Ortt wants higher casino $$ percentage for Niagara Falls, less for Albany; But where do Dyster, Ceretto stand? 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Reporter Predicts DuPont Closing; Mayor Dyster Stunned by News tried to put the best foot forward. Mike Hudson “I’m confident that if this company doesn’t just want to harm a community and Don’t say we didn’t warn you. harm its workers a deal can be done to keep Back on July 30, 2013, we stated un - the plant open," says Jim Briggs, an official equivocally that the 200 jobs at DuPont’s with USW which represents the soon to be Niagara Falls facility were in grave danger. jobless workers. “The future of the DuPont plant in Ni - But Briggs admitted he was taken by agara Falls and the more than 200 employ - surprise by the closure, given that he and ees who work there is a little uncertain at others took a tour of the Falls facility with this time given recent public statements corporate representatives on Monday, just from the company and information ob - hours before the formal announcement was tained by the Reporter suggesting a sale made. may be inevitable…” we wrote more than At that time, Briggs said, there was no two years ago. indication that the facility would be shut - “Today, there are 215 people working The DuPont Plant's closure took some by surprise. tered. He also noted that union members at the DuPont plant on Buffalo Avenue, and agreed to a new, four-year contract on July the jobs they hold are among the highest plant…. is for sale, or soon will be." surprised at the closing of the DuPont plant 1, with no indications that the company was paid in the county,” we wrote in July 2013. We based our 2013 conclusion that the shows they simply weren’t keeping abreast planning to close the site at that time either. “What does the future hold?” jobs would be likely to be lost on a DuPont of the very clear signs DuPont has given While once known primarily for its This first week in December 2015, the 2013 press release which read, “DuPont's over the last few years: They are moving chemical business, the 210-year-old public learned that the plant is closing and transformation to a higher growth, less away from chemicals to genetically engi - DuPont Company has diversified and now all 200 jobs will be lost. cyclical company that integrates its unique neered food. is a global science business, veering head - These jobs are not the minimum wage scientific capabilities in biology, chemistry And with the high cost of doing busi - long toward genetically engineered agricul - service sector jobs held by many in Niagara and materials to develop ... attractive agri - ness in State, and the antiquated ture and nutrition products. Falls. The average worker at the plant culture and nutrition, industrial biosciences facilities here, the handwriting was on the In any event, the city of Niagara Falls makes between $60,000 and $70,000 a and advanced materials markets world - wall years ago. is losing a $13 million annual payroll and year, sources said. wide”. Apparently, no one was looking. the “spinoff” on that will be devastating. Mayor Paul Dyster, who has waxed ec - As we wrote in 2013, DuPont is “mov - Those workers ate in restaurants and bought static over the opening of heavily subsi - ing away from the kind of business con - automobiles and appliances here, owned dized coffee shops on Third St. and the 30 ducted at the aging, Buffalo Ave. plant.” homes helped keep what is left of the econ - full time equivalent jobs as maids and desk Now in late 2105 that anyone should be omy churning. clerks at the still not built Hamister Hotel Neither Dyster nor Briggs seemed to as examples of his proactive economic poli - have a clue that this was coming, despite its cies, took the news in stride and assured having been predicted on the pages of the every one he was on the job, even if they’d Niagara Falls Reporter two years ago. lost theirs. In our article two years ago we not only “My initial concern is for ensuring the predicted the jobs would be lost but gave future employment of the employees and the corporate reasons why this was all but contractors at that facility,” he said on the inevitable. day the news broke that the 200 DuPont Two years ago we wrote, DuPont "an - jobs were going to be lost. “Already today, nounced it is ‘taking the next steps in its I have been in contact with the Company, transformation to a higher growth company Empire State Development, and other (and) exploring strategic alternatives for its stakeholders in an effort to secure future op - Performance Chemicals segment.’ erations at that site.” "That language is corporate-speak for The United Steelworkers Union also 'it's for sale'… ‘The Buffalo Avenue


“The Truth is Always Fair”


Managing Editor Senior Editor Dr. Chitra Selvaraj Tony Farina The old DuPont plant on Buffalo of next year. Avenue in Niagara Falls was handed The cost of refurbishing the aging (716) 284-5595 off to Chemours in July. Five month plant (seen above) combined with PHONE: later, the facility has been targeted for ultra-high New York State taxes was P.O. Box 3083, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14304 closure. part of the reason for the closure. E-mail: [email protected] Chemours, a DuPont spin-off an - While it took many by surprise, the Website: nounced Monday a worldwide work - Niagara Falls Reporter wrote more force reduction of 400 jobs. Half of than two years that the plant's closure those lost jobs will come from shutting was inevitable. All contents copyright © 2015 Niagara Falls Reporter Inc. down its Niagara Falls plant by the end 3 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 What a Difference a Day Makes Anna Howard

Monday November 30 was one of those under the radar sort of days that very well may go down in the annals of city history as a major turning point. November 30 was a city council meeting day that: mourned the loss of a council member; witnessed the re - veal of a citizen panel finance plan; and, re - ceived a report from the mayor regarding the unending residential frozen water line issue. All of this occurred while just a few blocks from city hall the loss of 200 jobs at the DuPont facility had been announced. The irony of the eliminated jobs being reported in the media as elected city officials blathered over financial problems they cre - ated, and the scandalous lack of running water in a city neighborhood they failed to address for two years, wasn't lost on the res - idents. It's been this sort of blame dodging The late Robert Anderson's Painted fire hydrants adorn Ni - and responsibility shirking that landed the legacy is discussed. agara Falls. city in the financial briar patch it now occu - industrial giant, now gone. Not to worry. Be - the cockles of the taxpayer heart the specter pies. cause we have a skate park coming on line, of a council/mayor/finance panel supported The passing of Councilman Bob Ander - a dog park behind that, a train station on city-wide property reassessment looms son, the voice of a common-sense-common- track, a $14 million ice pavilion boondoggle, ahead. man, was all the more painfully obvious as $2.2 million in trash totes, a $2.4. million November 30, 2015. It's one for the the council meeting droned on and matters per year 30 year mortgage on a $50 million books. of running water and fiscal drama played out courthouse, along with a feel-good program pointlessly. that painted happy faces on fire hydrants, As for the loss of 200 jobs at the decorated vacant downtown storefronts and DuPont facility political observers were left put colorful designs on the butt-end of alley - wondering if the eliminated positions came way buildings. If that's not enough to warm as a genuine surprise or was instead conve - niently timed post-election bad news, with - held until Paul Dyster was back in office. The Reporter asks, did the mayor and his economic development staff know DuPont was cutting those jobs? And, if so, did they do anything to address it? Or was it simply inconvenient news to be ignored and wished into the cornfield for fear of making Paul Dyster look bad? He's taken credit for new hotels and retail development he had no If the whole world stands hand in, where does he see his role in this against you sword in hand, would you still dare to do major job loss? what you think is right? 200 well-paying jobs connected to an

