Minutes of the meeting of St Dominic Parish Council held in the Parish Hall, St Dominic on Wednesday 7th October 2015, commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Councillors D Potter, Chairman, J Totterdell, Vice Chairman, B Behennah, D Greene, J Wenmoth, J Davis and R Kisby.

In Attendance: Mrs L Coles (Clerk), Councillor Jim Flashman and Mrs L Potter.

There were 14 members of the public present.

Item 1. Apologies: Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs G Wilkins, G Walker and K Chapman.

Item 2. Declarations of Interest a) Agenda items. Cllr Behennah declared an interest in Item 6 a) PA15/08182. This application is for her Brother-in-Law. Cllr Wenmouth declared an interest in Item 6 a) PA15/08457. Both Cllrs will remain in the room when the items are discussed but will take no part and will not vote. b) Gifts. None were declared.

Item 3. Consideration of Written Dispensations. None received.

Item 4. Public Participation. Cllr Flashman, , reported that the Planning Application for B&C Concrete, at Burcombe, has been called in to Committee, to be heard at its November meeting. The Clerk will find out the details and update the Parish Council at the next meeting. Clerk Cllr Potter read out the crime statistics from the Police Report; a total of 62 crimes across the area, 2 of which were committed in St Dominic (1 assault and 1 criminal damage). There were no matters brought forward by the members of the public.

Item 5. Response to Public Participation There was no response required.

Item 6. Planning. To consider and RESOLVE Council’s response to planning applications received: a) PA15/08457, Brian Rickard, Lanoyce Nurseries, Road from Westcott Lodge to West Brendon, St Dominic, Cornwall. Installation and operation of a ground mount solar PV array with associated substation and access track. Mr Alan Rickard reported that the new solar panels will be in the bottom of the field and will only be visible by one neighbouring property. Cllr Greene reported that this neighbour has no objection to the development. Cllr Kisby said that renewable energy should be encouraged where the development is not going to have an impact on residents. It was RESOLVED to support this planning application, after discussion, proposed by Cllr Behennah, seconded by Cllr Kisby with all in favour. PA15/08182 Mr Kenneth and Mrs Evelyn Behennah, Brindles Road from Tor View to Burrill, St Dominic, Cornwall. The erection of a bungalow and garage. The Members had viewed the plans prior to the start of the meeting and there was some discussion. Cllr Totterdell said that she believes the development is outside of the settlement boundary. Cllr Davis and Cllr Greene said that it is felt to be logical infill

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development. There were no objections from immediate neighbours. It was RESOLVED to support the planning application, proposed by Cllr Davis, seconded by Cllr Greene, 5 votes for the proposal and one abstention. PA15/08400 Mr Michael Brown, Upton Vale, , Cornwall, PL17 8AE. Create a single storey extension from a former cattle shed. There were no objections to this proposed development. After discussion it was RESOLVED to support this planning application, proposed by Cllr Greene, seconded by Cllr Davis, with all in favour. PA15/07044 Mr Michael Brown, Welltown Farm, Road from Dupath Lane to Junction East of Welltown, Callington, Cornwall. Enlarge a bedroom window for means of escape. Create a window on the west side for daylight in kitchen/dining room. After discussion it was RESOLVED to support this application, proposed by Cllr Greene, seconded by Cllr Davis with all in favour. b) The Clerk reported that there were no planning applications received after the agenda had been published. c) The Clerk reported that there had been no planning responses from Cornwall Council. d) The Clerk reported receipt of £700 from Cornwall council in respect of the technology required for the delivery of paperless planning. It was reported that Cornwall Council will implement paperless planning, despite the petitions by Parish and Town Councils, and that St Dominic will have to comply by the 1st April 2016.

