AQUIFOLIACEAE 1. ILEX Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 125. 1753
AQUIFOLIACEAE 冬青科 dong qing ke Chen Shukun (陈书坤)1, Ma Haiying (马海英)2, Feng Yuxing (俸宇星)3; Gabrielle Barriera4, Pierre-André Loizeau4 Trees or shrubs, evergreen or deciduous. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite; leaf blade leathery, papery, or membranous, margin entire, serrate, or spinose; stipules minute, persistent or caducous, scar callose; petiole present, rarely absent. Inflorescence a cyme usually of order 1, 2, or 3(–5), respectively composed of a maximum of 1, 3, or 7(–31) developed flowers, axillary, solitary on current year’s branchlets or fasciculate on second year’s branchlets. Plants dioecious. Flowers hypogynous, regular, small, unisexual, by stamens or ovary abortive, 4–6(–23)-merous; calyx persistent; corolla often white or cream, rarely green, yellow, pink, or red; petals imbricate, mostly connate at base up to half of their length. Male flowers: calyx 4–8-lobed; petals 4–8; stamens isomerous, alternating with petals, epipetalous; anthers oblong-ovoid, introrse, longitudinally dehiscent; rudimentary ovary subglobose or pulvinate, rostrate. Female flowers: calyx 4–8-lobed; petals 4–8; staminodes sagittate or cordate, isomerous, alternating with petals, epipetalous; ovary superior, ovoid, 4–8(–10)-loculed, rarely pubescent; style rarely developed; stigma capitate, discoid, or columnar. Fruit a drupe, red, brown, or black (or green in Ilex chapaensis), usually globose; exocarp membranous or papery; mesocarp fleshy. Pyrenes (1–)4–6(–23); endocarp smooth, leathery, woody, or stony, striate, striate-sulcate, or rugose, and/or pitted. One genus and 500–600 species: tropical and subtropical to temperate regions of both the N and S Hemispheres, mainly in the tropical regions of Central and South America and Asia; 204 species (149 endemic) in China, distributed in regions south of the Chang Jiang and Qinling Mountains, mainly in S and SW China.
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