!  #   !"# $%&!!'(%!)*+ ,!"# RNI Regn. No. CHHENG/2012/42718, Postal Reg. No. - RYP DN/34/2013-2015 >%?$ $%&$&' ($)* + &,-$&. 6*,%!#)A '  6  A1 O//56/    /1 //  5 6  /1 15 1 61 5 1 515 1O/6 165 / 1 1   5! 8A%  ?@8 D! /* &"  "!322%!&",%

 +5 # !8 0 >+;&><@ >;:A&&        .  /0            ($P0                     $       administrative jurisdiction and “challenges” Beijing’s sover- ndia on Thursday launched eignty. Ia strong counter to China’s China had earlier objected objection to the bifurcation of to the revocation of special sta- (   Jammu & Kashmir into two tus to the State of Jammu & Union Territories, which came Kashmir and formation of into existence at midnight. Ladakh as UT, saying some of Asking China to refrain the area involved Chinese ter- from commenting on matters ritory. internal to , New Moreover, the latest round charged Beijing with illegally of objection by Beijing came acquiring Indian territories even though the Kashmir issue from Pakistan Occupied did not figure in the second Kashmir (POK) under the so- informal summit in called China-Pakistan bound- between Chinese President Xi ary agreement of 1963. Jinping’s and Prime Minister ’s rebuff came Narendra Modi on October 11-                   *$    *   (      after Beijing on Thursday 12.            !   expressed reservations about Taking exception to the creation of Union Territory of Chinese objection, External internal affair and the nation tinues to be in occupation of a  55 !   1 61 mind a month ago to go with Ladakh saying it was “unlaw- Affairs Ministry spokesperson does not expect other countries large tract of area in the Union !    " Mandal for the post of new chief ful and void”, “includes” some Raveesh Kumar said the J&K to comment on such matters. Territories of Jammu & fter weeks of hectic lobbying, secretary, maintained a complete of China’s territory into its reorganisation is entirely India’s India also said China con- Kashmir, and Ladakh. Afinally, the State got a new suspense till last day about the face for the post of chief secre- new CS. Mandal has a tag of a #  $%&  tary (CS) on Thursday. The hyper active IAS officer who   1987-batch IAS officer RP knows tricks to act in accordance  R       "  Mandal outsmarted his potential with incumbent government to     '(     rival, CK Khaitan, to become the speed up development. 11th CS of the mineral-rich Sources say that Khaitan   *+,-   .    State. was reportedly infamous for ! " #   1947, making it part of India. Mandal is considered close taking credit for everything Girish Chandra Murmu in to Chief Minister Bhupesh while doing literally nothing. He   ay one of the bifurcation Jammu & Kashmir and Radha Baghel but his reputation as an made several attempts in recent Dof the erstwhile State of Krishna Mathur in Ladakh able administrator and sharp- weeks to grab Baghel’s eyeball at Major General of the Jammu & Kashmir into two stepped into history as the first brain bureaucrat turned the public debates and workshops AIndian Army is likely to Union Territories of Jammu Lieutenant Governors of the table in his favour. The State has organised by private think tanks face court martial for alleged- & Kashmir and Ladakh pre- new Union territories as the high hopes from Mandal to or individuals either in ly sending pornographic sented a contrasting picture as entire nation celebrated the speed up development works or in Delhi, which video clips and obscene mes- both Jammu and Ladakh birth anniversary of coun- and unlock the stalled infra- was reportedly disapproved by sages to National Cadet Corps regions witnessed celebrations try’s first Home Minister structure-related projects in the chief minister. (NCC) girl cadets on their while normal life remained Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who poverty-hit and leftist insur- Highly placed sources mobile phones. The case per- paralysed in different parts of is credited for merger of over gency-hit regions. claimed that a former chief sec- tains to 2017-2018 when the Kashmir amid continuous 560 States into the Union of Khaitan who had exhausted retary who presently holds con- senior officer was posted in shutdown since August 5. India. his almost all potential contacts siderable clout in Baghel gov- Gujarat. The new UTs came into Jammu & Kashmir High within and outside the state to ernment, was dead against A court of inquiry (CoI) existence 72 years after then Court Chief Justice Gita Mittal become chief secretary, has been Khaitan becoming CS and his was ordered into the matter ruler Maharaja Hari Singh administered the oath of office shifted to Bilaspur as Chairman opinion was also said to be a key after the NCC girls com- executed the Instrument of to the new appointees, first in of the Revenue Board. factor in appointment of the new plained against the officer. Accession on October 26, Leh and then later in . Baghel who had made up his CS.

4  " 4 5 ! " #  !# 04  !  6   $%&'(($&()P  # )!#",!%! ((+  2#!'3'  !%!" 2 #'% ife expectancy of people )'(-./ -)-  #'*%), 23 ' !&'  living in the Indo-Gangetic '0+1-+#+ +2+ "'%*2'& "!%! !- $%   $ &' (          L New Delhi:  3&# !&#" *   +  ,   #-     . Plain has reduced by up to +30- Half of India’s ado- seven years due to poor air lescents (10 to 19 years) — &' ))'3&     “national unity pledge” on Statue of Unity, considered to quality, a new study of the almost 63 million girls and 81 !!#  ')"%! !- National Unity Day and be the world’s tallest statue, as region from 1998-2016 has million boys — are either short )!#",!%!2#!'!%%,") raising the role of Sardar affirmed that inspired by Patel, flower petals were showered on said and underlined that pol- or bony or overweight and PVallabhbhai Patel, the first his Government was working it from above by an Indian Air lution is nearly three-times obese, as per the findings of a  "8!4  #8  Home Minister of the country, for the “emotional, economic Force helicopter. He also deadlier in as com- report on adolescents released 1!8 !19!  in national integration, Prime and constitutional integration” addressed young IAS officers at pared to rest of the country. in a high-level meeting at the   "!'"% Minister Narendra Modi on of the country. “Over 40,000 a separate function in Kevadiya More than 480 million NITI Aayog, together with 5'* '3 *#!&6 #!) *) Thursday defended the new people lost their lives in three called “Aarambh”. people or about 40 per cent of UNICEF India on Thursday. ,)*%7"!*#*3"#'%) system in Jammu & Kashmir decades of terrorism,” he said, While inaugurating the India’s population, reside in the was about twice as high as the years,” the study said. It said Over 80 per cent of adolescents   "%## ,%" and Ladakh which emerged adding it was Patel’s inspiration New Delhi Police headquar- seven States and union territo- rest of the country, a new analy- pollution is nearly three times also suffer from “hidden 6"!#"")!'%")!# following scrapping of Article which made him take the deci- ters, Union Home Minister ries comprising the bulk of the sis of the Air Quality Life Index deadlier in north India as com- hunger” i.e. the deficiency of one ',%!"!'#*) !" 370 only bred separatism and sion to revoke Article 370. Amit Shah said internal secu- Indo-Gangetic Plain region of (AQLI) produced by the Energy pared to rest of the country. or more micronutrients such as 5'!','"%%'! terrorism in the State. Sardar Patel’s birth rity is the top priority of the north India namely Bihar, Policy Institute at the University In comparison, lower con- iron, folate, zinc, vitamin A, vit- &'#*%" "&&##' )!" Attending a function at the anniversary is celebrated as Government, emphasising sev- , Delhi, Haryana, of Chicago (EPIC) said. centrations of pollution in the amin B12 and vitamin D, said "!'"%*%,*#" ")"  Statue of Unity in Kevadiya, ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’ eral steps have been taken to Punjab, UP, and West Bengal. “By 2016, a 72 per cent rest of the country are allowing the report “Adolescents, Diets !#")) ##''&&"#!''3 Gujarat, on Patel’s 144th birth (National Unity Day) since ensure it, including improving From 1998-2016, the Indo- increase in pollution in the residents to live longer than and Nutrition: Growing Well in 89###!''3 - anniversary, Modi led the 2014. The Prime Minister vigil along borders and crack- Gangetic Plain region experi- region further shortened the those in the Indo-Gangetic a Changing World”. *#*3#"!)"!!# *)  gathering in taking the offered floral tributes to the ing down on fake notes. enced particulate pollution that lives of residents by 3.4 to 7.1 Plain, the study said. Detailed report on P5 ! ")"&"#-)%! )' *%8-L5'* 3'*)" 6"!#"")!'%")!# ',%!"!'#*)  !&%;<'3   !"5'!'")"          "22 '2 !"  )!# )* !!#&"#M      area, following which the L-G           visited the site and directed the                   64!  44 he Public Works PWD officials to carry on the  !5$&+:;< TDepartment (PWD) has project,” said a senior official   ' ,& " 7*! envisaged a plan to take trav- adding that the trust also pro-  !"#!#"!%%&' ) * "*' ,-!" *))!" "-/*) * # -"" *#-     !)-/#-#* 2"##)!# elers back to the grandeur of vided a sample of the re- "00""' ,-%" * ,") 2 !'*#%!3! !)* ! " % ")'* #)" the Mughal era by redesigning development plan.  &!&* "%#% *"%       the entire area starting from Officials said the 1.8 km /#2")"9>-;?@"3 /'#"!%%,*#) 1)"),!- "") /A) "%1# #%"#) Bhogal flyover from Mathura stretch from Bhogal Flyover to "*%"2* #")#' enior Communist leader and Road to the heritage sites, Neela Gumbad (Sabz Burj) Sveteran CPI parliamentarian !! # "#3' ! )!  , will be redesigned with fancy Gurudas Dasgupta died after !#"  Humayun Tomb, Khan-e- curved stones. prolonged illness at his South Khana tomb, Sundar Nursery, “The idea is ‘pedestriani- residence on Thursday.  " 5 #  Neela Gumbad and Agha Khan sation’ and de-congestion of He was 83 and is survived by his !44  !=: Trust. these stretch, as currently traf- wife Jayashri Dasgupta and a said, “Shri Gurudas Dasgupta Ji ' %"#8;2'2% The PWD has submitted fic jams are witnessed, besides daughter. was one of the most committed  !%%)")# "%' # an actionable plan to the Delhi this stretch also have a large Dasgupta, a former MP and articulate proponents of his !B* )" "!3 ' Government for re-developing number of footfall, thus, to ‘’ with red-sand stone. from Panshkura and Ghatal ideology. He was a strong voice " "&!'1""%2!)!&"* the 1.8 kilometre long stretch create a better walking facili-       Space for parking is also constituencies of West in Parliament, whose interven- 3! !6"!#"O#"#6*B", from Bhogal Flyover to Neela ty and to attract more tourist,    expected on the left of Neela Midnapore, died of heart attack tions were keenly heard across 2 '!&'* #)" Gumbad (Sabz Burj). Once it has been decided to inter-    Gumbad. at 6 am, Bengal CPI secretary the political spectrum. completed the entire heritage connect all these heritage sites    !# The work is estimated to Swapan Banerjee said, adding Saddened by his passing away. site will resemble with the with proper disabled friendly cost around Rs 10 crore and “he was suffering from lung can- May his soul rest in peace.” (- pristine glory of the Mughal era footpath, street furniture, cycle  $%  '( the construction will com- cer for quite some time.” Though Vice President M Venkaiah and is expected to attract track, proper lane for e-rick- )   mence as soon. The officials he continued to be a member of Naidu said in his condolence  ! tourists in droves. shaws, crossings, proper street wants to start the work before the CPI national executive coun- message that Dasgupta was an According to sources, this lights, railings, central     the Model Code of Conduct cil he had relinquished all other able parliamentarian. “My plan is Delhi Lieutenant verge with greenery, plantation +     (MCC) comes into force since party posts on account of his heartfelt condolences to .  Governor (L-G) Anil Baijal’s pet and other facilities,” said       Delhi Assembly polls are failing health Banerjee said. bereaved family members, project as he himself inspected the official. round the corner. As per offi- A veteran trade union friend and well wishers,” he the site. Reently, Baijal held a To give a Mughal Era look, cials, around 8,000 people leader known for one’s excellent added.   meeting and directed the con- fancy carved red and beige visit Nizamuddin Auliya oratory in Parliament, Dasgupta Bengal Chief Minister cerned department to carry sand stones, popularly known “Currently, concrete tiles look will be given with plan- Dargah per day and increases was a contemporary of articu- Mamata Banerjee said, own in doldrums the Left out the project and give this as Agra stone and Dhaulapur are used in footpaths, but for tation of herbs and shrubs in to 15-20 on Thursdays. late Left leaders like Somnath “Saddened at the passing away Dand the Congress have once area and stretch a new look in stone will be used. The foot- this site, the department will central verge of the road,” Further about 10 thousand Chatterjee, Basudeb Acharya of CPI leader Gurudas again returned to alliance. The consonance with the Mughal path will be constructed with use red and beige sand stone added the official. Roads will people visit Humayun Tomb and Abani Roy and was one of Dasguptaji,” adding, “He will be two sides will jointly contest the art and architecture. 50 mm thick fine chisel with 3-4mm groove and mor- also be widened wherever pos- and on a daily the tallest generals of Left pol- remembered for his contribu- upcoming Assembly bypolls for “The Agha Khan Trust dressed sand stone and the tar will not be visible on the sible and water fountains are basis and the number just itics in Bengal. tion to the nation as a parlia- Kharagpur, Karimpur and which is also situated around railing and its boundary wall surface. Further, wherever the also on the plan. Besides, the goes up especially during the Expressing his condolence, mentarian and trade union Kaliaganj seats, Left Front chair- the Nizamuddin area came up will be constructed by thick size of footpath is 2.1m will be existing boundary walls will be winter season. Prime Minister Narendra Modi leader.” man and CPI(M) Biman Bose with a request to beautify the quartzite wall. widened to 2.3 m. A green re-designed like the walls of said.    !"# $  -.