Statement From Mayor Dyster Regarding Layoffs at Chemours, Co. December 1, 2015 [Press Release] Statement From Mayor Paul Dys - ter: Today the Chemours Co., which spun off from Dupont earlier this year, announced that as part of a global workforce reduction they will be ceas - ing operations at their Niagara Falls plant by the end of 2016. This decision will effect approximately 200 positions locally. My initial concern is for ensuring the future employment of the employ - ees and contractors at that facility. Al - velopment, and other stakeholders in ready today, I have been in contact an effort to secure future operations at with the Company, Empire State De - that site. 4 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Financial Review Panel Plan Ignores Facts; Administration Spending is Willfully Out of Control man Andrew Touma stoked the panel revenue account while calling himself the - and will service a mere handful of daily Anna Howard largely with those who are or were con - "casino revenue gatekeeper." Now that the riders. And a more timely budget prepa - nected to the city school district? Mr. gate is fully open and the revenue is gone ration process is supposed to stop such After nearly one year on the job, the Touma is, after all, a school district em - he's shifted the blame to the council, the brazen money mismanagement? Niagara Falls Financial Review Panel, a ployee. So, we're left with the uncomfort - State, and city employees. And a Budget We've said it before, the financial volunteer board appointed by the council able feeling that all of this Financial Director could fix this sort of extravagance problems of this administration are will - to examine and recommend fixes to the ad - Review Panel whoop-de-do has, in the exactly how? fully, suspiciously, self-inflicted and need ministration's fiscal woes, delivered their end, all the sincerity of an Iron Curtain The 2013 NYS Comptroller's audit re - to be identified, rooted out, and made to go long-awaited final report at the November show trial from the Fifties. vealed: the mishandling of millions of dol - away. Who to do it? Well, a sincere but 30 council meeting. Chief among their list As is often the case with citizen panels lars dedicated to city projects, more than a toothless finance panel that was appointed of recommendations to repair the city's it's not what the panel addresses and com - million dollars unaccounted for, and the by the government that caused the problem well documented dysfunctional finance ments upon that's telling, it's what they ig - misuse of casino revenue in closing budget can't possibly fix what ails the city. management system was...drum roll, nore and evade that's key. In this instance gaps. Tell us how better communication Nothing in the city's present, or future, please..."Hire a Budget Director!" city hall's citizen finance experts ducked between mayor and council could possibly fiscal picture, will improve until an outside Yes. We kid you not. And it took the the real financial issues, big time. eliminate such a misuse of funds? authority - such as a control board - steps panel nearly a year and the review of While the panel members wrote that: While the city edges toward the intro - in and asks the inconvenient questions that "reams of data" to include that jewel in a Budget Director must be hired, an earlier duction of a control board (the State Fi - need to be asked and imposes the needed their report. Recommending the hiring of jump on budget preparation must be had, nance Restructuring Board is already here) remedies. a Budget Director at city hall is akin to hir - and more timely budget data should be de - Mayor Dyster plows ahead with a $44 mil - ing a new Navigator on the Titanic after veloped and shared, they ignored what ac - lion train station that has no visible means the iceberg had been struck. Frankly, we're tually vexes the city financial management of support - although it will open this year left wondering if someone isn't being lined system: irresponsible spending and a com - up for a new, cushy job. How sad, but how plete lack of accountability. The reality of typical, it would be if this panel's legacy “Such was the will of the Father that his this administration's eight years of money turns out to be the expansion of the very Son, blessed and glorious, whom he gave to management has been highlighted by a bureaucracy that has mishandled millions us, and who was born for us, should by his shocking lack of transparency and endless in casino revenue and taxpayer dollars...a own blood, sacrifice, and oblation, offer wasteful expenditures even as the NYS bureaucracy the panel was charged to an - himself on the altar of the cross, not for Comptroller (May 2013) sternly told the alyze and recommend for financial repair. himself, by whom "all things were made," city to knock off the cooking of the books. but for our sins, leaving us an example that We ask, exactly what were the goals For eight years Mayor Paul Dyster has we should follow his steps.” of this finance panel and what were the re - presided over the draining of the casino St Francis of Assisi alistic expectations when Council Chair - 5 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Finance Panel Finds Same Problems As Reporter, Auditors in City Budget Dyster, a total of nearly $25 million in The six member panel also included Falls and might backfire since the more taxes are Mike Hudson casino revenue has been allocated just to School Board member Russ Petrozzi and raised the more people move out or make keep employees paychecks from bouncing. former city councilman Frank Soda. other selections as to where to move into. The Niagara Falls Financial Advisory As City Comptroller Maria Brown has They questioned the “political will” of •The city has already gone ahead Panel unveiled its long awaited report at repeatedly pointed out, the practice cannot the mayor and the city Council to address with a recommendation from the panel to this week’s city Council meeting, a scathing continue for long. The panel’s report stated casino fund usage, property reassessment, ask the NYS Financial Restructuring Board impeachment of the present administration that the available pool of casino revenue tax equalization and asking the state’s Fi - for Local Governments to come in and pro - that would be familiar to any regular reader will have shrunk from $20 million a year to nancial Restructuring Board for Local Gov - vide some adult supervision over the city’s of this newspaper. $2 million in 2018. ernments to come in and take over the city’s budget making process. The board is au - Despite the fact that the city is the most The cavalier practice provides a “prin - finances. thorized to offer grants and loans of up to highly taxed municipality in the state, ac - cipal illustration” of the city’s “lack of fis - Among the city panel’s recommenda - $5 million through the Local Government cording to the New York State Financial cal discipline,” the report states. tions; Performance and Efficiency Program to tar - Restructuring Board for Local Govern - And this does not even take into ac - •That the position of budget director, geted municipalities willing to undertake ments, and despite the mainline injection of count the fact that Revenue from the casino eliminated in the 1990s, be reinstated. The certain recommendations. If the municipal - nearly $200 million as the local share of slot has fallen steadily, from $21.6 million in panel recommended that the budget direc - ity agrees to accept the money then it must machine revenue from the Seneca Niagara 2012 to $20.2 million in 2013 and $19 mil - tor’s job be given “an inherent degree of in - undertake the board’s recommendations Casino, the city is for all intents and pur - lion last year. Projections show that, this dependence” under law to protect against and becomes contractually obligated to ful - poses broke. year, just $18 million will be realized and political meddling from the mayor’s office. fill those terms. The panel’s report found plenty of things look even worse for 2016. The panel had previously found that a “po - The local panel’s bleak assessment of blame to go around, all of it centering on “There was ample time for the mayor litically acceptable” property tax rate was city finances is in line with an audit con - City Hall. and members of council to come together determined before even considering how ducted in 2013 by state Comptroller “In spite of the availability of adequate to identify any combination of revenue en - much was actually needed to run the city. Thomas DiNapoli and a second audit, fin - formal budget reporting, the members of hancements and cost reductions for (2016) •Tax equalization and a citywide ished in May of this year and commissioned the (panel) were alarmed by the absence of that would constitute an acceptable fiscal property reassessment were both on the by Dyster himself. Both documents high - ‘a sense of urgency’ displayed by the mayor ‘correction’,” the report read. “(The panel) panel’s “to do” list. The equalization of tax lighted out of control spending that led the and city council regarding the financial was dismayed to learn that no such discus - rates between business and residential prop - most highly taxed city in the state, one with weaknesses that are inherent in the devel - sions occurred.” erties is an idea that has long been discussed the added advantage of nearly $200 million opment of the city budget,” the report Former Niagara Falls School District but never acted upon completely. Currently, in casino revenue unavailable to most other stated. Superintendent Carmen A. Granto served as business property owners pay somewhat municipalities, to the very brink of bank - In essence, the city is running its day to chairman of the panel and Lawrence H. more than residential property owners for ruptcy. day operations on money it has yet to re - Cook II, a senior program officer with the similarly valued real estate. A reassessment With the exception of raising taxes, the ceive. In the 2015 and 2016 city budgets Oishei Foundation, was its vice chairman. would theoretically increase revenue by report is very much in line with the ongoing presented by Niagara Falls Mayor Paul raising the tax on properties to 100 percent analysis that has appeared in one form or of their value, rather than the 60-80 percent another in most editions of the Niagara that is collected now. But since the value of Falls Reporter published over the past eight many if not most properties in the city is de - years. clining rather than increasing, it is uncertain You can’t say we didn’t warn you. With what the real effect would be. no significant opposition on his new look •Raising taxes to the maximum limit city Council, nothing will prevent the allowed under state law would give the city mayor from raising taxes, cutting services $31 million next year, instead of the city’s and turning even more authority for city op - roughly $28 million that is projected, the erations over to the state. panel noted. This proposal would increase Niagara Falls lead over all other cities in the state as the highest taxed city in New York 6 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Ceretto Says Albany Must Change Political Culture And Supports Increasing Slot Revenue to City

Tony Farina

Assemblyman John Ceretto (D – Lewis - ton) says the conviction of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver on federal corruption should be a call to arms to state lawmakers to abandon the political culture of Albany that Silver used as his defense and work hard John Ceretto to restore the public’s trust in government. Ceretto, a former Republican who charges of lining the pockets of their family switched parties last August, is also planning Three men (formerly) in a room - Dean Skelos, and using Dean Skelos’ influence in an eight- to reach across the political aisle to discuss Sheldon Silver. count indictment alleging bribe solicitation, Republican State Sen. Robert Ortt’s legisla - extortion under the cover of political right, tive bid to try and triple the City of Niagara to the senator’s office for more information, reduce the influence of big money in politics. conspiracy to commit extortion, and conspir - Falls’ share of slot machine profits from the and I look forward to reviewing the details New Yorkers deserve representatives who acy to commit honest services wire fraud. Seneca casino from 25 percent to 75 percent. and specifics of his proposal to see if it is the serve the people, not their own interests.” Silver and Dean Skelos, the former Sen - Ortt, from North Tonawanda, says the best option for our community. As always, Ceretto’s comments follow Silver’s cor - ate majority leader, wielded enormous power time to increase the share of the profits going my door is open and I look forward to work - ruption conviction after a federal court trial in their positions and along with the gover - to Niagara Falls is at hand, given the state’s ing with my colleague to ensure our region during which, according to reports in the nor made up the three-men-in-a-room tri - anticipated $1 billion surplus next year. gets its fair share.” New York Times, his lawyers argued he was umvirate that controlled state government Under the current casino compact revenue In a statement on Silver’s conviction, operating within the political culture of New years. The defense of just doing what al - sharing formula, which expires at the end of Ceretto said “this year the Assembly created York, “and that is the system New York has ways has been done didn’t work for Silver, next year, the state takes 75 percent of the the Office of Ethics and Compliance to chosen,” one defense lawyer said. Ceretto and Skelos and his son also face very dam - casino profits, leaving 25 percent for the city. strengthen legislative ethics and increase and others say it is time to change that cul - aging evidence from phone taps where they Ceretto stopped short of endorsing transparency and accountability within the ture. were allegedly recording planning their Ortt’s plan, but says he has supported legis - chamber. However our work is not done. Meanwhile, a second federal corruption money grabs in exchange for political influ - lation in the past to increase the minimum I’ll continue to fight to strip taxpayer-funded trial involving another Albany political king - ence. percentage of casino revenue dedicated to pensions from public officials convicted of pin, State Sen. Dean Skelos, is continuing in Niagara Falls, and he issued the following corruption and to close the LLC loophole to Manhattan as Silver and his son, Adam, face statement to the Niagara Falls Reporter: “On the surface, the senator’s plan is in line with my continued commitment to se - cure more funding for our area, and it echoes my view that our local government deserves a larger share of revenue.” Ceretto added that increased revenue would help the city’s ongoing revitalization and in his statement said “I have reached out 7 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Dyster, Ceretto, Cuomo Say Little On Ortt’s Casino Revenue Proposal friend of Ceretto’s, who made a disparaging but stopped short of endorsing the planned Mike Hudson remark about Ortt. bill, saying he needs more information. “Is it true that Ceretto has not com - Whose side are they on? mented on this?” Hamilton asked Nichols. “I have reached out to the senator’s of - Are Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster Ceretto did in fact comment. He just fice for more information, and I look forward and state Assemblyman John Ceretto looking didn’t say anything. With the courage of con - to reviewing the details and specifics of this out for the interests of the people who voted viction of a man who was a Democrat who proposal to see if it is the best option for our them into office, or are they instead ready to turned Republican and then changed back community.” throw city taxpayers under the bus to protect into a Democrat, he said he wanted to know Dyster refused to return calls seeking the interest of Gov. Andrew Cuomo? more about Ortt’s proposal. comment from both the News and the Recently, our friend Ken Hamilton "Of course I'd be interested in helping Gazette, but in a stroke of genius, the Niag - linked to an article we ran last week concern - the city, but I'd suggest Rob Ortt get a hold ara Falls Reporter called him Tuesday using ing freshman state Sen. Robb Ortt’s proposal of us and talk to us," Ceretto told the Buffalo an out of state number he was unfamiliar to reverse the shares received by the city and News. with. the state in revenue from the Seneca Niagara “I didn’t know about this plan,” he told He picked up his phone and this reporter Casino on his Facebook page, Niagara Com - the Gazette, despite the fact that the News identified himself, then asked the all-impor - munity Forum. had run a major article on it the day before. tant question. Ortt held a press conference on Novem - “Anytime you’re fighting for monies for our “Have you been in contact with Sen. ber 23, saying he would introduce legislation area, it’s a good thing — but it works better Ortt about his casino revenue plan?” I asked. changing the split from the current 75 per - when working as a team.” “I…I… I’ll have to get back to you on cent of slot machine revenue going to Al - So instead of saying something along that,” he stammered. bany with the city getting 25 percent, to one Robert Ortt the lines of, “Yeah, I’m in favor of the The phone went dead in my ear. where the city of Niagara Falls got the larger biggest city in my district getting three times It’s been nine days now since Ortt an - cut. Falls. Ortt’s simple piece of legislation the money it is now,” Ceretto backhanded nounced his plan, and the silence coming In a November 30 letter to Cuomo, Ortt could, in a matter of days, reverse the city’s Ortt for not calling him before making his from both the Ceretto and Dyster camps – said strict controls would have to be imple - decline and turn it into once of the fastest announcement. otherwise known as the Cuomo camp -- has mented for his funding formula to go into ef - growing municipalities in America. But Ortt had in fact called. He had been deafening. fect. Being daily newspapers, the Buffalo scheduled a meeting on the subject Ceretto That $600 million that Albany got for “This cannot simply be another good News covered Ortt’s announcement in an ar - had chosen not to attend. Niagara Falls having a casino bought a lot of program or a blank check to the city,” he ticle on November 24, and the Niagara Amazingly, after repeated attempts by something. We’re not certain what exactly it wrote. “The original intent of the local fund - Gazette got around to it the next day. The Ni - the Niagara Falls Reporter to contact him for bought, or for whom, but the long silence of ing formula was to create local jobs, but that agara Falls Reporter published an analysis this edition were unsuccessful, Ceretto is - Ceretto and Dyster speaks volumes. clearly didn’t happen, much to my frustra - piece on November 27. sued a statement Wednesday on the matter, tion.” In it, we stated that it was somewhat The reason for the failure is simple, Ortt strange that neither Niagara Falls Mayor told the governor. Paul Dyster nor state Assemblyman John “The city diverted tens of millions from Ceretto had backed the specifics of Ortt's economic development to cover operating planned legislation which would see the city expenses and other projects not related to they allegedly serve rake in three times as creating jobs,” he wrote. The population de - much revenue from the casino than it does clined while taxes and poverty increased.” now. Anyway, Hamilton’s Facebook link to Scott Kiedrowski, Ortt’s chief of staff, the story which was commented on almost told the Niagara Falls Reporter that the sen - immediately by Rob Nichols, a political op - ator, along with Dyster, Ceretto and repre - erative from Lewiston and close personal sentatives from Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital, the school district and other stake - holders in the casino revenue, had been meeting regularly to discuss issues of mutual interest. Ortt wanted to fill everyone in on the details of his plan prior to making a public announcement, Kiedrowski said, but Dyster and Ceretto didn’t show up. Since the casino opened, the state has raked in some $600 million, while the finan - cially strapped city has collected just $183 million, Ortt said. “The fiscally-strained city deserves a bigger piece of the pie to strengthen key stakeholders and regain solid financial foot - ing. Flipping the formula makes sense and should be feasible,” Ortt said. “Considering the state’s surplus, along with the dire need of jobs and support in Niagara Falls, the time is now.” The money could allow the city to re - duce the property tax rate to zero, and still allow for unprecedented infrastructure im - provements, the wholesale demolition and rehabilitation of vacant, abandoned houses, businesses and industrial sites and make the city an attractive place. Such a move would make national head - lines, and bring new business and homebuy - ers from all over the country to Niagara 8 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 It's Time to Probe the 72nd Street Scandal and Thaw the Icy Relationship Between City and Water Board be shared at those public sessions. The ex - publicly documented financial crisis includ - law departments. Building maintenance, out - Anna Howard panding project budget should be detailed ing a $7.5 million deficit, a $63 million debt door maintenance and snow removal are ad - The legendary city hall cone of silence and the status of the relationship between and a shrinking casino revenue stream. 2) ditional points for shared services. has descended on the 72nd Street water line city and water board should be reported on The water board cannot sustain the track If there 's any good to come from the project. The work is enveloped in the om - for the residents. they are on as they struggle to maintain an scandal of the 72nd Street frozen water lines nipresent murkiness of the Dyster adminis - Second - go back to the future - 2010 aging infrastructure, continually increase ad - let it be a new era of responsible administra - tration and the residents remain in the dark when 72nd Street was rebuilt by the city. It ministrative costs, and bicker with the city tion and shared services that could realize as to exactly how the repair work became was in 2010 that the road took a bad turn as as to who should pay for what. High taxes millions of dollars in savings. Savings that necessary in the first place. And that's be - the city and water board mishandled the road and high water rates are a painful reality for should translate into lower taxes and reduced cause transparency is to the Paul Dyster ad - construction and water line replacement residents as the city and water board con - water bills for residents. ministration as a cross is to a vampire. from Stephenson Ave. to Niagara Falls tinue their contentious relationship. Signifi - In recent weeks the mayor has struggled Boulevard. As a result water service to many cant savings can be realized if the two mightily to tell anyone who will listen that of the homes on that section of 72nd was bureaucratic entities share finance, payroll, he has no money for the project. A project frozen for the past two winters. Because the purchasing, engineering, computer, HR, and initially estimated to cost "several hundred investigation was never conducted, and be - thousand dollars" but rose to $640,000 and cause no culpability was determined, the "he then settled at $960,000 when finally bid. said, she said" nonsense continues to this day The city hall canard of "we have no money between city and water board. Dyster Administration Sleeps to pay for the work" flies in the face of the Third - the State should conduct the in - vestigation with Senator Ortt and Assembly - Through Nightmare on 72nd Street fact that state law forbids a bid being let until By Anna Howard the way on the city hall saga of the frozen man Ceretto taking, without prejudice, expenses for the project are fully funded. So, Two weeks ago a local talk show host water line. This week we move forward with respective leadership roles. The goal of the how was the bid let if there's no city funds said, "I hope that one day the Buffalo News a story installment that lays out a four point probe should be to a) determine responsibil - available? or the Gazette or the Reporter will write a plan solving the 72nd Street disaster while ity and liability of the city and water board We have some suggestions on how to story about 72nd Street and what's gone on addressing the "he said she said" foolishness in the cause and remediation of the 72nd address the troubling questions and growing there." Well, the Reporter has owned the occurring between the Dyster administration Street water line, and b) establish a clear cut confusion flowing from the frozen water line story of the 72nd Street frozen water line for and the water board. understanding from the point of the probe scandal and the dysfunctional relationship the past two years. We were there, literally Our readers turn to the Reporter for un - forward regarding how the city and water between city and water board. on the street, from day one. As film star Wal - varnished truth, inconvenient news, and edi - board must cooperate regarding water line, First - the city should hold regular ter Brennan, portraying television cowboy torials that never mince words. It's in this sewer line, and road maintenance. weekly public briefings as to how the 72nd fast draw expert, Will Sonnett, used to say, spirit that we offer our latest dispatch on what Fourth - a shared services agreement be - Street work is proceeding. Budget, work "No brag, just fact." we've dubbed, "A Nightmare on 72nd tween the city and water board should be ini - progress, work schedule, and the details of Far from taking a backseat on the 72nd Street." tiated. Why? Two reasons: 1) the city has a the "re-engineering" of the water line would Street scandal the Reporter has, instead, led 9 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Casino Revenues Plummet Here as

