Inner Product on Matrices), 41 a (Closure of A), 308 a ≼ B (Matrix Ordering
Index A : B (inner product on matrices), 41 K∞ (asymptotic cone), 19 A • B (inner product on matrices), 41 K ∗ (dual cone), 19 A (closure of A), 308 L(X,Y ) (linear maps X → Y ), 312 A . B (matrix ordering), 184 L∞(), 311 A∗(adjoint operator), 313 L p(), 311 BX (open unit ball), 17 λ (Lebesgue measure), 317 C(; X) (continuous maps → X), λmin(B) (minimum eigenvalue of B), 315 142, 184 ∞ Rd →∞ C0 ( ) (space of test functions), 316 liminfn xn (limit inferior), 309 co(A) (convex hull), 314 limsupn→∞ xn (limit superior), 309 cone(A) (cone generated by A), 337 M(A) (space of measures), 318 d D(R ) (space of distribution), 316 NK (x) (normal cone), 19 Dα (derivative with multi-index), 322 O(g(s)) (asymptotic “big Oh”), 204 dH (A, B) (Hausdorff metric), 21 ∂ f (subdifferential of f ), 340 δ (Dirac-δ function), 3, 80, 317 P(X) (power set; set of subsets of X), 20 + δH (A, B) (one-sided Hausdorff (U) (strong inverse), 22 − semimetric), 21 (U) (weak inverse), 22 diam F (diameter of set F), 319 K (projection map), 19, 329 n divσ (divergence of σ), 234 R+ (nonnegative orthant), 19 dµ/dν (Radon–Nikodym derivative), S(Rd ) (space of tempered test 320 functions), 317 domφ (domain of convex function), 54, σ (stress tensor), 233 327 σK (support function), 328 epi f (epigraph), 19, 327 sup(A) (supremum of A ⊆ R), 309 ε (strain tensor), 232 TK (x) (tangent cone), 19 −1 f (E) (inverse set), 308 (u, v)H (inner product), 17 f g (inf-convolution), 348 u, v (duality pairing), 17 graph (graph of ), 21 W m,p() (Sobolev space), 322 Hess f (Hessian matrix), 81
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