Carole Howarth

From: J O Steel Consulting Sent: 09 October 2018 13:39 To: Carole Howarth Subject: RE: EfW - Aire Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Carole , thanks for the update , appreciated. Regards Jo

J O Steel

J O Steel Consulting 41 Tulyar Court West BD16 3ND

From: Carole Howarth [] Sent: 09 October 2018 11:07 To: J O Steel Consulting Subject: RE: EfW - Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Hi Jo Please note that the matters I currently have outstanding are:

1) Construction Plan and Environmental Plan – which are required to include Waste Plastics plant – as per my e-mail of the 5 Oct 2) Cladding – stack info (received today via Nick) – required change of type 3 to Trespa panel 3) WY police query as below.


Carole Howarth MRTPI, MRICS, MCIWM, CEnv

Principal Planning Officer (Minerals & Waste )

Major Developments Team and Minerals and Waste Planning Team

Tel: 01274 433770

4th Floor, Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Place

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From: J O Steel Consulting [ mailto:[email protected] ] Sent: 09 October 2018 10:48 To: Carole Howarth Subject: RE: EfW - Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Carole ,good morning,

Actioned already and I will respond asasp.

I note that you have received clarification WRT the material for the stack , and the other materials query has been actioned by HC.

So when these two matters have been resolved to your satisfaction does that cover all outstanding information requirements ? Please advise. Thanks. Regards, Jo

J O Steel

J O Steel Consulting 41 Tulyar Court Bingley BD16 3ND

From: Carole Howarth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 09 October 2018 10:08 To: J O Steel Consulting ( [email protected] ) < [email protected] > Subject: FW: EfW - Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Hi Jo Can you please answer the further queries raised by WY Police as set out in the e-mail below. Regards Carole

Carole Howarth MRTPI, MRICS, MCIWM, CEnv

Principal Planning Officer (Minerals & Waste )

2 Major Developments Team and Minerals and Waste Planning Team

Tel: 01274 433770

4th Floor, Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Place

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From: Reardon, Lisa [ mailto:[email protected] ] Sent: 08 October 2018 09:21 To: Carole Howarth Subject: RE: EfW - Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Good Morning Carole,

Thank you for your email. I have read through the attached document and the page that refers to the security measures.

It’ s good to see that security fencing / boundaries are being applied and access control measures such as swipe cards or biometrics access control will be in place. There is no mention of lighting? I know the previous correspondence mentioned that lighting will be used during operational hours but switching off completely when the site is closed, is this still the case?

There is a mention that CCTV would be the preferable choice as opposed to an on-site security officer, however there is no mention if CCTV will be monitored or self-recording? If it is monitored CCTV there is more opportunity to pick up any suspicious behaviour or incidents and deter this at the first instance rather than reviewing footage if an incident has occurred.

Depending on the answer as to whether lighting will be used after working hours, if the intention is to have none, then the CCTV system should have the capabilities to provide good night time vision providing good quality images. To identify an individual, the Image must capture no less than 120% of the screen which allows a suspect(s) to be clearly identified from the top half of their body, this is required for prosecution purposes.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Lisa Lisa Reardon

3 Bradford District Designing out Crime Officer / Architectural Liaison Officer Lawcroft House Lilycroft Road Bradford BD9 5AF Tel 01274 376273 [email protected]

From: Carole Howarth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 05 October 2018 14:49 To: Reardon, Lisa < [email protected] > Subject: FW: EfW - Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Hi Lisa You may recollect responding to this SUB01 back in May 2018 (your response is in the chain of e-mails below).

You can see from the chain of e-mails that I have asked them to “…. advise if any of the security measures mentioned by the ALO are to be applied whilst construction is taking place e.g. security guards” A response has just been received today (5 Oct 2018) in which the agent states: “You also asked for clarification on security measures in relation to condition 8 The question raised concerned security due the site lights being turned off during the bat season . Clugston confirmed they will be installing an on site CCTV security system. Please refer to Security section 6.3 of the safety section H&S document attached.”

