2014 Annual Report

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2014 Annual Report annual report │ 2014 a letter from the president It is an honor and a privilege addition was made possible by 1. StRAtEGIC PLANNING to serve on the Board for the the generous donation of museum The current plan used by the Museum of Danish America. patrons. It is with such generous museum covers the years Serving with so many people who contributions from these folks 2011-2015. This plan has are focused on the preservation of that we are able to continue the provided and continues to Danish culture and history is truly preservation of Danish culture and provide a “roadmap,” if you a pleasure! It has been great to heritage. I encourage you to read will, for guiding the activities have the opportunity to work with the section of this Annual Report of the museum. The technical so many talented staff that makes regarding Collections, authored term for strategic planning is the museum what it is today. It is by Angela Stanford, Curator of as follows: An organization’s due to the efforts of the staff and Collections/Registrar. process of defining its strategy, volunteers that the museum has or direction, and making been able to succeed over the I certainly do not wish to “steal decisions on allocating its last 30+ years. However, equally the thunder” of the additional resources to pursue the important are the generous staff who are also providing strategy. A new plan will be financial contributions, both large updates in this Annual Report. developed during 2015 that will and small, that have been made Therefore, I would encourage you be put into action for the 2016- to the museum over the years. to review the reports provided 2020 time period. by the following staff: John Mark The year 2014 was an eventful Nielsen-Executive Director, Tova 2. OutREACH We must figure one. The new Curatorial Center Brandt-Albert Ravenholt Curator out ways to expand the reach was completed and dedicated of Danish-American Culture, of the museum. A fantastic on October 18, 2014. The added Michele McNabb-Genealogy job has been done thus far via space that this facility provides Center Manager, Deb Christensen exhibits, genealogy research, is a great addition to the current Larsen-Development Manager Brown Bag Lunches, electronic museum structure. It provides the and Terri Johnson-Administrative media, and countless hours of opportunity to receive, process Manager. staff time traveling to various and house donations of historical venues nationwide. How do note made to the museum. Our As we move into 2015, we we attract new members, staff has also been afforded the face both challenges and especially with an emphasis on opportunity to move into much opportunities. Some of the areas youth? needed office space. The building that need to be addressed are as follows: By Garey Knudsen 36 MUSEUM OF DANISH AMERICA 3. PARtNERSHIPS Our receiving end of generous 6. StAFFING We all know that current strategic plan contributions made to our we would like to clone the calls for expanding our endowment, building and current staff and keep them in partnerships with other Danish general operating funds their current positions forever, organizations. I am happy to through bequests and estate however, we also know that report that we have moved in gifts. The challenge remains on change is inevitable. As we this direction during 2014. With how to grow our endowment anticipate some staff changes the guidance and direction fund to a level that the revenue within the next year or two, a of John Mark Nielsen, our from that fund can assist in search committee has been Executive Director, we have sustaining the operation of the pulled together to review our developed a partnership museum. Those interested in staffing needs and how to go with the Rebild National Park contributing to the museum about recruiting replacements. Society, a Danish-American may certainly contact the The search committee is friendship organization. A museum staff. composed of current and partnership has also been former board members. approved with the Danish 5. ELECtRoNIC MEDIA Web American Archive and Library, page updates/upgrades There are probably additional located in Blair, Nebraska. are going to be an ongoing challenges and opportunities These partnerships tend essential activity. Our museum that will come up throughout the to expand communication Design Store provides year. It goes without saying that and mutual benefit to each excellent items for purchase. your continued financial support organization. Are there other Can we reach out even further and membership is essential to partnerships that can be electronically? We live in a the sustained success of the developed for the mutual social media world that young museum. Thank you! benefit of all? and old access on a daily basis. We need to have the 4. EStAtE PLANNING The technical