1 44 ! 1!:==        * $        /                   Admitting that some officers   cipline in the Army and ensuring wel- quating the two-day had wrongly availed such benefits, fare of the personnel, said the Army is EKashmir trip by the n the backdrop of outcry by Kumar, however, said these guilty he Army is making efforts to find a working out ways to honour the European Union MPs with a Iserving and retired Services per- officers were given due punishment. Tway out regarding the Supreme Supreme Court ruling on the one hand “familiarisation visit”, the sonnel following a Finance Ministry In view of such cases, Army Court order last year decriminalising and maintain the ethos on the other. Centre on Thursday sought to order in June withdrawing income- Headquarters is tweaking its rules adultery and scrapping Section 377 of The outgoing General said adultery downplay the controversy over tax exemption on disability pension, with bringing more checks and bal- the Indian Penal Code that penalised and gay sex do not figure as separate the tour organizer being a the Army is working out modalities ances into the system. To regulate the homosexuality, Adjutant General alleged acts of indiscipline in the Army. private international lobbyist to retain the exemption to some availed by officers who have served medical board, now Major General Ashwani Kumar said here on Thursday. Instead, any acts of moral turpitude or saying such delegations do not point was whether such an extent and tax the rest of the amount. their full tenure of service. However, and above in last two years of service, His observations came in the back- such actions are covered under section necessarily have to come engagement serves larger Moreover, the Service has the invalidated personnel were will have to get theirmedical done at drop of adultery and homosexuality 45 of the Army Act. It defines any such through official channels. national interests. In the first already implemented a rule that all allowed the exemption to the full the Armed Forces Clinic in Delhi or inviting severe punishment in the Army. action as unbecoming conduct and the Asserting this point here, visit by a foreign delegation, a officers above the rank of Major extent as per the order. to nearest Command hospitals. Moreover, while the Supreme Court rul- guilty are punished accordingly. Ministry of External Affairs team of 23 MPs travelled to General with two years of service left The CBDT note led to unrest Earlier they used to any nearest mil- ing is supreme, the Army so far is reluc- At present adultery, generally spokesperson Raveesh Kumar Kashmir on Tuesday on a two- before retirement undergo manda- amongst the Armed forces and the itary hospital, Kumar said. Very tant in implementing it to enforce dis- known as stealing brother officer’s said, “The important point day trip to have a first-hand tory medical check up at the com- issue also figured in Parliament and soon this provision will also apply for cipline. Army Chief General Bipin wife’s affection in the armed forces, is was whether such an engage- assessment of the situation mand hospitals all over the country. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh the Brigadiers and other officers also. Rawat some months back had also sug- dealt with strictly and some officers over ment serves larger national after the state’s special status This step was initiated to prevent assuring the agitated Opposition The Army Headquarters has gested that the Supreme Court order on the years have been dismissed from ser- interests. The visit was not at all was revoked in August by abro- misuse of availing disability pension that he had asked his officers to get sent some proposals before the decriminalization of gay sex may not be vice. internationalisation of Kashmir gating provisions of Article by retiring personnel even if they are in touch with the Finance Ministry. Ministry in this regard for further implemented in the Army adding such However, with women officer now issue. The views of MEPs 370. in top class physical condition. The He also said the interests of the approval. On the issue of levying tax actions are forbidden in the force joining the forces, adultery can also be reflected their understanding of “We feel that such income tax exemption for disability Services personnel will not be on disability pension, Kumar said Though stating that the Army is not defined as stealing affection of sister offi- ground realities and exchanges are part of people- pension is in force since 1922. harmed. “Not everyone with the disability above the law, Rawat during his annu- cers’ husband, Kumar said. threat of terrorism in Kashmir.” to-people contacts,” Kumar In fact, most of the cases of mis- Outlining the proposed mea- should be exempted and I feel there al press conference in January had said These acts invite severe punishment Commenting on the raging said adding the visit was not at use of disability pension pertain to sures, the outgoing Adjutant General, should be an upper limit for exemp- “we will not allow this to happen in the in the force, Adjutant General Ashwani controversy about the nature of all internationalisation of the officer cadre, Adjutant General who is responsible for maintaining tion.” Issue of levying tax on the dis- Army.” When asked about the apex Kumar said here on Thursday. the visit and its funding for the Kashmir issue. Ashwani Kumar said here on discipline and welfare measures like ability pension has been challenged court ruling on adultery, he had said the While the SC is supreme, the Army first time, the ministry also said Kumar also asserted that Thursday. His observations come in pension, said at least 70 to 80 offi- in the Supreme court by several vet- Army is conservative. “We can’t allow has been reluctant in implementing it the tour was not at all interna- the views of MEPs reflected the background of Central Board of cers retire ever month and 35 per- erans. The sensitive issue also saw the it to perpetrate into the Army,” Rawat in the force to enforce discipline. The tionalisation of the issue. their understanding of ground Direct Tax(CBDT)in June this year cent of them avail disability benefits Army Headquarters officially back- had said. Army Chief had some months back cat- Moreover, the visit was not ced- realities and threat of terrorism issuing a notice withdrawing income due to low medical category attrib- ing the decision to tax disability ben- Adjutant General Kumar, who is egorically rejected implementation of ing of ground on Kashmir, he in Kashmir. tax exemption on disability pension utable to service conditions. efits. solely responsible for maintaining dis- the order. said. On Wednesday, a section This counter came after of the visiting MPs also said the BJP’s NDA allies Shiv Sena and government should allow the (  Q  "  R JD-U on Wednesday put the country’s own Opposition par- government in a spot by join- liamentarians to visit the state. ing the Opposition ranks in Nicolaus Fest, who is part of the New Delhi: The Centre on Kalam Singh and Bhagyashali 19,000 feet that entailed retrieval questioning the move to send delegation, said, “I think if Thursday accorded the first Home Meena, Constables , of bodies of three nationalities. the EU delegation to Kashmir. you let in European Union par- Minister’s Special Medal to a 16- Pradeep Panwar, Bharat Lal, The ill-fated mountaineers’ Sena had taken exception liamentarians, you should also member ITBP team for undertak- Jaiprakash Singh, Sanjay Singh, team included seven nationals saying Kashmir was “not an let in Opposition politicians ing a “rare search and retrieval mis- Surendra Singh, Dheerendra from the UK, Australia and the US, international issue”. from India. There is sion” at Nanda Devi East Pratap, Devendra Singh and besides an Indian who was acting Moreover, the Congress some kind of disbalance, the (Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand) ear- Manjeet Singh. as a liaison officer from the Indian had demanded answers from Government should somehow lier this year and successfully “The operation was conduct- Mountaineering Foundation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi address it.” retrieve seven bodies of foreign ed under direct supervision of The body of the team leader on the foreign MPs’ visit But the delegation MPs mountaineers after 500 hour high DIG, Sector Headquarter, ITBP, and noted British mountaineer terming it as the “biggest diplo- took exception to them being altitude operation spanning 15 Bareilly, APS Nimbadia. It was Martin Moran was not located. matic blunder” in India’s his- billed as “fascists” and called days. conducted in most difficult, inhos- Instituted in 2018, the Medal tory. And Congress leader in the media coverage on Kashmir The 15-member decorated pitable and trying conditions. The aims to promote high profession- the Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan “biased”. ITBP mountaineering search team operation was globally recognized al standards of Investigation of Choudhary even wrote to the Questions have also been was led by Ratan Singh Sonal, as one of the toughest of its kind,” Crime in State/UT Police and PM suggesting him to send an raised about the funding of the Secondnd In Command. The other ITBP spokesperson Vivek Kumar Central Investigating Agencies all-party delegation to Kashmir tour of the visitors and allega- members included Deputy Pandey said. The operation was (CIAs). Officers of States/UT to assess the situation tions leveled that the NGO had Commandant Anoop Negi, one of the most difficult exercise police and Central paramilitary there. organized it and promised the Insector Hemant Goswami, Head in the world at such an altitude and forces involved Special Operations (   #   $  #          The External Affairs MPs a meeting with Prime Constables Devendra Singh, hostile terrain at an altitude of are also eligible for it. PNS    #  $ %,     Ministry said the important Minister Narendra Modi. !   3"Q  R .1 2* P 1( *   %"%%')      "    Q   R   '#!)* ! 2 )!"-  " 4  *   "      . 2 3  "!'"%" #   Was he involved in some secret   and others refusing to respond. operation?,” he asked.   Sonia said. New Delhi: India has accept- “Modi Govt caught snooping! ondering whether Congress Rahul lost the parliamentary “We have opposed these ed a request by the German he Congress on Thursday alleged that Appalling but not Surprising! After all, Wleader Rahul Gandhi was polls held in April-May from resident Sonia Gandhi on amendments in Parliament and Government to allow Tthe Modi Government has been BJP Govt- (1) Fought against our right to on a “secret operation”, the BJP on Amethi, a stronghold of the PThursday accused the Modi will continue to oppose them in Chancellor Angela Merkel to “caught snooping” after WhatsApp said privacy. (2) Set up a multi crore Thursday targeted him for his Congress. But former Congress Government of launching the practice. We condemn this piece- remain seated while the nation- that journalists and human rights activists Surveillance Structure until stopped by “frequent” foreign visits and president was elected to the Lok “final assault” to decimate the his- meal destruction of our democra- al anthems of both countries in India have been targets of surveillance, SC. SC must take immediate cognisance accused him of not informing Sabha from Wayanad in Kerala, toric Right to Information (RTI) tic institutions and will continue to are played during a ceremoni- as it urged the Supreme Court to and issue notice to BJP Government,” Parliament about his tours as the second Lok Sabha seat he con- Act, diluting the powers of the fight the Modi Government in al reception at Rashtrapati hold the Centre accountable over the Congress’s chief spokesperson Randeep was mandated by the protocol tested from with a big margin. Information Commissioners these self-serving actions which are Bhavan on Friday as she is suf- issue. Surjewala said in a tweet. “A Government meant for the MPs. Rao quoted from a letter through amendments to the legis- the very opposite of national inter- fering from a medical condi- Congress chief spokesperson that spies on Maintaining that Rahul’s fre- written by the Parliamentary lation and enforcing their “majori- est,” she said. tion. Randeep Surjewala said India woke up journalists/activists/Opposition leaders quent foreign visits were a matter Affairs Minister on July 3 to tarian agenda without being held The RTI Act, she said, was a It is learnt that certain today (Thursday) to a bone chilling and treats its own citizens like criminals of public interest as he was a pub- inform the members of accountable to people”. historic legislation that gave birth provisions of the order relating news of “flagrant abuse” of privacy by has lost the right to lead in our democ- lic representative, BJP spokesper- Parliament about the norms for In a statement posted on to an institution that in the last 13 to the National Anthem of agencies of the present BJP Government racy. We urge the SC to take suo motu son GVL Narasimha Rao claimed them. Twitter, the Congress president said years has become a “sentinel of India will be invoked to allow “We urge upon the Supreme Court to take cognizance of these illegal activities and that the Congress leader had The Minister had informed that the amendments passed by the democracy, transparency and Merkel to be seated when the suo moto cognisance of this brazen and to hold this government to account,” he travelled abroad on 16 occasions the members that they should, in government will ensure that no accountability to the common national anthem is played. blatant illegal hacking of telephones and said in another tweet. in the last five years, which was advance, inform Parliament of Information Commissioner shall man.” Merkel, during her two- introduction of spyware by the BJP Tagging a media report which more than the number of his vis- their foreign visits, even if those be free from interference and sig- RTI activists across the coun- day visit here, will hold exten- Government agencies and claimed that 1.3 million Indian payment its to Amethi in Uttar Pradesh, were purely for private purposes, nalling by the Modi Government. try, Sonia said, have used the law sive talks with Prime Minister conduct a court-monitored inquiry,” he card details are up for sale on the dark which used to be his Lok Sabha he said. Rao claimed that the Lok “The BJP Government has to tackle corruption, to measure Narendra Modi on further said. web, Surjewala also alleged that “data theft constituency. Sabha secretariat had not received now launched its final assault to the effectiveness of Government expanding overall bilateral ties. “We suspect that many opposition and data fraud” has become the norm Addressing a press conference any information from the decimate RTI. To further erode and policies and to illuminate the defi- Chancellor Merkel’s difficulties leaders and judges of the Supreme Court since Modi Government came to at the party office here, Rao said, Congress leader about his foreign dilute its effectiveness, the Modi ciencies in processes such as in standing without support are and high courts are on this list,” Surjewala power.”Is this why Modi ji calls Data the “This is also one of the reasons the visits. Government has passed amend- demonetisation and elections. known and lately, she has been said. new Oil (for BJP Machine?). 1.3 million people of Amethi rejected him Taking a swipe at the former ments which diminish the office of She said the Modi Government seen seated at ceremonial The Congress leader said the BJP Indian Payment Card Details are up for (Rahul). Of the 16 visits (abroad), Congress chief, Rao said the the information commissioner in has seen this remarkable institution events, both at home and Government has maintained a “conspir- sale on Dark Web putting the card hold- on nine occasions, the destination entire world came to India for a manner that it leaves them at the as an obstacle to enforcing their abroad, which would have nor- atorial silence” on the entire issue with the ers vulnerable to yet another synchronised was not known. meditation but he was travelling mercy of the very government it is majoritarian agenda without being mally required her to Information and Broadcasting Secretary fraud,” he said. “Why was it not revealed? abroad frequently. required to hold accountable,” held accountable to people. stand. PTI '#")'%#&#! )!" "%'* !#)E12'  5        Addressing this gap will be   monary disease (COPD), can- decrease in the number of swine critical to addressing early cers, mental health disorders flu cases/deaths in the year 2014 alf of India’s adolescents (10 to 19 adolescent nutrition issues. hile increasing accessibili- and injuries.” as compared with 2012 and 2013. Hyears) — almost 63 million girls The report also recog- Wty to healthcare facilities Out of 6.51 crore patients However, the number of cases and 81 million boys — are either short nizes the how important it is have led to the increased life who attended NCD clinics under and deaths has been drastically or thin, overweight or obese, as per the that meals and snacks at home expectancy of Indians from 49.7 the National Programme for increased in 2015. The numbers findings of a report on adolescents be nutritious. Campaigns on years in 1970-75 to 68.7 years in Prevention and Control of decreased in 2016 but again released in a high-level meeting at the healthy food choices should be 2012-16, at the same time poor Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular increased significantly in 2017 NITI Aayog, together with UNICEF centred around the promotion lifestyle is resulting into swelling Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) and 2018. India on Thursday. of a variety of items in appro- burden of non-communicable in 2018, around 4.75 per cent There has been consistent Over 80 percent of adolescents also priate proportions at home. diseases, according to the people were diagnosed with dia- decrease in the birth rate, death suffer from ‘hidden hunger’, i.e. the defi- Risks for non-communi- National Health Profile (NHP) betes, 6.19 per cent with hyper- rate and natural growth rate in ciency of one or more micronutrients cable diseases are established 2019 compiled by the Union tension, 0.30 per cent with car- care. Dengue outbreaks have India since 1991 to 2017. As on such as iron, folate, zinc, vitamin A, vit- in childhood and adolescence. Health Ministry. diovascular diseases, 0.10 per continued since the 1950s but 2017, India has registered birth amin B12 and vitamin D, said the report For example, diabetes, car- Alarming suicide number cent with stroke and 0.26 per cent severity of disease has increased rate of 20.2 per 1,000 population ‘Adolescents, Diets and Nutrition: diovascular diseases and (44,593) was also reported with common cancers. in the last two decades. However, and death rate of 6.3 per 1,000 Growing Well in a Changing World.’ hypertension among adoles- among young adults, between the Taking account of the vector the reported cases of population while the natural Based on the recently released lescent girls, compared to 18 per cent of cents is increasing. The second decade age group 30-45 years in 2017, as borne diseases in India, the sur- Chikungunya in the country has growth rate was 13.9 per 1,000 Comprehensive National Nutrition boys, and worsens as they get older. of life (10 to 19 years), is therefore crit- per the NHP report. A total 1.33 vey pointed out in 2018, maxi- shown a slight decrease from population in India. The birth Survey (CNNS), the report should Focusing on adolescent girls, before ical to intervene in early adolescence to lakh people died because of sui- mum number of cases and deaths 67,769 to 57,813 in 2018 as com- rate in rural areas was higher serve as a wakeup call for the they become mothers, is critical to break prevent such diseases. cide. due to malaria have been report- pared to 2017,” said the NHP than in the urban. Similarly, the Government as it provides unparalleled India’s intergenerational cycle of mal- All girls and boys are unable to meet Showing that women live ed in Chhattisgarh (77,140 cases prepared by the Central Bureau death rate and natural growth new insights into all types of macronu- nutrition. One of the goals of POSHAN the 60 minutes per day recommended longer than men, the NHP stat- and 26 deaths). “The overall of Health Intelligence (CBHI). rate were also higher in rural trient and micronutrient malnutrition, Abhiyaan (National Nutrition Mission) outdoor sports and exercise time. ed that for the same period, the prevalence of the disease has “Data is an important source areas as compared to the urban. dietary habits, life skill behaviours, is to reduce anaemia among adolescent On an average, girls in late adoles- life expectancy for females is 70.2 diminished in 2012 and 2013 but of understanding the needs and “The infant mortality rate access to services (school, health and girls by 3 per cent per year. Ensuring that cence spend only 10 minutes per day on years and 67.4 years for males. At there was a slight increase in 2014 issues of the population. It helps has declined considerably (33 per nutrition) and physical activity through- school and community-based inter- such activities. Boys do relatively better, the same time, the report noted and 2015 before it again started in understanding the goals, our 1,000 live births in 2016), how- out adolescence (10-19 years) for both ventions reach all is essential to achieve with exercise time of 40 to 50 minutes that “decline in morbidity and decreasing from 2016. Dengue strengths and weaknesses and is ever differentials of rural (37) and girls and boys. this goal. per day. The report recommends that mortality from communicable and Chikungunya, transmitted also an important means to urban (23) are still high. The The new report reveals that almost The findings reveal that nearly 25 adolescents themselves be supported as diseases have been accompanied by Aedes mosquitoes, are a cause strategize area specific interven- Total Fertility Rate (TFR) for the all adolescents in India have unhealthy percent of girls and boys do not receive mobilizers and co-implementers at by a gradual shift to, and accel- of great concern to public health tions,” said Harsh Vardhan, country was 2.3 whereas in rural or poor diets. This is the main cause for any of the four school-based services schools and other platforms they access, erated rise in the prevalence of in India,” the report said. Union Health Minister after areas it has been 2.5 and it has all forms of malnutrition. It notes that (mid-day meal, biannual health check- to spread the right nutrition messages chronic NCDs such as cardio- “Every year, thousands of releasing the survey. been 1.8 in urban areas during more girls suffer from shortness than ups, biannual deworming and weekly to aid India’s Jan Andolan to end mal- vascular disease (CVD), dia- individuals are affected and con- According to the report, 2016 as per the latest available boys; anaemia affects 40 percent of ado- iron folic acid supplementation). nutrition. betes, chronic obstructive pul- tribute to the burden of health there has been considerable information,” the report said.        3"                                      7   System (PDS) and for it around 38 Lakh metric ton of RAIPUR n view of the delay in paddy is needed, they he Foundation Day of Iharvesting of paddy crop informed. Chhattisgarh will be cele- due to unpleasant weather, the “Earlier the Union T state government has decided brated this year for three days government had permitted to on the theme ‘Ghadbo Nava to start procurement from farmers from December 1 deposit 24 lakh metric tons of Chhattisgarh’ from November parboiled rice under central 1 to 3 at Science College instead of f November 15. Ground, Raipur, said Food, A decision regarding the pool and this year too we have civil supplies and consumer same was taken by a cabinet demanded of the Centre to protection and culture affairs subcommittee in its meeting permit that”, Akbar said. minister Amarjeet Bhagat. on Thursday. Regarding commence- Addressing the media he Later briefing news ment of paddy procurement, said exhibition to be held on persons, Ministers the minister duo informed that the occasion will have stalls of Mohammad Akbar and the concerned department had Amarjeet Bhagat informed 18 departments, 8 public sec- been instructed to make tor units, 36 of Gramudyog, that this year a target of procuring 85 lakh metric ton necessary preparations so that 52 commercial stalls and the farmers of the state could around 40 food stalls. of paddy is being set. The state sell their crops in ‘Mandis’ in a This time, Chhattisgarh’s needs 25 lakh metric ton of rice for Public Distribution systematic way. art, culture, traditions, folk- Culture Minister Amarjeet Bhagat and Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu on Thursday inspected Rajyotsava site and gave necessary instructions for dances from across the state giving final touches to the function’s venue. and others will be exhibited including the state govern- ment’s flagship programme of !    ‘Narva, Garva, Ghurva aur 2       Baari (NGGB).’ !   Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel will be chief guest on " 1   " the inaugural day while $ % & Governor Anusuiya Uikey will be chief guest on second day 6    and Chhattisgarh State Vidhan    Sabha Speaker Dr Charandas Mahant will be the chief guest RAIPUR: Chief Minister Mukhyamantri RAIPUR: inaugural function on the concluding day. Bhupesh Baghel has Suposhan Abhiyan has Congress president of statehood day in Bhagat announced the extended hearty wishes to been launched to eradi- Sonia Gandhi has the state capital as a names of state award winners people of the state on the cate malnutrition and cancelled her Chief Guest. A except for two stating that it will eve of State's Foundation anemia. Narva, Garua, Friday’s one-day consent regarding be finalised today or by tomor- Day. Ghurua , Badi yojana is tour to the same was given row by the jury. This time, the “We have taken the being implements to Chhattisgarh by her on invitation state awards will be conferred pledge of carving a new strengthen rural econo- capital due to of Chief Minister to the winners in three days. Chhattisgarh and the state my of the state, he added. health issue. Bhupesh Baghel Earlier, the state awards were government was marching Chief Minister said Culture during his recent being given on a single day. ahead in this direction,” he “our aim is to make Minister Amarjeet New Delhi visit. Most of the queries was said. Chhattisgarh one of the Bhagat on Meanwhile, on selection of journalist Baghel said that state most developed states of Thursday informed Bhagat further Ravish Kumar and other few government has taken the the country. We are media persons that informed that in candidates for the awards, on initiative to revive the cul- marching ahead at an Sonia Gandhi was place of Sonia now which minister said, it was ture, traditions and accelerated pace on the unwell and hence the Chief Minister the decision of the jury, resources of Chhattisgarh, path of development. himself will chair public relations department had cancelled her and to establish effective Soon we would succeed one-day tour to the the inaugural and other concerned administration. in making Chhattisgarh a function of the department and that culture state. Government has kept its developed state, while three-day long department is just a Notable, Sonia promise of 'Jal, Jungle, keeping its originality Gandhi was to Rajyotsava coordinating agency to Zameen' for forest dwellers. intact”. organise the event. attend the function. +7+   /  ! $   R&$          $ $  JANJGIR Charandas Mahant presided over the function.  department, with hief Minister on his tour to Recalling contribution of  additional charge as RAIPUR Scheduled Caste Development RAIPUR CJanjgir district on Sardar Patel, Baghel Principal Secretary, department DD Singh, Thursday announced creation remembered him for ltogether 313 cases registered ollowing superannua- Panchayat and Rural Commissioner Bastar, Amrit of three new tehsils namely integration of the country post against tribal people in eight tion of two senior Development department. A Kumar Khalkho, DIG (Naxal F Saragaon, Adbhar, Baradwar independence. Naxal-hit districts under excise Ops) Sundarraj P, DIG (CID) bureaucrats, Chief Manoj Kumar Pingua and Bamhanidih. On this occasion, Baghel act will be taken back on recom- Sanjeev Shukla along with others Secretary Sunil Kujur and (IAS-1994), principal He was addressing a also announced construction mendation of high level commit- also took part in the meeting. Additional Chief Secretary secretary, commerce and function organised at local tee meeting chaired by Justice The committee reviewed (ACS) K.D.P. Rao, and industries, public sector Patel Udyan to commemorate of a community building for (Retd) AK Patnaik here on cases registered in Kanker, appointment of R P Mandal unit department holding the 144th birth anniversary of Kurmi Samaj. Thursday. Kondagaon, Narayanpur, Bastar, as new Chief Secretary, the additional charge of princi- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. He Baghel also remembered Notably, the committee was Sukma, Dantewada, Bijapur and state government made a pal secretary transport also unveiled a statue of Sardar former prime minister Indira constituted on the request of Rajnandgaon districts. From minor administrative Khetan (IAS-87), been made Principal department and Transport Patel on the occasion. Gandhi on her death Chhattisgarh government for Bastar district highest numbers of reshuffle on Thursday. Additional Chief Secretary, Secretary, Planning, Commissioner, Officer on Assembly Speaker anniversary. reviewing cases pending against cases were recommended for As per the order issued home and jail department, Economic and Statistical, 20 Special Duty cum and additional charge of point programme imple- Investment Officer, tribal people in the state. withdrawl. Out of total 313 cases by General Administration As per official information, Department, Ajay Singh ACS, Planning, Economic mentation, science and tech- Chhattisgarh State reviewed, 115 cases registered in along with Justice Patnaik (IAS-1983), chairman, and Statistical, 20 point nology department with Industrial Development    Q   Additional Chief Secretary Bastar were recommended for Revenue Board, Bilaspur programme implementa- additional charge of Director Corporation (CSIDC), (Home) CK Khetan, Director taking back, officials said. has been made vice chair- tion, science and technolo- General, Chhattisgarh Headquarters Delhi, has General of Police (DGP) DM Cases registered under man of State Planning gy department has been Science and Technology been given additional Awasthi, Additional Advocate various other sections of Indian Commission, Atal Nagar, appointed as chairman, Council, Raipur. charge as Principal 8  $ R* General Chhattisgarh high court Penal Code, Local and Special Act Nava Raipur. The post of Revenue Board, Bilaspur. Subrat Sahoo, Secretary forest Viveek Ranjan Tiwari, Secretary were also reviewed. However, vice chairman will be now Dr Alok Shukla (IAS- (IAS-1992) Chief Electoral department by retaining all (Home) Arun Dev Gautam, withdrawing of those cases will be equivalent to that of Chief 1986), after long period of Officer, Chhattisgarh has other departments except   $ ADG/Director Public Prosecution examined in the next meeting, Secretary in pay-scale cate- suspension and having been appointed as Principal transport and Transport Pawan Deo, Secretary Tribal and officials stated. gory. Chittaranjan Kumar granted bail by court, has Secretary, home and jail Commissioner posts.  RAIPUR The main aim of setting up poshan vatika is to avail nutri- he innovative model of tion for students along with Tagri-science centre, Kanker development of their garden- of establishing ‘poshan vatika’ ing skills, he said. $$&$(     in schools to ensure nutrition Notably, in 2015-16 agri- supply for children will be now culture science centre Kanker replicated in about 11 lakh  of agriculture, Dr Samman will be given to on experimental basis had set schools across India, officials up nurseries or Poshan Vatika RAIPUR Khoobchand Baghel Samman Nazir Ali Nasir of Raipur. For informed on Thursday. will be given to Kheersagar archery, Maharaja in 10 schools of the district. The agriculture science Impressed with the initiative inister for culture Patel, Sarangarh. Pravirchandra Bhanjdev centre is run by Indira Gandhi Amarjeet Bhagat For Print Media, award will be given to the then district collector M Agriculture University Shammi Abidi had provided announced the Chhattisgarh Chandulal Chandrakar para-archer Giriwar Singh, (IGAU), Raipur. state and national awards to Memorial Journalism Award Bilaspur. financial assistance of Rs “Union Human Resource 10,000 for each school to will be given to Romshankar For English Print media, be conferred to 23 persons Ministry in letters addressed to maintain the nursery. Later on, Yadav of Durg and for Madhukhar Kher Memorial and institutions for the year Chief Secretaries and School encouraged by the success of 2018 during state Foundation electronic media to Journalism Award will be Secretaries of all states has these Poshan Vatikas in 2016- Day celebrations to be spread Gyanendra Tiwari of Raipur. given to Rashmi Abhishek instructed them to set up 17 the model was replicated in over three days starting from The awardees in these Mishra. ‘Poshan Vaitka’ in every 30 other schools of the district. November 1 at Science categories will be conferred This year’s Daanveer school,” public relation officer, “Soon the model was College ground, Raipur. the awards consisting of cita- Bhamashah Award for IGAU Sanjay Nayyar said adopted by Dantewada, Bhagat making the tion, cash and a memento on charity, brotherhood and while adding that the letter has Balrampur, Surguja, Bilaspur, announcement said the November 1. remarkable assistance will go all necessary directives for Mungeli, Mahasamund and Yatiyatan Lal Samman for sports. Rukmani Chaturvedi justice, social, economic and ture and regional literature On second day, to Seetaram Agrawal. Prof. R. setting up the poshan vatika. Raipur districts. Taking note of non-violence and protection of Bhilai will receive education sector inno- will be conferred to Sayyed November 2, for the coopera- N. Tripathi of Raipur has In the letter they have been the success of ‘Poshan Vatika’ , of cow will be given to Minimata Samman for vative efforts. Jan Swasthya Ayub Ali Meer, Raipur, for art tive sector, Thakur Pyare Lal been nominated for asked to take required the then Chief Secretary Vidyasagar Govindi Devi women empowerment Sahayog Sansthan (JSS), and music. Chakradhar Singh Samman will be con- Ayurveda medical sector technical support and Viveek Dhand asked all district Charitable Trust, village while Guru Ghasidas Sahitya Ganiyari, Bilaspur will Samman will be given to ferred to District Minor Dhanvantari award. directions from agriculture collectors to adopt the model Sankara, Dhamtari district. avum Sanskriti Academy receive the Pt Ravishankar Mirza Masood (Raipur), Dau Forest Produce Federation, Similarly, for social har- science centres, agriculture, and currently in about 10,000 Dipesh Kumar Sinha, volley- Raipur will get Guru Shukla Samman. Mandraji Samman for folk art Kanker president Nitin Potali. mony the Maharaja Agrasen horticulture and forest depart- schools ‘Poshan Vatika’ is ball player of Raipur will get Ghasidas Samman for social Similarly, Pt Sunderlal and handicraft to Kuleshwar For contribution in Urdu Samman will be conferred to ments to assist in setting up being developed,” Nayyar Gundadhur Samman for awareness and for social Sharma Samman for litera- Tamrakar, Durg. In the field language , Haji Hassan Ali Ramji Lal Agrawal, Raipur. the nursery, Nayyar informed. claimed.

