tpo- i IN ^'ajhingto^ County, Machias only [rared Towo, Jjmit iyon, Minifter, ths others ajs Piaa- t^tioBS, not incTporated, fee p. 63,

M. Ciq-arr, Romiih MifTionaTV j*. Pajfarr.fiquadv,

e-'C'J >s toj iiy the Laws - f the Commoaweal^h Town take ca!e from time ro tirn* to be cocftaotif piofided v-itbj an able> learned, orthodox Wiriftcr or Mio'.ft«3 t» dif-j penfe the wtrd of God to tbem, who a?e to be fuitaWyj encouraged and fufficien. by the Imhabitanti. y mainalned |

The anniverfary Coateniion of the Congregsrieuil Mioiftcrs is held ai Bojion oa the Thurfday next foUowin?

the iaft Wednefday in May j on wh'rch day a Sermon wUl be preached before them, at ihe Old Brick Meeting, by ibe Rev. Chandler Robbim, D.D. of Fljmouth, sad a Coi- Jeftioti msde for {he charitable puipofe of relie?irg dif- trelled Clergymen or their Widows. The Rev. John Clark, of B^ftoo, is the:r Scribe.

The V/arren, f^aptifi Affociarioni is to meet at Templeton

this year, on the Tuefday after the fiift V/edatfdiy in September, at z o'clock, P. M,

The annual Conventian of the Mini/ten, E'dersacd MelTengers of the Univerfal Churclics in Man'selufett*, Rbsii: Ifland, N. Hamp/hite, Vermont, C (Pftcftieuf, atd NcwYork, «a to be ho'dca at Oxford, St pr. 3. 1794. 1^-r . CiviiOliiccfS in Majfachujetts ComnjonweaJt"h, 6'&/>/ erne Judicial Courts Francis Data, LL.D. of Carcbrid^c, Chief Juftice Robert Treat P«ine, of Bofton. locreife Sumner, cfKoxbuiy;, Nathao Cubing, of Scituate, Thomas Dawe», jan. of BoflJR. The Salary of the Chjef juftice n £, 370 per annum, ar.d the other o^ ^ujt^ces l.^^o, to be paid qnartcJy, without the eddjtifao of any fte or per^juifice whatever,, Char.'cs Cun)ing, I Clerkt of the John Tutker, | Supreme Judizial Court, Theii is Office kept on the lower floor of the StateHoufe,

James Sulli»an» of Bcftcn, Anomfy CenereU Hi» yewly Salaiy is ^, 300.

Benjamin Hrmane. OUr of the CoiJtts in SuffolkCounty

Jullices ofthe Common Pleas, SufFuJk County. Joseph Gardner, of Bofton, Ssmuei 3arre«t, of Bofton, Thorr as Craffji, of Boftoa. TuthiU Hohharn, of ha&OD, fpccial Jufiia. Ezrkiel Price, Clerk of the PJeas and sf the StiTions. Office kept at HU the Weft eoMaoce of the St.te Houfs.

Probate Office, for SuiToilTc'janr//. George Richards Mince, of Bofton, Judge oj Brtbate. WilJiam Cooper, of Boiioo, Begifter of Probate, jThe Proi/jfc Orfice is kept in Bofton.on the lower FiooT of the Cocrt Hou/c in Court Steer.

The Jufticcs of the Supreme Judicial Court, Court ofi bromon PFeas, Judges 0/ ihe Courts oi Probate,, She .-ifft and Ccrocc

* i '

• Thomas ^ Craft?, of Bcil.4;n, Courcy Treajurer, His Office kept oppwfice the WtftDoor of the StateHoufe.

H«nry Allioe, cf Bofton, County Regifier, plis Oihce kept 00 the l^wcr Fiocr r.f the Court Houfc.j ' adjoiairig the Probate Office. i ' •— - .. r ». . I — ~ -~ ... I . ; k-4. - , "— ! ,^ [ 115 I _ ^M^iCtT^the Peace and of the Riorum, throughout the Commonwealth Darvers BoflonliU^tX Huubinfon Saniue! AdamfAdams , '^f/ F oft Kittery Walter S?o6ntxNii»Bedferd,]ohn Bertvick Thomas D.w-s Bcfio Benia. Chadbcum on Petsr Prnoirn^n Merdcff fames Prefcctt Grot Trift am PaUon Ne^vb.i^'rf Samuel Holten' panvers Charles Turner Scituate Mcfea Gill "Princeton William Phillip* yindover Nathan Cuihing Scituate Nathaniel Gorham Charicftun Az.or Otns Marbkhead 'fork Jofiah Tbacher Garbam paviti Sewall 5o^j«i William Kc^th B-^xhury j|atn?8 Sullivan BoJioK ro' Thomas RiifTell IHubert Ticat Painfi ^•f Lyman Sprirt^Jisid Benj;min Anftia ditto\SAm»t^ Thomas Dorfee F're;tcwn [Wilaaiii Ctfh^.og §eituate\ Roxburv'.t'o^nKztT Bridje Cbemijord 'nctesTe Somncr Haft.ngs iTona. GreeaUaf Z^«?''vi'. Port] John W^W BrooUn Uvco)n F.snch Dar,a Carr hrrdge\E\^nztt Wendell ^^^;>« Samuel De-er ;?Vo-|01Wcr ^

Artem«Ward .£ir.«^*«ry1Winiam Shepa^d- jT^yZ;:./^ y* Warren P/>«.r.r^ Edward- Cotti fritter f amcr %.rr^:.r> Solo-ncn Frjeman H^^'^^;^^ Jobr. Lowell Hoogdoa B^pon Abraham Fuller iV^w^ar? Alexander Eeoja. Gieenlcaf Neub.Fort^ County of Suffolk. the Qiiorum, Ja/iice/ of the Peace and cf Wermore hojions JoKo Avery 5o/?

lujiices of the F?ace in Suffolk County. WiiY.am Tudor £o/7o»|Hcr.ty Jjckfoo BoP

Jofeph Gardner, DeJimus to qualify Civ:'! Of.cert. Jeremiah AlJen, of Bofton, ShtnJ, Theodpre Barrel!, of Bcfton, Deputy Sheriff. James Pricce, of Bofton •% Alexander Mackay, ofBofton.i Croners, Jofepb Andrews, cf Hingharn,1.5 Ceunty 0/ Norfolk. rr^i County i>^, lately heen feparcted from Suffolk, but It IS Jutfojcd fome Alterations ivHl take Place at the Sfjjion 0; the General Court ,„ J^f^uary ,794. as a JNumkr or ti^e Tcwns in that County bs've petitioned to be re ann.:ce^ to S ^Aolk.^The follotving Civil Officers bave teen a ready atp-inttd by Authority.^

Jufiicsi of the ComiTiOn Pleas, -^^''' Stc.:he:3 Mc;nlf,ofDeIlingb3m, 3 r "7 ] Civii Officers in Norfolk Cour.ty continued Juftices of the Peace and of the Quorum. Cotton Tufts Weyrrouth EdwaTd H. Robbina Miltzr. Samuel Nile3 Braintre. Ibomss Crane ditto Rxhaid Cranch S^uincy Jabez Fiilicr Frankiin Steuben Metcaif EeUingbiini, Thomas Lothio? Cohcjje Solomon Lavell ff^ej/Affa^i) Ka^haniei Simncr Dedbntrt Jamss EndlcoC Stcugbton'c.MiZit Weld Roxhur Mofcs Bulien Medfield^ Jufiices of ths Peace. Jofsph G'j''ld Dedbam\]\A,n Read Koxbury NjthanicI Bailey W'£y«o«.'i)jStepheQ Badlam Dcrchefitr] Benj-mio Guild /f^r^a^i^^wi Swift PayfoQ Foxb''r:,ugh\ John Jrnca Z)«x/er' William Fuller blrtdbom Daniel Perry ilfa.i/fr/^jlfa2c S. Gardner Brot>k\yni Nathaniel Ames Deai^aw Elijah Adams MedfielA EbcnezcrVyarren Fojr^croa^ '^JAbijah Richa»dfon MedzvaA

Stephen Penniman EraintreeX \ William Heath, of Roxbury, Judie of Probate, Samuel Haven, of Dedbam. Regifter cf f rotate,

Ebsnezer Thayer, of Braiatree, Sheriff. Ifaac Bul'ard, of Dedham, County Treajuf'tr, Eliphalet Poodj of Dedham, Kegijter ofDudt. Coroners. Nathaniel Ruggles Koxhury S^rru?! CapeQ,juD. Stougbton\ William Heath, jur. ditto Adam Jones Dover Samuel Bailey Weymouth Aaron Everett Foxborougb Daa.Bolb?ook,jaD/^7tK^A<2»7 joaa.Adsms, tcrt. Medway Thomas White Brooklyn David .Smith, jun. ]Needb<,m Mizc BuUard Dedbam Eli /hi Doane Ctbajfet Williira Whiting dttte Caleb Ficach Braintree John Endicot dittc>

[Coroners in the fevSrai Counties u^e refpeSIively au-\ tborizsd and impovaered, viben the Office <»/Sher!fF?«J any County is vacant^ by death, rejignation^ removal\ cr cthernvife, to execute and return all IVrits and Precepts, tvhcb are by Laiv gppoinud to be executed and returned by the Sherift, until another Jhait be\

appointed and 'fgally qualtffedj\ \ _ Cj"8 ]_ County of ElTex. ^ Juflices of the Cotnnion Pleas, (je* ] Benjamin Green'^af, of Newbury Port, I