Item 7. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on the 10th September 2015. Subject to the following amendment…page 471, Item 20 .. ‘Cllr Totterdell said that Cornwall Council’… should be amended to read… ‘Cornwall Council’s Legal Department had stated that, with regard to a recent planning application, there was no vehicular access across the bridle path, with the exception of Radland Mill’ ..Cllr Totterdell proposed, Cllr Wenmoth seconded and all were in favour that the Chairman should sign the minutes as a true record of that meeting.

Item 8. Matters Arising. Page 468, Item 4, Neighbourhood Development Plan. Cllr Potter said that the presentation by Cllr Derris Watson, Cornwall Council, had been very informative and the Parish Council has to be the driving force behind it. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Community Link Officer and ask him to attend a Parish Council meeting to talk about how it can be taken forward. Cllr Wenmoth asked what the housing allocation for St Dominic is and the Clerk will find this information out. Cllr Wenmoth also asked about the costings. Cllr Greene said that it is disappointing that the NDP is only planning orientated. Clerk

Item 9. Policies. a) Grants Policy, the Clerk will make the amendments as suggested by Cllr Davis and will circulate a refreshed copy to the Members. Clerk b) Standing Orders. It was RESOLVED to adopt the Standing Orders as circulated by the Clerk. Proposed by Cllr Totterdell, seconded by Cllr Greene and all in favour. c) Financial Regulations. It was RESOLVED to adopt the Financial Regulations, as approved by NALC, and circulated by the Clerk. Proposed by Cllr Totterdell, seconded by Cllr Wenmoth and all in favour. d) Code of Conduct. It was RESOLVED to adopt the 2012 Code of Conduct for Councillors (Version 2014). Proposed by Cllr Davis, seconded by Cllr Totterdell with all in favour.

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The Clerk will put these policies on the Website. Clerk

Item 10. Highway Matters. The Clerk has reported the potholes on the road from Bartlett Bridge to Berry Farm and the standing water on the road opposite Dovecote, to Adrian Drake, Cornwall Council. The Clerk has also discussed the ‘Sharp Bend’ sign at M&S Haulage and has been assured that these are all in hand. Cllrs reported that there are further large potholes on the way from the village at Jubilee Cottages, at Ash Corner, Halton Quay and the St Mellion side of Pillhead Corner; also at Hunters Oak towards Pitt Meadow. The Clerk will report these to CORMAC. Clerk

Item 11. Car Parking at the Allotments. Councillor Chapman was not present. The Clerk will contact Iain Beaumont, National Trust, to discuss the plan with him. Clerk

Item 12. Footpaths. Councillor Wilkins had asked for this item to be put on the agenda but was not present at the meeting.

Item 13. South West Water. Sewerage Works at Bohetherick. The Clerk has had a response from SWW. There has recently been work carried out and this has led to the odours at Bohetherick and the extra traffic. The Clerk has asked that SWW investigates the smells from the drains in various other parts of St Dominic. It was reported that the drains are particularly bad at Pitt Meadow. The Clerk will report this to SWW. Clerk

Item 14. Landfill Funding and Ideas for Future Projects. This item has not progressed since the last meeting.

Item 15. Recreation Ground. The rota for the play equipment inspections was discussed. Cllrs Wenmoth and Potter agreed to carry out the inspections in October and Cllrs Kisby and Davis will cover November. The Toddlers’ slide was discussed. It was agreed that no action will be taken at the present time. The matter of litter in the school playground was discussed. It was suggested that the seat that is too near the slide is moved. Cllr Kisby suggested a litter bin at the top of the Recreation Ground and reasons against this were discussed.

Item 16. Reports. a) Parish Hall Management Committee. A meeting has been held and it was reported that the Hall Committee would like to keep the hedge height as it is. Cllr Greene thanked them for their consideration of the matter. There are new light fittings in the kitchen and the new extension is now finished. There will be a Pasty and Pud fund raising lunch on the 24th October. b) St Dominic Community Festivity and Projects Group. On Saturday the 28th November there will be a Lantern Procession and Annual Christmas Lights switch on. In the school half-term there will be a lantern making workshop, at the school, to make the lanterns for the procession. c) Grants and Donations. No requests have been received. d) Community Network Meeting. The Clerk reported the salient points from the recent meeting; paperless planning and a presentation by Cornwall Council Environment Agency about its assets and how they are prioritised. The Clerk also

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reported on the recent meeting, which she had attended, regarding the proposed Cycle Path from Callington to Saltash, hosted by St Mellion Parish Council.