Can you please confirm if you are satisfied (or not) with the applicants proposal regarding lighting and security.

Thanks Carole

Carole Howarth MRTPI, MRICS, MCIWM, CEnv

Principal Planning Officer (Minerals & Waste )

Major Developments Team and Minerals and Waste Planning Team

Tel: 01274 433770

4th Floor, Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Place

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From: Carole Howarth Sent: 25 May 2018 08:59 To: J O Steel Consulting ( [email protected] ) Subject: FW: EfW - Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]

Dear Jo

Please see the response below from the ALO regarding condition 8 and the construction lighting.

Can you please advise if any of the security measures mentioned by the ALO are to be applied whilst construction is taking place e.g. security guards?

Regards Carole

Carole Howarth MRTPI, MRICS, MCIWM, CEnv

Principal Planning Officer (Minerals & Waste )

Major Developments Team and Minerals and Waste Planning Team

Tel: 01274 433770

4th Floor, Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Place

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From: Reardon, Lisa [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 24 May 2018 16:10

5 To: Carole Howarth Subject: RE: EfW - Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01 [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED]


Good Afternoon Carole,

Thank you for your email. I have read through the attached information and the lux levels are fine. I appreciate where there is the bat conservation area and housing that levels will be lower in this location to prevent light overspill. The concern that I do have is with switching the lights off after construction hours, this leaves the site in complete darkness which can attract crime.

There are many building sites which are subject to repeat crimes and generate calls for service, where machinery and materials are the criminals desirable targets. If the site has no lighting, no monitored CCTV in place and no security guards whilst the site is being developed it is likely to become a target for crime.

I would recommend that the Developer applies the above security measures whilst the construction is underway which should deter or reduce crime levels.

Kind regards


Lisa Reardon Bradford District Architectural Liaison Officer / Designing out Crime Officer Lawcroft House Police Station Lilycroft Road Bradford BD9 5AF Tel 01274 376273 Mobile 07786337635 [email protected]

From: Carole Howarth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 18 May 2018 16:20 To: Brian Fairclough < [email protected] >; Reardon, Lisa ; Danny Jackson < [email protected] >; Aftab Rashid Cc: Ann Barker < [email protected] > Subject: EfW - Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report 16/06857/SUB01

Dear Brian, Lisa, Danny and Aftab Please find attached the final submission details regarding the lighting plan whilst construction is being undertaken – this is required by condition 8a of 16/06857/FUL. There is already and approved lighting management scheme when the development is operational.

The condition was attached to ensure that “…. light pollution does not affect neighbouring properties and bats; and in the interests of highway safety”

6 Can you please confirm individually confirm that you are satisfied with the attached document ASAP and by 1 June at the latest (it has also been uploaded on the portal today).

Regards Carole

Carole Howarth MRTPI, MRICS, MCIWM, CEnv

Principal Planning Officer (Minerals & Waste )

Major Developments Team and Minerals and Waste Planning Team

Tel: 01274 433770

4th Floor, Britannia House, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1HX

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Department of Place

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From: J O Steel Consulting [ mailto:[email protected] ] Sent: 16 May 2018 16:49 To: Carole Howarth Subject: FW: SH11087 Aire Valley Road - condition 8 lighting report

Carole, Please receive this report for condition 8 . Thanks. Regards, Jo

J O Steel

J O Steel Consulting 41 Tulyar Court Bingley West Yorkshire BD16 3ND


From: Linda Spencer [ mailto:[email protected] ] Sent: 14 May 2018 18:52 To: J O Steel Consulting < [email protected] > Subject: FW: SH11087 Aire Valley Road - Acoustic barrier

Dear Jo,

Please find attached the latest lighting report for the discharge of condition 8. May we chat about the definitive address for Endless tomorrow please if you have time.

Thanks a million.

Kindest regards,

Linda Linda Spencer Aire Valley Park Ltd Aire Valley Business Park Dowley Gap Lane Bingley BD16 1WA

Tel 01274 550123


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