5 Samuel Holten, of Daaveri, |ohn Pickering, of Salem, I Samuel Phillipi, of Andover, j

{ Ebsnczer March, of Newbury. / «,. . , <- / . Special jujticeK I r-, ^ ^. c o \ V -' George Cabot, of Beverly, \ '^ •' I '.Benjimin Greenlsaf, of Ncwbary Port, Judgt of Probate, Daniel Noyes, of Ipfwicb, Regtfter of Probate, I John Pickerng, of Salem, Regijter t/" Defds. j Scepiien Choate> of Ipfwich, County Treajurer. I of Port, ] i Benjamm Geenleaf, Newbury j^ppointed ^ Samue! HoJtci, of Danvers, C ,^ qualify Pickering, of Salem, Joho CiviiOJji^ers, Samuel phiinps, uf Aado?cr, J

Jufltces of the Peace and of the Quorum. '^" Tbeoph.ParfoDft Newb.Port Nathan Dane . Beverlf Nicholas Pike ditto George Cabot ditfo\ Theopfeilut Madbury iittc Beniamio Gcsdhue Salem] Sgmrel Phillips And'-ver ffasc Ofgood ditto] Stejibec Cboatc /^/w/(ri>i Nathaniel Lo»ejoy /indo'ver John Fickeong 5d/fwJDaaieI Moycf lpf Saltin Peter CcfHn GAj«ce/>«rjR!chard Manning Samuel White H4vc?'^/7/'Rich»rd Ward ditto^ Jujiices of the Peace. Ebenezcr March Nenobury Edward A. Holyoke Sahifi] erCheefcr L

jun ditto Jprwich\Thom*ti Pe'le? , ohn Manfiiog jun. I/J>/c* Whitnc/ dittoljoca. CodVe'.!, ili'ha '«« Stefbio CioU NctvhuryPort ijc.hn Farnum ^W**/^' ilfssc Mansncld MarbUhead ipeter Coffin, Jan. Ckmefte^ Jacob B^ov.n Selifbury IwiUiam Tuik iifarrA^/^^r^ Aoi>ow Andovtr, BenaiahTitcomb //>:w*.P«»rr jacoo Edward Boweo ^iarbLbraal KaferhilJ. 5i«rJ/. Bailey Bartlett, */

Dc'/'a/; Sheriffs, AUeo Andowet\ Wiirtam Insalls Ncti>b,prt\Mi Haverhill Wiluam Dodge i/>/../ri.iLia*.o t^raa.ey 1*^^» ^*^^** Gloucester Jofeph Turrell -^^^'^^ Johaliutfoa Marblebead^ Coroners, Cook ilerem.PeaTfon Ne^buryFcrt'^^r^jhtn Jpfivich'\ t/:>/^jlohn fueard John Myc.a ditto\ -A^«^^«ry NaihaD.el Wade Stephen IlOey johnHufe ? iTgalU . Enoch Hcgsra AmefKury [ I20 J County of Middlefex. Jujiicss of the Common Pleas, l!jc, Abraham FuiiCr, of NewtOD, James Piefcott, n/ G/oion, Nactian-'el Gotham, uf Char?cftown, James Wtothrop, of Cambridge.

. WiiHam Hull, of N'ewtoo, Specie^, yufiice, AbrahamBiglow, of Cambrid|c,C/

Probate Courts in Middlefex County are bsld^ At Cambridge^ on the firft Tuefday iu ApriJ, May, June, September, Oclr.ber, NnTcmber, and December. Att Concord, the ffcond Toefday in March, Apri! May, aod June, the third Toefday in September, and the f^cocd Tucfday in Oftobcr and November.

At Groton, on tbt third Tuefday io Apri I arid Odober.

Jufiices of the Peace and of the Quorum. John Tifng i>«»/>ai/hn Pitti Dunftsblt BcoUmin fjrown Reading John Stone Jio'liftoK Daniel VVhitfiey Sherburne Ouccan Ingraham Cc^narci Ebenexc^, Sradilh Cambridge Dan'tei Whitney Sbtrburnt David Hareo Framingbam

Jufiices ofthe Peace. John Remington iVater toivn^^aat.'^ Gieenleaf JVefof.

Jonatbaa Brown ditt i'>e) Paikhurft DunJtabI, BeDTamio Uall Medford Francis Faulkner ABoiy

Stephen Hall, ditto budbur^ \ jun Ezekicl How ^ Thomas Brooks ditto r>mo!byWa!ker ff'ilmin*to) Beojamin Blaoey Maiden William Prefect Pejiptrrel Ezra Sargeat dittt Reed Bedfon John t [ '21 ]

Jajiices of the Peace in Middlefex coniinusd. j William Rict ?lacch«u8 VVright ffeffforJl A.ne(na» V»'ard,junt ff^eftoa' JlJver Barron Cbe'miford^i*ic Steams BiUcdca •'arlisr Varnum 5r5t::^nA{a Parjin Carhfit fn!ohn Jonej IJopkingtonMtJ^iy Woods Pffpert ell jsmueJ Park f/5////'ic/7.Silas Taflor Bexhorcugb JaaitbaT Lock j^jhSylAmQi Bond If^'atertoivn VViiiiam Hunt ff'aterto'wsdoii'fh Adams Lincoln 5atnu5l Thompfcn H^obufnlAiJcn Putnam CharUftewn Willism Boden tVatick John Merricic Concord Samuel titnitj CbarUJiowr. A'illiam Allen Waltham ii^liard De»en8 ditto Atdrew Kewdl Elterburtte Peter Wood Marlborough loftph Hea'd Pepperrell Stephen Dana Camkidge Diaiel Rogers Littleton Will'nm ThompfoD Bil/erica\0\ivtT Pteicott, jun. Gtoton Aaron Srowo Groton M' illiam Swan ditts Benjim'n Frown Lexington baniti Adams, jun. Tewnfend fonahjn Brown ^Leivk/buri (ofaph Bryant Stonebam Edward Farmer tillertea Jofhua Longlty ihirle^ jofeph B. Varnum Dracut !ona. Majrnard Framingham William Fific Waltham Sampfon Tuttfe Littleton hm.D^x'^tt,]an,CiiarL'ft(.»wK Abraham 3»glow Cambridgt fofeph Cardia ditto Fhoma* Brattle diito Samuel Swan, jan, d::to [araes Far.eroft heading ^o^iah Harriett ^/V^o' Matthew Metcalf Hopkinfoc W.!!iam tia\l ti^e^tOf!]Ben'y»Tn'm IJpham Reading! foh-? t^/codward d!tto\v/m. niaochard ff'ilmir.gtog' Michael liclcfoo d'/Vr« Timothy Jooea Btdfard Nathan Fuller ditto Dainty A. Tyng Tingsboro*

Loammi Baldwin, of Wobcrn, Sherijf. John Gocdwin, Under Keeper of the Gaol at Cambridge, fohn Richirdfoo, Under Ke;perof the Gaol at Concord,

Deputy Sherifft, Jofeph Moore C?ro/o«f(fiaIi Bowers ^iHenca Ibijih Thompfcn If!,lurni\i^\>tz',m Littlefi^ld Hc:}:Jt:-H olitph Kurt fi^/VOT/Ke/s/jjjofaoa Rsfd IVeJtfcrd Sifnjamln Colman A{hby ~ RivhardfoR tilt'O Pimothy JickfDa T^etutOTi Jercm, Bianchard hiUerica, '

LJ" 3 Coroners in Middlefex County^ EiiphaIetNewctlCii:rA-/rou»»)Ephia!in RuffeU Groton Dayjd Brown Conror^/ISamuel LaxKacf ijitto John White Bi//frrcaip'i:cr EiJm dii^o

Joiiachan Bcwer» d''wj/"';r(f BenJ3.5afterbrook?I/tfxi«|'f*«|jacf)b Tattle Wtffo'd •Efeck Wsifh /io//r/ronnoQa»baaWhetcombI'i*

County of Hampfhire. Juji'tcffs of the Common Pleas, iHc^ Eiuzer Porter, of Hadfey, * Johc Bllfj, of Wiibrabam, Saeuel Mather, of Weftfeld- Sarauel Ljimaa, of Setic'|ne!d. of Weil Sptingfic'-d, Abrabanft Burbetk. "j Zptcial > )uft;o Ei», tf We# fPMttgfieJd, yj,/^.-^^, Wiin«m Pyocfeoo, 8fSi»»T««fie'd. ^ -^ ' *

Robert" Bf«ck, Cler}. oj the Fleat and StJion$»

EJenze' P«ner, "1 Jobn B'iu, I Appointed ?' qua'ify Samw;! M»t8»«r, ^ > SamueJ I.vnaan, * \ Cw;7 Officer g, -^' Sim*'>o Stfoag, 1

E^SE/-^? P'nf#?r, of Hsdley, Judge cfPrdate. \ Samue' H^vrk^e/, pf Northampton, Begifter tiffrobate, V7illiam Py»ichon, cf Springfield, /Jfg/^fr

fk/i the Sofitfcera Diftrift, tbsoezer Hun^, of N-^rthamp'^on, Regifier of Deeds fox the Midd'e D5ft ift. Jchn WilHarns, cf Def:rn;Jd, Rezijter of Deedt far the Northern Oiftn£^. a

