MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2011 Volume 10 Issue 294 Santa Monica Daily Press BOLTS GIVE UP LATE LEAD SEE PAGE 13 We have you covered THE PICTURE OF THE SEASON ISSUE Where PTAs spend their raised funds Letters show trend of instructional materials, teachers, programs BY ASHLEY ARCHIBALD Daily Press Staff Writer DISTRICTWIDE The vast majority of the money raised by school-site Parent Teacher Associations gets spent on staff, either for spe- cial programs, like the arts, or teacher aides. It’s a process that creates gaps between schools with the ability to raise more money than others. That’s according to four years worth of Morgan Genser
[email protected] commitment letters sent to the district by REACHING OUT: Samohi wide receiver Anthony ‘Animal’ Hernandez (right) makes a catch against Beverly Hills on Friday on the road. school-site PTAs between the 2008-09 and 2011-12 school years that show money HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL promised for copy machines, field trips, pro- grams and program personnel. The topic of how much parents can Samohi stays unbeaten in league fundraise for their neighborhood schools and where that money is spent has taken front seat in recent weeks as district officials BY DANIEL ARCHULETA ior wide receiver Sebastian LaRue that gave was in question through the first three quar- research the concept of districtwide Managing Editor Santa Monica High School’s football team a ters of play. Samohi struck first with a four- fundraising, a mechanism which could dra- lead that would prove to hold up. The vic- yard touchdown run by senior running back matically change what programs are avail- BEVERLY HILLS Santa Monica exchanged tory improves Samohi to 6-1 overall and Kori Garcia that gave the Vikings an early 6- able at schools throughout the district.