Gaming Market Becomes Saturatelookd on Weaker-than-Expected Gaming Mike Hudson Revenue." In addition to the head to head competi - With three and possibly four private, tion for what must be considered as static big money casinos set to be licensed in New number of gamblers, there is the perception York State by the end of the year, and a by some that Indian casinos just don’t meas - plethora of new glitzy casinos set to open or ure up in terms of service and amenities to already open in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mary - privately run casinos operated by gaming land, Massachussets and Rhode Island, the companies with years of experience in the modest offerings on the gaming floor of the field. Seneca Niagara Casino here may be starting All of this adds up to bad news for the to seem a little shopworn. Seneca Niagara Casino and bad news for the Chicago-based Rush Street Gaming city of Niagara Falls, which uses a huge plans to build the $300 million Rivers chunk of casino money every year just to Casino & Resort at Mohawk Harbor in Sch - keep the lights turned on and the water run - enectady. The casino, hotel, and banquet fa - ning at City Hall. cility would be next to a $150 million mixed use development being built along the river by the property owner, Galesi Group of Rot - terdam. Two other upstate casinos could also be licensed. The Montreign Resort Casino is slated for Thompson, in Sullivan County, and the Lago Resort and Casino in Tyre, were due in large part to ever-increasing around 100 miles from Niagara Falls. Seneca County. competition in the region. And in Northeastern Ohio, Cleveland Separately, the developers of a fourth Moody's did not predict how many will now has three casinos close by. The Horse - potential casino, Tioga Downs Racetrack in go belly-up, but said the Trump Taj Mahal, shoe Casino Cleveland opened in 2012, the the Nichols, Tioga County, are seeking a rec - Caesars and Bally's "are already on the Thistledown Racino, and the Hard Rock ommendation from the state's Gaming Facil - brink." Each is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Casino, both of which opened in 2013, make ity Location Board for a license. Thus far, the city of Niagara Falls has the 200 mile drive to Niagara Falls a worri - State Gaming Commission spokesman received nearly $200 million as the local some bother. Lee Park said this week regulators are work - share of slot machine revenues generated by The long bus rides along the bleak, ing "as expeditiously as possible" to issue li - the Seneca Niagara Casino since its opening snow covered Lake Erie shoreline are largely censes but offered no timetable for in 2003. a thing of the past as the Cleveland locals completing the complicated process, saying But the revenue has been declining enjoy fun and games in their own back yard. only that it's possible they could be issued steeply in recent years, and increased com - Elsewhere, three casinos are set to open before the end of the year. petitions has been a big part of it. The city’s in tiny Massachusetts, Mohegan Sun is talk - The four private casinos would vie with share of the casino revenue has fallen ing about opening a second and of course five Indian casinos in the state. steadily, from $21.6 million in 2012 to $20.2 there’s the competition directly across the At least eight new casinos are expected million in 2013 and $19 million last year. mighty Niagara River, in Niagara Falls, Ont., to open by the end of 2018 in Maryland, Projections show that, this year, just $18 mil - where the Fallsview Casino Resort and Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania. lion will be realized and things look even Casino Niagara remain popular attractions Besides Atlantic City casinos, the new busi - worse for 2016. on the glitzier side of the Rainbow Bridge. nesses will hurt existing gambling halls in When the Seneca Niagara Casino first "The fact regional gaming revenues ex - Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania and opened its doors in 2003, buses arrived on cluding Nevada remained flat, despite fur - Rhode Island, according to a top investor ad - an hourly basis from nearby cities such as ther improvement in the economy and visory firm. Cleveland, OH, and Erie, PA additional regional casinos throughout the Moody's Investors Service said in a re - But since then, Niagara, Presque Island U.S., is a strong indication that U.S. con - port Monday it expects the eight new casi - Downs and Casino has opened in Erie, PA., sumers will continue to limit their spending nos, altogether worth $5 billion, that will be providing a gambling venue for thousand to items more essential than gaming, even as opening in the region over the next three who, in the early days, were bused every the U.S. economy continues to improve," years will further stress business in Atlantic morning and afternoon from that Lake Erie wrote Moody's Senior Vice President Keith City, where four of the 12 gambling halls city. With a full race track, 2,000 slot ma - Foley in the report "Outlook Update US went out of business in 2014. The closings chines and green table games, it is located Gaming Industry: Moving to Negative Out - 10 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Conman Extraordinaire Shmuel Shmueli Comes to One Niagara his daughter – each time raising mortgage Frank Parlato money against the home. Finally his daugh - ter sold the house for almost $500,000 to a This week we return to the extraordi - couple who planned to live there. After they nary conman Shmuel Shmueli, who de - paid for it, Shmueli told the couple they frauded dozens of local lawyers along the could not move in because he had a lease way to making me his chief victim. from his daughter guaranteeing him the right Born April 9, 1951, in Israel, Shmueli to stay in the house. came to the US decades ago. The couple sued in Federal Court; He uses several aliases and has made the Shmueli lost, was evicted, and federal mar - religious claim to be “Shmuel Shmueli Rep - shals removed him. The court awarded the resentative of the Lubavitcher Rebbe For couple a $56,669 judgment for legal fees and matters on Our Land of Israel.” losses occasioned by Shmueli’s fraudulent The title – which he bestowed on him - lease. But Shmueli, never paid a dime since self – is a claim to leadership of the Hassidic he discharged that judgment in bankruptcy, Chabad sect of Judaism, a claim which is un - as well. corroborated by any member of the Hassidic After losing his home and his newspa - community. per and his wife, Shmueli wound up in Ni - Shmueli, assuming an air of piety, in - agara Falls where I had the misfortune to forms those he does business with that he ad - meet him. heres to a Kosher diet and never works on the Sabbath or Jewish holidays. Gov. attends the groundbreaking at the ill-fated The “billionaire” David Ho Sets the In our preceding article, we traced how AquaFalls project. Table Shmueli formed a weekly Hebrew newspa - the mayor, heralded the development. The hole in the ground, dug in front of the former per in Brooklyn, Israel Shelanu (Our Israel) While Shmueli was in Brooklyn con - Niagara County IDA granted AquaFalls' tax- Occidental Chemical Center in 1999, has which closed after Haaretz Daily Newspa - ning people, a Hong Kong businessman exempt status. never been filled with anything, much less pers and Maariv Modiin Publishing Co. sued named David Ho commenced a development After securing approval from the Army the …. aquarium a group of international in - him for plagiarizing their work. They won a in Niagara Falls called AquaFalls. Corp. of Engineers, Ho hired Ciminelli Con - vestors promised.” $24 million judgment against Shmueli. Ho’s bio lists him as the founder of Cal - struction to blast the 40 foot deep, one acre And, “There's a huge hole in the City of Shmueli, discharging the $24 million tex South China Investments Limited, a "pe - hole into bedrock in front of the old Occi - Niagara Falls, and it needs to be filled with judgement in bankruptcy, never paid a troleum firm" with ties to Chevron-Texaco. dental Chemical building, a mere 900 feet more than excuses…... It's the first thing penny. In addition Ho sat on the boards of a number from the brink of the American Falls. drivers see when they cross the bridge from He also discharged the debts to his of companies that raised investor capital and Yet somehow “billionaire” Ho could not the Canadian side. They also see an aged lawyers on the case, Moskowitz and Book, lost investors' capital. get financing to build his aquarium. sign on the hole-encompassing fence, trum - Andrew Paul Cooper and Jon Lefkowitz, as Ho described himself as a “billionaire” In fact he could not even pay for the peting an ‘AquaFalls’ attraction that has been well as his newspaper employees and ven - when he promised the $65 million AquaFalls hole and one of his partners, Niagara Falls five unproductive years in the making.” dors to the tune of some $400,000. underground aquarium would be built 200 businessman, Harry Williams, arranged for By the time I got there, the City of Ni - As a strong reflection of his religious feet from the entrance of the Niagara Falls Ho to obtain a $2 million loan from local de - agara Falls had taken AquaFalls to court on sincerity, hhe included the Wisconsin Insti - State Park. veloper Larry Reger. claims the hole was endangering the safety tute of Torah Studies in his bankruptcy The project, announced to great fanfare of pedestrians and traffic; in Nov. 2004, City avoiding a payment of more than $3000 the in July of 1999, was described as an oceano - A Hole is a Hole is a Hole Court Judge Angelo J. Morinello fined school claimed was due. graphic experience where spectators could AquaFalls $192,500 for prolonged delays in Last week we also detailed how view the sea through a series of glass tun - When I was introduced to Ho by his remedial work to its property. Shmueli bought a home in Brooklyn then nels. lawyer, Gregory Davis the hole was already As the News reported, “After five years, sold it to his wife, who sold it back to him, Gov. George Pataki arrived for the five years old. The Buffalo News described the 40-foot hole on Rainbow Boulevard is who sold it back to his wife, who sold it to ground breaking and many locals, including it in news stories, as, “The locally infamous still not an aquarium, and the protruding metal fences and broken sidewalks around the property still trip pedestrians and force them to walk in the road” in order to get to the Niagara Falls State Park.

