Georgia Tech Alumnus
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Th GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS January February 1941 New Research Building Vol. XIX No. 3 Continuing the Geographical Alumni Directory New Mechanical Building "Ma Says It Tastes of Coal Oil!" A IS probably right. The clerk who had to which occupied our parents' time are now only M fit shoes and horse collars, measure out nails memories, we have more opportunities for enjoying and putty, and draw kerosene couldn't always life to the full. stop to wash his hands before he handled the Practically every industry in America has butter and crackers. And every so often the potato helped to bring about this progress. And every on the spout of the oil can would joggle off. industry, in doing so, has made use of the econ Today, for most of us, the mixture of food omies and manufacturing improvements that and kerosene odor has ceased to be a problem. electricity brings. General Electric scientists, More and more of our food, packed by electric engineers, and workmen have been, for more than machines, comes to us in sanitary containers. 60 years, finding ways for electricity to help raise Electricity does the work, too, of washboard and American living standards to create More Goods carpet beater. Automobiles and good roads have for Vlore People at Less Cost. Today their efforts shortened distances to town and work. And are helping further to build and strengthen the because so many of the routine, unpleasant jobs American wav of life. G-E research and engineering have saved the public from ten to one hundred dollars for every dollar they have earned jor General Electric GENERAL @) ELECTRIC llliinil'!l!:;l!l':ll!'l!i:;ll!'lll!:||llH"l!l:!ir;l; llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll January-February, 1941 THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS 43 Many Positions Open To Alumni THE For several months or more, it has been somewhat difficult for the Personnel and Alumni offices at Geor GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS gia Tech to find enough properly qualified alumni for quite a number of positions that are available, as a result of many inquiries that have come to the col Published every other month during the college year by tho lege for trained personnel. The departments have National Alumni Association of the Georgia School of placed more Tech men recently than at any other Technology. time and this, of course, has been of material bene fit to the individuals concerned and to industry, in R. J. THIESEN, Editor R. E. FORREST, Asst. Editor general, as well as to the national, state, and city B.W.RAVENEL,Jr.,Bus.Mgr. SAM N.HODGES,Jr.,Staff Asst. governments. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION It is well worth repeating that trained men are 108 SWANN BUILDING needed throughout the country, and it is certain GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY that this condition will exist for some time to come; ATLANTA, GA consequently, if you or any others whom you may know are neither permanently nor satisfactorily placed, then it is quite likely that the list of "posi ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MARCH 22, 1923, tions available" that we are printing in this issue will at the Post Office at Atlanta, Ga., under the Act of March 8,1879. be of considerable help to those of you who may be interested in them. Vol. XIX January-February, 1941 No. 3 Should you feel reasonably qualified for any of the positions, we suggest that you write directly to NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION the government agencies or companies concerned EXECUTIVE BOARD and state that you learned of the openings through W. A. PARKER, '19- President our departments. It should expedite matters, when ROBERT B. WILBY, '08 Vice-President E. GEO. BUTLER, '07 Vice-President writing, to give a brief outline as to your age, health, CHAS. R. YATES, '35 Treasurer education, experience, and particular qualifications. R. J. THIESEN, '10 Exec. Secretary Be sure to inform the Alumni Office or Personnel JACK ADAIR, '33 Board Member Department at Georgia Tech as to any of the listed CHAS. F. STONE, '03 _ Board Member H. D. HIRSCH, '31 Board Member positions for which you apply. You may want to F. A. HOOPER, Jr., '16- Board Member register with us, in addition, for future openings. ROBT. H. SCOTT, '21 Board Member There are no charges to anyone for the foregoing FRANK M. SPRATLIN, '06 Board Member services. GEORGIA TECH ALUMNI FOUNDATION, Inc. Co-ops Incorporate Loan Fund OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES Representing the culmination of several years of Y. F. FREEMAN, '10 President effort on the part of the co-op students and the Co GEO. T. MARCHMONT, '07 Secretary-Treasurer C. L. EMERSON, '09 G. M. STOUT. '07 op Club at Georgia Tech, the Co-op Loan Fund, Inc., FRANK H. NEELY, '04 ROBT. W. SCHWAB, '07 newly organized under the corporation laws of the State of