Labor Review Is Published Quarterly in Spring (April), Summer (July), Autumn (October), and Winter (January) by the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
ISSN 1348-9364 Japan Labor Review Japan Labor Japan Volume 10, Number 3, Summer 2013 Volume LaborVolume 10, Number Review 3, Summer 2013 Special Edition The Japanese Workplace Today Articles Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Contemporary Workplaces in Japan Ken’ichiro Tanaka The Impact of Prolonged Application of Short-Time Work Systems on the Careers of Regular Employees Mitsuyo Matsubara The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Workplace Harassment, Mental Health, and the Law Ikuko Mizushima Teleworking and Changing Workplaces Akio Sato Diversification of “the Workplace” and Problems with Labor Law Hirokuni Ikezoe Article Based on Research Report A Study on Multidimensional Quantification of Occupations: Development of Numerical Criteria for a Broad Range of Occupations Shinsaku Matsumoto, Tetzushi Kamakura, Mai Sato JILPT Research Activities The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Kazuo Sugeno, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training EDITORIAL BOARD Sumiko Ebisuno, Rissho University Mitsutoshi Hirano, Kobe University Yukie Hori, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Ryo Kambayashi, Hitotsubashi University Daiji Kawaguchi, Hitotsubashi University Minako Konno, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University Yuichiro Mizumachi, Tokyo University Harumi Muroyama, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training Kazuya Ogura, Waseda University Souichi Ohta, Keio University Hiromi Sakazume, Wako University Masaru Sasaki, Osaka University Hisashi Takeuchi, Rikkyo University The Japan Labor Review is published quarterly in Spring (April), Summer (July), Autumn (October), and Winter (January) by the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training. EDITORIAL OFFICE The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training International Affairs Department 8-23, Kamishakujii 4-chome, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 177-8502 Japan TEL: +81-3-5903-6315 FAX: +81-3-3594-1113 Email: Homepage: Printed in Japan How to Receive the Review: The Review is distributed free of charge.
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