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 1   occasion,” he asserted, while accommodating four persons  /61 reiterating his protest against each—which works out to 3544    $   R  "  Islamabad’s refusal to with- persons. itting out at SAD for politi- draw the 20 dollar fee on pil- The booking or registra- Hcizing the auspicious 550th grims visiting Kartarpur tion is free and can be done      " prakash purb of Guru Nanak Gurdwara via the corridor. both online and offline. Online Dev, Punjab Chief Minister He urged the Imran Khan booking will start on Capt Amarinder Singh on led Pakistan Government to be November 2.  5 1 the work, was nothing but Punjab government,” he added. Thursday accused them of large-hearted, keeping in view “playing petty politics”, and Randhawa pointed out that obstructing joint celebration of Sikh sentiment and tradition. CM DEDICATES 96 CR aking strong exception to that too on such a pious occa- the foundation stone laying the historic event, even as he Asked if the State DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Tthe Central Government’s sion. function on November 26, flayed the denial of permission Government was ready to pay IN SULTANPUR LODHI decision to construct parallel Blasting the move as 2018, wherein the Vice- or visa to the Punjab Ministers, the said amount on behalf of To mark the 550th prakash stage for the inauguration of brazen violation of the centre- President M Venkaiah Naidu MPs and MLAs to visit Sri the pilgrims, Capt Amarinder purb of Guru Nanak Dev, historic Kartarpur Sahib state relations, especially federal participated, was organised by Nankana Sahib. said that he was, in principle, Punjab Chief Minister Capt Corridor, Punjab Cabinet spirit of Indian Constitution, the Punjab Government and “The occasion is one of against giving anything to Amarinder Singh on Thursday Minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa said: “I have been not any central agency. “That pride, which State Government Pakistan on this count. dedicated a slew of projects in Randhawa on Thursday sought having regular meetings with function was an example of wanted to celebrate collective- On Pakistan’s invitation to Sultanpur Lodhi, worth around Prime Minister Narendra all the central agencies con- total coordination between the ly, rising above petty political Congress MLA Navjot Singh - ( $( !          Rs 96 crores, to the people of Modi’s intervention to end this cerned while making prepara- State Government and the cen- considerations,” said Capt Sidhu to attend the Kartarpur    (      Punjab. controversy. tions for the inaugural function tral agencies,” he said. Amarinder, talking informally Corridor inauguration, the Capt Amarinder, digital- The state Cooperation and never even a hint was given Maintaining that it was to the media-persons while Chief Minister asked the “Only the work on the Amarinder Singh, who inspect- ly inaugurating the projects at Minister Randhawa, in his let- about the central government essential that the same proto- reviewing the arrangements media-persons to ask his for- Integrated Check Post of the ed the tented city as well as the a public gathering, termed ter to the Prime Minister, planning separate stage.” col must be maintained, the for the commemorative events. mer cabinet colleague about it. Land Port Authority was still main pandal for the main event them as the State minced no words to say that the “Moreover, all these central Minister assured that perfect However, the Akali Dal In response to a question, continuing under the Central on Thursday, expressed satis- Government’s humble con- decision to go in for a separate agencies have been regularly coordination would be main- scuttled all attempts of the Captain Amarinder rejected Government’s supervision,” he faction at the arrangements. tribution to commemorate stage at this juncture when the inspecting the stage construc- tained this time too between State Government to ensure as ‘crap’ SAD’s claims on said, but was hopeful it would The main pandal has a capac- 550th prakash purb at State Government had already tion and other preparations for the Punjab government and the joint celebrations, said the Central Government funding also be completed by ity for 30,000 pilgrims, expect- Sultanpur Lodhi, where he completed about 90 percent of the inaugural function by the central agencies. Chief Minister, terming it sheer the majority of the develop- November 9. ed to converge here on each day spent over 18 years of his life pettiness on the part of the ment projects to commemorate of the Dera Baba Nanak Utsav, and attained enlightenment. launched were three high level providing boulder stone The Chief Minister direct- Akalis, particularly Union the 550th prakash purb. DERA BABA NANAK from November 8 to 11. “These projects would fur- bridges, constructed over Holy pitching at a cost of 10.81 ed the state transport depart- Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal. “The Centre gave money READY TO WELCOME 30k The Chief Minister also ther ensure the holistic devel- Kali Bein at a cost of 9.30 crores. ment to ensure plying of spe- Pointing out that Punjab for only two projects, and one PILGRIMS A DAY reviewed the public utility opment of the holy city, besides crore, as well as six roads Captain Amarinder Singh cial buses within the state to Government had spent 550 of them was only partially The historic Dera Baba arrangements, including drink- facilitating millions of devotees repaired and widened at a cost further inaugurated the ‘Sri facilitate devotees, and also crores to ensure befitting cele- funded by them,” he said, Nanak is all set to witness an ing water and langar facilities. expected to arrive from across of 30.72 crores, special repair Guru Nanak Dev Ji Bio asked them to provide free ser- bration of the momentous adding that the State exciting convergence of a The Langar Hall is designed to the globe to pay their obeisance of 13 roads leading to Diversity Park’ and a conser- vices of intra-city mini buses event, Capt Amarinder said Government had already spent whopping 30,000 pilgrims a serve 1500 persons at a time, on this sacred occasion,” said Sultanpur Lodhi has also been vation forest set up at Bir and e-rickshaws. that the entire occasion had 550 crores and would be day for four days from with a kitchen equipped with the Chief Minister, who also completed at a cost of 31.30 Shikargah on Kanjli Road The projects inaugurated been transformed to a “politi- spending more on infrastruc- November 8. modern facilities. reviewed the arrangements for crores, to ensure smooth flow Kapurthala at a cost of 2.59 on Thursday were in addition cal drama” by the Akalis, tural development and various To accommodate the pil- The Tented City project, mega celebrations scheduled at of traffic, especially during the crores. to some other major projects backed by their allies, the events. grims, many of whom will be developed at Rs 4.2 crores, has Sultanpur Lodhi on the historic mega event. A state-of-the-art To meet the immediate already completed by the State Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The Chief Minister, who coming from distant lands, the a mix of European Type (EP) occasion. rest house has also been con- and projected power supply Government namely the Sri On the denial of visa to his reviewed the progress of work Punjab Government has accommodation, which can The Chief Minister called structed at a cost of 2.39 demand during the mega event, Guru Nanak Dev Ji Centre for Cabinet colleagues and other of Kartarpur Corridor, which turned a sprawling 30-acre- take in six persons (with 140 upon the people to light a diya crores. the Chief Minister also dedi- Invention, Innovation, Punjab representatives to visit will be opening for devotees on land into a well-equipped tent- separate bathrooms and 140 (lamp) at their homes in the To facilitate devotees to cated a first-of-its-kind under- Incubation and Training Gurdwara Nankana Sahib in November 9 at Zero Line ed city including 544 European washrooms constructed to evening as a humble tribute to take a dip in the holy Kali Bein, ground cable fed 66 KV Sub (CIIIT) at a cost of Rs 319 Pakistan, the Chief Minister (India-Pakistan International style tents, 100 Swiss cottages meet their basic needs), Swiss Guru Nanak Dev, whose 550th the State Government has Station in Sultanpur Lodhi at a crores, as well as the Bebe termed it as “extremely unfor- Border, Dera Baba Nanak), and 20 Darbar style accom- Cottage (SC) for two persons prakash purb’s main event already completed the work of cost of 11 crores. An upgrad- Nanki University College for tunate”. said that all work undertaken modations, with capacity to put each, with attached bathroom, would be held at Sultanpur lining, cleaning and fencing of ed bus stand constructed at a Girls besides Sri Guru Nanak “Politics should have been by the State Government was up around 3,500 people a day. and Darbar Tent (DT), also Lodhi on November 12. the Bein, besides strengthening cost of 5.97 crores was also Dev Ji Auditorium, construct- kept aside on this religious complete. Chief Minister Capt having attached bathroom, for Among the projects its left and right side banks by inaugurated. ed at a cost of 20 crores. 0     1 2 

 5 1 6000 in Karnal, 5500 in On this occasion, the Rohtak, 5000 each in Ambala, Chief Minister also adminis-  he ‘Run for Unity’ pro- Narnaul, Sonipat, Fatehabad tered pledge of national unity Tgramme organised in all and Yamunanagar, 4,000 each and integrity of the country to districts of Haryana on in Jhajjar and Kaithal, 3000 in youth, students of schools Thursday on the occasion of Sirsa, 5,500 in , and colleges, sportsperson,   144th birth anniversary of 3500 in Jind, 2,800 in Nuh, personnel of ITBP and Iron Man Sardar Vallabhbhai 2,600 in Panchkula, 2000 in Haryana Police and residents  5 1 BJP won 40 seats, the Congress Patel saw the participation of Palwal, 1800 in Rewari, 5500 of Panchkula. He also flagged secured 31 seats. Dushyant over one lakh people in Bhiwani, 1500 in Charkhi off Run for Unity and also aryana Congress MLAs are Chautala’s Jananayak Janata Chief Minister, Manohar Dadri and 1100 in Hansi. participated in the run. Hlikely to elect former chief Party came third with 10 assem- Lal Khattar participated in the Describing the unity and Speaking at an event minister Bhupinder Singh bly seats. The Congress nearly State Level Function orga- integrity of the country as organised in Gurugram on Hooda as the leader of the swept the Rohtak, Sonipat and nized on this occasion at Supreme, the Chief Minister National Unity Day, Congerss legislature Party on Jhajjar belt considered to be the Panchkula while Deputy said that country occupies Haryana''s Deputy Chief Friday. traditional strongholds of the Chief Minister, Dushyant foremost place for all of us Minister Dushyant Chautala Congress general secretary Hooda family and the grand old Chautala participated in the and everything else later. also talked about the Patel''s in charge of Haryana Ghulam party. function at Gurugram. Addressing the gathering role in integration of the Nabi Azad will also be present State party chief Selja said, An official release said at “Run for Unity” programme, princely states. The 31-year- in the meting. “A meeting of the Haryana maximum 9500 participants Khattar said that October 31 old JJP leader said, "All of us, A month ago, the Congress Congress Legislature Party will took part in the Run for is being celebrated as especially the youth, should party had replaced its PCC be held at 11 am in the party Unity programme in district ‘Rashtriya Ekta Divas’ for the of the country. He said that the and Junagarh as a result of his Prime Minister Narendra take inspiration from Sardar chief with Selja taking over office at Sector 9 to elect CLP Panipat followed by 7000 par- last five years. He said Sardar merger of three princely states strong determination. Modi and Home Minister Vallabhbhai Patel". "Youth are from Ashok Tanwar. Hooda leader.” She said Congress pres- ticipants in district Patel has played a vital role in remained incomplete after the "It is a matter of great Amit Shah took the decision to the future of this country and was made the CLP leader and ident Sonia Gandhi appointed Gurugram, 6500 in the integration of 562 prince- independence out of which happiness that Jammu and scrap Article 370 and com- they should dedicate them- chairman of the election man- former AICC general secretary Kurukshetra, 6300 in Hisar, ly states after the independence Sardar Patel had been suc- Kashmir, which was not fully pleted that remaining task. selves to preserve the unity, agement committee. Madhusudan Mistry the central cessful in the merger of two integrated with the Indian Sardar Patel''s dream has been integrity and security of this In the recently held observer for the crucial CLP princely states of Union 70 years ago...but our fulfilled," said Khattar. nation," he said. Assembly election, while the election. 1 # 1 4 0   44!3  !   & R  1-R$  ! Chandigarh: To sensitize peo- moved from Lake Club ple with the ghastly implications Chandigarh towards Sukhna of the use of single use plastic Lake in the evening. To ensure    '    " 1 " #  on environment, a Halloween that the message can be com- rally was held here on Thursday municated to a greater audi- on the theme of 'The Harrows ence, the students of Arts  1 of Plastic'. College fabricated a 50 feet long The rally jointly organised ghostly creature — the Plastic he National Unity Day was by the Public Relations Demon made of fibre glass Tobserved at Reserve Police Department, Environment which was mounted on a rick- Lines here on Thursday. Chief Department and the shaw. The participants accom- Minister Trivendra Singh Government College of Arts, panied the Plastic Demon don- Rawat, along with public rep- was a part of the ‘plasticka- ning creative dresses fashioned resentatives and senior police timeup’ campaign to sensitize out of plastic material, and officials, paid tribute to the Iron the public about the harms of used face painting and creative Man of the country—Sardar single use plastic. Debendra slogan-boards to reiterate city's Vallabhbhai Patel, on whose Dalai, UT Chief Conservator of resolve to become 'Single Use birth anniversary the day is Forest flagged off the rally that Plastic Free'. commemorated in the country. Addressing the gathering on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that after inde- pendence even though the British left India, they left the nation divided with many princely States. He said that it was Sardar Patel who unified all the 562 princely States in India without the support of any force. Patel also had great concern for the farmers of the country. He used to believe that with- out farmers, it is impossible to imagine the existence of India. The CM further stated that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is following the footsteps gramme there for 222 days. important. was chosen as the best cash of Sardar Patel and working on Rawat and other dignitaries He also played a vital role work-out case. the same model of ‘One India, also paid tribute to the police in establishing the initial infra- For the same case, Best India’. This is the year when personnel who died recently in structure for the administration Superintendent of Police (city) Article 370 has been abrogated a road accident in Nainital. The in the country. The DGP fur- Shweta Choubey, Nehru from Jammu and Kashmir and CM said that the families of these ther said that Uttarakhand Colony station in-charge Dilbar now the future of Jammu- police personnel will be provid- Police will always try to walk on Singh Negi, Special Operations Kashmir and Ladakh will also be ed with all possible help by the the path that Patel had shown. Group in-charge Aishwarya bright. State Government. On the occasion, the best Pal and Mohammad Yasin were Speaking about the ongoing Director General of Police police station award was given also presented citations by the movement against single use (DGP) Anil K Raturi said that as to Clement Town police sta- CM. State Minister Dhan Singh plastic in the State, the CM said the first Home Minister of tion. The armed robbery case Rawat, MP Mala Rajya Laxmi that when Sardar Patel was the Independent India, the role of at the residence of RP Shah and MLAs were also mayor of , he had Sardar Patel in uniting the divid- Easwaran, owner of among those present on the conducted a sanitation pro- ed parts of the country is very Abhimanyu Academy, occasion.    !"# $ -3 .R$  $ %  $  .   ,+