Georgia, is an endeavor unique among un dergraduate activities. GEORGIA TECH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ALUMNI MEMBERS As the name indicates, the fund purposes to lighten somewhat the financial burden of deserving co-op GEO. W. McCARTY, JR., '08 ROBT. T. JONES, JR., erative students, many of whom are completing W. A. PARKER, '19 courses here at Tech wholly independent of mone tary aid, other than that afforded by their co-op job, ALUMNI STATE ADVISORY COUNCIL and part-time work while at school. Because of hav By Districts ing to be at school a full nine months for their fifth 1. B. S. Brown, Savannah 6. W. E. Dunwoody, Jr., Macon year, assistance afforded by the loan fund will be 2. R. A.Puckett, Tifton 7. R. A. Morgan, Rome especially welcomed by the senior students. 3. W. C. Pease, Columbus 8. I. M. Aiken, Brunswick 4. W.H.Hightower, Thomaston 9. W. H. Slack, Gainesville A steady growth in the size of the fund has been 5. Forrest Adair, Jr., Atlanta 10. Wm. D. Eve, Augusta made possible by the enthusiasm and energy with which the co-op students have accepted and worked for the fund, since its start about six years ago. Prac THIS ISSUE tically the whole fund is an accumulation of contri butions by the students themselves. Positions Open to Alumni Signers of the papers of incorporation are: R. J. Co-ops Incorporate Loan Fund Thiesen, Alumni Secretary; J. E. McDaniel, Head Georgia Tech Co-operative Department, and John Professor Vaughan TV A Research Chief W. Tyler, Student President Co-operative Club. Anak Honors Faculty Members Christmas Greetings Appreciated1 Pioneers Report on Home Coming Meeting We are very grateful to the many of you for your N. Y. Club Meets—Publishes History kind Christmas and New Year greetings. Our most earnest thoughts and best wishes were State Senate and Representatives addressed to each and all of you in the December Alumni Mention—Sports—Directory ALUMNUS for the Season, the New Year, and always, and we sincerely appreciate your very fine wishes, in turn. 44 THE GEORGIA TECH ALUMNUS January-February, 1941 Positions Available In accordance with the article on the preceding Mr. B. M. Hutchins, Plant Engineer, Crossett Paper Mills, page, it is a pleasure for us to publish the list below Crossett, Ark., wants a mechanical engineering graduate. for the information of all Georgia Tech alumni who Mr. Knapp, Southern Iron & Equipment Co., wants a may be interested in any of the openings for which mechanical engineer for the position of plant superin they may be reasonably well qualified. tendent. It is kindly requested that the Personnel and Mr. F. H. Wallner, Industrial Relations Director of the Alumni offices at Georgia Tech be mentioned when Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co., needs a mechanical or chemi applying for any of the positions. cal engineer to work as computer in their engineering A number of our students and alumni have been office. informed as to the openings; however, the places City of Atlanta, Atlanta Personnel Board, City Hall, At haven't all been filled by any means and practically lanta, Ga., mechanical engineer, $3600 a year. all of the organizations mentioned need additional Mr. J. W. Small, American Bridge Co., Ambridge, Pa., men. mechanical engineers. As announced, it my be well to give a brief outline Mr. Lewis W. Kerberg, Mengel Body Co., Louisville, Ky. as to age, health, education, training and experience Lummus Gin Co., Columbus, Ga., designing engineer, in your first letter which you may write directly to textile, and mechanical. the companies or organizations concerned, as fol Mr. D. Graham Copeland, Barron Collier Interests, Ever lows: glades, Fla., mechanical engineers. Aeronautical Engineering Mr. A. Y. Taylor, The A. Y. Taylor Co., Consulting En Mr. Leo J. Kujawa, of the Parker Appliance Company, gineers, Clayton, Mo., mechanicals and civils. has positions for young men of proven ability in the fol Other Positions Open lowing lines: Aircraft accessories sales engineers, and air The Hyatt Roller Bearing Co., G. M. C, Harrison, New craft accessories design or project engineers. Jersey, wants an industrial engineer with experience in Mr. H. V. Sanford, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Pa., senior setting manufacturing standards from time and motion aeronautical engineer, junior aeronautical engineers, aero study. nautical engineering aides, assistant aeronautical engineer Mr. F. H. Wallner, Industrial Relations Director of the ing aides, associate aeronautical engineers, assistant aero Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company, has openings in their nautical engineers. Central Engineering Dept. for a process engineer and a de sign engineer. These men should be outstanding in their Chem. and Chemical Engineering field. Mr. R. H. Aim, Employment Supervisor of the United States Gypsum Company wants a man to head the Lime The Toledo Scale Company, Engineering Department, Research section of the Research Laboratories.