Reger starts foreclosing

As the hole was creating civic concern, privately, Reger, who lent the money to pay for the hole, was foreclosing. As holder of a second mortgage, his mortgage was legally junior to a $6.8 million first mortgage on the property, placed there somewhat suspiciously by Ho himself – and in Ho’s name. Are great things ever done This meant that, if Reger foreclosed, smoothly? Time, patience, and tried to sell the property, Ho would get and indomitable will must the first $6.8 million of the sale price before Reger could collect his $2 million. And show... frankly nobody thought the property was worth anywhere near $6.8 million. Brave, bold people, these Should Reger decide to keep the prop - are what we want. What we erty, Reger could not even collect rents – want is vigor in the blood, since the rents were assigned to the first mortgage which was held by Ho. strength in the nerves, iron While Reger’s mortgage was in effect muscles and nerves of steel. worthless, he could still foreclose, and, own - ing the property, he could still prevent any - Swami Vivekananda one from renting it so that Ho stood to lose his first mortgage, as the property, with its 11 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Shmueli cons everyone; threatens to destroy project

From a giant hole - the rem - nant of AquaFalls I developed a parking lot and inside the building a successful tourist welcome center where every - one made money.

to Niagara Falls. On May 10, 2005, WBEN radio announced "(A) gaping 40-foot hole in the heart of downtown Niagara Falls is fi - nally being filled…. The removal means a blight that greeted people as they entered the city from the Rainbow Bridge will be no more." By next spring, as it was filled, as WGRZ TV reported: "The giant pit is filled now, but what's next? Buffalo developer, Frank Parlato, says he's turning it and the ad - jacent building, into a giant tourist center to greet those coming into Niagara Falls, N.Y." The Gazette editorialized (5/18/07): "With the paving of the dirt lot at One Niag - ara it truly was an end to all signs of the failed AquaFalls project that has lingered in the city like a ghost for more than seven years. Now, Frank Parlato said he will (use) the site as a paid parking lot in conjunction with a food and souvenir attraction he will operate… on the first floor of the nine-story giant hole, and mounting expenses, would be saving him from foreclosure. spect the Property and the business of the glass building…. (O)n this side of the bor - condemned and, ultimately, the tax man Company that (he) determine(s) to be appro - der… it's a pretty big development." would foreclose and everyone would lose Ho and I form a partnership priate and in the Company’s best interest, in everything. each case without any further confirmation Reger and I partner successfully In late 2004, Reger set a date for fore - Called One Niagara LLC, Ho and I or approval of (David Ho).” closure, but he did not want to foreclose. In signed an operating agreement for a com - From that day forward (December 9, In April 2006, I entered into a partner - fact he told Ho that he would forestall fore - pany that gave me irrevocable rights to man - 2004) Ho had no more obligation to invest ship with Reger to operate the parking lot closure if Ho would merely make a payment age the property – both the 9-story former in the project and no managerial rights. And and businesses on the first floor. of $23,000 to cover one month’s interest. Occidental Chemical office building and the Ho never invested a single dime in the proj - By 2007 it began to be successful. The “billionaire” Ho asked me for a one acre hole in front of it - with Ho having ect from the day we formed our partnership. I filed permits to open up the top floor loan of $23,000 to stop the foreclosure. no managerial rights whatsoever - but 50 In return for my doing all the work and at One Niagara as an observation deck to I came up with a plan. I approached percent of the proceeds of a sale and profits being responsible for all cash calls, the con - provide a panoramic view of the American Reger and negotiated with him to assign to after expenses. tract gave me the unilateral right to pay my - falls, which the Gazetteeditorial board called me his $2 million second mortgage and stop The agreement Ho signed – when he self a management fee which I could set a "good sign". the foreclosure. Then I cut a deal with Ho, was on the verge of foreclosure – read in without Ho’s consent. That same week, the Buffalo News re - moving Reger’s mortgage to first position part: “Frank Parlato shall be the sole Man - ported: "The first floor now bustles with (from second), and making Ho’s $6.8 million ager of the Company,” with “full and exclu - 2005-2006 I develop the property food stands and souvenir vendors. A 40-foot a second mortgage. sive right to control day to day operations excavation has been filled and is a paved Instead of foreclosing and getting noth - and business affairs of the Company, and … During the next two years I rescued the parking lot that fills nearly daily." ing, Reger would get paid first if I could de - . this provisions shall be broadly interpreted old Occidental building now renamed One Within two years, Reger got his entire velop the vacant building with its giant hole. in favor of (Parlato) and (Parlato) shall be Niagara. I immediately filled the hole and investment back ($780,000) with interest I next formed a partnership with Ho, entitled to take any and all actions with re - turned it into a paid parking lot for visitors (Continued on page 12) 12 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Falls project thrives as Shmueli cheats lawyers (Continued from page 11) and, starting the third year, (2009) he earned pure profit with no further investment. Between the time I started the business and his death in March 2015, Reger not only got all his original investment back with in - terest but earned millions from a partnership which started out of a bad investment he had with Ho. Reger’s estate now enjoys a six figure annual dividend from the project I started without having a dime invested into the busi - ness. No wonder Reger’s longtime lawyer, Gregory Photiadis, wrote a letter stating that Reger was complimentary of my work with him. Along the way I created more than 60 jobs in depressed Niagara Falls, with more than 20 of them paying more than $75,000 annually and all of this was done without ac - cepting a single dime in public subsidies.