1 ^^3 1- Civil OiFiCers in tidni\>{hh^ ccnttnueJ, 'Jujlices sf tha Peace and of the Qaorum. ?aleb Strong l;^Qrtbi'mpon Sim, Henfliaw Northamfton ieazer Po.ter Bad lev Sotonccn Stoc'dard dittos lamusl Mather Weftf.Mld Noah GoD

.4ofcs Biv'fs di:to\^zxKiit\Ji\nck\t^ ditto

Jufiices of the Pe«;ce. TiiBOlhy Robinfon GranijlU\ foferh Brwwaing Brimfield \}iJi.^\nhi:)is.iy,SpringJjetd\]cih Wright Bernard/Ion

Uipha'ef Leonard (//rro I Benjamin Senosj Cbe/ierfield lofcs Guon Msntague] joho Hooker

Javid Smcad Cnsnfxid I ("r ae I H i>bi r t .~ j — -^ ibnsr Marg£a Jirtr.tf,zld\ Wm.Bodman WilHam^burgb VarhaiE ?ai.ks Wejtfi€ld\.]iaiel Shaw Neii! Sfiietm Lcir.uelPomeroySo?/f'_/? WjUitmLymin fforthamptcn ooa-hac Judd &ari>4w/;?5«iPi)ifieas Sicboins f^tihr'^b^m ^— i.— fahurn Ea^sr /^err^;K^,":ff! Sarjizi Copley Arr.herfi Jh« PhelM Wef'fidi oui.Ha.\t.\uQ.Long'Mead'io\ £o«neter Wa!»j

'avid V. humore Hunderlandtaeriana »"hifipuiup ^uuiips4*bil]ip8 Alhfisld.^fjjisia'i ofefu Metcslf Oran9e\S,y'.^t^tt Judd /^or/i)7'ff^rj«j ohn Davis e, jyp. IVen'ielh /illUui Scotf, juo. Palmer ]ohu?

Samuel Ware,jun, Conway Hugh Maxwell hJeatl' VViliiam Billings ^r>/<» 0«>or|- Blifi Sprhgjiela David Shepird r^?/9^>//>/JiS«uI Fowler Southwick

Eli/hi Porter, oi Hadley, Sberif, Dirputy Sheriffs, Simeon Pttfonv Noftham/Jton Stmuci clov/tnlFSfin'ti^heU Daniel Whire Had/ey Abr»b»m Riplty din, David Mor^ani Brimf^id |ffle Merrill ^Jhfek TimpthjMcjch JVorthingto William BaMard Sprtrgfiek Daniel Ciap Montague, Ca.\t}i L}ir.3a Elijah Dwifht Belchert^n Ezekiel Bafcom Greenfek Rufuj Tra/k Faltve' (f fle Sevcrsnce Conu^a^ Samuel Cook i^eio Salem W.iliamSjzer Cbe/iei iWofei Cock, juo, dmher/tlhQiiihvionh Col« Chelierfek jofeph Pcitiei Wr^olSamuel Porter Utidle^ Peres Clap Sout'^ampt$t\jni\in Mores Bi imfiek Afaph Kin J HfilbrabamX

Ccro Iters. Gideon Bur( L^ng MLWowi Benjamin Burgcfs Co/het Jofeph Browning Brimfidd Q^arf usPimeray Nortbamp Aaron Mighill did'.. Beojamin Prefcott ditt f^lohan King WefifitUi S»mucl Bites Brim; ell John Lnnf Sbelbume Peiet-ah B'iA ff.Sprifigfe/c

Elifha Root . AJorrague Eliflia Btt}f/Rtt H^'oj tbirgtoi Ebtneztr Holtfrood 'Amberfi

County ^Z' Plymouth.

Juflices of the Common Pleas, dr<:. John Turner, cf Pembroke, Ber.j :roio Wiiiif, of Bridgwater, Willspi VVatroo, of Plymouth, Ephaim Spoon*?, r>f Pjjmouth. William D^cw. ofKi gfton, / Special Richard Perkire, cfBfidgwa'er, \ Jufticet, Jofjah Coltcn, ct Plymouth, Ckrkoftbe Pleas andSejJlen. ^.. [ »^5.^J Z\s\\ OlBcers in Plymouth County it'.mted.

Dedimus i^otejtitem. \ robn T'dtntr.Fcmhnke IE«j»hraim Spooticr, Plymvuch lGa\z,'^\\\\i,brUg'ivater \\\*ii\\im iJizw, King (ien \ /Vijlidm Wairon, F'ymoutb \ ioihMi'Yhowz'., Plymcy(b \ Jcfnua Thomas, of Piymuutb, Judge cf trotate. \ Ifaac Lo'.hrop, of Plymouth, Re^ijter cf Brcbate, \ Roilctcr Collon, of Piymoulh, Re'^ifrer of Deeds. \ Epbraim Spoonc;-, of PJymcutb, Ccu'nty Treajuur. \ lufitces the Peace of and ^f the Quorum. I ;Vil!iam Sever Klr.glion\S>im,,tiiX)lt^fl Kin?\''on\ Villiam Walfon P/ »»«/-t|R.cpa;clFe:kFns Brtdz'watA o!,n Turner FembrokeVlx^iixr., Spoocev Phm-uthxiym'ul {crjamin Willis gWc'^-rya^drj fcfliua Thomas ditt: Jujitcss of the Peace, fzac Lo'thfop Plymouth Ignatius Loring Plyjr.pton ofiah Cotton d'.ttc Francis Shurti;fi' j;tc( 'homas Da7is dit(o EdwardMitche.'l Bridgtvater ibner Baniett ditto Barnabas Howard ditt hoiTjas Jackfon ditto Heza Howard ditto 3ho Davis dido, Daniei Hov^nr.<,jun._ C!tt< o/huaWbite Mt'dd/eiirougbljonnhari - ._ craac ditio! amuel Ciark dittojirrachar Snelj ditto 'aac Thcmpfoa ditto! Aaron Hcbait Abitrgtun iines Sprout ditto Jacob Smith, jun. ditto »hn Nelfoa ditto! Gamaliel Brsdfoid Duxbur) avid Wing /fofM^rj David Nye iTarebam athaniei Sprague ditto EbeoczerWafiiburne Kingfion luthao Haikdl dittoiAfa Waterman Marpf^eid. brihem Holmes dittoljcfiah Smith tem'ttok 'ae! Vinall ScituatemezzT ^ Curtis Hancver .arles Turner, jun. ditto jofcph Brjant Mar/hf.eld ..ecezM Thompfon HaUfax\]o\in Turner, jun. Pembroke George Partridge, of Duxbury, Sbenf. Deputy Sheriffs. ftabod Simmons Duxbury] ]!.mts Little Marfhjidd 'vanus Clap Sciiuate] jamcs Halkell Rocbef.er •nos Shaw ditto' Ci':th SyJvefler Hancver hn Adams Ki^g^on a b.el Harris .,..„,,.„/ihifigton deo^aradford,ju.f/^m/>/o., Martin Ho^atd Sridu^^c'er ^.i^tnoiiyMidd/ebcrougblsiwcoa Pratt ^i^c bcr t Cu/>.man ditto' ,

[ 126 1 Coutify. I [ Ccroners in Plya-vonth ,j "]David Kingman ^nV^-warf;- Natl;.Fcficr,iun. Middlebaro\ t}onatha&Copeland,Jun, J/r/ff'Stcphen i^mpfon flymouib IWjite Fold i^fCT^rc/te'Thomat J"ckfon,tert. r^z.vo Abington iUasc B-^wcn Barker

(.ount) of Hriilol. Juft'tcei of th^ Common Pleas, (be, Walter Spoonefj ot New B^dfotd, Geor;c Leonard, of N:>fton, Will 2m Hay lies, of Digbtoa, David Ccbb, of Taiinou. Ezra P.ichmoiid, of Dightofj, p Shubicl Peck, of Rehobolh, ( Special Samuel Tobey, of Bcrkiey, C Jupccs. Apolios Leoaafd cf Tc-untor, -' Samuel Ftlss, cf Tauatan, Clerk cf.ibe Fleas end Sejicrt Teunion, David Ccbb, of "^ Did'r.vi Taunton, Samuel Falcs, of > Poufiatem. "' Scth I^addtjford, of Tatmion, -^

Setl) Paddlcford, Judge of Frclafe, Will ism Bavlies, cf Uig^iton, Repifier of Frihad. James Williams, ofTau-^ton, Regijier of Deedi. of Tauaior, County Treafurer. . Apollos Lernard, Qiioriim. the : \ Jiijilces cf ths Peace and of fOecrgc Lsona.'d //orf^r-D'evid Cobb Icmton^ 'iVValism Baylies Z>y^i)ros| Rcbe.t rnfcomb diuoy lEzra Richmand <^:r.'o',Szmuel Fales ditta JEdward Pope Neiv3edford\^«\'n V'-.^i\c'taxA dittn iShubtc! Peek Reh"botlh.ivnvii\lAotfiy Nonof/ jEphrsim Surkwctthe: ^/VrslEiiilia May Attleborcugh j.ujllces of the Peace. I D^vis TVeJ>fct Ifrael Waftbu/ne ^fl>'«^rg| ; ,^ 5 County continued/ , Civil Ofiicers m Briftol

