STEVE JOBS Kultúrnemu Dedičstvu, Zvykom a Tradíciám Regiónu

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STEVE JOBS Kultúrnemu Dedičstvu, Zvykom a Tradíciám Regiónu Miriam Uhrínová, Jozef Zentko, Tomaš Jablonsky: SPIRITUAL FOLK CULTURE IN THE EDUCATIONAL REALITY IN THE INFORMACIJSKE I KOMUNIKACIJSKE ZNANOSTI: ZNANSTVENICI I ZNANSTVENE INSTITUCIJE CONTEXT OF PRIMARY EDUCATION IN SLOVAKIA SCIENTISTS AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCE Informatol. 45, 2012., 2, 144 -147 Informatol. 45, 2012., 2, 148 - 151 148 to keep this state of attention and interest in con- /11/ ČELLÁROVÁ, L. 1997. Ľudové tradície a remeslá na tinual. /23/. It is just the creativity of the teacher Slovensku a ich využitie v štúdiu učiteľstva 1. st. ZŠ. to know and apply the appropriate use of the Banská Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela, 1997. interdisciplinary character of subjects in the edu- ISBN 80-8055-129-4. /12/ IVANOVIČOVÁ, J. 2007. Rozvíjanie vzťahu ku cational process and also in the whole pedagogic STEVE JOBS kultúrnemu dedičstvu, zvykom a tradíciám regiónu. system. In: BUJNOVÁ, E. - IVANOVIČOVÁ, J. (eds.). The area of spiritual folk culture includes a num- 2007. Rozvojové a inovatívne programy edukácie so ber of issues that affect all areas of aesthetic edu- zameraním na regionálnu výchovu. Nitra: PF UKF, 1955. - 2011. cation. It´s continuous intersection creates a sin- 2007, s. 27-36. ISBN 978-80-8094-101-7. gle action line, which contributes to the presenta- /13/ MASARIKOVÁ, A. 2008. Historické fakty tion of folk art and creating relationship to na- aplikované v pedagogike zážitku. In: BUJNOVÁ, tional identity. E., RAČEKOVÁ, K. (eds).: Vybrané teoretické a metodické aspekty regionálnej výchovy. Nitra : UKF, 2008, s. 124-131. ISBN 978-80-8094-392-9. References /14/ TUREK, I. 2010. Didaktika. Bratislava : lura Edition, 2010. ISBN 978-80-8070-322-8. /1/ PANČUHOVÁ, E. - MINTÁLOVÁ, Z. a kol. 2004. /15/ KALHOUS, Z. – OBST, O. a kol. 2002. Školní didak- Z ľudovej kultúry Turca. Martin: Matica slovenská, tika. Praha: Portál, 2002. ISBN 80-7178-253-X. Martin 2004. /16/ ONDREJKA, K. 2008. Malý lexikón ľudovej kultúry /2/ ZAJICOVÁ, K. 1996. Mariánsky kult v ľudovej zbož- Slovenska. Bratislava : Mapa Slovakia Plus, 2008. nosti, na príkladoch mariánskych pútnických miest. ISBN 978-80-8067-196-9. Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco on necessary tones to manipulate the telephone Bratislava : Katedra etnológie, 1996. /17/ SLIVKA, M. 2002. Slovenské ľudové divadlo. Bratis- February 24, 1955. Jobs's youth was riddled with network, allowing free long-distance calls. Jobs /3/ BEŇUŠKOVÁ, Z. 1995. Vzťah profánneho a lava : Divadelný ústav, 2002. ISBN 80-88987-39-3. frustrations over formal schooling. At Monta decided that they could make money selling it. sakrálneho v obradoch a sviatkovaní. In: /18/ TUREK, I. 2010. Didaktika. Bratislava : lura Edition, Loma Elementary school in Mountain View, he The clandestine sales of the illegal "blue boxes" KILIÁNOVÁ, G. (ed.): Slovenský národopis, 43, č. 2010. ISBN 978-80-8070-322-8. 2, 1995. was a prankster whose fourth-grade teacher nee- went well, and perhaps planted the seed in Jobs's /19/ KALHOUS, Z. – OBST, O. a kol. 2002. Školní didak- /4/ ELSCHEKOVÁ, A. – ELSCHEK, O. 2005. Úvod do ded to bribe him to study. Jobs tested so well, mind that electronics could be fun and profitable. tika. Praha: Portál, 2002. ISBN 80-7178-253-X. štúdia slovenskej ľudovej hudby. Bratislava : however, that administrators wanted to skip him In 1976, Jobs and Wozniak formed their own /20/ CABANOVÁ, V. 2005. Tvorba obsahu vzdelania Hudobné centrum, 2005. ISBN 80-88884-69-1. ahead to high school—a proposal his parents business, which they named “Apple Computer v regionalisticky orientovaných školách. Praha : /5/ Ibidem declined. Jobs then attended Cupertino Junior Company” in remembrance of a happy summer Epocha, 2005. 165 s. ISBN 80-86328-69-4. /6/ MÁZOROVÁ, M. – ONDREJKA, K. a kol. 1991. /21/ VAVRDOVÁ, A. 2010. Připravenost učitele na High and Homestead High School in Cupertino, Jobs had spent picking apples. At first they star- Slovenské ľudové tance. Bratislava : SPN, 1991. výuku vlastivědy pro potřeby školské reformy. In California.At Homestead, Jobs became friends ted off selling circuit boards, but eventually they ISBN 80-08-00322-7. Primární a preprimární pedagogika v teorii, praxi with Bill Fernandez, a neighbor who shared the produced a complete computer prototype. Jobs /7/ ELSCHEKOVÁ, A. – ELSCHEK, O. 2005. Úvod do a výzkumu. Olomouc : Altyn, 2010. s. 162 – 166. same interests in electronics. Fernandez introdu- and Steve Wozniak met in 1971, when their mu- štúdia slovenskej ľudovej hudby. Bratislava : Hudobné ISBN 978-80-87224-08-3. centrum, 2005. ISBN 80-88884-69-1. ced Jobs to another, older computer whiz kid, tual friend, Bill Fernandez, introduced 21-year- /22/ BLAHÚTOVÁ, D.