 1 two gas cylinders exploded The train, Tezgam gers, including women and R$   while some passengers were Express, was on its way to children, at Liaquatpur near massive fire broke out on cooking breakfast, killing at Lahore from Karachi when Rahim Yar Khan, some Aa moving train in least 73 people, mostly Islamic the fire broke out early morn- 400 kms from Lahore,   from both the state and the youth and student wing siding Pakistan’s eastern Punjab preachers travelling to attend ing, gutting three bogies authorities said. defence. However, the bench with the Pakistani troops in province on Thursday after a religious congregation. which had over 200 passen- District Emergency he Supreme Court in completed the hearing and 1971. He was accused of presid- Officer RYK Baqir Hussain TBangladesh on Thursday deferred the matter as a Case ing over the killing of over 1,400 has confirmed that 73 upheld the death sentence to top Awaiting Verdict (CAV) on people, rape of many women, passengers lost their lives in Jamaat-e-Islami leader ATM July 10. abduction and torture. the fire. Azharul Islam for committing Islam’s case was the eighth The Tribunal sentenced him Most deaths occurred war crimes during the 1971 one to reach the final verdict as to death on December 30, 2014 from people jumping off the Liberation War by siding with Bangladesh’s Awami League gov- for committing crimes against train, the authorities said, Pakistani troops. ernment of Prime Minister humanity while he subsequent- adding that the toll could rise A four-member Bench of Sheikh Hasina initiated the ly challenged the verdict before further as more than 40 pas- the Appellate Division rejected process to expose to justice the the apex court. sengers have suffered severe Islam’s appeal against the capital suspected war criminals of 1971. According to the legal pro- burn injuries. punishment handed down by a Six of the convicts were by visions, Islam could now seek a Railway Minister Sheikh high powered tribunal. now executed with five being review of the judgment by the Rashid Ahmad said that most “Rejected,” pronounced leaders of Jamaat, which was Appellate Division itself, and if of the victims belonged to the Chief Justice Syed Mahmud opposed to Bangladesh’s 1971 rejected could beg a presidential Tableeghi Jamaat (Islamic Hossain as he read out the ver- independence. The sixth was a clemency. President Abdul preachers) who were going to dict summery of the apex court leader of BNP of ex-prime min- Hamid has binned such appeals Lahore to attend a major bench. On January 28, 2015, ister Khaleda Zia, who is now in previous such cases involving annual congregation at Islam filed his appeal challeng- serving a 10-year imprisonment the war crimes. Raiwind. ing the International Crimes on graft charges. Islam was arrested from his The Railways Minister Tribunal verdict that sentenced A former Jamaat assistant Moghbazar home in Dhaka in said two gas stoves carried by him to death for war crimes. secretary general, Islam was a top 2012 on the war crimes charges some passengers blew up Earlier on June 18, the leader of notorious Al Badr and now languishes at the high when they were preparing Appellate Division started hear- militia force, manned mainly by security Kashimpur Jail on the *          2     3!  breakfast on the speeding train ing arguments on the appeal the extreme right-wing party’s outskirts of the capital.           P -  ! in violation of rules.  ) F ) F 20         !"!O#     "  /2" 7*!# 5  more delay and more uncer- but he has failed and that fail- tainty for families and ure is his alone. You can’t trust !'#" rime Minister Boris business.” a word,” the veteran socialist  /   by the US forces running for life “About Baghdadi’s last PJohnson sought Thursday Pro-EU campaigners said. in a tunnel, American troops moments. I can tell you this, he London: John Bercow stepped to blame the Opposition breathed a sigh of relief that The fourth new Brexit he Pentagon on Wednesday killed five ISIS members, crawled into a hole with two down on Thursday after 10 Labour leader for his failure to Britain had been given a stay of deadline of January 31 will Treleased short videos of the including four women who small children, blew himself up years as speaker of Britain’s deliver Brexit, as both men execution to avoid a Halloween inevitably loom large in cam- US forces’ raid in northwestern engaged with them in fire, while his people stayed on the House of Commons — a role stepped up campaigning on Brexit nightmare, after stark paigning for what is the third Syria that resulted in the death Mckenzie said. ground. So, you can deduce that rocketed him into the heart the day Britain had been due predictions of chaos and dis- general election in four years of ISIS leader Abu Bakr He said two children, what kind of person it is based of the Brexit battle, and won him to leave the EU. ruption. and the first in December since al-Baghdadi. appeared to be under 12 years on that activity,” he said but European fans. Johnson is riding high in Johnson had vowed he 1923. Baghdadi, 48, died on old, were killed in the raid, not refused to confirm or deny any- The man in the middle of opinion polls ahead of the would rather be “dead in a But Corbyn is seeking to Sunday after he blew up his sui- three as believed earlier. thing else about his last seconds. more than three years of fiery December 12 election but risks ditch” than tolerate another shift the debate onto more cide vest following the US raid parliamentary debates has a backlash over failing to keep extension to the tortuous domestic subjects such as on his compound in Syria’s Idlib proved a controversial figure, his “do or die” pledge to take process, which began in 2016 health and social care, and province, some four miles from loathed by pro-Brexit supporters Britain out of the European after a knife-edge public education. Turkish border.  ')' * #')*"3 and hailed by its foes. 56-year-old Union on October 31. referendum. More than three years after Releasing a few short Bercow has yelled “Order! “Today should have been But he was forced to ask the referendum that has videos of the strike, US Central ")")! "!)E/  "% Order!” more than 14,000 times the day that Brexit was deliv- the EU to delay Brexit until increasingly divided Britain, Command Commander Gen. during his tenure as the 157th ered and we finally left the EU,” January 31 after MPs in the Labour remains split over Kenneth Mckenzie told Washington: A US service Commander General speaker. His detractors call him the Conservative leader said in House of Commons refused Brexit. reporters at a Pentagon news dog who was injured during Kenneth McKenzie told pompous — one MP even a statement. to approve the withdrawal Its promise of a new pub- conference that after the raid, the raid at the hideout of Abu reporters at a Pentagon news branded him a “sanctimonious “Despite the great new deal terms he had struck with lic vote within six months of Baghdadi’s compound looks Bakr al-Baghdadi in north- conference on Wednesday. dwarf”— but his backers say he I agreed with the EU, (Labour Brussels. election has not been matched “pretty much like a parking lot western Syria has returned to “He was injured by has bolstered the rights of back- leader) Jeremy Corbyn refused Labour leader Corbyn laid with details on how it would with large potholes.” service, a top American gen- exposed live electrical cables benchers to hold the to allow that to happen — the blame squarely at Johnson’s campaign. The compound was eral said. in the tunnel after Baghdadi Government to account. AFP insisting upon more dither, door, ridiculing the prime min- “We’ll let the people decide destroyed in a way to ensure The dog is a four-year detonated his vest beneath ister’s past remarks. whether to leave with a sensi- that it would not be a shrine or veteran of the SOCOM the compound,” the general Johnson “said that he ble deal or remain. It really isn’t otherwise memorable in any Canine Program and has said, adding the dog, whose would rather be dead in a that complicated,” Corbyn told way. “It’s just another piece of been a member of approxi- name was not revealed, has ditch than delay beyond today, the London rally. ground now,” he said. mately 50 combat missions, returned to duty. Before Baghdadi was found US Central Command PTI +0   !B!)#    &'&%" !2 ' !# Washington: President Donald “some time.” Trump’s former top adviser for He has been in the spotlight Russian and European affairs since August when a govern- '2 '& arrived on Capitol Hill on ment whistleblower said multi- Thursday to testify to House ple U.S. Officials had said Trump Beijing: China’s Communist impeachment investigators , a was “using the power of his Party elite concluded a key day after leaving his job at the office to solicit interference from meeting in Beijing Thursday White House. a foreign country in the 2020 with a promise to protect Tim Morrison, the first US Election.” the “stability” of Hong Kong, White House political appointee Morrison will be asked to which has been rocked by to testify, didn’t respond to explain that “sinking feeling” he months of unrest. reporters’ questions about his got when Trump demanded The Fourth Plenum of testimony, which takes place that Ukraine’s president investi- the Party’s Central behind closed doors, but his gate former Vice President Joe Committee is a closed-door information might be central to Biden and meddling in the 2016 meeting of high-ranking a push to remove the president election. officials where the country’s from office. Morrison was brought on future direction is discussed, Morrison, who served on board by then-national securi- and this week’s meet was the the National Security Council, ty adviser John Bolton to address first since February 2018. stepped down from that post arms control matters and later This plenum came as Wednesday, and a senior shifted into his current role as a Chinese President Xi administration official said he top Russia and Europe adviser. Jinping battles a number of “decided to pursue other It was there that he stepped international and domestic opportunities.” into the thick of an in-house challenges, including The official, who was not squabble about the activities of months of pro-democracy authorised to discuss Morrison’s Trump’s personal attorney Rudy protests in Hong Kong, a job and spoke only on the con- Giuliani, who had been con- slowing economy, and a lin- dition of anonymity, said versing with Ukrainian leaders gering trade war with the Morrison has been considering outside of traditional US diplo- United States. leaving the administration for matic circles. AP AFP 0 $,   5!" '%%#'* 2 $       G # !&#! -0     1 "&'" ' $    $R &'%'"2 Q R 5 / Beijing: China’s three major Tehran: Iran said on state telecom operators rolled out Thursday it hopes the UN orth Korea fired two pro- 5G wireless technology nuclear watchdog will act Njectiles on Thursday, the Thursday, as the country races to “neutrally” under its new South’s military said, with narrow its technology gap with head and vowed to maintain nuclear talks between the US amid a bruising trade war. cooperation with its inspec- Pyongyang and Washington at China Mobile, the country’s tors monitoring a landmark a deadlock. largest carrier, announced its 5G 2015 nuclear deal. The weapons were launched services were available in 50 cities Argentina’s Rafael from South Pyongan province in — including Beijing, Shanghai Grossi took the helm of the an easterly direction over the sea, and Shenzhen — with packages International Atomic Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said starting from 128 yuan (USD 18) Energy Agency on Tuesday in a statement, without specify- a month. following the death of his ing the type of device involved. Rivals China Telecom and predecessor, Yukiya Amano “We are maintaining readi- China Unicom are also offering of Japan, in July. ness and monitoring in case of services at comparable prices in The UN agency is additional launches,” they added. major cities, according to notices tasked with monitoring It is the latest in a series of on their websites. Tehran’s nuclear activities to launches by the North but the The ultra-fast mobile inter- assess its compliance with first since October 2, when it net service — which is 100 the 2015 agreement with fired a sea-launched missile in times faster than existing 4G major powers, which has a provocative move — a sub- networks— allows consumers to been severely undermined marine-based missile capabil- download full-length films with- by Washington’s abandon- ity would change the military in seconds, or use apps with vir- ment of it in May last year. balance. tual reality. AFP AFP    !"# $  -4 $% $ 3"&,''&' )"!%2!'  I"!%6!'  !#" " &' )"!%2!' 42+20         (  $       R               "          # #      1#*%#'3%"# '*)'3## ,%%&!'#!"" "# "")" "" !3' & $  #                 $S    % " 3"&" !#")! )' *%"!")'2!!'2'%%#'#*  "#2" &          #   #     #            "       *   "       %       S       #    %              # &'( 02+51      #  #       "     ## /        # 455 #  ne of the interesting things that  $ 1   *  #        " happened during the recent                   Assembly elections in  %         6S   #    Maharashtra was the fact that in at least two Assembly con-  7              " Ostituencies, NOTA (None of The Above) was    ##  ' "8#        % " the runner-up. This phenomenon, while inter-        ##       " esting, is ultimately inconsequential when it comes to declaring a winner. Even if NOTA   #               was to get a majority of the vote, the candi- +   %      # #      date with the second highest votes would still  # #       '   8#   be declared the winner. NOTA does, howev- er, fulfil the role of showcasing disinterest or .    6#      7/ .#     more typically the lack of options for a voter.     /    +            " Another way in which this can be gauged in          7       an election is the voter turnout. The most recent round of Assembly elections in           #  - 1     Maharashtra and Haryana recorded disap-           "     pointingly low numbers, showcasing once  #  (    (   (     9 again that there is a need for challenging par- ties to show their best selves.          7   *  " However, the fault does not lie with just #     *     # :5         the political parties. In this week’s article, I will                  talk about the phenomenon of opinion polls and exit polls. The latter refer to polls that are play during the last few years. It such circumstances that one tions that have been made.       0          conducted after voters have cast their ballot is unfortunate that these media must look at the opinion/exit Opinion polls, too, must be            6 3   and have left the polling stations. An opin- organisations are also the ones polls that are showcased during regulated or made more account-       ion poll, on the other hand, is a survey that who examine and showcase these elections. Television news chan- able. This because some biased is used to predict and/or gauge voter behav- opinion and exit polls as a mea- nels spend a large amount of their opinion polls often claim a no- $ 6             #   iour and involves talking to people, who may sure of “electability.” time displaying these opinion and contest and therefore, nudge +  6"("6 0    ##     6S or may not cast the ballot, before voting takes The inevitable consequence exit polls, each of which have voters into staying home rather    $      S  *      place. During the recent Assembly elections, of the biases and assumptions their own biases and assump- than suffering in the sun to cast ,               exit polls got the picture completely wrong. that form a part of the poll num- tions. Rarely is the Indian pop- their votes. Due to our first past Most polls overestimated the Bharatiya Janata bers is that they tend to favour the ulace educated about these the post system, even if 5,000 %            Party (BJP) and its allies in the States of present Government and rein-     assumptions and biases. Instead, people are affected by these polls,         ##    Maharashtra and Haryana. The ABP-C voter force the notion that there is no 5/N5A we have hours of TV studio the impact on who ultimately                 poll predicted 70 seats for the BJP, while the Opposition in the country. If a experts (this writer included) that wins is massive. CNN-IPSOS and Times Now polls went one person is watching an opinion or  // examine and justify exit and There were some steps that        #      *  step further to forecast 75 and 71 seats for exit poll on television and is made opinion polls as if they are God’s were taken in this regard. For   !      7      the BJP, respectively. to believe that it is almost certain //6 / holy truth and unimpeachable. example, in November 2013, the   # 6            ;+  There is a theory that if a monkey is given that the BJP will retain power in A1 The results in the last round Election Commission of India enough darts, he’ll beat the market. This the- Maharashtra and in Haryana, of Assembly elections reinforce (ECI) consulted with political           6  1    7 ory emanates from a research article that sim- there is little, to no incentive, for 61A the notion that this is hardly the parties to put a restriction on  :<     -       ;  " ulated results of 100 monkeys throwing darts that person to cast his vote. 6 1/ case. The impact of such analy- opinion polls as well. All parties /  +        # =       at the stock pages in a newspaper. It was found Therefore, even if a potential sis is huge. Just image how the except for the BJP endorsed the that on an average, the monkeys outper- voter is largely unhappy with the / battle in close to 62 seats in ECI’s suggestion to ban opinion  #          #      formed the index by an average of 1.7 per cent incumbent Government and is Haryana and Maharashtra would polls from the date of notifica-   #               " per year since 1964. Applying the same logic frustrated with issues of unem-  have played out if there wasn’t tions until the end of polling.       > 1         to the recent exit polls may seem harsh but ployment or the lack of power, A1 hours of TV news coverage that Such a step should be welcome the fact that a majority of them got the results there is little incentive for him/her repeated ad nauseum that the as it can lead to a more free and #S     +          wrong does not lend too much credibility to to step out of the house if he/she 61/ Government in power will stay. fair election. The BJP must /                them. believes that his vote will not real- 1  While there are certain explain why it is not in favour of  # 1  6       # The question, however, is what impact do ly count. Such an outcome has an 61A restrictions that have been put in a step that can help ensure #         #     " these opinion and exit polls have on a democ- enormous impact on the work- place in relation to the exit and greater transparency and lesser racy if they are left unchecked? At the end of ing of a healthy democracy.   opinion polls, they are hardly manipulation in an election.              S   the day, any poll is driven by a variety of fac- A look at the results of the enough. Under Section 126A of We must remember that        - 8      tors, including the interview set and the tim- Assembly elections in 1 / the Representation of the People’s some vested entities know all too ing. Other than these variables, there are also Maharashtra and Haryana shows 66/    Act, 1951, exit polls are banned well just how unscientific some               %  other assumptions that primarily comprise of that in as many as 25 seats in the from the beginning of the polls of these polls are and have read        7         guesswork and bias (or ideology). The latter and in 37 seats in the for- 51 until half an hour after the final how dart throwing monkeys    .#      "  impact of these assumptions and biases is mas- mer, the victory margin was less phase of voting has been held. outperform the market. sive. This is because poll numbers — whether than 5,000 votes. Of these seats, While this is one step, there are Sometimes, it seems that some of in an opinion or exit poll — serve as a kind interestingly, at least 10 seats in still many more to go. For one, these entities are conducting of democratic currency or a measure of “elec- Haryana and nine seats in before conducting a their own experiments with such $ R    tability”, as Richard Seymour from The Maharashtra saw the margin of full-blown analysis on TV on the polls and think we are the mon- Guardian put it. In India, there are certain sec- victory fall below 2,000 votes. verdict these polls throw-up, keys. Let’s prove them wrong. tions of the media whose lack of desire, will- Therefore, in a large number of there must be a clear explanation (The writer is a former IPS        /9 ingness and mettle to question the seats, the margin of victory is and breakdown of the method- officer, an MP and currently a    "    "    Government in power has been on sharp dis- often excruciatingly slim. It is in ology of the poll and the assump- member of the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clamp down clearly manifests     that after the release of all    +   ,   +      " detained political leaders, fero-   #    +          " Sir — The results of the Assembly %%* !),"*)!# " '3'!%%" 2#JK cious violence will break out. But             -    elections in Maharashtra and ,* !',"#- " ! /" "*") the administration should put it Haryana prove that people are los- 2!&&!'3')"%'') # ")#*,%!  to test for return of normalcy. )      #          -  ing faith in the BJP. They have '' %)"*"%!"%!N2'#"O!" Nimai Charan Swain                     begun to realise their folly in giv- 6 ")# ")!' *!## '''3' %)1&' )# Bhubaneswar  R S   .#  )          ing a massive mandate to the saf- 3' # * , '3%" 2#%!''3!"%! fron party in the last parliamen- 12' #&'3! !"#"#2&"&%"' #")')"          /          0   tary elections. The party has '  #  !#!%!3#!"%#" '*)' %)#     #     1   " imposed draconian laws that are '-  3#!"% '3 !"%! !# !)% "##'&!") !      $   /   ,    #     " detrimental to the democratic, sec- "# !- '))##'32 '#2 !' -)!33  Sir — This refers to the first T20I ular values of the country. The !'#") %!!'#& '##&'* &%, "3#0 match between India and                 " people have also seen through its !"%'3%!#2 '2!!"!)!33 ')#)!33 % !'* %" 2!'*  "%M'*#!#"%%)"  Bangladesh, which is scheduled to              " strategy of using religious polari- " 6 ")#5!3!!# )!"" )*&) ")%'#' -%) '* %!FO/ "!#) )"  take place in Delhi on November       . 2         sation and hypernationalism to 3#!"%- ' !# *&%'*))- ' "  0& !& #3' " ' ")%'')" 3"& '* 3. With air pollution levels reach- !)*" -  2%'! '!'*# ' !& '# )*#N "&' ' ! -O##"!)-N'3%'"       #   "       " divert citizens’ attention from ing the “severe” category, it is not important issues such as unem- !)*#-' & !!&"%'3#&" !"!)*"!)0 %" 2'# " )"%!"#!#O advisable for the players and spec-        #     # ' 3   ployment. It’s clear that the '%'-")*#%! #  "!)*%&' ")''' #'')"%'" '"%% "###")"&)! !) tators to go through this ordeal.        +        Government will not stand for the 2" !"*"%B" ,' !')"3"!%) 3%"  '3   %" 2 *#%##% ) !3! !  !)M  Not long ago, in 2017, during a      0      ' 3S    common man but for the rich. '# ,'%!#!&' '3%!' )" ##-'')' /" "*F!#'*&'*%)!*!#3%" #'3*% "0 Test match between India and Sri The Congress, on the other !% ") '%) '  !' "& 1",!) "" "!'"%!# ''*  "7*!%,"#")%!%" 2# Lanka, we saw how Lankan play-               #   hand, has improved its tally. But "' !!#2 '#2' -    JK- '3*! #"%, ' '')  ers were forced into wearing face      #        it has a long way to go as far as ") 3%&)EL#%'2'3)#'%" ! " '  2 masks. This incident did show %   S      #        regaining its political hold is "%% "### "#) -N"!)- )''*'#")0    India in poor light. The BCCI concerned. It is high time the must consider shifting the T20I                 party took some bold steps to match between India and  *                 revamp its structure. The first step    370. It’s true that anger, frustra- at the instigation and inspiration Bangladesh to another place.           %  +     towards this would be to hand tion and harassment have well of Pakistan extremist elements, BCCI should have learnt its lesson over the baton of leadership to a manifested among some sections unleashing unrest and violence. after the Sri Lanka Test match.                 young and vibrant leader. All Sir — This refers to the editori- of the people in the Valley. It is Recent incidents, where a Bal Govind                ranks should extend their uncon- al, “Unwelcome visit” (October also a fact that Kashmiris desire truck driver and five migratory              #  #    " ditional support to the candidate. 30). Normalcy has not been no protest or violent demonstra- labourers from West Bengal were Tharcius S Fernando restored in Kashmir even after 87 tions. However, some newly- mercilessly executed by the ter-     5       Chennai days of the abrogation of Article recruited youths in the Valley are, rorists even during curfew and (B-'A)'    !"# $    -; $% $ !91%:)62+#  ')*+:)2#71 ')*+   #  !58! !5   5! 5 # 8  #  44 1 3445!    09/   44 1 A 1    !8  A3 3  !!0 3440 ! !5!  !8     A #!      #0 # 1# # 4 A 5  *#2)!2 '&##'33!)! L   1  5  L 8   "! 0,'*) #'%*!'")%'0 0! 2"& # 8 # 5 # 8  9   2'%!&)&!#!''")) ##!)*# O#'# 1  "

 ,- 5#71<77    $       "        $S  ##                *                  ! #  +       #   + #    %        ;   ?;@           R ##S         8 $   #      +     ABB       " R " S     R  S      "   %                 "           'S '+ (S %  9S ;   . )*   +     %    #  " 5#590 %8515#       "      #        #    % nternet adoption has grown manifold in India and at a stunning pace. According to Ericsson,               " the average domestic smartphone user con-            I sumes around 10 gigabytes of data per month,   "      "    a stark increase from less than a gigabyte five            #   years ago. Consequently, the growth of the dig- /        "  ital economy has outpaced that of traditional %     ?   @      industries, providing consumers access to seam-  :C           # less communications and diverse content.   +  *  "     However, India employs an inconsistent mix of  ;  "      #      responsive and legacy regulations towards such    R6  $S    ' ?  6  technological developments.  '@             For instance, a prominent divergence is vis-   ible in the progressive approach of the Telecom "    Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) towards   / ,       "  " interconnection regulations in communications /1                  markets and the regressive approach adopted by /            " #" executive branches of Government towards 5 5     -# #        licensing of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) 5  -  /    S *    #       in content markets. TRAI’s approach encouraged 61        technology transition for the telecom industry 6 %         CB555 and facilitated communications for consumers, 61 5 6/0 /  ?          #    @ while the executive branch is delaying technol- 6615 platforms providing streaming ser- radio stations hassle-free acquisition of access to mainstream content, the pain     >   *  #     " ogy transition in content industries and creat- 1  vices and the centering of new business music for broadcasting. Policymakers point that new technology addresses is ing barriers for investment in quality content that models around personalisation. With are considering extension of this pro- consumers’ access to variety. Fully  #         %      consumers can now access online. 5  traditional broadcasting, latent demand vision to internet streaming, high- leveraging the technology for person-     )+ # !S ?)!@    " Let’s consider the progressive approach / for a wide variety of content is seldom lighting a fundamental gap in their alised content provision will transform      P,  #      adopted in telecom first. In 2017, TRAI reduced 6  realised, given the incentives for broad- understanding of the market barriers the listening experience for consumers,   #             + Interconnection Usage Charges (IUC) from 14 1 casters to cater to popular preferences. today and the opportunities that new offering them music that they do not   Q !        +      paisa per minute to six paisa per minute to 1 Online platforms employ new technolo- technologies offer. even know they may enjoy. India’s vast -# S #      , 1 " encourage transition from legacy 2G and 3G net- 1  gies to incorporate user feedback and Copyright law is generally designed cultural diversity that currently has lim-  $       #     P Q works to modern 4G networks. Interconnection 5 facilitate better matching of listeners to help content owners licence their ited reach can potentially change the %           *  # lets telcos access each other’s networks and the 1/- and viewers with content producers, works for public dissemination at mar- music market in a way that listeners     0     +    IUC is a compensatory mechanism to enable this. 1  thus changing the shape of the content ket-determined prices. Voluntary cannot imagine going back to old / F#  8  $     " Older 2G and 3G networks are based on circuit 5 5 market. licencing under the law is a key mech- ways of accessing content. switching technology, which requires a dedicat- On the other side of this new and anism to enable such access while pro- Involuntary or statutory licensing              $ ed connection for the period of communication   exciting online content market, a seg- tecting the commercial and moral will only prove to be a backdoor for 1   #      #  / " between two networks. 5 / 01/ ment of smaller players have a known interests of content owners. Section global music streaming giants to access         " # #  # Costs of interconnection reduce dramatical- /1 history of struggling to monetise their 31(D) was specifically created as an vast vernacular music libraries of   #        +   0 ly in modern Internet Protocol (IP) based 4G net- A151 niche content. For smaller producers exception to voluntary licensing, to pro- Indian music labels for a pittance. By #   "   #     works. IP-based networks rely on packet-switch- 5  creating vernacular content, demand vide wider access to content through extending 31(D) to online streaming     #   "        ing that allows rerouting of communications / /A1 may be in pockets or scattered. For traditional broadcasting. This meant platforms, policymakers will inadver- $            from capacity deficit parts of a network to parts 6065 example, communities of overseas that TV and radio broadcasters could tently keep the local industry from               > with a surplus. This dynamic optimisation  5 Indians have demand and willingness seek statutory licencing in the event that using exclusivity as a negotiating chip 6  $           /" reduces network congestion and improves effi- 1  /- to pay for quality music content in sev- voluntary licencing negotiations with for earning greater value in a market   "        > ciency, reducing costs. A lower IUC dilutes the /65   eral regional languages, but the small- content owners failed. where content supply is not a challenge. incentives to run legacy networks and encour- er labels that produce this type of con- Involuntary or statutory licensing This move would limit the future %    "        ages transition to the superior technology. This 16   tent have not found means to reach is a legacy framework that was only rel- investments of smaller producers who -#               has led to greater consumer access, borne out by  1/ these audiences through traditional evant when radio and television indus- have already suffered under the previ- %             the spike in data consumption in the country. channels. Such labels now have an tries were developing. Without radio ous regime where mainstream content  #    + !         The increased data consumption enabled by opportunity via online platforms to stations being able to source music, dominated. It will reduce the impact of      #    #    IP-based networks has driven demand for reach users in dispersed domestic and consumers did not have access to con- new technologies on improving the     -  ;# %+ ?-;%@ %     online streaming services. This is best illustrat- global markets. tent. The original objectives of con- experience of listeners. #        #   <4    ed by the fact that over 90 per cent of music is With smaller producers being able sumer access have been met. TRAI At a time when India is struggling  -# S       + ;   consumed digitally today. More than 80 per cent to monetise their content, online plat- reported All India Radio (AIR) as hav- to stimulate economic activity, it is  P  Q       -#  " of total music record label revenues come from forms will be able to take more diverse ing 420 radio stations in 2017, cover- important to adopt a principles-based #               digital music and streaming grew by 50 per cent content to their consumers to match ing almost 92 per cent of the country approach to governing technology that in 2018 to reach 150 million listeners, excluding individual tastes. Leveraging the key by area and more than 99.2 per cent of has the potential to generate growth.     YouTube. This growing preference for online ser- benefits of the new technology the country’s population. India has 369 TRAI led the way in telecom markets, 7         -#   vices over previously available television (TV) and improves both sides of the market. private radio stations on top, including leveraging technological innovation.              " radio broadcasts reflects consumers’ access to a However, policymakers appear in smaller cities and towns. In addition, Decision-makers must learn from each        ' S !   wider choice of content, personalisation and oblivious to the benefits of new tech- the push by TRAI for adoption of mod- other and actively desist from path-     #     %     +    interactivity. nologies and lean towards legacy reg- ern network technologies has led to an dependence and legacy regulations,   #  "       " " TV and radio broadcasting are over-reliant ulations. Public policy decision-mak- exponential jump in access to content especially in rapidly evolving digital      / #    " on advertising revenues, which has led to dissem- ers are considering imposition of relative to when TV and radio were markets. "    9      +  #  ination of homogenised and formulaic content. licencing rules made for TV and radio dominant. Today, when consumer (Patnaik is an Esya Centre Fellow The primary benefit online subscription services broadcasts to online streaming. Section access is no longer a problem, extend- and Assistant Professor at the Indian    #        ## Statistical Institute and Sharan is an     provide is access to niche, personalised content, 31(D) of India’s copyright law, also ing the provision of statutory licensing that users are willing to pay for. This is clearly known as the provision for statutory to internet streaming is not justified. Advisor to the Esya Centre and Partner ?       @ seen in both the explosive popularity of online licencing, is meant to provide TV and Although consumers have wide at Koan Advisory.)   " " !)179#7=7                                                 E 

