PORTFOLIO: PLANNING AND GROWTH Rachel Tadman, Team FROM: Leader – Development Date: 18 August 2021 Management SUBJECT: Appeals Lodged, Decided and Forthcoming Hearing

1. Purpose of this report

To fulfil our on-going commitment to making service improvements and keeping both Members, customers and local residents informed this report provides information on the appeals received along with any upcoming Hearings or Public Inquiries.

For Members to note.

For current and recently decided appeals this report covers the period between 25 June 2021 and 30 July 2021.

Details of all appeals, including the Appeal Decision, can be found on the Council’s website

2. Appeals Lodged:

App. Ref: 2020/1916/PAA Barn Lying South East Of Farmyard, Court Farm Barns Location: Blatchbridge roundabout to Road, West Woodlands, Frome BA11 5EN Prior Approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a Proposal: dwellinghouse (Class C3) and for associated operational development Decision: Prior Approval Refused Decision Date: 12.11.2020 Decision Level: Delegated Appeal Lodged: 05/07/2021

App. Ref: 2020/1686/OTS Location: Land at 380089 153739, the Mead, Rode, Frome, Proposal: Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved (access considered) for the erection of up to 29 dwellings with associated access and landscaping works Decision: Refused Decision Date: 16/04/2021 Decision Level: Delegated Appeal Lodged: 27/07/2021

App. Ref: 2020/0693/OTA Location: Land at 379975 152332, Bath Road, , Frome. Somerset Outline application with all matters reserved for the provision of two Proposal: dwelling houses Decision: Refused Decision Date: 27/04/2021 Decision Level: Planning Board Appeal Lodged: 27/07/2021

App. Ref: 2020/1577/FUL Location: Land at 377026 153330, Cherry Garden Lane, Laverton, Frome Proposal: Conversion of existing barn outbuilding to a single storey dwelling. Decision: Refused Decision Date: 04/03/2021 Decision Level: Ward Member Appeal Lodged: 28/07/2021

App. Ref: 2020/0972/PAA Location: Land at 347770 145347, Barrow Causeway, Bleadney, Wells, Somerset Prior Approval for a proposed change of use of agricultural building to a Proposal: dwellinghouse (Class C3) Decision: Prior Approval Refused Decision Date: 21/12/2020 Decision Level: Delegated Appeal Lodged: 28/07/2021

App. Ref: 2020/1033/FUL Location: Springwater Farm, Anchor Road, Coleford, Frome, Somerset Erection of a single detached residential dwelling, garage and Proposal: associated development. Decision: Refused Decision Date: 18/01/2021 Decision Level: Delegated Appeal Lodged: 28/07/2021

3.0 Appeals Decided:

No Appeals decided between 25th June and 30th July 2021.

4.0 Forthcoming Hearings:

App. Ref: 2019/2345/OTS Location: Land off Anchor Road, Lipyeate Cross to Luckington Cross, Coleford Proposal: Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 63 dwellings Decision: Refuse Decision Date: 28/08/2020 Decision Level: Planning Board Hearing Date: 18/08/2021

App. Ref: 2020/1033/FUL Location: Springwater Farm, Anchor Road, Coleford, Frome, Somerset Erection of a single detached residential dwelling, garage and Proposal: associated development. Decision: Refused Decision Date: 18/01/2021 Decision Level: Delegated Hearing Date: 12/10/2021