Ho brings the kiss of death, Shmuel Shmueli, to One Niagara

By 2007, when Shmueli entered my life, the One Niagara project was far from out of the woods. The Niagara Falls’ tourist season

One of the most successful food courts in Western New York was developed by Frank Parlato. 13 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 25 local lawyers swindled by conman Shmueli He began at once. Although the operating agreement of One Niagara LLC permits only the manag - ing member – me - to call a member’s meet - ing, on August 16, 2007, Shmueli called a meeting when I was out of town and in that illegal meeting demoted me to superinten - dent of buildings and grounds, and appointed himself as the new manager. At the rogue meeting he passed a reso - lution that a locksmith be empowered to enter the building and change the locks. I informed Reger of the attempt at a hos - tile takeover and we agreed to take action to Shmuel "Sam" Shmueli, a no - David Ho claimed and was Larry Reger invested $2 million protect our assets and commence a lawsuit. table conman. claimed to be a billionaire. He with Ho. Ho defaulted on the On August 30, 2007, I brought an action wasn't. repayment. against Shmueli in State Supreme Court be - is only 100 days long and this 9-story, fore Justice Frank Caruso and won a tempo - 200,000 square foot building had year round By August, 2007, Shmueli was on the you is very smart Mr. Frank Parlato Jr.” rary restraining order preventing Shmueli expenses. scene daily. It soon became apparent that, Shmueli told me. “You can understand my from changing the locks to the facility. In July 2007, during a visit to the build - now that the project was veering from a va - meaning and vhut kind of a man Mr. Shmuel Shmueli retained the law firm of ing, Ho, seeing business bustling, and pos - cant hole and a condemned building, to a Shmueli is. Lorenzo and Cohen LLP, which was headed sessing a disdain for Reger, objected to my successful tourist operation, Ho wanted it all. “You have hoid of the Mossad? Vell I up by prominent local attorney Steven partnership with Reger and demanded the Shmueli told me that if I did not cancel have steel the ability to do damages to you Cohen. It was an odd retainer agreement for, deal with Reger be canceled and that he get the deal with Reger and make him, Shmueli, and your friends like Mr. Lawrence Vreger… instead of the usual hourly agreement most Reger’s share. the new manager he would use Ho’s wealth “Now I propose you do not fight and get clients have with their attorneys, this was a As manager of One Niagara with full to destroy the project and me personally. reed of Mr. Vreger. I voil assume his roil and flat fee agreement - for $150,000. authority to operate the business, I refused to As we sat at a table at Denny’s across ve vill be friends for I like you style very The payment was contingent on, in cancel the deal with Reger. Ho came the next the street from One Niagara, I remember much Mr. Parlato, Jr. Shmueli's own words: “To get F.P. (Frank day with Shmueli, whom he stated was his Shmueli telling me he was a member of the “If not ve fight in the court and out of Parlato) out of management position in One agent, granting Shmueli "the right to exercise Israeli secret intelligence, Mossad, and how the court so that you vill spend much more Niagara Building.” all and any legal procedures to enforce … he would force me to spend $500,000 in than you vill make in years with Mr. As mentioned in previous stories, David Ho's rights." legal expenses. Lawrence Vreger. Shmueli was to stiff each of some 25 attor - Ho left for Hong Kong never to return “I’m going to toil you a very tiny small “In your store you sell the postcard pic - neys he retained to fight me in his attempt at to the building. leetle secret you vill come to know because ture. There are two pictures. Ve vill make a hostile takeover. Lorenzo and Cohen were you spend half million in lawyer fees or this among the first to be cheated. instead you can keep in your pocket if ve In next week’s edition, we will see how move Mr, Lawrence Vreger out of the post - Shmueli sent them an initial retainer of card picture - vich you can do as manager. $40,000 then proceeded to cheat them and Othervise you vill pay and I cannot stop the Steve Cohen’s subsequent law firm, Hogan move until you are no longer manager and Willig, out of more than $112,000 and hired out of the picture postcard. This is David four more law firms, Zdarsky, Sawicki and Ho’s demand who hired me as his agent.” Agostinelli, Jaeckle Fleishmann and Mugal, Shmueli then proposed that he keep the Bloom and Shonn, and Anderson, and An - cash proceeds from the building earned on derson, pitting one against the other. weekdays, and I take the cash from week - All the while Shmueli collected fees ends - with or without telling David Ho. from foreign investors who gave him money When I said no to his plans, Shmueli for the promise of a piece of his litigation. started a campaign to disrupt operations and, With Shmueli pulling the strings and over the next eight years, Shmueli was true calling the shots – he was soon able to dupe to his word - at least as to cost: Reger and I Ho out of his entire interest in One Niagara. spent more than $1.4 million to defend Stay tuned as we report further on one Shmueli’s 10 lawsuits against us. of the great rascals of our area, the amazing conman, Shmuel Shmueli. Shmueli tries to overthrow the man - ager, me 14

The Cult of NXIVM Series: pay income taxes – and even a possible ad - Frank Parlato mission of having people killed. As some readers know, the facts sur - I lived and worked with NXIVM for rounding my involvement in a real estate several months as their round-the-clock con - deal in Los Angeles involving Clare and Sara sultant, staying in their properties and com - Bronfman, and Raniere have been reported municating closely day and night with their on in Vanity Fair, the and the top officials. That included leaders Keith Buffalo News. Raniere, hypnotist and president of the or - A wealth of new information however ganization, Nancy Salzman, and the wealthy has never been published - the result of Seagram heiresses, Clare and Sara Bronfman years-long research into this dangerous cult who fund the operation. including information I personally wit - At first I thought they were a much per - nessed. secuted but kindly group of people who were As former member Kristen Keeffe being attacked for having a different belief wrote, as published in the Albany Times system. I later came to believe they were op - Union, “All the worst things you know about erating a criminal enterprise. NXIVM are true but there is so much more Since beginning my series last month, horrendous things going on even you will be victims of NXIVM who were past members hoNrIrXifiVedM.” member Clare Bronf - have contacted me. They are people who maTn he alleged criminality also includes: managed to get out and want to lend their Raniere makes the cover of • The Bronfmans giving (or perhaps testimony to this series. But others are still Keith Raniere Forbes Magazine being swindled out of) $100 million to/by there, perhaps afraid to leave, intimidated by Raniere through various shell corporations. the vast wealth of the Seagram heirs and the by email [email protected] or by politicians; massive tax evasion; smuggling Raniere never reported the income. The NXIVM history of destroying its enemies. I phone at 716-990-5740. All communications $10 million into the US in cash from Mex - Bronfmans never reported the gift, preferring am therefore creating a new website, will be kept confidential. ico; bringing illegal aliens across the border to fraudulently list it as a loan with (phan -, to help those Among alleged crimes I have evidence at Niagara Falls and then imprisoning them; tom) interest payments. who feel trapped escape the clutches of of or information that can be developed into allegations from victims of statutory rape; • The Bronfmans allegedly took more Keith Raniere and the Bronfman sisters. evidence of NXIVM – and its leader, cover up of at least two suicides; engaging than $1 million fraudulent write off for “lit - Starting next week I will detail my per - Raniere and its wealthy “justice purchasing” in a classic Klein Conspiracy to impede the igation support” which was in fact an illegal sonal sojourn with the organization. members, Seagram heiresses Sara and Clare function of the IRS, with more than 75 cor - surveillance on judges involved in their This week, I am offering hope to those Bronfman, are: Hacking into people’s per - porate entities and/or “shell” companies, many lawsuits. persecuted and who want to escape. These sonal emails, phone records, and bank ac - with scores of shifting bank accounts; paying • Raniere’s cult NXIVM made millions can contact me through the new website or counts; bribing Mexican judges and employees’ salaries and telling them not to in coaching fees but never paid taxes. 15 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015

Keith Raniere, Self-Proclaimed Smartest Man In the World and Spiritually Evolved Guru derided by detractors as a harmful ‘cult’.” Among NXIVM’s highest ranking bership, some of whom work for the Bronf - The Albany Times Union reported that members – the knowing enablers of the al - mans and/or NXIVM and earn money – and Raniere serially raped underage girls, and leged crimes - are the sisters, Bronfman. some of whom have not reported their earn - used Bronfman money to pursue and hunt Prominent past and present clients in - ings - are, Karen Abney, Vera Alvarez del down enemies. clude Linda Evans, Richard Branson, TV ac - Castillo, Anthony N. Ames a/k/a/ "Nippy", Today NXIVM continues to operate tress Kristin Kreuk, Sheila Johnson, Vera Autrey Da Costa, Lisa Barwise, Wayne from its Albany region headquarters, draw - co-founder of BET; Antonia Novello, former J. Bates, Kimberly A. Beekman, Matthew A. ing new believers from across North Amer - Surgeon General of the United States; Beekman, Barbara M. Bell, Jose A. Beltran, ica. About 12,000 people, it has been Stephen Cooper of Enron; and Ana Cristina Michael L. Bennett, Carole L. Bergeron, estimated, have taken the courses paying up Fox, daughter of former Mexican president Shaun D. Bergeron, Alexander (Alejandro) to $10,000 for a 16-day “brainwashing” sem - Vicente Fox. Betancourt Lesdesma, Edgar Boone, Omar inar. "It's like a practical MBA," Emiliano Boone, Christopher K. Bowcutt, Channel A. NXIVM evidently never reported in - Salas, son of a former Mexican president and Bowden, Luis Miguel Boy, Anna B. Boyce, come despite receiving substantial fees from a member, told Forbes magazine in 2003. Sally G. Brink, Crystal Brooks, Kim Busby, students and large gifts from the Bronfmans. Victor Diego Cadena Boone, Pamela A. Nancy Salzman President of During seminars, students must remove A Membership Urged Not to Pay Cafritz, Roberto Cardenas, Jack Casey, Clau - NXIVM thier shoes, bow and refer to Raniere and Taxes dia Castaneda, Cedric F. Celik, • Esther L. Salzman, as "Vanguard" and "Prefect" re - Chiappone/Carlson, Tracy Christopher, • Certain top Bronfman/Raniere aides spectively, and wear colored sashes denoting Our investigation has uncovered that, have not filed tax returns for years. A lot of their rank in the organization. among the highly secretive NXIVM mem - (Continued on page 16) people are on the hook and sources say they will “roll” on Raniere if law enforcement be - comes interested in what is possibly one of the largest tax evasion schemes in the nation. • Bronfmans set up false charities and under-reported income while helping laun - der millions from Mexico into the USA for Raniere. • More than a dozen carriers brought cash to Raniere and these are the ones “who will roll” on Raniere and Bronfman, sources Expires: 12/30/15 say. • Raniere allegedly hid more than $2 million in cash stored in a basement safe in a suburb near Albany – in a home owned by Nancy Salzman - for his escape to Mexico if authorities come after him. • Raniere has not reported one dollar in taxes. • The Bronfmans and NXIVM bundled money to politicians in return for promises of indictments against their enemies. Expires: 12/30/15 • Bronfmans may have evaded more than $35 million in unpaid taxes through de - ceitful “loans” to Raniere. • NXIVM had offices on Buffalo Ave. in Niagara Falls where plans were made to launch illegal attacks on enemies.