Juflic^s of the Peace. 1 Ijahn Dagjett /rf;//.-(^.7roK^i>;S3mus! Guild Eaflon'^

JThomss Cbatcu £>;^i/(j?i' John Sraiih ' Dar!niouth\ llfaac Dean i^-ij/ri/^/./l Labao VVheaton l^oncn^ JAldcn bpooner l^^eioBeaford "^tXh Smith- jun, aitto\ JLemusi SpSpooner ^;V;: Ssmue! M-^rey, jun. JDatiei Carj'catcr Reljcc^irh, NWlzm A'rr.y l^^'ejiport Stephen BaMockr d^ito^M^-^tx Slorvxn Dar.'nculb-] IWiiiiam Co'e Ji.io\'ir{oi]zh BryV^ea Dightcn\ jDafid Ferry, juo,- <^yf^;| Ber.j.mio Ba'es Mansfieldl Zephanlah ^fonard, of Raynham, Sheriff, j | Deputy Sheriff}, { \ jjofiah Crocker ^aa«ro«| Robsrt EizI mp.port]

||obn Porjcf ^//.Vi?; Jofeph Whsatoa Bebobctb\

?J'-b)c Kennedy ditto' Oaaisl . Barney Kite D?a^«4 <^>Vr(7 Ifaac Morey tJorton^. MatthewWhitmaifliDz^i^a'j Thomas Fr.bes ditto] WiDiam ReeJ Freeto'wn Nsthanrel Dean

^amoel F.ench Berkley Daniel V/hite ditto I Richard Field Mamjield Stephen Barker Dartmouibi Calvin Wheaton ditto RlchardfoQ Attlebcrd'k 5€th Spooner NewBeJford jofiah Allen Cogfwell <^tVro John i Coronsrs* Jonathan logaTs Taurton David "rown Stvanfey John Brown, jun. Rtbohoth Seth Pope New Bedford Elkanah French ditto Jjreh Willis afrVro Jonathan Reed Frietowi Jofeph Gilbert EaHcn Joel Reed j^tleborcugb SyJveftsr Richmond Dighton Levi.Maxcy ditto' Benjamin Tnckct Dur/moutb Lavi French ^erk'eyUiiC Dean, juD, Mansfield Ifaac Hodge, jun. A'ar/cq County ^/ Bardftable. Jufticss of the Commcn Pleas,

jofeph Nye, of Sandwich, \ Special John Davis, of HafnOab'f, Juftice:. jcfcfh Otis, of BircQablr, Clerk c/iIk pfas and Sffiort, . ! r ,2!j 1 C-vil OJiscTf in Barnllible County ccnt'tnn^d. D-nfi!Divn, oi'i^^xti^AV.ttJuJgc of Pribate. N'athar.tt- Ficrmjn, of Saodwicb, Kegifter of Probau. VMn^zzx Sicoo, J^e'Jfter of Deedi of Bamftabie. f ' CJ County ^ S Treasurer, iDsriel Davjs f^tfrw/^/^/e, jof^ph "N»e F.and-j}ich INiihiftiet F:e«man5^«fl'w/

{ Jufiices nfthi Peace. iSeth Freeman Sandwich joho Davis Barnftr:bU jNa^tha.-i'elShi^erickFa/ffi ar^ Atherton Hall Tarmouti^ Jofiph D«ne Chatham Eb«r.ezer Bacon Bamfti^le jS*:rann»Sn,5w Tri/ra (Samue! Savaee ditto jElijah Knowles fa/z-fcaw; Eben. Crockef, jun.

County e?/" Dukes County. Jufiicei of the Common Pleas, 6*^. James A^hearn, ofTifbury, Shubael Cottle, of Tifbjry, Eb'^nezer Smith, of Edgartcwn, B-njainia Badtttt, of Chilmark. Benjamin Maybew, of Q-hWm^rV, jpecia^ Juftice, Stephen Luce, C'erh of the PUai'and Sefion Jamrs Athearn. offi/bury, Judge of Probate. Thcrnas Cooke, cf Ed ^arowo, Regifttr cf Probate, Ssmue! Sinitb, of Edgarrowo, ^eez/rer of Dseds. i^}^2 Atb.earo^ qj Tiib^ury, County Treafunr. ,

r ^-^^L in Dukes County, Jufiices (?/M/Quorum Cottis, of ^.i/rary. Jimc: Ath«an a«i S^^'jbae! ihs Peac^. 7/.y?^f/ of , C^.Tec ^^ iThomis Cooke £i£-,:7r^.«;r,lB«njamin y-"''

EdgartcwD, Ueriff, I Bcojam.a Smith, of

\ Deputy Shsrifs- Claghorr. William Mayhiw, ]o^^t^ \ Themis Jones, I Corone^S' ^ m Cafe Ttjb^ry ?MsU:iah_ Davis Edg^rt.ion \ ^^^ Sa«/>r77 Nantucket. Pleas, ^.r. 7«/?/.-^y of the Common } WiUum H^mmatt lofuh Barker | joHah toltin 1 Stephen HuiTey | I ^^'"^^ ! Pe-fg Coffin. Jan. Chriftopher Ku!;«y S J"j"<^«* Pleai and Se/ficns. jofeph Nichols, Clerk ofthi Trobate. Jethro Ho'iTcy. Judge of Abner CcfHn, Sf^^/^^r of Pr:tate. «/" ^«^-f- Narhan=e! Coleman, i?^^//-'^''- Treafurer. Joilah Coffin, Co2nt* auaUfy Civil Oncers. The follotving are appointed to

Barker | J.fuh ^''''^i^^?" ,, Chrulcpn^r huffey William n..nmart i the P^ace ««i ^/ /^^Quorum.j Pcleg C' ffin, jun. T^^" of Jnfitces of the Peace Chiift' pher Huflcy StepHfn Htiir^y Coffia Willism Hammatt jofiah ^cfuh Gsrdntr John Gardner, S^e'TJf- Chzjl«8 Fo ger, D^/^w/y 5ifr»/,

Srlvsnu? Bunker Conners, Caleb Surker } en «,Sh2'burnerj the only incorporated Tm's M Ipnd of N antucket. __,...^ L1794-J r rjo T County of Wofcefler. Jujlices of the Common Picas, ^c, Artemas \Var(J, of Shrev.fbufy, Mofcs G.r, of Pnnceton, Samuel Caksr, of Cerllo, j ]'Ui>'^^ Dorr, of Ward. \ Nichae! Gi", of Princeton, Special Juftice. Tfajih Aiien, cf U'otce.ler, C/s//4 of tie PieJs and SfJJljns. Samuel B--i3ge, of Wotcefter, Crier cf tkeCouru.

Jofeph Darr, of V/ard, Judge of l^nb-^te. Thecphtlus Wheeler, uf Worccftcr, Regijut of Probate. ': Picba;2 Ccuit' in Wcrcefier County arc held at the Prv.b»je Oliiee in WoiccftEc on the I'.i Tuefday of every mon-h, Ai Timpicion on ihs Thuifday next following tris 'niid Tu; fiiay _ ia>lav, and th'iJ Tutfday in Oaobcr. .At the Weft Pa;i/h in Brorkfit'J on i^it fourth Tu-f(iay| I io Apiil and [ Oaobjr. At Lar.cafter on rhe third Toefdiy :in May f anJ Movimb:-. Ard a: Uxbridge en tt c /oui^h i jTuc.'d^y of. iVlay and N'overfibsr.

-I Danie'.C'ap, of vVcrcsRer, Regrjter rf Deeit,

Samuel Alien, cf Wofceftsr, County ^lies-jurtr,, \juft:c^s of the! Peace and of /^^- Quorum. Samuel -^akcr Bc-iil . Jonrha'o Giout Pitc'/ham, 'jofeph D,-.rr Ward Amos Siagletary Suttcni Scth \V3 nbufne Lclct.le Dw.'ght Fofier Brookfitldl ;Levi Lincoln Worcefier',H'eii,y Broirfitld Harvard' iJohnSpfsgu* Lancafter Thorjias Lcfgstt Leoniirf^s;- ijofepb fis.ifhaw Shrewfbur. ijor,',,h Aiien V/o*ce.1er jjoaathia Warner Hardwick{joihua Henfhaw Sbrenibuiy

I Jufiices of the Peace. Tiro-Xhy Nj^vvell Ssu-bridge! iEtnuel Crofty vVinchendon I>3nf'..thKev.s Wefternj Icfiai. Dean Upton 'Afa WhetCQir/o PrioceicD' Narhsn P-itr irn Sutrca jEbenc-er Learued Oxford Willian-; King ditto ijobnFrink Rutland Hczekich WaiJ Paxtcn jWilliam Young Worcefter, John CbilJ, jurr. Holdcn Samuel Curtis \ dittoJEzra VVhifney Douglifs jNicholag Dike Weflminfler) Icdidiah Marcy. Dudley |PefCi«aI Hall NewBiaintreej Edward Davis ditto iBenjamip Jolly n ditto! Johc Bfifco S*«nMf ^3^ I Worcel^er County

jLifitces, eTo. in Worcefter coniinusd. j iJoiT.ut Srai:h, Afiiburnhamllfrae] Athcrtcn, Lanczflej! Samuel VVilder, ditto! f mo, Whifing, jun. ditto! Byram Ner?-!?, Arhal'W U)--.m*Stedman, ditto! Solcnnn LcJaod, Sut too ^lauia ICingfliy, Kard'^ick ScDJSEii:! Gcddirfli Grafter^ VViin'amNichoIs, Lerininderj JiOiei r'a-.fe;, Weftbofcujih VViliiim Henlliaw, Lcicenerj Becjsmm Druiy, Spencti Divid Hsa/haw, dittoi WiUiam Puisaa:, S^erhrg Ezra Beasnsn, BoyUlonj John lliid, Brookneij', P!:ny Mc/r;ci', Brootcneidj Michael Gil!, Princeton! Djuiiil Fo.'be?, ditto Amsriah Fjof!, Misford Salejn Town, Chariton Esnjsmia Read, Msndonj Elijah BrighaiTj VVeftbofo' Caleb Amm:down, Chirltonj 'cfiah Stearoj, Lunenburg Daniel V/aMo, Worceftc? Phillips Sweetfs-, RcyLl2oa Benj'imin Heywocd, ditto n4njim:a Jenkins, Darfej^ Na'haniel Pa!..c, ditto jofeph Wcad, Graftcn! Edwatd SantT, di

