The London Gazette, 31 July, 1925. 5203
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 31 JULY, 1925. 5203 PENLINGTON, George, residing at 705, Oldham- BRAND, Lydia (Widow), residing at 36, Caven- road, Failsvvorth, in the county of Lancaster, dish-road, Gorse Hill, Stretford, in the county and SIGLEY, Harold, residing at 70, Rad- of Lancaster, and lately carrying on business cliffe-street, Oldham, in the said county, and at the same address as an AGENT and carrying on business in co-partnership under MANUFACTURER. the style or firm of The STANDARD TOY Couri^-SALFORD. and MODEL COMPANY, at 705 and 707, No. of Matter—14 of 1924. Oldham-road, Failsworth aforesaid. TOY and Trustee's Name, Address and Description— MODEL MANUFACTURERS. Gibson, John Grant, Byrom-street, Man- Court—OLDHAM. chester, Official Receiver. No. of Matter_2 of 1924. Date of Release—July 3, 1925. Trustee's Name, Address and Description Gibson, John Grant, Byrom-street, Manches- ter, Official Receiver. Date of Release—July 3, 1925. DUNCALFE, Richard Dixon, residing at 55, Liverpool-road, Fccles, in the county of Lan- caster, SEEDSMAN and CORN DEALER, and carrying on business at the same address as the FANCIERS' STORES. "WOOD, Walker and BROWN, Henry, both Court—SALFORD. residing and carrying on business at 152, No. of Matter—13 of 1924. Coalshaw Green-road, Hollinwood, Oldham, in Trustee's Name, Address arid Description— the county of Lancaster, under the style of Gibson, John Grant, Byrom-street, Man- BROWN and WOOD. CARRIERS. Court—OLDHAM. chester, Official Receiver. No. of Matter—9 of 1924. Date of Release—July 3, 1925. Trustee's Name, Address and Description Gibson, John Grant, Byrom-street, Man- chester, Official Receiver.
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