are listed on the stock exchanges get even some major Asian nations, the two largest economies of the world Indian bonds remained volatile cut, though it indicated that the traded by buyers and sellers. At any yields on long-term bonds are lower is creating uncertainty and investors over the past year or two on uncer- moves to ease policy could be near- point in time, a bond would carry than those for shorter tenure debt are rushing to buy US bonds, large- tainties over the maiden offshore ing a pause. Meanwhile, cash con- a yield or a likely rate of interest or instruments. Therefore, the yields ly considered a safe haven. sovereign bonds issuance. India’s ditions are in surplus of 1 trillion 1/5  return that an investor is likely to curve now would be ‘inverted’. However, the problems beset- benchmark ten-year bond yield fell and are likely to stay so ahead of the 61 5  generate if the bond is held till So why is the yield curve invert- ting the Indian economy are differ- below 6.40 per cent (in the previous advance tax payments. maturity. ing? ent. Its financial sector is grappling year it was 6.48 per cent) after The inversion in the bond yield !"!O#'!## However, the yield keeps chang- Much of the blame has been put with trillions of rupees in bad debt Finance Minister Nirmala is an indication that recession is !'%#*) )#'3  ")/  15<5 ing based on the prevalent interest on the US-China trade war. When and resolution of most cases is still Sitharaman assured that the offshore coming. But somewhere we need to 2" !&*%" %'&"%%&!'#' rate scenario, prospects for econom- it started over two years ago, there slow. Fear of probe agencies over bond issuance plan was on track. be cognisant of the fact that com- ic growth, tenure of the debt, cred- was hope it would get resolved as fresh bad debts and a liquidity The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) modity prices have remained low for 2" &"""'O#' ata analysis suggests that it ratings and inflation. both sides kept the talks going. But crunch are hampering lending by board met in mid-August to discuss a long time and if global liquidity 3'  ") !#& "!" historically an inverted yield A yield curve is a plot or graph- a deal hasn’t come through even as banks. Even as the world talks the issuance plan. moves into soft commodities, which &'!'"%!#)' ! Dcurve has been a precursor to ical representation of the yields of US President Donald Trump has put about negative interest rates, India Foreign Portfolio Investors have been slightly benign, all the #' " "' ' !%%, an economic slowdown. So, there bonds growing across maturities — off the latest round of tariffs on continues to see high interest rates (FPIs) shifted from equities to debt assumptions of Indian recession *2))!& , " are fears that the economy might say from three months to 30 years. Chinese imports (video games, and the country is still the second- in August-September as FPIs turned will go. The Central Government is enter into a recession in the next few All listed bonds issued by smart phones, laptops, toys) to fastest growing large economy of the net sellers in equities for the first trying its best to tackle the econom- !#'3)#& !,)"# quarters. Governments across the world, cor- December 15. world. time since January. Tax proposals ic slowdown. They have come up "!'"%'%"!%!2 ### We have to look at the possibil- porates and financial institutions The delay affects about half of So the question arises, why outlined in the Budget, including with a stimulus package for the !")7*"&'3" "!# ity of a massive crisis in the world carry certain yields. the $300 billion target list of Chinese negative yields and interest rates? higher tax incidence on FPIs and beleaguered automobile sector, they !)#& !,! !"!!#!# economy in the backdrop of Usually, bonds with a longer goods. However, tariffs on tools, Investors are willing to buy high-net-worth individuals have announced mergers of banks, unprecedented technological dis- tenure carry higher interest rates as apparel and some footwear took bonds at any price to protect them- (HNWIs), in addition to levy on corporate tax cuts and so on but will '"2' '-,* ruptions worldwide, global trade compared to ones that are issued for effect on September 1. Trump selves against sell-offs in other risky buybacks, dampened and punc- this much save the Indian economy 2'%!!&"%3 " "!' wars and the shift away from fossil shorter time frames. The idea is that apparently backed off his September assets in case the fear of a recession tured some of the optimism in the from a recession or will the slow- # #',"&&% "!  fuels. the later the redemption or gratifi- 1 deadline for ten per cent tariffs on materialises. The rise in bond prices equity markets. down continue further? The answer !# "&),&'' !& But first, let’s look at what an cation of the bond, the higher remaining Chinese imports, in the pushes yields downward. Holding Global cues are under watch lies in the future and all we can do )! & inverted yield curve is and why is it should be the interest offered to the hopes of blunting their impact on cash can be an alternative. But that even as the US Federal Reserve on is wait and watch. so important? investor. US holiday sales. too may not work, as in the case of October 30th approved the expect- (The writer is an author and J   )!' !"%K Bonds or Debt instruments that In many western countries and But the trade tiff between the many western countries. ed 25-basis point (BPS) interest rate GST and economics specialist)    !"# $  -   )*1)*  (  

      alliance is intact. The talks will recalled, had predicted on the take place between the two saf- very day of day of Assembly  $ !#  he belligerent Shiv Sena fron alliance partners. In my polls results (October 24) that Tappeared to be in no mood statement, where have I softened he foresaw “some interesting to relent in its ongoing power the Sena’s stand?”. possibilities”. "Wait for 15 days. tussle with the BJP in “When we said that equal You will get to know,” Chavan     $

Maharashtra on Thursday as it sharing of power, it also includes said. He had indicated that the disapproved the Chief Minister the sharing of the Chief Shiv Sena would try to form an Devendra Fadnavis’ recent state- Minister’s post. The CM’s post alternative Government in the       ment that the BJP had not is also ministerial position. It’s State. Informed sources, mean- given any undertaking to it on said that he and the NCP pres- said whatever he said during his not some NGO position. It is while, said that some Congress delegation of newly elect- the sharing of Chief Minister’s ident discussed current political informal interaction with media also a position in the sharing of leaders, including Ashok Aed Shiv Sena MLAs, led by post on a rotational basis and situation in the State. persons at a Diwali get-togeth- power,” Raut said. Chavan, had met Pawar at the Aditya Thackeray and the said that he would be the Chief The day began with the Shiv er (two days ago). Because of his In an interesting develop- latter’s residence “Silver party’s group leader in the Minister of the State for the next Sena’s official mouth-piece statement, the scheduled talks ment which opened up the Oak” and discussed the current State Legislature Eknath five years. “Saamana” admitting in news scheduled between the two par- possibility of the emergence of political situation in the state. Shinde, met Maharashtra In what came as a boost to column that there was stalemate ties did not take place,” Uddhav a Shiv Sena-led Government in Pawar, who had in the past Governor Bhagat Singh the Shiv Sena on a day when its between the BJP and Shiv Sena said. The Shiv Sena, it may be the state, Maharashtra’s chief said that the mandate in the Koshyari and urged him to MLAs elected senior party over matters relating to the recalled, had cancelled its sched- minister Prithviraj Chavan said Assembly polls was for the BJP- declare a wet drought in the leader Eknath Shinde as the power sharing in the new uled power-sharing talks with that the Congress would con- Shiv Sena alliance and that his State owing to unseasonal rain   party’s group leader in the State Government in Maharashtra the BJP on Tuesday, following sider any proposal coming from party preferred to sit in the in various parts and provide Legislature, the Opposition and reiterating in its editorial the the remarks by Fadnavis’ state- the Shiv Sena, seeking his party’s Opposition, reportedly asked immediate relief to the farmers. ers and milk diary and garden Diwakar Raote, Nilam Gorhe Congress indicated that it would need for its senior saffron ally ment. support to form a new the State Congress leaders to In a memorandum sub- workers. and others were present in the consider any proposal received implementing whatever had Notwithstanding the spec- Government in the State. first obtain a go-ahead from mitted to the Governor, the The Governor assured the delegation that met the from the Sena seeking its sup- been “agreed upon” between the ulation that the BJP had made Speaking to a television their party high command so Sena delegation said that sev- Sena delegation that he would Governor. port for formation of saffron alliance partners ahead a proposal to it that it would give channel, Chavan said:”The BJP that both the Opposition parties eral persons had been killed in speak to the Union Talking to media persons Government in the State. of the Lok Sabha polls early this deputy chief ministership and has emerged as the single largest (Congress and NCP) could sit the unseasonal rains, while the Government to provide quick after the meeting the Governor, In an apparent bid to spark year. 12 to 15 portfolios to the Shiv party in the State Assembly across and decide on what was natural calamity had claimed relief and assistance to the Aditya said: “Pending the speculation on the possibility of At a meeting of newly elect- Sena, the Sena denied that it had polls. If the BJP fails in forming to be done. the lives of 328 cattle. farmers affected by unseason- Government formation in the his party cobbling an alternative ed MLAs held at Shiv Sena received any proposal from the the Government in the State, the Earlier at the Shiv Sena “Thousands of acres of stand- al rains in the State. state, we — 63 MLAs belong- the BJP-led Government in the headquarters “Sena Bhavan” BJP on power sharing in the Shiv Sena being the second Legislature Party meeting, Yuv ing crops of paddy, cotton, The Governor said that he ing to the Sena and those sup- State and simultaneously mount here, Sena president Uddhav new Government. largest party will get an oppor- Sena leader Aditya Thackeray Soyabean, onion, grapes and would request the Centre to porting us — met the Governor pressure on its senior ally to Thackeray made no bones Ahead of the Shiv Sena tunity to form the Government. proposed the name of senior other fruits were destroyed in send a team of experts to assess and urged him to take imme- have its way in the Government about his displeasure over Legislature Party, Shiv Sena MP If the Sena takes the lead, party leader Eknath Shinde for the unseasonal rains,” the Sena the losses caused by the recent diate measures to provide relief formation process in the State, Fadnavis’ statement that the and spokesperson Sanjay Raut attempts to form the the group leader’s post in the delegates told the Governor. spell of unseasonal rains in the to the farmers affected by the Sena MP and spokesperson BJP had not given any com- denied that his party had soft- Government and formally State Legislature. Shinde was The Sena leaders urged State, so that the affected farm- recent unseasonal rains. We Sanjay Raut on Thursday met mitment to the Shiv Sena about ened its stand on the con- approaches us for support, we unanimously elected as the the Governor to direct the ers could be provided relief from the legislators and lead- NCP president Sharad Pawar at sharing of the chief ministership tentious issue of sharing of will take up the take up the pro- leader of SSLP leader. state administration to carry quickly. ers from the Shiv Sena will also the latter’s residence “Silver on a rotational basis and that he power in the new Government posal with the Congress high At that meeting, another out an immediate survey of Apart from Aditya and be touring the affected areas Oak”. Though Raut claimed would himself hold the CM’s and said: “There is no softening command which will take a senior Shiv Sena leader Sunil affected areas and provide Shinde, senior Sena leaders and do whatever we can from that he had called on Pawar to post for the next five years. “The or shift from our earlier stand. final decision in the matter” Prabhu was elected as the chief compensation to the farmers, Leeladhar Dake, Subhash the party to provide relief to the offer Diwali greetings, sources Chief Minister should not have All I said was: the saffron Prithviraj Chavan, it may be whip of the SSLP. fishermen, agricultural labour- Desai, Ramdas Kadam, affected people”. <$2(%85179#+)9:5 9#7> *       (   :         $ "$ ;   "    : Bihar Chief Minister said we would welcome an tion" was on offer to each   Nitish Kumar on Thursday offer of proportionate repre- coalition partner and that the Chennai: The National The accused arrested by being questioned to verify their rubbished speculation about sentation if it comes from JD(U) too could have only Investigation Agency (NIA) the state police in September association with the charge- !  fresh negotiations being on Modi or Shah. But I never said one representative like other on Thursday carried out 2018 and chargesheeted by sheeted accused persons for the inclusion of his JD(U) there is an offer right now". allies. searches across Tamil Nadu as NIA in February this year "had besides any role in this crime," in the Narendra Modi Tyagi had on Wednesday "The BJP has a brute part of its probe into a plot to conducted preparations, the spokesperson added. Mumbai: Maharashtra’s histo- Government at the Centre, the apparently made an out of majority in the Lok Sabha. It kill Hindu activists in including reconnaissance of In Coimbatore, NIA ry shows it never bows before offer of which he had declined turn pitch for JD(U)s propor- does not need allies to run the Coimbatore. targets, for launching such sleuths carried out searches at the “throne of Delhi”, said a earlier. tionate representation at the government. Our support to The agency said searches attacks, which would have two locations. A five-member huge banner put up outside the Kumar termed as "faltu" Centre as a reciprocal gesture the NDA, which has been were carried out in caused communal disharmony team carried out searches in the office of the Nationalist (nonsense) queries about his to Kumar having inducted extended in the interests of Coimbatore, Sivaganga, and terror in the state," the house of Nissar in GM Nagar Congress Party here. party having expressed the the birth anniversary of Sardar many ministers from the BJP, Bihar, will continue unflinch- Tiruchirapally, Nagapattinam spokesperson said. and Sauridin in Lorrypet in the The banner was seen on desire to join the Union Vallabhbhai Patel. including a Deputy CM, after ingly though we feel no need and Tuticorin districts, where Investigation has revealed city, police said. Wednesday when newly-elect- Council of Ministers in the The queries emanated the two parties joined hands in for such a symbolic represen- electronic gadgets and docu- the charge-sheeted accused A team of NIA sleuths ed NCP MLAs met. event of Prime Minister from a statement to the effect 2017 even though the saffron tation", Kumar had remarked ments were seized. and their associates were rad- headed by a DSP-level official "History shows Narendra Modi and BJP chief made by JD(U) national gen- partys tally in the state legisla- after deciding against joining The agency conducted icalised on the violent extrem- conducted searches at a house Maharashtra doesn't bow down Amit Shah coming up with an eral secretary and chief ture was significantly lower. Modi government. searches at six locations in ist ideology of ISIS/Daish by at Nagore in Nagapattinam before the throne Delhi," it said. offer that was commensurate spokesman KC Tyagi on the Notably, after having JD(U) sources say Kumar these districts as part of further following the speeches and district. It echoed the remark made with the JD(U)s strength in previous day in the national fought the Lok Sabha polls as had felt hurt on two counts. investigation in the ISIS videos of the Sri Lankan ISIS/ NIA had on September 21 by party supremo Sharad Parliament. capital soon after Kumar had an NDA partner in which the Firstly, the symbolic represen- Coimbatore Case, according to Daish leader Zahran Hashim, conducted a search at the res- Pawar when the Enforcement "Aisi koi baat nahin hui hai. addressed the partys national JD(U)s tally jumped to 16 tation treated JD(U) on par a spokesperson of NIA. over social media platforms. idence of a man in Tirunelveli Directorate named him in a Sab faltu baat hai" (no such council, a day after getting from two in the last general with much smaller allies like "The case pertains to the "During searches, two lap- district in the state for his money laundering case in talks have taken place. This is formally elected for his second elections, Kumar had initially Ram Vilas Paswans LJP. criminal conspiracy hatched by tops, eight mobile phones, five alleged association with the ter- September. all nonsense) said Kumar with term as the national president. hinted that his party would like Secondly, the JD(U) was being six chargesheeted accused per- SIM cards, one SD card and rorist gang. "Maharashtra follows a glum face when he was asked When the media returned to become a part of the union asked to make do with just one sons and their associates, with fourteen documents have been Also, it had on August 29 the ideology of Chhatrapati about the JD(U) having to Tyagi on Thursday with government. ministerial berth even though the intention of furthering the seized." conducted searches across mul- Shivaji Maharaj. We don't bow "expressed the desire to join the queries in the light of Kumars He, however, pulled back the BJP which had just one MP objectives of ISIS/Daish by tar- "Seized articles would be tiple locations in Coimbatore in before the Delhi `takht' Central Government" after a rebuff, he sheepishly replied upon being told by the BJP that more from the state had five geting certain Hindu activists subjected to forensic examina- connection with a terror alert (throne)," Pawar had said on function held here to celebrate "there is no contradiction. I had only a "symbolic representa- ministers from here. PTI in Coimbatore," NIA said. tion. The persons searched are issued to Tamil Nadu. PTI September 25. PTI 17+)?56)!9267%%)# 5  9 34! =  R  4    ($            : .2< "  1 44   house in Cuddalore district. gone down and it is not ily a solatium of 10 lakh from   !R    5 In both the cases, the par- uncommon to find bore wells the party coffers. Bengaluru: The Karnataka ruler." "Couldn't he seeTipu as ents/guardians of the children with a depth of 200 feet and The North East Monsoon : The North East From mid-November, Government has asked the State a religious bigot then?" he asked. ithin hours after the State were away visiting relatives in more,” said Kattumannarkoil is already on in Tamil Nadu Students' Organisation (NESO) protest will be organised in all Textbook Committee to furnish The Congress leader was Wbade a tearful farewell to connection with Diwali holi- Kannan, a farmer-turned- and the heavy downpours are on Thursday announced that it the state capitals of the North a report on a chapter on con- speaking to reporters in Sujith Wilson, the two-year-old days. They had left the children author in Cuddalore district. expected to last till December. would launch agitation against East, he added. troversial 18th century Mysore Mandya. Commenting on the boy in Tiruchirappalli district under the care of guardians Meanwhile, a war of words Instances like drowning of the contentious Citizenship "Besides, we also demand ruler Tipu Sultan in the middle Government's decision to who lost his life after falling whose carelessness resulted in is on between the Opposition children reach a peak during (Amendment) Bill across the National Register of Citizens (in school history textbooks, Chief review a chapter on Tipu Sultan into an abandoned borewell the tragedies,” said a police offi- DMK and the ruling AIADMK the season and one is certain region from mid-November. each of the states in NE. This will Minister BS Yediyurappa said in the school textbooks, near his house on Friday, two cial. over the death of Sujith. While to hear more such incidents, After a meeting of its eight help identify the illegal immi- on Thursday. Siddaramaiah insisted that with- more toddlers died in different The Tamil Nadu Water DMK chief M K Stalin accused said RV Giri, president, constituent member student grants here," said Gogoi, who is "There is no confusion out Tipu Sultan and Hyder Ali, parts of Tamil Nadu during the Supply and Drainage Board the State and Cetral govern- Consortium of Indian bodies of North East, the office also the General Secretary of the regarding removing the lesson the Mysore history will be last 24 hours in similar cir- (TWAD) had issued an order ments for their indifference and Farmers Association (CIFA). bearers addressed a press con- All Assam Students' Union on Tipu Sultan. incomplete. cumstances. on Tuesday asking its officials callous attitude, Chief Minister A controversy is on in Tamil ference and said the bill should (AASU), which is a major con- (Education Minister S) "Just because Tipu Sultan Rudran, a three-year-old to convert the unused and Edappadi Palaniswami said the Nadu about the responsibili- not be accepted by any of the stituent of the NESO. NESO Suresh Kumar told me that a was Muslim, removing him boy, was drowned in a pit dug abandoned borewells into Rain administration had deployed ty of the closure of the aban- states in the region. decided to demand for Inner committee has been formed. from the textbook is purely a up for constructing a rain Water Harvesting Structures optimal efforts in the rescue doned wells. As per the "This is a communal bill Line Permit (ILP) in each of the Based on the committee report, politics of hatred. The move water harvesting (RWH) struc- with immediate effect. operation. The chief minister Panchayat Raj Act, the onus and we are not going to accept North Eastern states and its a decision will be taken," sans truth," Siddaramaiah point- ture in a village in Villages in Tamil Nadu, handed over a cheque of Rs 10 on closure of such wells are it. This bill aims to give legiti- members will launch a coordi- Yediyurappa told reporters here. ed out. He also reminded the Virudhunagar on Wednesday facing severe shortage of water lakh to the kin of Sujith. He with the owners while there macy to illegal immigrants, nated movement for this, he He underlined that there BJP leaders such as Jagadish while Pavalavalli, a three-year- are dependent on bore wells to also offered the family anoth- are people and organizations under which the region has added. Gogoi demanded was no change in the BJP Shettar,R Ashoka and PC old girl, died on late Tuesday meet the drinking water er 10 lakh from the AIADMK demanding that the local body been suffering for long," NESO Constitutional safeguards for Government's stand on the Mohan that they had sported when she fell into a septic requirements. “Over the years fund. Not to be left behind, the officials should be made Special Coordinator Lurinjyoti all the indigenous people living issue. Speaking to reporters in the Tipu "dress". tank in an under-construction the depth of bore wells have DMK too has offered the fam- responsible. Gogoi said. in this part of the country. PTI the city, Primary and Secondary Alleging that the BJP was Education Minister Suresh pursuing hate politics, Kumar said the senior BJP Siddaramaiah said, "When in 5% 1)7%7#71%;5= MLA Appachu Ranjan has writ- Opposition, when out of power, 0  $    ten to him stating that Kodavas Tipu is their hero. are the victims of Tipu's atroc- Removing Tipu from the ities. Hence, the lesson in the textbook aftercoming to power (3"   !    0&   textbook glorifying Tipu Sultan is nothing but hate politics." is not justified and it should be Soon after assuming power, "7-  back before 2 pm on Thursday, he warned that the agitations dropped, he added, quoting the BJP Government led by     we will consider their posts crippling the public health ser- Imphal: Normal life was paral- dent has been reported from protest in the past. the MLA. Yediyurappa had decided to vacant and new doctors would vices was not proper on the part ysed in many parts of Manipur anywhere in the state, securi- At Langol Games village, The matter of Tipu Sultan scrap the Tipu Jayanti, started by >    be appointed against the vacan- of the doctors. Vijayabaskar on Thursday due to "cease- ty personnel are taking no Lamboi, President of Kuki in the textbook would be the previous Congress cies,” said C Vijayabaskar, Tamil said quoting from Government work" stir called in support of chance and have deployed sev- Women Association said, "we referred to the textbook com- Government in 2015.  2  Nadu Minister for Health. records that a doctor joining the the demand that the state's ter- eral men and women in uni- welcome peace but it should mittee of the State. Now, there is growing clam- ;    He disclosed that more than Government service gets a take ritorial integrity and adminis- form to deal with any eventu- not infringe into the rights of "I will ask the committee to our from some BJP leaders to 10,000 doctors have applied for home monthly pay of 80,247/- trative set up should not be alities, a senior officer said. other communities." give a serious thought over the- remove a chapter in the text- the vacancies which may arise if in the first year itself. “ On the affected by the Naga peace Educational establish- Several Kuki populace points raised by Ranjan and book glorifying Tipu Sultan. "  1 44   the services of the agitating 8th year, the Tamil Nadu talks. ments remained closed while demanded that under no cir- submit to me a report. I will take Many in the BJP have 5 doctors are terminated by the Government doctor draws a The impact of the protest attendance at government cumstances villages dominat- further steps based on the claimed that the lesson ignores Government. Doctors owing pay of 97,900/- while doctors was felt more in six valley dis- offices was negligible during ed by their community in the report," Kumaradded. the atrocities perpetrated by s the strike by the allegiance to the Federation of with 15 years service draw a tricts and Kuki-inhabited hill the day, the officer said adding hill districts should be com- Slamming the Government, Tipu Sultan especially in AGovernment doctors Government Doctors monthly pay packet of 1,22, districts of Churachanpur, all inter-district passenger ser- promised to appease National especially the Chief Minister, on Kodagu district where the entered the seventh day on Association are on a path of agi- 919/-. On completion of 16 Kangpokpi and Chandel bor- vices were paralysed. Socialist Council of Nagaland the issue, Former Chief Minister alleged large scale religious Thursday, the State administra- tation since last Thursday years, the doctors in Tamil Nadu dering Myanmar. Security personnel in large (NSCN-IM). Siddaramaiah said, "The same conversions were carried out by tion has started tightening the demanding pay hike, 50 per cent service draw a monthly salary of The 20-hours "cease-work" numbers have been deployed Meanwhile, to cope with Yediyurappa when he was in the the then ruler. The erstwhile screws giving out enough indi- quota in post-graduate courses 1,35,365/- and those with 20 agitation was called by at public junctions of any unseen disturbance in law Karnataka Janata Paksha, had Mysore ruler is also accused of cation that enough is enough among other things. years experience earn Coordination Committee on Singjamei, Sanjenthong, and order situation, seven organised the Tipu Jayanti, large scalemassacre of and it was time for the agitat- The Minister said the 1,53,027/-,” said Vijayabaskar Manipur Integrity (COCO- Khoyathong, Keisampat and companies of paramilitary sported Tipu dresswith head Mandyam Iyengars a day ing doctors to get back to work. Government would consider while speaking to reporters on MI). Kwakeithel of Imphal town forces have reached the capital, gear and hailed the Mysore before Deepavali. PTI “If they are not reporting the demands by the doctors. But Thursday. Though no untoward inci- which often have seen huge sources said. PTI    !"# $  -@   -  R$  ;  <(.1   