Tho. Hilfi Jan. Brookfieldi Aaron Matfh, Douglafsj lohrt Prcn!i;.2, Ward! fcibnChjfnH'?rla:n,Worctf?e?| Daniel Biaeiuw, Pet2rihain;Ber)jii*Qj!n K nibaJ>, Harvatdi

William Caldwell, of PotJand, S^hsriff^ Deputy Sheriffs. Tiniothy Ri'gglts, Rutland John Aibfr, P?xson |oel How, Worcefler Jam«s Upham, Brookfie'd Ephta.m Mo'Acr, ditto [othcm Eoukei*, Peterftiari} jrjfen Sjc^er, ditto Rob.Towr/hei:d, Lancatle/ Thcr. W. Ward, Shrewlbury Frederick Tafr, Uxbridgej Jofeph Waftiburn, Leicefler Jena. Symonds, Hafvardj James Lav/ten* Kardwick [ohn Hnibroofe, Sturb'^idge* Ednt). Biinaid, Weftm'nfteriTho. KimbaH, Lunenbu.'g Jcmes Ornrie!', Spencer! Metaphor Chace, Leominfies' ionathan Kubbaid, PaxtonI Jonathan Bottrick, Sterlingj L _,,2^^_ J.„ _ C'::ror.;ri for the Cou7jty of Worceder. '/I?.rk L:nc:ilT, Leorntr.ltsr Jofeph White. j Lanczfter' Jobo ^ym^adg, d-tto -//ill am Dodds, Princeton' 3ezi'«;l LawfencCf ditrc Gcifliom Chapin, Uxbridgs Jofhua Whitney, WorCirflerjIofej-liSweetfer, Wincbendcii foHaS Peircc, dittojith:mar Wright, 3f0(ikfii!d Jcha painc, d ttoljocatiian Day, DudVr Thjmas Demy, L«ic«ller' WiliiaraStearos,Afijburnham Wuris.m Spraijue, ditrolAla Pesnimao, Mearlon ci jah Girfisld, Fitchbur^ Jacob Pepper, Ncv/Hraintree J iofcpHHarrwelf, LunsnburcljAoas Miles, Wcftminfier

.'*e:er Brown, ditto -Kaac Mi!<8, Hoiide)) Silas Jo'-es, Teropletonjjhn Tyler, Mender Ojni-i Oliver, Barre'S Oicoa Fiik, Smrbridp?

]'.X\\r\ Goddard, Athyllfaac Davis, Nortbborou^h Nathan 3r:d.es, Soutbbo'o' (Ellas Halt, NewBraintrce County of York. Juji'ces of ths Common Pleas, <^c, RiHiw^r:.!! Jordan, cf B ddcforo*, ii«n3am;n Chadbourn, of Berwick, jofeph S;mpfon, of Yorlr, Nathaoiel Wei's, of Well.. Ed.v^.'d Cotts, of 'Cittery, fpecial Jufitce, ].;hn He2rd Bntlett, of Kittery, Cerk of the Pleas, &c, I?a:;jamin ChaJbourn, ^ /Appointed

Edward Cutts, S- /o ^aj/Zy^r Nathaniel Wei's, J <^ivtl Officers. Jofeih Simp'o-i, cf York, j'«d'^

S3^^'.'•I F.-fcman, of Portland, i?ef //??'' o/Prci^ir^. I jofcph ^!cLal;sn, cf Portland, County Treafurer, j

! Ifanc fsflfy, of Portland, /?ff/>ro/Oe.'^r. | rrr Jultices, ^'S. in Cumberland Ccunty. Jujiices of the Peace and of ths Quor-jm. jDavid Mitcheli,lv\Yafmt;..jthj87mue'l Freerr^an, F>n.an ijohnLewjf, d;tto|W!i!.?mGoi>ani, Go:hai

! J'-^fti-es of Iks ?z?.CQ. .Sfephea Hal'. Portland I |ohn Dean, Standii tc:sr Juyej, Fairnoufh Danic! DavN, Po.tian ^:''«|y^^'« F'othirgham. d.t. fc't.nundfpl"'Ph:rn:y, r. Gorhsm'Nath. Larrabee, Brucfwic Samuel Cakf, Cai^iElIzabsih fohn Pcterfon, diti Jfaac Paffons, NewGlcce.Te/ Ifaac Snov7, Sabafcodoga^ .William Wi^Jgery,

John Waitc, of Portland, Sheriff. Deputy Sheriffs, I lEenjamln Bayfey, Falmouth Lewis Gay. OtisfieJ ^hn Baker, Portland libenezer KoHcck* ditt ^ona.A.mftroog.CapeElizab. AbrabanvLeaTit.Scarbarou'e B«aI«lLorng, N.GlocefteriSilw Chadbourn, Gorhai rho. Thoqapfon, Brunfwickj Gcror.ers. ;Da»id Barker, Windham! /amea Lunt, Pbrtlan .P^leg Chandler, N.GIoceflerlAfa Lewis, North Varmout

County of Linccln. * Jujiices of the Common Pleas, %v w.orr I ith?ow. of to,.anfy M'T'^f'SUn'' of Woolwich, > Ha'iowe ., i j/ T^feph North, oS of Haiicv/el), J na-itlGony, ,„ t . ^«^,e ./P. «V.. • Pown.>bo:ough, „. rHo.mL, of i?.^r/^^r of Probate lonathao Bovvm^,)un.

.^ryr^r oj L.eds Thcma, Rice, of Pownaibo^ough,/^ and ihe Quorum 'ufhci^ of the Peace of |

Alexander N.choU, Ftiftolj na Sowma. Powanlbor.'

nter, BaOi, lathan^dThW.ng, Woolwichieranc. W fibbit, Bowdoia obn GaHt-^e^ Po«ra:b?roVani"cl Vater.Thama!, Wa'Oobroro'l iho. Peace. Juftkes of \ ]3CobLu.iwlg, WaW^bofo;, loVa«;tinf3p, Georgetown!

Arthur L'.thgow, W inUw. ArtV.Mt Noble. NoVxbora' E.ekie! Y^z, d'«o, VoVph No^th. Mallou'cii . Abra P.ebb'r Ba^dcnb m ^ a am Howard, d.ro ov- V^V^n-raE d'ttdZacchsur Pejlc, di'tO New^ft^Thon^as J.h.^n, Briftol ^e^ wl K ; Thonaas MeCiurc. d.tt. S:„Juel Harn^e^n/ WooUich Hc^^^'.^d, Can an T.hn Mr.rri!i, Topft.m l^etcr t^on, d>tto imuel TN^tTipfon. d.tio! S.inuc! U' V/ho^tcr,Tnomafton M^"s D^vU. Edpcmbe Maf.n Pfbblct, Wi/fen Willian^ McCobb, Boothbayl P-^tiick Or.»erVVKd,No,ridgewr.ckr>rnj.m:Q^ierni, G-e^ne

SandyR.vcr ^,;?":; Wht^og. ditto Molts Sredi.g, d-tto aUh W.la-m-, diao Wijliar. Reed

Duucn, HaU^^eU ]c-.e.t, d.tcoLmuel Pd%h Brc.k., d.tto Samud Nichols. Newcaftlp Vn:h.rn Esrtcn. Sidney Orchard Cook*, aitto|rnnt V»'arKn,_Winfl»« DaT^d Fate?, Thoni?iftnoiGe<>rge [ _i 3^_1 Officers, ^c. in Lincoln C'^^I^JJ continued, Ecimund Bridge, of Powoalborcugh, Sberif, Deputy Sheriff, jJacobLow. Bath W.ii.C,ego.y,jun. Sam.Goodwio, C.mbdcn Powoa.'bor^ Amoi Gocdry, 'WilliamvTi,,.3m Briuo; Patterf^D,fatterf.D, dituditt. fcha Borland r San^ucl Kennedy, N.wcafilelEbene^r r. B^ '^•^«nowicnN Sa'Jw"^ Solomon P»rJcer w;-n r r w .*•.'. ^'""""'j^^"^ WachciJ, Kcsdfisid; I Turccr Coroners. WilliamLewIs, Powoalboro'|Ifaac Savase i»« u ii ., Geor,e Erflc.nc, d.uo W.lirrKs; "^"^ Thomas Boyd, Br,fto; Mofes SewalJ 5 Robert RaadaJi, d.t JsamLl Wood W^n.h'^l |CharIesSampfoo.WaId..b.ro'^o!cmonA a^^^^^

