Laws and Regulations Promulgated to Give Effect to the Provisions of the International Treaties on Narcotic Drugs
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E/NL. 1975/43 21 June 1976 UNITED NATIONS ENGLISH ONLY LAWS AND REGULATIONS PROMULGATED TO GIVE EFFECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL TREATIES ON NARCOTIC DRUGS SWEDEN Communicated by the Government of Sweden NOTE BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL - In accordance with the relevant Articles of the International Treaties on Narcotic Drugs, the Secretary-General has the honour to communicate the following legislative text. E/NL.1975/45 Unofficial translation Proclamation of the National Board of Health and Welfare of 7 July 1974 containing schedules of narcotic drugs. According to an authorization given in the Narcotics Ordinance of 14 December 1962^ the National Board of Health and Welfare has compiled schedules of narcotic drugs as follows: 1. "Narcotics" means (a) any of the substances in Schedules I, II and III, stereoisomers (dextromethorphan and dextrorphan excepted), esters and ethers of these substances and salts of the substances, stereoisomers, esters and ethers whether crude or pure, natural or synthetic; (b) any of the substances in Schedules IV and V and salts of these substances; (c) preparations - with the exception stated below - containing substances referred to in paragraph (a) above; (d) preparations containing one or more of the substances referred to in paragraph (b) above and other preparations containing these substances provided that the National Board of Health and Welfare has so decided. 2. "Narcotics" does not refer to: (a) preparations of morphine containing not more than 0.2$ morphine calculated as anhydrous morphine base and compounded with one or more other therapeutically active, non-narcotic ingredients; (b) preparations of cocaine containing not more than 0.1$ cocaine calculated as cocaine base and compounded with one or more other therapeutically active, non-narcotic ingredients; (c) preparations not more than 100 milligrammes per dosage unit of the substances in Schedule III compounded with one or more other therapeutically active, non-narcotic ingredients and with a concentration of not more than 2.5$ in undivided preparations; 1/ Note by the Secretariat: E/NL.I964/26. - 2 - (d) preparations of difenoxin-^ containing, per dosage unit, not more than 0.5 mg of difenoxin and a quantity of atropine sulphate equivalent to at least five per cent, of the dose of difenoxin; (e) preparations of diphenoxylate containing, per dosage unit, not more than 2.5 rag of diphenoxylate calculated as base, and a quantity of atropine sulphate equivalent to at least one per cent of the dose of diphenoxylate. NFN signifies a name confirmed by the Nordic Pharmacopoeia Committee. INN signifies that an international non-proprietary name has been proposed or recommended by the World Health Organization. SCHEDULE I "Cannabis" which means all parts above ground of the cannabis plant (except seeds), from which the resin has not been extracted, by whatever name they may be designated. "Cannabis resin" which means the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from the cannabis plant. Extracts and tinctures of cannabis. 