  had everyone in its ranks who opposed to the Rashtriya and pay tributes to him gives own. Almost all of them were wanted to fight for India's Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a lot of happiness, because two associated with the Congress. he Congress and the BJP independence. It had leaders the ideological mentor of the things are clear from this 2. Even enemies have to bow Tlocked horns over claiming who were vehemently opposed BJP", she said. "Today, seeing action of the BJP: 1. It has no before great men like Sardar the legacy of Sardar Patel on to Jawaharlal Nehru. Gandhi the BJP trying to adopt him great freedom fighter of its Patel one day," she added. his 144th birth anniversary on had said after Independence Thursday with Congress that the Congress should be leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra dissolved," he said adding that deriding the BJP of being the Congress were forced to 1! 4 #   0  !#

forced to honour a respect Patel. Congressman as it had no Describing Sardar Patel   remembrance ceremony held Twitter handle, he wrote in freedom icons of their own. as a stalwart of the Congress at Shakti Sthal. MPs from the : "October 31 marks the Priyanka's comments on who was strongly opposed to he Congress leaders paid party and large number of anniversary of my grand- Twitter sparked off a verbal the RSS, party leader Priyanka Ttributes to late Prime party workers were also in mother's martyrdom. Your duel with the BJP as Prime said she felt happy seeing the Minister Indira Gandhi on attendance at the ceremony. iron resolve and fearless deci- Minister Narendra Modi BJP's attempts to "adopt" the her 35th death anniversary Wayanad MP and former sions continue to guide me at offered floral tributes at Patel's "Iron Man of India" as it and remembered her contri- Congress president Rahul every step of my life." mammoth statue at Kevadia in showed that the saffron party bution to national security, Gandhi paid tribute to his Recounting the first 'shlo- Gujarat and Home Minister did not have a great freedom economy and foreign policy. grandmother and former ka' that Indira Gandhi taught Amit Shah flagged off a 'Run fighter of its own. In a series Congress President Sonia Prime Minister Indira Gandhi her and her brother Rahul 6$!   *7, %      899  for Unity' in Delhi. of tweets in Hindi, Priyanka Gandhi, former President on her death anniversary on Gandhi, Priyanka Vadra said in    :     %,     Taking a swipe at the said: "Sardar Patel was a stal- Pranab Mukherjee, former October 31. Rahul , who is not Hindi that she was reminded Congress leader, BJP wart of the Congress who was Vice-President Hamid Ansari, in India at the moment, wrote of the last line of the hymn. New Delhi: Union Home The flag off also saw the 'Rashtriya Ekta Diwas' or spokesperson Shahnawaz devoted to the ideology of the former Prime Minister an emotional post on Twitter The 'shloka' means: "From Minister Amit Shah on presence of Union Ministers National Unity Day to com- Hussain said that the stal- party". Manmohan Singh and about how his "Dadi's" (grand- ignorance, lead me to truth; Thursday flagged off a run to Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank', memorate the birth anniversary warts of this Congress are "He was a close compan- Rajasthan Chief Minister mother's) principles are still From darkness, lead me to commemorate the 144th birth Hardeep Singh Puri, RK Singh, of Sardar Patel. Sonia Gandhi and P ion of Jawaharlal Nehru, the Ashok Gehlot were among instrumental in guiding him. light; From death, lead me to anniversary of Sardar Kiren Rijiju, G Kishan Reddy, Modi Government has Chidambaram. "The Congress first Prime Minister of the those who paid floral tributes Sharing a photo of Indira immortality. Aum peace, Vallabhbhai Patel in the nation- Delhi Lt Governor Anil Baijal been observing Patel's birth during the freedom struggle country, and was strongly to the late Prime Minister at a Gandhi from his official peace, peace". al Capital. and home secretary Ajay K anniversary as 'Ekta Diwas' or The 'Run for Unity', which Bhalla on the dais with the National Unity Day since 2014. began from the Major Dhyan Home Minister. Patel was born on October       Chand National Stadium, saw Shah also administered a 31, 1875 at Nadiad in Gujarat. * 5      the participation of a large unity pledge to the participants India's first Home Minister,  $1  ($  number of people, including of the run. Patel is credited for merger of sports personalities, sports Earlier, the Home Minister over 560 States into the Union   & enthusiasts and personnel of visited Patel's statue located at of India.  "   < $$5 central police forces among the the national Capital's Patel As part of celebrations,   others. Chowk and offered floral trib- various programmes are being  5 need of the hour was to The Chief Minister said  5 The 1.5-km run in Delhi utes. The Central Government organised across the country, expose such forces and thwart that the youth should adopt Ahmedabad: Gujarat Chief takes place at the C- observes October 31 across the recalling Sardar Patel's contri- n the 144th birth anniver- their evil designs. the ideals and values of Sardar amajwadi Party chief Minister Vijay Rupani accused Hexagon-Shah Jahan Road radi- country as a day of special bution to unification of India. Osary of Sardar “Today many anti-nation- Vallabhbhai Patel. SAkhilesh Yadav said that the Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi al. People wearing white T- occasion to foster and reinforce Prime Minister Narendra Modi Vallabhbhai Patel, Uttar al forces are active. They are Yogi said that numerous country needed another Sardar and Rahul Gandhi of not show- shirts and bearing Patel's photo the Government's dedication to is attending a special function Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi constantly conspiring to people made sacrifices for the Vallabhbhai Patel who could ing "basic courtesy" of paying assembled at the national sta- preserve and strengthen unity, being organised in Kevadia in Adityanath said that some divide the nation. We must independence of the nation. restrict divisive forces like tributes to Sardar Vallabhbhai dium and India Gate round- integrity and security of the Gujarat, where a giant statue of anti-nationals were trying to expose such forces and thwart “Let us make a resolution Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Patel on his birth anniversary about for the run. nation by celebrating it as a Patel is located. PTI divide the country and the their evil intentions. Sardar today to keep this freedom (RSS) so that the country could on Thursday. Patel, as the first Home intact. It is our duty to pay develop without any bias. The BJP leader said such Minister of the country, suc- respect to this great leader and “Sardar Patel might be "contempt" for a national icon cessfully did this work. Merger fulfil his dream,” Yogi said, remembered by the country for is "beyond belief". of 563 princely states after disclosing that Sardar Patel different reasons. But for me, he Rupani, however, said he Independence is proof of his came to on January would be remembered for ban- was not surprised by Congress competence. Present day India 6, 1948 and planted a tree at ning the RSS,” Akhilesh said chief Sonia Gandhi and her is because of his futuristic Raj Bhawan premises. while paying tributes to Sardar MP-son Rahul Gandhi "not vision,” the Chief Minister To mark the birth Patel on his 144th birth anniver- paying" tributes to independent said after flagging off a Run anniversary of Patel, the Chief sary in Lucknow on Thursday. India's first Home Minister. For Unity in Lucknow on Minister paid floral tributes at The SP chief said that today, "When entire nation is Thursday morning. his statue at GPO Park and a person like Sardar Patel was bowing to the great Sardar “To propagate the impor- flagged off the Run for Unity required in the country to take Patel on his Jayanti, sad but tant role played by Patel for from there. It culminated at action against divisive forces try- not surprising to see Congress the integrity and unity of the KD Singh Babu Stadium. ing to divide society in the President Sonia Gandhi & Mr country, Prime Minister UP ministers Brajesh name of religion. Rahul Gandhi not having even Narendra Modi constructed Pathak, Gopalji Tandon, Dr The SP had directed all basic courtesy of paying trib- the world’s tallest statue at Mahendra Singh, Additional party units in the districts to utes to the great stalwart! Sardar Patel’s birthplace. This Chief Secretary Awanish hold functions on Sardar Patel’s Such contempt for a national was to make people aware of Awasthi, DGP OP Singh and birth anniversary. icon is beyond belief!" Rupani Sardar Patel’s contribution to several other dignitaries were On the occasion, Akhilesh tweeted. the nation. In order to involve present on the occasion. The Yadav also attacked the Yogi However, Rahul Gandhi, in every citizen of the nation, Chief Minister also adminis- Adityanath Government over a Facebook post earlier on iron was collected from tered a pledge to the people to the misrule in the state and Thursday, paid respect to the households to build the stat- work for the unity and integri- claimed that law and order was first Deputy Prime Minister of $%   $        !   &! '        #-   ! ue,” Yogi said. ty of the country. at its lowest point. the country. PTI . 05#  ;!      %& Kolkata: West Bengal said. trict, Karimpur in Nadia and Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar Dhankhar was speaking to Kaliaganj in Uttar Dinajpur % $ !  on Thursday said the by-polls journalists after placing a which are presently held by the to three Assembly seats in the wreath at the statue of Sardar BJP, TMC and the Congress 1   * state on November 25 must be Patel here. respectively. free from violence to erase "Let's hope the by-polls are The Kaliaganj seat fell     Chennai: The Madras High memories of the 2019 Lok free and fair.... And every vacant after the death of sitting Court on Thursday dismissed Sabha elections in the eastern voter has the right to exercise Congress MLA Parmathanath Kolkata: West Bengal BJP pres- The TMC leadership, how- a petition challenging the state which had created a "dif- his franchise," he said. Roy while Kharagpur's BJP ident Dilip Ghosh on Thursday ever, declined to comment on constitutional validity of the ferent" kind of impression. A Raj Bhavan statement MLA Dilip Ghosh won the sought deployment of central the issue. Jammu and Kashmir Asked to comment on the issued later in the day said the Medinipur Lok Sabha con- forces for ensuring "free and Earlier in the day, West Reorganisation Act, 2019. forthcoming by-polls, governor "averred that the stituency. fair" bypolls to three Assembly Bengal governor Jagdeep The court had on October Dhankhar told reporters here, coming by-elections in the TMC's Karimpur MLA seats in the state. Dhankhar said the bypolls 22 reserved its order on the he was hopeful that the by- state would be held in a peace- Mahua Moitra emerged victo- The by-elections to must be free from violence to maintainability of the plea polls would be a milestone and ful manner free from violence rious from the Krishnnanagar Kharagpur Sadar assembly seat erase memories of the 2019 Lok which sought that the Act be show the world that "most and the voters will fearlessly Lok Sabha seat. in West Midnapore district, Sabha elections in the state, declared unconstitutional and peaceful elections are held in exercise their right to franchise. The BJP had on several Karimpur in Nadia and which had created a "different" null and void. West Bengal". "This will demonstrate to occasions alleged that its work- Kaliaganj in Uttar Dinajpur will kind of impression. The Jammu and Kashmir "The by-elections must be the whole nation that what ers were killed in political be held on November 25. The bypoll to Kaliaganj Reorganisation Act, 2019, pro- violence-free. Last Lok Sabha happened in the Lok Sabha violence unleashed by the "We have seen widespread seat was necessitated following vides for reconstituting the tioner, Desiya Makkal Sakthi elections created a different elections 2019, which were Trinamool Congress. violence in West Bengal during the death of sitting Congress state into two Union territo- Katchi (DMSK), a Tamil kind of impression. We need to marred by violence, is a mat- The TMC, however, the last Lok Sabha polls. So, we MLA Parmathanath Roy while ries -- Jammu and Kashmir Nadu-based group, the Union get away from that," the gov- ter of past." denied the charges and want a free and fair bypolls in Kharagpur Sadar seat fell and Ladakh. legislature cannot legislate on ernor, who had been recently The by-polls are scheduled claimed that the BJP was try- the and for that deployment of vacant after BJP's Dilip Ghosh The legislation got the those matters in the Union involved in a war of words to be held in Kharagpur Sadar ing to disturb the peaceful sit- central forces is a must," Ghosh was elected from Medinipur President's assent on August 9, List and the Concurrent List with the state government, seat in West Midnapore dis- uation in the State. PTI said. Lok Sabha constituency. PTI four days after the Centre which are not in accordance abrogated Jammu and with subjects in the Kashmir's special status under Instrument of Accession of Article 370 of the Jammu and Kashmir. ! Q  :      6   Constitution. The Act came The petitioner submitted into effect on Thursday. that the government has abro- A division bench of jus- gated Articles 370 and 35A by "   .       tices M Sathyanarayanan and way of a presidential order N Seshasayee said the peti- and also enacted the Jammu   over Lakshadweep area and Later, Maha is very like- tioner was not a resident of and Kashmir Reorganisation adjoining southeast Arabian ly to intensify into a very Jammu and Kashmir. Act, 2019, without the he India Meteorological Sea will be high to very high severe cyclonic storm over    "...If at all any person is approval of the Jammu and TDepartment (IMD) on during the next 24 hours and east central Arabian Sea dur- aggrieved by the abrogation Kashmir Assembly. Thursday said that cyclonic rough to very rough in the ing 24 hours, it said. As the Udhagamandalam: A flood heavy rains, the administration (of Jammu and Kashmir's spe- "The consultation of the strom 'Maha' in the Arabian subsequent 24 hours. cyclone intensified, the IMD alert has been sounded here, fol- declared Thursday as a holiday cial status) and enactment (of state government is required Sea has intensified into severe "The cyclonic storm said gale winds very likely to lowing the release of water from for educational institutions in J-K Reorganisation Act), (it) in any matter that affects the cyclonic storm. Under its MAHA over Lakshadweep increase upto 100-110 kmph the Avalanche Dam and the four taluks, including Kunda. could be the person who is a state," the DMSK said. influence, Lakshadweep was and adjoining southeast gusting to 120 kmph over people living in the low-lying Till 7.30 AM on Thursday, permanent resident of the The petitioner had also likely to receive extremely Arabian Sea moved further eastcentral Arabian Sea from areas hav been asked to move to the district received 822.7 mm then State of Jammu and expressed apprehension that heavy rainfall, even as the north-northwestwards and midnight. safer places. of rains from Tuesday morning, Kashmir," the bench said. what has happened in Jammu IMD has issued "red mes- intensified into a severe During the next 24 hours, Due to incessant rains for with Kodanadu receiving 142 It said the issue is before and Kashmir may also happen sage" for the island. The "red cyclonic storm and lay cen- gale wind speed reaching 80- the last few days in Nilgiris dis- mm, followed by Coonoor 97 the Supreme Court and pend- in Tamil Nadu in future. message" technically refers to tered over east central Arabian 90 kmph gusting to 100kmph trict, Avalanche Dam reached its mm, Kotagiri and Kundah 81 ing consideration before a Observing that assump- "take action," meaning the Sea and adjoining was likely to prevail over full capacity on Thursday. For mm each, Avalanche 65 m, Constitution bench. tions cannot be answered, the State Government machinery Lakshadweep area about 90 northern parts of safety, 500 cusecs of water was averaging 51.3 mm rains. "In the light of the reasons bench had, in the last hearing, has to remain on standby. km north-northeast of Lakshadweep area and adjoin- being released since morning. In Meanwhile, four incidents assigned above, this court is reserved its order on the According to IMD, tidal Aminidivi (Lakshadweep) and ing southeast Arabian Sea view of this, the district Collector of landslip were reported near inclined to uphold the objec- maintainability of the plea. wave by about one metre 25 km east-north east of during the subsequent 24 Innocent Divya advised the Barliar on Mettupalayam- tions raised by the Registry as The Supreme Court has height above the astronomical Chetlat(Lakshadweep). It hours and decrease gradually. people living on the banks com- Udhagaandalam Road in the to the territorial jurisdiction of fixed November 14 to com- tides is very likely to inundate is "very likely" to continue to Fishermen were advised not to ing under revenue villages of early hours and traffic was dis- this court to entertain this writ mence hearing of a batch of low lying areas of move north-northwestwards venture over eastcentral Mulhigoor, Bikketti and Balacola rupted, which was diverted via petition," the bench said, dis- pleas challenging the consti- Lakshadweep Islands during across north Lakshadweep Arabian Sea till November 4, to move to safer places. With the Kotagiri for nearly six hours, missing the plea. tutional validity of the next 12 hours. Sea conditions Islands," IMD said. IMD said. rainy conditions and forecast of official sources said. PTI According to the peti- Centre's decision. PTI    !"# $ -

