Biographies of Candidates 1995
bios.qxp 5/8/98 4:00 PM Page 1007 Biographies of Candidates 1995 Biographical information about the candidates President-Elect has been verified by the candidates, although in a few instances prior travel arrangements of Frederick W. Gehring the candidate at the time of assembly of the in- T. H. Hildebrandt Distinguished University Pro- formation made communication difficult or im- fessor, University of Michigan; chair, Depart- possible. A candidate had the opportunity to ment of Mathematics, University of Michigan, make a statement of not more than 200 words 1973–1975, 1977–1980, and 1981–1984. on any subject matter without restriction and to Born: August 7, 1925, Ann Arbor, Michigan. list up to five of her or his research papers. Ph.D.: Cambridge University, 1952; Honoris Abbreviations: American Association for the Causa: University of Helsinki, 1977, and Uni- Advancement of Science (AAAS); American Math- versity of Jyväskylä, 1990. ematical Society (AMS); American Statistical As- Sc.D.: Cambridge University, 1976. sociation (ASA); Association for Computing Ma- AMS Offices: Member-at-Large of the Council, chinery (ACM); Association for Symbolic Logic 1980–1982; Executive Committee, 1973–1975, (ASL); Association for Women in Mathematics 1980–1982; Board of Trustees, 1983–1992 (chair, (AWM); Canadian Mathematical Society, Société 1986, 1991). Mathématique du Canada (CMS); Conference AMS Committees: Proceedings Editorial Com- Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS); In- mittee (Associate Editor), 1962–1964; Math- stitute of Mathematical
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