- MACKO, J. - STOLLÁROVÁ, /8/ Ibidem Stephen Wozniak (also known as "Woz"). In 1969 old Wozniak to 16-year-old Jobs. In 1976, N. 2011. Multimedia Elements in Biology and /9/ ŠIMONEKOVÁ, H. 2004. Ľudové tance. Bratislava: Woz started building a little computer board Wozniak invented the Apple I computer. Jobs, Chemistry Education. In: Informatologia. - ISSN AT Publishing, 2004. with Fernandez that they named “The Cream Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded Apple 1330-0067, Vol. 44, No. 4 (2011), p. 353-354. /10/ PUPALA, B. - ZÁPOTOČNÁ, O. 2010. Soda Computer”, which they showed to Jobs; he computer in the garage of Jobs's parents in order /23/ BLAHÚTOVÁ, D.- PAĽOVČÍKOVÁ, E.- Vzdelávanie ako formovanie kultúrnej BALÁŽOVÁ, M. 2008. Motivácia žiakov vo seemed really interested. Jobs frequented after- to sell it. They received funding from a then- gramotnosti. In: KOLLÁRIKOVÁ, Z. - PUPALA, B. vyučovaní biológie a prírodopisu podľa budúcich school lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company semi-retired Intel product-marketing manager (eds.) 2010. Predškolská a elementárna pedagogika. a začínajúcich pedagógov. In: Tvorivé vyučovanie. in Palo Alto, California, and was later hired the- and engineer Mike Markkula. In the early 1980s, Vyd. 2. Praha : Portál, 2010. s. 261-269. ISBN 978- Ružomberok : Katedra pedagogiky PF KU, 2008, re, working with Wozniak as a summer Jobs was among the first to see the commercial 80-7367-828-9. s. 11-17. (CD-room). ISBN 978-80-8084-374-8 employee. Following high school graduation in potential of Xerox PARC's mouse-driven graphi- 1972, Jobs enrolled at Reed College in Portland, cal user interface, which led to the creation of the Oregon. Jobs dropped out of college after six Apple Lisa. One year later, Apple employee Jef months and spent the next 18 months dropping Raskin invented the Macintosh. The following in on creative classes, including a course on year, Apple aired a Super Bowl television com- calligraphy. In 1974, Jobs took a job as a technici- mercial titled "1984". After leaving Apple, Jobs an at Atari, Inc. in Los Gatos, California. In the founded NeXT Computer in 1985, with early 1970s, Jobs and Wozniak were drawn to $7 million. A year later, Jobs was running out of technology like a magnet. Wozniak had designed money, and with no product on the horizon, he a low-cost digital "blue box" to generate the appealed for venture capital. Eventually, he at- ISSN 1330-0067 Coden: IORME7 ISSN 1330-0067 Coden: IORME7 INFORMACIJSKE I KOMUNIKACIJSKE ZNANOSTI: ZNANSTVENICI I ZNANSTVENE INSTITUCIJE SCIENTISTS AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCE 149 Informatol. 45, 2012., 2, 148 - 151 tracted the attention of billionaire Ross Perot who ped a fear of encountering Jobs while riding in invested heavily in the company. NeXT the elevator, "afraid that they might not have a workstations were first released in 1990, priced at job when the doors opened. The reality was that $9,999. Like the Apple Lisa, the NeXT Jobs's summary executions were rare, but a han- workstation was technologically advanced, but dful of victims was enough to terrorize a whole was largely dismissed as cost-prohibitive by the company." Jobs also changed the licensing prog- educational sector for which it was designed.The ram for Macintosh clones, making it too costly NeXT workstation was known for its technical for the manufacturers to continue making mac- strengths, chief among them its object-oriented hines. The company subsequently branched out, software development system. Jobs marketed introducing and improving upon other digital NeXT products to the financial, scientific, and appliances. With the introduction of the iPod academic community, highlighting its innovati- portable music player, iTunes digital music ve, experimental new technologies, such as the software, and the iTunes Store, the company Mach kernel, the digital signal processor chip, made forays into consumer electronics and music and the built-in Ethernet port. Tim Berners-Lee distribution. On June 29, 2007, Apple entered the invented the World Wide Web on a NeXT com- cellular phone business with the introduction of puter at CERN. After NeXT was acquired by the iPhone, a multi-touch display cell phone, Apple Inc. in 1997, WebObjects was used to build which also included the features of an iPod and, and run the Apple Store, MobileMe services, and with its own mobile browser, revolutionized the the iTunes Store. In 1986, Jobs bought The Grap- mobile browsing scene. While stimulating inno- hics Group (later renamed Pixar) from Lucas- vation, Jobs also reminded his employees that film's computer graphics division for the price of "real artists ship". Jobs was both admired and $10 million, $5 million of which was given to the criticized for his consummate skill at persuasion company as capital. The first film produced by and salesmanship, which has been dubbed the the partnership, Toy Story, with Jobs credited as "reality distortion field" and was particularly executive producer, brought fame and critical evident during his keynote speeches (colloquially acclaim to the studio when it was released in known as "Stevenotes") at Macworld Expos and 1995. Over the next 15 years, under Pixar's crea- at Apple Worldwide Developers Conferences.
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