The NY Post on March 27, 2010 re - ported that Raniere “Blew through $100 mil - lion of (Bronfmans’) fortune.... Raniere ran out of money to fund a long-running com - Expires: 12/30/15 modities scheme and a real-estate develop - ment deal involving (the late Edgar Bronfman Sr.’s) two daughters, Clare and Sara”. Many believe Raniere swindled the two gullible sisters out of the money. In another story, “Guru: Blow off taxes” (January 31, 2011) the NY Post writes, “The leader of an Albany ‘cult’ financed by the Bronfman booze fortune urged followers to Expires: 12/30/15 dodge taxes…. and dispatched top advisors to break into the homes and ‘sweep’ the bank accounts of his detractors, according to a new court filing.” On October 22, 2010, the NY Post wrote, “An accused con man who runs an upstate ‘cult’ bankrolled by the Bronfman booze fortune has ‘had people killed,’ he boasts in an explosive new video. “Keith Raniere, who runs Albany-based NXIVM, makes the chilling claim on tape to female Expires: 12/30/15 followers who confronted him with their concerns about the group, which has been 16 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Clear pattern of intimidation; possible tax fraud evident (Continued from page 15) not have Raniere’s name or social security • J. Cricket LLC ber 10, 2001) number on any of them. To date we have • JM Tax Consulting • The World Ethical Foundations Con - Sean R. Claesgens, Lorri E. Clark, Christine identified 75 different entities under • Jness sortium Collins, Pam Cooley, Sean H. Craney, Raniere’s putative control which do not have • Karmar • Truth LLC (Delaware: August 23, Stephen P. Dautell, James J. DelNegro, Katie his name attached. • Krunch Corporation 2007) L. Deming, Lisa A. Derks, Marvin W. Many, perhaps all, according to our • Las Casitas Rental • Ultima ® (New York State: May 6, Derks, Jeff T. DeWeese, Jennifer A. De - sources, have never paid income taxes. • Moving Pix LLC 2008) Weese, Franca DiCrescenzo, J. Mark Drexel, The list of companies include: • My Home, Inc. • Veinte Seiz LLC f7k/a Blue Skies LLC Dazzle Ekblad, Peter S. Fallon, Hector Fer - • 26 Realty Property Management, LLC • Nataraja Center for Movement Arts • Veinte Siete LLC f/k/a Charly's Wings nandez, Adrianna Fernandez, Brendan J. • A Cappella Innovations, Inc. • NXIVM Corporation (Puerto Rico: LLC Flanigan, Rebecca ("Becky") C. Freeman, • Aletheia LLC October 25, 2005) • Village Hall LLC Loretta Garza Davila, Katharine W. Gibson, • Alpha Development Group • NXIVM LLC, (NYS) • Whare LLC Mark Hildreth, Allison N. Hlas, Siobhan J. • Axiology, Inc. (Nevada: March 18, • NXIVM Properties LLC, (NYS), • World Audience Productions LLC Hotaling, Wende Irick, Barbara Jeske, Ed - 2008) • NX Trust Stay tuned. ward Kinnum, Kristin Laura Kreuk, Rick • Buyers Advocate, Inc. (Delaware: • Occam's Razor LLC Ley, Silvia Lloyd, Lorraine Loshin, Milton June 28, 1999) • Our Evolution LLC Loshin, Allison Mack, Patrick Maloney, Vir - • Center for Ethical Justice LLC • Peak Physique, Inc. ginia (Ginger) Mcintosh, Eugene M. (Delaware: October 7, 2007) • PERSENSEO, Inc. (Delaware) McLaughlin, Matthew J. McMorris, Dawn • Consumers Advocate, Inc. • POIESIS, Inc. Morrison, Megan Mumford, Ivy Nevares, • Consumers Buyline, Inc. • Precision Development, LLC Adrianna Nienow, Steven T. Ose, Sarah Pe - • Crosspoint Communication, Inc. (Nevada) ters, Farouk Rojas, Wendy Rosen-Brooks, • Ethilogia • Rainbow Cultural Garden, Inc. Kathy Russell a/k/a "Sage", Emiliano Sali - • Elite Housing Corporation (Delaware: September 7, 2007) nas Occelli, Lauren R. Salzman, Michael A. • Elite Marketing Professionals, Inc. • Rainbow Cultural Garden LLC Salzman, Michelle D. Salzman, Angelo F. (Delaware; August 26, 1 999) • Remick Consulting (Delaware) Scaturro, Angel P. Smith, Michael Sutton, • Essence Interactive • Rochester Media Management LLC Alissa S. Taft, Michele J. Tarzia, Karen A. • Ethletics LLC • Signature Event Marketing Group Unterreiner a/k/a "Gozer", Juliana Vicente, • Ethical Principles Inc., • Slate River Farm, Inc. Mark A. Vicente, Antonio (Tony) Zarattini. • Ethical Publishing LLC (Delaware: • Slate River Mobile LLC (Delaware) The above named are invited to break August 26, 1999) • Slate Sista Farm LLC from the secretive organization and reveal • Ethical Value Exchange, Inc. • Spirit@19, Inc. (Delaware) the activities of the Raniere/Bronfman enter - • Events for Humanity, Inc. (Delaware: • Sunshine Properties LLC prise to this writer or the authorities. November 2, 2007) • The Art of Movement, Inc. (Delaware: • Executive Housing & Properties, Inc. April 12, 2004) A Host of Shell Corporations (Delaware: January 28, 2004) • The Athletics Foundation • Executive Housing & Properties, Inc. • The Dalai Lama Trust NXIVM Corp (New York State corp.) (New York State: January 9, 2004) • The Ethical Foundation, Inc. (Ficti - has many related and affiliated corporate en - • Executive Success Programs, Inc. tious) tities or “shell” companies and appears to be (Delaware: July 20, 1998) • The Ethical Foundation, Inc. (Massa - engaged in a classic Klein Conspiracy to de - • Executive Success Programs, Inc. chusetts: January 22, 1979) fraud the government. (New York State: May 6, 2002) • The Ethical Humanitarian Foundation The shell companies – all of them under • First Principles Inc. (Delaware) • The Ethical Science Foundation “Remember that when you leave the control of Raniere are ostensibly owned • Grow Sport, Ltd. (Great Britain) (Delaware) this earth, you can take with you by various Raniere followers. • House of Equus LLC • The First Foundation, Inc. nothing that you have received-- Raniere’s name appears on none of • In Lak Ech • The Raniere Group, Inc. (Delaware: only what you have given.” them. • International Center for Change, Inc. April 12, 1994) ― Francis of Assisi The associated bank accounts also do (New York State: October 14, 1992) • The Think Fund, Inc. (Nevada: Octo - 17 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Where is The Economic Development Dyster Says He Spent $200 Million On? new residential properties, along with the over to Whirlpool Street, where the Aquar - Mike Hudson amenities to serve the prosperous new home - ium of Niagara beckons. Earlier this year, owners seemed like the very definition of Dyster and the city Council found a way to The standard definition of economic economic development, so much so that the throw $150,000 in casino cash at the aquar - development is that of efforts seeking to im - private company, Niagara Falls Redevelop - ium in order to improve penguin habitat. prove the economic well-being and quality ment, began buying up much of the land east The $150,000 represented a down pay - of life for a community by creating and re - of the casino. ment on a project that will ultimately cost taining jobs and supporting or growing in - So what happened? Absolutely nothing. $15 million! comes and the tax base. The formerly run down neighborhoods have State Sen. Rob Ortt, who represents Ni - Over the past eight years, nearly $200 now become genuinely blighted and are a agara Falls in Albany, has proposed revers - million – the city’s share of slot machine rev - breeding ground for the sort of crime that has ing the current split between the city and the enue generated by the Seneca Niagara propelled Niagara Falls to the position of state, so that the city gets 75 percent and the Casino – has been spent by Niagara Falls This property is across the Most Dangerous Place in New York State state 25 percent instead of the other way Mayor Paul Dyster on what he refers to as street from the Seneca Casino and the 53rd Most Dangerous City in the around, which is how it is now. economic development projects showing the economic results United States. Had Ortt’s formula been in place since When asked, as he has been repeatedly, Property crime is rampant and murder, the beginning, the city would have already why he can’t use the money to put more cops of casino spin off in Niagara rape, assault and armed robbery are all too received around $600 million, rather than the on the streets or provide tax relief to belea - Falls. common. The area adjacent to the glitzy nearly $200 million it has collected. guered property owners here, Dyster says When the casino first opened at the end casino is a veritable war zone, and the inno - But the $600 million would still go to that those things don’t fall under the eco - of 2003, there was a lot of talk about what cent victims often include out of towners City Hall, where, in their wisdom, Niagara nomic development umbrella, and the agree - would happen to the run down neighbor - who made the mistake of simply crossing Falls voters have seen fit to return Dyster for ment the city has with the state won’t allow hoods north on Niagara Street and east of Niagara Street to the convenience store to another four years. it. John B. Daly Boulevard. The thousands of pick up some snacks to take back to their Seeing as how he has spent $200 mil - You’d think that eight years and $200 casino employees would need nearby hous - hotel rooms. lion no real economic development to show million might add up to something you could ing said the Seneca leaders and white politi - So no effort to improve the quality of for it, would giving him triple that amount point at and say, “Now that’s economic de - cians – including then-councilman Dyster. life in the neighborhood immediately adja - be advisable? velopment!” Replacing blighted neighborhoods with cent to the casino. For that you have to walk Not in Dyster’s Niagara Falls though.