(   2%9#7%%:)1#71 /   +  !#"  3 # 1!   4+0 # 6 " ')* " !" !- /"#"##* ) =3>?     &" '3! &'   "%- * "*'3 )!" /")" )#J /K!#"@@,"& /'33!& 6 !' ' #    ?-+@A !#-"22'! "#! &'   "%-!" !"## )   "# '!/& " !2"  '3A'')") 6*,%!&!# !,*!'!!!# '35'#*  33"! #-    with increasing FIIs inflow is A'')")6*,%!&!# !,*!'-")6 !&!2"%/& " '   indicating a change in FIIs’ neg-  '  '3##" !1*")!#"# he BSE Sensex galloped to ative stance towards emerging "" ")  "%) !!# "!'2"   Tits fresh lifetime high in markets,” said Vinod Nair, utput of eight core infra- intra-day trade on Thursday Head of Research, Geojit Ostructure industries con-  4 8 4 1  3  3 "  : ##  before closing a tad lower as Financial Services tracted by 5.2 per cent in #  investors kept the faith in IT Sectorally, BSE teck, tele- September, the lowest in the '  1"!%" and banking stocks amid firm com, IT, realty and healthcare decade, indicating the severity !!%"&" ## global cues. indices rose up to 1.97 per cent, of economic slowdown. As J&?0'?- After scaling a new peak of while metal, energy and capi- many as seven of eight core ?>@K )!# 40,392.22, the 30-share index tal goods fell up to 0.51 per industries saw a contraction in ! ))"' pared some gains to settle at cent. Broader BSE midcap and output in September. Coal pro- * #)" 40,129.05, up by 77.18 points, smallcap indices ended up to duction fell steeply by 20.5 5 "%A*&!''3!!# '31"!%"#"#%)"'  1"!%" or 0.19 per cent. 1.14 per cent higher. per cent, crude oil by 5.4 per ")7*"  33!& " ')"'*#/" ")* " -5 "%!!%"& The broader NSE Nifty Foreign institutional cent, and natural gas by 4.9 per 5' !##!' "#5!3 *#'!#'&&"#!'!&"# too advanced 33.35 points, or investors pumped in a net cent. Refinery products (-6.7 ")),")"-5"! "-1"!%" '" )-'  '" ) 0.28 per cent, to close at 7,192.42 crore into the capi- per cent), cement (- 2.1 per  , #-#!' 1"!%"'33!&!"%#")#"33/" ")* "  &!) 11,877.45. tal market on Wednesday, cent), steel (-0.3 per cent), and &  '!"%L!#!"M-A%" '3 "#2" &!&"# Both the key indices main- while domestic institutional electricity (-3.7 per cent) out- " %! %!*2,5"! "-1"!%" '" )* " "%#'*!%) tained their winning run for investors sold shares worth    A#  put too declined. !!%"&#'*! #'31"!%" '" )")'  1"!%"" ) the fifth session on the trot. 185.87 crore, data available The only infrastructure L5""M")L !""M #2&!% Robust quarterly earnings, with stock exchange showed.       segment to post growth in strong foreign fund inflows Elsewhere in Asia, bours- September was fertilizers where  9 0 ##0 "!#  !4# 44 and expectations of steps by the es in Hong Kong, Seoul and New Delhi: The Government is not considering any gold amnesty production increased by 5.4 per #!!%"& government to shore up growth Tokyo ended on a positive scheme as part of efforts to unearth unaccounted wealth stashed cent year-on-year. The eight " ##5" 2"!!# buoyed market sentiment, note amid, while Shanghai in the form of yellow metal, official sources said on Thursday. core sectors had expanded by %"*&), traders said. closed in the red. The clarification comes amidst media report indicating the 4.3 per cent in September 2018, '  '3 )!"3 ' The US Federal Reserve’s Exchanges in Europe were Government move to launch amnesty scheme that will allow indi- according to official data Industrial Production (IIP) to &', ?'' , ? decision to cut its benchmark trading on a negative note in viduals and entities to declare their unaccounted gold holding released on Thursday. report a contraction of 2.5-3.5 '"!#3%"#!2 interest rate for the third their respective early deals. without risk of being prosecuted. During the April- per cent in September. “In par- &" 2"!#*&&##3*%- straight time added to the Meanwhile, the Indian There is no such gold amnesty scheme under consideration September period, the growth ticular, the YoY decline in the 6*B",")/!) "- momentum. However, the rupee depreciated 12 paise to of Income Tax Department as being reported in media, the of core industries fell to 1.3 per output of coal, crude oil and P'"%33!&0'!)"*) indices turned volatile in the 71.02 against the US dollar sources said. As the budget process is on, typically these type of cent against 5.5 per cent in the natural gas, is likely to weigh %") #!2'3P'"% last hour of the session as intra-day. speculative reports do appear ahead of budget process, they said. year-ago period. Commenting upon the performance of the "" " !) 6"%/! October futures and options Brent crude futures, the Reports indicated that scheme would try to overcome limited on the data, India Ratings and mining index of the IIP in ' "!#)!!%"& contracts expired, they added. global oil benchmark, slipped success of an earlier amnesty scheme Pradhan Mantri Garib Research, said that such low September. Moreover, manu- " ## "%% !# "%%-#"33'3P'"%33!&")#"33'3)!33  SBI, Infosys, Tata Motors, 0.13 per cent to USD 60.16 per Kalyan Yojana post-the demonetisation exercise. PTI growth in core sector industries facturing may report a YoY con- , "&#2" !&!2") ##"'3'#")&' *2!'3  Bharti Airtel, HCL Tech and barrel. has not been witnessed so far traction in September,” it added. #'&!"##2 ")! "%%A*  -2'2%" &'* ")'3! HDFC too rallied up to 7.69 in either 2011-12 base or 2004- Earlier this month, the RBI ""!#&' *2!'")!3' "!' " )!"&' *2!'!" per cent. On the other hand, 05 base series. revised downwards its GDP 3' ,!'&'& )"&!'*3" ")" ) Tech Mahindra, Axis Bank, “This clearly indicates the growth forecast for the current Tata Steel, M&M and ICICI <  $   B"A?C severity of the ongoing indus- fiscal to 6.1 per cent from the ! 1  +1 5+ !# !0 8   # Bank fell up to 2.09 per cent. trial slowdown,” it said adding previous estimate of 6.9 per # World stocks surged to 20- even on a cumulative basis, the cent after the first-quarter eco- '*25 - month highs after the US Fed D7EA  "  BB performance is “dismal”. nomic growth slipped to over 516A- " slashed interest rates, even as it ICRA expects the Index of six-year low of 5 per cent. '!)" dimmed hopes of another rate ',# ) cut in December.   shares zoomed 34.94 per cent is natural that investors are "!'"%! “Market is slowly marching to 76.65 apiece on the BSE. finding it attractive to invest in (    23 R  ","! towards the all-time high sup- hares of Yes Bank on On the National Stock the stock for a stake. Further 2%)'&', ;"!#516A5" 2*#'&'  ' ",!  ported by quarter earnings SThursday rallied over 24 Exchange (NSE), the scrip set- developments will depend on      "! #" '3/" )" "%%","!6"%'""#") !!# )'"%% and government’s measures to per cent after the lender said it tled 23.77 per cent up at 70.30. who the investor is and the reg- '33!& #") ""#, "" )"2")"-5' ")"- 5516A- attract equity investments. has received a binding offer for During the day, the stock ulatory approvals,” VK 5675 5898+ " '!)""#"!'!%") !!# !2%)-5' ")" Additionally, strong economic USD 1.2 billion (about 8,500 soared 38.55 per cent to 78.70. Vijaykumar, chief investment )1%     2"#!#)')'3'# ") !3' &' ))!&"!'' factors like favourable inflation, crore) funding from an over- “Yes Bank is badly in need of strategist, Geojit Financial    2 # ")# *!-! !-")#&* !'3'* "!' interest rate and benign oil seas investor. capital for growth. Absence of Services, said.    '!"#' 0"33! ! # ") #!%!&'3'* prices will support the market Shares of the private sector positive news on this front led The bank’s market capital- ndian banks are at risk of los- "!''!#")"&*"%")2'!"% "#'*!- sentiment in the long term. lender closed at 70.45 apiece, to bear hammering in the stock isation increased by over 3,500 s Prime Minister Narendra Iing over USD 9 billion in rev- ! !-")#&* !'3'* &'*  #!)#",'-2 #'%3 ' “Strengthening rupee along up 24.03 per cent. Intra-day, the taking the stock below 30. It cr to 17,967.09 crore. AModi is set to visit Bangkok enues over the next six years '*25  " '!)""%#'2" !&!2")!2 ' " N1* for the ASEAN summit from because of the changes in the 3' !O%)""B' "5")"!'"%/")!* -%! November 2-4, Indian negotia- payments landscape, a consul- :&!   !  O 4 /  4 15 P $ ; *6   tors are discussing critical aspects tancy firm said on Thursday. of the RCEP mega trade deal to Payments will become #6 ! !!# " ) "')!"#* )3%%'&!!#' ensure it is “fair and transparent”, “more instant, invisible and "'!)*#!2%"#!&,"#") !) #%#'3",!'3*#! >0   # %(! before committing to sign it. free” in the next few years, #!%0*#2%"#!&,"#6 '"&!%"&!'6O#&%" !'&"%%") Vijay Thakur Singh, which will put the revenues of "#2 )! &!'#!##*),!!# '3! ' -A' #")   WagonR, Santro and the Secretary (East), Ministry of the lenders at risk, despite an 5%! "5"',"2%"#!&2'%%*!'GG ! 2' #" % Redigo and as a result only the External Affairs, said: “India evident growth in the seg- " "%"- )",")- !#" -* "",")- ")' "- %"* - aruti Suzuki India’s pop- Ertiga was fitted with at least will wait for the outcome of the ment, the survey said. '2"%- *,"#" - *B-5"%!&*-5")!" -5"!-5'! ,"' - Mular hatchback WagonR two airbags as standard while negotiations on the Regional It can be noted that the last  ")*-!, *" -! "2* - ""- ' "2* - '"- *""!- and rival Hyundai’s Santro the other models offered only Comprehensive Economic few years have seen a massive 2"%- )' - ","%2* - " "" - "!2* - " *- ')2* - ' "- " "-"B* "'-'%""--*&'-")* "!-""%' - received only two stars while a driver airbag. Partnership. Some critical issues surge in digital payments, 6""-6'  %"! -6 "" "B-6*-1"B" *) -1"B'-1"!2* - Datsun RediGo got only one “The results highlight sig- are outstanding.” “We will only which will be giving a conve- 1"&!-/ !"" -/!%&" -/* "-*!&' !-! *&! "22"%%!-! *2"!- star in crash tests conducted as nificant differences in adult participate in a fair and trans- nient alternative to users has  !") * -)"!2* -")')" "-" ""#!-!B""")"Q part of the safer occupant protection in cars that parent trading environment,” presented banks with an attrac- !#""2"" "),)&%" )N/!%0#6%"#!&A ! 2'  cars for India initiative, accord- meet the latest Indian govern- she said at a media briefing here. tive revenue stream.  !"%#O!%%**#;> ing to vehicle safety group ment vehicle technical regula- Indian officials have con- In its study, Accenture said Global NCAP. tions,” Global NCAP said. cluded negotiations on most of payments revenues will grow " #3 !0 8 # 4 ! Car market leader Maruti Commenting on the findings, the 25 chapters, and the rest by 10.7 per cent every year over -+ Suzuki India’s (MSI) multi- Global NCAP CEO and would be concluded before the next six years to USD 70  ! purpose vehicle Ertiga, how- President David Ward said, “The November 4, when Prime billion by 2025. However, "!'3'# ever, scored three stars in the latest results in our Minister Modi will join leaders banks may not be able to gar- ") !3' &'* test. In the sixth round of #SaferCarsforIndia crash tests of the 10-member Association ner all the goods for them- ))!&"!'' #SaferCarsForIndia crash test, show a mixed safety perfor- of Southeast Asian Nations selves, as the non-bank players 2 # R Global NCAP said it chose mance, and disappointingly, bloc and five other countries become more active in the #  entry-level versions of Ertiga, there are no five star performers.” for the summit. segment, it warned. *!-! !'3 "!'- 1"# !"" /5    3  !"#J"!'"% !"K"# 53 5     ',# )! )N #'3A1"!%"-5'# *&!'' "!"!'')"';# &', ?>@1"# !""!"#"%#''"#"!'"%!"   ,!',# )'* #)" '*'*&'* '&'  ' " 99,! "! #" '3%"/" )" "%%",,"!6"%- ' " utting in place a stricter framework, Sebi on Thursday direct- ") &!&'3 )!"O#A )' '  Ped all listed banks to disclose any divergence in bad loan pro- visioning within 24 hours of receiving RBI’s risk assessment report,     " #3 !0 8 #143 rather than waiting to publish the details in their annual finan- 12E cial statements. In recent months, there have been several 5!" "B" instances of under-reporting of bad loans by lenders, prompt- '&' '!' # ing regulatory action by the RBI. Sebi’s latest decision has been J5K' "!#)" take in consultation with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). 1A1 ' In a circular, Sebi noted that disclosures in respect of diver- &'  ' " gence and provisioning are in the nature of material events and ,! )"'3 ' hence necessitate immediate disclosure. Further, this information "'3 )!"-' is also price sensitive, requiring prompt disclosure by a listed enti- "# ty. Accordingly, the regulator has decided that “listed banks shall 61/- make disclosures of divergences and provisioning beyond speci- "%%",,"!6"%''&&"#!''31"# !""!"#')" fied threshold, as mentioned in aforesaid RBI notifications, as soon ' !""% '*)1" 6 ""#-6 #!)-5/2' # as reasonably possible and not later than 24 hours upon receipt ##'&!"!'Q653%")'33;1*3' /"33")33!& # of the Reserve Bank’s Final Risk Assessment Report (RAR), rather 33!& #- 2%'#!! 3" !%!#")  , #'350' #O than waiting to publish them as part of annual financial statements”. %3" ' "!#"!'"&!%''2" !!#1A1 6 !# The disclosures need to be made in case the banks' additional  "%#'!,1" 6 ""#-6 #!)-5/2' ###'&!"!' provisioning for non-performing assets (NPAs) assessed by the Q65'&', ;""% '*) RBI exceeds 10 per cent of the reported profit before provisions and contingencies, and if the additional gross NPAs identified    ! 454 !55 5!    4# by the RBI exceed 15 per cent of the published incremental gross #  NPAs. &'  ' "!' '3,!  "! #" '3 /" )" "%%", (0     "!6"%") !2!! !#%'3 !##!'  8"=  '3"!'"% ! "!'") New Delhi: Co-working firm about 43,000 seats spread over # !&'" )# Smartworks on Thursday 2.3 million sq ft area, across &"*#'3 announced raising of USD 25 nine cities. "!'-'   million (about 175 crore) “We have raised USD 25 1"!%" from Singapore’s Keppel Land million from Keppel Land. This ',# )1"# !""!"#!"%%)!!#!'# "!%"#"!' Ltd to fund its expansion plan is our first round of external " !#2&!"%#''&&"#!''* #)"!!# 3' of more than doubling the funding. We wanted to have a 1"!%"#6!*# '"%2"!)3%' "% !,*#'/" )" "%%", "!6"% seating capacity to one lakh. strategic partner or growth. ")%"*&)&'  ' "!2 ' " #'1"!%"#!# Founded in April 2016, The fund will be utilised for ' !"%! '"%%)&'  ' "!1*3' !- Smartworks Coworking Spaces expansion,” Smartworks !&&' &)3 ' /"%''/!)!-%!1"!%"/"!'- Pvt Ltd currently has 23 co- founder Neetish Sarda told /" 1'")")2"##) '*5'"*5! &*#  5! &% working centres, comprising reporters here. PTI    !"# $  &7      P 0   *      !  @A 

0) '%1 to the team’ fortune. 233%)/+ 604, Besides handling USA, they also have to handle the crowd pressure as it is the first time that they will get to play in front of a packed 16,000 capacity Kalinga Stadium stadium here. India women’s team chief coach Sjoerd Marijne exuded confidence saying his wards are prepared for the contest.        $   &*'      #  “We are really excited. *           These are the two matches we waited to play the whole year. We knew we * P 5  had to play these match- es but didn’t know whether we were playing home or    away and against whom. We’ve   /1 ning,” he said. prepared well. “That’s what we have The moment is omplacency has no been discussing since the last here and we are place in professional three weeks. Like coach said, ready,” he said. Csport and Australian the qualifiers last weekend India captain Graham Reid had clearly were very close. So we don’t        1     &*'        $  - & '    * *   Rani echoed her passed on this message to his have to underestimate Russia              766 @A >B8C       .    coach’s sentiment. wards the very day he took or look at their rankings,” the “Our first target over the high-profile job of captain added.   /1 fifth in the world, are expected to have Ramandeep Singh, Lalit to qualify for the Indian men’s hockey team’s The Olympic berth from a cakewalk against the Russians. Kumar Upadhyay and Olympics was the head coach. here will be decided on the he Indian men’s hockey team But coach Graham Reid is very Simranjeet Singh. Asian Games and As world No 5 India basis of aggregate scores at the will have to guard against com- well aware that one bad day in office The Indian goal will be unfortunately we gears up to take on lowly end of the two-match quali- Tplacency when it takes on lower- can ruin India’s Olympic dream. So safe under the watch of veter- couldn’t. As soon as Russia, ranked 22nd, in a two- fier. In the event of same ranked Russia, while a tricky contest complacency is something which the an PR Sreejesh and Krishan Asian Games got over, match final Olympic qualifi- aggregate score after two awaits their female counterparts Indian men cannot afford in the next Bahadur Pathak. our focus shifted to er here today and tomorrow, encounters, the winner will be against USA in the two-legged two days. While the men would these matches,” she Reid’s message to his wards is decided by shoot-out tomor- Olympic qualifiers here today. The biggest improvement which expect an easy outing against said. straight forward: “Treat every row. Both the Indian teams are just two Indian men witnessed under Reid in the Russians, the scenario is “Through the year team with respect”. Asked about India’s matches away from booking their the last 12 months is the defensive completely different for the we have waited as well as Against Russia, India will shoot-out preparation in the tickets to Tokyo. structure. Along with Surender Kumar women as they are up against prepared for these two start as clear favourites to win case of an eventuality, the While the Manpreet Singh-led and Junior World Cup-winning team world No 13 USA against whom matches. We are excited both the matches and seal coach said: “We have talked men’s team is up against an easy member Harmanpreet Singh, India’s they have a dismal 4-22 win-loss to play in front of a their place in next year’s about it, we always practice opponent in world No 22 Russia, the defence has been rock solid in recent record. huge home crowd. Tokyo Olympics but Reid is shoot-outs. Five out of six Indian women have a relatively diffi- times. But past records hardly mat- “I don’t think we will very well aware that one bad training sessions finish with cult task at hand as they face the The backline will be further bol- ters in professional sport and the be under any pressure. At day in office can ruin his shootouts. American girls in the final round of the stered by the return of seasoned current Indian women’s team, the blow of the team’s Olympic dream. Meanwhile, Russia head FIH Olympic Qualifiers. dragflicker Rupinder Pal Singh and led by Rani Rampal, is a whistle our focus “If you look at last week’s coach Vladimir Konkin Both the Indian teams will play Birendra Lakra. much-improved outfit from shifts to our plan games in Olympic qualifiers, promised to give the eight- back-to-back matches against Russia The Indian midfield will be their predecessors. on what we it’s the first thing you would time Olympic champions a and USA today and tomorrow and the manned by skipper Manpreet in the For Indian women, need to do. It is see (how complacency can tough fight in the two-match aggregate winners at the end of the company of Hardik Singh, Nilkanata besides skipper Rani, up to us on cost a team),” Reid said on the contest irrespective of their two-match qualifier (each for men and Sharma and Vivek Sagar Prasad, while dragflicker Gurjit Kaur, how we get eve of the first game. position in world rankings. women) will seal their places in the the onus of scoring goals upfront will young forward the crowd on “My message has been “India is one of the 2020 Tokyo Games. be on the shoulders of Mandeep Lalremsiami and goal- our side,” pretty much the same ever strongest international teams On paper, the Indian men, ranked Singh, Akashdeep Singh, SV Sunil, keeper Savita hold key Rani added. since I joined the team. in the world. They are eight- Always treat everyone with time Olympic champions, so respect, like you are playing right now we are far behind the best in the world. We have them. But we hope for better 6 *  QUARTERFINAL DRAW ") !)2*G2"#"# prepared as well as we could results,” he said via an inter- have and are ready.” preter. #'!%%"! 2''% India captain Manpreet “In FIH (International fourth senior appearance, came into Bale’s posi- Singh agreed with his coach Hockey Federation) rankings %% O##''0'*)!#2%" "!"!  '!&# 5! tion on the right and, particularly in the first half, and said senior pros like him we are in 22nd place right "&# !) he shone, grabbing an early goal and providing the are doing their best to make now but in our heart we ! 2''%O#2 3&'  &' ) frightening turn of pace that Bale once offered the juniors aware about the ill know we are quite higher. So 5'%&# !) before injuries took their toll. effects of complacency. for us it is a great opportuni- “He is 18 but you don’t have to be old to score “Ever since we have come ty to prove ourselves against 3' )"&# 5! here,” Zidane said. “He has character and he is get- here, we have always said a tough team like India. ting better and better.” never underestimate the “I promise you we came was making his only his third Perhaps the only question mark was Eden opponent. Our mindset here to fight and it would be appearance of the season and his Hazard, who still appears short of his best in a should only be about win- a good battle,” Konkin added. first since September 24. Madrid shirt. Ozil picked out Bukayo Saka There were glimpses of the Belgian’s undeni- in space and when his shot was able brilliance but moments of indecision too, that  :      saved, the unmarked Lucas suggest he is finding his feet, and fitness, at his new Torreira slotted home. club. Madrid’s victory keeps them just a point   ORIGI HEROICS behind Barcelona, who thrashed Real Valladolid Emery’s team took the lead on Tuesday, and pushes them one ahead of Atletico, #!  # Julian Brandt cross from Thorgan Hazard in the 26th minute through with a game in hand over their city rivals. scored two goals in three into the bottom left of the net. Gabriel Martinelli. Two goals arrived in the seventh and eight minutes to propel Borussia RB Leipzig demolished Martinelli struck again 10 minutes and Benzema provided each of them, first Dortmund into the German Wolfsburg 6-1 after a second- minutes later with his seventh keeping alive Hazard’s cross for Rodrygo to poke Cup last 16 with a 2-1 come- half exhibition featuring four goal in seven appearances this *     1     home before teeing up Kroos to flick in at the near back victory over Borussia goals in 13 minutes from the season.     * $       ! post. Moenchengladbach on visiting side. James Milner reduced Leganes looked jaded, without belief or direc- Wednesday. Also, Werder Bremen Liverpool’s deficit with a 43rd 5 1  tion, and they fell three down before the interval After a dour open- dominated second divi- minute penalty, before Ainsley as Hazard was fouled by Juan Soriano after a ing, the game came to sion side Heidenheim, Maitland-Niles got Arsenal’s eal Madrid registered their biggest win superb through ball from Casemiro. life in the 71st minute winning 4-1. fourth goal in the 54th minute. Rsince Zinedine Zidane’s return as coach Ramos missed the penalty but was when Gladbach’s Amateur side SC Oxlade-Chamberlain got on Wednesday as they demolished struggling given a second attempt, VAR prompting a Marcus Thuram Verl continued their one back for Liverpool with a Leganes 5-0 to move up to second in La Liga. re-take for the first time in La Liga after headed home from miraculous run, thunderous long-range drive Karim Benzema was the star of the show, Soriano sprung off his line too early. This close range to put the advancing to the last 16 four minutes later. the Frenchman rounding off a superb time, Ramos made no mistake. visitors 1-0 up. after defeating second- , @   P    !  ! And Divock Origi equalised attacking display with a goal from the Benzema had hit the post after a smart Discovering a sudden division Holsten Kiel 8-7 in a with an even better strike in the penalty spot after Rodrygo, Toni Kroos and dummy from Hazard before finally he got urgency, Dortmund went on penalty shootout. 5  16 “It’s like a dream 62nd minute as the Belgian spun another spot-kick from Sergio Ramos had already the goal he deserved after Luka Modric earned a the attack, equalising in the In another matches for them to play for the sharply before blasting into the put Leganes out of sight. Luka Jovic added a fifth spot-kick with a slick turn around Kenneth 77th minute after a shot from decided by a penalty shootout, iverpool reached first time at Anfield. All top corner from the edge of the in injury-time. Omeruo. Benzema converted and then departed Brandt was deflected past Kaiserslauten won 6-5 over Lthe League Cup our goals were wonder- area. “We have not scored five goals for a long time,” to a standing ovation. Gladbach keeper Yann Nuremberg, while Hertha quarter-finals in ful.” But Willock restored said Zidane. “We needed a victory like that. When Jovic was his replacement and after having one Sommer. Berlin defeated Dynamo thrilling style as their After Granit Arsenal’s lead in the 70th minute you start scoring goals, it makes everything easi- goal ruled out for offside the Serbian also made The home side scored the Dresden 5-4 after the two incredible 5-5 draw Xhaka’s astonishing out- with another contender for goal er.” his mark. Dani Carvajal’s cross offered up a sim- winner just three minutes sides locked at 3-3 at the end against Arsenal was burst at Arsenal fans of the night, the midfielder Rodrygo, the 18-year-old making only his ple header to make it five. later, with Brandt heading a of extra-time. AFP followed by a 5-4 penal- during Sunday’s trau- sprinting away before unleashing ty shoot-out triumph, matic Premier League a 25-yard rocket. while Manchester United draw with Crystal Palace, It was only the second time 5 1  tentious 86th-minute equaliser won 2-1 at Chelsea on this was another body blow for Liverpool have conceded five /+)4)** , that was upheld following a Wednesday. Arsenal, who lost despite leading goals in a home match in the last ristiano Ronaldo converted lengthy VAR review, as Napoli Both Liverpool manager 3-1, 4-2 and then 5-4 with sec- 66 years. Ca 96th-minute penalty as appealed for a penalty. Jurgen Klopp and Arsenal boss onds to go. Remarkably, Origi acrobat- Juventus defeated Thiago *  PCCD    ##  1188  Napoli forward Fernando Unai Emery made 11 changes for “A crazy match. At the end ically volleyed Liverpool’s Motta’s Genoa 2-1 to reclaim Llorente tumbled to the ground the fourth round tie, but the we were winning until the last equaliser in stoppage-time, set- top spot in Serie A on the summit. after jostling with Simon Kjaer understudies served up one of action. Penalties are 50-50 and ting the stage for their shoot-out Wednesday, while Napoli were “It was a difficult game in the Atalanta area before the the most entertaining games of we lost. We are sad but we success. left seething after conceding a against a well organised team visitors countered and scored the season at Anfield as the deserve more,” Emery said. At Stamford Bridge, Ole disputed late equaliser against but Juve must keep going until through Ilicic. Gunners squandered multiple With an average age of 23 Gunnar Solskjaer was rewarded Atalanta. the end,” Ronaldo told Sky A five-minute interruption leads. years and 122 days, it was for naming a strong team as Ronaldo sat out the 1-1 Sport. “We suffered a lot followed before the ref- In the shoot-out, Dani Liverpool’s youngest starting United beat Chelsea to continue draw at Lecce over the weekend tonight but we created a lot eree awarded the goal Ceballos’ penalty was saved by eleven in any competition since their recent revival. but Juve looked set to drop and deserved this win.” without reviewing the 20-year-old Irish keeper January 2017 as teenagers Neco After Marcus Rashford and more points on his return in Genoa, in their second incident on the touch- Caoimhin Kelleher before Williams, Harvey Elliott, Rhian Anthony Martial both missed Turin as Christian Kouame’s game under Motta, played line monitor. Liverpool-born 18-year-old Brewster and Sepp Van Den penalties in United’s win at fluke equaliser cancelled out a most of the second half “I consider what Curtis Jones converted the win- Berg all featured. Norwich on Sunday, Solskjaer’s header from Leonardo Bonucci. with 10 men after happened an attack on ning kick. Liverpool’s rookies went team went in front thanks to a The Portuguese forward Francesco Cassata was sent off, my professionalism, my players Liverpool have won the ahead after just six minutes as successful spot-kick in the 26th saw a stoppage-time strike while Juve substitute Adrien and my club,” Ancelotti said. League Cup a record eight times Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain sent minute at the Bridge. ruled out by VAR for offside Rabiot was dismissed late on for Elsewhere, Roma climbed and they remain on course to lift over a low cross and Arsenal Michy Batshuayi equalised before he won a last-gasp penal- two bookable offences. above Napoli into fourth after the trophy for the first time since defender Shkodran Mustafi, slid- from long-range in the 61st ty after he was fouled by Toni Atalanta twice fought back a 4-0 rout of Udinese despite 2012. ing in to clear, accidently deflect- minute, but Rashford’s superb Sanabria. from a goal behind to hold losing Federico Fazio to a red “We were too open at times. ed it onto his knee and into the 30-yard free-kick won it for Ronaldo drilled the spot- Napoli to a 2-2 draw at the San card on 31 minutes. We can talk about tactics but who back of his own net. United in the 73rd minute. kick low beyond Ionut Radu for Paolo, where a fiery ending Ciro Immobile struck twice cares on a night like this? I hoped Arsenal drew level in the Aston Villa moved into the his fifth league goal of the sea- resulted in red cards for Carlo to take his league-leading tally for the boys they would have a 19th minute via an assist from last eight with a 2-1 win over son to send Maurizio Sarri’s Ancelotti and his assistant. to 12 goals as Lazio swept game to remember,” Klopp said. the rarely used Mesut Ozil, who local rivals Wolves. Juve back above Inter Milan at ( *      #  ! Josip Ilicic struck a con- Torino aside 4-0.    !"# $ .