and financial means museum has been fortunate to keep the museum in front of over the years to be on the the world via electronic media. This effort takes staff time and a financial commitment. ANNUAL REPORT 37 annual report │ 2014 board of directors The 2014-2015 Board of Directors is Participating at their own expense, its June meeting in Luck, Wisconsin, a special group of men and women the board members come together with election of new board members. who have unselfishly dedicated three times a year to share their skills In October the board meeting was themselves to the preservation of and experience in providing oversight held in Elk Horn, Iowa. The museum’s their Danish American heritage and to the administration of the museum annual meeting was held in Elk Horn the mission of the museum. They and to develop ideas and plans that with new board members assuming join an elite group of individuals who, will contribute to its continuing vitality. their office; outgoing members over the past 31 years, have worked It is the practice of the board to meet present and participating. to build and maintain a museum of each February and June in different which all Danes, Danish Americans locations around the United States Without the dedication, energy, and and the American public can be so that they may share and celebrate support of a strong, team-oriented proud. Danish heritage with those Danish Board of Directors, the museum Americans who may not otherwise be staff would not be able to work able to link directly with the museum. effectively in managing the day-to-day In 2014, the board held its February operations of the Museum of Danish meeting in San Diego, California, and America. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SERVING IN 2014 Cynthia Larsen Adams, Littleton, CO Kenneth Larsen, Calistoga, CA and Ex-oFFICIo Erik Andersen, Croton-on-Hudson, NY Harlan, IA Jon Borgman, Harlan, IA, Endowment Ronald Bro, Cedar Falls, IA Carolyn Larson, St. Paul, MN Nils Jensen, Portland, OR, Beth Bro-Roof, Cedar Rapids, IA Cynthia McKeen, St. Paul, MN Development Tim Burchill, Jamestown, ND Craig Molgaard, Missoula, MT Dennis Larson, Decorah, IA Dan Christensen, West Des Moines, Dagmar Muthamia, Long Beach, CA Clark Mathisen, Omaha, NE, IA Brent Norlem, Monticello, MN Endowment Bente Ellis, San Jose, CA Marian (Mittie) Ostergaard, Mission Kai E. Nyby, LaPorte, IN, Dorothy Stadsvold Feisel, Viejo, CA Past President, Development St. Michaels, MD Henrik Rasmussen, Springfield, IL Marc Petersen, Omaha, NE, Past David Hendee, Omaha, NE Jerry Schrader, Elk Horn, IA President, Endowment Glenn Henriksen, Armstrong, IA Flemming “Eric” Smitsdorff, Dagmar Muthamia, Long Beach, CA, Consul Anna Thomsen Holliday, Germantown, WI Past President Houston, TX Linda Steffensen, Hoffman Estates, IL William (Bill) Jensen, Urbandale, IA Mark Strandskov, Mount Pleasant, MI John Mark Nielsen, Blair, NE, Kristi Planck Johnson, Bethesda, MD Karen Suchomel, West Branch, IA Executive Director Garey Knudsen, Hutchinson, MN 38 MUSEUM OF DANISH AMERICA who we are MISSION STATEMENT VISION CORE vaLUES We are: The Museum of Danish To be widely recognized as the world’s America celebrates Danish leading compiler and communicator of the Inspirational: We honor the vision, history and inspirational achievements of roots and American dreams. ambition and diligence of Danish- Danish Americans. American achievers, and we seek to inspire future generations by telling their To turn the museum and the villages stories. of Elk Horn and Kimballton into one of Iowa’s top destinations for tourists, Deeply rooted: We treasure our Danish educators and local family excursions – heritage, and we are deeply committed and to support other local communities to our local American communities. featuring Danish-American history. Focused on the future: We realize that To be widely recognized as a thought to keep the past alive, we must always leader and trendsetter in the international remain part of the future. museum industry, constantly featuring new and inspiring experiences for worldwide audiences through innovative exhibits, events, publications and online media tools. staff & interns EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DESIGN STORE MANAGER DANISH INTERNS* Dr. John Mark Nielsen Joni Soe-Butts Helle Skovsgaard Christensen, University ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER ACCOUNTING MANAGER of Copenhagen, Denmark (Genealogy Terri Johnson Jennifer Winters Center) ALBERT RAVENHOLT CURATOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Sofie Krøgh Nielsen, Århus University, DANISH-AMERICAN CULtURE Kathy Pellegrini Denmark (Exhibits) Tova Brandt GENEALOGY & LIBRARY ASSISTANT Marianne Frøsig Sørensen, University of CURATOR OF COLLECTIONS & Wanda Sornson Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark (Collections)
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