2- Amino-l-(2,5-dimetoxi-4-metylfenyl)propan (STP, DOM) N,N-Dietyl-(2-indolyl-(3)-etyl)amin (DET) 3- (2-Dimetylaminoetyl)indolol-(4) (psilocine) 3-(1,2-D imetylheptyl)-6,6,9-trimetyl-7,8,9,10-t etra- hydro-6H-dibenso[b,d]pyranol-(l) (DMHP) N,N-Dimetyl-(2-indolyl-(3)-etyl)amin (DMT) Heroin (diacetylmorfin) 3-Hexyl-6,6,9-trimetyl-7,8,9,10-t etrahydro-6H-dibenso- [b,d]pyranol-(l) (parahexyl) Hydroxi-3-pentyl-6,6,9-trimetyl-6a,7,10,10a-t etrahydro- -6H-dibenso[b,d]pyranol-(l) (hydroxitetrahydrocannabinoler) Lysergidum NFN (LSD) Meskalin 3-Pentyl-6,6,9-trimetyl-6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydro-6H- dibenso[b,d]pyranol-(l) (tetrahydrocannabinos) Psilocybinum MEN [Psilocybine] _3_/ SCHEDULE II Acetorphinum NPN Acetorphinel 3/ Acetyldihydrokodein Acetyldihydro codeine] Acetylmethadolum NFN Acetylmethadol1 Allylprodinum NFN Allylprodine] Alphacetylmethadolum NFN Alphacetylmethadoll Alphameprodinum NFN Alphameprodine| Alphamethadolum NFN Alphamethadol] Alphaprodinum NPN Alphaprodine Amfepramonum NPN Amphepramone Amphetaminum NFN Amphetamine] 2/ Note by the Secretariat; International non-proprietary names of drugs are underlined. _3_/ Note by the Secretariat: The words in square brackets have been inserted by the Secretariat; international non-proprietary names of drugs are underlined. - 3 - Anileridinum NFN Anileridine] Benzethidinum NFN Benzethidinel Bensylmorfin (3-bensylmorfin) Benzylmorphine] Betacetylmethadolum NFN Betacetylmethadoll Betameprodinum NFN Betameprodine1 Betamethadolum NFN Betamethadoll Betaprodinum NFN Betaprodine_ Bezitramidum NFN Bezitramide Clonitazinum HEN Clonitazene Cocainum NFN CocaineJ Codoximum NFN Codoxime] Desomorphinum BEN Desomorphine] Dexamphetaminum NFN Dexamphetamine _ Dextromoramidum NFN Dextromoramide1 Diaethylthiambutenum NPN Biethylthiambutene] Diampromidum NFN Diampromide] Difenoxinum NFN Difenoxin | D ihydrocode inum NFN D ihydro co de ine] D ihydromo rf in (3,6-dihydroxi-17- -metyl-4,5-epoxi- morfinan) Dihydromorphine] Dimenoxadolum NFN Dimenoxadol] Dimepheptanol NFN Dimepheptanol1 Dimethylthiambutenum NFN Djjmethylthiambutenel (-)-1-Dimetylamino-l,2- -difenyletan (SPA) Dioxaphetyli butyras INN Dioxaphetyl butyrate] Diphenoxylatum NFN Diphenoxylate | Dipipanonum NFN Dipipanone Drotebanolum NFN Drotebanol Ekgonin samt estrar och Ecgonine] derivat darav, som kan 6'verforas i ekgonin eller kokain Ethylmethylthiambutene Ethylmethylthiambutene] Etonitazinum NFN Etonitazene | Etorphinum NFN Etorphine] Etoxeridinum NFN Etoxeridine] Etylamfetamin (2-etyl- amino-l-fenylpropan) Ethylamphetamine] Fentanylum NFN Fentanyll (1-Fenyl-l-piperidyl-(2) -metyljacetat Furethidinum NFN [Furethidine Hydroconum NFN THydrocodone (Hydrocodonum Iffl) Hydromo rphinolum NFN Hydromorphino11 Hydromorphonum NFN Hydromorphonel Hydroxiamfetamin Hydroxyamphetamine] Hydroxypethidinum INN Hydroxypethidine] Isomethadonum NFN Isomethadone Ketobemidonum NFN Ketobemidone Kokablad Coca leaf] Koncentrat av vallmohalm Concentrate of poppy straw] Levometorphanum NFN Levomethorphan] Levomoramidum NFN Levomoramide | - 4 Levophenacylmorphanum NFN Levophenacylmorphan] Levorphanolum NFN