A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of PhD at the University of Warwick Permanent WRAP URL: http://wrap.warwick.ac.uk/133199 Copyright and reuse: This thesis is made available online and is protected by original copyright. Please scroll down to view the document itself. Please refer to the repository record for this item for information to help you to cite it. Our policy information is available from the repository home page. For more information, please contact the WRAP Team at:
[email protected] warwick.ac.uk/lib-publications LIGHTWEIGHTING OF DOUBLE-DECKER BUSES by Christopher Micallef CEng ¦ MIMechE ¦ AFHEA ¦ MSc ¦ B.Eng (Hons) INNOVATION REPORT Submitted to the University of Warwick in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Engineering (International) September, 2018 This page is intentionally left blank ABSTRACT The bus industry is currently undergoing extensive transformation as cities around the world push for the rapid introduction of electric buses. Lightweighting of bus structures is identified by leading experts as one of the key technologies necessary to enable and assist this revolution in the industry. Alexander Dennis Ltd. (ADL) is the UK’s largest bus manufacturer and a worldwide leader in the construction of double-decker buses. ADL consider lightweighting to be one of the three main technological pillars of the company and have thus supported various ongoing research programmes with this EngD research programme funded in collaboration with WMG, University of Warwick. This thesis summarises the outcomes of the EngD programme, the primary objective revolving around the identification of innovative yet feasible lightweighting opportunities applicable to ADL double-decker buses.