"^ County of BerkfliiT^;^ Jujlices of the Common Pleas, ^c, Jahleel Woodbridge, of Sfockbridge, EljahDv.,ghr,ofGr«.tBarri„gton: Tt_mpfoQ f. Skinner, of WiJiiajnfton, Jcho Bacon, cfScockbrldge. Timothy Edwards, of Stockbr dee I 9*,^;^/ Theodore Sedgwick, of Stockbndge. fe/, Jihieel Woodbriige, of Stockbridge, Jud^, ofPr-hJ. Edward Edward., of S.oclcb.idge! 'rd,.jZ If^;!^ Mofes Hopk:ns, /?.^,/?.. ./D..^, i„ .^e Souther. D.fhift Ca.cb Hyde, jun. Reglfier cfDe.ds ,n ths M.dd.'e Dfftria' James Barker, Regijhr of Deeds in the Noctbern Diftrift* Bsrnabis Bidwcli, of Stock ' bridge, Coa;7ry Ireafurer. Jufiices of the Peace and of the Quorum j.h VVoodbridge,Stockbridge, J. Tomp, Sk,..„er, vV i-liamft. Theodore Scdgw.ck duto Jona. c>m.th, Laneiboro.gh John bacon, ditto James r»/ker. Timothy ditt. Edwardi, ditto iVViliani Walker i.l" Ijohn Afl,!., ion SbeffleJ51,j.w„)„„,,^'s,„.,t',"4 E'ljaKDw.ght. G.Barringtonl ^' County of Berkfhlre. Juftices, &c. in Berklhire continusd,

Lemuel Barnard, SheffieltijEbjn, Smithy NewMarlbcro'

WiJliam Bacoa dittojobadiah Ward, ' ditto Elifha Lee diUcjEhud Hopkins, Egremont ijona. Nafli, Gr.BarringtOQ^iaftus Sargent, S'.ockbridg* TrumaQ Whcsier^ d. tec Henry W.Dwight, ditto; iTbomas Ives, dittoJAaariah Afhicy, Wa/hington' {£li Root, PittsfieldJvViil.am Brunibn, Alfordi Tirr.othy Child*., ditto Azariah E^gletioD, Lertoxl Aftbcl Strong, ditto Eidad Lewis, ditto* Jcfhua Danforth, ditto John Stougbt3n« ditto' Gideon Wheeie', Laaefboro' Ifrae! Jones, Adams' Nebemiah Bull, ditto W. Starkweather, N. Afford Giles JickfoQ, Tyriogham Will. Towner, WiliiaW fton David Deming, Sandisfie!d|Tho. Lufk, W. Stock bridge Daniel Brown, juo. ditto Ephraim Fitch, Egremont Nathaniel Kingfley, Bcclret Daniet Taylor, N, Maiiboio'i Nathaniel Bifhop, Richmond jofhua Eeais, Windfor, James Gates, ditto Barn*basBidwcl!,Stockbridge' Divid Rofleter, ditto Gideon Martin, Hancock Wtliiam Lu/k, ditto Noah EJy, dit'io' Eben. P

•Williann Williams Daitoni i

Simon Lamed, of Pittsficld, Shirijf,

Deputy Sheriffs, Jofeph Gaodricb, Sheffield William Holltfter, Plttsfi«5d £zraKeltogg, Gr.Barrington Ma fha!! JcDCS, Adams Nathan RotTeter, Richmocd i.ifiahjones.jun, Siockb'idgc

'iohnFoot, WiliiamfloQ Jeremiah Wiihaois, Daitcn

Coroners. John Na/h, Gr.Barrington TriflBrownin2,Partridg«''eld John Stoughton, Lenox Elias Jones, Adams •William Afhiey, ShcO^^^eld John Fattiidge, Fjttahsid £)ariu6 Larncd, PittsfUld^ C '^8 j County of Hancj^ck. Jufticet of the Common Picas, ^q, Paul Dudley Sargeant, of Sullivan, Oliver Parker, of Penobfcot, Williim Vjoaii. of Vina.haycn. Jonathan Eddy, of Peo.>bfcot, j Spedal Jofcph H.bbert. of Penobfcot, j Jufticei.

Thomas Phwiipa, Clerk of the Pleat ani Sejjioni, Paul Dudley Scrgcaot, of Sullivan, Judge of Probate, jonacban Eddy, of Penobfcot, Regijier of Proba.e, Sirr.ecj) Fowler, of Orrington, County Treafurer. William Webber, of PcDobfcot, Regijier of Deedi, Paul Dudley Sergaaat, -\ Oliver Fa,- kc', / At>pointed to qualify

-^ Jcfeph Hibbcrt, 3 Juilic£s o/tAe Peace a„^ of the Quorum. FaulD. Sergeaot, Suilivaa ijonathar. Eddy, Penobfcot OMverParkcr, Pencbfco Gabriel J choncot, ditto WjlliamVina!!, V!nalhaver.| i Jujlices of the Peace. ' \ WilKamShaw.Goldfborou^hTrancis Le Ba«r> Goo

Richard Hunnewe «, of Pencbfcot, Sheriff, -j Deputy Sberi^s. •' /hua Woodmao, J. Penobf: .t Ccniine> Bibbid^e, Deer l^le William Crab .ce, Suiliva Davjti Howe, Peooi>fcot Abrahzm Turteilo't, Ejn^t ^Deputy Marlhal The, turkmar. DuckTrap

John Wiiifon, af Per. bfcrtt, •)

Thcma? Rcbbins, of Dec Ifl;, i Coronert. Pc:er Hardy, of Dee- I/l», J

*# ^-^^ ^''i'fi' CA-iVn.' of the Court-,/ cf Lipccln made it con-vcri^nt tn the Ttar iy%^ that two neiv Counttet fould be ereiJed ,n the P after ly part thereof, t hi ffefc^rtoft oj the t%uo to he nJtned Hatcocli, and iht E^/urrroft \\i.{im;^UR, ijy^ County W^^if^g^^"- V be. ! Jujlices ofghe Common Pleas, Stephen Jones, of MacJiias, Jatn:s Avery, of Machias, A'exandsr CampbfiU, of No. 4* Joha Craae, of No. la. >^r/a/ Jujiue, George Stilltnar,. of Machias, Fleas and Sefior.s, Ralph Halt Bcw'.ts, C/.r* of the Sterben Jnncs, of Mach'uf, Appointed Machiarj, "J)( Jimjs AvcTy, of to /wear A'exander Ca-nphen, of No. 4 \ Ctvi'.Ojficen ->* JobaCrine, of PaflTam-qiady,

Jam«Avery,cfM,cVu., P...r/^./Pr.^.^- ^reajurer and Rcgif.er cf Dee... George Sn!!ffiia. Co.nr;, Peace and cf the Quorum. J ufilces cf ths Machias Jarre, Avery Machias Stephen Jones, | luRices of the Peace. Trefcotr, P^:^^^^"^^/ Alexander Cai^pb.n. No. 4.iLem Danrel Merr.tc. No. 6, :T.^« Crane, PalTam.<,uady!

* John Cooper, of Machias, Sbe-iff. ^^,''«'v William Albee. of Macbia% 1 tirfrr^J. Andrew Bowmm. of PalT^maquaay, j William A'.bee, AT.^per cf ths Gaol.

Machla«, I Stepherj Parkjr, of Coroners. Machia?, Jerfmiah Obrien, of j

Barriaers at La^jj in MafTachufetts. P^o.bury T.,hnWorthi.g^onS/>r/«?./?.y;He.]a. Hichb.rn ^./?.«;Thc-.ph.P_a:fons AV.^i.P.^^ Jam-.s S«lJ;va. Port William Tudor Bofion ITh.o. B:aribjry Nftvh. Morron ditto iM.resBiifs Spinsfield Perez William W?tmore ditto 'Sheaqa Bourne Ba-nHa'^je V/orcejler llobnSsrague Lancajler Levi LincoUi btrong Amlerfi iTheo. Sodgwick S^iockbrid^e Simeon Caleb S.rcr.g Nortbamt>ton L 140 ] Attornies at La

John C. W 11 Ham* Hadle^ Wm. Symmes jun, Portland Ijamcg Hnghea Bofion foha Rowe Giocefier iBdward Polling Salem Tbo.Wilfiam»^jon. Roxhurp Nathaniel fVorcefter Horatius Townfend Dedbam. j Paine Jooathan Fay Concord, %i\zi Lee Fcwnalborougb Dwight Fofter Brookfield George BIKs Springfield .;Abaer Morgan Brimfield John Barrett Nortbfieid- pofeph Cufhing Hanover Joha Merrick Concord JRufus Greene Amory Bofion James Sprout Middleboro' jGeorgeRichardj Minot ;o Thomas Crafts Bofion 'Fifher Ames JXedbam John Lovell ditto David Noble Jf^iUiamftnn Merrick Rice Lancafer William Fi/Ii: fValtbam Pfentlfs Melleo Biddeford Nathan Dane Beverly Jofeph Dana Groton Daniel Biglow Peterjham Timothy Gtcen Worcefier

Aflibel Strong Pittsfielt fofeph.^ . Bartlett Wcburn JohnChand. Williams ^//ro|Timothy Biglrfw Groton IJoHiua Thomas PlymoutbUoit^h B!ake, jtin Bofton ilohfl Frelhingliam Port/and' john Lowell, jun. ditto |George Thscker fiiddeford\^?h. 'WiWinna Stcckhridie T'dward Bangs Worcefier 2^1>ft>a Lfe Shfiield WiJItam Sever, jun. ditto f^aniel D-wey fViUiaififton Daniel Davis Portland Gcofge Warren f^injloiv Jofeph RaU, juft. Bnfion Ilaac Parker Penobjct Samuel Dexter Cbarleftoian Dndley Hubbard gtfrw/r/H William Caldwell Rutland Jabez Upham Brookfield] \