   9*.R$: he national capital’s air quality is in “severe” category right now but $  2 1 TIndia’s stand-in captain Rohit     Sharma on Thursday said he doesn’t    expect any pollution-related problem during Bangladesh T20 on Sunday even /")0!#!22 1'!#"#&"2!"%O#2'%%*!'N'2 ',% O"") angladesh have a huge opportunity to upset as BCCI president Sourav Ganguly Bformidable India in their den due to “depth promised “practical scheduling” in near in their batting”, former India batsman VVS future. '3#?>R "*%2 ' !##L2 "&!&"%#&)*%!M!3**  Laxman said on Thursday as the teams gear up Bangladesh batsman Liton Das was for the Twenty20 series, beginning Sunday. briefly seen wearing a face mask during “This is the best opportunity for Bangladesh his team’s first training session at the Feroz to beat India in their home soil since they have Shah Kotla ( stadium) but he depth in their batting line-up. However, in their later clarified that it was not due to air pol- bowling department pressure will be more on lution. Mustafizur (Rahman) to deliver since the fast- “No, no it was nothing to do with pol- bowling line-up looks in-experience compared lution. I just wore it myself as I had some to their spin bowler in the team,” Laxman said problems,” Liton told reporters. on Star Sports show Game Plan. Rohit on his part felt that it won’t be “Mustafizur would need to play key-role in a problem as they had not faced issues dur- picking-up early wicket with the new ball. Since *   F :     ! ing the Sri Lanka Test, where the opposi- Virat is not there in the side, team India seems tion players were wearing masks and some to be little inexperienced in the middle order,” fell ill. he said.  E    “We didn’t have any problem when we Laxman though predicted that India can win played the Test match here (against Sri the series 2-1. Lanka). We are not aware of the exact dis- “I feel the series will be 2-1 in favour of India.   5*  cussion and I haven’t had any problem,” Also with the form Rohit (Sharma) and KL Rohit said during a promotional event in Rahul are in right now, with (Shikhar) Dhawan   the capital. looking at establishing himself, I am backing the Ganguly acknowledged that deterio- Indian batting power to win the series,” he said. ohit Sharma enjoys the leadership role but rating air quality in NCR is an issue dur- Ris not bothered if he will be handed the reins ing post Diwali days but said it’s too late of the Indian team for the white-ball formats to change the itinerary. is to be played on November 3 and will be played,” permanently or not. “It’s too late to do anything, because Rohit, who will lead the side in the three-match In the absence of , the opening a lot of preparations go into matches like series in the absence of a rested Virat Kohli, said. batsman is set to lead India against Bangladesh tickets, crowds everything. So it’s not pos- The game Rohit was referring to took place in the Twenty20 series. sible to cancel things at the last minute. in 2017 when the visiting Sri Lankan players sport- There was a debate recently that perhaps it’s Fingers crossed,” Ganguly said at Eden ed face masks during the third Test. Play was also time that India embrace the idea of split cap- Gardens. halted for about 20 minutes due to haze and the taincy and Rohit should be asked to lead the The newly-elected BCCI boss said in “very poor” air quality. side in the limited overs formats. future they would be more “practical”. Delhi’s air quality, at this time of the year, The stylish Mumbaikar, though, refused to “I think we will do that (consultation). remains either poor or severe owing to Diwali and be drawn into the debate, saying he is happy to In future, when we schedule, especially in stubble burning in the neighbouring states of fill in whenever situation demands. the northern part of India during the win- Punjab and Haryana. “These (captaincy) things are not in our ter, we will have to be a little bit more prac- On Thursday, at the start of Bangladesh’s train- hands. Whether you captain one or 100 match- tical.” ing, Liton, for a period of 10 minutes, wore a face es, it is an honour,” Rohit said at a promotion- When Liton was further asked if he mask. al event. had asthma-related issues, he replied: However, no other Bangladeshi player was seen “When we were growing up, it was all about “Nothing like that. I was just wearing it as wearing the mask even though a thick layer of smog playing for the country. I have captained the I wasn’t feeling well. No problems as such.” could be seen at stadium. team and the experience has been good and I Probed whether Bangladesh team Liton didn’t wear any mask when he batted at don’t think about for how long I should be made was worried about Delhi’s poor air qual- the nets. captain. Whenever I get the chance to captain ity, Liton answered in negative. “No prob- “We are well prepared for the series as we had the team, I try and enjoy that,” he said. lems.” a training camp in Bangladesh and a couple of days Rohit gave a thumbs up to the idea of host- With a thick Delhi smog hovering of training here. It’s a good opportunity to adapt.” ing a Pink ball Test match against Bangladesh over stadium, Liton was asked if sighting Questioned why Bangladesh can’t win close at next month. an aerial white ball was a problem in smog matches against India, Liton said: “I don’t know “I am very excited as it is the first time. I while trying to catch, the player said that what kind of question is this. We have not finished can’t say about others, but I played one match under lights, it will be fine. well against India and hopefully we will turn things in with pink ball and it was a “I don’t think when floodlights are on, around this time.” good experience. The opportunity has come and it will be such a problem,” he said. It has also been learnt from team sources that will try to do well and win the game,” Rohit, The BCCI has already made it clear Bangladesh’s Test specialists including new skip- who recently made an impression as Test open- that the match will go ahead as scheduled per Mominul Haque and talented spinner Mehidy er, said. despite the issue of air quality being raised Hasan Miraz will be arriving in on “I always try to do well and for me, the by environmentalists and cricketer-turned- November 8. thought is to not stop. My job is to keep per- politician . “They will be arriving in Nagpur and start with forming and I see it that way. Be it Bangladesh “I have just landed and haven’t had pink ball training straightaway in between their red or West Indies after that or when we go to New time to assess. As far as I know the game .   >B  $       !1   %,     ball practice.” Zealand,” he said. 208   - # LAKSHYA, KIRAN ENTER QUARTERFINALS -5*+  Saarbrucken: )!"#*% #"#"/") ! " '  2 ' ##) '  S# #!%# @ 7*"  3!"%# '3  /"" ' * 2 /*2  '*   >> '* #)""#"-'")'!#  Q+  "!) A ' %) '*  !% "  *& 2 " %!# '-)!)S"', ""#""# hiva Thapa (63kg) and Pooja !#'22'  "S#" #/&"% "!    SRani (75kg) clinched Gold medals " "% ' - !% ! " ,"  %")#S ' " with impressive wins, while Ashish % ?09 ?0< ' "%#' " ! '  %"# ndia’s first ever Day/Night Test will be (69kg) settled for a Silver as India ! !% "#" !%% 3"&  "S# " Ia success only if the dew factor is ended with a decent haul of seven !##! & - !! *!'  "!'"% countered effectively at the Eden medals at the Olympic Test Event for &" 2!'! ""#'A "&S#5 !#'6'2'! Gardens, says the iconic Sachin Boxing here on Thursday. 7*"  3!"%# Tendulkar, apprehensive that wet con- The other four medals are 2  Q ditions might severely hamper pacers Bronze owing to semifinal losses of SANGAKKARA TO LEAD MCC VS ESSEX and spinners alike. Nikhat Zareen (51kg), Simranjeet London: / ! "" & !& %) * " Tendulkar welcomed the intro- Kaur (60kg) Sumit Sangwan (91kg) /""" "-  3! # ' #"# 2 #!) '3  ""R !* duction of Tests under floodlights in and Vahlimpuia (75kg) on " %,' 5 !& 5%*,- !%% &"2"!  55 India, saying it is a “good move” and will Wednesday. ""!# %!# &'* &" 2!'# ## ! / ! "!4"   BCCI president the NCA till the time he’s pull back crowds for the traditional for- Four-time Asian medallist Thapa """ &-!"#"'*&)'* #)" Sourav Ganguly on coach. We will make it a mat. out-punched Kazakhstan’s national  9?0" 0'%) ,"!  " K '# G " Thursday said that senior good Centre of “As long as dew does not become champion and Asian Bronze-winner ! "!'"% &"   &' 2"##) ;9 # team’s head coach Ravi Excellence. We have a factor, it is a good move but if dew is Sanatali Toltayev 5-0 to claim the top "22" "&#")' 9>>')"! "!'"%# Shastri will be asked to get , Paras going to be a factor then seamers as well honours. K !%% %") '* !# #!) !  %!# )' #!& “more involved” in (Mhambrey) and Bharat as spinners are going to find it challeng- Former Asian Games bronze- #"#'S#  ")!!'"% &* "!0 "!#  "  "%% grooming talent at the Arun also goes there,” ing,” Tendulkar said. medallist Rani edged past Australia’s  "!'"%/")!* 3 ' " &?90?8&%"# National Cricket Ganguly said. “Because once the ball gets wet, nei- president Sourav Ganguly that the ends and he offered a tip to the Indian Caitlin Parker in a split 4-1 decision ,55")&" 2!'#)"#,"&' Academy “till the time he However Ganguly ther seamers can do much nor the spin- experiment is a good idea to bring the batsmen for their net session. to ensure that the Indian women’s @8>")"#,2%")", '")#!&?> is coach”. said that Shastri is doing ners. So in that way, bowlers will be put crowds back to the stadium. “The batsmen will need to practice contingent also had a Gold in its Ganguly’s prospec- well as the coach even under the test. But if there is no dew, “There are two ways to look at it. with different balls at the nets. A new kitty. POOJA ENTERS U-23 WORLD’S SEMIS tive move to have Shastri though Indian needs to then surely it is a good addition,” the One aspect would be from the public pink ball, a 20-over pink ball and a 50- Asian Bronze-medallist Ashish Budapest: )!"S#6''B" %'JG;K  "!) in dual role, could well be address the problem of maestro said about a historic first in point of view. It is a nice concept as peo- over pink ball and an 80-over ball. See (69kg), however, lost to Japan’s !  )"% * "3  #' ! !'  # !0 an aim to create a syner- not being able to cross the Indian cricket. ple would be able to watch a Day/Night how differently a new, semi-new and old Sewon Okazawa to sign off with a 3!"%#'3) 0?;' %)5" 2!'#!2# gy between national team final hurdle at the global The dew was a factor at the Eden Test after their working hours. People ball behaves. Accordingly prepare your Silver medal. The Indian went down ?>@ '* #)" "#"3""#!&)!#2%" and NCA. events. Gardens during ODI games under can come in the evening and enjoy the strategy,” he suggested. in a 1-4 judgement. 3 ' '*# '#" )3 ' 7*"%!3! Shastri has now had “He’s done well with floodlights, something Tendulkar is game.” With no Duleep Trophy held this “Shiva has matured quite a lot in #"#- #) '%!#)" !" ,!"'3 a new contract till 2021 the side. He will be with apprehensive about. “From players’ point of view, it won’t year, He urged the Indian team to take the last one year and this is showing 1*##!" 0;   7*"  03!"%#- %' ,%") World T20 but his terms us for next two years. As “I think the dew factor will play a be a bad idea to play with pink ball and feedback from all the players who in the way he is performing. He has  '* ,'*-'&!*2"&' ")!0> of agreement is only I said, India need to win big role over here. We need to figure out check how differently it behaves from played the event in last three years. been in tremendous form and will ! ' # *2 " # !03!"% #')' ""!# working with the Indian a world tournament. how much dew is there. The dew will the traditional red ball. It’s about getting Duleep Trophy matches were held continue to grow,” national coach C P2 !%- '%) )"%%!# "  *!' team with an annual They have the ability and determine, to what extent both teams that pink coloured ball coming to you,” under lights. A Kuttappa said. * '2" #%!5" 2!'#!2#!?> salary of 10 crore. just need to get the last are competing. The conditions should- said Tendulkar. “The India boys should also depend “Ashish too is developing into a “We will also create a hurdle through. We will n’t hinder anything (competitiveness),” Tendulkar’s homework before fac- on word of mouth feedback from all good boxer. His transition from OMAN, SCOTLAND GRAB LAST 2 PLACES system where Ravi’s deal with it when it said the highest run-getter in Tests and ing any particular bowler, be it Shoaib those who played Duleep Trophy and youth to senior level has been very Dubai:  ")3")'',B*#? *# involvement is more at comes.” PTI ODIs. However, he agreed with BCCI Akhtar or Shane Warne, is a stuff of leg- they would have few things to share.” smooth,” he added. !")'0' 0)!?>' %)5*27*"%!3! ' "& 3!"%# ! *# "%!" "%' ! /&'%") '  "#)!) ", ! "#,@> *# " ") /&'%") B'! " !,!"-  %")#- 6"2*" " - &!&")"&'# !# " $     *!"") %")-'")"% "),'') !  2%"&# !  ?>?> #'2!& ,* "  #!%% 5 /P play and fight like always,” she said. &' 2!3' ! S# '2!5"#! “She’s (Svitolina) one of the players that 5 61 / Former world number B*#;G'!-''&'%%"2#)'0G! orld number one Ashleigh Barty this court suits a lot more.” three Dimitrov produced a %30"  #"   !%"% " "!   '3  Wand Belinda Bencic both Barty, who had already sealed the ovak Djokovic saw off fantastic performance to beat !&#'3"%%'!#"' "&3!* #'390?; advanced to the semi-finals after con- year-end No 1 ranking, rebounded NBritain’s Kyle Edmund on fifth seed Thiem 6-3, 6-2 and ") 3!!#) ' ??0@ " %! - '  *# trasting victories at the WTA Finals in after a three-set loss to Bertens on Thursday to reach his eighth reach the last eight in Paris for ,%)-!!,"%%#%3" "") Barty progressed from the round- tomorrow’s Purple Group match where he will renew his bur- It will also be the /"3""/" !3'' !&#3' /&'# robin stage with a crushing 6-4, 6-2 between Wimbledon champion geoning rivalry with Greek Bulgarian’s first Masters quar- win over Petra Kvitova in one hour and Simona Halep and world number two star Stefanos Tsitsipas. ter-final since the Canadian MAXWELL TAKES BREAK FROM CRICKET 28 minutes at the Shenzhen Bay Pliskova The top seed, battling Open last year as he con- Melbourne: *# "%!" & !&  % "%% Sports Centre. Bencic prevailed 7-5, 1- “I’m particularly happy with the Rafael Nadal for the year-end tinues his rise up the '* #)"'"T#' T, "3 ' & !& 0 in 61 minutes after late replacement way I was able to return tonight,” Barty world number one spot, need- rankings. )*' "%"%!##*#")!%%, 2%"&), Kiki Bertens retired ill. said. “I think she was trying to take a ed seven set points in the first Dimitrov was the S & /'  !  "!'"% ?> #7*") Bertens received medical attention little bit more of a risk. That kind of set before winning 7-6 (9/7), world number 78 head- &&' )! ' 5 !& *# "%!"- "%% '%)  after the opening game of the second worked in my favour a bit.” 6-1. ing into the US Open, " S##*22' #"33"!## *%!!!# set, where her blood pressure and For Kvitova, the 2011 WTA Finals The 16-time Grand Slam ing six years as the world’s best but reached the semi-finals "%"%") '" )-"%'!!##" pulse were checked, before becoming champion, the loss marks a second champion is chasing a record- player, but Nadal can be sure and is now ranked 27th. #!)!&' !"-" ,"&!! !!#2 !')L % the second player in the tournament straight winless campaign in her sev- extending fifth Bercy title, of denying the Serbian that He will take on Cristian "%% "# , 2 !&! #'  )!33!&*%!# to retire mid-match after Bianca enth appearance at the lucrative year- but will next face world num- achievement with a maiden Garin for a semi-final spot, ! " )#'!# "%"%#" #*%- Andreescu withdrew against Karolina gy was not there. (I felt) a little bit ender. ber seven Tsitsipas, who leads Paris title this week. after the unseeded Chilean !%%#2)"#' ! ""3 ' " -M" Pliskova on Wednesday. dizzy.” World number eight Bencic will “I just couldn’t find rhythm,” she their head-to-head record 2- The Spaniard takes on saved three match points in a 2#&'%'!#   !&"% %') "# 7*') "# “I didn’t feel well on court,” play defending champion Elina said. “When it came to the deciding 1. three-time Grand Slam title- deciding-set tie-break to end #"! , 5 !& *# "%!" ' !# ,#! Bertens told reporters. “I had some Svitolina in the semi-final on Saturday. points, she always played better than Djokovic is hoping to tie winner Stan Wawrinka in his the run of French qualifier O     !#+%(+ problems with my stomach. The ener- “I’m so relaxed already. I will just me.” Pete Sampras’ record of finish- third-round match. Jeremy Chardy.