Levorphanol] Metadonint ermediat Methadone Intermediate] (2,2-difenyl-4-dimetyl- aminopentannitril) Metazocinum NFN Metazocine] Methadomun NFN Methadone 1 Methamphetaminum KPN Methamphetamine] Methyldesorphinum NFN Methyldesorphine] Methyldihydromorphinum NFN Methyldihydromorphine] Methylphenidatum NFN Methylphenidat e j Metoponum NFN Metpon] Moramidint ermediat Moramide Intermediate] (2,2-difenyl-3-metyl-4- -mo rfo1ino smorsyra) Morf inmetylbromid [Morphine Methobromide] och andra morfinderivat med femvardigt kvave Morfin-N-oxid [Morphine-N-Oxide] Morpheridinum KPN [Morpheridine] Morphinum KPN [Morphine] Myrophinum KPN Nicomorphinum KPN Noracymethadolum NPN Norlevorphanolum KPN Normethadonum NPN Normorphinum KFN Norpipanonum HFN Opium NFN [Opium] Oxiconum NFN [Oxycodone] (Oxycodonum INN) Ox imo rpho num KPN Oxymorphone] Pethidinum KFK Pethidine] Petidinintermediat A Pethidine, Intermediate A] (4-fenyl-l-metylpiperi- dinkarbonitril-(4)) Petidinintermediat B [Pethidine, Intermediate B] (etyl-(4-fenylpiperidinkar- boxylat-(4))) Petidinintermediat C [Pethidine, Intermediate C] (4-fenyl-l-metyl- piperidinkarboxylsyra-(4)) Phenadoxonum KPN Phenadoxone] Phenampromidum KPN Phenampromide] Phenazocinum KFN Phenazocine] Phencyclidinum KFN Pheneyclidine] Phendimetrazinum NPN Phendimetrazine] Phenmetralinum NPN Phenmetrazine] (Phenmetrazinum INN) Phenomorphanum KPN Phenomorphan] Phenoperidnum KFN Phenoperidine] Phent erminum KFN Phentermine J Piminodinum KFN Piminodine] Pipradrolum KFK PipradrolJ Piritramidum KFN Piritramide] Proheptazinum NFN Proheptazine] Properidinum NFN Properidine] - 5 - Racemethorphanum NFN rRacemethorphan] Ra c emo ram i dum NFN Racemoramide | Racemorphanum NFN rRacemorphan] Thebaconum NFN ThebaconT Thebainum Thebaine (3,6-dimetoxi-17-metyl- -4,5-epoximorfinadien- -(6.8)) Trimeperidinum NFN [Trimeperidine 1 SCHEDULE III Aethylmorphinum HEN [Ethylmorphine] Codeinum NEK ~ Codeine] Nicocodinum NFN Nicocodine] Nicodicodinum NEN Nicodicodine] Norcodeinum NEN Norcodeine Pholcodinum NEN 'Pholcodine" Propiramum NEN Propiram] Nitrazepamum NPN Nitrazepam] Oxazepamum NFN Oxazepam Pentymalum NEN [Pentymal" SCHEDULE IV Allypropymalum NFN Allylpropymal] Butenemalum NFN Butenemal] Chlordiazepoxidum NFN Chlordiazepoxide] Clomethiazolum NFN Clomethiazole| Diallymalum NFN Diallymal] Diazepamum NFN Diazepam] Dikalii chlorazepas NEN Glutethimidum NFN Glutethimide] Heptamalum NFN Hexapropymatum NFN Hexapropymate] Hexemalum NFN Meballymalum NFN Mebumalum NFN _Mebumal] Meprobamatum NFN Meprobamate] SCHEDULE V Chlorali hydras NFN Chloralodolum NFN Chloralodol] Diemalum NFN Diemal] Ena11ynymalum NFN Methohexital] Enhexymalum NFN EnhexymalJ Enphenemalum NFN Enphenemal_ Ethinamatum NFN "Ethinamate Etklorvynol (e-etyl-1- Ethchlorvynol] -klorpenten-(l)-in-(4)-ol-(3) Methaqualonum NFN Methaqualone] Methylpentynolum NFN Methylpentynol] Methyprylonum NFN Methyprylon] Phenemalum NFN Tybamatum NFN [Tybamate] This decree enters into force on 1 October 1974, on which date the list of narcotics of the National Board of Health and Welfare of 7 June 1972 (MF No.3l),4/ shall oease to be valid. Hedengren, Wahlqvist, Bdttiger, Krook (General Drug Division) 4/ Note by the Secretariat: E/NL.1973/28. .