C '4' 3

\AttorD'ies pra^i^rfg at the S, J. C. continued. Phinca? Bruce MacLhs' Simeon Strong, jut. Connvay^ John Taylor Norrbamf>tcn\ Jonathan E. Porter HaMeA jofsph Lymsn ^FefiJIelA William Ely Sprirg/ieUl |ofi. Waoibni.^e^^'^ortbiiig^onl NiChanir: Freeman £>dr«/rfli/tf| William Co!cman Gr>;enjield\ Scnja. Wtiitmsn Pem!>rcki\ Jtmss B;idge Halioivell W.iliam Craoch Ua-verbitn Enoch W. Tbayeip Lenox Samuel Putnam Salen^ John Quioey Adams Bojton Salmon Chacc Fordar.dl Beajamtn Beale Roxbury " ' Stcne SaaJisjicidi

Pelatiah Hitchcock Brockjield • WhitRtyCBarrhgiin Ah Johnfoo heominjier

Attarnies praciijtng at /i^i? Common Pleas. VVm.Wcdgery tl,GloceJter)^zm, H. Whesler Lanejbora

ManafTtfth Smith ^//ira..7>r Thorn n A!leo . a'/.'.'o Thamas Hammond Be1ford\0\\^tr Leonard Taunon [ona. Grout, jm, Pete'Jbaml'^lchohs Tillinghaft Jimes Prefcott C/o^ow, Samuel Haven Dedham iohn Phillij?^ Bofton\]^\:n Ca'.iender Eofton Tbomis Gold Piut^e/di Joi'iih Qu'n-.cy ditto Gamalii! Bradford Duxbary jofsph ivowe dilto Jofcph Thomis Kenmtiunk A mot Stodiard, UjUoiveU. Barnabas Bidv/cll Stocklrldge Samuel S. Wilde, Waldoboro' George Blake Boftan Francis Blake Rutland Robert Paine diito Thom»8 Thomaf,jua, John Lathrop, \un.ditto Thomas Baactof: Jofeph Brigham Marlboro"

Pra^itionert if the La '.v ar: to take tbs fAhzv'ng Oath

"VOU folemnJy fwear, that you will do na falfehcod, oor confcnt to the doing of any in Couit, & if you know of an Indention to commit any, you will give knowledge thereof to the Court, or fome of them, that it may be

prevented : Vou will not wittingly or willingly promote t>r fue any fa*fe> groundlefs, or unlawful fult, nor give «id Dor confent to the fame will delay no for j you man

'vfre or malice ; but you will candu£l yovrfelf in theof^ce of an Attorney within the CourtJ, according to the beft ofj your knowledge and difc^etion, and with a'l good fidelity | |a« well to the Court as your Clients, So he'^ yoo God.'H r i/4« 3

Courts in thff Ssaie 0/ Rhode Ifland. !

Superior Courts. I AT Newport, the laft Monday in Aupuft, »r>d fi'ft in March. At Providence^ the third Monday in Sep-^ tember, a'»d third in March. At ijOu(bK:nyjhri, the fit ft Monday in 0«r. At South Kingfion, the fecond [Monday in Auguft, aod third in February. At Brijlol, (the firft Monday in July, ard fiift in January. At Eaji \Greenivich, the third Monday io Ju^yt and 3d is January. Supreme Courts in the State of Vermoat. AT Benningto-n or Matchefitr^ alrcTfia^e'y, on the fourth, Tuefday of Auguft. At Rutland, -i the third Tuefday in Auf uft. At A'.jw Fane^ the firft Toefday after the fourth in Aogoft, At I'/irdfot or Wnodftock, the fecond TueWay foijowing the fourth Tuefday in ^uguft. At Newbury, the third Tuefday followtng the fourth Tuefday in Au^ft. At Addifox, the fccord Tuefday in Aoguft. At Burlir^tdn, the firft Tuefday io Augoft. Cotirtty Courts in V^rmoDt. At Benningron^ the third Tuefdsy in December. At Manche'ter, ihe tiift Tuefday in Ju^e. At Rut/and, the third Tuefday in March aivd November. At N^w Fane, the firft Tutldpy of June, and fecoj.d Tuefday of No»tmb» At IVindjor cr pygodftock, alternately, the !aft Tuefda»of

' Majr, and f;rft Tuefday of November. At Neivbury, the ifecord Ti^ef


Courts in the State c/Conneftieui,

Sufrime Court 0/ Error t, AT Hertford, the Tuefday, 'fave one, next btfoie the I i'^ffcond Tuefday in May. jAt NiW H:^'v(n, the Tuefday, lari one, next before :*he

I ftctii.d Tuefday in OfVober. r Tdj 1 continued. Courts in Connecticut Superior Court*. Tuefday io December. \t Haddam, tbt Uft fave ore, m \t MtddUtown, the laftTustt*y, W- January. &laft, a July ^tA'.«,H..;.«.cbe ,ft Tuefday la Tuefday in Jaruary. It Fairjic/d, the thiid Auguit. At Danhurv, the fecood Tuefday lo /n Auguft. the hft Tuefday io January. & 3j A I^WA Scptem. AtH^X;, thead Tuefday inFebruary.& .ft lo February. « At rolland, the fourth Tuefday in iaMarch. .«.d 3d .n Septem. At f^Z-^i'^. the ift Tuefday March. At Norwich, the third Tuefday in fourth Tuefday in September. [At iVew London, the

i Inferior Courts, Tuefday in April kt Hartford, the nrft f-^/^";'*"'^"* Ma.ch 4^^ "» i-ov At NeJna'ven, the ,d Tuefday io & in Jane. At Ne^ Lmdor., the fecond Tuefday N<>jrembcr. At ^'or1vicb, the fourth Tufftay Jn ApnK At Fairfield, the third Tuefdsy m Novernber.^ At Danbury, the third Tuefday in AuguR & ad m Decemb. At ^;W^i«. the 3d Tuefday in Mar<*. 3d mSeptemb. At Liui/ieU, the 4th Tnefday in & No«mb:r. At Mtddletown, thefecond Tujsfday in in April. At i/«i

HamplKire. Courts in the State o/^New Rockivgbam. In the County of . . ., Uft Tuefday inApril. SuperiorCourts, At Portfn:outb,ihc September. the third Tuefday in At Exeter, ^ in or fmoufb, tht fi.fi Tuefday Inferior Courts. At P t jn May. Febfua.y, anilaft Tuefday Auguft, and firft At £xfr»r, the fecoad Tuefday m Tuefday in November. cf.«??rfl/5ri. In the County . ^ ., thi.d Tuefday .m April.- 5:,*sr;cr C,«r^ At D.*.r, the ' Tusfdsy in Septent\ber. I and fecond the third Tuefday in FtbiuaRy. \lnferior Court s. At Dover, ' Tuefday m jonc. At Moultonboroiigb, the third NoveCTb. A^ni!rr.antown,xbe jdTuefdays in Auguft & y M4 ]

[ Couns in New Himpfhife ccntinnsd. la the ^'Ountj cf Grafiofj. ^.Superior Courts. At Plymouth, rhs four.h Toefday ioMay. At H^'ve'-bill, tbs third Tuafci>y in Oftober. Inferior Ccurti. At P'ymoutb, the firft Tucfdays in Sep trrnber and Decenibcr. At Haverhill, the firft Tuefdayj in March & June. In she Ciiunty of Iltl/b-jrough.

\Superhr Court. At Amberft, the fccood Tucfda; in May, and firft fuefday in Od^oher, I Inferior Courts. At A?nbsrli, the fecond Tucfday in March, June & December, and firft Tuefday in September. In the County of Cbefhirt. Superior Courts. At CbarUfto'wn, the 3d Tuefday in May, At Keene, the ficood in i Tuefday Oilcber. InferiorCouTts. Ac Ktene, the 3d Tuifday in March &Jane.

1 At Cbarleftovjn, the fecond Tuefday in September,

f and third Tuefday in December. A TABLE. Shaving the Numler of Milss and Females in each State,, ufilb thi Excefs if Mi\ti and Female* State;. Males. Females, Excefs. Maine, 46,870 2,262 Males ]S'e%u Hatrpfbire, 70,937 70,160 77? ditto I lyJaJfacbufettSt I90,589t 7,840 Females Rhode Iflandf 31.818 1^(652 834 ditto Connecticut^ 114,026 H7j448 2 >52« ditto Nev> York^ 163,822 152,510 11,302 Males New ferfeft 86,667 82.4^7 4,180 ditto Penrfylvanta, «i7,736 206, 363 1 1,373 ditto Deiatvare^ 23.9=^6 22,384 T, 542 ditto Marylandf 107,254 »Di.39S 5,859 dit'o Virginia 2*7,071 215,046 12,025 ditto Kentucky, 3-,i«» 28,922 3,289 ditto North Carolina, '47.494 140,710 6,784 ditto South Carolina, 73,2y8 66.88-. 6.328 djtto Ge?rgia, 27, '47 as.739 I>4a8 ditto P^ermont, 44.763 40.505 4,258 ditto By this Table it appears that there is a pluraliry of Males in every State except three. Seme fuppofe that the number of £e

for it ; others, that the great migrations from thefe States is mare probably the resfon, as in migrations nnorc Male* 'go cut than Females. - •aaitw -^ c 2 s *.?.i 2 j ^ 2

