November 12, 2020

To all Tennesseans,

The House Republican Caucus unequivocally and staunchly stands with President of the Donald J. Trump in demanding that all legal ballots, and only legal ballots, be counted in the 2020 presidential election.

Voting is one of the most fundamental pieces of our American republic. One person equals one vote in a system that grants justice and equality for all in deciding our government. In an election where there are alleged examples of voter fraud and malpractice, Tennessee Republicans stand with the rule of law.

We shall not accept the idea that the national media or the political elite have the official say on the winner of any election, let alone the presidency. It is up to the official systems put in place by the constitution and by the people. When there are alleged software glitches, lost or destroyed ballots, and questionable practices implemented in some areas of the country, litigation must have a day in court to decide the outcome of this election process.

We uphold the idea of protecting the rights of all Americans, liberal or conservative, to have their voices heard. After all legal ballots are counted and any illegal ballots are removed, we support confirming the victor. A peaceful transition to the next term, whether it be the incumbent or the challenger, is paramount to our system of government.

We stand with all Tennesseans in defending the integrity of elections. We are asking for the election process to have the ability to finish before prematurely declaring a winner.

It matters who governs,

Speaker Chairman

Leader Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Charlie Baum Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative Curtis Johnson

Representative Representative

Representative Representative

Representative David Hawk Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative Gary Hicks

Representative Representative

Representative Jason Zachary Representative

Representative Jerome Moon Representative Jerry Sexton*

Representative John Crawford Representative John Holsclaw

Representative Representative John Gillespie

Representative Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative Mark White

Representative Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Rebecca Alexander Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative Ryan Williams

Representative Sabi Kumar Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Representative

Representative Tim Hicks Representative

Representative Todd Warner Representative

*Signed electronically without written signature.