Longitudinal Effects of Engagement with Disney Princesses on Gender Stereotypes, Body Esteem, and Prosocial Behavior in Children
Child Development, November/December 2016, Volume 87, Number 6, Pages 1909–1925 Pretty as a Princess: Longitudinal Effects of Engagement With Disney Princesses on Gender Stereotypes, Body Esteem, and Prosocial Behavior in Children Sarah M. Coyne Jennifer Ruh Linder Brigham Young University Linfield College Eric E. Rasmussen David A. Nelson and Victoria Birkbeck Texas Tech University Brigham Young University This study examined level of engagement with Disney Princess media/products as it relates to gender- stereotypical behavior, body esteem (i.e. body image), and prosocial behavior during early childhood. Participants consisted of 198 children (Mage = 58 months), who were tested at two time points (approxi- mately 1 year apart). Data consisted of parent and teacher reports, and child observations in a toy prefer- ence task. Longitudinal results revealed that Disney Princess engagement was associated with more female gender-stereotypical behavior 1 year later, even after controlling for initial levels of gender-stereotypical behavior. Parental mediation strengthened associations between princess engagement and adherence to female gender-stereotypical behavior for both girls and boys, and for body esteem and prosocial behavior for boys only. “I am a princess. All girls are.” —Sara Crewe. (A (Bussey & Bandura, 1999). Additionally, exposure Little Princess; Burnett, 1905) to gender-stereotypical media can alter children’s perceptions of the gender appropriateness of toys Girls and women are often stereotyped and sexual- (Pike & Jennings, 2005) and is associated with more ized in the mass media (e.g., Collins, 2011; Smith, gender-typed play among preschoolers (Coyne, Lin- Pieper, Granados, & Choueite, 2010). An examina- der, Rasmussen, Nelson, & Collier, 2014).
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