Public Reaction to Ortt Plan; Don’t Give Dyster More $$$! “victory” in the recent mayoral election sponse to state Sen. Rob Ortt’s plan to controls on how the money is spent. Like Mike Hudson thanks to spoiler Glenn Choolokian’s write triple the amount the city receives in slot many here, he can’t believe that Dyster in campaign, his popularity is arguably at machine revenue from the Seneca Niagara managed to squander nearly $200 million Though Niagara Falls Mayor Paul the lowest ebb of his political career. Casino was opposed by an overwhelming and have nothing to show for it. Dyster managed to eke out a 47 percent So much so that the overwhelming re - majority of commentators on the Face - “I believe if this does happen, we book pages dedicated to Niagara Falls on would need more controls in place to detail the logic that it would just give Dyster on how and what it could be spent on,” three times as much money to squander! Ventry wrote. “We had the perfect oppor - “There is no question that this pro - tunity to rebuild our city, and that oppor - posal will only help those with their hands tunity looks like it's going down the in taxpayer’s pockets,” said Bob Ballen - drain.” tine. “Dyster’s history with the casino David Cuomo said that the fault was credit card is pretty evident.” that of the Senecas or the state. He ex - Dave Kopczynski agreed. pressed amazement at the thinking of Ni - “Dyster and the council will just waste agara Falls voters. it,” he wrote. “The citizens of Niagara Falls just re - Joanna Jo Romano congratulated Ortt elected this administration back into office for a brilliant plan, but cautioned him and are now going ask for a renegotiation against throwing the additional revenue because the funds are being misman - down the same black hole as the nearly aged?” Cuomo asked. “They should have $200 million the city has actually received. thought about that before they put the “Bravo Senator Ortt!” Romano wrote. same group of people back into office. “If and when we receive this money, there “The only ones to blame for the mis - has to be stipulations on the spending. You management of casino funds Is Paul Dys - can't allow Paul (Dyster) and the self- ter and his city cronies, who care more servers to squander it. They are selfish and about lining their own pockets than taking incompetent individuals who have no con - care of the people of Niagara Falls,” he sideration for the tax base. They should continued. “The reason the casino is the have never gotten away with that spend - largest employer in the city is because ing. That was one of the worst blows to Dyster has done nothing to bring a living our city next to Lackey's rule.” wage jobs to the people of Niagara Falls.” Alisa J. Pucci agreed. It’s kind of ironic really, Dyster gets “One thing that worries me is if Sen. reelected and the Niagara Falls Reporter is Ortt gets us the increase, where will it be more popular than ever. It’s probably not squandered?” Pucci asked. “We won't see too far off to say that these next four years it. Not if it lands in the hands of the mayor might be pretty interesting. and Council.” Robert Ventry also argued for stricter 18 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Who Escrows Proceeds From a Theft? … Get Real! In 1977, I even worked on a special spent? There may be a civil matter but not not even my opinion on any of his matters called the Fountain Conspiracy which was criminal! nor a recommendation on attorney. I am my the biggest fraud case in FBI history up to Here’s a few more things of some inter - own man and so is he. Any of you who think 1977. In that case the bad guys, as an aside, est; one of the scams in the Fountain Con - otherwise may ask any of the numerous scammed Elvis Presley’s jet from his father, spiracy involved taking control of a business, prosecutors, lawyers and judges I worked just to strip it, which they did to the tune of factory or office building that had valuable with for those three decades. That includes millions of dollars. capital equipment. Say something like the judges and friends Pete Broderick, and Matt The Fountain Conspiracy case makes “One Niagara Building” BEFORE Frank Murphy, as well as Federal Judges Arcara, any scam you can think of look like small Parlato bought it. You know …when some Skretny, and Scott and, coincidently, Dennis potatoes. Hundreds of millions were businessmen, not Parlato, were going to Vacco and Carol Heckman. I also worked scammed in the most elaborate advanced fee build an aquarium. with Bill Hochul and Tony Bruce and both scheme you can imagine and NO one “es - In the cases I worked, the scammers are good prosecutors and good people. That's crowed” their crime proceeds…no one. I took control of the property, stripped it of why I think there may be outside pressure! have to say that in the hundreds and hun - anything of value and then “walked away”. If Dennis Vacco and Carol Heckman dreds of cases I worked over the years, from From what I saw when I examined the One went to bat for Parlato, Bill Hochul should robbery to scams to kidnappings, I NEVER, Niagara Building after it was stripped and a reassess the facts and not make a big mis - EVER saw or heard of anyone putting their hole dug but BEFORE Parlato bought it, it take. J. Gary .The Right theft proceeds into a freaking escrow ac - reminded me of that big case and couldn’t Now don’t get me wrong, I know only DiLaura count. You see, thieves ALWAYS try to understand why the FBI was NOT investi - what I read, just like you! I have no “inside” Side HIDE or spend their illicit proceeds never gating that deal! I even asked former COP information, but I know the system and the escrow them, in case they get caught! Think and Mayor Galey about that, before Parlato players and I can say with CONFIDENCE In the present case about that for a minute… a guy robs a bank bought it. that the escrowed money and Mr. Vacco and against Frank Parlato, it had been reported and puts the money in an escrow account or Parlato took what WAS once, the best Ms. Heckman’s letters should be enough to that the one million dollars the developer al - scams a million and puts that into an escrow piece of property in downtown Niagara Falls wake up a very good attorney, prosecutor legedly defrauded the Bronfman sisters out account...REALLY, in what world do you that was almost destroyed by the previous and unquestionably honest, Bill Hochul, of was held by Parlato in escrow pending a live in? owners, and filled the hole and got it back on even if being pressured! resolution of a civil dispute. Someone who escrows alleged theft the tax rolls as a viable business again! The He will have a better chance convicting As my readers know, I was an FBI proceeds is not hiding anything and that goes inside is still in need of repair but Parlato, a real criminal, like Tim Geithner, the former Agent for three decades and I worked all a long way to destroying any criminal intent. and Paul Grenga both deserve a pat on the IRS Thief, (oops) I mean, IRS Chief. types of violations of Title 18 US Code. That And as to motive… most people steal be - back for what they accomplished, instead of That’s the way I see it! includes White Collar Crimes like mail cause they need money?!Now that’s a very a knife in the back! fraud, wire fraud, Hobbs Act, advance fee important point! You see without criminal Understand, I write articles for Parlato’s schemes. You name it and I investigated it intent there is NO CRIME! If the motive was paper and that’s it! He has NEVER discussed except for security type cases. to gain needed money, why didn’t it get his case with me nor asked me for anything, 19 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 Only in NT: Questions for our City Clerk-Treasurer Course as golfing changes nationally, due to Why not invest in such signs on the NT side? changing tastes and economics, and the Did Witter's tavern and Paul Brown's aging population of golfers? What do Fish Place on Oliver Street get a deal on the grounds maintenance, fertilizing, and mow - blue paint? How about painting their planters ing the grass cost us annually? A recent Buf - to match? Now if we could only get rid of falo News article (November 26) indicated those childish faded fish window coverings there are about 4 million fewer golfers in the and the simulated finger paint "painting" country than there were a decade ago. The across the street from Witter's on Oliver at trend for closings of golf courses is ongoing, Schenck. along with many going bankrupt or being What do those currently in office know foreclosed upon. about marketing a business park? What do Sweeney Payne What is the expense and income history they know about Oliver Street? Except for Memo to City Clerk-Treasurer Daniel of the restaurant at Deerwood, separate from using them as reasons to vote for them, what Quinn: the golf course itself? How is NT planning are their chances of accomplishing anything How about putting the City’s actual fi - for adaptations to deal with the national any of us want and need for Oliver Street? nancial results for 2015 on the website next trend? We need people who have lived and/or year? Putting the budgets up is fine—but How did we lose Jacob’s Ladder to worked on Oliver Street over the years, for residents deserve to see how the actual finan - Wheatfield? LCDC asleep at the switch serious amounts of time, to make decisions cial expenditures turned out also. again? No photo ops for the politicians? about Oliver Street. Explain what Lumber City Develop - We note the former Hungarian church We also need our NT officials to find ment Corp. is. It’s supposedly a separate, building on Oliver Street at First Avenue is ways to communicate with us instead of put - not-for-profit. Where is its financial report - for sale. No doubt, the candidate who ran ting announcements in newspapers in NT. ing to the citizens published? How does the for alderman in November’s complaint about Hiding announcements in papers no one intertwining of funds between the City and the prostitutes gathering on the steps of the reads is not transparency. LCDC get reported and monitored? Why church at the Chamber debate motivated the cannot a review of NTs budget tell us what current owner to put it up for sale. Will LCDC’s finances are as well? To whom are LCDC and the Historic Preservation Com - they accountable? mission do anything to preserve this piece of In 2016, we’d like to see some detailed NT’s history with a solid new use? Will the accounting of the costs of operating Gateway same owner put the long vacant Pee Wee’s Park and Gratwick Riverside Park and the Pizzeria building up for sale also? The Re - income from each. Do we actually have peo - publican Committee would have to find a ple collecting docking fees in Gateway Park new political poster display site if that were now? That was a problem every summer for sold. years, especially when the “harbormaster” Driving over the County line on the five worked out of town and “supervised” sum - bridges over the Canal which connect NT to mer employees by cell phone. How are the City of Tonawanda, the Town of docking fees collected at Gratwick Riverside Tonawanda and the Town of Amherst, the Park? What is that “hot dog stand” costing question comes up as to why the bridge us at Gratwick Riverside Park? where River Road joins Seymour Street has What are the costs of caring for our City no sign with the name it was given when parks and playgrounds? How do we do on constructed--Niagara Frontier Bridge; and renting parts of our public parks for private the bridge where Webster Street joins Main events? Do we require certificates of insur - Street has no sign with the name it was given ance for such usage? What are plans for the when constructed--Renaissance Bridge. greenhouse at the Botanical Gardens? Will it ever be a “botanical garden” again? Why isn’t that park offered for memorials to de - ceased children instead of tiny Brauer Me - morial Park? There is one fairly large private memorial to a youngster in the Botanical Gardens for the last seven or so years. What was the arrangement for that? What are the plans for Deerwood Golf 20 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER SEP 29 - OCT 07, 2015

Ryan Great at Selling Tires, Not Much as a Coach Tony Farina It seems pretty clear to me that Rex Ryan is a better salesman than coach, whether it comes to selling tickets or tires. Rex roared into town last January to the tune of a five-year, $27.5 million contract and promised desperate fans that he would take the Bills to the playoffs and end the 15- year post-season drought that stretches back to the last century. It now looks like he’ll probably not top the 9 – 7 mark posted by Doug Marrone last year who looks like a ge - nius in getting out of town as soon as the sea - son ended. At 5 and 6, the Rex Ryan-led Bills are Rex Ryan promotes Toyota. still mathematically alive for a playoff spot, but after getting outplayed and outcoached paid big dollars, like he is, but don’t produce by the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday, their when it counts because he can’t get them to chances of ending the drought seem longer play up to their potential. than Jacksonville winning the Super Bowl. Last Sunday, he was badly outcoached It is truly amazing that Ryan, coming off by Andy Reid as one might expect given that his disappointing run with the Jets where he Reid has a career record of 156-110-1, miles posted a 50 -52 mark, could be viewed as the better than Rex’s losing numbers. Even second coming of Vince Lombardi by local Rex’s bravado has been muted as he had a lot fans who gobbled up his big talk almost as of trouble explaining his lack of challenges fast as they gobbled up tickets. in the Chiefs game, perhaps because his de - Ryan was full of big talk about a playoff cisions were indefensible. run after signing his huge contract, and fans The Bills and the humbled Ryan will bought it hook, line, and sinker from a pitch - have their hands full again come Sunday man who can be seen selling tires almost as when they take on a Houston team that has much as he can be heard talking about the won four in a row, including shutting down Bills. But from early on, it was evident that the highly potent offense of the New Orleans Ryan’s team was undisciplined, inconsistent, Saints last week in a 24 – 6 victory. Houston and unable to win big games, a tradition boasts the league’s best defensive player in around here for the last 15 years and longer J. J. Watt who, like Ryan, pads his bankroll if you consider the four straight Super Bowl with TV spots. The difference of course is losses. that Watt can play and Ryan can’t coach. Rex might be a great guy to go out on But Rex probably isn’t going anywhere the town with, but as a football coach he’s a anytime soon after Pegula paid him the big fraud, pure and simple. He failed in New bucks to come here, so fans better get used York before they cut him, and he’s failing to it. He’ll win a few games to get your here even though he may have found a quar - hopes up, but then deliver a Kansas City or terback with a future in Tyrod Taylor. But Jacksonville game along the way to remind his game management and leadership are you he’s still the coach who couldn’t win in highly questionable and he doesn’t have the the Big Apple and who has a career record control of his team that the great ones have, below .500. Forget the playoffs this year. like Bill Belichick. His players like him, and But maybe next year, right Rex? maybe that’s the problem. They are being 21 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015 News of the Weird

