Midwest Region of the National Park Service
quarter of the 18th century it became a cross roads of travel the M ississippi River just south of the junction of the Mis· ferries operate freq uently from two shore points, Catawba and a vital link in the network of waterways that nurtured the soun Ri ver. Becau se of its strategic location, St. Louis be· Point and Port Clinton, April to November. The Memo rial is fur trade empire. Each summer, from abo ut 1778to 1803 , this came a hub of mid-continent settl&m ent, commerce, and closed November t hrough Mar h. Elevator to Memorial top, NATIONAL PARK w ilderness outpost was the meeting place of the North West culture when President Thomas Jefferso n arranged the pur scenic views, exhibits; limit ed amping and tou rist services Company. From t he east cc me canoe loads of trade goods; chase of the vast " Louis iana TerritOI)'" fro m France in 1803. on Island; full services at mainland communities. Mail SERVICE AREAS from the northwest, beaver furs bound for Montreal and the For many years, St. Lou is w as the g.1teway to the vast new addr~ss: P.O. Box 78, Put-in-Bay, Ohio 43456. markets of Eu rope. Today, the stockade, " Great Hall" and territories of the West. The graceful ateway Arch is to St. kitchen, canoe warehouse and other authentic reproduc Louis today w hat the Eiffel Tower i to Paris. Symbolizing the tions, al I help to recreate the setting of two centuries ago. " Gateway to the West," it commemorates Thomas Jefferson, IN THE You may retrace t he 81/2 mile (13112 kilo meters ) Grand Portage the Louisiana Purchase, and perhap most importantly, the This park in Cinci nnati preserves a two-story brick resi Trail, like the voyageurs of old.
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