Item 17.Correspondence a) Cllr Potter read out a letter from Inspector Morris, Devon and Cornwall Police, regarding police attendance at Parish Council meetings. b) Email from Ian Thompson, Milestone Society, re the milestone at Trehill Cross, asking if the Society can paint it. It was agreed that the Clerk will reply, thanking Mr Thompson for his informative email and stating that the Parish Council would like the Milestone Society to carry out the necessary refurbishment. Clerk It was agreed that the Clerk will bring items of interest, for example The Clerks and Councils Direct magazine, for circulation at each meeting. Clerk

Item 18 General Finance. a) Payments and Receipts for September Proposed by Councillor Behennah, seconded by Councillor Totterdell, with all in favour. RESOLVED to pay:  Cheque number 001008 – £43.77 BT Global Services, printing of Newsletter  Cheque number 001009 - £30.00 St Dominic Parish Hall, Invoices 55 and 64  Cheque number 001010 – £71.40 National Trust. Rent for Recreation Ground  Cheque number 001011 – £768.00 National trust. Rent for Fursdon Farm allotments  Cheque number 001012 - £765.29 Came & Co Local Council Ins. Annual renewal.  Cheque number 001013 - Linda Coles, Clerk’s salary and expenses for September  Cheque number 001014 - £50.60 The Post Office, HMRC PAYE for Clerk for Sept  Cheque number 001015 - £440.40. WestenWeb Ltd. Final invoice for new website  Cheque number 001016 - £240.00 J Pote, Grass cutting in Recreation Ground. b) Receipts: £700 from Cornwall Council re paperless planning. c) The Clerk reported that a grant can be applied for in respect of the Transparency Code Fund and that she would like to submit an application on behalf of St Dominic Parish Council. It was RESOLVED that a bid for £884.80 should be submitted (copy of application Appendix 1 to these Minutes) Proposed by Cllr Wenmoth, seconded by Cllr Davis with all in favour. Clerk

Item 19. Any Other Business. Cllr Potter read out a letter that he had received regarding the distress to animals caused by the Firework Display in Lovell’s Field last November. The invitations to the Remembrance Sunday Service, 8th November at 10.50am in St Dominic Church, have been sent out. The tree by the telephone kiosk has been trimmed back. The Grit Bins have plenty of salt in them. Cllr Wenmoth said that Nina at the Post Office had asked if low maintenance shrubs would be a better idea for planting on the bank at the lay-by and had supplied some information on suggested plants. Cllr Greene said that she thinks it would be a good idea to ask local organisations to sponsor a shrub. There was some general discussion about planting and also the bulbs, which Cllr Totterdell already has. Cllr Behennah asked who is supposed to be parking in the lay-by and was told that it is for the entire parish to use. Cllr Davis pointed out that there is to be a talk on the Tamar Valley at the Landulph Festival on Thursday and a Quartet will be playing on Saturday. Lorna Potter asked whether the Lantern Procession, on the 28th November, could continue on to the ‘Who’d Have Thought It’ Pub where another event is being staged. 476 | P a g e

Item 20. Items for the next Agenda. The Annual Budget for the Precept. Clerk

Item 21. Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting of St Dominic Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 4th November 2015 at 7.30pm in St Dominic Parish Hall.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm.

Signed……………………………………………………………Dated………………………………………………………. Chairman, St Dominic Parish Council

Clerk’s Contact: Mrs Linda Coles, The Firs, Lower Metherell, Callington, Cornwall PL17 8BJ Telephone: 01579 350962; Mobile: 07977416812; Email: [email protected]

Website Details:

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