November (following confiscation of a November 2015, London’s The Inde - Chuck Shephard massive quantity of methamphetamine Ironies pendent, in a dispatch from the Egypt - from China) that the ordinary death Deputy sheriff Michael Szeliga of ian resort Sharm el-Sheikh, reports that It’s Snot Hygienic penalty was insufficient for drug run - St. Petersburg, Florida, in Fort Laud - luxury hotels’ security officers are now The manager of the agency in ners, who should instead be forced to erdale for a weekend training session using similar bogus detectors to reas - Louisville, Kentucky, responsible for, overdose on their own shipments. Budi in July, was to receive a commendation sure tourists frightened by the recent among other things, development plan - Waseso also mused that crocodiles at the formal banquet, for exemplary terrorism-suspected Russian plane ning, zoning changes and historic land - would make better prison guards than DUI enforcement, presented by Moth - crash in Egypt. marks revealed in November that his humans because crocs can’t be bribed ers Against Drunk Driving. (This is headquarters has a “boogers” problem and later added tigers and pirhanas to News of the Weird; you’ve already and ordered users of the third-floor A News of the Weird Classic the proposed guard roster. Even so, guessed the outcome.) He, escorted by men’s room to stop hocking them onto (March 2011) Waseso’s boss reiterated that the gov - two fellow deputies, arrived for dinner Mental health practitioners, writing the walls adjacent to the urinals. Ac - ernment is committed to rehabilitation “staggeringly drunk” (though he did not in the January (2011) issue of the jour - cording to an internal memo cited by In - over punishment. drive), according to an internal affairs nal Substance Abuse, described two, Metro Planning investigation, and he was ordered to go patients who had recently arrived at a and Design Services manager Joe sleep it off. (Szeliga wrote an apology clinic in Ranchi, India, after allowing Reverman called the mucus buildup “a New World Order Watch Your Language: (1) Re - and was transferred out of DUI work. themselves to be bitten by cobras for very serious situation” and had his ex - cently added to the list of words and Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said Szeliga was a recreational highs. Both men had ecutive administrator post signs in - phrases to be officially discouraged on good deputy but that the incident was decades-long substance-abuse issues structing restroom users on the basics campus, according to the University of “one of the most ridiculous things” he’d and decided to try what they had heard of proper disposal of “anything that Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s website: “polit - ever heard of.) about on the street. One, age 44, bitten comes out of or off a person’s body.” ical correctness.” The phrase is said to on the foot, experienced “a blackout as - be a “microaggression” that might make People With Issues sociated with a sense of well-being, Great Art! some students feel uncomfortable or Social science professor Dr. Jeff lethargy and sleepiness.” The other, 52, The 1968 Cy Twombly “black - unsafe if they hear it or read it. (2) In Justice resigned from the faculty at Tar - reported “dizziness and blurred vision board” painting sold for $70.5 million at November, the University of Vermont leton State University (Stephenville, followed by a heightened arousal and a New York City’s Sotheby’s auction in held a (voluntary) three-day “retreat” Texas) in October to head off an inves - sense of well-being,” and apparently November (higher than experts’ esti - open only to students who “self-identify tigation into whether he supplied alco - was so impressed that he returned to mate of $60 million). The painting con - as white,” so that they can study the im - hol to students and proselytized at least the snake charmer two weeks later for sists of six horizontal lines of plications of “white privilege” in society one to undergo a self-mutilation prac - a second bite. continuous circular swirls (white chalk (e.g., “what does it mean to be white?” tice. Justice admitted, post-resignation, on a “blackboard”)—perhaps the same and “how does whiteness impact that he was a devotee (since age 13) of swirls that might be made by an ex - you?”). the “Sundance” ritual, in which he tremely bored, aggressive first-grader would hang from a tree in his backyard given a supply of chalk and the ab - by hooks connected to stakes in his sence of the teacher. Government Inaction The Queens (New York) Redbird bare chest and that he demonstrated it The Baltimore-based “experimen - Tourist Information Center was finally to some students but apparently inter - tal music” creators Matmos announced ordered to close in July following an ex - ested none. He attributed the incidents the release of their new album, Ultimate traordinarily unsuccessful seven-year to “severe depression.” (Bonus: He had Care II, consisting entirely of “music” run in which, possibly, not a single won a Faculty Excellence award in made by a Whirlpool washing machine tourist ever walked through the door. 2015.) (the Ultimate Care II model). According The New York Post, interviewing neigh - to a November report in Time maga - bors in Kew Gardens, found no one zine, the machine’s 38-minute wash Least Competent Criminals who ever saw a visitor, and the center’s Kaleb Alexander, 25, was shot and cycle will be “sampled and processed” lone staff member said she recalled killed in October as he emerged from a to lighten the original sound. (Matmos only lunchtime drop-ins from jury duty United Dairy Farmers convenience previously “played” canisters of helium at the criminal court building down the store in Columbus, Ohio, still with his on stage at Radio City Music Hall and block. gun defiantly drawn after he had just a cow’s uterus at the San Francisco Art then robbed the clerk. A Columbus po - Institute.) The Continuing Crisis lice SWAT team was waiting outside the Marshall University (Huntington, store because Alexander had robbed Cultural Diversity West Virginia), seeking a “star free the store the previous two nights, as In an enterprise somewhat resem - agent” for its medical faculty, hired neu - well, and somehow must have thought bling American Idol, amateur perform - rosurgeon Paul Muizelaar in July de - that the police would not catch on to his ers in China become self-supporting spite controversy from his previous cunning robbery strategy. online not by soliciting money directly, work at the University of California, but through virtual gifts from enthralled Davis. There, Dr. Muizelaar and col - fans, with performers getting a cut of Recurring Themes leagues, in a daring experiment, intro - Are We Safe? As News of the each sale. Beijing’s hosts orig - duced live bowel bacteria into the Weird chronicled in 2010 and 2011, inal performances, and two of the site’s brain—on lab rats—supposedly to stim - Iraqi police (either corrupt or sincerely favorites, Mr. Earth and Ms. Cloud, ulate the immune system when other unsophisticated) continued to purchase earned the equivalent of about remedies had faltered. However, Dr. worthless bomb “detectors” to use at $160,000 last year from their universe Muizelaar, emboldened, also intro - checkpoints in Baghdad, instilling resi - of 1.8 million fans (according to a No - duced the bacteria into brains of a man dents with a false sense of security, vember Wall Street Journal report). In and two women who had highly malig - with the result that hundreds of people an ancillary industry (led by, nant glioblastoma tumors (each patient died in supposedly safe neighbor - hard-core fans can purchase access having consented). However, two died hoods. Briton James McCormick, the (think “virtual limousines,” shown “arriv - within weeks, and although the third most successful con man/seller, is serv - ing” at a “concert”), giving them brag - survived more than a year, UC Davis ing a 10-year sentence for the “ADE ging rights. (A simple “applause” icon found numerous protocol violations. Dr. 651” (which, somehow, Baghdad police after a song costs about a penny.) Muizelaar’s new supervisor told the As - continued to buy long after the U.S. had sociated Press that he nonetheless felt warned of the scam). Since then, more Bright Ideas lucky to land him because “not every - bogus detectors have been peddled to The exasperated drug enforce - body wants to move to Appalachia.” Thailand and other governments. In ment chief of Indonesia told reporters in 22 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015

Don't go changing...again. "This is another fine mess you've got - Paul Dyster, a registered sex offender, "The majority of voters didn't vote for There's no truth to the rumor that John ten us into!" and an undocumented immigrant walk into me, they really, really, didn't vote for me." John Accardo to Glenn Choolokian as a bar. Dyster turns to the bartender and says, Ceretto is switching parties again. It seems Paul Dyster looking in the mirror the that Ceretto's errand boy, Rob Nichols, over - Accardo channeled Oliver Hardy on election "They're with me, they have to drink some - morning after the election. night where." heard the assemblyman telling friends that "I'll be signing up for the New Year's Party" and misunderstood his boss.

Last week Paul Dyster announced two City hall survey The three top movie rentals on 72nd The three top movie rentals at city hall meetings: the meeting of the "people and What do you think will occur first? Street: A) The Heist agencies I provided favors for in return for A) peace in the Middle East votes," to be held in the grand ballroom of B) the Hamister groundbreaking Ice Station Zebra B) Dirty Rotten Scoundrels the Niagara Conference Center, and "the an - C) Paul Dyster speaking the truth on Frozen C) Sex and the City nual meeting of the Paul Dyster fan club" to anything The Ice Storm be held at the bus stop on the corner of Main D) none of the above and Third. 23 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER DEC 03 - DEC 10, 2015

Aries: (March 21 - are stupid. April 19): Doctors discover Scorpio: (October strange growth on your 23 - November 21): neck is your head. You are Stars say you will so ugly, at a Christmas lose your dog, but don't party they hung you and kissed the mistle - put an ad in the newspa - toe! I've seen better legs on chickens. The per. Your dog can't read. gift you have that allows you to speak to the You have a nice head on your shoulders. But animals will today be unveiled as a fraud. it would look better on a neck! You are a light eater. As soon as it gets light, you start Taurus: (April 20 - eating. May 20): You have a mind of Sagittarius: (No - your own which is good vember 22 - December since who else would 21): want it? There's only one You jump off the bus trouble with your face-- it backwards when you hear shows! Despite their best efforts, rescue someone say, "Let's grab workers will fail to pull you out from be - his seat when he gets off." You’re not exactly neath hundreds of pounds of stored fat this bad looking. There's just one little blemish week. between your ears—your face. You are the eternal optimist, seeing the best of any situ - Gemini: (May 21 - ation. Most people consider you to be the June 20): greatest living moron. You’re present life is proof of reincarnation-- no Capricorn: (Decem - one could get that dumb in ber 22 - January 19): just one lifetime. You You’re the kind of should join the Ku Klux Klan – you would person that members of look a lot better with a hood over your head. the opposite sex dream about at night -- it's better Cancer: (June 21 - than seeing you in the July 22): light. You have a one-track You had your face lifted so many times, mind, and the traffic on it you talk through your nose. Remember you is very light. You have a are not fat – you’re "big boned." But your face like a flower-- a cau - big bones are definitely fat! liflower. You have the urge to travel this week, and those instincts Aquarius: (January are spot-on. Burn all belongings before you 20 - February 18) : leave the country. Looks aren't every - thing; in your case, they Leo: (July 23 - Au - aren't anything. You have gust 22): so many chins, you can't When people want be sure of which one you're going to talk out the real dope about any - of next. Even your double chin has a double thing, they go to the real chin. You have an inventive mind and are in - dope -- YOU! clined toward progressiveness. Indeed you lie a great deal. A horoscope will affect your Virgo: (August 23 - decisions today. September 22): The English Channel Pisces: (February is not a British T.V. sta - 19 - March 20): tion. The equilibrium of You have a very sym - Saturn’s seventh moon pathetic face. It has every - alignment with Pluto puts the sun in your one's sympathy. water axis this week. Your marital status may You have a big heart, change this week. You look like a million -- and a stomach to match. every year of it. Romance is in the air today, just over the north of France. Remember, it's unfair to ex - Libra: (September pect your friends and family to provide you 23 - October 22): with alibis. The St. Louis Cardi - nals are not appointed by the Pope. You take vita - mins A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, and still look like H. The adventurous type, you are always looking for thrills and willing to try anything. In other words, you