St spun^iaqio ». " 5-5^ « "J.jaAsi « 12 2 -5 *2 Dts-'^^J ^» spisei at Xuadoid -5 S ° S - 3mjB;ntDn3Dv = « S « I ^ « 5 ^ *^ "^ ^ w m * ^^-s ^ <« a „_- " ^ o X; « , .^_____———— Ji* ts

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w .c ,£ ^ :? -^ dv r* ^' r^ M ^ r^ S W -2 ^ t^ J £ «X0 - L ^40 J

1 A general iNDliX for the Register. A Ppropriaf.ons for fjjp Coins, Rires cf, 4 i port of Covercnie.t, 13 Counfe'lorj, M£(F2chufetts49 Attornies &c.contineot«l, t6 Cecfu$,M2flachuls?(e,&c. 60

Ditto Mad'ichufctts, 1 40 '-ommittee, Sa'c ofLands, 65 Admiralty Courr, Fsrs, ac Ditto to paf' Accouiirj, 65 Academy cf Arle, &c. 3^ Ditto djfac. Securities, &5 Agricultuul Society, » 31 oleftHs of Exc.fe, 67 Agregare o*" Ccuncics on Conftab'es in B. ftun, 74 the thour»nd pound, 64]Cali;e inaoH Officers, 89 Aimanack, perpetual, 8j^jCamb'-i(*ge Uniterfity, ico Ambanadort Sc ZoaCstUf g 51 Churches & Miniftess, 103 Dino Fo:etgr<, S6iCo!lfaor» of T?x??, 7i Arciiicry, Aotieat Comp. g9lCut(cr, Rsrenus Officfrs, 6 Auditor, Continental, f'Cent:, Tib s cf Value, 43

• 72 ^leks of the Market, 71 Au

Additions & Alterations, 148 Civil O_ Ticers WulTjchu. 114 130 Ion, Town Oiliccr*, 70 ConaparativeView Maio, 145 Butter Infpeaor, -Courts in Rh. Id^ni, ~ -...-- 73 Vcr- Boards, Shingles, Hoops, ^^ mont. Connecticut, and Bark, United States, 39 New Hirnpdiire, i^z Ditto Branch, 39 D''^-"^ Judges, &c. j5 D itio W^ffichufetts, 401 Duties of Inipoft, &c. 8 Ditto Un on, 40 Depreiia- ion Scale, Cont. 46 Ditto Sa)etn, 40! Ditto MalTichufet's. 47 Briga.^ier Generals, ^ilDepar-me^t United States, i Bzrrifle's ac Law, l39;Dir.^io-'S for BoftonBjy, 77 Bofroi 6»r, Di?c£lion', 77iDock^;« & Whstfage, Ba;itift Mnjfler*, lOfjOeeds, Regiftcis, &j. 114 QOngrefs, Members of, ajuXnie sni Im^oft,

' C:fCMt Courts, lS| Ditto Collcaars, FcJ. j CoTfuis & Ambafladors, 85! Ditto Maffachuf-tis. 6y Cumptfoiler of Tieafury, ijEpifcopa! charit. Society, ""^ 33 Cjfnm iTioner i 18 Ditto for fettling Aceo.*8 Fets of Feder«l Courts, 19 Cuftom Hiufe Omcers, 6 Ditto Maffachufetts, ^i Ditto Fjes, 7 Ditto of ConfuU, 87 Congrepationa! Society, 3 Ditto cf CuftjmHoufe, 7 Cincir^rati Mtf'Catbuditi, 36, Free Mafon Lcdgc6,&c, j2 C U7 ] A .genera! INDEX for the Register* Flrewjids ia Pofton, 7* Aval O.tcer, j^J Bofton, 6 FI xT .?d Ii;fp«siSor«, Nctaries Public, 66 liih .'ul e;s, S:c, 75 / \Fftcer9, Civil, Miffi, 134! F'T ce Viewers, 74' ^ D.tto Tcv.n Bcfton, 70 Fune al / ort^rs, Sec, 75 Ditto Bcfton Regim, 99 |( 'OvernoiM :fficbufctl!:,49 Diito Cadete,Fuziieera» 99 Gold & Silver Cojos, 4.1 Ditto ArtiKery, 59 Ditto Fab.c cf, 42 r.Rfri(?eni Uoired Sfatcs, J LJUmarsc Sec c;y, 3- r.-.ft OiHces matters, 79 Hiitorical Sjci'.ty, 34 D't^c Poft Daws, Harvard College, &c. 100 Ph)ficians Sc Surgeon-i, Hemp Surveyors, 74 P, wdcr H;,ufe KjcpCiS, 65 Fcdfra! Courts, )6 Judges Pot A/h i'>fpsdtors, 71 Ditto MaiTachufci?s, 1^4 Plc'f Branch, Jufticcs of .:h« Peace, 11: DiJto Fees, 77 Infpefto;s & Sj,-ervifors, 5 Perpetual A 'ir.anack, .84 Ditto M^itf-chufettg. ^.jn JiprefeorativsiCcngrefs, 3 impoft ard Efciie Duties, 8,^ Ditto Maff/chufertJ, <;z In ereP. Tabic, 4S 'Revenue O^ctn, Mafia. "6 ^id.ang.lM limb. Warriors, 6'i\ Dirto Cutler, 5 Infu^aic; O iic-s, yS'Refift^rDfcds.Pu bate.&ci 14. JnipBrlcrs •---•- Put Afl), Flax- jR-ais, fcfc C-d of Almanack^ feed, Tebacco, Sutter, j^^Ensto'S c-f Co.igrefs, % Wheat, Hemo, Wood, \^ Ditto M^ffchufefts, 50 Leather, F.fli, Staves, Secretary UiUtcd S^ate», i Hoops, Boards, Fence*, 73 Dit:o of the Freafuty, 1 ^pifiiurc UaitecSva'es, 2 I Ditto at War, L.b/aty bociet)B-.fton,3;'s.r;erv;f;r' & Infpfaors, lighr H'oufc K«epc>8, 76 Sc/Cicty propagat Gofpel, Leather Scales, 7^ burgeon. •& Ph', llcifins, lyj^Arftalf & Aftornlc?, 16' SchccU & Cotrmirte*!, Marine S"C:e,y, ,32' S 7.r^si: at the Csftlf, g^ M*- fterf & Chu'ches, > 10 TTAble of Gold Coins, 41 (iVariie Socictv, Boft n, ?i Ditto Value of Cent?, 43 MaHa. fhari'ab'rS'.Xier, "33 Ditto fn-p?-ft^ ^ • 48 •Medical Soc ety 13 ftro, Dir.to Milf &|''fH:i3!c, T44 M ddlrfrx & ii;:ftjl, Trejsfiirs. U-irc^j 35 State*, i Miot Msitters, 4 . Di'.to ft'Jafrachufetts, 65 Miiit.a Matters, go'f jN veifity Cambr.dge, ioo< D.tto Major GcreraU, l"-^ V^rdut: Makers, 72J BMf-d er Geneab, 9'>! \yH3rf3pr> & Dockage, 78; .Q^o/'ir'!.&Cav;'ry.g8^War-erB^;rAfl{ciaticnj j """ /Additions and AiUrationt,

chufetts, deccafcd, p. 49. *=**"'*" ^'"'*°^ '° ^^'^ '^o« of ^'^vt'^'/^"-"'^*^r///^m /^wr)& appointed Judge of Probate for County the of N'orfolk p. 50. Ciuzco Da„„,ry, ConCol of the French Republic for the ^!»tatf,o|M*(r«hufe:ts,N.Hamp/hire& Rh.Iilar.d p.86. . r-e ^-fcfidcnt of the UnitcdStates has revoked Sr. hu aunuled Exequartur to the Sieur AntoineCbarhnetDuplaine, whic.ackncwledged him as V.c-.Coofui for theR.pub. *"'' Stare, of New Hampiliire, MalTachurstts.M-° , ^f^^l^^^ and Rhode Ifland, p. H. \ John \iaundcrs, appointed Brigade Major to the ift Brj. gadeof the zd Divifio. ia EiTjx County, omitted p. p*.

fi^li Uo..crfal,ft Church io Bofton, f.nce which time Mr. Ricbards has dune ofTicifiiing there, p. 105 ^^'"^'^0'^> o««Jaioed at Rochefter, I' f^^^V" ' to the raaoral Care of the Cong.fgatioDal Church io the Pre cinft m Rochefter, M,dd)eboro' and ^ Freetown, p. ,00 X he Eaft part of Greeareid, m the County of Hampfh re* incorporated into a Towa by the Name of Gill n re' Marine S.c ety in "^'rK^ftT' ??"'"-i^^^^^«= Boftoo, the firft Tuefday ... November, Samuel Dunn was cbofcn Mafter. and Thomas Dennie De^uy Mafter, p. -t Charles Cole, appointed a 8 ?nch Pi or for the Port of

Abraham PPbeeUk, Fune-al Poster and Sexton at theSto^ ""^ ^'^"^'"^ ?'/"4r 74,*"! '^"''"f'"^

J«ftices, and COURT, Probate Blanks, Depofics for the fevml Dark?. Manifeftj for the Entry ofGoods. Deeds, Bonds, Quit Claimr, Power, of Atto-ney, Inden- °'^" BLANKS ufed in the '""'VJ CortmonweaJrh Kx\ !"Vr Mafacbujttts jnay be } ad of T. & j, Fl£et, BaroQ Steuhen\ Exercife, Praaif:d br the al! the Trcops and Militia of the United State;, m ay be h»d at the fame Place.